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Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

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Research Paper

Experimental studies of heat transfer of air in a double-pipe helical heat T


Davood Majidi, Hashem Alighardashi, Fatola Farhadi
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Avenue, Tehran 11365/8639, Iran


• Double-pipe helical heat exchanger with copper fin in the annulus is studied.

• Overall heat transfer coefficient of the double-pipe helical HEX is investigated.
• Hydraulic diameter is replaced by equivalent one for OHTC calculation.
• AThecorrelation for the OHTC is suggested and validated against experimental results.
• effect of the hot and cold mass flow rates on OHTC is studied.


Keywords: The overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC) of air in a double-pipe helical heat exchanger is studied and ex-
Heat exchanger perimentally investigated. In order to increase the rate of heat transfer in the annulus section, a copper-wire fin is
Helical coil soldered on the outside area of the internal tube. The literature correlations’ results are presented against the
Double-pipe experimental data by changing mass flow rate and temperature, and consequently changing the Reynolds
Heat transfer coefficient of air
number. Further, a new method is suggested to obtain the heat transfer coefficients of double-pipe helical heat
exchangers for the internal tube and the annulus section by combining two of the previously proposed ap-
proaches and making subsequent corrections, e.g. using equivalent diameter instead of hydraulic diameter.
Moreover, the influence of the hot and cold mass flow rates on the OHTC, as well as the effect of the installed fin
on the heat transfer coefficient of the annulus section are investigated. Finally, obtained results show the
strength of the suggested correlation and the enhancement in the OHTC due to the presence of the fin in the

1. Introduction in the tube or annulus results in augmentation in the OHTC [4]:

2 2
Helical coil heat exchangers have been widely used in industrial ρV ⎛ do,i−di,o ⎞ ⎛ do,i−di,o ⎞1/2
De = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

applications due to their compactness, low cost, and high efficiency in μ ⎝ do,i + di,o ⎠ ⎝ D/2 ⎠ (1)
heat transfer [1–3]. Numerous studies have been illustrated the su-
In another study, they discussed that flow conditions in the annulus
perior performance of helically coiled tubes compared to straight tubes
have a significant influence on the OHTC [9]. Wongwises and Pol-
in heat transfer systems [4–8]. The flow and the convective heat
songkram experimentally worked on the condensation heat transfer of
transfer in helically coiled tubes are complicated compared to straight
HFC-134a in a helical double-pipe heat exchanger and concluded that
tubes, owing to the development of secondary flows associated with the
the average heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing average
curvature of the tube which leads to high turbulence and improvement
vapor quality and mass flux [10]. Seban and McLaughlin put effort on
in the heat transfer [1,4].
heat transfer in coil tubes; they illustrated that in the large diameter of
Several studies have been experimentally and theoretically in-
coils, the results of OHTC were quite similar to the straight tubes [11].
vestigated helically coiled tubes features; Rennie and Raghavan ex-
In double-pipe heat exchanger studies in order to obtain the heat
perimentally and numerically investigated heat transfer in a double-
transfer coefficient in the annulus area, the equivalent diameter must be
pipe helical heat exchanger, showing that increasing the Dean number
considered instead of the hydraulic diameter, since the mutual heat

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Farhadi).
Received 26 October 2017; Received in revised form 21 December 2017; Accepted 16 January 2018
Available online 20 February 2018
1359-4311/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

Nomenclature Re Reynolds number

T temperature [°C]
A surface area [ m2 ] U overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC) [W/m2 °C]
Cp specific heat [J kg−1 °C−1 ]
d diameter [ m ] Greek letter
df fin diameter [m]
D coil diameter [ m ] ρ density [kg m−3 ]
Deq equivalent diameter [ m ]
De Dean number Subscripts
DH hydraulic equivalent diameter [ m ]
F volumetric flow rate [ m3 s−1 ] ave average
k thermal conductivity [W/m °C ] c cold, coil
L characteristic length h hot
LMTD log-mean temperature difference [°C] i in, inside
Nu Nusselt number o out, outside
Pr Prandtl number S straight
Q heat transfer rate [kW]

transfer area is only the inner surface of the annulus section. Even some 2. Experimental setup
of the research studies with Nano fluids in double-pipes ignored the
replacement of equivalent diameter instead of hydraulic diameter for The setup for the current study is a double-pipe helical heat ex-
the annulus calculation [1,12]. changer, dimensions of which is shown in Table 1. The test setup
In most of the previous heat transfer studies, constant wall tem- consists of a double-pipe helical heat exchanger, the cooling and
perature is used as a boundary condition, since thermal boundary heating loops, and the relevant instrumentation. Two independent
conditions affect the Nusselt number for fully developed flow in straight cooling and heating loops (Fig. 2) are considered to provide controlled
tubes. Further, changing the inlet temperature or inlet flow rate inlet temperatures and a wide range of feed temperature gradient en-
changes the Nusselt number, and accordingly has an effect on the heat tering to the heat exchanger. The provided air by the compressor is
transfer coefficient [13,14]. divided into two streams; one of which is directed to the cooling loop to
In the present study, experimental and theoretical heat transfer of decrease the air temperature to the set point, and the other one is sent
air in a double-pipe helical heat exchanger is investigated. In order to to the heating loop. The hot and cold water baths with controlled
illustrate the efficacy of this study, the obtained results are compared temperature are used to provide the desired temperature for the heating
with the previously proposed correlations. The OHTC is calculated and cooling loops. The cold and hot stream temperatures are regulated
based on the inner surface of the tube, since there is a possibility of heat by a PID controller at the desired temperature within the range of 10 °C
loss from the external tube wall although the heat exchanger is properly to 20 °C and 30 °C to 50 °C , respectively. After regulating the gas flow
insulated. Hence, using outer tube area to calculate the OHTC may temperature, the hot and cold streams are sent to the heat exchanger, in
result in biased results. a counter-flow configuration with the cold stream in the annulus sec-
Heat transfer of gas flows is associated with complexities compared tion and the hot stream in the internal tube (Fig. 3).
to liquids because of their restrictions for measuring the proper dis- The mass flow rates of both streams are in the range of 1–8 kg h−1.
charge pressure to the atmosphere in an experimental setup. Other By doing so, the effect of the hot and cold mass flow rate on the OHTC is
restrictions of working with gas flows include but not limited to the obtained under similar conditions. A 1 mm diameter copper wire is
compressibility of them, their temperature and pressure dependence to wound and soldered as a spiral fin around the outer wall of the inner
physical properties, as well as their volumetric flow rate measurement tube within the annulus space. The wire fin has a pitch of 4 cm and left
dependence to proper correction. a 1 mm gap for air flow in the remaining free space of the annulus
The innovation of the present study is the use of a copper fin in the (Fig. 1).
annulus section (Fig. 1) to enhance the OHTC. It should be emphasized In order to minimize the heat exchanger heat loss to the environ-
that, in today's highly competitive world market, increasing the heat ment, the coil is insulated by 10 mm aluminum wrapped glass wool.
transfer rate, even a small amount, by implementing an economical fin The specifications of the instrumentations, rotameter, thermometer,
in a heat exchanger can result in a considerable improvement in the and pressure sensors, are presented in Table 2.
process efficiency and economy. Moreover, as already mentioned, the
annulus heat transfer coefficient is expressed as a function of equivalent
diameter, not hydraulic diameter. Several experiments are performed to 3. Theory and methods
demonstrate the effectiveness of the fin in the annulus section besides
illustrating the privilege of equivalent diameter in the heat transfer. The main purpose of this work is to obtain the heat transfer coef-
ficients for a wide range of Reynolds number for the inner tube and the
annulus. The energy balance between the hot and the cold streams, Q ,

Fig. 1. Schematic of soldered wire fin in the annulus of the double-pipe helical heat exchanger.

D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

Table 1 3.1. Sebas and McLaughlin correlation

Dimensions of the double-pipe helical heat exchanger.
Colorado-Garrido et al. [15] used the Sebas and McLaughlin cor-
ID (mm) OD (mm)
relation for Re > 2300:
Outer PE coil 12 14.5
Inner copper coil 7.7 8 d 2
Coil total length 3770 3770 Nu = 0.023Re 0.8 Pr 0.4 ⎛⎜Re ⎛ i ⎞ ⎞⎟
Coil total height 58 58 ⎝ ⎝D⎠ ⎠ (7)
Coil center line diameter 300 300
Fin Wound spiral wire df = 1 mm , Pitch = 4 cm where di is the inner diameter and D is the coil diameter. The above
equation is used for both of the inner tube and the annulus; however,
for the annulus “d” should be replaced by equivalent diameter, Deq . It
can be obtained from the following equation: should be noted that in heat transfer problems in double-pipe heat
exchangers, the equivalent diameter cannot be replaced by the hy-
Q = Fc ρc Cpc (Tc,o−Tc,i ) = Fh ρh Cph (Th,i−Th,o) (2) draulic diameter, as the heat transfer surface participating in the
transfer of heat between the two fluids is only the inner surface of the
where Fc,ρc ,Cpc,Tc,i, and Tc,o are the volumetric flow rate, density, specific annulus. The equivalent diameter, Deq, [16] and the hydraulic diameter,
heat, and the inlet and the outlet temperatures of the cold stream, re- DH , are defined in Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively.
spectively. All of the parameters with the h subscript refer to the hot
stream. The OHTC can be determined by the following equation: 4(πdo2,i /4−πdi2,o/4) (do2,i−di2,o)
Deq = =
πdi,o di,o (8)
Q = Ui Ai LMTD = Fh ρh Cph (Th,i−Th,o) (3)

Therefore, 4(πdo2,i /4−πdi2,o/4) do2,i−di2,o

DH = = = do,i−di,o
π (do,i + di,o) do,i + di,o (9)
Fh ρh Cph (Th,i−Th,o)
Ui Ai Exp.=
LMTD (4) where do,i is the inner diameter of the external tube, and di,o is the outer
diameter of the internal tube.
where Ui and Ai are the OHTC and the inside surface area of the internal
tube, respectively.
The steady-state condition for the test section is reached once the 3.2. Pratt’s correlation
heat released from the hot stream equals the heat absorbed by the cold
stream. The criterion to reach the steady-state condition during the test Pratt [17–19] proposed another correlation for
is set as: 1.5 × 103 < Re < 2 × 10 4 for the inner tube and the annulus:
|Qh−Qc | Nuc D
⩽ 5% = 1 + 3.4 h
Qave (5) Nus D (10)

where Qh and Qc denote the released heat by the hot stream and the where Dh and D are the tube diameter and the coil diameter, respec-
absorbed heat by the cold stream, respectively. Qave is the average value tively. The Nusselt number’s subscript c and s refer to the coil and the
of Qh and Qc which is given by [3]: straight tube, respectively. He reported that his proposed equation is
based on the experiments using water and isopropyl alcohol. The Nus is
Qave = (Qh + Qc ) the Nusselt number advised by Dittus-Boelter’s correlation and evenly is
2 (6)
used for gas or liquid [20].
The following methods are used to compare the predictions with the
Nus = 0.023Re 0.8 Pr n n= 0.3 for cooling and 0.4 for heating (11)
experimental data at the steady-state condition.

Fig. 2. Schematic of the experimental setup with two independent loops supplying hot and cold air streams, F, P and T representing rotameter, pressure sensor, and RTD, respectively.

D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

Fig. 3. Schematic of the double-pipe helical heat ex-


Table 2 suggest two different correlations for the annulus section and the inner
Specification of the instrumentation of the setup. tube by using and modifying the previously proposed correlations by
Pratt [18] and Garimella et al. [21] such that the fin influence in heat
Supplier Accuracy
transfer is also considered. The former correlation is used for the inner
Rotameter BESTA DK800S-6, Korea ± 1 lit h−1 tube side and the latter one is used for the annulus section heat transfer
Thermometer Pt100 ITP, Italy ± 0.1 K coefficient. Therefore, the annulus correlation of Garimella is modified
Pressure Piezometer BD 26, 600G, Germany ± 0.1 bar by considering an equivalent diameter in order to take into account the
occupied area of the fin as well. Therefore, the suggested equations in
this study are given by Eqs. (13) and (14):
3.3. Garimella et al. correlation

Garimella et al. [18,21] suggested Eq. (12) in order to obtain the hin =
k (0.023Re 0.8 Pr 0.3) 1 + 3.4
di,o − 2t
D )
di,o−2t (13)
heat transfer coefficient in coiled annular ducts.
do,i − di,o 0.01
Nu = 0.027De 0.94Pr 0.69 ⎛
do−di ⎞0.01
k ⎛0.027De 0.94Pr 0.69
= ⎝
( D ) ⎠

⎝ D ⎠ (12)
Deq (14)
Here the Nusselt number is a function of the Dean number (Re (d/D)½)
The OHTC is obtained after substituting the above Equations:
and the coil ratio (do−di )/ D , which is another factor that affects the heat

Ui Ai Cal. =⎜
ln d i−,o 2t
i,o )+d i,o−2t

⎟ Ai
4. Suggested correlations for the heat transfer coefficients of the ⎜ hin 2πkL hout di,o ⎟
⎝ ⎠ (15)
inner tube and the annulus section

In most of the previous studies, the annulus section and inner tube 5. Theoretical results and experimental validations
heat transfer correlations are not distinct, and the same equation is used
to calculate both sides’ heat transfer coefficient. In this work, we In this section, different test results are presented in order to

UiAi (W/ºC) Fig. 4. Theoretical versus experimental values of

8.00 (Ui Ai ) in counter-current flow configuration.
Sebas and Mclaughlin
Corrolation based on Deq
(UiAi)_Cal. by correlations

Pratt's Correlation based on Deq


Combination of Pratt and

2.00 Garimella correlation based on

Combination of Pratt and

0.00 Garimella correlation based on
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 DH

D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

Fig. 5. The effect of in tube hot mass flow rate on the

Effect of hot mass flow rate on Ui Ai (W/ºC) (Ui Ai ) values.

y = 0.6777x + 1.1982

R² = 0.9874
(UiAi)_Cal. by correlations

Sebas and McLaughlin


Pratt’s correlation

Suggested correlation

Linear (Suggested

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5


Effect of hot mass flow rate on Ui Ai (W/ºC) Effect of cold mass flow rate on Ui Ai (W/ºC)
4.3 4.9
4.2 4.7
4.1 4.5


4.0 4.3
3.9 4.1
3.8 3.9
3.7 3.7
3.6 3.5
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8
Hot mass flow rate (kg h-1)
Cold mass flow rate (kg h-1)
Fig. 6. (Ui Ai ) versus hot mass flow rate.
Fig. 8. (Ui Ai ) versus cold mass flow rate.

Fig. 7. The effect of cold mass flow rate on (Ui Ai ) .

Effect of cold mass flow rate on Ui Ai (W/ºC)
y = 0.8093x + 0.6581
(UiAi)_Cal. by correlations

R² = 0.9979
Sebas and McLaughlin
4.5 Pratt’s correlation

Suggested correlation

4.0 Linear (Suggested


3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

7 the annulus, while others suggested a single correlation for both sides.
Effect of Cold Flow Rate Fig. 6 shows the (Ui Ai ) values versus the hot mass flow rate when
Effect of Hot Flow Rate the mass flow rate of the cold stream is fixed at 4 kg h−1. Other con-
Increase of U (%)

ditions are similar to the previous case, i.e. Fig. 5. The impact of the hot
4 and cold mass flow rates on Ui Ai are shown for comparison in Figs. 6
and 8, respectively.

2 5.3. The effect of cold mass flow-rate on the (Ui Ai )

The hot mass flow rate is kept constant to find out the effect of the
0 cold mass flow rate on the OHTC. Fig. 7 illustrates the comparison of
4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6
the suggested correlation prediction when the mass flow rate of the hot
Mass Flow rate (kg h-1)
stream is fixed at 3.9 kg h−1, while the cold mass flow rate is increased
Fig. 9. Comparison between the effect of the hot and cold mass flow rate variations on from 4 to 5.6 kg h−1 with a 0.2 kg h−1 step. The temperatures of the inlet
OHTC. (Hot flow is in the inner tube). streams are similar to the previous case, i.e. 10 ± 0.1 °C for the cold
stream and 45 ± 0.1 °C for the hot stream. In order to keep constant the
illustrate the performance and the effectiveness of the suggested temperature of the cold flow in the cooling loop, the coil is kept in a
method and the installed fin, respectively. chilled water bath at the constant temperature. By increasing the flow
rate, the convective heat transfer increases, and as a result, the tem-
perature of the cold flow is reduced. With initial partial immersion of
5.1. Comparison of theoretical correlations versus empirical data
the cooling coil in the chilled water bath, its temperature is not reduced
during the experiment. The temperature of the hot stream is already
The predictions of the above-mentioned correlations are compared
kept constant.
against their corresponding experimental values in Fig. 4. To avoid any
As can be seen in Fig. 7, the predictions of the suggested correlation
ambiguity, the OHTC is based on the inner heat transfer area, i.e. (Ui Ai ) ,
are closer to the experimental values. However, the results of this sec-
in the following sections.
tion have slight deviation compared to the previous section because of
As can be seen in Fig. 4, all equations support the experiment re-
two reasons; first, the utilized correlations in the suggested method
sults; in the suggested method (combination of Pratt and Garimella
account for the heat exchangers without fin, so the installed fin in the
correlation for OHTC), we considered two different correlations for heat
annulus section results in an enhancement in the heat transfer rate, and
transfer coefficient of the inner tube and the annulus sides, modified
second, due to existence of the fin in the cold stream side, by increasing
with the equivalent diameter; finally, they were combined to obtain the
the cold stream flow rate the convective heat transfer of the cold flow
OHTC. However, in the first method (Sebas and Mclaughlin correlation)
increases further compared to the same situation when we increased the
and second method (Pratt’s correlation) only a single correlation is used
hot stream flow rate (there is no fin in the inner wall of the tube.). Fig. 8
for both inner-annulus sides for OHTC calculations. One of the reasons
shows the amount of the growth in the (Ui Ai ) versus cold mass flow rate
for first and second methods’ deviation compared to the suggested
at the constant hot mass flow rate of 3.9 kg h−1.
method is the implementation of the equivalent diameter in the third
method equations to calculate Re number in the annulus section as
described before. Therefore, the third method, which offers better fit, is 5.4. Effect of fin on the heat transfer coefficient of the cold fluid
recommended for the heat transfer coefficient for a double-pipe helical
heat exchanger. As can be seen in Fig. 4, computed Ui Ai based on Deq in Fig. 9 compares the effect of the cold and hot stream variations on
the third method are closer to experimental values compared to com- the OHTC augmentation as defined by Eq. (16). It can be seen that the
puted Ui Ai based on DH . cold stream has the stronger influence on OHTC. Because the wire fin is
installed in the annulus section and as a result, it increases the effect of
heat transfer in the annulus.
5.2. The effect of the hot mass flow rate on the (Ui Ai )
Uexperimental−UProposed Correlation
Percent Increase of U = × 100%
To investigate the effect of the hot stream on the heat transfer rate, UProposed Correlation (16)
the mass flow rate of the cold stream is kept constant, while the mass
flow rate of the hot stream is changed. Fig. 5 demonstrates the results of
the experiments when the mass flow rate of the cold stream is main- 6. Conclusion
tained at 4 kg h−1, and the mass flow rate of the hot stream is changed
from 4.1 to 5.7 kg h−1 with a 0.2 kg h−1 step. The temperature of the Experimental investigations for the OHTC calculation of air in a
cold inlet stream is fixed at 10 ± 0.1 °C , and that of the hot stream is double-pipe helical heat exchanger with a copper fin in the annulus
kept constant at 45 ± 0.1 °C. The temperature of the electrically heated section were conducted. The average heat transfer coefficient of the
water bath is reduced to keep constant the temperature of the hot flow heat exchanger was calculated by applying energy balance based on the
in the heating loop, since by increasing the flow rate of the hot stream, energy rejected from the hot stream. A combination of existing corre-
the convective heat transfer of the hot flow in the heating loop in- lations was suggested by replacing the hydraulic diameter with the
creases, and therefore, it increases the hot flow temperature. It is easy equivalent diameter (Deq ), while this replacement was not considered in
to control the temperature of the cold stream at the desired level since most of the previous studies to obtain the heat transfer coefficient. The
its flow rate is maintained constant. However, without doing so, since suggested theoretical correlation results compared with experimental
the step change is 0.2 kg h−1 the error is negligible. data showed that the correlation results were closer to the experimental
As expected, the results of the experiments in Fig. 5 are better data. Further, by keeping constant the inlet temperatures, and in-
predicted by the suggested correlation which is the combination of creasing one of the flow rates, and consequently the corresponding
Pratt and Garimella correlation, while the other methods overestimate Reynolds number, the OHTC was increased. Moreover, the influence of
the OHTC. As was already mentioned in section 5.1, one of the reasons the hot and cold mass flow rates as well as the temperature on the
for this gap is the application of inappropriate correlations. The sug- OHTC was discussed. Finally, the effect of the soldered wire fin on
gested method used two distinct correlations for the inner tube and for improvement of the annulus heat transfer coefficient was analyzed,

D. Majidi et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 276–282

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