From A Mainstream Perspective

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From a Mainstream perspective, which of the four steps in the goal-setting and planning
process do you think is the most challenging to do properly? From the Multistream

2. What are the similarities and differences between SMART goals and SMART2 goals?

3. What are the most important components to include in a mission statement? Which
of the mission statements in the text have the most of these components? Which have
the least? Why might there be differences?

4. Choose an organization you are familiar with and analyze its mission and vision
statements in light of the material covered in this chapter. Based on the material in this
chapter, identify the strengths and weaknesses of these vision and mission statements.

1. From a mainstream perspective, Step 2 (Develop Strategic Goals and Plans) is the
most challenging to do properly. Setting goals and plans to maximize productivity is
the main priority of the mainstream management. The top management is the one
concerned with the financial well-being of the company not just for a year but in the
long term. Moreover, since there are no stakeholders involved, it would be a
challenge to how the business will position itself to the eyes of the stakeholders to
gain advantages over competitors.
From a multistream perspective, Step 4 (Implement and Monitor Goals and Plans) is
the most challenging step. Since the multistream approach is concerned with the
well-being of individuals, there may be unexpected events that may occur in which
careful decision-making should be done. Also, the goals and objectives of the
company may be disrupted since the business would choose the well-being of its
stakeholders over maximizing productivity.

2. SMART1 and SMART2 Goals are similar in two things. First, TIME, generally, has a
value for both mainstream and multisream approach in which the former is
concerned with profit while the latter is concerned with the well-being of individuals
had contingencies or unfortunate events happen. Time is significant to anyone of us
in a way that we want to gain more profits (mainstream) or give more time for
individuals to do their tasks with quality and appropriately (multistream. Second,
there is an END-GOAL for the two approaches in which the former is concerned with
the result or the outcomes (profit) while the latter is concerned with the application
or relevance of the goals to the life of stakeholders (well-being).
On the other hand, there are two differences between the two. First is SPECIFICNESS
of the goals in which mainstream approach is very specific as to what to be
accomplished within a certain period while multistream approach is more generic
when it comes to considering the factors related to the well-being of individuals.
Second is the PARTICIPATION in which the mainstream approach does not let the
stakeholders be involved settings goals and plans while the multistream perspective
encourages active participation through engaging the stakeholders.

4. Jollibee Foods Corporations’ Mission-Vision Statement:

To be one of the Top 5 Restaurant Companies in the World
 All our brands are trusted and well-loved, craved around the world:
 Renowned for consistently great tasting food.
 Recognized for high value for money.
 Endeared for warm and sincere distinct service to our customers.
 Admired for our beautiful stores in excellent location.
 We are acknowledged as one of the Best Companies to Work for, regarded for our efficient
systems and proceses, highly engaged teams and people-focused culture.

 To serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to everyone.


 Simple, no technical jargons, and metaphors were included

 The vision “to be one of the Top 5 Restaurant Companies in the World” is short and can
be easily remembered
 In the supplemental statements of the vision statement, the core values of JFC
(integrity, speed with excellence, humility to listen and learn, spirit of family and fun,
and focus) were used as the inspiration in making the vision statement

 There is no unique twist that the customers would be expecting in the future (why will
customers enjoy going to Jollibee than other fast food restaurants in the future?)


 Answered the question: What does your company do? (Serve great tasting food)
 Answered the question: How does your company do it? (Bringing the joy of eating).
NOTE: the detailed description of processes is not the way to answer the “how,” rather,
incorporating the company’s value/s are more considerable and significant for a good
mission statement
 Answered the question: Why does the company do it? (To bring joy of eating to


 The philosophy of the “joy of eating” is lacking something that should make it
unique than other restaurants’ mission statements which propose similar
philosophies of emotions in eating the food

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