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Activity #2
In this activity I watch a video
and realized that our body
language is very important
in a job interview.

Activity #2.2
In this activity I watch another
video about what to put
in a job interview and I
discovered that this aspect
is very important as it is
part of you.

Activity #2.3
Here take a quiz at about first
impressions in an interview.
Activity #2.4
In this activity I learned that
it is very important how you
behave in front of the
interviewer, that you do not
have to have nerves among
other things.

Activity #2.5
In this activity I watch video
about some tips for a successful

Activity #2.6 to 2.15

In this sequence of activities I learned many things, I understood
the interviewee's position, I put into practice strategies to
conduct an interview correctly Finally take some questionnaires.
Activity #2.16
In this activity I learned that it is
very important to ask the
interviewer questions because
doing so shows your interest in
the work you want to get.

Activity #2.17
In this activity,
perform a
weekly student.
Activity #2.18
In this activity I
reinforced more

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