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Experience Log
Within the EASA Part-145 / 66 / 147 a technician must regularly complete several types of logbooks. We often get the
question; "Which logbook should I complete?". On this page we try to explain the various logbooks and requirements
which are applicable. Because the interpretation of the regulations is not identical between all competent authorities and
regulation changes often, this page should only be used as a reference.

A technician must record the tasks he/she performs in various Practical Training and / or Experience logbooks.
Sometimes different requirements can also be combined. To be honest it is confusing.

Practical Element of a Basic Training Course (As per EASA Part-147.A.200)

The Practical Element of EASA Part-147 Basic Training course is divided into two parts

1. Structured Practical Training (which consist of less then 70% of the total Practical Element duration)
2. Actual Maintenance Working Environment (which consist of more then 30% of the total Practical Element duration)

During the Structured Practical Training you will receive pratical assignments from the EASA Part-147 approved Basic
Training School. You will learn the basic skills from an aircraft technician. Normally you will work on "dead" aircraft under
supervision of a Practical Trainer.

In the Actual Maintenance Working Environment (or AMWE) you will normally start working on "life" aircraft inside an
approved Maintenance Organisation and assisting an experienced Technician. The AMWE can also be simulated in some
schools, which have the working procedures similar to an EASA Part-145 organisation. You will still be closely monitored
by a Practical Trainer and your performance will be evaluated. You must shown the proper attitude and you must
demonstrate the proper knowledge (passing the theoretical EASA P66 modules) and skills (gained during the
Practical Training). The experience you gained in the period of the Actual Maintenance Working Environment can
sometimes (depending judgement from competent authority) be used to proof the experience of Part 66.A.30. (Refer to
AMC 66.A.30(a)(4))

Basic Experience Requirement (As per Part 66.A.30)

The first question which is relevant, "at which competent authority are you going to request your Part-66 Aircraft
Maintenance Licence (AML)?" As most competent authorities have slightly different rules, interpretation and this could
also be depending on the countries (inside or ouside the EU) where you will gain your experience.
The regulation states the following (Part 66.A.30(b)(c)(d)(e) and (f)):

(b) An applicant for an extension to an aircraft maintenance licence shall have a minimum civil aircraft maintenance
experience requirement appropriate to the additional category or subcategory of licence applied for as defined in
Appendix IV to this Annex (Part-66).

(c) The experience shall be practical and involve a representative cross section of maintenance tasks on aircraft.

(d) At least 1 year of the required experience shall be recent maintenance experience on aircraft of the
category/subcategory for which the initial aircraft maintenance licence is sought. For subsequent
category/subcategory additions to an existing aircraft maintenance licence, the additional recent maintenance
experience required may be less than 1 year, but shall be at least 3 months. The required experience shall be
dependent upon the difference between the licence category/subcategory held and applied for. Such additional
experience shall be typical of the new licence category/subcategory sought.

(e) Aircraft maintenance experience gained outside a civil aircraft maintenance environment shall be accepted when
such maintenance is equivalent to that required by this Annex (Part-66) as established by the competent authority.
Additional experience of civil aircraft maintenance shall, however, be required to ensure adequate understanding of
the civil aircraft maintenance environment.

(f) Experience shall have been acquired within the 10 years preceding the application for an aircraft maintenance
licence or the addition of a category or subcategory to such a licence.

Practical guidelines:

When you want a B1.3 AML your experience should mainly cover "Helicopters with a Turbine" in a civil
Maintenance Organisation. So your experience should primarily reflect your desired licence category.
At least 1 experience entry per day (most authorities count 200 days as 1 year of experience).
Your experience should cover (as much as possible) all ATA chapters. This also means that a B1.1 should have
a minimum of experience with (simple) avionic tasks.
Your experience should cover various type of tasks (Fuctionals, Inspections, Trouble Shooting, R/I, Service
Ground Handling, etc.)
Your experience should cover a wide range of tasks in terms of length, complexity and variety. So a person who
has "only" performed Daily inspections, is not acceptable.
The preference is that the experience is gained in an EASA Part-145 Maintenance Organisation.
Your experience log should be signed-off regularly. Register the name and contact details of the persons who
has sign-off your experience log.

Lay-out of the logbook (some examples):

This is not defined by EASA so each competent authority desires the experience log to be in a specific lay-out.
Although the regulation doesn't demand a specific lay-out, it's better to use the logbook from the authority you intend
to request your licence.
In general most authorities in Europe accept CAP 741 (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/CAP_741_A5.pdf)
(section 3.1) from the UK-CAA.
The Dutch Authorities have issued a logbook (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/Kiwa-Part-66.pdf) which is
structured on ATA chapters.
Austria has a logbook (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/Austro.pdf) which has more tasks listed.
In Germany the logbook (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/lba.pdf) is more an open format and also states that
the lay-out is not obligatory.

Practical Element of a Type Training Course (as per EASA Part-66 Appendix III, paragraph 3.2)

Normally you will receive a PT-logbook from the EASA Part-147 (Maintenance Training Organisation) delivering this
approved course. It's pre-defined in their procedures. You must follow that logbook. Normally the Part-147 will keep this
logbook (as part or their records), it's highly advisable to make a copy of this logbook for your own records.

On the Job Training (OJT) (as per EASA Part-66 Appendix III, paragraph 6)
Only for the first aircraft type in a licence Category you must follow an OJT. This is normally done in an EASA Part-145
Maintenance Organisation. The EASA Part-145 will have specified in their MOE (Maintenance Organisation Exposition)
the procedures related to an OJT, and probably will use a pre-defined logbook. You are allowed to start the OJT actually
before you have followed the Theoretical Type Training course, but keep the 3 year limit into account.

Often the problem arises with the fact that the EASA Part-145 organisation is approved by Competent Authority XX, but
that your Part-66 AML is issued by Competent Authority YY. The regulation states the following: "On the Job Training
(OJT) shall be approved by the competent authority who has issued the licence." So although the OJT is approved (by
the competent authority of the P145), you must ensure that your competent authority (from the P66) also accepts the
OJT. You should ensure this before you start the OJT.

Sometimes it's even "smart" to initially request your "empty" Part-66 AML is the country, in which you will do the OJT for
the first aircraft type on your licence. Another option is to transfer your "empty" Part-66 AML licence from country YY to
country XX, to avoid this problem.

Certifying Staff and Supporting Staff - Experience Log (As per Part-145.A.35(c))

When you have your Part-66 AML, you want to use it. The requirement in EASA Part-145 states that you must have at
least 6 months of actual maintenance experience in any consecutive 2 year period. Often this is done by the
computerized records inside a Part-145. But when you transfer from 1 organisation to another organisation, you must be
able to demonstrate this. Normally your Part-145 (in which you work) will have procedures.

EASA has also issued some guidance (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/EASA.pdf) (as competent authority for
foreign Part-145 (outside EU)).

EASA has also issued a logbook (/images/background_ss/Promotion_pic/EASA_experience.pdf) for recording this


EASA Approval Reference: NL.147.7366

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