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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

Alcalde Jose St., Kapasigan, Pasig City




Submitted to:

GROUP 2 – BSN III Nightingale

CANLAS, Elaine Joy C.

CASTAÑAS, Arvic Fritz D.R.

CRUZ, Dawn Molly S.

CRUZ, Mylah B.

Submitted by:

Professor Allan David Alcantara

November 2012

A cerebrovascular accident (CVA), also known as a stroke or brain attack, is a sudden

impairment of cerebral circulation in one or more blood vessels. A CVA interrupts or diminishes oxygen
supply, and often causes serious damage or necrosis in the brain tissues. The sooner the circulation
returns to normal after the CVA, the better chances are for complete recovery. However, about half of
patients who survive a CVA remain permanently disabled and experience a recurrence within weeks,
months, or years.

This case study was all about the CVA infarct/Ischemic in order for us to be familiar about the
disease process, its diagnosis, treatment and etc.

An ischemic stroke is death of an area of brain tissue (cerebral infarction) resulting from an
inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain due to blockage of an artery.

 Ischemic stroke usually results when an artery to the brain is blocked, often by a blood clot or a
fatty deposit due to atherosclerosis.

 Symptoms occur suddenly and may include muscle weakness, paralysis, lost or abnormal
sensation on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, confusion, problems with vision, dizziness,
and loss of balance and coordination.

 Diagnosis is usually based on symptoms and results of a physical examination, imaging tests, and
blood tests.

 Treatment may include drugs to break up blood clots or to make blood less likely to clot and
surgery, followed by rehabilitation.

 About one third of people recover all or most of normal function after an ischemic stroke.


The Central Nervous System is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord transports
sensory and motor information from other parts of the body to the brain. With the spinal cord, the brain
monitors and regulates many unconscious bodily processes such as heart rate and breathing, and
coordinates most voluntary movements. Most important, it is the site of consciousness and of all the
intellectual functions that allow humans to think and create.

This information is carried through impulses from a neuron. Neuron is consists of a nucleus
situated in the cell body, where outgrowths called processes originate from. The main one of these
processes is the axon, which is responsible for carrying outgoing messages from the cell. This axon can
originate from the central nervous system (CNS) and extend all the way to the body's extremities,
providing an efficient highway for messages. Dendrites are smaller secondary processes that grow from
the cell body and axon. On the end of these dendrites lie the axon terminals, which plug into a cell where
the electrical signal from a nerve cell to the target cell can be made. This 'plug' (the axon terminal)
connects into a receptor on the target cell and can transmit information between cells.

The brain can be subdivided into several distinct regions: The cerebral hemispheres form the
largest part of the brain, occupying the anterior and middle cranial fossae in the skull and extending
backwards over the tentorium cerebelli. They are made up of the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, tracts
of synaptic connections, and the ventricles containing CSF. The Diencephalon includes the thalamus,
hyopthalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus, and forms the central core of the brain. It is surrounded by
the cerebral hemispheres. The Midbrain is located at the junction of the middle and posterior cranial
fossae. The Pons sits in the anterior part of the posterior cranial fossa- the fibres within the structure
connect one cerebral hemisphere with its opposite cerebellar hemisphere.

The Medulla Oblongata is continuous with the spinal cord, and is responsible for automatic control
of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The Cerebellum overlies the pons and medulla, extending
beneath the tentorium cerebelli and occupying most of the posterior cranial fossa. It is mainly concerned
with motor functions that regulate muscle tone, coordination, and posture.

Brain regulates many of our activities. The impulses generated and carried by it is an example of
the chemical level of organization of the body. This nerve impulses then regulate the functioning of
tissues, organ and organ system, which permits us to perceive and respond to the world around us and the
changes within us.


Patient’s Name: Patient X Age: 47 y/o Gender: Male

Address: Pasig City
Race: Filipino
Marital Status: Married Occupation: Policeman
Religion: Born Again Christian
Source of Health Care Financing: Wife’s small business

Chief Complaint
“Mga limang araw bago siya dinala sa ospital, napansin ko lagi na lang siyang nasasamid habang
kumakain, at pautal utal ang kanyang sinasabi” as verbalized by the client’s wife.

A. History of Present Illness

Patient had CVA 4 years ago with right-sided weakness, maintained with Amlodipine. One day
prior to admission, when his wife arrived home, she noticed that her husband had a right sided upper
extremity weakness and a slurred speech. He was given Nifedipine by his daughter.

B. History of Past Illness

According to the patient’s daughter, he had a TB during his childhood. He also had a gunshot
wound on his left thigh when he was about 30 years old. He was also involved in a bus accident at year
2002, which caused him to have a temporary loss of memory or amnesia. He also had a surgery on his left
leg due to the accident. Currently, he has a pneumonia and hypertension according to his wife.

C. Family History of Illness

The client’s wife and daughter are currently in a good state of health. According to the client’s
daughter, his parents died of heart diseases and were also hypertensive like him.

The client wasn’t able to say anything about his pain, but he has guarding behaviors when his
swollen lower extremities were being touched.


Health Perception/Health Management Pattern

The client wasn’t able to state anything about his perception of his general health, but he was
crying every time his daughter was being asked about something that he can do before but cannot do now.
According to his daughter, the client used to consult a doctor every time he was having problems with his
health. Also, it was said that he was smoking and drinking alcohol during his teenage life, but was able to
get out of it when he was married with his wife.

Nutrition/Metabolic Pattern
According to the client’s daughter and wife, the client was fond of eating about 3 cups of rice
each meal and drinking more than 1500 ml of water a day before he was hospitalized. He also eats pork
and vegetables sometimes. They also mentioned that his favorite drink was Sprite. Now, he was in a
general liquid diet, including jelly ace, soup and etc.

Elimination Pattern
According to the client’s daughter, the client urinates frequently and defecates usually twice a day
before he was hospitalized. Now, the client voids less frequently and defecates about three times a day.
Activity-Exercise Pattern
Before, the client was using a walker, and used to exercise with it for some time. According to
them, he doesn’t want to exercise much because he was afraid of getting fatigued, and then become
hypertensive. He also used to watch television and read a dictionary. Now, he just used to listen to a
music and sleep.

Feeding - 3 Bathing - 2 Toileting - 3 Bed mobility - 3

Dressing - 3 Grooming - 3 General mobility - 3

Level 0: Full Self-Care
Level 1: Requires use of equipment or device
Level 2: Requires assistance/supervision from another person
Level 3: Require assistance/supervision from another person/device
Level 4: Is dependent and does not participate

Sleep-Rest Pattern
According to his daughter, his sleeps about eight hours every night and takes short naps before he
was hospitalized. He also has no problems sleeping then. Now, he had longer time for sleep since he lies
on bed almost all the time, but was being interrupted from time to time.

Cognitive Pattern
The client easily responds to people he knows but does not respond to strangers. In Glascow-
Coma Scale, his eye response was scored as 4; verbal response was 3; and his motor response was 2.
Thus, he was in GCS-9. The client looks uncomfortable when strangers talk to him.

Self-Perception/Self-Concept Pattern
The client wasn’t able to express much of his own perception subjectively, but it was obvious to
the client that he was not feeling good about himself because he cries whenever some changes about his
abilities are being mentioned.

Role/Relationship Pattern
The client was the breadwinner of his family before, with his job as a policeman. Now, his wife
runs a small business and takes care of him. They had a good relationship since then.

Sexuality/Reproductive Pattern
According to the client’s daughter, her parents are of a long distance relationship before, and so
she was the only daughter of the couple. Therefore, he was not sexually active before and until now. The
client was in Genital Stage according to Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Theory, because he had physical
sexual changes that reawaken his repressed needs. Also, he had direct sexual feelings towards other that
lead to sexual gratification.

Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern

According to his daughter, he used to pray every time he encounters a problem.
Value-Belief Pattern
According to his daughter, the client values his family and religion. He was an active Born Again
Christian before he was hospitalized.


(November 07, 2010)

Name: Mr. Felix Agoncillo, Jr Age: 46 y/o Gender: Male Status: Married
Address: #9913 Aguinaldo St., Nagpayong 2, Pasig City

Vital Signs: T – 36.5°C P –87 R – 26 BP – 180/100

1. General Survey  Both nares patent

 weak looking  Pinkish mucosa
 conscious and coherent
 GCS=15

2. Skin
 (+) pallor
 (+) dryness 7. Mouth
 (-)dentures
3. Head  Slurring of speech
 Symmetric face  (-) lesions
 Normal hair, and fine distribution  Tongue in midline
 (-)alopecia  (+) caries
 Gums pinkish
4. Eyes  Uvula in midline
 anicteric sclera  Tonsils not inflamed
 lids symmetrical  dry buccal mucosa
 pink palpebral conjunctiva
8. Neck
5. Ears  Trachea in midline
 Pinnae symmetrical  Non-palpable thyroids
 (+) hearing on both sides  Non-palpable cervical lymphnodes
 (-) neck enlargement
6. Nose  Normal ROM
 Symmetrical
 Septum in midline (-) perforation 9. Breast and Axillae
 Equal size, symmetrical 11. Abdomen
 (-) discharge, nipple masses  (-) lesions
 (-) edema, tenderness  (-) rashes
 (-) striae
10. Chest and Lungs  Umbilicus is not bulging
 Symmetrical chest expansion  Flat abdomen
 (-) wheezes  No tenderness
 (-) dullness 12. Back and Extremities
 (-) retraction Peripheral pulses is symmetrical
 Clear breath sounds  Pale nail beds
 (-) clubbing
 Tone normal
 Spine is in the midline
(November 29, 2010)

Name: Mr. Felix Agoncillo, Jr Age: 46 y/o Gender: Male Status: Married
Address: #9913 Aguinaldo St., Nagpayong 2, Pasig City

Vital Signs: T – 36.6°C P –84 R – 26 BP – 130/90

1. General Survey
 Awake
 conscious and coherent 7. Mouth
 On supine position  (-)dentures
 GCS=8  (-) lesions
 Tongue in midline
2. Skin  (+) caries
 Poor skin turgor  Gums pinkish
 Hooked IVF: PNSS 1L x 16°  Uvula in midline
 (-) dryness  Tonsils not inflamed
 dry buccal mucosa
3. Head
 Symmetric face 8. Neck
 Normal hair, and fine distribution  Trachea in midline
 (-)alopecia  Non-palpable thyroids
 Non-palpable cervical lymphnodes
4. Eyes  (-) neck enlargement
 anicteric sclera  Normal ROM
 Lids symmetrical
 Eyes symmetrical 9. Breast and Axillae
 pink palpebral conjunctiva  Equal size, symmetrical
 (-) discharge, nipple masses
5. Ears  (-) edema, tenderness
 Pinnae symmetrical
 (+) hearing on both sides 10. Chest and Lungs
 Symmetrical chest expansion
6. Nose  (+) wheezes
 Symmetrical  (-) dullness
 Septum in midline (-) perforation  (-) retraction
 Both nares patent  (-) murmur
 Pinkish mucosa
11. Abdomen
 (-) lesions
 (-) rashes
 (-) striae
 Umbilicus is not bulging
 Flat abdomen
 No tenderness

12. Back and Extremities

 Pale nail beds
 Peripheral pulses is symmetrical
 (-) clubbing
 Tone normal
 Spine is in the midline
 (-) edema
 Swelling of both lower extremities
 With wound at left foot
 Right sided paralysis
 Dry toe
 With metal inside the thigh and legs

Date Laboratory Normal Results Interpretation Indications

Tests Values
Severe Hepatic
BUN 2.3 mmol/L decreased Damage,

Serum 3.6-5.0
3.6 mmol/L normal NA
potassium mmol/L

10-14 sec. 11.4 sec. normal NA

partial 27.70-
28.9 sec. normal NA
Thromboplasti 34.10 sec.
n time

Hemoglobin 145 g/L normal NA

Hematocrit 0.45 g/L normal NA

Platelet Count normal NA
400x109/L E

WBC count 11.00x109/ 6.8x109/L normal NA

Neutrophil 0.35-0.65 0.79 increased
ischemic neurosis

Affection of
Lymphocyte 0.20-0.40 0.17 decreased
immune system

Monocyte 0.02-0.08 0.04 normal NA

Prothrombin 10.00-
11.4sec normal NA
Time 14.00sec

Activated 27.70- 28.9sec normal NA

Partial 34.10sec
n Time

Serum Total 0.0-5.2 Coronary Artery

6.3 mmol/L increased
Cholesterol mmol/L Disease

Serum HDL 1.0-1.6 hypertriglyceride

11-10-10 0.8 mmol/L decreased
Cholesterol mmol/L mia

Serum LDL 0.00-3.36 4.97 Coronary Artery

Cholesterol mmol/L mmol/L Disease

Hemoglobin 149 normal NA

Hematocrit 0.44 normal NA

Platelet Count normal NA
400x109/L E
WBC Count 11.00x109/ 15.5 increased Infection

Neutrophil 0.35-0.65 0.89 increased
ischemic neurosis

Affection of
Lymphocyte 0.35-0.65 0.11 decreased
immune system

Hemoglobin 146.0 normal NA

Hematocrit 0.44 normal NA

Platelet Count Adequate normal NA
WBC Count 11.00x109/ 13.0 increased Infection

Neutrophil 0.35-0.65 0.87 increased
ischemic neurosis

Affection of
Lymphocyte 0.35-0.65 0.10 decreased
immune system
Monocyte 0.02-0.08 0.03 normal NA

11-27-10 Hemoglobin 149.0 normal NA

Hematocrit 0.45 normal NA

Platelet Count Adequate normal NA

WBC Count 11.00x109/ 13.8 increased Infection

Neutrophil 0.35-0.65 0.89 increased
ischemic neurosis

Affection of
Lymphocyte 0.35-0.65 0.10 decreased
immune system

Monocyte 0.02-0.08 0.02 normal NA


PHYSICAL Specific Gravity – 1.030
Color – yellow CHEMICAL TEST
Transparency – slightly turbid Albumin – negative
pH – 6.5 Sugar - negative




 Acute to subacute non-hemorrhagic infarct, right cerebellar hemisphere.

 Chronic infarct, right subinsular cortex & lentiform nucleus.
 Periventricular ischemic white matter changes, both fronto-parietal lobes.
 Age-related cerebral volume loss.
 Mild atherosclerotic vessel disease.
 Small right sphenoid sinus mucous retention cyst.
 Congested left nasal turbinate.

11-07-10 X-RAY RESULTS


 The lungs are clear.

 The heart is not enlarged.
 Hemidiaphragms, sinuses and visualized osseous structures are intact.


11-19-10 X-RAY RESULTS



 There are suspicious infiltrates in the left apex. Suggest Apicolordotic view.
 Heart & great vessels are within normal size & configuration.
 Other chest structures are unremarkable.


Predisposing Factors Precipitating Factors

Smoking, Overweight, Hypertension, High Age, Family History of

Cholesterol Level, Excessive Alcohol CVA, Sex (Men), Race
Consumption,Sedentary Life Style.

Destruction of alpha and

beta cells of the pancreas

Failure to produce insulin

Production of
excess glucagon

Inc. serum glucose level

Production of
glucose from protein
Glycoprotein cell and fat stores
wall deposits
Impaired immune
function Wasting of lean
(decrease level body mass Fatigue
Small vessel
of morphonuclear
leukocytes) Weight loss
Accelerated Wt. from 80kg to
Infection Delayed wound Average BP: 160/110
Symmetri Hypertension
cal loss
Neutrophil - 0.79 of Irbesartan
protectiv Increase LDL levels -
4.97 mmol/L
Numbness Autonomic
and tingling neuropath
Levofloxacin in the

Dry cracked skin

Thrombus CEREBROVASCULA Occludes a blood Results to blockage of blood

R ACCIDENT vessel in the brain vessel impeding blood flow
Hemiparesis (right side)
Decreased Tissue Continuous build p of
perfusion (brain) pressure
Loss of speech

Hemisensory loss
Impaired tissue Cerebral Hypoxia Results to increased
intracranial pressure

Cerebral ischemia Citicoline

Confusionn Altered

Short term




Hemiparesis (right side) Ataxia

Dysphagi Dysarthia

Aphasi Hemisensory loss

Hemiplegia (left side) Incontinence


Generic Name: Clindamycin

Classification: Anti-infectives, lincosamines

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

Treatment of various respiratory, 60 mg TIV every 8 hours Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Check culture and sensitivity test to
skin, sinus, and maxillary see if this the drug of choice
infection.  Allergy  Abdominal Cramping  Ensure that full course is given to
 Diarrhea  Anorexia help prevent emergence of strain.
Date started: Dec. 20-27  Diarrhea  Provide small frequent meals to
 Vomiting ensure adequate nutrition due to GI
Discontinued by: Dec. 28  Confusions upset
 Uncontrollable

Generic Name: Citicholine

Classification: neurotonics

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

-CVD in acute & recovery phase,

symptoms &
signs of cerebral insufficiency 1gm IV q 12 -Parasympathetic This medication may cause: - Somazine must not be
(dizziness, administered along with
memory loss, poor Date started: Dec. 7-20 -hypertonia -shocks, hypersensitivity, medicaments containing
concentration, disorientation, hypotension, insomnia, meclophenoxate
recent cranial trauma) Shifted to tablet by Dec. 20-29 excitement.

Generic Name: Levofloxacin

Classification: Anti-infectives, quinolones
Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration
IM, intrathecal, intraperitoneal,
Infections caused by susceptible 500mg tab OD or SC administration. his medication may cause:  Obtain baseline assessment
strains of microorganisms in  Assess patient for previous
acute maxillary sinusitis, acute  Headache sensitivity reaction
 Dizziness  Monitor for possible drug induced
bacterial exacerbation of chronic
 Insomnia adverse reaction
 Nausea and Vomiting
ACTION:  Diarrhea

Interferes with DNA

gyrase and topoisomerase IV.
DNA gyrase is an enzyme
needed for replication,
transcription, and repair of
bacterial DNA.

Generic Name: Furosemide

Classification: Diuretics
Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

This medication may

Teatment of edema associated with 40mg tad BID x 3days Should not be used against: cause:  Do not confuse Lasix with
congwstive hearrt failiure (CHF), hepatic  Jaundice Lanoxin (a cardiac
cirrhosis, and renal disease, hypertension.  Hearing impairement glycoside).
 Hypersensitivity to  Tinnitus  Monitor Vital signs
Date started: Dec. 17-29 drug  Hypotension especially BP
 Anuria  Pancreatitis  Monitor I&O
 Abdominal pain
ACTION:  Dizziness
 Anemia
Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and
dichloride in the proximal and distal
tuconstibules as well as the ascending loop
of Henle; this results in the excretion of

chloride, and, to a lesser degree, potassium

and bicarbonate ions.
Generic Name: Lactulose
Classification: Laxative

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

This medication may

Constipation, salmonellosis. Treatment of 30cc OD -Patients who require a low cause:  Monitor for possible
hepatic encephalopathy. lactose diet. adverse GI reaction
 Abdominal  Monitor fluid and
ACTION: -Galactosaemia or disaccharide discomfort electrolyte status
Date started: Dec. 21-23  Diarrhea
 Nausea and vomiting
Causes an influx of fluid in the intestinal
 Flatulence
tract by increasing the osmotic pressure -Intestinal obstruction.
within the intestinal lumen.

Generic Name: Acetylcysteine

Classification: Expectorant

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

Treatment for respiratory 600mg Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Assess patients underlying
affections characterized by thick condition, cough: type, frequency,
and viscous hypersecretion:  Hypersensitivity  nausea and vomiting character
 phenylketonuria  GI symptoms  Assess patient’s respiration and
acute and chronic bronchitis and
Date started: Dec. 20-28  Generalized urticaria pulmonary secretions, axarcise
its exacerbation, pulmonary caution on patients with respiratory
accompanied by mild
emphysema and bronchiectasis. fever insufficiency and history of
 Hypotension bronchospasm.
 Wheezing
 Dyspnea
Decrease viscosity of respiratory  stomatitis
tract secretions

Generic Name: Salbutamol

Classification: Sympathomimetics
Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Teach the client about the proper
use of prescribe delivery system.
Bronchospasms chronic Nebulizer every 8hours  Cardiac Disease  CNS Stimulation
bronchitis, emphysema  Vascular Disease  GI Upset
 Diabetes  Hypertension
 Hyperthyroidism  Bronchospasm
Date started: Dec. 18,22-25  Pregnancy and  Sweating Pallor
Lactation  Flushing

Generic Name: Clarithromycin

Classification: Anti-infectives, Macroplides

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration
Treatment of various respiratory, Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Check culture and sensitivity test to
skin, sinus, and maxillary  Allergy  Abdominal Cramping see if this the drug of choice
infection. 500mg / tab BID  to fungal, viral  Anorexia  Monitor renal function decrease
infection  Diarrhea dose as needed
 diarrhea  Vomiting  Ensure that full course is given to
Interfere with protein synthesis Date started: Dec. 19-20 help prevent emergence of strain.
 concomitant use with  Confusions
and altering them in bacteria Discontinued by: 29( 8am) any of the ff:  Uncontrollable  Provide small frequent meals to
-Cysapride Emotions ensure adequate nutrition due to GI
-Pimozide upset

Generic Name: Mannitol

Classification: Diuretic

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration
Reduction of elevated Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  assess patients blood ptressure
intracranial pressure,cerebral 100cc TIV q 8  Hypertensive to drug  Dizziness  monitor blood and blood pressure
edema, or increased intraocular  Anuria  Headache regularlty
 Severe pulmonary  fever  check weight
pressure Shifted to 75cc
congestion  monitor CNS symptoms and changes
Elevates blood in mental status
 Pulmonary edema.
plasma,osmolality, resulting in
enhanced flow of water from
tissues including the brain and
cerebrospinal fluid, into
interstitial fluid and plasma.

Generic Name Ceftriaxone

Classification: Anti-infective Ceophalosporin second generation

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration
Should not be used against: This medication may cause:

Sepsis, meningitis; abdominal, 1g IV q 12  Previous  GI Upsets  Check culture and sensitivity test to
Respiratory tract infection hypersensitivity to aspirin  Hematological changes see if this the drug of choice
 Anaphylactic Shock  Skin reactions  Monitor renal function decrease
 Severe renal and  Coagulation Disorders dose as needed
Shifted to Levofloxacin by hepatic failure  Phlebitis (IV  Ensure that full course is given to
For prophylaxis or infections Nov.12 administration) help prevent emergence of strain.
 Headache  Provide small frequent meals to
 Dizziness ensure adequate nutrition due to GI
 Renal and gallbladder upset
 Increase In liver
 Oliguria
 Increase serum
 Anaphylactoid reaction
 Chill
 Cyanosis in infants

Generic Name: Paracetamol

Classification: Antipyretic

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

500mg 1 tab Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Do not take other drugs
containing acetaminophen without
For fever, mild to severe pain.  Impaired kidney or  Skin rashes and other medical advice over dosage and
liver allergic reaction. chronic use can cause hepatic
 Sensitivity to the drug  GI disturbances. damage and other toxic effect
Generic Name: Irbesartan

Classification: Cardiovascular drug, Angiotensin II Antagonist

Indication / Action Dosage & frequency rate Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration

Competitively block the 500mg 1 tab Should not be used against: This medication may cause:  Take only as directed. Mat take
angiotension AT1 receptor with or without food
located in vascular smooth  Hypersensitivity  URTI, cough, fatigue,
muscle and the adrenal glands. dyspepsia/heart-burn,
Continued by: Dec. 20-29 diarrhea

Plain Normal -Isotonic volume Sodium – 154 Isotonic solution >Replacement & Severe HPN, 1000 ml 1L @ 25 >Monitor pt. frequently for:
Saline expander mmol expands intracellular maintenance of fluid Pulmonary gtts/min. a. Signs of infiltration /
Solution -Electrolyte Chloride – and extracellular space & electrolytes. Edema (20cc/kg of sluggish flow
(PNSS) replacement 154 mmol equally. Uses: intravenous lean body b. Signs of phlebitis /
[0.9% (NS is 9g drips (IV’s), for weight for infection
Sodium NaCl No net fluid shifts occur patients who cannot hypovolemic c. Dwell time of catheter
Chloride dissolved between isotonic take fluids orally and hypotension) and need to be replaced
Solution] in 1 liter solutions because the have developed or are d. Condition of catheter
water; NS solutions are equally in danger of dressing
contains 154 concentrated. developing >Check the level of the IVF.
mEq/L of Na+ dehydration or >Correct solution, medication
and Cl−) It has a slightly higher hypovolemia and volume.
degree of >Check and regulate the drop
osmolarity (i.e. more rate.
solute per litre) than Change the IVF solution if
blood (hence, though it needed.
is said to be isotonic
with blood in clinical
contexts, this is a
Nonetheless, the
osmolarity of normal
saline is a pretty close
approximation to the
osmolarity of NaCl in


UBJECTIVE: Impaired physical mobility Long term: 1. Assess patient’s ability to Long term:
“ hindi siya makagalaw r/t neuromuscular damage After 4 days of nursing perform ADLs effectively using After 4 days of nursing
simula ng mastoke siya” as involvement as evidence d intervention, client will be Functional Level Classification. intervention, client was able to ↑
verbalized of her wife. by decreased motor able to ↑ physical mobility 2. Encourage appropriate use of physical mobility
activity assistive device such as crutches,
Short term: walker, and wheelchair to
OBJECTIVE: After 8 hrs of nursing increase mobility. Short term:
Limited ROM intervention, client will be 3. Turn and position the patient After 8 hrs of nursing
Body weakness able to: every 2 hours to promote intervention, client was able to:
Decreased motor activity 1. Participate circulation to all tissues and 1. Participate
Inability to perform action as in the interventions relieves pressure. in the interventions
instructed rendered by the 4. Perform passive assistive rendered by the
nurse ROM exercises to affected nurse by being active in every activities
2. Demonstrate extremities to promote venous that they have
resumption of return and maintain muscle 2. Demonstrate
activities strength. resumption of
3. Maintain skin integrity activities by performing it
4. Maintain or ↑ muscle 3. Maintain skin integrity
control 4. Maintain or ↑ muscle control



SUBJECTIVE: Ineffective tissue perfusion Long Term: 1. Perform passive range-of- Long Term:
“Napansin ko na lagi nalang r/t vasoconstriction of After 8 hours of nursing motion (ROM) exercises to After 8 hours of nursing intervention, the
may dinadaing na masakit na blood vessels intervention, the client will be unaffected extremity every 2 to 4 client will be able to maintains optimal
hindi alam ang dahilan.” As able to maintains optimal hours to prevent venous stasis. tissue perfusion to vital organs, as
verbalized by the patient’s tissue perfusion to vital 2. Elevate head of bed 30-45° if evidenced by strong peripheral pulses,
wife. organs, as evidenced by increase ICP. normal ABGs, alert LOC, and absence of
strong peripheral pulses, 3. Avoid measures that may chest pain
normal ABGs, alert LOC, and trigger increased ICP such as
OBJECTIVE: absence of chest pain straining, and strenuous coughing. Short-Term:
Confused 4. Instructed to exhale through the After 4 hours of nursing intervention, the
Altered LOC Short-Term: mouth during voiding or client will be able to :
Lethargic After 4 hours of nursing defecation to decrease strain. 1. Participate in passive ROM.
Increased ICP intervention, the client will be 5. Monitor the respiratory 2.Recognize regarding some measures to
(BP: 160/100) able to : status. prevent increase ICP.
(+) facial grimace 1. Participate in passive ROM. 3. Exercise breathing pattern during
2.Recognize regarding some defecation and voiding.
measures to prevent increase
3. Exercise breathing pattern
during defecation and voiding.


SUBJECTIVE: Impaired verbal Long –Term: 1. Provide alternative Long-Term:

“ Napansin ko sa asawa ko na communication After 6 hours of nursing methods of communication, like After 1 hr. of
pautal-utal n magsalita at hindi related to loss of intervention, the pictures or visual cues, nursing
ko na naiintndihan ang facial or oral muscle patient will establish gestures or demonstration. R: Provide intervention, the
sinasabi” as verbalized by the tone control. method of communication needs. patient was able to
patient”s wife. communication in 2. Talk directly to patient. establish method of
which needs can be Speaking slowly and communication in
expressed. directly. Use yes or no which needs can be
OBJECTIVE: question to begin with. R: It reduces expressed.
· Difficulty confusion or anxiety
producing Short-Term: 3. Anticipate and provide for patient’s
speech. After 2 hours of nursing needs. R: Helpful in decreasing Short-Term:
· Facial paralysis. intervention, the patient will frustration After 2 hours of nursing intervention, the
· Muscle and be able to: 4. Place important objects within patient was able to:
facial tension. 1. Utilize non-verbal cues as reach. R: This maximizes patient’s 1. Utilized non-verbal cues as a form of
a form of communication. sense of independence. communication.
2. Reduce anxiety. 5. Instruct the family members to 2. Reduce anxiety
3. Decrease frustrations. give ample time talking to the patient. 3. Decrease frustrations.
4. Maximize sense of R: It is important for family members 4. Maximize sense of independence.
independence. to continue talking to the patient to 5. Lessen the feeling of being isolated.
5. Lessen the feeling of reduce patients isolation.
being isolated.


Subjective: Impaired skin integrity r/t Long-term: 1. Encourage implementation and Long-term:
“Simula nang maparalize siya, physical immobilization as After 8 hours of nursing posting of a turning schedule, After 8 hours of nursing intervention, the
wala n siyang gnwa kundi ang evidence by hemiparesis, intervention, the client will restricting time in one position to client was able to display improvement in
humiga ng humiga.” As limited ROM and dry skin. be able to display 2 hours or less. wound healing
verbalized of the patient’s wife improvement in wound 2. Instructed family to maintain
healing clean, dry clothes, preferably
cotton fabric (any T- shirt). Short term:
3. Encourage the patient to increase After 4 hours of nursing intervention, the
Objective: Short term: fluid intake to lessen the skin client was able to:
-Limited ROM After 4 hours of nursing breakdown. 1. Lessen skin breakdown
-Dry cracked skin intervention, the client will 4. Encourage the client to utilize lift 2. Reduce shearing forces of the skin
be able to: sheets to reduce shearing forces of AEB turning the client side to side.
1. Lessen skin breakdown. the skin
2. Reduce shearing forces of
the skin.


1. Monitor level of consciousness to Long-Term:
Sujective: Risk for aspiration r/t Long Term:
prevent risk for aspiration. After 2 hours of nursing intervention
“Sa tuwing pinapakain ko impaired swallowing After 8 hours of nursing
2. Assess gag and cough reflex to the client was able to:
na siya lagi siyang intervention, the client will be
prevent risk for aspiration. Maintain a patent airway and clear
nahihirapan lumunok.” As able to maintain a patent airway
3. Encourage patient to chew lung sounds by discharge.
verbalized of the patient’s and clear lung sounds
thoroughly and eat slowly during
meals. Instruct patient not to talk Short term:
Short term:
while eating. After 4 hours of nursing intervention,
After 4 hours of nursing
4. Provide oral care after meals. the client was able to:
intervention, the client will be
Objective: 5. 1. prevent from aspiration
able to:
Pt exhibits difficulty 2. position properly during eating
1. prevent from aspiration
swallowing without
2. position properly during

History of Past Illness

According to the patient’s daughter, he had a TB during his childhood. He also had a gunshot
wound on his left thigh when he was about 30 years old. He was also involved in a bus accident at year
2002, which caused him to have a temporary loss of memory or amnesia. He also had a surgery on his left
leg due to the accident. Currently, he has pneumonia and his wife.

History of Present Illness

Patient had CVA 4 years ago with right sided weakness, maintained with Amlodipine. One day
prior to admission, when his wife arrived home, she noticed that her husband had a right sided upper
extremity weakness and a slurred speech. He was given Nifedipine by his daughter.

ER (11/07/10)

Patient X was admitted to the ED last November 07, 2010 at 12:25 pm. Chief complaint was
dizziness; slurring of speech. Patient has normocephalic head, pink palpebral conjunctiva, anicteric sclera,
rough,dry skin. Symmetrical lung expansion was noted along with adynamic precordium. Some part of the
extemitites is swelling. Patient has hypertension in the past. Family also have hypertension. Patient is an
alcohol drinker along smoking. The working diagnosis for him was CVA infarct. Doctor ordered IVF of
PNSS 1L to run for 16 hours, that the patient be admitted to ED, O2 via NC at 4 lpm. The doctor also
ordered for some lab workups like CBG, CXR, UA, Na, K, BUN, Crea, Main CT scan. The patient was
instructed to be on NPO temporarily and on HBR position. V/S was to be monitored every 1 hour along
with his I&O. patient had the ff. medications: Citicholine 2gm TIV now then 1gm BID, Ranitidine 50mg
IV, Aspirin 80mg 1tab, 1tab to be chewed and swallowed, Ceftriaxone 1gm IV q12 ANST, Citicholine
1gm IV q 12, Lactulose 30cc q HS, Irbesartan 150g 1 tab OD, Furosemide 40g IV now, Clarithromycin
The doctor also ordered that the patient be admitted to the MMW in service of Dra. Lim/ Dr.
Deleon/ Dr. teodocio. Doctor asked that a secured consent to admission and management. NGT was
ordered to be inserted and start OF feeding at 1600 kcal in 6 divided using nutren optimum at 3:50pm
MMW (11/08/10)

Patient was admitted to the male medicine ward accorging to the doctor’s order . he was awake and
coherent, on MHBR. Patient’s family refused NGT insertion with consent signed and secured. Prescribed
medications were followed accordingly. He was put on clear liquid diet. IVF was maintained and O2
support via NC at 3lpm. Instructed the client to have LSLF diet as ordered.

(11/09/10 – 11/29/10)

Care and management is continued to the patient who have ongoing IVF of PNSS 1L to run for 10
hrs.. Follow up of CXR, CT scan was prompted. Client was ordered to be turned from side to side every 2
hrs. and be placed on MHBR. Client was instructed to have LSLF diet as ordered, mannitol was ordered to
be decreased to 45cc TIV every12 hrs. for 2 doses then discontinue(11/10/10). For relay CXR, CT scan
result and kept rested (11/11/10). Doctor ordered to Shift cefriaxone to levofloxacin 1 tab OD and
clindamycin 300mg 1 cap QID (11/12/10). Increase irbesartan to 300mg 1 tab OD (11/13/10). Nebulization
instructed. Similar interventions were carried out through the days.

This study utilized the Goal Attainment Theory which was first introduced by Imogene King in
the early 1960’s. The essence of goal attainment theory is that the nurse and the patient work together to
define and reach goals that they set together. Through communication, they set goals and agree on how to
achieve those goals (King, 1981). Nursing involves caring for the human being and views the goal of
health as adjusting to the stressors in the internal and external environments (Boyd, 2005).

First, a definition of the three (3) dynamic interacting systems will be discussed in order to gain
an understanding of what is expected during the hospital stay. Afterwards nursing activities and goals
which are necessary will be integrated regarding the said interacting system.

Personal System consists of variables that are unique to each person (nurse, patients, etc.). It
includes perception, self, growth and development, body image, space, learning and time.

In this interacting system, the nurse will be able to communicate with patient to obtain
information regarding self-perception, body image and other relevant information of all the components
of his personal self. In the nursing process, during assessment, the patient and the nurse must be able to
interact and begins in communicating.

According to the patient’s wife, before he was hospitalized in Pasig City General Hospital, he
wanted to continue his activities of daily living right after his recovery. She added that Mr. X wanted to
ambulate again for him to help his family financially and be able to support his only daughter. The nurse
must be able to encourage Mr. X to perform passive ROM to prevent venous stasis. In line with this, Mr.
X goal was to ambulate again. The nurse must encourage utilizing mobility assistive device such as
walker, crutches and etc., to return from previous activities of daily living. Empowerment to the client
must be done in order to reach the goal of Mr. X.

Interpersonal System includes variables that exist when an interaction between persons occur
(nurse-patient, patient-relative, etc.). Concepts related to interpersonal systems are interaction,
communication, transactions, role and stress.

Upon having communication with the client, interpersonal system will then exist wherein during
the planning, transactions and client’s participation are encouraged in decision making by the means to
achieve the goals. If a goal has been set, a transaction is said to have occurred. This is where the nurse
and the patient also decide on way to work toward the goal that has been decided upon, and put into
action the plan that has been agreed upon. Transaction will occur during implementation phase; Imogene
King believes that the main function of nursing is to increase or to restore the health of the patient to re-
establish the normal activities of daily living.

In this situation, Mr. X chief complaint was slurring of speech. Both the client and the nurse had a
problem in terms of communication. Although Mr. X can comprehend the words that the nurse says to
him, but he was hard to express on what he wanted to say or to talk about. So, nurses must be focus on
communication of the patient. The goal here was to communicate with others. The nurse must use non-
verbal cues in order to convey messages to the receiver.
Social System occurs when socially acceptable roles and boundaries are accepted and followed as
a mechanism to regulate interactions. It includes the organization, authority, power, status, and the
decision making.

This is where Mr. X will realize that he is a patient who permitted himself to be in this institution
that has the same goal as what he wants. The patient wants to get well that is why he is in a caring
institution (Pasig City General Hospital) wherein he has to follow certain rules as well as to communicate
his needs to the healthcare team.



 Discuss with the patient the need to comply with home medication. This will help the family and
the patient to know the importance and advantage in complying treatment regimen.
 Explain with them the advantages and disadvantages of strict compliance of treatment regimen.
This will ensure and encourage the patient that taking medications will help treat and prevent
recurrence of the disease and for faster recovery
 Instruct the patient and whether the right time, right medication, right dosage, and right routes as
ordered by the physician. This will avoid confusion of the proper drugs that would be taken by
the patient.
 Instruct the patient not to skip taking medications and complete the whole course of medication.
This will help for an effective action and compliance of the medications and for faster recovery.
 Remind the patient about the importance of taking consideration of the foods and other drugs that
is contraindicated while taking the medications. This will prevent further complications and
unnecessary effects to the patient.
 Instruct and warn patients and significant other about the possible effects and adverse reactions
that may occur brought about by taking the medications.
 Remind them to take the drugs properly and taking note of the expiration date before taking the
medication. This will ensure good compliance of the medications to be taken and to prevent
accident poisoning.
 Instruct the patient and the family to properly store and handle the medications so as to let
children accidentally get hold of it. This will prevent accidents of drug poisoning.

 Encourage the client to exercise ROM.


 Explain the purpose of treatment and why it is continued at home. This will help the patient and
family to be oriented about the treatment and this will help him understand about the importance
of taking the prescribed drugs for faster recovery in the disease process. Also, to make them
aware that the treatment is not only done in the hospital but it should be continued at home.
 Direct and instruct the patient and the family to give medication or assist the patient according to
the medication regimen. Giving the medication and assisting the patient accordingly will have
good compliance of the medications and will give sufficient effect to the patient’s condition.
 Emphasize the importance of recognizing any sign of unusuality. To give appropriate

Health Teaching/Hygiene

 Encourage and advice the patient and family members practice proper handwashing before and
after eating. Proper handwashing will prevent the spread of infection.
 Instruct patient to do activities of daily living if the client is able to do. To promote good health
and prevent infection. It also increases the sense of wellness, which is very much needed in the
therapeutic process.

Out-patient Referral

 Encourage the patient and the family to have regular check-up with their physician. To monitor
health status and conditions. This will help recognize any alterations in the body.
 Advice patient and family to follow doctor’s order comply with the doctor’s advice and follow
what is stated in the written discharge instruction. Following the doctor’s order and complying
will help achieve the success of the treatment coarse and will help for the immediate recovery of
the patient.
 Encourage the patient and the family to immediately report any unusualities regarding the
patient’s condition. To immediately give enough attention to treat the said complaint.


 Encourage the client to be on low salt low fat. To prevent having elevated blood pressure.

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