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Test/ Reagent Analyte/Substrate Theoretical Result

Ninhydrin reagent a-amino acid Violet complex (Ruhemann’s
Schiff’s reagent Lysine Pink-violet color
Sakaguchi Arginine Red-orange
Xanthoproteic Tyr, Trp Yellow-orange
Millon-Nasse Tyr Old Rose
Hopkins-Cole Reaction Trp Violet complex
Bromine Water Trp Pinkish lavender or violet
alcohol layer
Pb(OAc)2 Cysteine Black
Biuret Test Peptide-linkage Blue violet
Pauly Reaction Tyr, His Red/purple
Molisch Test Carbohydrates Purple
Anthrone Carbohydrates Green
Benedict’s Test Reducing sugars Brick red
Orcinol Test/ Bial’s Test Pentoses Blue green
Iodine solution Helical vs linear Amylose: blue color
polysaccharides Amylopectin: purple/red-violet
Barfoed Monosaccharides and Monosaccharides oxidized
Disaccharides easily than disaccharides
Brick red ppt.
Seliwanoff Ketose Cherry red
Mucic Acid Aldohexose (Galactose & Insoluble crystals
Liebermann Burchard Cholesterol Deep blue green solution
Carr-Price reaction Vitamin A Blueà Green à Gray à Pink
Furter Meyer test Vitamin E Bronze red
Benzidine Hemoglobin Blue
Heller’s Ring Test Albumin White ring at zone of contact
Gmelin’s Test Bile Pigment Green
Pettenkofer’s Test Bile Acids and Salts Red ring…ZMOonmaNCn24iBDCpvd6oMWjTO6?e=download&authuser=0 07/02/2020, 9M14 AM

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