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“Thrifting for Profit: Reselling Thrift Clothes Online Business”

“Online Thrift Shop: Reselling Thrift Clothes Online Business”


Joshua Sumangit


This kind of business is basically home-based and can also be done anywhere you are, which makes it a
lot more accessible especially for students. Since this is an online business, this only needs enough
followers and decent image on social media aspect.

This can be started around friends and family, and eventually to their fellow friends and acquaintances as
well which can be achieved for not more than a month, while occasionally posting pictures of certain
clothing that has been thrifted on the said accounts. After weeks of constantly posting images of clothing
and exchange of transaction towards the buyers, this would definitely result to an undeniable amount of
profit. In other words, this business can be completely running for an estimated two weeks, and gaining
profit at the same time. And for less than a month, this could already be a good source of extra income.

Rationale (background)

Thrift shop online reselling is when you purchase items from a thrift store and resell them online for
more than you paid for them. You can certainly resell anything you think would cause you great profit.
This can be an interesting way to make extra money especially for students who wants to use their extra
time wisely.

This business however, would mainly revolve around reselling thrifted clothing. It was taken on
consideration just how much our generation today greatly acknowledges fashion trends and clothing
satisfaction. Although one honest consequence of this habit is the amount of money being spent for
these personal needs. Little to people’s awareness, there are a lot of more affordable, originally branded
and high quality clothing in thrift stores. The only thing you must possess for this kind of business is a
kin, good taste and patience looking through racks and racks. This focuses on chosing great clothing that
would steal the interest of the buyers/followers of the official online account created, which will be the
major foundation of the entire business process.
Marketing Aspect (buyers)

People loves a good deal. There are lots of high-quality clothing and brand name accessories coming in
and being sold for a fraction of price which you would practically see at a traditional retail store. And that
being said, people will always seek for the 'best' choice in every angle. The main target consumer/buyers
of the resell items that will be purchased and resaled online mainly circles teenagers and young adults.
This is because they mostly possesses the urge of purchasing clothing that they find satisfaction and
seem on trend for their generation. Another factor is the undeniable link they have with social media.
They are mainly the once who uses instagram and facebook every single day, which is going to be an
advantage of this business.

Technical Aspect (process)

Within this business is a simple plan and truly accessible process for its full achievement. This can be
started by visiting certain, good thrift stores acessible around the area and buying reasonable number of
clothing due to the starting amount of capital, probably around 10-15 good, trendy pieaces of clothing
will do. These will then be cleaned out and washed before posting images of them online. Next
important step is creating an online account, either on Instagram or Facebook or even better, both. For
the created account/s, it will require enough number of followers, starting from family and friends for
the first two weeks. And eventually, the account will spread through social media, acquiring good
number of possible buyers, possibly achieved during the first month. The process of transacting the said
items will either be 'personally delivered' or on some cases, transaction through LBC or JRS Express. The
payment can also be transacted through chosen branches like MLhuiller, Western Union or Palawan
Express. Either way, the exchange of products are a lot more effective when both the seller and buyer
agrees on certain matters through direct message setting, since personal contact information od the
seller will also be visible in the business' account.

Financial Aspect (capital & profit)

Capital wouldn’t be a huge problem in starting this kind of business. It can be started in as low as
Php100.00 which can already thrift over 3-5 pieces of clothing that can be posted online and considered
as the first drop. When sold, this can result to a profit around 100 – 150 pesos or even more, depending
on how high the quality of your thrifted clothing and the amount you think it deserves. This can also
work by adding Php30.00 in every item that was bought. For example, a t-shirt purchased from a thrift
store costs 20.00, when resaled online, this can be priced 50.00 which is still a good deal for the buyers.
But as mentioned earlier, if the product seem to look more than a fifty peso item, then that would be
better and a lot more profitable.

For the first week, 5-10 items will be posted on the account created. If they get sold within the same
week, the expected profit would range to Php150-300.00 and for the next few weeks, the items can the
be increased to 10-15 itens, and would result to Php300-450.00. This cycle of the business would
continuously run as long as there is an active and business minded behind it.
Socio-economic Aspect

Thrift Shop resales are both beneficial to each one of us especially to our economy. Buying secondhand
clothing doesn’t just save you a ton of money, but it also saves the earth. We are all aware of how much
alarming to see our landfills increasingly piled up with wastes and things which we could’ve at least
wisely restored.

According to the Environment Protection Agency, there were 16 million tons of textile waste produced in
2015, and 85% of it went to landfills. The main source of this waste is clothing, with 11.9 million tons of
clothing and footwear waste during the year. And considering that it’s been almost four years back then,
and with a population that’s been undoubtedly increasing, our waste sure is increasing greatly as well.
And having a business that could at least provide help to this matter is the real deal. Reselling thrift
clothing is a great way for people to be exposed on saving up money and purchasing decent and
affordable clothing, resulting to more items that gets second ‘life’ and even fewer items ending up in the

This kind of business also helps those who wants to provide themselves something they could get an
extra financial support from too, most likely to students and parents. Considering how accessible and
flexible it is, it wouldn’t be such a hassle to your daily routine.

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