NFPS Strategic Plan

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North Fremantle Primary

2010 - 2011 Strategic Plan

Plan for Public Schools 2008-2011 Overall Mission: Provide world-class education and training to meet the needs of individuals, the community and the WA economy.
Objective 1: To make every student a successful Objective 2: To have sound teaching in Objective 3: To ensure every public school Objective 4: To provide practical support for Objective 5: To deliver meaningful Objective 6: To build public confidence in
student. every classroom. is a good school. our teachers and support staff. accountability. our schools.

Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which the students of
For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to
North Fremantle Primary School can develop the knowledge, skills, understandings and confidence to reach their
become life long learners.
individual potential.

Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Opportunity to learn - Learning experiences should enable students to observe and practise the Demonstrated by the use of ….. Valid - Assessment should provide valid information on the actual ideas, processes, Demonstrated by…..
actual processes, products, skills and values which are expected of them. Outcomes Focused Education, products and values expected of students. Use of Outcomes and Standards Framework,
Connection and challenge - Learning experiences should connect with students’ existing Scope and Sequence documents, Educative - Assessment should make a positive contribution to student learning. SIS reporting cycle,
knowledge, skills and values while extending and challenging their current ways of thinking and acting. Explicit - Assessment criteria should be explicit so that the basis for judgements
Open ended tasks, NAPLAN,
Action and reflection - Learning experiences should be meaningful and encourage both action and Explicit teaching, is clear and public. SAIS data,
reflection on the part of the learner. Fair - Assessment should be demonstrably fair to all students and not discriminate
First Steps pedagogy in Literacy and Numeracy, Parent Interviews, Three way conferencing,
Motivation and purpose - Learning experiences should be motivating and their purpose clear to the on grounds that are irrelevant to the achievement of the outcome.
Cooperative Learning Strategies, K/P Profile,
student. Comprehensive - Judgements on student progress should be based on
Higher Order Thinking Skills, Literacy Net,
Inclusivity and difference - Learning experiences should respect and accommodate differences multiple kinds and sources of evidence.
between learners. Integrated and negotiated curriculum, Numeracy Monitoring Tools
Independence and collaboration - Learning experiences should encourage students to learn Learning Support Coordinator supporting inclusive classroom practice Target Setting,
both independently and from and with others. On balance, evidence based teacher judgements,
Supportive environment - The school and classroom setting should be safe and conducive to Moderation.
effective learning.


1. Raise the standards of Literacy through the development of a whole-school approach, with a
The average test results for reading and numeracy (WALNA/NAPLAN) of students at North Fremantle PS have generally been particular focus on ensuring consistency of understanding and application of a strong phonological
lower than those of students at like-schools for the past five years. This is especially evident in Year 3 and in Numeracy across and phonemic approach from Kindergarten to Year 3.
all year levels tested. Writing is an area of relative strength across the school.

The analysis of students performance against 2008 NAPLAN higher proficiency bands indicates that the schools has at least 2. Establish school policy and procedures to monitor and address student attendance issues.
10% fewer students in the top two proficiency bands in almost all tests than do like-schools. There are more significant Fremantle-Peel District Education Office personnel to provide training and support to school leaders.
differences in Year 3 and 5 and in numeracy across all year levels.
3. Build the strategic, operational and instructional capacity of the school‟s leadership through targeted
In 2008 Year 7 science tests, the schools average score was below the average of Western Australian schools. 80% scored professional learning and intensive district support. Collect regular feedback from key stakeholders
below the Western Australian Monitoring Standards in Education (WAMSE) test standards. to monitor the effectiveness of change management approach.

Students who have remained at North Fremantle PS from years 3 to 7 have made strong gains between years 5 and 7. Data 4. Develop evidence-based strategic and operational plans with specific and measurable targets for
indicates that in 2009 there has been an improved performance in punctuation and grammar across all year levels and in improvement. Implement performance management processes for all staff that require evidence of
numeracy in years 5 and 7.
translation of agreed improvement strategies into classroom practice.
The mean scores of years 3 and 5 are lower than those in all Western Australian schools in three of the five tests. Spelling in
Years 3 and 5, and Writing in Year 5 are areas with significantly lower mean scores than those in all Western Australian 5. Develop teachers‟ capacity to use a range of student performance data to plan, implement and
schools. monitor differentiated approaches that cater for a range of student needs. A focus on provision for
more-able students, as well as those failing to meet minimum standards in Literacy, Numeracy and
Non-academic Science, is required.
In 2009 data indicates that there are no students at severe risk due to poor attendance. The school has a lower percentage of 6. Raise the image of the school through consultative development of a shared vision to improve
students attending regularly (78%) than like schools (83%) and a slightly higher percentage of students in the „indicated at risk‟ standards of student performance. Develop proactive marketing strategies to promote the school
and moderately at risk categories. and build the capacity of the School Council to become a progressive and active governance body.
In 2008, approximately 80% of absences were authorised, but in 2009, the proportion of authorized absences fell to 56.8%.
7. Attract high-quality staff to the school through proactive recruitment and by seeking local selection
Regular attendance rates varied greatly across year levels in 2009, from 100% in year 3 to 50% in Year 6. Small cohort status. Selection processes to be conducted under the direction of the Director Schools. Provide a
numbers have skewed this data significantly as has the effect of extended in-term family holidays. structured induction and professional learning program that incorporates collaboration and
moderation with colleagues from other schools.

* as prescribed by the DoE Expert Review Group September 2009

Develop a whole school Literacy Plan with a particular focus on the teaching and learning of Reading and Develop a whole school Numeracy Plan with a particular focus on Number using First Steps pedagogy;
Spelling and the use of the First Steps resources;
Set improve targets for NAPLAN results, analysing data to inform specific planning of student learning. Use
Set improvement targets for NAPLAN results, analysing data to inform specific planning of student learning. of case management approach for students at risk of falling below National Minimum Standards and those
Use a case management approach for students at risk of falling below National Minimum Standards and identified with the potential to move into the higher proficiency bands;
those identified with the potential to move into the higher proficiency bands;
Timetable for collaborative Maths planning led by Deputy Principal based on Getting it Right strategies and
Utilise the skills of a Specialist Literacy Teacher to assist in building the capacity of staff to improve literacy including the use of diagnostic testing to inform where students are at, what students know and where to
through modelling, mentoring, coaching and the early identification of students at risk; move students along;

Timetable to enable staff K – 7 to work collaboratively to ensure a coherent developmental approach; Provide moderation opportunities within NFPS and across the cell with like schools, to ensure a good
understanding of the outcomes for sound teacher judgements. Analyse SAIS data to ensure teacher
Provide moderation opportunities within NFPS and across the cell with like schools, to ensure a good judgements are in line with NAPLAN and comparable with schools state wide.
understanding of the outcomes for sound teacher judgements. Analyse SAIS data to ensure teacher
judgements are in line with NAPLAN and comparable with schools state wide. Refine the Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) role to assist with identification of Students at Educational
Risk and to support teachers to write case management plans for students with complex needs;
Refine the Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) role to assist with identification of Students at Educational
Risk and to support teachers to write case management plans for students with complex needs; Provide the physical resources required to successfully implement these strategies.

Provide the physical resources required to successfully implement these strategies. Refine performance management practices to include focused self-reflection in relation to the teaching of
Refine performance management practices to include focused self-reflection in relation to the teaching of

$28 944 $5 760
Appointment of 0.4 GiR L from FTE 1 day per term teacher relief (TR) @ $360 per day for all 4 teachers
to support PL and collaboratively planning;
Professional Learning for GIR L specialist teacher $1140
Purchase / top up First Steps books for all teachers; $200
Purchase First Steps books for all teachers; $500
Purchase Maths resources and storage, to implement a “hands on” approach to learning which is in
Purchase Literacy resources to support implementation of screening Reading $2 000 line with First Steps pedagogy – request and support from P&C.
strategies – request and support from P&C. $2 000

Shared beliefs and understandings established and whole school approaches implemented; Shared beliefs and understandings established and whole school approaches implemented;
Student performance information, including NAPLAN, student summative report data and Literacy Net data, is Student performance information, including NAPLAN, student summative report data and Numeracy
used effectively to plan for improvement; Monitoring Tool data, is used effectively to plan for improvement;
Implementation of early intervention screening tools for K and PP; Implementation of diagnostic testing used to support teaching and learning;
Implementation of case management plans for identified students; Implement case management plans for identified students;
Performance management agreements include a focus on improving literacy pedagogy and Performance management agreements to include a focus on improving numeracy pedagogy and
Funding spent according to plan to support literacy improvement. Funding spent according to plan to support numeracy improvement.

PUBLIC CONFIDENCE – Trusting Public Schools

TARGET: Raise the image of the school through consultative development of a shared vision to improve standards of student performance. Develop proactive marketing strategies to promote the school and build the
capacity of the School Council to become a progressive and active governance body.
Develop a whole school Vision that is shared by staff, students and the community;
Implement improvement plans in Literacy and Numeracy;
Introduce specialist Music and Art programs through the employment of specialist staff;
Increase communication within the school and wider community through fortnightly newsletters, community newsletters, local newspapers, revamping the School Website, show casing student work at local
centre and events;
Conduct regular surveys to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement;
Complete major improvements to House and Grounds including an Administration/Library/Staff Room upgrade, the building of an new Music/Art Facility and a focused garden plan.

S:\administration\Admin Filing 2010\100 ADMINISTRATION\108 PLANNING\NFPS Strategic Plan 2010 - 2011.doc

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