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Sriyukteswar Samadhi Mandir


Tiroblwb; 9th March, 1936



AND "" tV /1/ ; " l'
. .~ ~
KRIYA,-~O,Q~I ',~" "
\) .' , ... ' ~

DIAMOND JUBIL'~SiOHV~f1t~,,'\\H',:. '

'1903 •. 1978



I ';, :' ;,;:i ~ INDIA
" , ' :Board of Edttors New Delhi
Ramesh Chandra Pattnaik 7th February
Raghabananda Nayak

I am glad to learn that the Diamond

First Published 9n Jubilee of Karar Ashram. Puri which was
The =2~~ ~9. H78
Vernal Eqiiitlox Day established by Swami Sri Sri Yukteswar
Giri in the year 19tH, will be celebrated on
22nd March, 1978. I send my best wishes
for the success of the celebrations.
Printed at :
Sri Prin ten, PurL

( B. D. dati )
i .....•..


- ,) "! '


Mahasamadhi of Swami Sriyukteswar Giri Maharaj
at Karar Ashram, Puri, 9th March 1936.
Persons present: Paramhansa Yoganandaji, Atul Krishna Choudhury,
Amulya Sanrra, Mr Wright, Swami Narayan Giri.

Just after the foreign tour, at Dum Dum. 3-12-77



The grandson of Late Chaitanya Shringari Mohashaya Sri Jaikrishna

Shringari Mohash.aya is a great soul of simple heart. Since the
time I am coming to this Puri ashram, I have derived great pleasure
from the service, Which has been derived by him. Who so ever has
come to the Karar Ashram established by me, whether a lady or a
gentleman, all have been served with great care and discipline, in
the Darshan, Puja' of Lord Jagannath. ·They have derived great
. ,
pleasure from the service rendered by Panda Mohashaya I hope that
whoever and whenever ahy p~rson, will come to this Ashram, will
take assistance of that Panda Mohashaya and will be fully contented.

Dated 12th Chaitra 221st year of Dwaparabda

Sriyukleshwar Giri
\ ,( .\

.' I

, '~Page
",'1 .~r
A brief note on tbe JccasfoO:o£' 1
,\ celebration 6f...
DliUi'landt'~~ ''i':
of Karar Ashram, PdttJJ r,1f,nr:rf) f: . r;, ~i ...

2. A Biography of Sri YultesS'a~."! J j 'Vi:'

Srimat Sri Yukteswar
Paramhansa Yogananda 3. Masters of Kdya ~liMlDrat',!Alhrh1l,j
Giri Maharaj :-SwamiBidyananda Giri rhdl fcr HN 12..·,
Founder President, 1921-1936
;,'4. My E.Jiriirieg{HrnrY~l"fcSga.nd ','"
After the demise of Paramhansa Yogananda in the year 1952
the"Kriya Yogit-;l:a.£/!'S'r:"':{ il£(b::'.;,

Sri mat Swami Satyananda Giri Maharaj became the President of .usBtM~kt4-'·aM1 J i " '. , . !
Karar Ashram upto August 1971 and after his demise Sri mat 5. Kriya Yoga
Swami Hariharananda Giri is the present President of Karar
j;tl ,'1.;'1;/ '" ';
Ashram, Puri. .. -- Pyare Mohan Srivastav " .'..' (,
"6. Karar Ashram and it~ Tradition :23
--l'ramathnath ChakravaffY}h~1
7. My 9!1rp~!iS~i,yu~teswarjee a1fdrii.~,J,
Kri:yA:ybka~:i rv,' ':t '?' ,,,,,'j' 211,,,'1' md:)1 (i

-Swami Hariharananda Oiri J j' (;

B, 11!~SiA~i)l~~t~~~rj~~ 40

. 9. Karar Ashta~J~Jlit;;lfr~(iiltJA4 41
What is Kriya Yog~~ 52
- Tincoti Dey

Swami Satyananda Giri

The Saint in Karar Ashram
Swami Hariharananda Giri
-Premananda Tripathy
12, Swami Hariharananda Giri and
Kriya Yoga Abroad .
-Ramesh Chani"~~f~~j 64 A Brief Note
J3. Face to Face with a Liberated Sage
and a Supreme Kriyayogi on the: Occasion 01 Celebration oi
tiq.....Dr. S. Chand Diamond Jubilee' of Karar' Ashram, Puri
14: "Xriya Yoga in'thp Western W<.lrld 68
1 .-Raghabanaq4flf~1~k.'q~'1 ("', ~-, '. d A '~7 0022. 3.'18
15. Karar AshramaDil~,J:t.Acliri~ f;i\"t,

_ Kailash Chandra Rathq, .t " d~'A '1 f :: :1 :'n SWAMI SRIYUKTESWAR GIRl'
it>. Swami Haribarallatida,Y h 0; :n ,;d('r1}f,~n I... '19 ,~
f.l in1My.tbies;d Mu~l" f"(h'>Ih, r;,19!~dv~ ,'~
n h ' '" f t "!'
-Sivaram ~at !'l'd r",l!) .n;,yuH\ :c f: i --.
.~2 Sri Yu'kt~swar Glti Mahaiaj, found~i of tbe Karat
(fU- Kriya Yogai.ll;~gul,,~l ~RP,ffih'~q};',j 'tM f:\ Ashfam, wils born on 19th May, 1855 'and had the f8;tDily
-Brahmachari Kriyananda140 Y f\:I'1A ~Hh ' name, Priyanatll'lCatar. 'Hi. fa,.tber late Khetranath Karar
18. Swami Hatiharananda '_,bM~~t9Jl. 95 was a Zamindar and a business man 6f Seram~or~ inHoogly'
District of West Bengal. He acquired proficieneyin music;,
to the Mission of Kriya',Yoia tHeY :1:·L .C I •
. astrology, astronomy, anatomy and physiology, naturepathy
-Umesh ChandraMi.$~> malol/' :,..j!~ ,l r .- homoeopathy and was endowed with .'verystrong common'
101 leIlitt ,and a sharp memory. He had also a' profound-
f19. Religion 'w""'IHilT f.:ti b~B Wr:1fhf:, 'Ii,' ,)

-Bhanu ChakI~1?!"~Jf;.jf>lt) (I';: -uh I '1_,

.noW'ledgeinm~thfl:p1atics, In ISSt, Sri Priyanath' Karar in
his 29th~year"took',:initiatioJl, from Yogabatar SyamaCharan'
\20. Appen~,,: ,':1bW2:')J)hl'i i,(- n' Li ;,;.) 'i , :; Labifi Mahasaya- of Banaras; He tOukto Sanyas at Bodha.•
(a) Kriya Yoga Tradition o~I~~h~ilA ,aye sometime after' 1906 u~de~ the blessing of Srimat Swami'
at a'gJflt)GlLwHH,' ,'.,,1-1 lnrr"J7a-- ~rishna Dayal Giri W'hoco~f~rred on him the title of .~waQli'
(b) . Hi;;;t ;Q~p,nfoUf',91~'J'~1';'il~bf
Jj ,with the spiritual nam'e of' Sri Y'ukteswar Giri.' ,Sri Yukte-
:,:;I• ~resl(J~~'~,~l~·n;n,~a", ..- ~)1$~rtr;i:l :swarjee 'attained Mahasamadhi in March,19'3b.,
ra r ..AslJreuh'pun. i::,' /'
,,:~r:jf l ,.. '\ '\. .n.1r:' L· •. l Swami Sri :1~ktesw'ar Giri then kJlo,wn'asPriyanath
, ,bale i/- arar, came to Ptiri for theJirst ~ime in ~903and was r:esiding-
t BiduJ:' l,\1ath situated close to Karar' Ashram. He was'
.:, -r :1:,:J d::iLr;')/ .'.li
oming to ,the Ashram site, c;he,non oPen ~aod dene everyday
,;' ho:wi 1-- nd 'was meditating' here for hours together. In course of'
,:i ,SWllmijee ' r~alised that: this 'particular site was a really
'table pJace for' sandhana (meditation). 'Sot'he idea of,
bJishing, - an Aahram:, on' this 'site fot meditati~n' and~-
pm)tbe btaio kno~n as "Susum,na". Thedifferen~ moodso£
imparting lessons on Kriya Yoga struck to his mind and 'rn,ind'v~ry in aC1~Qrciance)with'the ~'ari.ati~~s in th~i/
the Karar Ashram came into existence. This Ashram is
~sitions' within tile different .plane$ of,tpjs'$u~umn;l·. ,From>
located on a piece of land taken on \l~rd1anent lease from Puri
,ulad~ara 'i~ rises upto Sahasr,araaAd is ultim,~~iyreyell1ed'
Municipality in the y~ar 1906 nearPuri Swargadwar which
nrough Kutastba (pituitary \. This Kutastha is no other,
compris,"" of tne ,~tUadIii Mantl'ap of Swaln~~i-,,'
-'.' ., .... ' .. '-- -', " .,' . -' ',-.
'. ~an Brabmayoni, tbe Cave of tbe all pervading se1f~''If the'
ar Giri the founder President of Karar Ashram, a prayer
i.adbllka (asi'itantl clln traris~end ,'his Ditnd "bejond the
halL-la' fldwtt 'itttdei and pucca .acbot'l\6datiMl: f.rtihe
;cQCY%i(muladha~)·, mi'nd "6Iltrurn (swadhisth~n')' ··ltimber
Ashramitees. A trust, was later formed in the year 1921 to
;( .doipur,r, dorsal· (antthu-) ancicetvica1('bisudlnd circuit
\ which Sri YukteswarJeei tttl'hsf~ted'fhe Ashram which,was ~ort~e rcentres within the SUSllmna na.di. then the tight state
to be looked after by a Sadbu Sabha constituted under the 'oiml~dis attained and the;jxtdnsic Hvar tbtlernhodied,s.lf
said Trust. Sri Sri Yukfeswarjee ,became' Presid~nt'.of 'th~
g~8.automaticallJ'Putgfd. 1£ the-mind achieves, cottcentra-
Trust which came to be known as Sadhu Mandal Tru,st;; non?" ltb~MMula,QbloQ~ta( ajna·cbakra ,)'8-d· pituitary
Tbis Sadhu MandaI was actually ,blessed into existence ill and,lf .th~ 8adha·lcso, dRsj,f~ he can reali$e;,.tbe self, t
tbe year 1908 by 1008 Sri SankaracharYa 'of 'P'tiri syspeqdlOg thE;Dtniv:en~$S ,',of ,~bodied.SE!l£ eyen in the midst
~obardbao fitl1a" a~~, ~as,teg~ster~d, 1,1nd~r the Societ~" , of all sorts of worldly consciousness and perplexitia.:.· "
Regist'ratioo Act 'of 1860 in 1972C Sin'ce' then,this A~b.~

h~s beeii" tbe centre' of s't\~dy and~practjce!of ~iiya 'Yot+~i ,i : • ".The ,tec?,ntq~e of· K~iYaY0ga is a verypQ1Verfut
pr.ofo,"lld~a bj Swa~i,Sri Sri 'Y\~kte,~:wa(G:ir,. _: ',,'" ~'!~lqUe~ Through tbis etoonique a man maintains
~ c " .}'." .i.:-- ,.' , ",.;." "
e.q\Ul.H)num..ln,t~fiytt ~erifQrP'Js ,(Panchal>ayp lofhis body,
'I ..' ; -. ',-

·KRIYA' YOOAAND rt'S EFFktTS '. ' -' r8od:'iVC:OUPiAJy tb~ iQlpure, bloocl in bis body, becolnes
,w.~~tj~d..'rhe ~~lJ..rc;. 8:nd ,tile l\lngs in,QotilD¢ ~~come'
,It is a common preju-lice1that Yo.a is.a very.intricate
,revitalised and refreshinglyeQ,erge~ic. It Q1"k~~ tbe mind
proceSJ and tis not idterldsd' for t'be cornmdl1man in his, day.,to ;D;1etamorphosed by generating millions and millions of new
day life. BtU it is hot so. Fuudllmetttal "essence i ,Elf.Yog.,i. : lllood;corpuscies 'It also'aids in
the·gr()~th of be:auty:grace
to bring about communion between God, andmano' JU5t ala "memory andlinteUigenee. BeSides tbis it transmits thedivln;
rusty wite is ttaosfottried to an immengely'power"IIe\t1erating :iPa\\fJers,tlwough.' the divine, nelve( Susumna }, or the,vital
el-emeritwhen it is connected ·to an electtlc-,' ,plug. Gyan .,'passage to the 'top (:Sahasrara}. Consequently, there arises
( knowledge), Vigyan ( detaited knoW'l~ge 'land Pta,g'Y-Rni new'diviflevibration in tbe two spheres of cerebrum an:!
(, pabjett knowledge) can he infused into ,the ~lIluovert a-nd cerebelhim -"·leading to the 'transformatioll of phys'ical
ncillating natu,reef our Jivawbichwill.remo~"c:b.~ Idu,kne~s co~scrousness-toc6smic:co1tsciousness. ' , ...
of ignorance in the twinkl£' of an eye and the very life of the
in3i\#id'Ua1'will;gleamWlth' divine m'ttiJ\fuati6n.' 'The Kriya ~; .,~~~m.i.}~a,~ib<l.~ananda Giri, the g're~test 1i~ipg Master
Y01a 'pro'cess Jtttl'eH:'is a'lki~ntific t~clitiiqUe forthetrahs-
o( ~n~;i(Y oga" W!lSbpIl~)n Habibpuri~, ~'~4)a,
West Bengal
formati~n ~'e'Ur' material body·com~dUsneg$: tb a state of,C~.lst_~~5.acr~,dbir~b p'~ce~,<?fCbaita~l'a M~~aprabbu, in
spiritua'l"s~ot1!J1etoU$tiess or eosmidecmsciousnes'S. ' " ;,"", ) a~ ~nst.<?<;:~~.t~c:,
Br~~mlnfa~llly. r ,H~ w:a~ first a de~oted
:~ •.... ';" "'.'\"'!""':. , __ .J" :.J,.!"::lf1. ~ ! :,,~,: t j
dl~clple ~9#_ ~r~mat ~ ukte.swarje~'a9-dsubsequenr.l,. ac:c-9~dlng
'(.,',',,,·Th~·,$~t.~~ge~icsa,nd seer~·1iItjth their £a.~.ig\1~e~oe~ tlJ"dAuctlonof hiS \3up~, l,earnt all tbehigbe~t~hniquea
i\\.tJ.l,~Pt~jjIl~~~ R;e8:li~yhav~ come !t.o._ers~an4 that within KriYf,,¥osa hom l?at~mah!ll1~a ~og~a~dA,', tpe f~UDd,~t Cl~
th~ba.crk;99'c:t_~bet~,jsa SPQJ;Ousn.,r •.• Vihivb\a~r:oP>
,YSSan~ stF' ana reheit~~l1is·-bt~ss'ngs.-"a:':t93~, he,'h~d
completed the', 3rcJ"Ktba' and a'ttalned'·'th~ha:ri, Bhrain'ari,
a~d,Samadhi"stag~s in.~1940. He a~tliined ~'*he~i.itsta~~Of
..lGNIFICA ~~E OF ~ ..3. ?8
. '

Si1madhibetween' 1944h~47, , Nhbikalpji' S.lhac:lhi ,;arid El~~,OB~E~VEP AS

Paramhansa st:age iii 1948.
" ,,,
,\ .
I ' .,

1_;. .,


~;,~,~!ie i$,;at ,present, w~delyknolVn ~,s a, self,"f~ed,,¥pgi OF· "
o~/Kri~a ,YC?ga order in the line of' Sri Sri S'er..P~ar.Q KA-'RAR ASHRAM~ PORI'
L~~iri,. S~i¥u~tesW'~r Gir~ and ParaQ1t1-h~ns •• Ytgan¥da.
He, .has, flt~racte(l the. attention, of educated IndiaDS;1&ad
\V'e$terners,Qy heis v~st knowledge in Vedas.U~niSads, •. '.,~, _s,~.t,~ ear!ie~, SriYu~te~",a~ee,$elet:t..ed,Puri, for
, ItS, ,rJcll spmt\JaI climate, t,o,be-the suitable place forestabli.
Bba,abat, GUa,and other sCriptures inclqdintastrology .•
a~ronol!lJY,pabnistry and, ~adous sJstems of'Yoga., Through '.sbln~ ifninsfituteof ·Yoga. ' ~ccot'dinglY~on ,theaulpicio"
day 'Of"Ma~a~isuv·Sa.nkia~ti .(Vernal ',F.q~in'ox ];>a,) j. e.
hiS-proacienc}dnmanY'language.~heis accelJSibleto peop~eof~
22':l, ~903,b~'e~ta:,bHsl!ed'this Ashram ~n.d named it. as' ~arat
di~t;~ l~~age$ 'ana occupies ~a- high ,rank !amon, ;;,ill1'~
~s~talD.· -He cfrd$'e,'tins' d~y ,beC8use· Qn this da,.;, tbe'lull
IndIan Yoga.,:·" ,'.. ',';' " " "J',i;;,X9
, . ',' ;1."" '. ',~_'a'nd"sets giving I!qualperlo4 -9f,time t,o the d~Yand
:', "Swami·PtelUangndll Giri:;tbe·:pt~nt ,.Vi¢e.l'resicfJ.'.f ;Jp~ht., ,~his type of equal division occurs twiCe in a Y~ar, one
Kalal.' Ashra:Jn!Came 'to.. rho: AlhramHn 1958lud».27tb a"'l n: ~e-, 22nd, .~al1:h- and tbeother- on 22nd September. OIl
and l,aflie "Ufe:of-a.'&a-hll)~h,ari _,' &. long ,period the .these two day•• 10 a ~ear heat and cold are evenly baranced.
guida-rae" ofSwamiHariD.raDaDdaje~. ' He took 'San,ss frOID ,In human lives, sorrows,. suffering and frustration, . syinbQIIlIe
Swamijee in 1974: and il.mail.,ing i-be:, Ashram in all res~. ,he-cold whereas, ,pride, insolence and egoism stand for'tihe
w h.epever SWtfoQiJijee15 a~ay; ftom Puri;; . eat~ Man ,a-chiens Godhood, only by harmobilin'tbl!Se
< '~el l:J'l~:- t I,. . : ,~,~-: t ,wo states. Mohabisuv Sankranti (Vernial EQuin~, Day j
Xl:1e~'ra.r.,Ashra~;' ,bas.. beep, impal;tiilg;\spi,ritu;di ~~, for. thi, eqoilibrium. Sri YulDteawarjeeused to uraa,e
tl'ail)ing to tJ:teseek~rs ~i~bJ ~",tieWi to ,heliq~rn(in, a.ttainiJul ~1i,ious lIleeting .011this da,. eYery year. On thu da,.,"ti~
self~,e•.ljsation (, God~t'e:a)is~i",nl. In fQrih~aQ~ ,ct.~&( 'of , shr~m completes its 75th nar and therefore ~ceJebrllting
Qbjec~i,ve, re~ular training lIes.ions ,.i1',lIH\Y~..,'\Y Qga ' are, ~ .ola~ond Jubilee under the P~esidentship .of .the Governor
co~pctedunderr th~,\ supervisiol),w.,g~~~c~of,: Oriss.a.
Swa~i firif-Jal1ih~J'~nanda Giri, Rresidento.f ,t~ ,J\s~~m,'1V,bQ)
,also initiate people interested .. in,. the .. "S<;~~:d)CK~h~")
including ,those" coming from abroad., ,The, \Ashr\~mlllso
c~rtteiD\)lat~S'to'" statt study.centres 'to:: ld~~mililif~ithe • Karar ({rbaba.n Sammelan
knQwledgia'~d'~~ch~ique ofK~iYa Yoga at,cl'itf~r~rit'plac~"h)
thecourittY a-rid;a b~o1d, 'To"cbis end. Swamije'~'ha-d rec:~-,tly(
. ~)

.tisited countries liie Gbtlll~ny,HO'lla'lld~I:J3~lgium.-r..~tin;

AlIlericari States .a.ridtl1i,1 U.:S; A. wbere;.~bc~re.' have'
been. opetred~' Time--~rid1,'resouJ!Cltjllpet~tting~' :eHortt to', ~. ~._;
'stud~ cen~res bicOt--b",countrin' wil~contin.ue-.
., ~
'J .:r ,

w" ' There is another circumstance, related by him~' Hl~t

A Biograpby dr Vokteswar ,Jthout dou bt influenced his penonality and tha tgave .hbh
, fticient independence to look for his uOnce,~hei(:1

When it is a matter of relating tlle\lite'sOf who men ':' as Jc,>ung", relates Yuktes1I71lr,"still a child, my mothe1:
'.aid to me : 'The man who accepts a job., under the orders of
have accomplished a spiritual mission, as, jJJ,~elcast"of ,aUnts
;another, is a sls,ve'. That idea was 80 indelibly recorded,
and prophets, tbe biographers tend to omit all that which &.$
a, direct relation with the teaching~ or with th't~...ufesta.~
r that even siter my marriage I refused all types of positions.
,,:lcoveNdth'e expenses of the bouse by investing the family
tlons which testify to the high sPiritual eVbluH'on' of th'e
'inheritance in p'rbt>erty."
holy men.
,:"", ' Thus" those-who knew Sri'tukteswar, dor:iot li~ger on And this spirit of libert, he always maintained an4
the relation df the life of the gr~at' Guru before the timelu; ,the inheritaI?ce he receiVJ!d allowed him to retain the
began to reaUiefhemisSion entrusted to him. He himsetf, at independence even in the depails that in daily life make man
bein, questioned bya gteat: disciple, ',''yog~n~n4~~' !f)nl.Y,ave • in some way.s, slave of another. Of this liberty, fruit of
hi~,the Yf!ltr.~.his birtli',a~,d " f,e~ ~,t~~r de~~ls~,r a~~~"; 'fortunate Citttunsta:nces. he took advantage in order' to
i ,dediCafe himBe~' to t1\e service of others and to live ~,life of
so tha,t- «fe' dlsnpie~outd.ta~~ s~e uIp~r~l ,,~~oj).l1 t~~~ ;,w~
,humility arid to keep a ~aughty attitude in front of the
COnttl~te'to tb~forma~~.~n ~f~'S
yq~~~}isc~J?lP.r, ".,1./',.
/sfciyolities and the Powers of 'those who on occasion 'Wanted tq
, . S~i,Yuktefwa~ iQ.,_ra~Pore.·"" ,'boaft infrottr of him. ' '
1855 aQa 'was th~ son ot;1 PtpS~f()UsJ~,usi~ss.otQan w howas '1:0 . ' .
leav,C to- his. $on ~
he, ia~;i1y ~8;D..8iQP'tmat, later was· the . , With ,the guidance 9f the,grate J;..ahiri MahasaYJl, whQ.
h~rmitage o~
SriYu'kteswarGid .•,i Hi_,fMlily llaQlewaslbiya .• 'was his master since his middle age and notwithstanding his
natb"~ara,r, w.hich h~ c:han~(,t~, :Sri. YuktawarGirLon .deficient primary education, Yukieswar became, wise m~n~
~comii1gSwaQ1i.' .
I . j' ~.
"! t{.h
,. : '"J" "
.' , J'
' ' His great passion was ar.trology. He was deeply interested i~
:,,~i~ priQlarY,~etllWjl'tiOn ·was·very little, very .low and u~ra~elling ~he,myste,ry of. how man, being the mpst 'p,edef~'he himself> d8!lcribed wben giving 10D1e'deta-ils within creaUOD, could be Influenced by the stars, that were
~BQ.ut;his Ijfe., ..' " . " but masses of material. And he was obsessed with working
~~,.: ,~,' .' .
olita system,that could counteract the stars' influences.
_ "Wbilestill Yery' :tt>ung,he took·tli~respo'nslbilit:J '0£
head of the household, but his wife died at givin.l! bn:th toa After long studje~, ht>found an error in the Cl!llculdtiont
daughter, who also died in her youth after getting married. ; of the traditional,~astern. astrology and in Western aetl'OnOblY
This circumstance of being a married man and fathet of ','md develope~ a forgotten science in India: Cosmic Astrology;
~J'_I,,:place:him, th'esallie as Lahiri Mahasa,a, his Master, :Andwh~n "Lahiri Mahasaya gave him the t,ec;hniqu,.f
among those men who reached a high spiritual reali~atiol1 ..Kriya YOga in Calc\1t.ta, he found that throughthis he W;1.J-
without the family obligations being an obstacle to reach it. :,able to c()n~rol the influence of the stars on himself and oa.
:,the cosmos. ' ,
But it would not be out of place to say that the l?arly
loss of hi~ lov_;l~es facilitated in practice, the complete In accordance witb, liindu, T~adition, Sri Yij~teswar
dedication to the mission to which he was called, since after as a (:omp'le~e Yogi: he laad a ma,fr4e~ life aQdt~n· ••
the death of his wife he entered the order of the Swamis. ~ved as a ren·unciant. He had aU rhe-<lualitits,of a'Yollin'
,S 9

:~~~~?1~1lt. ,}Vith;:the·de~d$-oi1:be) Veda'l' hewelif'dllDo.ticed the pow~rrul perso~alitJ and the irre$istable magnetism"~
qp, ~~e..•treets lalldm!lde.GO fanfare 'or boastbf liis\visdom~:R'e bts G'uru : "A Christ lake man in the ather ro.beso.fa Swanll
--wa"r~~umaneven, ~R('th~ &llialldetails tlf8<t'chUact~me-tlte stOOd'mati onless a t the end o.f the lane. My stare resfed
.po.n:ullC?nma~ likE!.~~hen,hi!discussed ·prices in the market ;.' he :1 upon him for a moment. The doubt assailed me,"
,even hadf~~e Qfbein~ stingy. ' ~':
"Yau ate confusing this wandering monk with so.meone
, . ·He ,was'-strict ' and '~~rawitbhis disci.,,~ ~~s~ he kno.wn to. yo.ll. Dreamer. Walk an,"
IlOnsideredt&~t thi~Wini'ii~e~sar~~oi '~h'eif f~r~tiQ».",8\tt
CCAfter tenmiriutes 1 felt a heavy Dumbnessin my feet,
h~ ~'ways acted with just'ice'and lave tp~he,po~!l~,~~~rP.
dISCIples had not only reverence for .him' but profound .A'though turned to. and 'the~ were unable to carry. me,
~~~~~~: ,~W,beJ1it;. wasl necenary he·jn,anrfested iJilimited farther;' Laborio.usly ~1 turned,aro.und and my feet r~galDed
~mdlles~ and, ,several anecdotes umain'to'S'bow~ i~b,nt 'hl~hrs no.rmality. I faced the opposite directiop and agalD the
~, ',',.,
-'- ..
- .
mometltlJ.,:' .,': .. ',' ., \t cndo\l8 w~ig"t o.p~ressedme."
cCTbe,•• int is magn~tically drawing me to' him'. I
,.'-Vlien', he'
arri,y:ea j~,P~ur~.~~e);~ty'l,~~;,~q.;.~b~~'
, been Q~el'Vil1gmy erratic fo.otwo.rkwitb
JJ~u!titudes:tof devote1 ;r;.j~,~~,
"' a_zirt. and: now burst into. laughter : 'What. have yo.u
.Jslt:the f~motU't~~rJ~J?f J~~,~~R~th:,cap'~~r~<\by,~J1~~~Y ,
o.fth~ bay af ~engai.Ch~fl~,hf~~~i,rRFL,~~:~qp!i~J1.n,~ 'a*- ~ra=y 7'"

.eat,the §'eli"arid fiavance the training of ~'419HP:o.f
.' " -, "I retraced my ~teps and I reached the narro.w lane, A
, , few steps more 'and I was at his feet:'
.~.,,: :.". ' .. J ..• _,••.. ': "; -r"; -J' •.:~ •.;r-:;l-~ .~~" e.' .. /cO

",' I'To/diat Ashram in Puri.,l~Jte,tQ th.e{1~r.wi~~~.:<# , "HisOivine face was .o.ther than I. had seen
SerampOre. ~scbolars from, aiffti~iii' "part~ 'of ,'~l1dia.e:VeIJ tbousan4s o.f times in my revelatio.ns. His eyes elo.quently
Euro.~ari ana' American' visitors ')VePt',1:0 dj.c~i.'P.~JI9~PPi~aI serene and the majestic leonine head. his painted beared. his
thema.' V?: Y. Evans ,W~Qti.. ~s Jeft Io.o.securly hair. had come La me o.ften inthe darkness of my
us the fo"116win~po.ttra,it ofS~('t'H~t~~~aJ;:.:: ""tt.~.~~~ C~~t~ no«urnal reveries."
in' voice a~d"of 'agreeable presel!.~e..andwa.s d£~~vjng o.~thE! , '''Finally, ',au have come to. me. My Guru uttered
-venetatio'Q'thiltall '1*"
,iQAqwez:s were sholfjng hi~'
IPo.ntariedustY. ''EverybOdy kno.w him and even' though he
,these wmrds again and again in Bengali and in a voiee
tremulous with joy. Haw many years.I have waited
.idnQt· bel~g .to. '·their canrtnunity. tbeyfelt the deepest l' f~r you ,"
JeRa,rdofor him.' ,l remember' vividly his tall figure. erect~ ,"His eyes held unfathomable tend~rneess.'" (*)
a-scetic. dressed 'in·thesathon o.f the renundarito.fhum,a'd
aspiratians, '*tatltHngatthe entrance of' thtfbermitagetQ The that 'we just cOPIed. points aut'pf t~e
welcomeme,11'·His '.6~r \\ia's lang. so.mewhat curly and his ;\'aspects o.f Yukteswar's life. which he knew how to. handle
tac~.bearCkdJi1His E/ddy-\vasIbuscular lind'6tm /"' tri.i1 and c
:'with' discretion. but that his ,disciples tell inwonderment,u~d
well-proportioned; his step, energetic". ~,,_. i which gives testimo.ny to. hi~ enrao.rdinary t>o.wers: from
\ preventing, the mo.~uito.s to. bite him. to. the c~re of the ill
·U." .,a;para:rn'hlihsaTYhg:a~JndJ.'f!tetlini~bo.w he met (:;froma distabceand, his miraculo.,~.a~pea~ances. .
y.kt.jlral1dhow'~' becamel1ii' Ii physiC.f us j,iPtioDr,Ot "huuMasfet'· 'nd at 'the 'same' t'i'mt'he sh(hd'u1t -) ff,hy of a Yogi.", ,~

~ ,~ a~~ain'oG'1l$ipQ.~ wbile in pre~nqe oftbe Master,

aQP~,d" dlep)i$ttdeJaiec;l ,tbe~xis~enc~ of God because science
had not found a means,~q discover }firo.

,,!$o~'" YolJ haveJail~,>, ooe,x-plainablytoisalate the

i,SJm~:B.ow,~H".in: ..-NOUt: t,st.tubes?' He said to him
"Saintliness is not a joke, I' he taught. ··TtuHniW who i,C¥~J)JJJy'i 'I t~COlX4Dep~.D ,~perim.ntto 'YOUO£whiGhno
'j ~as real~z.ed\~is SeU, does not ,4q ~nY ~~I:acl". e:n:ept'whJn he one has heard. Examine all your thot!ghts. widlOUt 'Stoppil'lg~
gets inner authorization. And~Jn ,relati,(,!l)&Pf.:l:te ,during 24 hours. Then yoU will not complain about the
"abtrebte 'ofGQd~ I, .,
Qi~(he,s~id :' Medi~i~es ~a.v~'14(Rw1t ; yb4f..~he ~r~at,,..-,,~j;,e.
Elnj~donot,ha'v~~p~;~' ,':r::';qu .' '.; ',:,'f ,:tc
'. J;~,,:t~cplgg .0£', S.l;i Yuh~swar is 'Vef:y vast and
On anather occasion ~~>;taught : U' of~rea~ion i. ;;11 ,j~~~S'.JDil~~ ,I\ff~rent .thell1es. He,al.ays. ,PfElBdhed'limpIi.
gQv~tnedt bYrda wsh.1ibose! diat~,•.• ifestl!tb'e1Hli~~ in th" , 'ic#j~"f\4.~,J?.ot st~ ~q~, vaia., T oan ",in_mnt,jUdge. 'he
Utetnah wotld·,· discoTetU lJy ~ sdt4Mtisti;lafJi:alIea!hit~. said : 'A urM~~~y; ,~r.e,e, ~is,.not1!veD ..~te}y I'l'ell:ited-,to
lnBii, bu,C:"1:6i'r~ ar,'ttiore subtft lIW.tfhft"tbi~ U1e~s""; spiritual realization, The saints are not produced by heaps
of the conscience tl,lat can be experienc~d oriit ilif&a".e ~_blHtH ilib the bb'Ok-~PetS.' '.
,int~rn~l.,sc::~~n~e of, YPf~.T~r,
'their taws
o~f.Wt,{~~~l'Des have
prmcip!?so,fq,~7rpt18P.$1~~1 ""l.JI\lt:t~e
.c:,)ta, ~~~ ~~.
were his cq~ntM\."o~
"9~ a,~CS<lf: ¥ lJktetlw4~'.'!t~aclijngs
;-the ·,sacrf!d writiugs, of· India,
physical sc:entist but the completely self· realized Ma.~r who i~latjng them to thuse of other religions. He had a deep
UlIderst\uids' die ttu~Dltttiie 6f 'the- matCet:.,r(.~ni If~'ktes~a~? knowlt>dge of the Bible and constantly cited texts of the,
lmend(jn~d tb~&e'gUbtte la \\"5'.. Ibut' st~i~e1Y
;Wetateci r . ~ .. J evangelicals in order to illustrate his own teachings. He
··\~"'>.H "'f-4- .:'r".:.
.tibeml\lttil'iIV1 •.J-."'" ", ~.' '
. )ld.--l~.' .' [..•.~..,.'-!,
•..• &!\, :'.,' "t\ ',>

wOlte a book at the order of Babaji. "The Holy Science",

F) 'J. :.~ ' ,1"f ~; h~ ;.:{ •
8&t,.(I<b ;qf,tbe, .BiWea41d its coincide'hces with the
~aster condemned silJlple theoretlcaJ.ttJ!.'qjrig '.'arid
s~,~~~ ,w~~tj.nJ~ 0l In,dia., .
alllbitioUl'; clis""~ \ Off; kb'ew't~; t.'\f~bd'(:·c~iir~i~~~~o':l~~de
'wiWh I latgevOtabuta>ty;l lf~iH~eCl"\Yn1;ihg~ ~tc:,~2,nefif~~~1 He did not reject Western Science, nor its culture. On
t.t i·.im~.te;thedl!siri'ofr: o1;J't'<iihernlf'1 rJLli£~tj~~::I~~~~ the contrary, as in everything, he wished unity. It was he
Jeiering to a professor who boasted about hiswls(l~in~ lie who prepared Paramahansa Yogananda for his miss,ion of
commeitted," "Th~s.e 'pe4aDtS withouc, 1)lp(ltl,~h.veJrlietted the briaging Yoga to the West.
~lmp.oil unduely'and ~i,th~ut pro.~~. ,~~elhiaiW: !~pp.sophY
He advised his disciples to be a link between the
, alAha~det'6r\arl\?t(\11 ti~tcJse~., Th,e,r. ~lh~Ng~~¥<!,~e p.!.c,Y~UilJ . virtues of East and West. He praised the progress and th~
, ea;efut'lyseparhte'a ~oin lth'e'r'u,den,'ss': '?!, t ljeJrgt~'.~~~Jt
!~~Bs 1
.,ticHrbm ttrIiri't'ettI'afa1s'tl'pt16e.'" ','" •...• L ~. IJ . " sanitary resources of Europe and Alllerica and the religiONS
'''d1 :,;. i !'1\(UL,.'H,nX'l Ui, .1(1.", '.ideals that gave the millenary glory to the East.
, And. to .
thit· Pt?feSlJo~~'~et.'Rf~J:'r~uJ);Y,~~l~s The Master bad many Medical Doctors among bis
have been mao": ltiWt·'i*Yt£~"'tirigi~~1\l!1t~nt_ A!!L.!9.ltA'l4. :sciples. 'Those who have researched the physical laws', he
ho'mtne'point of
vlew-of"Youi:~,~i~~~?i,3'1'! "i';'A" 'i.', id. 'can easily investigate the science of the 50l.lL' '

; 12
··h l'fe f'Sri Yuktes'il/ar
. '''. Thus, in general terms, . was t e .,1 0... .' It
'\. ~ " , .. , ~ < ;

'Giri, disciple of La hid Mahasa,a and Ma,ter of .paramahan a ~t.l'S· ~.:.

Yogananda and of Swami Hadhararilinda, ,

It is 'impo!l!libl~to
• '" 'ef" t·cle. his
sUmma~l%e I~ ab~l.! ~;\ysiCal
~riya Yo~"a~ <hra~ Asbram
J '~ ' 1=

, extra ordinary tea\?hlngs that did not end wlt,h .. ,l':.L..ltft •. Swaibi Bidga.natfdtGlri
. , P " 193t:III. when he conSClu ••lI!U r·· .. '.' ,." '. , .....'.,.
'eat h , ·that'occured to un In
\ d. . ,.' ......•
1. 1,' ",
". "j., '

,the body at the age of 81. . , ,..,~;~~e.t8t(4,~~

.~fit~e1'9~f;e~tu"'YS.~~JJli Yiyebnanda.
1· " ,." a...;aoir tbe Master tge '!e~ ~Dl~~'. a~~~y~!i~,.t~e di~~e ~~e,..s,t~ppgb ims
··Tbree months after hiS pasSin", J' ,
'¢latrdn. caftoftfaeV edanticphHQsqphy. Si"iJ~r.IF. in, ~hefait
81>peared to Yoganaoda In
, 'I"
, Bombay with an entirely new
'. ....
he body which Yoganatt a
..' 'd himself had
~~,~~~t~& ~~~h,~~v
! body,
.' ldentlca co t.
'p ''I ' .".
thiS appant'lon
1;¥'~a~~~a,,;~v~~'Vh~'Ill~d. t~e. s!~kE!~s of uuth :with iebe
buried under tbe sands of uU'. ,n. . "h" disciple~boat·the Iln·~?(Jq~~.,f ~~,~:pQw~r~, Tp"Ye~8ntjeexpositfHI1'd£
_..I •• tbe·molt surprising revelatl(.>nste
, 11lcw.'"
astral cosmos where' a new mission await •
, ed bim
. ':or."
. \
. ., ",~~,n~h~~
~i~A",t~~~, ,~he .qqnour f)f , ,Itldia -in the'~
~io:l~'f!?~:".t~fI' ~"~~'!p'f~,..~ lQI~t:bl!eac:hM tI,
, .: "b" ' gtbrough the' earth ,b~ .alr. atl. :~
a t~~~.;.f~,~cn;lded ~~~lia~'I~",p!rP.~IO~,~~ ~l1)t~ll~ people
But IS passin .' .. 'W h dbftb
fruitful and the task of tak~n! yoga to t?~'~~::bom it
!!~,,~\~~,~~~~.a[~y.;~tf~n~., PQ,M ~~ t~e,~,.c.?'~
reali:z;edwitb the complete training of the dlterp . .!lll~~:!-~~v".~~t 1ti,ba~~J1
·1"PIt,i~~~ .•~~ ..:8,0,.~t,,:o9r~'
'gned the great Paramaha,nsa Yoganan~a. . "." severaf' people tram diff~r~nt
, ... l·
,..... ..
was aSSI. . . ", ., with their divine mission. the great Yogi Swami Yukteswar
,,.,,~ t~. G~rp pf Y061i~~~, ,a1t41 ,ahrdugh his
~~n,~~,~f".~e. ('f ~n1n~ .~,.;a;~ilhfii with;!bgfe
!,iJt~~s·'~¥lWoP~~~al~l!a,ti,CJP.~n,dleM"~ £,~ hI tJ.watIB~ .'',; .
eFrom. English version of Kriya yoga Magazine; ,....... ' .. , .. .. _ ': '. "c'" ""/<'.. ). J

Bo~ota, Columbia ..•• Sri Yukteswar Number.

i.: ...:~~!i9it:Yu~tes\V~r'
G~ri, ~he:,,~~~~l~~~;.\p.ffitim~~;i
popblar1J'tcno'Wnas CiriMaharaj by his
,.,'1" ,:' _'
,"if"r' "._.
•• ,c_.'.-- ... '-", ', .. '._ ," .(":.~':_ l. "'1. '-"" k,;r

. tet.f,,~.~~~f~~'w,as. anythin~'~~fr~p.~4}·W"i~
::q{!~~t~f~~~tt~~s' ..n~r w~~;t~~re:'~~:FM~1l,uP~~'r' iH\
~~~t~,~~1en~e'~I~r:~;~~~y~~~,:~t~flJ.~4!~~m~ !f ye~y ~'qt)R~\
,pure. virtuous and humbre hfe of a Y~~l..Iie,~.~,skR~'918
.:1855 in a rich famiIv at Srirampore ~ill"H~ogledistrict of
.~r~~;~!1f,'1.,!!J;.~St•. f~rnp!;~,a~~\ .~#!1 . P~i.y~~h,,:¥arar.
••• ••• I , ~ -
1tli~u~ti,'hfbaa a'n Ins~tla~ier~r~e ~or~nB~ljj~e,'''''tf~uJ}tl,.
~atttacti6tl'fbl' tfiefpr~at,tr le4~~~lq~; .1t~(1p,~(r,\
• " .
htra:,· ~~t,Y:~'
a ~~~t.·.r~!.'.;i;t·
•..J.n.}., ,JclP.'~c~f~,J;~p~.'.
,:~~;.qI'}~I'!!~ .~~ •

,'-c' '"
Chann Labiri of Varanasi and startOO his career as a
Sadbak. His residence at Srirampore becatQe tbeseat of
spiritual practice •.. Af4.- ~1!! deaa:of his wife be took Sanyas,
and becapm~~~~~lry~ in K~i!a YOga.,,'~ '? ',Ji'li 1
A~ a'st~d~nt he was very m~ritorious a~d'talented; He
had utra.ord!na~y cQnynand over mathema~icsand ,lI¢i~nce
subjects. He had, also a scientifiGatti~uq~ In flll,hh.taew>ns
,ands~'th. .Without cotnpl~tipg hist!ollege .~du~~'~rb1.~e
entered into family 'Ufe. Heca'ttied dp' .ilidep~ndent"e~qc;li~.
~ ' ,~:' ~ .. • .. .. ..' .':', i.. ..... ..' , _' ,. " ' •

,0£, sd .•ipt'ures a~d .di~cl1ssionso"',ertheD1.!,~dt,~~k.uJ)O';'ca~.

,·onal pi1gri~&ge. He was alSo' 'wen vetllediri muslc,and·\,~),~.
,Q} culture. It is rare to find a n]~n1i~e':himr'fi~hsucl1

e~~llent "hysita! fe8tU~8 ~ith :t~nadd~~aDdsofme;appeaiallC~'"

:.el'Ybody, waS hnpressl!d wi~lihis ~ba\tin'ift~"pe"~~~r J ',', , ",(
.msver" chifdhoodl~,,'~'udy ofktip~~re.l a~d 1.,1 " ., ~~~fr~~
not satisbhim fElr'it 'long ~!me. His .WCillt ;~~~i' ,~C?IpJ;J;~"
;d~r. whiCH ~asr.satis£ied with his contact ,,!l~~~~~J1,1'r
CbaranLalrirn~18M;iibenhe t06k initiation £rom.Jl~ ,Jie
. .
. ':-
that time. " "'",1'

;! ' ;,He •. as d'el!!pI1impressed witb the interpr~iatt611 P~.~"i:'

tp mu<lu sdiptures"andBba'gabat Giia. by bis'belove<'f'c;ura
and: returned to Srirampor~'with greater urge and love for . ffeQce forwat~ ~iscour~eonBh~.a~~ ~ita ~nd
religious'meeting ~~am, a regul~r feature at hl~,Srlr!lR1l;)Ore
residen~e. All' the s·pi~it.ual,,~inded people a~' S.firamp()~~
actively 'joined such m~t;D,s.and receiyeq gui~e.lRe~,on t~e,
'. P8:tJi oHiiirit'ual progrets.I?r was bonoured.~;J ~~eSans~rl~
, hildits, ofSri1:a,mpore ~ith t~e ,title o~ DWI] ABi:\.~,.,l11,e
tl:i.k~pre~e.Brapmin. r ,
. '" ." . \ ,
",.,',;1; .',;','

,~"'::Iiiwas favoured with Oar.san .of BABAJllM~~~RAJ~

the g'rea~ guir,u·,'of.Lahirf M~hasa:ya. 8:,t' ~~mbha~ela ,at
Ptayaga. and )Va~fQttherinspil'ed i~ ,hi~l,if;,tl,lal lDi~on.
M.l.ava'tar1lah4ji .d~r"'04ljlm .,.~"~,,,,~ •••'!!/ ,"'id,
ord~redhim'to wfi.te down ,a bOok ,•••'('si~ing tqe. ~tern
and Weste,r~r~U~'io~~
• "~, ." t.. .•..
phil oP'p1."',,, ,e'~a~i'~fJ~tt,~~t1~ir~
' .

""ises~entikf f6'1:' thiilio·d~rn·mim. whose;heart'is h~ayy witli\
~rief.·:~nid ati:tre~ies of' ma'd 'exdtei11e'llt~ and\\l'hose mind I$!
rffusedt,withtontradiCtloris; . " ". ',' '. ..::> [
J. _.'.," _.:. ''"-.

Pat'amcthansa Yogananda~ aC'qui~divine PQW'tr$.· and~

\\risddm 'frt)tri- ·his r-evered Gu'ru Yijk~:warji"aftd,r.(t fOT"
i Ainedca- in--th-e year 1920. He' est'a blislje:'Q" a.n international.
\centre .of Kriyayoga at Los Angelo$- in Caltfornia
~jof • 'America and preached Kriya Yoga through out
it<hili"worJdl 'Through his a ore
guidance 'Kriyayoga lipread in
Atrl@tic:a; 'Europe and in the Western world~ Tbe Satsanga.
SAliba' 'Vias ,·named :a.s "Self Realil;'atieh:" Fello\\rsbiJj" in;
·Ani'4lfka.l Pa~lIma&atlsaYOg'atiabda' imtderlaelY 8uceEleded:in
,f~':pt'apag.atfon '-of Ktiyayo'ga~~Mreluthea;;o tldi~i'n 19~5.
.sw1lr.di ; '~ukt~swarajf' b1essed .~his' beloved : discipl~; ind
CoM~onjhfni:die title tif paiamana'nsa. 'the ·h..gheSt" title
. "I,'
tiv~n1:6 <, _.'
a·'t'ialised'-yogi. ,.,
.":. ',:
-. I
• :., .' :'t, ;: ~'. . A
Yukteswarji nomin~ted. Paramahansa Yogananda Q8
S§c1~\l:SaEira'P~b)and attained· Mahasamadhi on 9th March~
i19~6!';Arreitne:fuiie'i'ltrrites of the Guru were over. Yogananda '
lif~i.o£o'r:Adf~iCa',~··1;lliswRIs his last visit tli) India. At America
be commanded great respect and honour and devoted his life
f~ the cause of Kriy~yoga till the 7th March 1952 when he
·'took Mahasamadhi.

During the last visit of Yogananda to India in 1935~

..he Satsanga Sabha changed its name to Yogada Satianga
ciety and Satsanga Ashramas were known as Yogada
atsanga Ashrams. Swami Satyananda Giri Maharaj, the \

dend of Yogananda and the great Kriya Yygi and Acharya

i Sevayatan. became the Sadhu Sabhapati after the death of
ogananda. He was also the Ashrama Swami Qf Kara~.
'&hrama~ Puri until his Mahasam.adhi. 'Swami Satyananda
:. ore his death. nominated Swami Hariharanand~Giri as
•• Ashra~a Swa~i of Puri Karar Ashrama and also as the
,'.' Sabhapatt.
.My Experience of Kriya Yoga
tbe Kriya Yogi
• S. M. Chakravarty
Departmental Reprt'sentative
W. Bengal Commercial Tax Tribunal

'it._ 'in the summe~of 1969,that de~ided ~ago to Puri .1

for !llcl1ange. qtt~e' did I know at t.hat time, tbat hvould
teturn ~. a:different p'erson frail) there. While at Puri,. the
'..qtit,t·.tlnosph~re aDd the well-kept garden of Karar Aspram
• , ~,:tt'", ,':" ("- ': ' • . , ' . •

~ .:_,c.';., .".
so muchtba~ I could. npt but select it as my
:' ::: ,'; ,

,ahOd., ignoring the claims of fa.hionable hotels on the beach~.

"SpifitualDiatters. at tbat stage of my life. had little appeal to .
. me..•',Yet 'when Sushilananda Baba gently informed me that
.( \{tPrin~ea. t.··· i,beinga' temporary inmat~ of the Asbram, I was expected to
attend the prayer meetings held in the Ashram on 3unday
"Swami Hariharanatt
"evenings, I reluctantly attended one of these meetings. Here.
the Supre~. KriJ'a-1pgi ,
. 'had' the' nrst experience of t.he i~posing presence of one
"'~tntiiI then I knew only as Swami Haribarananda Giri,
,the 'Supreme Acharya of the Ashram. Towards the'end of
tltemeeting~ SwamiJee spoke a few words about man's,love
.' 'ibwar4*God.'or rather, lack of it which is revealed by.the.fact,:
',,;-- OJ

'.that .• hen' t friend., visits ouf- bouse. we offer him choicest .•

. '.'"

:'w~ets~ut our offerings to God during Puja co~sist ~tly

' rickety 'banana' andl cir a few pieces of batasha. This struck
. (- '-. , "

e as home-truth and I was instinctively drawn towards the
rsoll who had the insight to discover the real reason of
,, IJ •.•• :" 'j,. '.
an's inability to attain the required -spiritual heJ,gh~.
.wamijee went on further to '-Elescribe.tbe state of mind of a
. an filled with love· for God. By way of iUustfation.he
ntioned about the mental condition of Sri Chaitanya Oev
i1ehe~was looking at the image of Lord Jagannai:h at the

.. "'
.... •
• I
Puri l'emp.le-how he stood speechless due to ej:stasy of JOY •
attbeJigbt of the LOI:d. FJ?r a. motllent I aad'i,tme what Krlya Vega
simiLtt feelTigtil ei:s~ky:~hile 1i~e8ing to'.S~!m%e~.It was
p08sible only through his blessings and I unders~od that he • Pyare Moban Sriva.tav
was no common a man. After'~hendmg severalsucb prayer (Advocate)
meetings, I learnt~;~Htl the~·,rlidi~e.l1' of K~ij~Y~~~ and Oeoki NiwaI, Janpur ( U. P. l
praetised it for about'two·yea~. I was convinced atib~ its'
efficacy but som~ how felt that my progress was ra••••r 1 The Kriya Yoga iii the most ancient form' of Yoga
h:al'tiMg;;1;Tite 'need tor tbe" personal guidJlDce of Guru ~a.a ,wbi~b was knowp to the most renowned Yogis of the past of
) ,

feliat':this·atage'.Wnen t'narfat~~ ~ problems to S~am,i~ee, ;our ,motherland India. The most important and the moat
th~SYPl'eme Kriya Yogi at once stretched his protectlvewtngs .~~ie~.t QiYogia, was 'Babaji' .ho may be called tbe 'reatfst
over me and gradt,rally unfolded tb~aiyste,,;~ .q~ ,Kri:r~~Y()ga .aDei,h.~r1i"t .Guru and who i•• till living on the Himalaya.
aGtdht~g; td~' .:reCJptivl~Y;. ~fn5~.·t~e~ }JJ\'1 l~~y~~;c~nie DlOUJltains. • I

C{)~ta'Ctf ~Hi a no,~?er' of}~~"bre~br~o.: :;'?f :~k~~~e~~!~e.r.i~~~'1"/ ,( B8bajh unfolded tbi, .c:ience of Ktiya YOfa to Lahirl
.have' discusse~.·'wlth . tliept .abput, thelr e;lpe.t,t,e.c;~~,\:}f :•••••-7a.:. lIJbo in turn tau,bt it to Shd Yuktenvar Giri~
Y'oga.-·-Al1 Si~ere-I{ti~a Y 6gi ir.e found to'h~'cifthe:· . wko'wu tbe Guru of.Shri yo,anandaji and S.ami Harihara';'
!hllt~~et"" 't&e--~t:t~·· ~f1i~~~fe>:~(p:u'~',
lndkal:io1lS0! ~bi~ne l>tesencif VIZ. the sensations .of r~6~;
!~~, ••. \ )J. ,~~~~~~f~~: :•..aGki 't.JonQsto,tbe 'Worldwide or,anization. 'Yo'ada
S.baaa ••• Sotiet, of India.' founded by Sbd Pa~mbansa
.scrund c:and' bttch 1: are" iett"thr6agl1'ciu~ 'eli,e' 'b,o~;':~6
.~~ti~~;j . Yoganandaji. .
Thi~fe~lilJg: 'of biYiti~.···p'~e~~n~~ ~~i.C;I; Thi,'Kriya Yoga ,is mentioned by Lord Krishna in
cl-ia~'irt '~?~~l~fe'~n,~. :~tf,~~ud~ :.hf;e~o\~~e (~:~r
~():V~fd~ Git:a-;- " .
YogjrJ' FftStiy~lie -eJ(pertenc~s,m9~e '..,ap<l:.~..~pfft:!ln~L .aPJ , "Offeridg the inhaling into the exhaling breath an4
und~ut~ci~$f~~~~iCJ?~,,~~i~cf.Jip" ~j~~'~?~¥Jd ~ofl'ering.the .exhaling breath into. the inhaling breath. tbe
teS~.~n~'.tti. ~~~,~',Vc¥7~~~~J.~!gf::~~C,?~~:~~ ~~l!fJl!tl!I:P~J Yogineutralisel botb breaths. Thus he releases Pran from
boi~ ~b:f~-','a'~~ 'm~~F~~ ~~p~9:~ef. vI~lph'J5J;r~~ f$R:'i0!e-, 'the heart and bring. life force under bis conttO! It

meats;' Brm-g' 'll~ . Bey;:St1cfe~slJ,l,~tS W~fl~lY;l~ff~r~e.t~~~; ( GitaIV 29 )

if I;! itierlf d~\;~1oPS·"'.
~~th1n "hiIiis~tf ~. ~E7~liqg,
8fla~~PtJ Th,J ancient hoary sage 'PatanjaU' bas also mentioned
~fcll-i ls'l~~~h~iir. m~':~~~ido.;~~!~
..~..~~.' t.l·.~~~f~.ll
) ...t~~s.e.. 1 ltQe Kc~i',Yo'a in bis classic work'Yogasutra'- .
~¥~~yA?~..o(,i~) ,~~)~~~v~F:;

1~ .~ Kri,. Yoga consists of body disdpline~ mental· control
~~~:~ f~12f~{711~~~~~f
1o~JJft·;ii,' n ,l'; Y. .,)! ". J 'jand medit.~ing 0& Aum. (Yogasutra II l, Patanjali· .ftitther
':in:! ~b 1HV/Cl"l
'.,. nv:, ,1
[) ,I<;V!")fJ
<. ,. '~'1'
.. ..• ~'.'i , LIIL; (jJlJ~~·"u;
.. ; . _,J j' , ..1 ,S8ys,·J..iberati.encan be attmed by that 'PranaJam' wflich
" I 1 d~ "':iV"J~it) u1 1/1;':1;'1\! ~d1 Ltr! udw (;O<.q· is accomplished by disjoining the course of inspiration and
JO CloaRS1 .J]"). S .... ' ,,' ..... "". .' ..••. ,'
·' rl !·u.';·)J·q? k,',iu{J':JJ ::lIb ';'I;IJ'; u] v.:l,,(·;,L.I ...•••,-.'~
.. _piration. ell: 4~Yoge_utra ). . .,
.•:Id. ('.t~ h J.. • . . j .-1

,,"" t"
~ JO )01 Tt 10 'pH'
:"jLd" 9.J1
•. (,.1 lSlil'lU~
!H) ~.d.,W'.·l ..
"'':. Tb.lCdya Yoga isa simple. psychol'bJsiolo,icalDltfhocl
sri ,ooi11l1JC:Ul1i 10 '(HVI yU .. h,~j101!;lHJ; rLj'j, L d •.lmil "whicb human blood 'j, decarooni%ed and recbllTg~ with
vO/U a"nsjllicl'J i"l,C;10 noiJibnoJ JHJrIsnl $c!:J ;;0) .. du ;":J[.",I~(;:;'U ygen.T.b~:.tom •.af the-extra eXYlen ,;all. ttan.lriuted ,rotC
·1 jI; Q'1. Ie current to rejuvenate the_ain and spinal centres.
9 d !1JE!HcLpb I"'.'{
i··,'. 'J"<:>--,~r'l'
: ,1. 0: ':.:_';1 ,,0 ':Ilu! VI
By' stopping the accumulation of venous blood. the
Yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay,of tissues. An .. f\
advanced Yogi transmlf.t'~'" ceU'f"" enerQ.
Shri Yogan'andaji;- further ex'p'ains ICdya Yoga thus:
~ararAsbram, and
'..... t;·~.' ", "I
its Tr~'dlt1o~
r'. ~.:.' _' l'-j I .! t :; \1.- ~

That. h~£ a, lpjnute, ~?£.Kriya yoga equals one year of to l • r~


Bt ftlri1' ft,lHtU!i l''Untb t<Jm~n t.

l·.I'·· ;",\"¢i.'a..I~ravartlJ
t,~~rt~ts )important to observe that this most. ancient q.... .• ; SrI.:
~'.' P~~~.·ath~a~.>6
, \ ,I ,;' I ,i~r _
kCt~n~ ;oflltttih :Yog~' is' 'Oltr heritage. which t&."oldest (.(Ul i ~eba\fof ~h~difCigles of ~~ aan~oJ,
Den9wned sages le£~ to tbe world.. aut it" develQjled \~4·\.w.....a8 l . '. ;.~' !l~r~ Y~tje$,w"J'·AJhram)
pta?ti.l!id -W ih<Jbtit':l'hot~Karnl~ ~ ,,< ' . .• ,;
1 "(.(f~ e1ledit· f6rl~~lidibg l~liis ·t(rijilYOga in thJ ~
~i 1l0'lObN.rel/emhGwrw'ev Ali Y9~itn1arldali\·\tbo' ~
!~S~ es~lain.eH \tlOll t.b~' ;'ttre :itietWifitt "bltsiwJbprtfflS
atl' bleb. uft•••••• tlldjlf'h.
disciples. . ' .~,libWUI.,ti
" . \~t~ Jlila:r,Tbe.,;'.~J;~)~Q"" .ttp~- •.••• It of the
~f"¥f~1~~s~q.Rt.5~.~i :y:~daji"i dler.rhrte;.n~~
~n. ~f~f~;t~~~I~ fp4f~,,, .: '/!I> 'J 'Ill,. ::;r\1 ~""Vf''!'!t'/J

. " ~~~~\tl~:t~,~F~~tl9~ij)\r9a~,tb' ~.t"dk\:!of1401+tt ••

:t~',J!,?rfl:fn~, iWea~~ot.~ll\~ X~~a~ ~.~,k1 tlt.e.W.
a.a 'East. .~;.Hh'1
;,. H;e isel~ d~~PtI~~~~l~~~~~,~rt1Y~an?ji
III 'ta~ryi~g tout the mISSion of our world WIde organ1UWJ~
1 . must record my pwn .i1I;l~re,~&,iC)t1 ~~~~ •.'b~.,divine .

se{i~it.t'y.~a~s iO'toe
[llsathaahi~i~i11) lThl~ '&~l>penei1j
prayer room of-Bfa.-!' 9.ill'rli·ftjf1 :; .'<)1 H' l:J. .• l."J,d! ., ",~.l '" .:J
t. ·.THiS;'~.eate8t qualities, are that he best~w& bis.~ersonal
."..,.tdl. .allcL'l.Jtfi.eQtibJ. ;oD.,.q'ery~tsc:tt't6,ih 8tlcti'i.'m~t1er that
everyone' bdi8veIb.·,'iwal1iji ils'lllrist"littl1tbi.t¥o~ m
.lirtmost ~uJJ.y..t\lJI&Hihg"the' lfims1a\1ti id~kYfbt"~ich he
-'dedi •••• Uus life .nd1~ice/nl1airi~.~jf"I)~'titsffltft: .
Mittan' ~lbri'alJo{iin \the,911tn:JuS' dllMtritr,.re.fs, 'BtiMpe "~
rf~"', ~ t!Ji.• 'r~' ..", J •. ., I 'J..
•.6..•••I'tirR.11",,,,. .\; ',I .. --, ,
r', I..'. 'f": f r, hr"l' u.. Iii ,

We fervently offer oUJ. pri\Y4l,lJJ.'fdltariftt oJt'bim~.H.Jae

~8\ ..• 1.b.t,lClh.~".J~ibi(tolJID8bte;1Iiili ito 'tbmt>lete. his
lij'rint,.fPis.Roi rhelPif)g. •••• Mtd ItO IOl}tOre1pe.' of mftRllMl8
.9JlP,Wnel¥i,botb o\J~er And inner by,tbe Ptactice~ "'CCiya~'
.il ~:)l'flq' '1.:, ••• 11-· ."J'I"''-U'" l';l:t1.l: .,'hl
24' \

DAIL Y ACTIVITIES IN THE antra with a sml£Hquantity of water in ,hand offering' the
ASHRAM LtEE d to the Lord, starts taking his meal. The meal is genera117'
r; ,~" 'l~" .' nS,istedof rice, hot<;bpo.tch, pulse, soup and a slight curd
Early dawn at 4.~0 the celebates leave theitbeds at the 't tbe end.
->und of the bell and after having prepared" for mornjng
prayer th~ go round the Ashram compound thrice with the 'After an bour's rest when] the clock strikes 12
choru~ 'All sing the name o£ Lo'~d' playin~ on tOal-coml and , aharajaji appears in the class room with all the students.
cYmbais; Next, irrespectiv~ of student~, teachers. ~"~tes ',their lessons go bofor four hours. Next tbey assemble in the
aad 'ascetics ':all stand in lines and utter hymns firat to"i,be i,diningr(jom and are supplied-with sweetened parchedpuddy
Goddess of Learning then to the Goddess of wealth and •.• "and fried rice. Having finished refreshment all become relld,' to
last to tbe' Mother Durga. After that all assemble in a hall the ground for sports for an hour and then tbey return
and: everyone takes bis seat .nd~ ita ttl -Mahamudlla'. After to their residence after cleaning their bands and legs near the
iepeatinR t&i's Yogic exel'cile,'Hae' M\1t4te MadbUkait. welt. Tben they assemble in a hall where Maharajaji i~
Bba'" for fourteel1times and tben, ~rf.rd1·Y •• 'Mudlat "OE' already seated in an arm chair.' Bowing their heads one,' by;
, ~YdtrM ud'ra',i after which 1 eyer! litbna,-:io. if' ,6. bo\iI .WIt ~~
•• ant at his f(~t they use to take their seats on tbe carpets and
head 'at' :tlfe' ieet 'of -the GUruwhhe. ~utteriDg'eInt . f,nj: ;recite the verse Shibastaka and then the verses on Ten
Scofttrllnd:Guru Ptlinatn Mentm. .• ; D.fties. Other things go onas in the mGlrningprayer, and with
•..::il:~,'t~"t)j ~. .' . .
'the Guru ;Pramana' sloka at the and 'Satsanga' music goes
At7 a, m. 'the attendants", serve eyel' one "Qh "t ~ C?D upto 8. 30, before dinner. Generally hqtch-potch, curry
gram mixed with bill of 'ginger and salt as bre.W_~.t and poridge ar~ supplied in the night meal.
7.3Oa11••••• blein the class room for prepadn'thfd. ~
Middle and ,(iii' Upper. ~,;In these ,clalsea ,4 I.,.,••••
the·school.:pr,imarily tbete are three classes U),Lo.,re,:tp

~aught egoBengali, Sanskrit, Hindi and Englash. The Sanskrit

After dinner Maharajaji discusses up to 10 P. M. with
~he students, and teachers sitting on the 1'00£ of 1;he palac~
':priyadbam,' regardh1g the movements of planets and:stars,
fa:t book& for 'studi.' in those tbr •• 'clauea ~er.'Sadhu andtbe~ td himself bids all to go to their beds. ThuI:sday is' ,
Vyakarana','Sipba MClnjari' and 'SaJ1sk,dt. PrabeJ~' ;~egarded to be their holiday and there is to found a change
,respeetivewwritten by MahlJrajaji. Tbe Jason. co~~ue up iin their normal activities. No lessons are given on that
,te 9 :a. OJol " 'iday.They spend thei~ time in merry making or writing
At t'be soun<f of tbe bell'every one apPet1wbefore thl ,personal letten. At 2. 30 tbe !ltudents and teaebers
wttl irti order' 'to cleanse bisdothings andtheb'8C 10.00.11 ,.ccompanied by Maharajaji proceed towards the te~ple of
hecome ready to 15atheirl'the 6eean and at 10.30 IIn't81r. tlHf\o ' ,J~annath' At first they go to 'the temple of Leknata and
'seats for lunch. Tbe scene is a ver~ chariJling:o'rie.' Atltbe ':recit8 'Sibastak Stotra.' After tha t paying their ho.maget~
, Itudents sit in a row and the teacher inftoar:keeping the 1tthe Goddess of wealth, the Goddess of learning and tbe
~abaraj •.ji ~t:ween the r~ws but at the e~g... Every student
h~sa' bo~land" a ' cup of hjsowri by Ids;jideandthe teachers
Motber Durga in the western side of tbe temple they enter
.into the temple of Jagannath and recite 'Dasabatar' Sloka ,I
salt and other foods are luvpffftfj-,
everyone uttlfta vedic
,and taen come outside the temple aod bow' down to their
~eligious tea.cher and return to their residence together.
J'taving finisbed tbeir evening duties they assemble in a hall.

81ld ,re~a ,l,>ut tb~' q1essages ofSbti ,·aam'kris~ria.• LT~en

*a~ilralaji interprete~ t?~ messages ~Ji~'tbe:,life' .of '~ri'
My,'Gurn Sri Sri Yukteswarjee
Ram1crisbnatbroughque9t1on aBd'answer ihetheCl,to·provlde'
full knowledge to all who were present in the halL ' and Kriyayoga
~:. :A-~QtJ.r ~lientfea*ure of this A5hram .';,thp ~leventh
• Swami Hariharananda Giri.
day,c>f ,i;heLQ"llar ,fprtnigJlt. On this particul~~I~I\J{ev~~~:
. rpqpthiatl :,Qtber aC,tiviti~s continue ,.except J:eaC"l1~~jiia~~ Tbe word 'Guru' evokes ,a unique feeling in the hea:tt'of
~J}g.,Aiter their ,usual breat. fast they take np~~1Mi:Yr!1 • d4~qtee. It is a feeling. something divine and lome ,what
,~b,a l&ft~rQ~onwhen they take !;he ~~~ad (food offet'i~""~" na,scendencal ••
Lord Jagannath.
Thus when throuihp~aa~~ and disqplip8 tbe.,.fir~t Sri Sri Yukteswarjee was a unique disciple of Srimat
~hitiBaba-the King of Yogis. I heard about him from
.uag~ili over their greatprecep~or i~str~~~ i:bepl the .It&'i
vatiortik ;~u~rters, Even I heard it from revered Guru~
science by means of Kriya,yoga.,
, Sri Bijayakrushna Chattopadhaya~ a spiritual giant of great
He 'acquaints them with thetnow1e~eil)t:Vieda,tatai~~' i!.mtncc!. that ,Sri Sri Yukteswarjee was not an ordinary
PhiloSC'phyi".8. the Philosophy {)f the Selflmi.sttti.~.8 m'l1. ·he -was a supet' man, a great m'an and a divine .,erso"
mankindi ' . ,','\ '. baltt!v.lo.Ie:ving heard this and being acquainted with the
!tram Astronomical point of view Maharai,aii ~nditat'~ Ufe· and super ;powers of Syamacbaran Llthoiri Mahasaya
4 :periotlsof transition during a year. e. g. thei8th'dij~hhe' I cherished a great desire to meet Sri Sri Yukteswatjee,
month of Asbara. Asbwin. Poris andChaitra respectively.
F,rQm $~e,(8t4 Asbara the duration of theday.~egi~~ t~faJt C'Where there is a will there is a wayoo:-"I got an i
diort 'and'on the Sth1\shwin the dllYand the mght : b~~~:t~
equ~I'aftet'Vtlith ' the day' time. cantin f:1~sto'be" Ptbgttslliye ~
opportunity. I reached Srirampur and .arriv.d at his
retidence.. 1 heard from people that he was a man of .~

short till the Sth'P6us 'from which day the "dutatfon of the
d~y begins" t6 increa~e and again the day ali' t~e nig~~
become equal on the 8th Clllltra. Yukteswar;eeJperctiv,edan
i serious' and grave temperament- a sout unlike others. I was
aI,little ~fr.idat heart. Bpt again I thougbt- 'before a man Ji!
of,his ,stature and eminencew~th divine dispositipn w hel'e"
inseparable tinkbetween a:man's life and tHe '~ettlent
sUI'S and'the planets. Fat the eJrpansidn'8ina' prOpkgadon
of ~heoccasion for fear I If some one is afrai~ to go. near a !I
;hpl)ey COQ,lh in fear of baes. how can one taste the sweetness
" :,.... '".j . '-.' , . . , ..,

of the KriY'agogahe arranged· an annual as~tl of ~'Good ol,honey.' Witba, strong mind I approacbed: "
".~. .

peot:>le~'. Me fixed the day tot'fhe Annual Religiotkc.rt!!~

of the 'Ka~ar Asbrama' to' be the Vernal EquinoX' i~'~.~the11k& . At tbedobr of the roo~· I looked at him from' a.
Chaitta. distanCe I saw him sitting there crosslegged ina; lotus
posture. He was sitting quietly with a very calm and

.'. subHm~disposition. Standing before his august p~esence.

,1 felt; ~ore attracted t9~ards him. than what I was. With' a
'.'},ooy'df ~treme fair comptexiolh he was sitting there;f· .'have '
31'Jever~rFaucha perS01\aHtyin my life. His height would
;be approximately of six and a quarter feet.; His weight would.

not be less than one hundred Kilograms. ,He was very <'
"Again ':h~ask~J .100 yOu know Astrology t' "I have
hilOdsome, with a muscular,and strong physic~l frame. With "~fn-e(l 'Ii Uttle from ;my father," 1 replied. It pleaifld him
the muscles of his,broad chest th~ust forwa'hVand spine as ··m~ely.·MY eddcatian 'and culture together "'ththe
straight as a ram rod. He was sitting there with all his glory. pitlt~~fbent of mind of my parents and relath:esattd t~r
The muscles of his thigh and legs were so stron~. ,that the ~~r'st~t us ga\?ehim much satisfation.
'~, '. " ( t .

strength of,three or four youllgmen would have been of no - . ,'·1 think you know your horoscope" he again asked.
significance in comparison with his strength. I was very :,."Mi',fac&tr .has handed over the horoscopes to .11 hill
much impressed by his personality. I lo'oked at his hofyfee~
.. ,
I remember:' 1 replied.
He was endowed' with a pair of beautiful feet. AdMne ',}-; ' - .' .

radiance was emitting out of his whole frame. My ,feln :r.i '~ ,.He asked for my horoscope. I showed him my own.;
gradually melted away. ilie expressed his great pleasure and predicted many !utute
He lowered his gaze and looked at me. Again h~ ' ~'feDtlJ~9f.awlife. That I w~uld ,take ·sanyasa· i~ fu~ure was
turned his vision inward. I bedame aw~re that he had ta~eQ 'J?;~~ttd::.,pyJlim, He looked: a~ my palm and show~ me ~he
notice of me. I gathered my strength. .
. '-,'t'
tin'.Irulica't~g ·sanyasa: immediately showed DUll abQek He
There was no body inside the roam, .. Whll-l'.u
devotion I went near him and bowed to him twic,e. t~~".~g
the first ,toe finger both of his holy feet by the mi4dl'\Jt:fipt'
'''~'p,.lmhtrY. to, corroborate the fact. , I was happy. But I wal
i'U.tJe1defident aha .aid.
do not possesIIany quality of • fill

of my eye· brows. Holding my head withboc:h of hishanct. ?i ,}} ',~~Yotlll:ltlOpg;toB,ra,hmi~ caste.. You are well qonversanf:
he kissed my forehead, and bade me to sit down on the fl90r. W'itb.!~ll. swiPtures .~~ rituals .. 1 mJself am not a Brahmin.
He offered me a CHANDRAPUL!- a preparation out of
'~heeseJ cocoanut andsugar. I accepted it and wanted to keep:
~!,.f~,?~bllve a.piritual m;nd. So you- possess a g~~ter
'p~t~tu'''' ,~tentiality for th. attainment. of, truth he
it in my pocket. I asked for a piece of papet, to' i wr~. it
carefully as I wanted to distribute the prasad among the
members of my family. Ag.ift be'ias~d: .;AreJo~ followirig any particular
He smiled 3t me and said. ·You should take the whot~. intuatpath.," '
sweet. 1shall give you another for your near and dear ones. ··Asatlyasi ~1"'lghtmea,Kriya technique. He lives in
I could nut ignore his words and took the wh~te sweet. lDoutltllins. He is an old nian. Many persons used to to _0
In the mean while he asked. "What is.~9P~'' name?" 'im.' Asdi~re ~as a corwd, I could nQtapproac~d·bu. B~
uRabinarayana Bhattacharya" I answered Pbliteb. He Ifterwards I met him. He gave' me, the krba. f His pame it
enquired about my "gatra" and the sign .e>t,~natal zodiac. '. miP~tamirlanda"I rep,lied modestly. ('

He interjected, "Does it signify tbe na~ Harihara?J " I -··You, 'pc:actise kdya technique befotes, me; 'I ShAll
assented, but kept wondering how he could ~now it. . , 'i~"-Sri. Si(Yuktes,\V~traji directed me. ,f:
Thereafter he enquired about my parents and othe~ ~,., . . "

, .' ·l'·."

relatives: He became very happy a~ allpf>us w~re educated • ,t I ,p~lie~,ised!niya i~ front o~the gr~at plaster r ,.lie~"
. and,was overwhelmed w.ith pleasure ':when he particqlarly ,,'He said, ,~~1:bisisth~' kr~,a~f:fta~~n
hear"- tllat all my brQthers including myseJfwere well v.rsec;l : .':,,SW'uli >'J;>a~a,ma~ •.~. ,,~staught :90~ t~, ~r~,c~
ioaU kinds of rituals. ' d. B~ybu have scnne defects." "
)',1" •
< 30 .31

,hlfeJt; ~ ,Utd$ ~cou,~~~4 lUld\

l.;.) ,.~d.~
.~~'tMv, co~e to ": , ,t.gain
he hrusr
into'.. laughter.
. .'...'".,
,I was. t,ak:en abac~
'thefed.£rom the people that he was a man of very r~sergea"
k 1,.,
. f\~ftl~ ~Ai~kriya' at .;yoqr A(olYfeet" I~~~#l,d • from ,~ri.~elt
rl¥Jl\Y'2l'.KrishnaCbatroPf1<lfuraya th~t1Q"~.\ba:ve~t""ip,d ••..
'~ramePt and it ~as' very hard to approach him~;.But
, ~,~~~hi. \ It i~ ~',~~rnest desire that ~l~~Hld~~~a~~ ?l1~Q ffoundhim very gay and jolly- laughing and cracki~g
. Khechari, Bhramari, a~d Sambhabi~tages a~d,t.1,,\~ima,t~~ ..~taf!· ices '~itb me tngay abandon without any reservation, 1 fett
Samadhi by the help of your guidance and ble~sil1" It self blessed.
r .",:,r r"~, ,..... . "" ~'<,: ";'!~~" ~
W.·, .

.,1' .'
'" . ,.'..l'mmediatly be 'dd
a ed -. . if No, N 0 I' am not gomg . to .
;[' ;1,
i,,,a~ ~itti.g ~t aAi".~n.ce....~~·called. m.e tq'~. ·.,.po
... t ·~.~.i,:
.. 1
"tit riff your:head. 1 will only insert my head inside yours."

of him. He touched ~he '~~~ sides, 9E my ch~t~~i~_

. forehead white practislOg krlya himself. He touchei:f.Jiija. ,;hecamedumbfounded. What strange idea he is •going to
,fmy> head to awaken the kundalini power.. He putified'" . nVefl , .
',bcxJ)\ ,I felt in my whole fram~8.divine ~ulgence. 'He continued. "Undoubtedlyyou have deepest love
JI.e~~i&, "The kriyayou got is almost" ~dec:t., •.•.. ~ t Sri Yukteswar. Had it not been the case, wily at all YOU
\yoti'bti4' ;defects on two points. 1 ,have corrected" .Q~ tl)i,* of Be,lalasenaand Ekalabya and ,their devotion
; :',;' '1'offered my GUIll Di~ksbina ae:fii. hOly' feet.', ..:,.• {"ti; pgu~~,1'I amenre~el:v satisfied that you possess sucb ~fpe
t: . ,':' . ," '.' '.,: .. 'f"'. " , ,; .,' r ".\1..' , Jley:gtiQn," , ;
,. y' ·;t~is.,~o~~~', y?U o~e,e~ i. ~9~;
l,,' ~9fU4~,~!'~,' , " ,1'-'-" ,.... .. ,

desire to surrender yourself at ~he feet of YOUrG.P,f, .~o F! ~II:lkept quiet and with all humility accepted;bis words.
feel .the eternal. union with the Gur.u is the 'f~nv·atd •., ledllned Swami-Narayan Giti and said'.
~Dabhina. 'You should' a,bide by the wordsoE'yoUr', Guru .a4 ". '-,' "
'i~ata;'ai1 tHere is a 'Brahmin 'boy. ,Hewifltake his
','- ~. , ,.

.should on no' aeco~nt ignore his woras." heCoDllDeJ1te<t-".,' .Od' ivith us to ·day. Ther~ are many thing~' t~ be diSCUSsed:"
\<.t'" "'1. I"~ .;" , -,r- ~ ," •
~, "I'was a Httfe afraid and felt atretnoratl'O\>~tmy~_~ " ~r~~an\Swami ,glancedd,lt my face and left. A'ai~~i
';co~ia 1:be able to keep Ills 'wordsif,,~ ask~;,.:.s~'(&"(fo .i~gb~~ A<>, 0':1r 'pre~ious dialogue, Sri' Sri Yukteswarjee "
whatever he wants- I tbought and began to.~rsP"e'al1 ..,t~nued- U fluri ,isa holy place. ' I hid. been to Purifor
.,,. .. ; .. , ._ .:,'.'.' -"1.,' ., .'
,p.~r.; ~~alavya otf~red hi.~humbJing"'~Jb.G~m~. Can I ? e first time, w~en ~h~r~ was no railway. I founded one .
I wa~confident of myself. I thoulZht, tbat ·ilcopl.J"d.o 'j~rar Asr~m there. n••ar the sea-shore. I ,wanted
t~e saD;lp.."After all there is no uplift~t .,of.•b~.n to~ i,Xllnanda:to' be' incharg~ of the Ashram and propagat!!l
~ith()ut such devotio. to Guru. TheonIy w,aY;fQ g'ttespi~ ,iyayoga. But always he was interested. in foreign count~i~s
~t~mthe pangs of the'_o~ld unconditiona~ love '~~~iJlr,e~clt~ W 'ltfl: i'drU. S. A.ill che year 19W for good. 1 fett a little
=id'Guro"~ I was thinking. ." '.: . "courage, 'I was at a loss to rhink about the future of the
L = "";~e roared i~to ~tJghter Jooking,.tmi!,l,~~e. ",I\~~'" ,~t!lm. After' tl}ucb consideration, in' the your 1921 I
afraid? What are you thinking 1" he quipped. 'd~~,()ver'thl! asbrlirnto a trust. Up till now I bave been
, :r"Lord' Krishna asked Belalsena to'dltihishead in hilt "r,ch~qg for a ..sqftah~ :pe~son. But today'afte'r,g()i~g
oW'nhand 88 a tokenofGorudakshjna~~Ple was so'd~vo~l ri,~hyour; horoscol?e ,nd looking at yoqr palm. I fel!l tf}~
f~.!ltJulfl(e~ the •..desire 9f,God wtt~9W:!8J~tJ{~uJ!; ,!a-4.1O i ~elo~dr~ilra~ Ashram, of Ptivanath has £uture.:fQ41
~,~~,~~~~~Y.a •• ~hat1. I be able to ofl~tl,t~t.!~~i~ of.4f~~~ap~ h;fJ0lf'~,' Brl.f.htp.fn f~mil:v. and YOU .are" well ,d~~;.i~
~~,t~J~ '~,~~o~~J)Y,,~~~m ?,~ba.t is \!,~~;l4~'r "i: ~~r1''''fJ "\l,r~s,aR4 A,~,r,9,logr.Educated persons 'anJ. d(evqtees
pen:Patatlon- I aDsw~f~~,"l11:b,~,1~~'-:i~M(\'~: '.' '~~~~~:rei~te~~'-lfl<l"g~t~r"i1t Pur,i for .~he ,~paHk~'
'flit" .
, ;~f.h~Ldr~'·tdoi~v~t the ~,~: '~.i~~isa,,~re ·U·ietsedusion and also you witl beab'le to me1itat~ for a
, "~" .. l' 'rid tf a sadhaka of:"ilr,cabtire sta,. 'ngerperiod. '
, very Sl'lfltua In, ml, r. ' ',' ." L.~" ..:U" ed' ma.
' t~ete, tbepcople of Onssa and s~eclal}y t~r,~'f8t<_:m
~ogetber with tbe ,learned p~ple fr~m outsld_};~,~; ~ "" Myhea.ftwas quite heavy with fear. Is it poSsible'on
, ,"ontact with your spiritual Power. .. ·'my part'to do it?" I went on thinking, and thinking. A~ain
he said "'Don't feel tbat you are unfit. Think of the
Now I could realise why the incarnatio~ of, , ..';
inStructions of Gita. Arjen asked Krishna. if any body
:;~d the omniscent, great Guru was talkin' abo
I meditates deeJ;ly what shall be his conditiona'fter dea~h.
)insertioDtof his head inside mine. 'Krisltna :repliedthat 'he would be bo.•.
·nin a respectllblespititual
\ ,

I became very thoughtful. The words of Gutut'b". family wbe~e there is fullbf divinities and opportunity for
f not ,be9therwise~ But wberei ••that sPidt in me to fu~~l iihe'Sotltculeure and from that place his spiritual sbeet wouid
,bis missklD ? I felt depressed. , ' ,; >be revived arid he would prcceea on towards tbe divine goal.
,, ' ,. ,I "',, \ ;
";SOYOU are bran in' a logic family, in an orthodox Btabmin
," 'As Lord Krisbna could 'divine tqe inlfermosft,ho, ,
f Arjun by 'looking at bis' face.. Srr 'Sri "Yukte'~'f&tj•• ; ",famIlywherethi!! tnainwork is spirituality. So,yOUh,ave the
'aggregate balante sheet of your prior birth which is brQught
know the ioner working of my Illind.Wi'tb a "
froward here. That is why you have come to me and my
lOediatin,hisface, he uttered. "What do 10u!t~\I!
,jaggregated balance sheet also tallies with yours. It is a boon I

self? Are you devoid of tbe 4ivine qua1ities.~o' '

the work? Llsten: what Iiay. flAs the 1ittl~,'~iQf
iindis~iriseon my part and on your part. that we meet
"~o'geihe'rand my desir~. which Jogananda failed to fulfil, you
baJitan tree c~nt~ins the I?otentialityof a me;SS;~~}
"wilt be llble to fulfil, DOD't say to any bocly which I .have
"f~ture. so do you. You will see that b"yollr8in~~e~,
:"r~ditecl to you- even to anyone of your family members.
'of Xriya one dlly you will b~the Jlreates~ICti"'·~~.t '
1f friu do that you wiII get extreame b'indrances. Only
'oilly in India btit in the whole world. 1."ouwi~'6e'. DC".,:
,'tneditate and meditate and do your duty nnd surely you will
'with the' supernatural power and will a~ain,he ,s.~acl~s
. , •• lj~e what I predict. Try to seek::'good opportunity to cOlDe
'IItag'-;' tbe' highest attainment of aYo'L" , .. ' C,'
\~o Pu'ti'and join the Ashram." '
of the Gita aD!i'~~,~~
I recoIlect~d the' sayin's ,:
inspiration. '\~ ~ I felt a numbnels, and could not judge and I was aware
He directed me' to practice meditatio~ .• relY aud ,9£ m~, li\i1Pderation, my balance of mind. my amity, Ille'\1er
tom_et hint from time to time, ;'lr, , ,'~llrr~led 'with anybody. Even 1 had never cbestised ah.,body
' , . He advised,- ·'Introvert your ~.~d re~llijJ~a
',n my Iif-a eJ'cept my own nephew once; That was not 11
:iuarl'eJ. Th,at waS a siROof love, Because we were alwaYI
the (:ra'nium.alwaYsin 'all ,your acti!i,~, 1inds~te117~1l 'V'~g. tOJetber.he ,bad It great revet'ence for me. other\Vise he
will~et."eatance of mind. and diyine~.,,~',:tOu. ,You ~re;;!~
,pa,uId nO;t have initiation from me after my ielf-re-aIislltion.
an ?rdinary boy~So do not ket!p an~t~~~' fOf t~morro~ ""
ianery moment you ,feelm~1i\ting''p'tWen~,; .nd~i! ,~8;' Sri Jukteswaraji wa$ gazina at mv face an4,~.d.
;Jit~in'yo1J. ,And then ~ifliin ~ ,shott. ~iOd ,~';jy.~,b~ ,Wh'at ,,,e YQu thi~1cingt' Then I conveyed my thOlJ,hts aa
,r~iSea. It is, my 4~•.i~beart~~ d•• t~,J'C)I'IJ~ul~ ~o 'cri~a.befQr4t,H.loY$\ and'c8naenear me a~ e~taced
,'d,Pad'nd taJi:eebarfe ofth~,.~
•• m~Y_.~c.'ic,.M .,bu, . 'alia' s'id~'aurely fOUhl~e 'divine Priority in yoU:"
,. • j :,:~ir ,~_;>~::';

In this way I met several times Yukteswaraji and he'told TaJasidas. "Have you seen that Ram and Lax01an came
me before his mahasamadhi to tome to Puri Ind join the ;Youand smeared all the sandal paste on their foreheads?"
Ashram. I told him. "Surely I will go tbere w:hen1will feel ',Iasidu was not awsreof it. He was so calmly absorbed
tbat my field is quite ready for renunciation. -t,tbink my field °tb tbe thougb't ot Ram that he had no worldly sense.
is almo,st ready to accept your proposal and bl~sings.'·
Sri ,Yukteswaraji told mewby Kriyayoga' was' the best The KriyaY0ga can grant calmness within a short
tac~nique ~ He said that mind i.sthe principaltbing izlevery riod if a devotee practices the technique rigidly, sincerely
human body. From mind, people are getting so .,any ,nd deeply with love.
thoughts~ anxieties. sorrows. emotions, passions, anget.· Now I am talking how it is' possible. Every human
greed. pride, delusion. crookedness which are the main ing has twofold forces in him. ODe is biological force and
dIsturbances for God realisatipn •. Our five sense orgallS ale e other is pbilosophycal force. Biological forces remain
engrossed in tbe material world. So we are always husy in low the eyebrow upto toe- Even within the whole body.
the worldly thoughts. Until and unless we introvert our five comes from Medula obTangata and four vagus nerves and
senSe telephones and our mind, we can.not get God real_tion. I\'Ct.nial nerves come from the medula and that farce
Without cultivating lands, if one sows seeds 'the mapq:",' rvades tbe whole body. So people remain absorbed in the
tllntra, archana and japa) one cannot' expect h~rvttt. atedal wOrld and they cannot feel that soul is the sole doer
SimiIartywithdrawing your worldly senses. if yout~to every human being.
chant mantras. prayers and read spiritual books. you can ge~
spititual madness only, but you cannot get spiritloJa.1 " But .inside the cranium there are curtical nerves ( also
realisation: A man wa,lking from Puri to Hardwar on foot here are sahai and gairas force~ 0 These curtical nerves
can reach his destination. even he my not reach. On the an give philosophical and physiological forces to every
road be may be killed. he may die on account of some UlftC- 'lJman being and through these forces people get a urge for
titious diseases. ,pirituality. But if you drink nectar in a vessel of poison.
I,rely you will get death. The people are always
You all know that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught all to
l1erishing the physiological and Biological forces within them .
chant and utter loudly "Harekrishna Mahamantra" but he .~) ... , , ,

'~d are seeking God. Tbat is wby the people cannot prepare
himself set iA a cell in seclusion and did not talk with
eir spiritual field and cannot get God realisation.
anybody. Ratnaka:ra( B!llmiki Rishi) shoure.d Ramanama
for two three days but afterwards he saught Ram within People have no hold on tbeir system. But people have
himseelf calmly without any movement, and got se~f nerol over their lungs and breath. If three or four
realisation. Even you have heard that he set so calmly that csons can catch· hold the nose !lnd mouth of a man he will'
white ants could not feel tbat he was a mao and they huilt. ewithin five minutes time. Kriya yoga technique is com.•
an anthill over tbe body of Balmiki. Tutasidas wa. allo tef, baled on control of breatb. A realised KriYayogi can
pasting Chandan (sandalwood) and constantly remained '11bow a person can inhale and control his lungs. What is'.
engrossed in the thought of Ram. He Wa.1 so absorbed with re a Kriyayogi can control his dreath' without holding hi.
the th'ought of Ra~ that .he W~1l nQ~ware of th,e p,reaepqt of e, and automa":ieally by' that force he can control hi,
aam ltndLnman 10 front of hIm. "When be palted _cla1 " , mUlSc;les;tissueJ, dlapbram and atoms etc. Gradually

wood pa$te on their forehead~,thn Hapuman c.nIt ,Ind
~••r that 8 I(riJayo,i gets extfeame catmnen. All hi,
36 •

. tbougbts, anxietIes, sorrows disappear and w·,f()lgetshis Kriya Y'o!t'a',i~ ~ot a Hatta Yoga or Raja yo,a. All•
'Phfeiclll~nse and worldly sense. By the belp~of it, he can oulh we are 'tQ, do ,so maily Asanas (physical p~tures. )
a180getbreatblessness stage which is deathlessrMSI stage.. In are no austerities. It is the easiest, simplest, and,
this stage be wUlsurely.getDivine touch· ••• satioa 'in uickesc' and, ,best. .It, is the high way of common religion. '
different parts of the body. He wilt see i11umi~~tiol.1 ,all over withdraws all the mental waves ofhutnan, beings, and
the u(liverse. That is Sabikalpa Samadhi ( Nitt:aJDukta ~ves e,treme calmness TQ8t calmness is Godlines~. Ait
Abastha )." Inhalations and exhalations go on in t~~it!, Qwrt . the vital thing of human Jife. If a man does not inhail
accord, but the Sadhak does not feel whether the inhawtion, he, is a ~ead ,body. He h~s no passion. np ang,er, He
is entering or not. Only heperceivesibree Divine qualiti~s, :nnOc,goto cnechurcb, t'emple or niosque, Even 'he cannot'
boe isiIluminationall over the ooi' erse; second Divine touch ,tay' loudly with others as if, God is deaf. This air is the
sensation ·in forty parts of the 'body, Iven in 'the vaccQrn~ ita} 'f~ce'of evety'buma'n being. rtconverts' the"eIectromag.-
arid ,third he hears constantly Ista Mantn ( Divine sound ) hie frirce in every human life. In our, ever~ ,i~h~l~tion
in:him. Througb the super 'power the devotee will SUf. eqmdity of, air ·varies. We know the aii can giyeus
,et Divine love also in the whole universe. FIe will f_ ,lmljess; "When we sleep" we have a peculiar type ~f
tbatonlyGod is abiding.,ft 'halatwt!.; 'W-e ,-all'ore,,but we do not bear the sound of OUr
noring; ":N'e'get' extreme ~almness in eursleep. So Kriya
Kriyayoga is a combination of Karmayoga, Gygnayo'a otais .b.sset!- on' othat 'type of inhalation which will gi~e
and Bbaktiyoga. By the halp of Kriyayaga, one will feel the tt'eDle calmniss, but not sleepy stage. One will perceiv~
movement sensation of the soul in each centre of his spine, nly divineness'and will f~el i10tltihg ot'the universe.
tbat is Karmayoga He will see Divine light inside 'the
spine and also hear the Divine sound inside tbe $pil1e.. He The relll guide 9f Kriya Yoga can awakentne Kunda.
will practically feel it • that is Gyanayoga. Until and unleSs iDe Sakti (serpent power lin bis disciples. Kund'alini isa
a man does Kriya inside the spine he cannot get Div'ine arvalons Sakti within' min. This' is Lord'~ own power of
perception. that is 9ivine ,knowledge; and until and unless a .featien which is only awakened through meditation.
~an gets consciousness, he cannot get Para Bhakti • ·tba~ i!5 undalini is one's very life. No matter who~ver Yo'uare, YO'U
love for God. When people will practically feel these trinity, P get that p'ower through you~ Guru. It is the duty of
they will get "love for God. Untess a man gets c6ncre~e uru to awaken it.
remuneration in his work, he cannot wOl:k an4 hec8flpot get
lo;ve"for his' work. BY. Kriyayoga th, devot. DJagneti8Cltbt~ ,", .!he .a~ake~ed Kundali~i imparts skill, and tact i~
spig.e. Spine is the principal part of the human bod,~B~ ;t8.eti~al life,.' suStess, lnt'he world, and gives capabilities ,in
m.agn.etisilliour spine we can chance, q~r life force into
e field ot intetrect~a1 pers,uits. : "., '. "
ra_ia~t .aU accomplisbing fQrce whicb jn tur-Q bastel\ Q1II'
·It Kundalini power is a~akened, . poverty Vloishes
physical, mental. intellectual and $phitqal r.gtmtra&i,oQ
'M'ancedlsappears. and love'blOsshms'in the heart of ama~
apQ tejuvinatioO:. ,~~,
1, d he becomes sublime. By the practice ,of Kriya Yoga
;;,~6~~ b.ecomes, ric.h and. pec?mes the ruler of the ,Ki~gdom
:' Kd~a1Qga" the applied put of Vedantl"'J\\t- ••
h10 hIm.' Man IS.the prototype of God's thought. You
. Sl,ltra -Sdltlad 6haiibatgitG- t~at immortal soul. You are born for self rea'lisation:

You canno~ die. 1£ you practice Kriya Jogain your every In Astanga Yoga there He eight stages for God .per~

.. worldly thougbt and aClion, you wiil be hapQ1 to ~rceive eption, 'But by dik first techniqUe cf Kri,a Yoga within eight
the indwelling soul as the sole doer in you. " K1tttes,YQU can'cQooplete Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pianayllm
. n"d' immediately y~u can attain Pratyahara stage - where
Your visible body is your enemy.-, Y~ut inyisible ,'there is no 'sense of mind, thought and intellect. There is no
soul, 'is Y<:'ursole doer. So the more y(\U practice'tefiya. the ',. ., ','

';.ense of existence. Only you will feel the t~iple divine,

, more, you feel that what ever you are doing is belng' do~e
by him. b. ;
}ilensations in you 'and will immediately get DIa,ana, the
) perception of God in everything. Spontaneous God perception
. "Kri" means, you do your work as directed ])y,,~r ,in Dharana~ Just after this stage, the Sadbaka, with progre-
'brain. But dead man cannot do anything. "Ya."! me~Qs : ,.iv8 practice goes through Sabikalpa Samadbi: (1) Subhechha
soul is ~he sole doer' in y~u. So yoU ca~not do 'anytbing ; (2) Bicharana, (3) Tanumanasa (4) Asangasakti, (5) Satty ••
unrilI and unless the soul forces you to do. Suppose a,beautiful p"ti. (6) Padartha Bhabini. Then q>mes the last stage whiC!\b
venomous snake is ,plaYing. You maY'like 'to catch" an,! ris. called...Nirbikalp~ Samadhi .0rTuriya. It is possible to.
. take it to your room. But you do not catch the ve-nOll1wj '.quickly attain all the stages by the practice of Kri:YaYoga•.
,snake and do not carry it with you. SiQJila~111\la~yo~,~ , ..Kdya Yoga' does not entertain any sectarian vieW's.
evil propensities remain within you. You s,hould'Jl~jWmp Itcully,cultivlltes the mind and removes the jungle or weeds
over them. You remain in the society. ' You ,bave)ili* ,from the minds of the human' beings. So any persOn of,any
.sense. So you,
are not commiting any nuisance.• Accordingtt ..
- ." -.':': ~~der, race, or rel\igion can receive it for bis soul culture. If
•your priority God is functioning through you. some bOdy chants the. mantras and worships and prays
:without transfering tbe mind into cosmic consciousness. it
God made man in his'own image and he breathed lIlto, wilt take fi~ry tbousa~d births to get God realisation. It is
tbeir nostrils his own breath. He manifested h~;,1f'as so'written in the scriptures named Gyana Sankalini. If a
'human beings in the whole universe. So it is Qqr first 'man practices Kriya Yoga rigidly, regularlv, and sincerely,
duty and duty to perceive God, cpnceive '. God, and he can reach the divine goal within ten years time.
realise God.
. '.-.-
, Tbue is no consideration .of age and sex to receive

There is an'invisible counterpart for YOUr eV"IY b.3dlly

'Ktiy.a Yoga. 'At any time when one gets strong desire for
part. That invisible part is the real, that is tbe so,O.:Without God realisation a~d wants 'to practice regulatty,he
invisible soul man cannot get delusion, illu_.fljJ1and error. can ,et it.
I. That invisible man is a c~Ptive un4er the,bi~~'ical sensa~iC)D,. . As a lDan can cross a lang distance by aa aeroplane
By the practice of Kriya Yoga yoq can., untie tbe cor~s of . within a short period. so . Kriya Y9ga can give S1.1perdivine
desires and sensations which remain in ttle mind. B,practice \, sensations witbin a short ,period. if the technique is pnctised
you can transfer the material coi1sci~usness inw cosmic regularlYJnd sincerely inthe way taught by the Guru.
consciousness. Then even through your d,lu~ion and tbr.
your family life you can perceive h~tA\the i~vi~ible ~'~.tis ,. I hea$d aod, learnt all these from the great -Gur\:l
th~ power of Gbd is constantly fu~ng WIthin YPQr:If.)'o~ Gyanabatna Sri Sri Yukteswar Giri and got God reilliaation
feel it, you will get Divine ioy, bliss and p'eace in y~~ ~vety witbin a short period.


activitY.' .' ·,1

," . , Dev6tion~rtl~f~~~~g
"to bisbeloved \'6uru SriYukteswarjee
Karar Ashram and its Tradition
" • Yogacharya Mabadev Lal Saha
OhLight of my life! Thou didst spread wisdo,rils g19w ' !
over my soul path. centuries of Darmess'vanish'ed b~fori"th~ 'The very name of ~he Ashram is typical. It suggest~
iuminous shafts of t,hy help: .• ,i>
to a common mind to what it signifies and what is ita
purpose. The name and idea of Ashram is a Hindu concept
- : ·As a naughty baby. 'I had cried for my Imoth~r Di.ji'tl!~ and an Ashram is generally regarded as a: school, a centre of.
and.she came as.thee.·Swami Sri Yukteswar. At that m~tiri~ religious teaching and propagation. The name 'KARAR' is a
Omy Guru. Q,my Guru a sacred spark flew fre'mthee. and Sanskrit term and its meaning is link. It refers to the method
thef~gO:ts of my God-crayings. gathered,' .through incarna~ , or .mode of prattice to know the soul through body as they
tions:. ignited and blazed into bliss. At thy flam~Rg. 'golden arelihked with each other. In other words the word
tOUI:Q-all my ,questions w.ere,answered. ,' .•.. Kt\RAR. signifies Yoga or' union or link of bod, and souL
. As a respOllse to my 'soul crillB,aftC!r ye~rsof .ait~g~ '~ence, Karar Ashram stands for teaching about the know&ow
,I 'f~nd" thee. Our hearts trembled' with ;al1'" obinlt*.fii of'ICri:u 'X oila to enable oneself to be conscious of the'super
thrilh'Beloved Guru·! We metinthis lite bec/l'use we'llltd I'cbnsdousness,for deriving perpetual peace, bliss and happiness
,met before. ' - ,,' I
through the achievement of self realisation.
. " ~I~ ". .. h' , '

, It all the Gods are wrorh, Qno yet thou art satisfied The name Karar Ashram is very sugges1;ive again from
with me.,1 am safe ia'the fortress" , of thy' ,.pl~asiIre: And i£.~i1 ;.pother pOint of view. The Karar Ashram imparts teaching
the Gods protect .me by the parapets of, ,their blessings,.~ .~riya :Yoga technique which is the easiest and most scientific
yet. I receive not thy benediction. I am an orphan. left'to mnature. The founder, Sri Yukteswar Giri, the Guru of
pine spiritu8:11y in the'ruins of thy displeasure., '' '.eara~hansa Yogananda was previously a family man. 'His
famil; name was Priyanath Karar and his father's name was
aGuru thou didst left me .out of the, land 'of bawilder-
Khetranath Karar, He named the Ashram after his ~amily
ment into the paradise of' peace. My'" siuinber of sqrrowil
J~-~ . ..

ended, am I am awake in joy. _


'- ' ,
, ,
",_', 1" ~itle to justify that the Kriya Yoga taught by Karar Ashram
Can be learnt and practised easily and comfortably by all the
Oissoling 10r - ever our -finltude~' -tog~ther '.e iha.H
family-men remaining in family but eager and enlighten~d to
merge in the Infinite Life. .
come forward to embrace KriyaYoga for self realisation.
a ltitmortal Teacher I. . 1 bow to thy all' tliespe~king Hence it can be said that' KararAshram. stands for
voice of silent God. 1 bow to thee as the' "£javinedoer' leadit"1~ teaching the easiest, simpliest and comfortable Kriya Yoga
to' the' temple of salvation., ~,'.,\~
'Technique which can be practised by all. I~ can be practised
1 lay flowers of devotio~ at thy ,f~t, and 'b~fore t~e-' by every .body irrespective of age sex cult creed and religion in
'alter 'of thyG~nll'Lahifi .M~hasaY4; h~rbinger6f lno~n every type ofheattb condition under the guidance of realiSed'
•• •• < ' •• •• •• - ,~ " -.'- ,,'

Yoga, add his -,master, deathless ()>r'esent Babaji. w, , Gurus. The techinique taught by the Karar Ashrami$'free
, :tIl1--" . from all prejudices and rigidity and is ever flexible and .!lP to
• (Whispers from Ete~ty) date 6ttiPg. to. tbe choice and standard of the modern mind.
",' ..
It is'~ rare ashram of its kind in the world with!l,feputation .n1isesare utilised, for growing flowls of differeS1t.,~a.ti.tiel

=:ta~~:~lf~;~::mfs:~ .f4:ttt~:'a~~iri~t at: ~~~jlm~:~~~

ij;)'ftmc~ionJ" ,since, its inceptioij. and is now rung, yoder the
<hifdUleNDth'p'eS of seasonalvegetab1es,;fOr
~t)n'ef 'the inmates of th~' Ashram.
On the who.-),:"tb;e
, h1raril has a b~autifu1Jocatjo't1aJld nice naturallandsc::aP;e.
renewed guidance of tbe realised Kriya Yogi Swamifl"rihara io stapds about, half a furlong away from the sea b~ach r~~\
nartia Gi~l. :' ':j'F ' U ;Swarg~4war.' Sri Yukteswarjee used to,\v'alk "e.dy,
'~} . J ":~ ., ~
m~eve~y da., round tbe Ashram during his stay, '9fit~1
, Kalja:r A.shram, is locatel at mouza Balisahi in5,'"af~ll. , ,~ ~tes singing spiritual songs and playing music;.
awar, P. Q. I P. S. ~uri, Orissa, India, on Plot No. 895~il~ , On'Ot.15.,5 1906 Swami Sri Yukteswar Gid got' ftorJ
• .r.eia'cotnpd$ingof Q.7.46 acre~. It is e,ncirc1ed and se~lJre~rl!Ji uiiHWurlieipality, the Lessor a patta demising perpetuaflyori'
. ".gucca boundary wall aU Tound. The infrastrJ,lc~urepft.~~ 'leW, 1'40895, exactly 0.170 acta of land in the aforesaid moU%a'
lJUJilis s~d)' and slanting west to east> wardandahpost <tut:'oi the qu.ntulll of land mentioned above~ in iiis familY"
t" ... :.' .. '. .
blianguiar in sha~. The signific:anceof selecting liuCh ",~ 'aml!'Pflyilnath Karar as' Karat Swami, to erect and"et'tabtis11"
a!riangular plot of:lkn4 whic:his slantineandslppy,by.", , ,rat ~shtam.There were other condi'tionsstipulilted'in
;Yukteswarje~ for :the AlShram,has a spiritual meaniQg., "he pa.tta as 'to dig well, construct buildings 'and~t.liousttC
$aid in Sastn "1m a Tisra Oebata" i CITray,a Ekat~a," for "school purposes and also for inhabiting the Allhramites
,The lUeaning of the former is that every living ~t:,' "h~i't:o , 'plr~t' trees etc; , in' t,be sa,d patta land. 1'begrouna,
, three bodies called three deities i. e. gross, all~al andca :"ent fo~ th'e' patta area fixed permanently without any
The ,second verse speaks of these three divine' bodies grafted .~lterat~on was lts. Sf· per annum so long the covenanli8a~
'wi~b~ne another. , The triangular shape of 'the, land hav~g meilHone'd in the patta are being observed.
tbr~e e:rtre'me, point of' demarcation, bound, byatth~l" :: , bI\Dt. 38. 192I,the'said land was vested inth~ tiul\'t
:b~~~~ry walls represents the livtng be,ing~ith thr~e .,~ forll)'ed'by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. In the' said Trugt th~
cmDbijl~d together to fo~ one gross body. ,T~eslope . of dJe 'teaoi the Ashram pt'emises was mentioned as more 'or less
'land'represents th~ spinal card. of the living'fjeiog. "The. 'Ope acre. ~est 0;5% at~es' wa'S settled i'n lavJur of;di~
ci~cuJation ofceribro·spinal fluid from top to.liottdfa~pd ;~Al$~th' in' .1971. Tliere were flve; trustees, such' as s'wiuiii
'i~om ~ttom to topby the life for~e which gives the'$,Ptri~~I' ~i :Y.uktes\Varjee himself, Param'bansaYogananda, Ma.haraj~
!~~~~ePtion and ta~te is identical with the thoughta~~'~~~l of (Kasi~Bazar Sri Manindra Chand,fa Nandi, sri "Add
',thF !\lopiness of the ~andscape. All the bui1din~s;~br lo,dgi~g handraChoudhury and Swami Dhiraf\anda. Furthei~as
inclu( . the prayer ha1l are constructed ~lrn~!t In one ~~\V. eritioned in the Slid deed of Trust Swami Sri Yuktesw~r Gid
east;,~est wise. in three, compact blocks on dle'l~ft hand sid'" ,ormed Sadhumllndal under the auspices of the Gohardha.'n-
, of~'e niain entrance gat~. On both sidesfnfthe m•.in.ate . itliadhiswar 10J7 Sri Sri ~ankarach8Iyaof sacred Pu~idham
withinthe bounqar" wall. C0conut trees withcoconutftui. find ,'he himself was the President of the said Sadhuhulndal
y~ar r.ound stand in a line. The Samadhi Mandir ofSwa~f whicli founded Karar Ashram. The executive cotnlXlittee
sfi Yukteswarjee, the fou~[presidentPf Karar Ashrami~~i. of' Sadhumandal was Sadh~sabha.' The Sadhu!iabha '~s '
"·e~ctedin. the Ashram. ptein&ts towa~ds' ~xtrem~ north,~~fts '.' 'naging and Illaintainin;g, the day .to day activities' of ilf'atar
, ~J.uJar. pOJ:tion~ The prayer halt IS situated lenlth~,.iieast '1\811riul1. S~allliSri, Yukteswar Giri' was the Sadha'~t;ha.
tQj~ lltthe top portion. On sQutheren side of t, 'prai~ .lin or President,Pal'al1Tahansa YQganltnda 'walt,be"~u
.].'&a11there' is it gb~st·bouse. the vacant land'ini'he h~katl S.bfiapatior V1ce President), Sri A<tul "aandta
Choudhury was the Sadhu Sampadaka or Secretar~ etc~ ~he
SadhtJmandal was to establish three AshtalM' at thr.e respbnsibility by the desire of S~a.mi Sri Yukteswar
differ~n~ place'S for expediting the training of tht$! classes of rio He was then man~ging both the institutions as head by
. spiritual seekers such as Prabartakas or beginnersJ:Sadbakas uent coming and, going between,. Purf and Ranchi.
and Siddhak. Amongst these three Ashrams, J{arat:l\lhram' ,Param:lhansa Yogananda was all along'in
atPuri .was one to' impart training to the Prabareikas or medea .in the Ashram which he founded at Los Angeles.
b~ginners. The main subjects of training were Ast.ol~gy, came to India iIi 1936 He founded YOllada Sat.8ORa
Astronomy and other allied subjects including sadhiBI'.of' cie~y of India. which was rpgistered at Calcutta in bis
Kriy:a Yoga. It was also provided' in the Deed of Ttust~ . .... _, :,'< on 3- :3 36.
), Swami Sri Yuktesw8r Giri .attained
run'day and Qight scho~1s to educate the poor students de, a,hasamadhi on 9.3. 36 at K'lrar Ashram. At that time
Puridhamwitb prescribed education as well as spiritiull' :.ra'~ahansa Yogan'anda was in Cal:utta and was busy
knowledge. As such there was ascbool named as Sri XQk~e.o'" ". organising Yogada' Satsang Societv. Sri Yukteswar Giri
swat Bidyapitha in the Ashram which was functioning till aIled, bim much earlier to come to Puri aut he coord not
1966 and thereafter it was closed due to change <)~> me. After ~etting the news of Mahasamadhi of his Guru
~overnment po1iCY.j/;"; w.tni Sri Yukteswar Giri.Paramahansa Yogana~da reached
;.I'L,,;,F:·_,:>~ . ,uri Karar Ashra:n the next morning. One Sudhir Roy
Swami Satyananda Giri.1ike Paramabansa Yogan~~~$' :cc~mpanied Paramhama Yogananda whom he gave ochre
was another distinguished and favourite disciple of Swam.
".' '-' :JJ cloth tben and there and chanRed bis name to Swami
Sri Yi1kteswara Giti. Though his name was notmentionedt evananda Giri and placed him in charge of Karar Ashram.
(, "

any where -in the Trust· Deed, he was fune:tioningas/~ o. though actually Swami Satyananda Giri was the'President
nominated trustee of Sri Yukteswarjee during his life ti •. at$ "f Karar Ashram a~ting in dual capacity as 'stated above
Sri Yukteswarjee was mostly remajninR away from Pnfi .• hile wami Sevananda was in charge to "assist Swami Satyananda
keepi~g a keen eye over the Ashram activities.<Ithas~ iii for managing Karar Ashram. Gradually. along witb the
mentioned in the Trust D~ed that any trustee who qlhains
, ' ,,' , "oJ:,,·.',,_'·'
,ri~inal work of Karar formulated by the founder, Yogada
more than six months at a stretch away fromPug,Jhe , ,.,-' ." ~-.''.-;.,-"";',',' '\':',': .,
,vork like selling th,e Yogada publication on commission basis,',
\ ~. , " f , '. .

has to. nominate some one, as a trustee to functionollbi$ . 'as introduced in the Puri Karar Ashram
K;C' 1 '. •
~!. t •

behalf and accordingly Swami Satyananda Giri was~c~~as It was provided in the deed of Trust th'lt at the dell1ise
nominated trustee. '., This fact is established from tbe:register '{the founder, the person acting on his beh~!f will auto-
of Tax Zamabandi of Puri Muncipality frbr:n,1~3 onw~rds atically he a Truste;> and Presiden.t. As such. after the
:where in the name of Satyananda Giri, Kat'a~ Ashram»
"')- " . '1, .. : '_', ':'-','; tit of Swami Sri Yukteswar
f Giri, Swami' Satyananda
recorded. Further. in the own writing of S~a:ni Satyan.anda. iri who was virtua.Uy functioning as tbe President of Karar
'Giri in his quarterly magazine "5atsan,a Barta" he b~ shra:to became automatically
J a Trustee and President.
mentioned that he was functioning on.hebalt of SwamiSdi t$ides, t~e above provision in the Deed of Trust ·by a
¥ukteswar Giri as President of Karar! Ashram since ~~. 'bsl!quent proviso of ther same. as Paramhansa Yoganand&
e~cution of the Deed of Trust. Later 9n when Brahma61,1a;p- d to remain all- along· in America, he ,nominated Swabli
~llSbashram was.established at· ,Janchi by Param~~a tyanand.a Giri as a trusteein,his place and stead •.
, Yoganaoda,~,. Satyananda Giri was, placed iit'dual cha.rg~IJ;:•• The present President of Karar Ashram Swat#i Ha'ri~
-the~tincip.l ()f. the said instit\1tion ·at~anchi, ~i4~t~e talianaacame to Karat Ashram~Puriin 1928 when:b~ was.
'kn,ownas Sri Rabi[Jarayana Bbattacharya.' ,1~i1932he was ;,Olla:iJl dle west. All masters ,or Gurus aregenetallY anQi
iq.~ti!lted into, Kriya Yoga by' Swami Sri Yuke"'war Giri at ',acti,cally accept~d as authority. in the orders either m.t~rial '.
Serampur. SdRabinarayana came from a renow.n~.Braht~:lin ·.spidtual. Tbey are nl; as such because they .are,
La.nd-Lord family of. tbe bighest order and they~ng '~an -'dependent to train the mi~ds of the beginners· in walS
had alreadv' acquired comphte knowledge of tlie Vedas and .~asiQle and. pe[ceiv~ble t~ them according to theidnherent:;
tbeVedic 'practices. Yukteswatjee being tborough ir{~OStnic '.pacity un~er the pre~alent atmosphere. circumstances •.. after axamiiling the palm and hOJ:oScope tadition and heritage. 'Gripped with the Circumstances and'.
, "," ; 1

o~ Sri . Rabinarayana tbat tbough he catnefrom a;l'i~h.' tmosphere of the west •. Paramabansa YOgananda, as one of'
aristocratic family, he would ne:ver marry and was destined ~i he Gurus and autbority of Kriya Yoga. in cou.rse of dischar-
be a, Sanyasi of the 'highest order. He co~ld also foresee.thci·e' fog bis di\!ine' duty of preaching Kriya Yoga there. had'to
Rabinarayana would fill up his pla.ce as President of Karar" .~scoyer some new tecnniques and modified the original'
Ashra,m in due CQurse arid protect and preserveb!s fQJ;rtlula.' Kriya technique for attracting and for easy catch up 01£ the
ted activities and the traditions of Karar Ashr~1D.' Sri ,mind of the people there. He wrote 18i Yalta da lessons and
Yllkteswar Giri's divine, will prevailed all, Rabinarayana Iln~' ; Iso wrote many books on Kriya Yoga 'under the impulse of
tbo~gh be could not come to Karar Ashram during th~;'lfff, it", tradition and heritage o~ tbe soil for succeeding in his
time of Sri Yukteswar Giri yet ultimately he left.he>me ·:mission. Lahiri Paba and Yukteswarjee did pot wdte any
hearth and came to Puri Karar. Ashram in 1938, Fdr$i~ to lesson to train the disciples. They' were giving practicaL
seven years he was residing as a paying, gUest in the Ash~alD,. ,tguidance to tbe disciples by their physicl;I.lpresence.

But due to his devolit Sadhana with e~treme siIlceritYh~ i( .•

could win the hea~t of Swami Satyananda and gradually h~ "Brah'1lachari Rabinarayanawas an ardent. seek~r. it.
was placed' in.charge of different day today ~ork of tHe . real Sa~haka and a genius. Fr~m the very childhood he had
A~hram H~. was initiated into higherK[iyas by' Swathi }aJ;l introspecd~e mind. He was so to say Ii researchistin the
SatYan,~ada Giri and Sri Bhupendranath S~nyar and W~s ~.lioeaf aU the vedic rituals and all tYpes ofsadhana like
,.known. as Brahmachari Rabinara,a~a. As ana~htamite .. he ; Tantra while remaining.enlZrossed in Kriya Yoga practices~
, Hence he j!ot a thorou~h knowledge about diverse religious,
was absorbed in Sadlianabesides attending t6'tl~e day to day
work of the Ashram entrusted to him, either by s\irilini '; p~ths and that too without any prejudices and fanaticism.

Sevananda or Swami Satyananda GirL ' ,.Be has equal tegard~ for all religions. He is all along very
!simple and yet has avery keen sense of observation. Even
According to Veda and by th~ custOms ariduNS ) tbamiftutest thtngscannot escape his eyes. Though he came
Prevalent in' the Indian concePt. a disciple win not alwUs i:,fl'om' avery rich famiiy and spent his boyh~od in coh1plet~
~e:T'ain a disciple . but will. be a master or Guru after getting ~\luxury. he was v·er.y bard working and immensely painstaking.
p~rfectiE}n in the order. This' abSolute tr\Jtbalso holds.good ~He .asnot perturbed in any odd circumstances and he could
in ,all spheres of life. For instance today's child will be>_ ,maintain a perfect balance and equlibrum of mihdwhi1e
fatber o.rmodle.rin due course after attaining mat~rity/,.,,,, .Jeadi~g tae life ,of a Brabmachari in tbe Karat. Ashrm.. As
1l1so a student today will- be a profiesso'D in due cour.c.,in ,such he could 1?J:oceed very fast in his spiritual progi:'-Q£
future after completing thelirieofstudies. Liltewisejp.tJ.e >~riya Yog!1,S •.dh~fl~ alld ,u,ltimately attaine<Jael£ reali!lado,Q
.ust,laJ iprOli:.2Sswhen. Para.wapanlS8 Y.ogananda.becam •.••G''ru. ~"e.Nirbik:tlpaSal1)!adhi and Peca01e Guru. In, tl1elye •.t 195!
,he, w$S~~OWed widLebeJ:esPQ'lSihi\i~y o£ "~I} ,SebaJ;l~J;l~a lef,t .. tqel(alia7; J\sbrilDIB,"'mach'u'
e, ,Kdya technique.: tbat it eivesquicker' upUftment ."th.'
R~binar~yana was placed in his poSition ind was IhHustedb, '
a letter from Paramaha'nsa Yogananda from Los Angles to 8tart
iY~~n.. While l'ti:Qaining·, in Karar Ashra~ .• ~:afler
. ,p,I••. inchllt,e,he""as initiating ,nd.gQldlng 19~h
Jmparting {(riya Yoga £rom Karar'Ashram in tileYc;>gada <

e t~hniques till the midClle ~f 1971 according .to the desire

m'abner after being acquainted with the same fro~}~ra~ma." ',,'llll!ltes .cd tbe seekers <:Ol)1ing:to JdDi. But· afller h.
chari Prokas. There: after rf!maining in chargeofir'arar eame :"thepr~id~nt of KaJ;ar Ash~am. he ltoP1*l Y,O,adll ,
Ashram Brahm::\chari Rabinaravana started in:ipartinllCrba .•. y,_ of ~it:iati~ and practice on Ka~ar Ashram as a ._tter
, " ,"" \:~>. " '"
YOl!a initiation, teachings and practices in the Karat'~aY as ~",Pt"'ciple~,. for the sake of maintainip, aDd preSetVl~ t,h.e
well as'in the Yogada way according to the desire'of;~be '~fa~ition. purpose,o~der and origi.nality of the Instio.
s~Aer coming forward for ini~iation andsadhaha. while, .•...
utiGa concerned without an, adulteration. '
discharging the spiritual duties 'of his Guru in Katar Ashram~
he took Sanyas from Bharati Krishna. the then 'Sania:1'a~
It 'il wrong to assert that by such a~t, Swamiji defieCt
charva dfGobardhana Pitba. Puri and got his spiriiualnatitt
;Y:~_daactivities or cultivated animosity against Y~ada
from him as Swami. Harihatananda Gid..;·;'
~;..,;rg.oisation.Itjs natural and justified. ,that one ~u.~ be
: On ,March 25th' 1971 Swami Sat'8nanda,~ io1arto the tradition of. the institu~ion wIth f~ll dedl~atl~n.
appointed Swami Hanharananda Giri as tbe trust";~f~e . ,.Wllttrh~ nappens to hold such a position of runmng. conttQlb~g
Karat A.shram by a regi!tered will. He 'has also 'd_w" . ;')lidtguilding it, It may betnentioned here that~e had and'ls
expressed in the said will t hat after his demi~ Swaai.. "11 h'8"105 "' \J an'd W.J"11 co~ntinue to have till hIS ..•.
deat~, the
,8tl. '.' d
Har,ih$rananda Giri will be the President of tbe Karat' 'deepesdove. regard and worship for Panmhansa,Yoganana
.Ashram. Empowered by the said wm Swami HariharananclJt. i'ili the Hne of Guius of the Kdya Vega order. as Paralllbansa
Giribecame SO"lDbtt~ the' Presid'ent of Klirar Ashr8D;! i.' "Ydg,nartClais one of the pe'tals of the fl?wer of the s~.~e
August 1971. after the, demise of SwaD,li Satyanand~Giti. .talk: Mukundalal practised tbe real KrIyayoga teC?Dlque
Further by a proviso of the trust deed. he was ins~alled' a's t~. ,1mp'atted: to hiin by his Guru swami~ri. Yukteswar Girl a~d
fullfleqged President of K:uar Ashram on the 4th August 197'1 \~ba'ttoourider his full and complete gUIdance. He was a s~.
by J.lgat Guru Sarikaracharya 1008 Sri Sri Nira~jan Tirtba'0f 'taittaed by Sri Yukteswar. bis GUIU, as Paramahensa
Puridham according to the tradition and' uses of the Katar:
Ashram. prescrioed by Swami Sri Yukteswara GirL. .
i "iogan'an'da.
~,.~' , ,

Thus the will. of Swami Sri Yukteswara Gid prevailed • Every bod, becomes 'a victim ~o tbe inf1ue?c~ of .d~ffere~t
ultimately and Swami Hariharananda became the Presidell,t ';~~~fS:~lDd plal1ets~ 'Swamy Hanharanand~ls pr~h<:lent lD
()£ti)e Ashram founded by him to uph,okltbe tllsk,O( I'. Qlic .,stro1egy. taught by Sri Yuktes-warJee. He suggests
pr~Pagatii1g Kriya Yoga all round the globe~accordingtohis . \~ re~edy to neutrllHse the bad infl~ences ofthas~a:r~and
Divine will. ,~,pl.iI~t.,oP: 8, Klliraban by .way of KuyaYoga t>ractJ~~ He
.,,4JS that ~ balance .sheet according t~ t~e, aC~lv.•tes;of
" Swami' Ha;ihatananda,withthe blessings of the roUt
.:.'h: . birth is stored 'and 'preserved InsIde the s-plnal'COl'i
Gurus, could malter the Yogada ttlchnique' and IClItai' ~t e,prUJ1" ... ' • 1.' f .different
ev,ery',me n . aneL accordingly the tnf 1:1~e 0 . " . ,"
tedl1ttique of Kri,ayoga propagation, which helped him· to
ra>andr planeu'do focuss Hn ditferent!~panalc,~fttresU1lhM
simi>Db,., tbj- practising? pl'ocessof tefita 'Yoga t'o such 'all
DC !life. ~I: • .chi ,herea.1 borOl1Zbpe :of JeVetJ mt$1l
l disturbillg the tature' ~f.jtheodgmal'D'<l

remain~ inside ,his spinal cord and there by his mood ••' ever comes in the 'divine touch and fold of Swami
telD~rament, taste and action is conttol\ed 'and guided. ,A. fi~arananda' a~d 'since'rely obeys, learns, and practises
such lone has to succurilb ; 'and subdue to th4eattblY
I :,a" Yoga" as per his guidance will, definitely taste the
circumstances such as sorrow,grief. disease~ worries.ahxietiesi ific'ance and thew,orth of his holy name.
differet Pl'OP'ensiti6Slike: poverty and material Pt~rit,,.
))ower, and positiori,'whims and ego etc. B;*,.nt Jiwe aqalyse the signific~nce of the spiritual
t>layof cosmic power of vibration, light and sound insrd~<~be e Pf'Sri.¥uktaswarjee we find that there are three words,
$pinail,colunin, through Kriya Yoga technique, grad'uaJtj':ta:be has'SRI' 'YUKTA"ISWARA". The w0rd 'Sri' relates to
intensity of the bad influence of stars and planetscari"~ . gr;6ss creatIon out of the effulgence .of the divine. In the
removed. But it cannot be totaUve1iminated so long the; th can~o, 41 slpke of Vagbadgita it is,said "Jat jat bibhu.
Ilross body exist!', as a matter of principle of the creation. .at',8attW'lin Srim~durjitmayba ba, tat tadeybaba gachha
Further, the influence of stars and planets do play a vital role, I~mmama tejham sasambhaham." This means that thebibh-
for the evolution of every living being. It greatly helps • of God is the form of Divine effulgence which is knewn
in the transformation of every human being ifromanimali~' ri.m~terialised through, gross creation. 'Then the word
to divinity during his mundane life. Swamijee.teacbe~~JW' 'kta' comes which m,eans that the astral bodvof vibration
real, Karar technique of Swami Sri Yukteswarji forp",~ tvi~g as a connectin!!link, f>nables the gross body· to
sing Kriya Yoga which is the main teaching as wella#~~" . c:ti(:Jn
•. Then the word 'Swar' means the soul or causal
aim ,,~nd object of Karar Ashr~m relating ~o acquiring tru.' ~,y. About this it is mentioned in Isopanishad, "Isabashya
knowledge a~d practice of comic astrology, asrronomYand'"
j dam sarbam jar kincha ja"atanl! jagat."That is to say
metaphysics. That is why the technique of Kriylf. YOM: atever insignificant it, m,y be it is nothing: but the
taught by Swami Hariharananda is most efficacious.,Af~er' nifestation of God.
Sri Xukteswar, Swami Hariharananda,is now the oqlvlhl'ing'
realised Swami and Kriyay<?gi of highest order absolutel}' To sum u'p, the spiritual 'name SRI YUKTESWAR
'ndsfor gross,; astral and causal body merged together into
~rue and befitting to the calibre to honour.the presidentshil?
t tune·' Aham Brabmasrni" which was completely transfo-
,of Karar Ashram. We all are lucky to see him holding, ~b
~\'ed,expressed and teok a <;hapein Swami Hariharananda.
position and discharging such Divine duty restlesslY with,f~J
i,'W Swami Hariharananda as the true replica of Swami
responsibility in his late age with a purpose to illumine
~qe globe with divine light. . ~ Yukteswaris functioning as the president of Karar
.,ra~ and is propagating Kriya Yoga all ovetthe globe
He, is' all Divine and he is the replica of God'in '(nding to the divine wilI'of Sri Yuktaswarjee.
human form. He by his gross presence and activities h~s
proved and, justified his spiritual name Harihar~nanda.
word "Hari" relates tc> impartinl! divinity ri1~o:lto stabilise
The •
the mind all along through every pcopencityand nutterial
in:voIvement., The word 'Han' representstbedestru.ctive fo~
to eradicate all sorts of evil prooensities,,".lfJf-arroga n~ •• ll,·
,apprisal, pride, vanity and all sorts oflQcerial att~~~~: , I
Ipeciall,'~" and 'mmeness'whichistbe ct~ of all~~_


'WbiJt, is :~~iya
\'~a;?:' . 'Milbtfhe, wotl" Ub; -Gurubaktraaainya', wId&. d_~~,~
'io~smethodl:'of diHerent:stagesofKri,a YOga. .
:, " ,. " ,; '\ ' Tl,n CO~l Q8f ~.. \c. " "\ : •

• 54/1 M:illt,nga Ume, C ••I-12
., •. ,' '; I"" ", . -',
Ill, tane ••. sj;t.ipture&, i~, is ~~~~iolled,. tl1.~ Op~,~,,)
\ MUl.V.a~e'Je~~!>asbatnJJlcta
" ' ". .,'. - .' ". "
", . ,-
" ~ >: ',' ~,'. ',' . \
;, ," From} ery: ancient t~Dles~vari9ue typesof Yo~as were iya, Y:og•• ",we. fiJld,tJ:tatiJrrallge.lJ\e~t. b~ 'ge~\l,Ip~,,:~p
iH'eV'alentamong the saints of India~ The namE! Orgr~tYogi f"JtE! •., ette fQ-.r, KQC)t$( ~a.ntbi v,edaJ. un4~, \diffe~~nt"
Sti Shyama charan Lahiri, is now well known \ t~ tb~'Ib8'ents od,.:;of..,Pl'actices .;of Kriya Ypga in four ,tQ,~es. S~i.!~ri
'. ' '.' '. . t-·,:.
t't.' t " ',- I '. r ::C,:'
bl y ~ga, throughout the length and breadtp of fbtf~,rlc:1. ,~~i~ Mabasay~ bas }!ca~~.g,oti cally' p1en,tioned in bi$ hook
THe a!ystem Yoga, he got from .hi~ Gurudeva (CaUti\Stl
(l~ ~M~mutahas!ra' adpve t~se foW ,sta~e~of. \}tiY~Y'0g.a
Sri Babaj'j 'M'~haraj, still living in'th~ Hi'malllyas 'forsevetaI ,loIIQ.$;:- (l) Jeubwa Gnnthi veda' (2) Hrid Gtanthiveda.
centuries) and was preached to his followers. is termed a$ L~~~~ G1:aJ)1;hi,eaa an.d(4)'Muladhar Granthi veda. by
Kdya Yoga.
,iFb~,e K:up4~1iqi .Sh..~kti wm'
',get f~ee,for its. 4,
li".sipes~\(".hicq,i~ t'he rpot cause,for our~orId]y. bondage) ~
Sri Sri Lahiri Mahsaya d.uring the last twelve y~~~of :~
\~. ~;u~ted~,i~h S,bi~a..inSahasrar. 'Thus the' Kri,aban,
.biS life ve.
bet'Neen 1883 to 1895, publisbedt'We'~'~ix " ~, PA~foJimanceof. K.l'iYa bec:omes Pashamukta and gets
nlrgious books eontaining ,Da'rshana{ pbiloso,tJhii7\and i~~a.,'pbvio.~sly ,tbe, KriYa~~nbas'to pass throughtbese .
Upanisha<l such as.Pat'anja:f. ' Sankhya; Baisesikcfal'ahan, r stages sueces.fldl~ by the practice.of differeht method.
VEidantaallrsban, Meemans'arthil Sangrahil/ GA'utlatt1sdtra, ,~er the personal guidance of G~ru.' . ,
'Sreemad Bhaga'watgeeta. Astabakra' S~nhita.Maflur'bas'a,
:Paninisikgha,Tantraswar. Jlantraswar. Tejabindu ut:>a~d, : "The&)'stemof~~a yqQa, in .nqflSb~U,ca, be.' ~qder-
Chandi. Charak,Taittiriya Upanishad, Niralam"-$ai- "'ood b}"'atao.jal YogaSutra--. 'Tatta~thiton!1"'··
.sha,d. Avinashi. Kabir Ge.eta. Guru Geeta, Omer~a. 1'& meansthne.Sthit9~"" wean.s to Ijve and Ja~na~1~·
;Lingapurana, Abadhtit G2eta. Kabir, . ]apaji aQd N~nal¢iill .'. ,.caref.d practice. It meal;ls,one,bas to practice c,al'efull,
which he bas explailled the Slokas and clearly shown :tbat the '~div.e,there. 'NU1Jr~lJy thequ~,tiQn arises as ~" w~ere, to
inner meaning of these 'Slokas or Sutras as the case ~ be '~e, we shaD ~n a.n.swer itcaQ. be Jaid'tha,t,
'points but the system of Kriya Yoga, b; the practice qf.~ic:h ' •• place itahown bithli! Gurudeva. while giving initiation
:one' can realiee the 'Sat' 'Chit' and 'Ananda' Svlarup of ,;<'''' isr;dipple. .In the lagg~a~e' of, out .•cQPtureitis"~~'i.~,
Brahma andeventualIy realise oneness with ·B.rah~a~o 'Wi: Padam' Darsbitam,Je~a, Talmei, S~i Gurave Nqplo~"
testify the great saying (mababakya) of -t\thar~aveda'- '.t\"a~ .Gurudevaisrev" •. , ~~e ~be ~how.~.tl1a~ pll;1c;e,by
Atma Brahma' " ning.o41rtbird ey~.':~icf1.:we can see ,that place, whiCh 1

It is a matter of great regret however, that most of

~.the, language of ~J: WlPtures is d~sc~i\'ed as da IAkhari
;'ndalakaram Bya. Jena Chaftcharam. 1'_ Kriyaball'
these books which were published by him ill Bengali language,
.ruts speciality is thatwBt1e initiating Kriya Yoga to the
are no longer easily available as tbese are out of print since
lciple. be first o""':''his tbl;4 eye, 10 that he can, by
1895., It is however needless tooythat this s,stem elf Kdya
~*¢tperception (Aparobha A.llubbuti), see the Kutastha
Y"ga Can be learnt only from theKriyaban Guru. and ~ari be
{tan,a.' where to kelP his mina". Chitta"at ,tbe time of
Pllaetised under his persOtl~' guidance. .Sri Sd:Lahiri
[practice of ICrba yog •• Thus th~ ICnYI 10&.il not a deep
Mahasaya has repeatedlymentiol1ed tbiapoint in his books

breathi~ges:erdl~' onl"., but it is Ii ~st_ of "oga, by "bleb •.

along with. brJ!a~hlOgas,directed by tbepreceptioQ, at~en~ion
h,s ~o,be p.lI\ prlOted to keep the mind fixed at the 'K:utastb~
Cahltanya (Or Sree Krishna Chaitanya 88 termed in Sri i
11Ie'Saintin Karar Ashram
~a~va~abad Geeta J, By the correct practice 'of Kriyatoga • premananda Tripathy~
Bldbl. Purb,ak Kriya .) the devC\ due able to Revenue Divisional Cammissioner.
, 1
keep h:1 C~ltta or mmd in the Kutastha Chaitanyat 10 that Southern Division, Berhamptir. Ganiam.
th~ lDln~ ~s .fully controlled and does :not suffer-from
Chlttllbnttl. s'. e. unrestful hoverin'g o(mind over varl_ An Ashram is great not by mere antiquity but by its'
.: , I

,u?n~ce~saryth10gS( Bishaya). Yoga. as said by Mabarsi "hceltry and tradition. In our view of things. the Ashram
~Jalt. IS, "Chittabritti Nirodha"i. e .Yoga is established '. a ,~piritual lamP"of "great effulgence which cari light the
when pJ,lr min
•. . d IS
. at rest.
- and d,oes no't flicker frdbr
- dne'
'arkness within all who approach it, But the Lamp i9
.Blshay~' t? the ,other. disturbing peace of mind arid thus ,lIghted by fire, 'Take out the' fire and everybody would soon"
It rem~1Ds10 uOlonwith 'Atma' or the real self.Thus' ({ri" iforget the very esistence of the Lamp. It is threfore the
Yo.gaISa~.Adhyatma Vidya by practicing which. un~t:the "Saint ia the Ashram who matters. The Saint ~sthe living
gUidance0,£ Guru. one can connect his mind or ego ta"biiifeal ~force, He is the effulgent fire and light. He" wields the
~d(Atman. and tbus enjoy the heaveply bliss. whicJH.~aned 'pawer ofa1chemy that transforms. It does not matter how
In one word. Self realisation ( Atmajanan ). ., , 4.mall and non-descript the Ashram is if the Presiding.Saint
.Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya has said that thispracti~~ a self·realised soul.
a~ Krl,a Yoga 'is ·Veda' and 'the state ,of consciousness . The Karat" Ashram, has been lighted by the presence
(C~aitanya) achieved after the Kriya'yogaisVedaribndf' in it of three g(eat Saints - Sri Yukteswar. Paramahans.a
Jetlar Parabastha. when the devatee is i:n,unian with Br~h)J.ta yogananda and Swami Hariharananda. The Founder PJ;'esl-
o~ ~he Para~atm~ by surrendering his ego. His wa",li, dent of the Ashram Sri Yukteswar bas conferred immense
disciple Swami Sri Jukteswar Giri of Karar Ashram,'mhis good on man.kind by moulding tWO great souls Paramahansa
boak "Kaibillya Darsbanam" or the ,Haly scie;.lce.\J1t,s yogananda and Swami Hariharananda of the Giri order.
therefore aptly mentioned about this stage. rada Mnatilt-
After the passing away of Paramahansa yogananda. Swami
rante Atmanam Paramatmani Dadhanat Kaibalyam~'~Man Harihatananda Giri. the Presiding Saint of the Asharm is "'~
thus abandons altagether the vain idea of. the ~eparate
existence of his own self and becomes unified with Him, 'the
Eternal Spirit, God, the Father-which is:Kaibalja. \
the greatest yogi of Kt.ya Yoga of\.lar in the world.
What it means to be with the Swamiji is difficult to
describe, There may' not be any e%changeof words and .yet
t •
the mere proximity influences The serenity induced by :'\:'
:,1: '
\ litting in his presence surpasses all description. He guides
.' fthe worldly soul like a tho1, to the son. ,1 '
i~Eternal love is his motto and complete obUtera."ionof ego
f bis farte. He is at a trem~ndous height ,ofGod-hoad but he

makes his sons feel all· at-ease: For he inculcates the taitb
that you-the-atman are no difterent from rest-of tbe-Ex.,
tence-tbe-AtIilan.''tbct' eal,"IlI1.~I_~~" which be
Swami Uariharananda Girl
d,raw,~,,~u,t ~heGod-c()r:lCjousnell in man thto"'h tbe simple and
ICrba,techr.iquf is felt l1y all who bave Come in con~ct with
hilD •. 'p~ilwing '~I1egorics an'd 'anecdotes from his experience ,Kriya Joga Abroad.
andirom t'heda:St~ bR ,RgreeaO'te vibration' in your
ante~na, ,the feeler in you, that he understands ycur problems
• Ramesh Chandra Patnaik, ~ A:
u· ifb,.:)te1epli.htan<t,tb.oua"';ch,~h'.h"r I,aw"q£.c~~unioa
between 'sObIs and provides y~U cbe 48$iF,d,auip.ancli\. T~,e " The anci"ent science of Yoga is the greatest contribution
, ia fto:sWw 'or'ceremooY,",·his~.tu,.lIQ~~.' ~~, iQ,.:iQIl~ '~ndia t,o the world of religion. Among the various tvpes of
r ".i , C '
:~as, Kriya Yoga is more scientific and suitabte to the
!,,phutut_ ..~~ ~ern world, to provide peace and tranquility of mind. The
~t gradually realises the significance of .this great stience
',$OUI culture 'and is eager to imbibe it to find meaning in
•.• when the very existence of life 1S threatened in the midst
:S~b.aira,.:.Sa6ltuJariil __
.' d·"'r.:. ,,' " .
• '.,'1

" the mad race for power .

; ., -- -" '. - .• '';; ~ ,. '! '.:' " " .•..

'TIle'sout'libidel Oi1dI'lIftd'jwndry.:,; ~.o.: •••• lU. . As the representative of India's yogic culture. Param.
you and you in all . ('eo

~ '.t f;' ;':0:,'" r .,l..: "r


t, '1
:hansa' YClgananda went abroad to teach the technique of
I; 9p ,.tbe ~casiQn ,df tb~dillmond jubi1ee~cef.1DQo,~

irtYll Yoga that he got from Mahavatar Babajee through

"",..n: Ashra}D,~e thought tis~)n flie lbisel-Map. ahiri Mahasaya and Yukteswar Girijee. He _dedicated his
('hole life to prepare a ground in America and the. west to
.S~iji~q~4e ~iU~~ect~n
, ~ ;:', ,.'
iIOpagate Kriya Yoga. With a view to popularising Yoga
, . h(!re. he wrote 18'2 lessons on Kriya Yoga suitable to the


'aete of western mind.'


Since then Karar Ashram of Sri Yukteswarjee. the

,uru of ParalDahansa had be~n the centre o,f pilgrimage for
Ile earnest seekers of Kriya Y@ga proper. The present
.. resident of the Ashram, Swami Hariharananda. another
eloved discipie 'of Sri Yukteswarjee is also _ordained to
,iisseminate Kriya Yoga in lndia and abroad. He truely
"nherits the tradition of Yogis and Rishis of J!Ocient India.
dis endcwed with the intellectual attainments of a modern
an. ~fter th~ Mahasamadhi of Yogananda, Swami Hari- i!

• (J ',; _. ...,.i.~ iJ.~anaRda remained connected with his rganisation Y. S. S.

Jind although he was invited by tbe disciples several times to.
visit ""merica, he was prevented on st;)me plea or other. Only ar'he.;pistan aDd at his request many of them occupied
recently the western· ,'world gQt, t,b~ "~PPOJ;t~ni,i of his eir respect!ive se:"ts and only one or two persons stayed to
direct contact.' ;. " ", k with me. l'hrougbout the night I had' to satisfy the
f I riosity .of ,thepass'engers bytlXplaining the utilit)' of Krifa
Being invited 'by a group of Clisciples of Switzerland ga. Next day we reacbed, Paris and I visited diff~rent
J ' .. J. 1," '. . ... ,..
and Germany Swam~'JiaJ;iharananda at'laIJt agreed andJeft ~es tbere witb my disciples. In th~ eveqing many people
for the foreign' lands in 1974 to guide his disciples and to , t me·and took initiation -from me into the Kriya Yoga-
propagate. Kriya y~ga. A bri~f report of his'first visit, as tis is a nice city, full of beauty and glamour. Everything
narrated by Swamijee to his disciples, is given below in hi." :De8~ and clean and people are handsome and courteous.
own words. h,e city is 'picturesque ~ith flowers and fruits-
\ : , . " ,. ,

, ",I had no d~ire to go to t'he foreign cppntri~s, but ,S~;l[ , , The ,n;xt day I boarded another, plane for Zurich in
disciples. of Switzerland who visited Puri' Ashram for 'the ·itxerland. .I ~as very mucb impressed with tbe neatness
third time insisted on my visiting their country.' They ~i(i, 'the airport and found e~ervtbing done there tbrough
'You are always busy with Indian discip'Je'" There ,~~ tOQ1atic ~achines, In tbe visitors' waiting room, my
hundreds of true seekers of God waiting abroad. Should,~~u iples 'from' Switzerland, Holland and Germany we-re
noi help them? Are you born anI., for India ? It is the desi'l'e iting for me with garlands. Wben tbey saw me, they
of Yogananda and Sri Yukteswarjee that manyreaJised towards me and prostrated at my feet in reverence in
,souls go to foreign lands to teach and preach I(:rj,a Yoga. 'ian fashion. The Officer who checked my belongings in
Wm you not fulfill their desire and visit our land t' T~~~e e airport, when saw th~s, bowed at my feet in the sa~e
words from a group of sincere disciples moved me anclJ '.nner. The next day I had to observe silence to remain
deCided togo on tbe mission to the foreign countries. t ersed in deep meditation. Ie: was publisbed in tbe news .
pers tbat I would stay there for two weaks and I had to
My Visa was available in time and on the Srd lune , liver a speecb on tbe 6tb June. [stayed tbere for one
1974 I strated for Zurich from Delhi by an Air France, 'mho
which was quite big with a capacity of nearly 350. The"
I had an' Ashram at Belgium wbich was started by
passengers in the plane ·were very much impressed with my,
Bose, one of my Indian disciples. I visited that Asbram
figure and became curious about me and surrounded, me to
found many. disciples' calmly waiting for me even at
talk regarding religion and Yoga. Tbey wanted to'know my
. destination and when they know tbat I had to visit France,
f P.M. I '/ delivered lectures' at four places. , In a Church I
veted a talk on Kriya Yoga. Many highly qu~lified
Switzerland, Belgium, London, Germany, Holland, Italy and
respectable people were impressed and took initiation
Rome-, a gentleman from Franc,e requested me to be bis guest
and several others from Switzerland alJQ, Rome requeSt.ed in
the same manner. But I replied that myp,rogramme fixed
",as From Belgium I wanted to go to London on a sbort visit
with my discsiples whO' live in all parts of Euft»pe and
1 had no Visa witb me. I went there in tbe name
Ame;ica. When all the Passengers crowded around me, the,
old- with tbe belief that God.would help me to enter into
Conductor of tbe plane .old tbat it wa$ not safe to crowd
donclty .. Some bundred people came from Belzium for


London I stood far away from the checking spo~ One y all took initiation and ~anY of them invited lJ)~ to coae
Checking .Officer gazed at me for some time and came to me o~n(Cologri}, ~ne of \'tbebiggest. cities in Gefln~nY. t
and asked, UAreyou an Indian monk? I said, yes He then t fhere after a weak ani found a large number 0'(" ~ople ~
asked "How many children have ~ou?" I said,l am not a
iting fot me"(!almly in room. I' g~ve a taUt, on ICriya 'Yoga.
married. He then added that Indian monks are very :rigid ,'programme was flash~d in
tb,~ (lews ~~eF~ and I addrell$ed
and sincere. He asked a few more questions and then said. .. tal publicmeetints,at1"an'ged 'd~uri~gmy stay thel:,ef.Qt a
'Swamijee, I was attracted by your divine appearance from 'ttnight, Many mote were initiated into Krba Yoga and.
a distaQce'. He then asked for my passport but when found tecbiques were taugbt to th~m tn tbe s!lme· Olanner a8
no Visa for L~ndon, ask€ d for it again. I told him, you are ;' taught by Labiribaba ~nd Sri ~tikteswarjeein India,
:~ ,: ',. \ .
my Visa, allow me to enter into London for seven days. . ;1";'; ,After ~ourteen.daY5. I get an int oi tive'message from Sri
When he wanted to know tram me tbe places at LOndon ·ktes"warjef:c to return eo India. 1-got the ~essagethrice
I wisbed to visit, I told tbat I wanted to visit King's "d.\ipfor~ed DlY diaciples Dogma and Fridge'that f had to
palace, Hyde Parkand tbe Asbram of Vivekananda in Oxford back the next day,as there was clear indicition of some
'if~ ?',' . .' .
Street and Fame more places of public interest. He took me. Q6ble in the Asbram. at Puri.' Mr. Fridge said. "You cannot
, then, to tbe Visa Officer and asked for one month's Visa fQE:'
i"an~ seat before tbe :25th July." I told hirhwhen. Sri
me. The Visa Officer told that I had applted for six month's
",~~ies\Jarjee was sllgg~sting to return, surely be would
Visa previously. I replied that my disciples applied on my
IJ~~g~ accommodation. When we went to the b~kin~ office
behalf and 1 wanted to stay in London only for a fortnigbt.
God came to my help and I was issued with a Visa to stay
he saqie day: and enquired. the lady' officer attbe counter
'epii~~ \Vas no aqailable' before the 25th. I
in London When' 1 reached London many people followed old the ;lad., t~ae. since, my .Guru wanted me to go back soon.
~e from the train. Everyone was eager to hear me and e.
>~r~l~~sth~v't,been some. c;anceltation to accomn.iodat~ T
expressed interest to take initiation. I delivered lecturesl'lt e fast her temper and frowned ~t me and used Vf!rv urlkmd
two places a~d many people took initiation from me. .tJ~ds regarding Indian m~nks. When I repeatedly requested
Then I came back to Belgium again and star~ed for '.er to be kind and calm, she somewhat softened and tried in
Germany by Car with my disciphs Fidge. and Dagma .and , talex if there was any, cancellation. She ,tben. suddenly
reached Mersburg, a very important place. I delIvered Spee- ted'~Oh. Swamijee. I:Un sorry, :please excuse me, there'
ches in some public meetings there. Rep('lrteTlf tGok .note of "oi1e:s'eal:~aj;a'nt·i'u.pto Friilkport." T~enl enquired jf tbtre
my speeches and everything was flashed in -the news papers lii' anj se'l)t.' vacant from Frankport to Delhi. S.he tried
along with my pbotograph. Many people were deeply moved '''medtatel, atid gathered that two seat.s were vaCant upto
and impressed witb my talks and regarded me as the represe- Thi.
She then ca.lJ1.~ ouesidefrqnl her chair and ,caught lDY
nt'ative of one of their saints: Meses, Thomas and St. Joba. .tld'S BAd requested'
. . ,.
to . exc~s~ her. as she sPQke ill of
,f. j

One of them remarked, in Qur Christianity there . are many ''dian monk$. ., ~
realised souls like St. Joha, Matthew, Thomas etc., and you
.1 replied,fMy ; reverend mother.' 1 am not at all unhappy.
are looking like them. By your divine guidance many people
will definitely be benefited spiritually.
qew when my Guiu W1ilspe'red and forced, me to go. sur~t;
would devise ,101ft .means toaet a seat tn the plan~ for
Being aware of my programme from the news papers, ,"rS journey". She took my ticket and changed and I
hundreds qf people camefrom distant. places to meet'me. I.. . fot Iodiaoo the lame day."
,1,' Prain
t'Ae.~~co'~qt('Of'S~~~ij~:s, ~~~~.',vi,it tor).f~~eigll l\ . ere arrange d f or ht'm'. From U. S. .k
eo'ufitries, it i~eviden t tba t~fter" ParaJ¥ba~, yo'~~a. ~evj.ian pro,ramme3 w d "d tbe European c:ountriq
'S,!ami lj~tiba~ananda b~ qp,ened a ne""II.,*, for. Pfopagatiog returned to Germany an ,vl:~teKriJa Yo,a, He returned
'/,~ri~~ :p'.'
a&~6~d,~n.d,~h~ \Vesterl1era ~~~!JDOre ,kee~nesa
"-and try deligentIy to follo,!~pe tecbniCJIIft."k)f oftr""t
d initiated many pe~ple ,10 h..8,ll41'Jaq~d at; Q~\biOD
. , ~ ~i. ~rei'l) t~U[ In: DtC:~~1"r~ \';' ' ..

m•• te~s. ".. ' . ,'" ,,:,••,y', .:"'12'. 1977. , "~" ~,

" B~jng ~r~se(fb~'~he fo~e~gn di~iplesS"'''mija''''''1l

!.-j :;:-~~f~~ . Sw• ..!~.:ih~~I1'nda.
undertook his' foreign tour in 1975. Hi! left Delbi on the 24th "'.o"ta~~sit~ t~ildlti?n a:~oS:;, H~s disciples, in Incia and
M~;V 1~75for Holland and from tbere :wetit to Colonibia. On finlte IOsplratl.on rom h d n tbe spiritual path
27th May b..
disciples at 'OoIombiaoDseived hiS
d.y.c Day qi initiation into SabYllS) In'his 'comp~ily~and
.' d b
. broad, no ou t, Wl •
P march a ea 0
,',' ',' , h Pewill
d/'Swaibije's untiring' efforts we 0,
continue for
aD!'~re .• to "ul'de 'die divine
y.a rs' , Ileeker ••
, SWa~ ijee inaufurated. K'rba Yoga Ashram' there. A.,~~,t.
tedy magazine on ' Kriya, Yoga' Was also inaugurated'b}o
'.Swamijf¥!.,PronJ, CoTOrbbiahe went to Curacao,' Mianii. ~e.,
York and Wasbington' D. C. 'AtWashington S\\tadHjee
started a new AsbramaRef ,ave a Radio talk'on K'riya Yoga
..,,' . ,

always together. Restlesa-
and attended a Television ~r.gramme. Durin; his 'tour in ' R,estlessnessand cabnne~ are b de vour loul in,tbe
America and Europe many J)eople' were atttacted ~Y'.ltis . 'bl
ness comes from the VISI e." body ,. su mer. " then yOllwill
talks llnd took initiation from "bim,' PrOlD' n. '~;'.' q4 JOMite before and during. and after eyery, .
returnecf to .Germany and .visit,d ·Belgitilla~'HoUahd~,'t~~ *t'c~
t- C" ; •

other Europeiln countries and returned to" India on the x

~th August. "',", X x x
of praetic:e I', worth more than a tons of
.~, 'Again, for the third'time, be telt 'for Germany ol).2m{
,. .' .'t,"

June 19'77 He visited HoJJand, ae~ium ~. fi;~gI~nd ,.;nct~

Idt: .for NewyorIt. From Newyork' 'he went' t~ C~racao .'Th" x x x
GOYeTnorof Curacao w8siilterestedin SwaQiijl!~is'~e!l~bips~~
and talllled'with him on 'Kriya Yog~. Fro~ Swamije" Cur.cap' We are born for lett. realisation anI,."
Weht to 'Colombia 'and Irom 'tb~re WasbingtQQ . D. ~l to x x
;President' Jim~' Car,'S' of tJ. ' S. 'A:"wa~tecl to.: t~A~W(t.1
Swamijee but bec~uae of pressin, engagemt'Dts personal
Think of Him constantly, no matter what you ar.
m~etjns, ,,~qpld,,;~ot '~e artanged. He talaed \~ith'Sw:!Injj.
for lomeminitu!'!s ..t.,Qv~f,
,-, :,' ", .:. .:'. '. P~Q~,e~e'''Jdtn'
. ~ - • Xri!Va:Yu,a.
> '.
." t " DuriQj .{ 'join,.
}- ,-.,-
.';' ".
t6is tOUI'J.tbenumbet: of bit discipJesmultiplied _n,iold,.w J' \
""1 "'"" '... ..', ,.,' , \ I

n~'w~Il~a"~~ ..Vlne, op,ened at . severalplacea.fle w8sinv~'" S.amiHariba~.n~ftda d


to addre •• man, public meetJ~ and blaDf-ndio t'alb'auc!" .'

.5 -
. 'Ii

, ,
, t," A~~e.,~.• a~iji sat at , tbe centre and att~rl'late;,
itated and talked arid thus guided' the meditation. s'tep
tel'. ,~a. the procedrireswere . highly technical and
.Face: to Face wftb a Liberat;d ~ to be done correctly,
'. '.' ,
he went t6 ncb disciple and
ked ~D!lcorrected ever;, Ql0";ement. 'Pi slight touch here.
<:and, Supreme Kriya, Yogi 'J' ,wbbpere~ words there.' short sentences pr.egnant .ith
aning and 'wisde m and a few San~krit slok4s 'Perfect in twe
• Dr S. Chand, M~.'t). ,"d place would touch the sensitive cords of tl;).e conscid"u$o
: !" [ 's :and; deepen ~he m~ditation magiqally, Sometime he
I met SriD;1at Swami Hariha 'd " . figs a few Jinesffo~ 'Tagore, or froml;lri English poem t.o
Giant in 1970 I fanan a Gm, the spiri~ual ,Splain certll1ins1akas. He sings beautifully in Bengali. Hhldi
. was, Searching f S d
t could practise Yoga-S db or,~ a guru, uDder .hom ,14 English. ' '
visited several holy I a adna With this aim in mind I ~I,
None came upto m' p aces an met man Y yogIs. an d holy. men. rf', After the meditation was over and all the disciples had
Swamiji in a ne:s ~pectation, I had read some articles of :chft I approacbed him and 2requeste.d him ito initiate' me into
scientific approach t aPt'b and was ?ighly impressed. by the ;'Xrbayoga. Duting tbe conversation, i was attractM by his
D' b arma. and Yoga. 0, e much mls - und t d S
" brilliant eyes and wanted to fatbom the .deptb of mind behind
H" 'J' '. ers 00 , ,anatan
variou,s, m,et'hods of w ISh',ex~fa~~tlons of the significance of them. In a determined manrier I gazed into tbose eyes. W'bat
',' ors II' 0 ulfferent G d 'd G ' " aW,onder. tbose'eyes grew larger. sparkled an4. dazzled. The
of HI'nduism were b '11' '. . ,0 s an ,odde~e8
thought" . rl. lant. orIginal, and soul·sti riii" , r de,ptbbebirid them was·, unfathomable, and mysterious. I
his d 'b ~.ere IS a gemus and spiritual Maste'r let ~e~U":'i .
ars an" So I visited h' p' • aVe exper~enced tbe fe~ling oE being in tbe presence of animmea.
was nosbo~ of form and IS uJ;~Ka.rar As~ram. There Borable and tindetinable glorious petsonality. I wasobliviaus
atmosphere Was pI I formahty In the Ashram. The ilE tllesurrounding,
. easant y quiet .
wedntupto the meditation.halI, r:~:::~e~yaSDhd InVitding,I
re . SWa ... , . , oes an ent~ In the past I, had a similar experience. J.t: was, wben I
ml}1 was Sitting cross-legged on the floN f ' ' ~
Rroup of newly initiated' d' . I ' bo ' aCIDg a ser .••• the Arm~ medical corps of the Indian Armed Forces.
H' IS posture Was classical ( ISClpes~Same
tb lad' d
' Ie!! an gent~ 01:lty to()k ~eto the Himalayas ~ahd we were 'campin, at: a
personaJity divinely cbar . ' d~a~Ya Sua Greevaa ). his heiSftt of 14· OOQ feetllbovetbe sea level. Our camp' was
ness. He W b ~I?g. ra tatlng peace and happj,. withi,n a short .,4istance from the ~ount Kanchanjalfga, tbe
H·IS speech ~s usy explaIning certain points ,of 'S db ..
wa "I" , ,a an8. third~ Lighest in tbe world. The' snowooveredmounta~n
s sweet, me odIOUSand f ich in . '.J 1
an d profound wisdom. VIVIJ examp e, soaredhiah up into the blue s~Y with wisp of :doud, hovering
around the; peak. The whole body was a d¥zling silver and
I did Pranam d~d d ,- ' the lower half looked ~ dazzlingly golderi colourdurimg
•••• aat own uninvit d HO";
g Ianced at me twice or thrice du i . ,e • e 'U~t morning ~nd~veninghours. The vision 'was; so grand, so
were arresting Th' . r oS dlSCusluons. The look.
" ~,en It was tIme tor d' i .Iolious, and awe. inspiring tha't it cannot be descdb;d in
m rows to medicate. I h ~e Itat on, and all sat words. ODe simply ~6tgets oneose1f and 'the ,surr09nding.
, sat t ere qUIetly anq watched the
,nc~pt the aware'liessOi the vision and the silent uqeartbb
\.1 'f· d ,'. i I': i

in the world Not do we think another pet80n/ol·

"'ibrati~n comiog 'QuI! ~f,it~, ,M~~e~lipg~ to' th~ Pt~~~i'c!'Ofl of his stature coming after him for several centuries to
SwarM}(.r's"'mbl~, this b.ut i~ a lIl()r~hltense man~etr His'
e. He has vast knowledge in medicine, engineering. law.•
hyes dazzled so' mUGn t~a~ I was fprced ):0 blink' my e.yei arid
Iooktd'f,w:ay." He spok~,geQ.tlythat t co~id'be initik~
a 'date, and ,time 'wa~ fix;ed." I»JidPr~nam' ~'~bis tdtli8,ft'!~t
'~d rdening, painting and music ill addition to bis boundless
wle~.tef\sastras,· Astf~l~Y! ~n~ AYWr:qmr·,y}.:\l
(e, \ " "

•• "
with elevated itnd
,\.1, '" ;'1U~i
'~ r' !; l' {' '." \
.!,. J I, have closely (observed bis pulselessand breathless
'tate of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. "Breathlessness is Deathlessness'
• ' ii ' ' " '" • 'i I""
. SIDC~~ben I ,hav~.beelffortunate enough to;be ~ 'hunP0ke ParalDahav~a. Y:o~ananda Swamiji h~s co~quered
h.•••• fre(J~er:'tly., ~,~it, wit~ hfmin trieditationokeo., ~. ~beatb.1 have also !Ie~l\ his, whole body. transfoTcned into
tImes I get opportunity to (Hrie 'WitbhHn jami trav~l\l17ith ,u.tbin~sphece of blu~ light and' only his s~eet,soft voice
him. There is no privacy in his life. The wboled'a~"~~d 1codiing-,outfroni that sphere'~i " " "
i almo~; uptomidni,ght he is in the company of devotees .•
~ekers.. ancJ visitor!!!, prith Indian and fGreignetlt~' Most of ; Many, have !Ieen the, emission 6£ divine'light :from
the time, the talk i$ onesic:led- he goes bntalkinIJ !••1v' j'l4iff~'rent ~'Part&af ;h:s .bodY simultaneously Oth,ers 'bave
for' hours "abou~' ,Sadhana' and' Shasira~. Simple.lmDI-.nJ. x' noiicedf.lashesof 91u8 :1igh~moving up ,and dQ\trn'hi$,spine
high ,thinking c~n' be\se~nin o'per~tion here. ,\ - I"",: ' ,"and also moving round him. It is a common know1edge tbat
\ , ; : ,. I . .be"r€l'ld!l'Yourinne~m,.,st thoughts clearly, He is Antaryaa.
Swamijiis tall. fair andl h~s a, divine body., Onef~els min. He has X-1ay lik~vision. So notbing is hidden from
as if his whole hody is illumined fro~\ within ~d l;g6t is him. Many-have. wit,nel'lsedthe qualities of Omnipotence ,and
pe~colating out ,through his,skin. Th~ugh'~~is 'tall'hnd dmitisciencein hini.Some b.aveseenJ~sus Christ in bim and
wetlbuitt 'he is very ,light., Phvsicaltv a'nd 'trien'talty~"8e
very active and alert. Humou~ andread~~'wit arel>his
iii ,some have seen ~aibaba io him. Wbenhe talks on~aama
andrthe R:a&'mayanaone fee.!sas if Lord ,Raama is present in
characteristic fel'ltures. He has full con'trdl oV'erhis ~t#lses "erson. When h~ speak~ ~t1 Gits'; and Kdshna 'one .feel~~he
~ ode cannot, find uDtpsuch perfection. in any other - . ( divine presence:of Lord, Krishna. In shortw~atev~r diVIDe
person. ,His ,divinely hando9me and charmtng i face has a i1'lariHastation one, wa~ts to see: in htm, lils WIshes are
perceptible glow ancllarl!e d~rk'e~esflash a rid 'radiate Y'O_tr. fulfilled; Ifon~ want;s to test him, he goes more than half
He is fearless. ,fta~k., f!iepdJr and ,ets,*~et lind charmii\g,
;W~yto satisfy hit11.' "\
He holds no do~.matic v,iew,po fanatic 'ide''! d~tirrt:tion
d caste, ,creed,c()lour 1ancj'f=u!ture. The only;QUilHfication , , ' 'Iei$: our fetveIlt' p~ayer-niay hestay ;,ithus many
he 'expe,ctsto .£indin, l'e~0:t1Swho appr'oach him' for initia~ion ,_a:sOf8",arsnaf fQrever t~ '~ive soticeattd ~ustal::lane tQ each
ill' eagern~ss. sinCerelY' of purpose, ,and ,burnU~Y. , according to his need and' asp{rati ~ni; '.
"Acoor'dinRtn.hiOl', G1-lrl1~Sra'dha it the': faUowin,of GUfU'S ~. r.;·· "
:Om GlllU Kdpahi Kevalam,
instructipnlJ bupdred~rce'nt.
'. ;
' ~-

Bhdabat Kripabi K~valam

, His life ,actiyitie~ are Gi~a,personified. It'can ":,.eo' , '
O~ '
, easily that he is,tbe gJ;"at~s~~a~nt ~nd;world' 'teache..fter
vin Lord,lGtishna, Buddh;h8nd Adi Shankata-cnarya. 1bi. is no
exaggeration. In KriY~ YOg~:·there'is'tlts grnter teachll' t.ban .r..: J
c,·, ': l. ,;, ",.', 0

It and r>eOplefrom Hollan& greeted him a warm

l 'e1attheairport. He was there for a short period. 'A
l'meeting baer been arranged. and thete -after many
.~ ' .. - .. - ". '.. -. : "" . . .

(' ''1 ""hlbbks rimairiing in Hol1and:artdfnan1'Dutch people

Krlya Yoga in the Western World:lw,~-!: ':to'·liimto take initiation. ,,"i

.Raghabanand~ Nayak: Then Swamijee started for Curacao. That is all island
~t.on the nortbern, side of Soutb America.,Ittqok 21
A new era of Kriya- Yoga was beralded in' the <v~.'t ',Uia,hf by: plane~'ltirst Swamijee started t6London,
with the visit of :5.wami Hariharananda to the, EurQptlln " 'from tondon· to Cur'acao, "Th~t: was my'first
Countries. Paramahansa" Yoglliflanda, the apostle of I(dsa- /'
- ..'
"to~ee...' .,"Atlantic Ocean. I crossed
Yoga for the west, concentrated his work in AmeJ:i<~., It , plarie. It took more than eighthot.I,rs to cross the ocean.
'was Swami l'Iariharananda who accelerated the mission of ',',..hed Curacao airpoat at about 11 P. M.- atnight. It
Kriya- YOg~ sp~cially in Europe in his sub8equefltvisits. No ".'.a very painf.uland ,borin~ flight. But I was struck with
othe~ Yogi of tbe stature of paramhansa Yogana.qd.,~d "'#4er when I found some hundreds of people entering the
ever' visited the western world and cartiedon the miss~~lnof port with hU,ie quantities of rose~and 'J!arlands iDtheir
Kriya- Yoga after his Mahasamadhi. In this regard Swami ndsfo receive me. Manv photographers were taking snaps
Hariharananda is the only great Yogi who re'ally created their flash cameras. Almost in a minute some hundred
a stir in the wei tern mind within a very brief· spaR of aI's were being taken." All 'ilirport officers were' spelbound
tilne. Swamijee made' his first missionary tour of S.wit;er- see tbe huge congregation of pedple to have a glimpse of
la~d, Francet Holl~ndt Germany and England inl~.for ami HllIiharananda They were looking in amazement
a few m('\nths only and could feel that there was the p~t,per the reception accorded to Swamiji. Many disCiples took:
atmosphere to infus~ the spirit of Kriya-Yaga :a.nd.imp~rt amiji's bag and baggages outside the airport.
,them the genuine technique in their rig~ persp~ti,?~ as by Lllhiribaba 'and' S~i Ylikteswarjee. He was t: . "When I reached the main road" says Swamiji." all
convinced that though the we'Sterners were intellectp&l1v ,~sloth and exhaution disap'peared.I became extremel.,
developed, tbev were spiritually starving due t() emotioo,al ,ire'and found some hundred CHS 'W'siting for Harihara-
disrUPtion and were conse.quently leac:\\nga s.orched l~~~ of anda. Then he was taken to Curacao Ashram by a car.
restlessness in spite of tremendous materi'al pr osperity. Jhey hen he reached roeret he witnessed that the Ashram waS:
are cut ,off from thefoQntain of spiritual bliss.' Tf\eY~~ow . autifully decaTated in honour of his first visit. The place
rely on Yoga to regain some me'ntalbalanae'and inner p"ce: .:Was illuminated and in the main gate there was a big
, .',. .'.. :!o..
'~~trait ofH:ar~harananqa. ,In everJ corner of the staircaset
He, th¥'efore ,decideQ to visit the western world for 'there were qr~photos of Swamiji and four Gurus of.Kdya.
fi, the purpose of impat:ting Kriya-Yoga.We are, heret g,ving 'Yoga order. ~'When I went to tbesecond floor of the .;
some details of his' visits. In the 1975t Krishna Da.nani lb.uilding"saysSwamijee,
.. ';1 heard a melodiol:ls Many
a disciple from Bogota came to Puri to take Swamijilt'road•
, - . , .

"eople sang iQ chorus. Ob .Hariharananda, come to us, bless
" I
Swamiji started from ~dia for the second time in tile month ~UB.give us se1f-t~alisation. II
I, I
of June and straight weut t)laDd by ~~D:" ::
, \
"Jl ~eception and a, D)~~tipg was arranged. inside the
t~~'comp()pnd in the churcbball. S~amiji i~ of opinion
.t it is avery"~pacious' liall~hit.i{fae had' ever seen. in his
Hl'.( '," -, ". ~ ;, ,.. ,-"", -'_"',: --.,' ,

, :Maie· than four hundred pri~sts' "and' two hundred 'D,Jl1S

'~~~sitting.. Apart f~om. this. "~riie;~ix hundred otf.ers
p~regated the~e to he~r his discourse:' ..
;1.. / ',,', ";,.J ,"', ,~,)
• "li ."' .1'" ;

Th~ ~,o~ent he s~t on tbe 4ais. .l;>o~~d,'d~wrD.

J! a~die~ce!. W~th fald,ed hand~ ,one ,of t,h~,91~~stpr~~~$.,
. st asked him ··Swamiii. we pray lou~l~ a,n~ joillt~y in the,
,hurch and we read the Bible in church. What are you
.' i~ .#1el'e.. ' ,Swamiji repUed-~'You all joint;lY ~hout and
'l'a,.\,~, which the God willhear your! hless,
fpu., Bqt in Kriya.Ypgawe do not p~aJ loudly. We,only
;.&ear.:ttAA· whispering talk of the ,invWble _!:n~La~df.almly
, perQje,ve,~the trinity-the voice ,of God•.,the.invisibl~ living
, tou~h of God and the illuminatiqn trom Go.d~", ,,_

On hearing tbi~ th~ ~udel)C1!contipued. to ~lap for a

pretty long period out of sheer· exultation..;' Then anoth~r
old priest asked,- him. uS,watl,liji.are yoU.. a Christian?
'.' .-- ,., We , '

a~e all Christians. If you ate not Christian~, t~Q. what we

can Jearn from"pu ? ••. .swamiii ,repIi,d. '~Js your. Gad a.
Christian? To what caste)doeshe,belong? "Wheth~r is he
putting on dr(Ss,like yo~,all·1 W~eth~:rGodjs.a. ',Hindu by
caste or puts on the dress like a Muslim Fakir? How many
Gods .arf: there in..theJJniverllity. 7 "Wi11yo~ kindly t,ell me
wbat .type.of foodthe is takip,g? Wh~ther tile Cgllrch ,is the
abode of Christian G04 ?,t. We know. th~re is onJ, one God
in tbeUniverse who:is nei~her I-Undu.:M~slim,nor Christian.

fIe ',is~aU; petvadiiJlg.o~niscient aQd omnipotent. It is

written in t;b41 aipJe tb~.t,he ,m~d~ miln and "V9~a~p~f of his
QW.n ,,lqJage,L ge i ,bres ~e~ .j~to t~~ir no~tr.i1~ ~is .own
breath aDd he~me the Jlpan bein~ in the}.w~oleUni.
,,~se. • W~rb ~f jSJll?~fl,.wg; 1n the eve~r ,human be\ng. tgere
iSftQqQ~s~i :o~Gla~te,::,:~Fee:4,ilnd~louid"As t~e.,.~!Jnis O~l~
. ·Gd·l ••
Q)Q9Q .J.. o.. ~" 0 _l~a so Qf.e~"~' . .. ' . '\ ••. .:1 ,i



. ,Th~Q. S~amijf<:oQt;.inued.-"KrIYa.Ybga is not'8idh:'~

JS~. fbrlstl~,nJty. M~¥mmedaQisD). nor any kind qf~.tb'.') '~1'C) If) •• bO'll'!IOiya:tYoIa.~rlH.ialsO' ttaoiousw 1l11$W~'r
K~I:r~-:oga IS. a technique by which you can transfrom'jo'u~" ptlbtie Mvattenttltbl!imeft'i~r ;.:,)-irIJ:;~;':· \"1.'-"./ c, :7 •• 10:~,
1IIInd I.nto sUl>~r consciousn~ssand JOU will get onIY'tb~ t "hU'i,·t-.'1lr, ~", •. !: ;i'r'.'" . 'l'JI:. :.iJc;,t;"(li Hb i.,••• ~:. lh,,-,u'!,:',
awareness of tiie. innerself. By this prlJctice.D:)ind bec:()Dl"s~ ~d1)t:<;lpeople.,k()fn .N.vYOIk.JLa_ •• ev.m take
';I.<; ••
rep~aed. sorrows and anxieties are completely overco~. •• ,;;.t()i.fJhfS;.A';u·~TIfII~'hadralr~ Dlad •.• plOlttaaimes'
Even the, consciousness 9f the material and physkal entity Cjf tfm,Jmtecin,a..J .noo.~~~
alld ,T.eiry GoM!aaG'
a :Il.uman .be~ng vanishes with perfectionln'tne practices of ber disciples requested Swamiji to go to A.lkat!ru'J"!atm
~~~:a. Yoga ~.e~bnique: A .true Kriya. Yogi' alw~ys experienc.'¥ as a Radio broadcast programme in America in Newyork.
DIVinIty and G;> eJlr.;Stlt''twbl\'mmr'~ MlIny .U~t-1:merica
intGIutont&otc. .• itlt> Swamiji· lll1<l. 1IIllre hlasecJ..ilfitb-
. He. t?,en. des~ribe~ th~ ~erits of ··l{riYa Yoga and id •• toa.,;. t SWam.)ji!)_ as. I flJ1 tN ew~r1(I' .for ,;:t 4 ;;.da1B. ·~J:Bro.DIi
c()~tJnued- Through this practice one can achieve pHysio- ~!JlIJ ',)h~ PTOcft~ -to
;·W.magton- gl; o..v.Ja~"'e
Ioglc~l and psychological benefi ts. Kriya-yoga actS as a:'. hTteA .aii',IllslMllb/~fi .'WJW~metic:anll:t001ojoitliatiqn.,-.A
panacea lorthe heart ana ensureslorigevity, checks heart trou""; }~td;jr'l ~WI~~l~I ••'.ftitfiect"wlthl."M"sifltte_gs in,~~
ble. If one can baye contro16ver worries and anxieties. he 'dan , 1'tatfcyn~riflllilffMji:"'\tetl b,ctliE):.l1.WashibMtoni a OL.<Mta .(Q guide
perform bis action calmly. When -mundane sense is sublima- ;8mttit£uw\livmejlk1~'cobi8~soiples.tbet&.! j/ .,'"Lv· ..•
ted and transcended. tbe all pervading sense and that '1'·_·.:h.W.-::U~rlllIlUL:u.-.j<iI_~ :"'I·,-::~·br':J"H _:t~.:I\OJ~;:) <.i,. , .',

function of tbe formless God without any attributes ohly be '.~ ',,;; JC01If~sbi~ •.•Qo~u,S;\yADliji.,~reJl1o, .•.
percieved. If one's mind is blissful and calm, he Can do .any 'I,W'Mn ihe-•.an.iv.G- llt"Zm'i~br,.~PP.AA)¥l~vrj.~ze!lll"q. "l.~g.
activity in the world with perfect satisfaction. By :tlri~ 7bunrbtQj_:ofldiseifllesJ greea:e_~i~Jr¥~ ~ hi'Arlstra~r;q
practke the cortical nerve of the brain becomes calmahd':: 'lUBldihgen' Im...j&GeIIQa1lJtlwl..beJl~ ..••~~ rP.QPU§-· m"t\Qg •.• ti
tranquil. He nee~ not take any kind of drug. but enjoys' .ahfctin.genc:.ior.i fault. AAY$••• 1».,-:)i.I' h,jn wtJW";th~re.w"
perf~t 'rest of mind. By this. atoms. cells. diafragm. lungs) accommodation for 3000 people. ~.J;WAf.9)P~I\II·.l»ctdi:r
and tIssues of, nerves and aeart are rejuvenated. tatio~ever~ mornin~ and evening. ~~us, ~"•.strC)Dgfoun.
~a~i6rfrW'a~J(&i''0 1mEihi'trl1i!Yo~a( In!(t'f~i;rv.lVCJn
Swamiji in the midst of his discourse aaid- II if yoU wtlJ TAarti4t . ~aibij't'fe rrIfin;' atia'vreacliid Oellii ori~t'ti
drink in' a poisonC\us cup, it will be surely death to YOU. SO' ~i1'~'UsfiI4111f..W ~rtl1~~~Cirt~1~g~ 'lto~' 8is~ipf~'"o1Hrn'di~.
long we do not go beyond cur thought. mind and intellect,; 3fh'fs rd\~U~,'t;tic~!vtleYila;i/frdrii'pl~~~j£o-'fYl'ace tb1~Uile
we cannot enjoy God-realisation perfectly', ·lY'iya.yogacant . ~lti~ntty'
ati .1i'hul·~a wi1i'8'th~Kea'fe oljHis;,dt!idP\~~1t his
enable a lt1an to become free from worldly cOl1sci()usness"~ 'tll~7ne19~1? ilan6n~i~ebtlit:fltijs(fpI!Hbif~lit~'f:"k' ''"f :.•~ ~I"'~;

The audience requested Swamiji to give a briff discourse on to-.J;. H ••.

;0 oi .~''ir·wII 'D' ••",lUT.:! lJ) t ·h~":J"7() '{"';,":W'"

In th '1".1(11 Gler:maD¥\yr.te~
Kriy~ • yo~a wi~?in,fc.>rty. min~te. anc! delivered a>
speech on the utlUtfof Kriya-ydg'a~ EVerybody including thel
"::IiCl ':,~

. it8n~ d.. iMit• .,
_n"r lD:8lI!tJ'v.dilCiple.M
D»t8Ie1ttH •••• tte Kri,. • ."lfeja ttte.ditacibn
• i,Iilr t •••Qil£lf andwo$.el;,:,Mt;1l&IlS
priests were happy' arid some bf tbem took: the techaiqutr
~fter initiation •. Every week there '.were two, P~1ic ..mll!etingll ',' who took in iaai om..hilD6ji fIJl_ •• ted1hinbtiOJra.mefll>
10 Bogota. Even 10 the unitersity,the vice-chaobeUor inviC4td J
3eeFJP .. a....
... aan.Y...a.nd"..S.w mij.i Stutgart. a. v.~,ry bi.~ c.ity in
~A1ati:v \\tfth,i31.; 15Iilt5ifmd~r1tmse~=rfb~trinJf*for
,,·.s!,i.. i>t-·~~at'titii('~1'iY.- ·there. '~Miii'~;~~e
the ,I
received ~Ab,cordialIY'i?'-6he,airP6rt. The D1tural se••.•• _ .of "ClIracao, ¥d contac~e4 swamiji after t\,Vo,Te~iaio\l
the place. IS very cbar~1Qg aQdSW1lmiii W~~ QIO:v~d j:o.~ •• ";a~~~ll~'H~" requested ~~amiji' to ~tay!at,!an~
SQ,rroundl~gSof tbe majestic city. Swamiji and Dhiranandajj nt~"~ ;~rmanentvis~~ 1ft w£i,of' dlscUsslon;'.thEl
were St'aYJng at -Iscbute'Asbl'&m. ,Ma'ny German. erpQtPraJed #>r . his,bleSsings to get .strength . to manage
geode men· ca~", every day by ~r' 'from differat co~,eII ~ aftrairs ,ot.'. a~1Dirijltration ,efficiently. SW8:fIiiji'was
~ p ~ •
ThIS . Wall Swamiji's vi.9it totbe--ternworu,.t
~- ,~~.
•• .~~.~~~ed' ;.t~ ~o~k 'in'J 'Curacao .fo,r' 'a'ttonge~',~period. The
t uet[)lfl.f tittle, , efinen~J;ener;f M~~a~e~ and, other ~fficers~ook initiati~~
···....w fO,mcliW,aQ1iji. SW.~W assured, tb~m that he would send hiS
.. .' Tber~was a big cQmpo!.md",wher,(t·,.tnedi~ation -:cx.~~.- '~pre~ntative,! t();,S~~Y at; Curacaoapd like ,~he .pl~~e' as ,the
W'ft'~'. heldeveJ'Y da,.'morJ?ing,.and ~~enjng);i.Once ~ •••• Y1.i~t, ,of i,be pI~ce was as good as tbat of Pud. also tt.lcl He
reporter. c:ame; to ,contact .SwJlQliji•. He.could· not f--'· a
Swarniji, I&Y~,; tbe! soul is abiding .in the, bo~b~
talked;. at about 12_~, ;wb,en ,$WAlQijiba~t~.; \qnc~ .•, 8.:1~
ae ~~~:~ ihe~ to r~~ain in Cu'ra~ao i~win~er, dllY!!.
·'l("F.rOlD, CqracAo.w,miji proc~ed,e.!i.toWasbjP,g,tQJl D. C.
' . ", "

took.b.~"e(ll there wl,th others. " S,,,a~ij. 4is~~ with,bi. },,M4ny discipleS calDe. to ~l,1e ~ir~r~ t()rece~ve. sw:~mUf
.b~t lIOU1 arlture and told'himthat,SQul is.perv(ld.~llg,th~"j,ql~ ~~JUl ~hen,swamiji reached his' .wh.i~bbe established
universe. At last •. :he ""as cODvincefLandto.Q~4oWIHtetaile; t;befor.J!..J!very \lU'e~. t~er~ w~e p~blic me~tings. Pe~ple,ffom
of his ?iscousee. He took some snaps and flashed S;a~iji's 'all walks of life came to meet hi~ and.took itlit~~ion. T~e
PNlt'alDmt!land "personalityin' the'paperaJ ,A meetin,.t Stut- , news of hisarrivdwas published in the papers. President
latt· was -beld and-,tbe details of hil' !pecb W&lt focussed j Drtbe l Carter ~as8Ho' .'irittfested and tobtacted SwaiDi'ii over
plPers..-T'bel'e were :eigbt ,meetings in·the .•top ,citie. lof '\"telepbone aridaBked' him how long be would stay in the
Germany,,; Day'and ni,at t>he~:wa. huge tush.Df peQple..abd ,'V. '5.' l\.l in ordertbat he might find time to tome inte
8wilMijflhadrttl take'much strain tog.uide and\'LeJb i'piit~~D1ttcontact ·withsW'amiji. Mt <Catter·s.mother religioua
tbe Krill Y'cSgateehntque. ,'. "'.,.,', "'(". .., " " '. \j~l'i' ,
;~ady'Wafli:ed ·to . meet 'swamiji to know abOut IOU}. culture.
•• 1 ,,'," '.' ",'. .Il,"-; j;'t' '.. ;.' f _' ''I' .•.• ,_. '.'But 'de President was n:treme1·Ybusy ;f()rsome ptasing and
I ThJ:A,.~'Y~~jji .prQee~e4,~.~~l,~:iu~.o~~ ..26¥/ Jul;;18~a ;'utgent; Uia.tte'rs~·and the ptogtamm. could nat he ohatked out
~t~y~~ ,tl)~re .~9r.))ev~.~}. a~~:;: ~r~; ,Jps,. ~~e,!,' diSf,iptflro~ ! 'as 'sw{miiji blld~!to It8Y'·t~efer'a shott perio&; Ie·.as
8eIRIP~.Wa$,.~qadu9~~ng;. .,iya::v.0g~,~~~~~e,s at ~ertJik every , proposed' to' take 'Swamiji,"tO -his 'residence whenswa1niji
oetf,ening,..;p.i4ci~lesi ,P'o.q!,~o. ~vit,e4, ,~~ID_
i" ~9~~e"W:e~ 'wouldvisif t!ie U. ~lA.~fiext'time.
> " r,~·~., ';" ~'; :;l'.~ . :-:;".:.. ,'.-, '.-. ,;,
,a(I,d,st~Y~ tpe.~e.}o~. t,~elxe.,~aY$,,_, ., r ,~ublic meetings ~ •. 'J J M

;" ; M~ny .~~~~,bl~·pt!0l?le of Ame~ic.a~ame from ~ist~n~

were .~.eld. Manl. )),~t,~, ,1~':~p'I~ t9P,k ,~ ,0 i~tJijp" _'Th~~
i.. places ~Q t~}% ~~.;~.frqrQ, ~~a,~j~i., He iSI1$tis,fi2~

SwamJJl proceeded to London for a week. F m I-Iollanii

.swamiji 'owentto 'li.ondoo!,where. ne" bad·,~any .disciple•• i; ~there "fe;~~ n"~
al1~~i~~ere d~'c.i~les~n ~~e.ri~a f{ho a't'
\ :!!Mditating. "!J.. ,tQ~"~ed,i~tiQ.~.•F!8.S~~
Q.,qp SO.J?d.\I~t~ng
.lihup.' ltbe .meditation 'classes ~lVe:r.,;held. lePer~.,da , 3.~
:resid'ence of: Miense1·' Fray ,an lEnc1isb dise iple.Bf Swamiji
.t .llap()~thl!"!$,,~mW.t~ep ,went to .. ~~wY9,rk:. He setl~ D>~~fJl·
i'!na~aji tq -~IjP1M\J !lQd~ta~.te4 ~or~qgo,t~ ~;ith, K~il!9!1l
·PIWfll!·~ondon lie'staortedfQ1r·, t .," W f !.II
:~'.DaJ:Ja~al)i.~ ~ny.'Other:d~,ciple~ q1.~pe .U.S.A. l;l!!!l='eaF~~ I

;."·"~<~~~iii..r~~,~~~:r~~~'.~~p~~~l' ~(GUi.~,\~;;~ Bogota .h~~m~~in~~'j ci.9Q,Rf. th~~jgb~~ .t4F'- .peo~!e:..aa~e


:J}Yl!,,qro~,~!IQ~e_!~Er~lm. to the ail'poTt to receive sW-NJ1iii. "op.
"Karar Ashram and Its Tradition'"
• Kaililsh Cbandra Rath

The word uK A R A R" is a familY name;ju9t .like.

tht ~bapatra. Mishra and the like. This family ,bam. Has
en made famous by one i~m{)rtal soul. Many peoPle are
orn and die leaving no foot pl'ints on the sands of time.,But
1n~,t!a' while. some great soul whose foot prints the ~sterity
nnot deface. Such a soul was born with the nattJ'e,Pnyanatb
~rar. Such a soul lived at Ful'i. He glorified Purl and Puri
lorified bim. Glory in its Physical form meet eve~ now in
'he Ashram in which he cOl2nted his d~ily routine. And that
at Ices by the name of Karar Ashram.
, 1£ one searches sincerely for a profession to make an
onest aad worthy 1iv:i~g under the present aget it is evident
rom tbe very outset tha t two professions tOP tbe list .. 1.'10. It
s Teacher-ship. a
No- 2. the profeSSion of Db~toJ:. The case
ppeats so. simply because they afford opportunities to do
good to other without the" doer being co~sdou~ of doing
. ood. A teacher teaches. He receives bis monthly' salary against
'bis labour, But imagine how happy -be feels wben his pupils
rove worthy. come out of all Tests in flying colours. Simila-
rly' just imagine the feeling! of a Poor p~tjent who cured
'by·a wottbyDocto:,. cannot ,afford to pay the fees be estim-
ates wortb giving,

• I

to discover that fhe root of all evils lies in remaining away

from the cantre i. e. God censciousness,

Life means action and death means inaction Or ipcapa-

bility fp~ ,ailYi .~ting.' ~Action means !Dotion every· s~cond.
Motion is with regard to a fixed paint. The fixed point IS
Swami Haribarananda
Parama,tmawhohlls cantre every where and circumfe-tence in Mysteries & Miracles
no where. To revolve round and round this centre is die
work evety life does.' R~volving is rest1essn~s~ and lyid!Hnert' • Sri Siva ram Rath. B. L.
is deatb and in between them and beyond lies tbe 'TrUth;
The truth is. do whatever you like but fix your at ten tibh. "God is crying for you. He wants you to return ~o
there aU tbe' while. so that every thing gone nothiog<t.(re_ It is your b' rl'ght . You will have to .leave
L'f thiS
asesand everything added nothing increases, The tecliliique earth some day;· it is not an abiding place for you. te 10
is taught inl{riya Yoga. Telching Kriya Yoga is the tradi" earth is only a school in which He bas put us to ~e bo~ "\t'e
tioniof tbe Karar Ashram. ,'. . . . b ' 11 'Before He will reyeal Himself. God
. behave herke. t at :h:ther we desire earth's tin.sel glory or
, wants to now . d. 'I am
Sbri Yukteswar Gi~iji .opened.a School here'llnd whether ·we have acquired' .enough wis am ~o say.
held requl~r classes. sat with pupils and taught:t&elb the
tbro~gh with all this. Lord; I wyent to '~~~ew:~::ea~h:~
great secret. He was worthily succeeded by ~miji. my I know you are all. I really own. ou wi
spiritual fatber. who excels bis spirltua,l £ore~fathers . such everhodyelse is gone,"
virtues as desired by bis spirit ual father and fathers in ttl •
( Frorn.Paramahans y,(\gan~n~'s
If you peep into the A~hram now. you find thae: t . How can you'talk with God )
present available pattern upholds tbe tradition with a tena.
city more cognizable than that of a ccw to its ca·lf that of a These not empty war d s 0f the Great Guru·
They are from the lips of ,the perfec.t
lover to the beloved. that of a bird to its 'egg. And the Paramhans Yoganan d . b b' If
Ashram. self contained in aU respects just like an agg is , one who had realised . God and had lived, all throug IS t e
stirring vigorously to grow wings so that it will soar high to as one of His own,
take stock of the sky for that is the limit. the forefathe
scaled. most of whom did not back to report their findin Paramhans Yoganand is no more with us, But we h~ve

This in short is the tradition of the Karll[ Asbrm

. .
,'d t Swami Hariharananda
10 our mt s •
f tbe present age' a worthy
Giri the greatest Ktlya
f the Pauma-
Y 0 ,
which invites one and.all into its open embrace and if ou Ogl 0 "
One ma, not at fnst Sight, gauge ., • th e. deptb of hiS
disbelieve me. just give a trial and lee and Go '" hansa: . fi 1<1 (if y~~a ~nd may even unde~.estlmate hiS
with you. expenence 10 ,e i' '. d fi ding him quite unosten-
capabilities in. that regar. \ hi speaking becaUse
Had 001 T atsat. tatious and ihuple, But one must ea r c' Jl H d '
oj. • '. ", f expert e can emon·
he speaks wltti the conViction 0 an . b r d L-
, '(1 , f' how God can e rea Ise uy

• st'rate with eaSe an per e~tl~,n.

sihcere 'and constant practice of a partlcu
'tar yogic technique
, i
eo 81
called Kriya Yoga. According to him, tbis technique is tbe
·easiest, surest, and the best' that leads to the simultaneouS' ·~'nt and in a few seconds, he was in 'Samadhi', lco'-lld not
development of body, mind and soul of the aspirant. He Heve my eyes at first. He was not breathing. The th~ob:
was explaining one day how 'Kundalini' the serpentine ~ng of the heart and the pulse h~d stopped completely.
power lying dormantatthe Pase"Qf spine \VOuld be awakened here was no sign of life in his body. But it was illumined
by the practice of Kri} a Yoga in a surprisingly shorter period \ ith divine ligh t. Minutes passed by in tense excitement. I
, ,~- - ~_.: j • - . -~

and quicken the' process of evolution of man, as alarmed. 'We did not know what to do to bring him
ourid to consciousness. My co'mpanions were meditating, for
"e had told us to touch him and medita te during his Samadhi
I h~d read in the books that when the ·Kunda.
tate so ;that the divine current from his body would be
Iini' passes up the spine, it vivifies in turn, each 'Chakram
ransmitted into ours. It occurred to me that I should also
thereby causing the etheric centres to be opened;,w.d
~editate as he had said. to stop the growing anxie~y and
channds to be made from the superphysical to the phy~lcal 'tstlessness in my mind. I touched his feet and meditated.
wQrId so Il,rovidingconductors for the superphysica'vi'bra.
.Calmness descended on me slowlY All restlessness disa.ppea-
tions, when it is tbQSaroused all tbe psychic powers are fully'
red and I was in a stlte of unspeakable quietness.
unfolded 8>ndbecome available for use, wbileth~ man is awake
in pby~ic ••l body. But to me, it was incomprehensIble that The Samadhi state of Swamiji perhaps remaine? for
such a stage c:ould be attainabl~unt1l1 I ctually saw with my about half an hour or so. Slowly he' opened his eyes and
own eyes the movement oftbe blazing Kun 'bi in the spine muttered a few words incoherently like one who had been
of Swami Haribaranand. I was allowed to be with tw er roused from deep slumber, Then he was wide awake and
favourite disciples of his, one evenin~ a~ Balasore in 197 '. looked at us affectionately. It was a great relief to see him
While explaining us the Kriya Yoga technique, he w,s :again in his usual smiles. Having no .experience of the
pleased to demonstrate the movement of K undalim in his 'Samadhi state myseif, my feeling about it was that it was a
spine and a Iso the state of Samadhi. state of extreme p"lin incapaable of ,expression like the pangs
.of death Of course, I eouid not ask bini about it then. But
The light' inside the room were switched off. ,W 2 on a subsequent occasion ahout a year later when he was
three sat close to him in tense suspense to see the mi+rcle, again in Samadhi on the request of his disciples. I found him
happen. The moment came, 1 saw a very bright object of the 'visibly tired and so after he became conscious. I expressed my
size of a small star suddenly rising from the root uf the spine~ profound regret for requesting him to go through the painful
up to the threat as he breathed in and coming down to the ,."~_ ordeal merely for the sake of satisfying our childish curiosity,
base as he breathed ~ut. He then by the focus of a torch" J
He smiled at us and· said, 'There is no pain. It is a state of
light showed us the movement of Kund~Iinifrom one:! absolute bliss One,wotildnotnormally like to return to body
Chakram (centre) to the other explail\,ing us, the, name ot~ fconsciousnes~ £raUl such a height of suprttne ecstasy.
centre, & the number of petals of each lotus., We looked o~:~-
speechless in awe and wonder, What astonished us the most·,: Once whU~~ he was with my people, at my residence 1
was "that the inner light could penetrate' ','
through the taick:'!,l
ventured to a;~ ~jm.. "I ~ove Lor~ ~risbna becau~~ every-
ness " of the spinal column, the skin and the weating appa~el:, thing is chJU'm~~g about hIm. Eut DIVIDeMother Kah IS nude,
' " ", •. ,.l",
and was clearly visible outside. Affeer ,this, Swamiji wes pitch dark in complexion' and terrible •. How call ,one love· I
, I
suca an image of Mother? He smiled ani patted my back
82 83

in s'yplpathy,. fQr my, ig.noranct;! and said "Motber
, .i; '. " . .' - - . ; _ '~- \
" :~. ,"_;~"
"One day wh·ile I was sitting in my toom al()n~·. Swamiji
,neltber ~?rk nor terrible.. Sb~ IS all beauty and tbe fo~n~~jp. told me, 'I saw a.flash of light in front 'oLmeatid there
,~f mercy.. ~e tben narr~ted befoI:e me an unique exp,t~~ .apP~ared through the light, the words "Dr. N. C" G&~s~~
lence ?f'f~shfe a~out how tbe Divine Mpt~er bad app~a.~~ ~38/DharamtalaStreet, 7. P. M.,very prominently. I Immedl-
before !lim and blessed him. He was then serioUSly aitip,. 'aub took the indication and exactly at 7 P-M. I was at th~
Heit~ougflt it ~ashis last, for. according ~~ the astr~~6f~~~1
i '}l'qq<>rofthe doctor. Dr. Ghosh. a verv busy ~ectical, ~r~i~ti~
rea(hng~ o! tl1~ horoscope, It was the worll,t period of his lif~ t,tionerwas. fortunately for me, sitting alone. He ex~ml~e:~,
He was expecting tbe inevitable at any moment. The £a~•. JDe and gave the medicine for external use. I applieCi it for,
fU/ \\I'as ,tbe 27tb September, 1958 and he was pray-in, ;.aome days, but.'althou'gh tbe disease did not spread further,
D1vlDe nio:her with all the shattered .strength of his rniq(l, fit " :the ugly looking patches continued to stare at me as befor,e.
the m<,ment. His prayer was heard and MotherlCaIi Several months passed by without any noticeable change lR
appelredbefore him in her divi ne effulgence and so~i stir- the colour of tbe skin. I did 'not know how,long I \vould
ring beauty. . .
suffer like this. Then one day, I heard a voice saying 'Dr~ S.
K. Mitra'. This again, as I understood was a further direc-
tion of Divine Mother to consult another physician. But
. "The whole, room was lighted at once" and was filled
wltb .the fragr'anceof Her Divine Form" he said, 'Her cbar_ this time she only indicated just a name and not the full
ming smile was clearly,visible through tbe mass of blue light address as she did on the previous occasion, I did not know
the doctor and it was extremely difficult to locate his clinic:
~bicb surroundded J:Ier. She raised a hand tow:ards nl,e.
in the populous metropolitan city of Calcutta. I made enquiries
In a gesture of blessmg and said, "You shall be alright, my
but. in vain. I was, roaming in theSrreets of Calcutta aimlessly
son. You shallIive to fulfil the mission for which ou
corne here. However, you will have to suffer 8ittle ~ore. and one day. as cbance would have it. I met an oldfr~end of
but have patience. I am with you always" The vi;ioQ. mine. After exchanges of courtesy he told me,that . h~ was
faded away. Swamiji was wide awake. T e ailment was' on his way to the clinic of Dr. S. K. Mitra, I wa~so~lad to
. -, think that my long search had come'to an end.
gone. '

Both of us went to tbeclinic, of Dr. Mitra. I

, It took him some more days to recove completelY.' told him the purpose of my visit with the details of my
But, one day, while taking bath he noticed a mall white: sufferinl! and the indiea6onsof' Divine Mother from time
patch of Leucoderma on his abdomen. Day af er dayiti' to time He heard' me 'Plltiently, but said nothing He
began spreading all over his body, a patch on the c est today' remained busy with his Qatients while I sat there for hours
and another on the back the .But day and tber was ItO aiting for my turD'to come; But it never came. I became
knowing when it W'Oulddisfigure the whole body. is state :sttess. Finally, IVl'otured to,askhim. if he w~uld prescribe
of mind was weJI imaginable. Well. the Divine Mo er had any mp.dicine for me. He stopped his work and staired at me
allowed him to live to fulfil Her m~ion in this ea th#~lIt vacantly and chen,.aid. "What medicine do ybtt expect me to
who would' like to etm:le near a nianafflicted with Ii inf~~:' prescribe for ian <ailment ,ordained bl the Divine Mother?
tiousdiseS.e. Hit 'mental agony r~ached the clima ' J'le She, has toldycul. my name but has not yet t~ld me the m~dl-
prayed fervently. . cine to be administered· You may have'to wait'." The'
$'eply unexpected but; whitt the doctor said was titie.,.
r 'Obl1notbaocc8Slon •. "S
\v. J"AU
at' C.lcutta"
.bed no .ther el",native but to "'eii. A little Jeter.' iwl, -. ,..... Baitor of toe" '•...
agents of a mediarlfirm of Hariana' caine to the doctor wilih \·SttM. M.,~S.&.~.J~ n.ews. lu.ued "ril)u.fY.tto~
" 'Deth· anef'a dll!clpllt of hi.. '. ." . d' III
salDplps of medicines to augment sales of medicines nlanilt ~e'" . I. ad9iAd o~ti.a. He pr~:ye, ..
factured by their (irm. One of the m placed two sa'~j)le ,a-Mrltt.. The ddctOn . d b S".lOiji telepathically at
bottfe~ of ,a medicine saying that it had been manufacr.t~ ~:,Gurudev and it " •• receive 1" the Sam.adb. i ltate,
: S· ". t once fel lnte ,
recently and was sure remedy for laucod,rma and,suchOlb~r Calcutta. ••• mlll a Delhi Ho*pital wal 180a
skin diseases, . the agents left, the doctor, who Wa:$l8 'StrliD,ely enoulh Sri S.b.n at b'", touch of S•• mi.ii
. . He felt the soot tn.
dev.ted soul. bended me OVer tbe two .emple bottle •• \1litb '~'li"~ of tb. ~Il\.. . " • .tor ••.ch. .Herdu.ed to let bhb.
tears of devotion. railing down his cheeks and said~ fHe~is '\ion the aftected ~rt'of bl. 1. ofbia GurueS.v. A few darl
the medicir.e which the Divine Mother had sent for YOU.V' I •• tt ttPer.ted ufttd tlte .~:l~a d ,n' biB tltehop. of co.p-
returned with tae medicine and after a' few days of appli- later Swa._iji •• ne. t.o De' lhan a.l.ter .ra.ualbt.cov.rei.
Sb· Saha.,. t ere )I . ,
cation, I was fully cured. There was no traC:e of leucoderma 'lel. recover,: . ":,_ N eper.ti.a was neCtuary. .
and my skin regained its natura I colour.""
'io. tbe "I'IOUS lllu.'Dt. • .

. the life.t
Such iDstasca are .a"y , 1ft Swaaiji an.
The narration ended with a smile' 'You: see, hoW' vciluma can he written en them.
merciful is Mother." he said. It is true that be is the mast
favoured child of the Divine Mother. Slle had promised to
h' k' 'af aakin, Swaaiji if he
be witb bim elweys end wbe.ever .be be. to do good to en>: For a lon, tiaae, 1 ~a. t hID I? -aramahanea y.. o.,
IS bali hea Bfa" r .. b"
devotee of Her.She chooses him as the instrument, On:!one had met Mahuatar
' h·, ·'Autobio.raph,
y." hal written about Ba aJI
to 1 , a 0'1 ,
oCCasion, a devotee, after a frantic search for Swamiji '
Mllhataj thus- .
different places, came to Puri Ashrama and fell prostrate a~t

his feet, praying to save his life. From what he narrated,' ~ '. H' - layan cralll., near !adrinarayan are
it could be gathered that, he was suffering long froma serious ffThe nordllsm .ma . Bb "I' Guru of LahlTl
. .
till blessed ht the bvm, esence a£ a aJ, . 1
ailment and had subjected himself to severe penance at the
temple of Sri Tarakeswer Mahadav, wbo it appeared, had,
•Mahasa,a.. Th. sec
'form ~far ceflUfles
. •.
. 1u d e d master
•..:,rhlJps or ml
.b reuiaed
his physicg
.'1lenniums. The deat .,.
directed him to approach Swami Hariharananda for remedy. f,
.B.bali is an Avatara '; . .
Swamiji took pity on him and although he did not know::,;r
what to do prayed Divine Mother to CUre the poor fellow. ' .'b ". , .be.•ondbUman C:Olllpreti'ea
.tit uti •• te rs. 07 Lis ,
"Ba aJls Spi .., . ' aot pierce to ,II
.., • d· 1M 1/iaion of mancan . . . i ~
f'I prayed", he said, "and prayed lQII' enough and at.,)1". .ion. Tbe war. 0'" 'Attempts' in vain: 'even to p ctu
dental Iter" ne _1..1:_'-
last, I saw a flash of light 'and within the mass .of bright1 'tran~n • '. .'. :.Ids ineoncievlPl1le . .
light,l could C;learlysee tbe pretty hand of a female unmista_ "bit Ai•• ta••••••••• ..- ..' '. '. "B b .,
kably pointing~finger towards a creeper which had growQj/ " ~"beats no Qluk: ,of jlge aan
near the lav'atory of theA,shrama. Afterw s I collecte<l~
uTp. 4@,th~as ;,;JUru 'ed
by . otl)er8. onlywtwo
the root of that plant and gave it to t
cured in 'no time. n
ailing man. ~.!'"
.cane d ,,~"';).

tie-to 1$1••••••.. ". .
reco,OlS ..
, .'
kOQwn ."1.
.ro h4Veppe(l"~
d' aan,
~ .. c'. ".
rmuo, n_
s~" !rt'mr
Jti&bJly· ..dUfeTeht, ~,.. ".,
'* 'sftlOf, -:O~D~
,~d" ~t
it -an•..•••
mov~ irolp q1Y ~a~)J~p
~ cJQtint1"it:..~,-"biD4w
•• i"IJ):e~, ~efa; 1&tQ9d

.iUPhatt4wn,-=.,out.<, The~ '.SliflQIMMQQctWe!!.J. .s~d ,~lte

An•• tn .of the: A~htam.if tbi(f, ~_,"c.:\..
:thl~t.OI)[Q. : Thl31 had !letn..Dc.:mC';'. , '","I..' !,1:,., "';t
~ ce';;::,

\ Babaji's appearance before Swamiii is sufficient PJ:90£

~'bl hik spiritu aFatiaiil'meiit. tJr- Btibl ii's 'sutltlihtof& is Deve!
/visibfeto' arijdtie~ft'blelset~ a;ehief~dt~ti'tS\tjb;tljl'hL~b-
1~iiei1t1.fstrigiita:~ 'aba- Be~ 'ft"to. h& ~ei;iAtL.w: 11td ,~te.1e

'e«m'~:~dIliijt:bS4\t6\ny,·t&E! t Ifth>aj' -(graCt) .•M·GOAt.•••.•

_;~Ibo~, WM.Uie)dncete>ti.,their •.Sadbaiia~ ,(4)(rlt "'rDl8alft!~"
i '.dfJpa."bU&iAS "et\I;Y...t,do~ you .•tlltll,get:'\ ',~{t-licath
'''~,"J,)he. _ul~.aYfJ' ~Sincarit.,,'a.lwa1s,-. Pily'S-aOO') Knpa
shall b(,.a*~n" ,*s.tGwia"ol1.~JOU li. a my$tetiolJl wa.y
, '~~r~q~1; ~1l~~~~ct!~J~':~:q!\p.!1.~.~o~9~i~~.I~~ \,V~! .c;e~ling,us
• how a m~stenousX'Ogl tau.ght hl1!1tb~ secr~t ~~'ihnlq~e.9f

.lu.~~~~t f1 ~~r~~,~
h.eCtmto the 100m. aDd. stqrted ,.bUSl~g hl.m.,lD t~~. ~o~t
\{oi"'~'o - appaiaqt':
'~~b~"tenc~'1arigU~~S ~~as~.-S~~!iil;~l8.
perplexed, The str'~'n:gir'e';~n" c~lr~hili, :Ca' frau~';·a-~he~"
91 ~~.h~a
,.a~ .•l!uQ.. tbJl •• th~,p~w.,.a~afiQ~la ,how ha~iog
~~ •.dept.q. ~. )p,e4J.tlt;tlOP~.~I~~mg.~~~~ '."~. ,~~~
GoOJef~. Sar,as..w.i,tU.qq4Q~ l?ftJ¥~~P~J ••~DA,~",tl~.\
:,'.b~,f~ . ~;I.P~.~ ~,lI~~A~fi.~~~t,a,JlJ7.RW.e.,q
.;\t-ItPQ,.glJ ., ~~eS:j~?,r,b~~l\wfR~~~M~l~., ~PJte
.sllcJn 'WwtlP~,~c~c~ iW ¥~~t~9lf.'f~~.~·If1!~\l~S,
.~« ~U~ibe ",~~j\iltJ~-~ m.iIr
!' • ..tWi\ing.l£
r~ •• lhAtW~rtm4:};~t~,~17, tB'J,ap\\ ~qn.
.}:J, ifl,rtrl hiN HBtt88d,tPIA4=J9'b~Qf~'¥ID.a.Al¥,q~ S!~t
"~!H"_'.lre~j.i.!Pt.~h.A14 AutWijcr ,tp,Jfkf ir.,,,pd,~I
"~m~tVAl ••• qk.~"pJa~ cy J4l~Jr~ \1~14~
M ~t..,a~~didd~'"
No. sooner
rJ.,~qMtsf,,~ .• \rJ'~· i~'
MuuUt;t~~",qt,~~t't.;-9f\~ oPiui~t!it,·_t

.. ....~
~ .. _._-."
" __ 'I~ "1
: W~t1~hjul·p&enEib1tn.a·,th~' hum~ eyes had ever be 1i.1i.'~cm 'fOn reac,hing the gate .of garar'A_hulIJ,,· he ,~~, ..
'··l!a~tli.1'took place. 'Del'ms of briQ&t U,ht from the e,es' c,f..;ehe !law my Gurudev SwamiYukteswall goilagtowards the.rplac••
'. 'ima'4H'ulhect ionb toward. the plate and settled on it:•.t.!1a ~wherethe Samadhi Mandir now ,lJtands. My' joy knew ne
1 :a1Ve iAndamez;!ementSw-amiji' began to tremble. There w.119 "bounds to'think tbat I would ,meet him after a long time.' I
room for doubt that the stranger was a yo,l of .the hi.hitt bis room expecting to-JDeet him on his· return. I·met:
orde~ ' 'a cUsqple there and asked him when Gurudev would return~,
., , Heatared at me in surprise and said.
Swa~iji~w~d,lDefore hj~ in revere~~ ~:nd loo~cl"n
lfopefu1Jy ~o.{i1"d8th~p~t~ to be f•• oured" with ".gra~;".of 'Gurudev is no ~ore with us.
HaI~a VI h~ch by,tb,o ,bad been Hnctified by tb~ di,iI:letouf;!t.
'But I saw h11I)'ontya' few. minutes ago', 1 insis~ed wita
: ,TbejYo'i:thfo tOQka Qlouthful of.H"lwa fro~tbe pl_"e'aod
, ,!hl;eW tbe 're$t'at S:Wluniji·,.CJ•.••• b', ·motio~ . n,hia:t,t.~at still more surprise.
It,He theo turned to the door andL.pointin, toward., a' t.e ""rnen it must be his spirit. He sometimes appears in
at! a distance, spoke as one in authority 'Come ':YQnder'tomp. hi~ buman form" he replied.
\,f-rOW, &harp at lunriae, lah.n teach YOU tomeditat.'.
: It:- ',' 'r, _, , _,

"{ did not know till then that Yukt.swarjee had already
", tt ws's
ordeined by providence that Swamiji shoutdbe
:left his mortal body. It was a terriGle.hock to me aIld a
jnitia~ed in to the higher techniq~e of Yo'a and that wa~w&)'
the mysterious Yogi ba,fbeen sent to him. It. due obedience great disappointment too. The Ashrama without Gurudev is
.tothe rnan4ate, be presented himself before the Yogi at the no place for me. I did nC\tlike to stay there and decided to
take a houae on rent. Quietl,. I left the Ashrama with a
,appointed. ho.ur.<H~.he,d <no more of the>lrudeness qf,the
. pre.vious day. He ~eceived bim cordially, He unfoldedB.fore ,bea" heart. I did not know where togo and whom to allk
,about tbe house. I went towards the sea shore. The sound of
; ,him,the st'crets '.?~~ sucf' technique of soul culture \v~h
the waves and the boundless expanse of the Sli!acalmed dO\V,n
·Jdtber to were b~yond hiS COinp~ehension. ~<i
"" , 't;~ the resth~sne$s of my mind. I stood there gazing at the
• . Wealth. power andsdare the strongest attractio~' distant horizon. I was startled to hear somebody calling out
for man. Put those'who hnecbOFentbepath of self reati~ my pllme. I looked round and saw an old friend of mine
••• are unaffected by' ille lure of little pleasures of the worJ4.' running towards me OR the sand. 'HaUo~ 'Rabinar.yan' he
~ ta)) lilndhandsome Rabinarayan (Swamijil walthe mok said. coming closer. 'YotJ are here and t have T~nsackedt~e
's.~ht after bridegroom in hill youth. Yet, be took the vol ~,wholeofpuri town to ~t ,Qu', L wondered, how' heco~ld
of life long celibacy. He was born witb .ilver sppon in" :.know that I h!ld ,COtnJ -wputi when I had told non' about

moutb in an arist<>c:raticBrahmin family of We at Bend!: ,it. When I 9sk~dJ,im b9. h.egathered" hat I w.~uldbe .tbu#!.
,Aftu his universitY education. be bad" tak~oup a luer.tl_ . be exclaimed inr;iSUttPli" 'Well, thecld Saoy.asiwith the
jo•• in a reputed firm of Calcutte •. But he lave up the Ocbte robe> told 'JD.e ofNP\Jt -arrival. He: ,.li:orted me up to
'tore bimself a~aYfrom bisflllI)jty and frieruf.4Pd'l'enouo,a ( :thedoof of a, bonse .-hicb, h~ said, YOIJ·,,;~~ht ~like on rent.
'the world; ~e!w'a8 telling ul"oneda1ftowhe'ea ••• ""ttb laave' nt you met him;r' 1 had ,not ;~er [~ny such' San'ltsi

~Uli Aabra~ in 'beer disgust' with ".t!'tbing "' .'tb:iu , flot had 1 nrne.". beforeian"y Qne my r inteation .to bir_ a
·"~entmind to purtue t&t path of'uutlt, ,..< , touse.Wit'b pu~lfd: mind -bot·h\Qf ~ f~,t~ to a,houle ,.ptar

.J •.••••. ' •••• - ....,.".


• ' ?" Swami'i t.~ned;to his lodge and OD the

K8~rl,{r }\shta~r fort 'this was;' the bouse which; m:flfriitod sRiftlng to It . , J .. b":'belon~gS consisting of very
sltid~ 'was sHown to himb,. theSan1'aii, " ""V,,,, same day he ~lled ~p aU )a:W:Di~dre etc. at one place,
, II , 'l ' ,.~;ij costly sets of sutts, shuts, shoet,' .'.' keg n till they were
and set fire to them and stood ther~~,lll 9
.' .the o~n~r 'it seemed wa's' expehiog us.Gladt"l~
burnt to as hes. y 'It .••••
n t
HA ••.. ;
!J" '''.
admitted us into 'it: W~~~rtt'ro'uhd ffle inn'er apartment'antl!
theW tJ'p to the' terrace. The Isc~n:ery was superb. Orti~c!: ;,:

side was the view of the vast sea 'aAd oh the other. there\v~_
, Thus. ~wami Ha~iharanan~a came to stay i~·Ku~r
tbe garden of Karar Ashram with beautiful flowers. It was<a i h O\U'I1' a nd :~ince t1ten he IS here at the deslte .of ]11.'
quiet place and I liked the House and its sorroundidg's. While A s ram. 1"' d f h·instt-
Gurudey Yuktes~~rjee, who was, the fo~n~ro ,t ,1,8 • of.
VIe '.were on the terrace and I was a litt;le aqsent mind, illY tution.· He'is' required to continue, t~e. hne of, Goruso~l~
fri~nd suddenly exclaimed, 'Look' the SanY!lsi. • the1sa,me nated 'from the. ~re~t Yogi GUIuLahm Maha,~~ya.~o ,hI".
one who had escorted me up to thil place. I looked ro~nJ j' • '. b'l 'd· ..l:lples·all the world overSwamlJl today gives
lind found the tall figure of my Gurudev Yukteswarji stalking Ulnumera ~ IS,!"I " .', '1' G d . '
the hope and a~surance 't~ai: everyone must rea lse 0 In
majestically towards the garden and then somewhere beh~d 'h.IS l'fIe-time
• 'bob' his p'rocess of scientific soul culture. the
;J .
the thick foliage of plants. he disappeared After this" I
a't once decided to take the house. I was firmly 'con~nced .J{riya yoga.
tl:iat my beloved Guruaev had arranged it fOr me and d~sired
thatI should occupy it".

Of all places on e~rth. the spiritual vibration iQ'Puri

is felt the most. Here sits Sri ]agannatb, the Loid~l:the
universe inHis tbree aspects with arID4 stretched to embi.~~
all those who come to Him no matter what religious o~ d'.,·,
they£ollow. Swamiji had cbme to Puri not for a changedt:,
. climate on groud of ill health as his people at home haj,
, thought, but witb the real spitit of renunciation to fulfil tf
.nission of his life. Death of his Gurudev had created a vt>,w.
'in his life. He felt lonely and bored. He used to SI>4

As days passed on, be become more and more seclUSive

engrossed in intense' Sadhana. One nigbt YukteswarjeeJDi
a'dream, directed him to go to Karar Ashram and stay theti.
, tnost of his time in circle of friends in order to enliven ?imist;

The Brahmachari in the Ashrama also saw a similar dre'"
at the same time and'so when the next day Swamiji went~~
the Ashram, he silently ol'en~ the room where Yuktesw+ :.•

used to stay and said,l'This is the room whidi I

am directed by Gurudev to reserve for you.! W~n ale,ou
~itUatl~nlt1 !heaning' of "Ta1Jflh!'rie ielDtUied "'thinhalation
dun6g ~itation 'onGo\l'-"~'Io~Wl1ddeep inbalation witla
'iiri'iet~ ~acentratitm aj ih.C418 ~a prescribes or lnju.
\. . 'j net.~' eonsumesall the eqn .~ .•• _•• ' the breatbin'
systiin c,a1man iquiet with the'.i"~~~\~ Tbe next '9$td
Kriya Yoga ''''5'vI•.1idhyaaya'' the corabiniti$DOtl.,*ofU oatliel1 1 Sw.
an Analytical Appraisal '4ridJ Adh,a,aa:t Adbi-t+,ha,. };;deaaard ,.;Oiet,*h81lt¥
'(riol: go to tbe self h t6'ttWY the se!f:orl.aortf cW.H,\$~"
• Brahmacbtlti Kriyanand, king.:to ebntio u~ « tM «tiNe- 4ilt dldrt fot/h •• tn.lthlli~;lt1iIl:nP
,ledge, of ',the seti". I;'Tae'coastUl e·60d.cOuseibu.u. ( i(riJ.
;;..Th'~~.f ,he biw~4ed "r ••: ii:r\ya,aga" i, not y oga techniq.'Jgi~e6"the apaatly leo ,'ba\ge1~"(!ied..

. . Imp~e;~s It:appears. It bas, a teC!:bnical meaning in "line
llP!r~t~aJ1ty ~nd Yoga system, But it.s 1iter~l me.ani,ni is
" . c01Jomedse11$e of tbe word 'I{ri"a' and ''{oga.' Th . d
eon.cious~elSs \):'01" tneUpb,dcail9t ,t :apeakill#ltod)EpJaittf1;"ddl
Gdd •. ' the.: m•• DingJ til' ~i,..a 'iYega: IralJ'b~erV-' ;i.en lnqthe
previbuS~C>'taVta~. It~tcijointb iaterpretedthe"aboqe me•
~Krj ,. d' . .' ' ' .~ .' '.
IS ~n'yad f~om the ~anskr1t r,oot kri which mea.
e wor
the particular doit'rg:1ot action'
"Oe3troying-' all ~the
t~; performance of ,whiCh
dt~n 0 and ~hereby the word K~iya means some partic!Jl~r i

. g or ~ctton,. The word Yolla IS constructed from the si:aftix Utii~es"tlitdi'V'a with' God through ~hestudJ of, or know ledge
~Ul, mean 109 unIte and tbat is why it means union. The word Idf~f(~Htmtelf), Swa. is''tet~dai KiUY AYOGA., "This
,rJyayoga ~piritually means the Union (Yoga) of the 'cfeflnitionilapbotism clearly tells:tbatto mow Jourself is
Jlba or the mdlvldual self with the Brahman the u . 1 'th~j)rln1~i{ duty,' ney, tbebirtb right. Forthis.'Socratei.
self b h .' DlV<lrsa
f y t e performance of some particular action (I{dya) th/gr.t' :Gre~k \).hilo50pbe'r says"K~OW TH'YSfo:LF" 1 ~
ormulated by the spiritual preceptor, With the 'sama'tope Atma'anam Bidd'bt' i~ t~e' call at the Upanishad to all the
also,a Yoga text rells 'Yogah iiva atmani aikyam eva', .),.,
.'" hum~tlityat Iltg~l t~,e '4efibition-bj.description of Kriya
Yogab~s implicitlY' ;'s~atea diat~e process or techniques of
cl 'fi
The pioneer philosopher CU'D saint- Yogi Pat
'Kriy'a'yoga ~~i:ely' \~lps ctie Jracttuoner in r~alisini his own
, _ '" ' ~, •.. '- ;;"-J4 -11,"

h' an es t e"concePt. 'Kriyayoga' in one of tb e a ph'orlsms or,J;'.' Swatupa . •.. '.:. ' '. ~
IS masterpIece
' YOGA DA RSHAN' ' l'k I e, 'T apa h swadby"" ,Y' .• " .....In our,daY,t6 ci~;;We;~eget retative lCQo\Vledge!Agaib
aya I swarapramdhaanaani kriyaayog b' .;.' all ,OUI kMwl~ag~~lbbtalp~i fi~iii;~variou. -8()~r':e\ co'nditi.

dousness . IS Knya ,a.YOg

a, mea DIng penan~
d~ and ~av1Dg an unbroken or continuous God-conscl:
H ere P atanJab
'" gIVes a pragmat;, ;it
~n~{.and Ii Q1ited.~r~,~f:~~l'n~ '~i,~~;1'Reii~~~h as
" or contr,ad~c~i'?n \tf?W, ,fb~ ~t~~~ .I?oi~t o~ .I$ t>a,ce,t,me or

escnptlon of Knya Yoga. Here Tapah'means to heat .'i circumstance- (L~~~~~~itttp. 'a.~yaj sw~rup~llrii l..,Moreover.
to burn, ,or breadly speaking to move onwards by burni. ~i ,the~~,()wled~e,. (la~tf,a~~H;pr~~aaSh:~,~~q ij~~na~ >. we get is
(~estroY1Dg the ~orldlY ties), Still I feel my duty in this ve~ <condll;IOnfdra,~ lt~~'m,~y,: ~u~ ~e~se~g!lna ao,d mind.
context, to specially clarify the meaning of the
H thd 'T wor
d'T .-g....(
apaq:.•, .liencea,ltof,. 9ut,~~R~,1Mge ~s.~~lusor~; }'herefore this mucb,
ere e wor
apan is used in a figurative sense and W ~at least w~: cap) lS"y~~,tiOur kn9~l~!J.alwaY9 withi~ ~he
b present context. the rhetoric. word 'T apa h' means'iY ..1l:.i.
,,~.qge of,.o~ JI,l ~~~,.~.ip:o~rel~~iv~:",h~c.h is given by our
u~n or toco.nsume by heat, (the fire of inhalation d~ senle or '4bl an~ tbe faculey of und~r.tanding. If the flotlle·
»rlya practice burns ~11merits and demerits!. Hen.the
- ,''':'_'',0,_-''- •. "'_".-,

.. '-','-'
titms .olsens" andtbe understandin, etc" will b" stO,Itl~,
then we can attain therea.tknowled'e, reality,.bicb is ~y~d
mind and senses ( That is Abean, lDan.8&g~l1auh, o.r,Xatq
buchonibarttante apraapya maDasaa,saba •. l,aasin'l ~Po~
, thiil' ontology the sens ,of ahe pa;tin India h~v. invented .• '
scientific. process by&nalysing thatt~ vital forcEl~r life foree \
is controlling senses ,and theiDip<J.·Thel~~di~rth,= bl''''''
thin' flow (inhalation· and-exba"lti~n ) the quicker.,~e
•• mea and by the control of tbe vital force or1;hfM?(ana,,~b,
lenses with the mind are controlled and 'tonlequentl~,b e
-atilltd.Hence,the «ontrol of the vital fQt.ce.sate.peak, itt.t~m.
Jet. cessation is,. the aine qua non in tbe whole,.Qf tAAYOga
system ·and, it bothers how to Ceaaetbe function. of;themind
·witbsenses .by.apr.oper method fot meditatiA:mupgn',God
('DhYllsna sardina maanaslll). All tbe tec;hniqu~l,6£ Kri7_
,Yt>glla'l'eba.sedi.onthis veo pri~ar'y formula. ' .
;';. , KflY. Yo4ateacbe. how to cOQtrdl' tbebre~tJa;yh'~h
h8 Kriy.teehniql1e" lalt~ •."ulu to co~p.~te .itQpensio
of w~.•th .,al)d blood circulation in the,b()I;t,.. CQ~eq.uelltl1 /
,.mi~<!.isab.spr~d in its origill and the senses stop t~eir re.p'~
ctive. fupc;tiOlilsThis is like tbe just death but with:,)!
,cpn8ciolJsp~s~-supracosmi~cosciou~ness. This" by Y~g~ ~~~~
hana., c~lI<!dNirbikalpa samadhi or Asrampajnata 8amaClb~;.
Ti;is' ~~:ge 'attai~ablet,hrou~h the ~riya is unique whefe·t~
nothing; .but onl V the . all·perva ding. all conscious-tiL
none's ~nd all bHssfull void remains, void in the sense that l')~,
•.. :.,
,,~- ,-,.
This is possible only d~~;;Z

'. .', ,~., . - " . . -,: ",(,'

to ,the fact tbatthe source of our knowledge of relativity is'''k,: ',,'~,

fu.ctionles! by foilowing the techniques of Kriya Yoga whei~~'

as our censciousness 'pervading transcending tb~ cosmo.f'
'remains, 'tomak~ us realise tne DOn.8patio tl!mporal on~.~
"Ekamevaa dwitiyam called Bhuma, the al1-blissfull_f'N~,i~'

alpe sukbamasti'Bbumaiva sukham.. It is not a matter

transformation bq( of trans-valua.tion. We are always on~'
with that "ek.amevaadwiteeyam Brahman" b"t W~ ar! DO~
cO'oaciousof it' d~.~e.tbesway of maya. But it is the Kri,l'
Yoga and Kri~•.
bnewbic?a revells tot he seeker 'fat.
'c, ::,
~a'.an~ fro~,K~~~ka to".ch~i~r8:'. T(1es,e t~elve months~~v~
wati~ Siva, Krishna. Ganesh, R.malila. HaU, Jagannatll Tatwa 1
got twelve RadiIs' tZ,dtad, lnslde the spme there ar2 rltne
I' ..
!'Ie \. -.' •. . ,~ ~; ~
et.c~ In the dail~ Samaj, written by Swami Hraiharatiada gtahass( Ph.'ilJtnand6tber nakhyatras. i .
GIrl .. I gO~t,satl~f~ctory answers to the quedes and~:tbe
qH~estJonsi~J,~"'n"tlRR;j' :~~ l-t.:~t¥. t•••• ,iifancy ~•..h... t ,Acadrdiag. to' Swamiji', if a man sincerely practises
IOquism and I..b H' d'" M:. ';;FIT, < ~II
,'~ t" -T •. ,~"I0~ut,~,,-e In u d$!IUes. I got satlsfac:tC# Kriys. ;Y·.Qgil ,and pta~'s God 'deity? for' spiritual, upliftment 0

d . 'b :~t4tm\~tbe6e.;'a.tiQ~s. (E'~e~ 'hiiI'

ans". ~ 117.~'
, :01.•••• taM iall".t ·..·&"y
~!.'" I>. . • Iu..;...
e andt~£luence of stars and plftnetSf!hen surely
eltles are a .iding in e...nff m~> , not onlY' ·'n ••.•••..••...
,,;.." Gpd,will heat,,p~ay~r and' he 'wi,n be .free. from all cbaos
bod b t' ' .f - " i'" ,.' 1 u••• an
y, U In every atom 0 "the . Iverse..i, and . ~lso ~an! attain peace.' Further Swamiji, wrote in' his
z.:' \1 ,.' ,:.:~)U, '~ ' '.J;ti~\estba.,t spin~ ~qd '.b~~inar"'e the principal things of tbe
'humiln body but t~e. (:1~a.~QJan.a1so gets spin~ which can not
fUllction, The b~aJ.p.and 6pi.•edo, not function without God,
.th~llupremePAwe~ ,0 Gael is the soul doer. functioning from
:tbe brail). ani~spiring p;eo{)lethrdugh the five cent'res of the
spine., So until' and' unless one cultivates his spine by 'the
llCdya' Y(jtga teChuique, he·,can not conceive. orperceive'GOd
and IS unable to realise God.
"~ ,Sw,a~iji '~ro~e manY, thltigsi~ the,P~pe\, "'I'~i¢h toucP"cl
.' h~art and
, 1also saw
' , his,photograph,
·t· .•," ' in ,the new.,
- , . papet"lI
, was anxious to see him a-nd wanted ~o t~ke Kriya jnitiadon
from him but, my fortu~eo. did 'not' favour ~~. tabave hi •
. d~rsan. 1waS deeply. depressed and prayed God wholeheat~
'tedl1 to haye his. darsan,. Just ten days atter, God heatd
my Qeary prayer. Just ten days afeer I saw in the news pap~r

that,SwamiHaribaranaqdji was graciously coming to Baripa-

, da. I \V,asve~YlDucll a,ID~$edto see the news ~nd was, anxiously
wajti~g ,for arrivat When Swamiji reached Baripada.I

\VaS.e#r~D\e~ me;ved to ,~e his form. He is. extremely taU,

/ . bit and possesing a ,,~.gnetic personality like ChaitaDya
Mohaprav~ In).D~,.Qpi~ion he is the second Chaitanya. He is
easily!lWe" hee,to ,every body. Just ,like aa ordinary
man but; his lu,$t~.~, .dj~iJ.1e form. divine personality. extreme
;... ', "
voice helped bi~ to maintain a
.'~J ... t '.'..
', " c' " . ,

divine gra~deur. \t:' , .I , "

He tl:l1ked in.1pnblic meeting for more than two and

!. half houtl. "Some !lundt'd, of' people assembled there. Hk
•••. 0,' r·
, ~ \,' ".: ".,- '.)

~ ~~lneJ'~rs~n.ality ~d his 4ivine talk . ~d~

~e~ ~aDI.~ hi. divine ~~er, '_~ in ..••
hound. ~ was so deee:lly lI1Oved·that wordsfade~ rqe to .~ .disciple. Tben{hlit A'~§~ipae!l~b.,d~pl. a. aliving;G9cL !~ft8Jt
my fe~l,~~". ;h@
,.~sence of hill discourse walllon Krba Yog4~ that he initiat~~4 te•.~lwJ{•i•n ~oga. ..
H~:8!ud,. ~t8KnYa'YoJ!a 'techriique'~i"for;lt~fIlmity meQ.;. He t!lk~'th~.e·toJou~ houis, to .init~ate pe,op~e. The1=11
~.~tr~ IS ~O;bqT ef1obd". only :'rftrrieti0tiiffl.f
w ho ,t~ke iqit~;l~n~; 'the,
g~t divine.; ~oucb ~~Tation $n~
drlO~t~f wine; He·.'8~',s~id·t~atGod t8'fu~itmitu! inemt divine Hgh( Disciples,ieFa ne." awken,,,'" ~e~ light, a~~w
Luman body. 'SO'ln\7 t,pe' {\f #BhbU' (inj6lJ~ritJ:"_hithf,M
path,~1'f~',#f~~*e +ithin~ . ..'
fi~:~it~"fMety'1futHan'~~'iM tsreol\ditfori~d cw 'Ood.'j·st>"
if A ",alf'~~re{l;v~fflatJG i~ttJ!~~~';v~tndri5e'tll! is ftin~t .. TItE?tdor~'I bUli.e to "tHe' touch. of . '8wamiji. .,'1 felt, tbit
:Yt)ni~ ",;<4' ~j~'t,tJ;'tlsIre\jj"Y'tY'li:~i (~f'nrin88ttdtl). He . he is'. tKri'rlt'God. He is'th~l incllt~iltionof G,od' onl~.SOMe
,eiti'd ofi" hTfth£: eftlM"",=filit"it: d~fid mitb'~t'Jft"''''e t'o·taitt"~ tii!ie~tr:\t:~eibt~h~ 1ivh~~ S!{ta'. :he)~ivirie,powe~'v.~!e~ 'I
Imati~o r",~ liw '" IMiif' ·t'''~thi1ttf @1iIi~'~l;(tmlfn Ito;' lit m;ri,8,d:-cp~r!o~,nY in liii: ~~a~ '~~ich!s aatbnis~ln!,. ~ia~t .
j.~s~.dby f:bi':"~~ ~~l"it'~. e ;G;$r;ffl",qn'jf ;46'tot!t' lnt>ft"'" toiJdtinliarla'iheb:1or!l1:)1~"f. mYself, even. any of hlW,\ a~sef"~ea
:1""l~~t:of fff~g'ftd·." Iln'lll /·t.fl.1 G6I:flilli~il'l1rinl!m¥If. ~~w his sa:tn~dt1il C-Stage 'ttl.\:', i •. his puls~ttssnd.'!:'4~~i~.>~.
IG6d! .,4 !Immel, oltl,.;:; 'fberHftat bhdf.i.ift, :~tl'ttWsfo~ personally examined and felt his pulse. ~any' ~ atti
to tya.I1,.. i
Gqrutl d~and. that they ha,d .t~ined!th~ir. S~lIla4.hi stage
. , "'" :~Alfll}re~unc;i,llti~n) do,. ~o meen to shun wile. to (b~f th~ d~d,npt allav ev~;d~stipl~~& fie;t\~f1~nt~.B~t
:~~\~1!·M\· ihun 6~~hllt\d." 't~ '~l1.u" work' .arid .tiv~Iihood ~wamiii. attows ,lti~ ,.every di~~J~leto,t}~e}t~,,~,,18+;,~l~~s
~r~f~~~e&:~i -~r
~~r~e.~.t~ori God "ip 'Wffe~;6nd~elJ~ .~ivitl~~ Samadhi ,Stage. -t(hecharr ..,(. hi. tpn'l,le., d~9~()~. r~:a~n
food, '~ pverv tll1nf and In everv worfe. . " in Ilis ri.'outh )'Bnramori (di~ine ligbtJD~td~! tJt~~lu:oni~ti.t)
. ..".) ~~!'eittk¥•.1": hll'pbv 'tn he•••' hispr~ '. u~ liridl ~~_ and Jyoti abaif1ii ( divine fig!it tlaenes'in his whole bOdy ):
. HmPa'riltl,it{ait;.-rJeot5t'e·, Jere: wil'lfntfo t'a'te in iion' i:'
r ". .' _1cd ·L s· 'Ie '/'
111m'.Nt'xt cf~y 'fI~Filt(ranOth~r •faltt' In',the C'o1Mte. :15 ivide:",
.' I
Swamiji has :thorougb concePtion of Veda. Vedanta •
..t~l1(:,~ip~·a,~ea. t~t,Ne ed,uca tell. D,pl,ple,. mtie".TlIe m6re ty.6pte ' Sankhya. Danhan. Gita, Chandi. Astrology, Astronomy,
came IrttolI'tbo1 ~w'~miji:'t!'e ""o'l'e~tl1e p~~pl~ feh:fIfM:~e Palmistry, even sound knowledge of law
:k. jn!l'~.1nc.~r the' ,oce9,"of krio:Wt••dlle:'Npxf 'dav ttot! tlie'opptfr •. and in many subjects.
',ttltJity'io' t:ike"nitiation fromSwamiji iti'I<1'ariot1te! 'tw~fte
Every~ay in the morning aDd evening hundreds o~ discipl ••
"~t';dnstook~jriitiafion wlthni'e th'e s-4'mtftb;'!.f'd\fi-'si:t marly".
sit regulUly for better meditation in Karar Ashram at Puli.
r idlH~H6its~'fiverlb1'go!m~any;Gdrtt~,\ dfrif"'tfJe'j >initiatei'
Daily da!s ••s in Kriya- Yoga are taken by Swamijee or lis
, 'Jitiiidtietfll of p~6Pil!iii'orie Hour.' Cn~ ·f'bi!f1'i(f. fdtbe'ltntnttluJi
disciple Premanandjee when he is not at Puri. One docter
"int.AF'and . ~HisHjtbeif:' iniHKti6n';' -aj'~"J 11t~atrre,\'
can not operate his pati~nt simply reading a book. If he does
~.df~wiMiji ft; !lo7~~el1,fl~kti'fouditl'J~'a'dd'iiit'e-tht!-- oned~~
rtot 'itpbr~cHtttN'itfy6ut-fei!lti1~" kat" wrfWoul-JMcNi'·:t~H.Ya'. sO surety the person 'vin
die. So Kriya Yoga initiation
through correspondence brings no uphftment but death only,
initiations from him, Swami Haribarananai'~6Nlffpt1riRes~r
By readin12 a book of Swimming .one can not 'swim. If he
6ft~ ,~dYPJlr~H~~ ." rp'I'SEtfl ~•• ql}e ',fz,a·tI" !tis diviIler?'
does so !url, he drowns,an4 die-I. So also Kriya Jog8 practice
r!l~'llJfI.!~ !,~~pti~As,(~is.~jt¥~~JI~h~~ft .,-t~ :~aJ)i1f.aJ,itT~'
SIDS of the pnor births of hiS disciples and then he f~ through lessons or ~rr~spondence will briag desperation.

Practical guidance
of Swamijee is essential for .the
'6.,tiftm~nlt ~Tldrellfi~atirino{G;'d. Nd~1a days pecipt'e;~~tiat
'.slfiIC. ptoper Guthr 5wa~~ Hari,b aranand'a is a' 'Kriyaban' ~
Those who want' to'get: tbe -real techniqu~ and tI1idith
whi!=~ tbey can.l\in)ultaneou~ly develop tbeir body, mbtd
and 'sdut;'m~y 'cantact 'Swamijee. Ha'dharananda Giri.\;:He
lIs\re~ 'p'b~erftii ih·'tbang,ing the divine' power •• He is m~ifn
\(;6~;; ~nd
G'6di 'iri i h~mari' form. He cures, so many di~
with his divine power. He frees i1 ma~ frorri the clutcbltbf
.Po,'l\Verf:p~ d~"th. ,.He ,saves ~ mi\DYpefsQnS f~Ol1l corruPtDms

:a~{ iplp~~per' path sb()wingthemth~: real 'Way of li~~ll~d
't~a~~g,. the~ proper lessons. Many unfalfilled' desi~I~~f

mao!, Ja~ies havipg nt? offsprings w~re lJ~:,;':d
~,,;,.,,','!,',: Religion
:,wiF~1~~iJ9r~n even,il}.la,ter age.:_ ",;1 I

~ " '~' ' ~. ". ~:.~ i' -;:: -'~:, ! t _ • (;li;~ 1;' 1

",' , ,.A~ pr~~~t. ~I;l~ ~~t?1e. I~dia is going to be Iighte4 u·p

with 'th,,' precipu$ t~h'niq1Je
. ~ ~ . - __'
,of, Kriya
r \ ,. ....
r· ' ~,
Yoga. With . a ~-
mission' •
Swami Hariha~ananda is V\D, lace in eve1~
'r' i.e"
'; " "\ < -

nock and corner of In ,ia and abroad as the. tr "

, - '- •


spi~it of Sri YU:kt~8wa~jee ) 0 teach Kriya YOga,. '. 'bi

The mystic trend in l'eligion differs from cl,as~to ,class, from

, nl'ty not withstanding the dlstmctlon between
commuDlty to commu ' .
wise and ignorant,

, f
Religion is inherent with the Heaven Barth and u~er
d It holds the whole universe. In short whatever mankmd
gr~un . d' to different conventions or, faith is known as
bebe~es accoNrmg I nkind but all the 'possibilities in the
Religion, ot on y ma ,

, '
lowest .Insects are longing for happi~S, but who is, a~y
universe irrespective of great and. small happy'? EverybodY whether he is an emperor ·or street beggar
to the atom, are all held pres d d' :rom the Supreme Being
is a slave of desire. Man is not· satisfied with wealth, society,
is Religion. Religion i: iden~~:~ a~thgJUlded by one force which
. WI oy (Ananda), . beauty, fame or position, no one can escape the thirst for desire.
There is no peace or happiness, so who is happy'? He' is ,.happy
who is free from the influence of the sense organs and ,who has
The purpose of all the material world . ,
Religion; human being . ISmotivated towards overcome desi1'e.
s, msects, plants and '
matters of the universe need Reli io ,e:en manimate
and perfection. Man has R I' , g n for spIrItual progress Sense organs are id~titied with the power of Sprit. Joy
' . , e Iglon and also as'
t at IS spmtual knowledge b t ' ense of RehgiOn consists in the satisfaction of the senses. Religion is the means of
birds though they have rcli io: ~nsects, plants, beasts and that happiness. Religion satisfies the senses and that happiness is
and because they have gk" t ey lack knowledge of God lasting. Other worldly happiness is transitory. In orde!, to make
, h' no nowledge about th '
IS Igher, than other animal s. If he tries ' and e Dlvine,···E······
.. ' . that happiness lasting man should try to free himself from the
succeed m attaining religious perfection wants he'y unreal entity (Maya) and take his shelter in Religion~ . soul does
can not ac~jeve this higher knowled e.' ;:t other ~reatufes not desire joy or sorrow. The main. cause' of self: development
preserved only by an instinct of l,g. ' ey are gUidedand is Religion, Every Guru has reached self realization will
, f re IglOn In th'
IS ree but lower Creatures, are contr 011edby nature
. andIS matter admit this and will advice to practice the saine.

It cannot be entirely admitted th Religion is at the root of Economics, Politics and social
a sense of religion Ther at a man must possess science. It is the underlying force, so it is so very important to
. e are savages living' ~
do not possess any. concepion t' f "
0 Rehglon th
m lorests
' who
what is Religion nor do they h ' ey neither know cultivate Religion.
fo:rReligion. Th~re 'a'k'e ave a constant endeavour (Sadhana)
even some peo I ' h .
communities..who do not care lor ~ R el'IglOn' . P e m t e Civilised The main object of practising Religion is to achieve joy.
wheth th .
sense 0f Religion or not I't ISa
. ~
lact that " b th', er ere 'IS a The rigid practice of Religion through fasting and spending money
mate matters
, and creatures ha 1:••;,., 0
.. ve re~n.· Theammate
whol and .,inani· and suffering physically and mentally do not land a man any where,
as on Religion'. and
'.' . that Reli' " the creatIon IS it is only ignorance,
b. ed . glOnISallembra' .
tIon t~wards the goal of perfection M . cI,ngroUgh e olu·
creation as he has freedom reI' .' a~ ISGod s, most p erful
discretion and that had m:d IgIOU~sentiment, and power of free Peace and happiness cannot be attained due to lack of proper
who practice R'l' , , e man t e best of all creatures Those teaching and training. Scripture is an endless and infinite
e Iglonand Sit for Me(l't ' ,. .
the actual human beings and th I atlOn, (~anyayoga), they are subject. Cultivation of Meditation takes an eternity. If religious
forms interested only in eat' Iere~t are animals only i human meditation is not properly drilled, the consequences
. . mg s eepmg and breedin 11
creatures 1ft the cosmic world , f'rom the highest . g. .t the
disastrous. No other religious methods which are popularly
followed in the modern times have reached perfection or rightly Hinduism.

The object of all the religious methods is one and

Which Religion is best becomes a matter of controversy. It is a
sfn to practice orthodox views in the name of Religion; to abuSe
Religion is _same as going to the Hell, that is degration of the
soul, because, only personal judgement, intellect, feeling and
realization can solve all the religious problems, that is, which view
or which path is best to bring salvation.

Th~ best Religion is that which gives a man experience and

rwization of the· very best.

5 Achatfd$Trlp~rt1f~~·1t8<fl'}.'If: yh)~
Acharya MotiIal ~Mh,,;~ 1

6 Brahq\~f!b~~t ~ni!,a~~n~~~
:PJsqple C?f ~." ",
l::I-:!; ~~'t:~)~ r
7 swanif S~~~iiI~nari2t4~~Dfidpte 6f ,~?( tL. i~6Y
.. ~wami Bhabananda Giri. :;;~'~2:L 112. h;/'
gn~~mf '~~riaYla~i!'>iia"pl~ M :ih.~rni.i.1 ::<t±..l :.J
Sa~&t -Giri•.J:;~ :~ .;, • ,:\\ '::l~! ~' ~l: ~u:n;*':G t
9 Swami Sudha1.t'aHd~~ptw.of~l~Ti "\'U~f!,,/l

Swami Satyananda Giri ! b, !':'! ,J~t~L';'. ~.:"b\.~e C

10 Swami Atmanarlaa~1)l,al>'ltl'Of;q.j-:h t: \"~H1:J~ •

Swami Yoganands'Giri":bU. ;J..:'>~:L:n~' t, ,.ll;d-jA
11 Swami Brahmananda- DisciDl'.Q.fL ':.~~ _~'.'i,Jt ;
Swami Atmananda, ~" ~ :::,.~,:i ~., ~::'. -::~h;(: \ l~)'(~!j:Paq~tal ~ulfJ1~rJee. Judge: '
12 Swami Bidyananda- Discipl~,gf,~n !::.. :'1''': i'!~ 6 40 Sri Bhu'pendra'na'th' Sanya.!.'Yogigutu.
Swami Yoganandaldl,r;,-, d. " ::i;l>r:!.,,}< !vu~rbr., 41 Sd,~a,lilflHlth Nll!h Bose? Collector. .
13 S~amj :rara .Charana LithiriT p~~\p\e19td:-".. \,[ 42 Sri Jitendrurult}i ~U1f:h~tjee~·!\d"O(:;ate;'Puri.
Tl~korl Lahai. ' ~~id~J >o:t.l~1 ! 'C, :)/:'. r' 43 Sri Gur~p'ad Oas, X;). s. P.;Krjyaybgi. '
14 Sn Satya Charana Lt.\'rhr-, J).iscjpt~!"of":'cit:~:i 1'1' t .[ 44 Sw~~~(Satya~a~d~ Giri.President:,,":Ka.l'~r'-Ashtam
A~harya..l'~:LJlJiJ:~ :c :.('," t; b;:;..;;lt !.,';' d and Secr~tarJ Y.S.S. Ran("hi~Beha,r~ " .
15 Sel Ananda Mo~an ~aJ.!tt:i'!:"'~,~~ctPw qf,;miili.:l .L 45 Sri Gadadhar Ra~al1uj Das.,Eri1.afM~th.Puri.,
Acharya Dukorl Lahtrl.~. ;.'\ I. " ." " i ,,; 46 Swam~~r~h,~~u~~~da.,Sankatananda "Math.~d.
16 Sri Abhoy Churana f.ql}-iib:,::b!,ll~~!~~q( !,l":~,; :~ 47 Mahanta Mahara], Radhakant~ 'Matb,: pqri.' .
Cukori Lah:ri. ' , .. : _" ~ :'"."v: , 4~ ](~08'~nkarach~~r.a ~~r~tr~risb:na
17 Swami Saty,~nanda.Q~~}y~~(~(~r~~~~~llJ(~fpli of Tutha S~~Vli1,q~1?M4~,h~;na\Math~' Pari.,
Brahmacharl Keshibananda. .. ,. V. 11".,
49 Sri Dwarkanath Yci'.a"1'apas'ai. '
1& Sri Banamali Lahiri-sOi~d~l~tbf'(! :,rl~l1 !l',',\"-: () Kaleswar Ashram. Bitbhum.
Abhoy Chararra!f.lhm.-i'): d!:~r)! '( US 1'\: \ 1.)11-, A '7
'50 "Menitl\fat.6i ~.'~r~.arMiMi~Puri.
Present Sanyasis and BrahmlU:htlrfs1bf lI(!ittll'i- tAvhT6miPuri.
1 Swami P~~al1lifCfI Giri'rO,£y!um', t;'~ l!;ri,J/~ i2 51 "5 '.'" ,'ri: '"I <1'/'
52T~ Ntn4~, ri. ':; j' ,
, 2 :filtihhBchart tjn{ra'aa'rrd~Ej ..Jl) :Jrun'llJ j 1:).110 :!l
·53 ,,~. ~~a,Girit L"; j'.
3 Brahmachari Kafikin~naa:~,ricrn;l"'H h'{.FrbA 1
4 'Br'<ftfttfa'cW# Siit'iiMt1¥r.uiali;Cl"rlA '0 ~ 1"!";<:1 "i" ,a~"""li.
!~5 !'i•••• Jtm.n4a, Gi}:i., ,,:,
,5 Brah\riie1itti:bh,.l:ftiitH~d;f.vr,('JrI~f)'f8';·'A h2 ~
~6, S ' 'Ramakrishnan~nd~. Ra~'~kishna Miss!.on.
'€ ~aiblaChlril?f~tla9.{lDlbn9Llsfll £'{16d3A c 57 ,.i Nityananda. LaxmiMandir.
7 Brahmachar~ ~riyan.andtl:bCls!J£df;nfilq iUll>wG ' . \.
58'S'Wsmi Satyananda Oirl.
All~i1~lBliIf'!~_fHlalNnll.Rda 6iri, .
1959 Swami Satyananda Giri •
•BiIfHi mllitkmRf.'od i.:2.

, ~.

'j ·.'1.'·.·.
...~~p' " '.

: ':U';S~h1ilSti~Ytiktes_'Giri~ai' COflductirig the

Satsarlg Meeting Q$ 5adhl't'~8pari,sinde 1903 ,
until 1935 .andiHeh'SwaiJiiASat,a..canda Gid
was conducting:ltiiefi~il'UtinVS:; ev.t¥yeat '-pta
1971 and since then~.siiiM'rlh"af,8~andt Sin ',",~.'.' '_".if' _ ~

.is ,conducting the :fuf11etlidWls ·$uihclSiibba_i/'·

~, ;10".') ,)(;A ' i )f' 'r' H i·T!; . 1~li;,,,·;

, .•. Lor l',t

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