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Tile Atnltl' LawJc,um,ll is published four times a }'elr,June through March, by the students of
the Ateneo de Manila University School of Law. The Journal contains articles and
contributions of intcn.-st to law students and practitioners. The \iews expressed by the CITATION PRIMER 2008
contributors do not nece:.sarily reflect the \'iews of either the Ateneo de Manila University
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Cit\'.J>hilippinl'S. C. Curi
D. ugiildtil'e M,ueri,rls
LEG.\L crr.AnoN PRI~IER: The Legal Citation Primer is a special publication of the Ate11eo
E. Ewcutive a11d Admiuistwiw .\lmcri.tls
Ull'}clllmotl. It is a compilation of methods of citation lor the legal fic:ld in an effort to aid
F. lmplememitt.f! Rules ,,,/ Rt;!!ul,uiom
lcgal practitioners and students in writing their legal documents and papers. It is available
G. Rules 1if Court
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The system of legal citation can be confusing, even daunting, for students of
!'AMEU JOY L. .\LlJIJIS:\0.\ fiOR.\UF. ~1. 1'.\.\lFILU the law Jnd experienced practitioners alike. It requires careful attention to
P.-\TRICJ.-\ .\~X 0. I:St:.UOS.-\ 1\''i D. P.\TDL ~1.11.
Jcr.1il ro t:nsure rhar those reading a piece of work will be able to trace its
roots .md ~ourres. ln. perhaps, no otlter field is there a greater reliance on
BERN.\RO JOSEPH ll. ~1.\IIIUR:\..... (/,-.,.f ,•.fitt'T} Tl~lOTJJ\' Jllll~ (;, Ht 'C.\,\IIIJU
preredt:m dun in the law - thus, prompting a seemingly complex and
RITA r.t\RIE 1.. ~II,Sil'.\ \'[It\ SILWXI: G. S.\I.CEI>« I impenetrJble methoJ of citation. Law students and la'"1'ers are all too often
MARIA CECII.I.\ G. NATJ\'IDAI> ROBERTO T. S.\STJ.\(;C I, .IR. easily intimidated or O\'erwhdmed by this. The problem, however, lies not
so much in lack of skill, than in the lack of a clear and understandable
reference. While TI1e BluebcJok: A Unifonu System of Citatio11, 1 published by
American law reviews, is useful and comprehensive, many practical
difficulties exist in relation to its use. Not only is access to it quite limited, as
it is not locally available, ;rs focus is also primarily geared towards American
sources, at times making application challenging. Also, while a longer length
may be indicative of extensiveness, realistically-speaking, many users
associate convenience and functionality with short guides. It is with the goal
of addressing these issues that the editors of the AtetJeo Law Journal publish
this Citation Primer.
The iltcneo lAw Journal has established itself as a premier law review in
the country. For more than fifty years, it has exhibited unsurpassed zeal and
dedication to the advancement of legal scholarship. It has instituted an
enduring tradition of excellence which has been passed on to, and
maintained and enriched by, each generation of editors. Cognizant of the
importance of honing its editors' skills in order to live up to the exacting and
elevated standards of being one of the country's foremost publications, the
system oflegal citation has been central to the training of its editors. Ever the
pioneer of progress in the field of law, the journal now utilizes its well
engraved knowledge in the system of citation to once again break new
ground by providing a solution to the difficulties encountered in legal
This Citatio11 Primer is the product of hours of deliberation and research
by the present Board of Editors. Each citation fonn was examined and
deliberated upon to ensure not only accuracy, but also facility in usage.
While it is principally based on the Ateueo Law )o11mal White Sheets and The


I 1. Compiled by the editors of the Columbia Llll' Revit·w, the Harvard lAw Review,
the Univmity of Pen11sylvat1ia lA1v Rrvirw, and the Yale LlJV jouma/, and published by
FACULTY ADVISER the Harvard Law Review Association.

Bluebook: A Vt~ifonn System of Ci111tiot1, the editors have molded or reinvented
certain citation fomts to suit the distinct needs of the Philippine legal scholar
or practitioner. The Doard has expended aU efforts to make this primer a$
simple and user-friendly as possibh.:, without diminution of content or
quality. It must be borne in mind, however, that this publication is not
meant to be aU-encompassing, and is exactly what it purports to be - a
With this, the editors are proud to prl'sent to the legal community this
Citation Primer, with hope that it will serw Js an essential and lasting
reference in the study and practice of rhc bw.

~mardjoseph Ma~biran
Lead Editor

Assodate Lead Editor


Th~ most supportive authority relied upon in the text should be cited tim,
follow~d by the other authorities in descending order of importance. If no
particular order of importance is followed ·in the citation sentence or
number, the following should be controlling:
1• Constitulions
' Sutm~. m.·atie~ other intemarional instrUIIIl'nts
.l. ca~~'i

1. Supreme Coun
11. Court ot Appt:als. and Coun oiT.1x :\pp~:.tls

1ii. Sandig.mbayan
iv. Regional Trial Coun
v. Municipal Trial Coun
vi. Imernational judicial and arbitral bodies
vii. Foreign judicial and arbitral bodies
4· Legislative documents other than statutes
5· Administrative or executive documents
1'\. Court documents
7. D<'cuments of intergovernmental organizations
8. Secondary materials

Secondary materials include, among others, treatises, annotations, papers,

journal articles, periodicals, and internet sources. ~everal factors 1nay affect
their persuasiveness. Nevertheless, they often have little influence, if any,
where there are existing laws, jurisprudence, and legal documents related to
the particular subject matter. Secondary materials may be used where there
are areas of argument and there is no prevailing doctrine.


Subsequent citations for stJtutes: {Short Title or abbreviated stature munberf ,
Th.: i u cum b~ nt Constitution is cited as lo llo\\·s: {S"I .-\TE 'IR C <l C:--.1 nzY : 14. Jd.
COi'ST. : ~ u bd i ,·i~i o n s l·
1. i'IIIL.t :u:---~l . .lrl.VI. §I.
!6. ld.
1'1111. C< ''~T ..lrl. \' II. ~ II , c, l .

R t'f'<'.lle,l con, lilutions nuy be citt'.l a> ,;,llo-.,·s: ; ,·l'.lr ,,,· .lll• •ptinn; :s1 \ 1"1; lllt ( :. ( ;,/lf.<

( ·, ' l':"Tit y : Cn:--:sT. : ,ul,,h,·i-l"n< 1;: c·.tr 'lll''·r,,·,l,·,l : I .

1. Supr<'lll<' Court Decisions
The initial citation fo r cases is as fo llows: {c:tse n:nne}. {,·olume nu1nbt:r }
It must bt: notnl /d. m.1y not b,· liSt'd tn rd(r: ' d:~ C c,n·.tin::i<n:. !: :::.::; h· ; I{.L"pun .:r} {fi rst page}, {cited page } ({year}).
usc:d, h O\\"l'\"lT. tilr .111 utha b w>.
17. Laurel v. Abrogar, 483 SCRA 243, 245 (2006).
Tip: CONST. is in a fon nat known as SMALL CAPS. If you arc using Microsolt
18. Garcia v. People, 410 S<;RA 5.8~ 583 (2003),
Word, you may simply press C TRL + SHIFT + K ro c ha ng~ the text to
SMALL CAPS. For subsequent citations of a case: {11bbrcvi11ted msc lliiiii C}. {volume number}
l reporter } at {cited page }.
13. C•de; .uul Sr.uurc>
19. u111rcl, 4&3 SC::RA at :269. : ~
In itial citation fo r codes is as follows: {Ii iii titk } [ {SIIORT TITLE f] . {stat11te
nu mber}. {subdivisions} ({ycar }}-
20. /d. ff ~£ ~ ;11-.. ~.·.
If the case has not yet been reported, the citation of the case is as follows: fcase
4· An Act Revising the Penal Code and Other Penal l aws [R EVISED I'ENAI
name }. {G.R. N umber} , {date}.
CooEj, Act No. ]8 15, art. 2 (1932).
21. People v. Ramos, G.R. No. 1 72~70, Apr. S, 200a.
5- An Act to Ordain ami Institute d1c Civil Code of the Philippines [CIVIL
CODEj, Republic Act No. 386 (r950). 22. /d.
Subsequent citation fo r codes: {SH<)RT T ITL E1. l subdi,·isio lt>: . h must be noted, however, that if a case has been reported, the reported citatio n
6. REVISED PENAL CODE, art.;. 171-173·
must be used.

7- ld. 2. Decisio ns of other Philippine courts

8. ld. m. 180, ~[2. Gcnerally, the citatio n for other Philippine courts is as fo llows: {case name},
T he initial ciratio n fo r statutes is as fo llows: {full title} ({ Short T itle. if :my }I. {volume number} {Repo rter} {fi rst page}, {cited page } ({Comt} {year)}.
{smut.: nu naber} . { s~obciivisions) (jyear})- 23, People y.'Cgiiantesn7 O.G. ~804, 1805 (Court of Appe-als i926).
9- An Act Providing for the Recognition and Use of Electronic Commercial
and Non-commercial Transactions and Documents, PcllJitics for Unlawful D. l.c.~i.>larifl<" .I lmaill[;
l Jse:: Thereof and For Other Purposes (e-Commcrcc Act of 2000),
1. As a general rule, legislative materials (bills, in parriwlar) are cited as follows:
Republic Act No. 8792. § 33 (2000).
{title). t legislature}, {sessio n}. in {publication, if any) {subdivision ) ( fd3te }).
10. ld.
24. H.ll6o4, 13th Cong., 2d Scss. (May 12. 2007), in 128 Cong. l~cc. S. 70<J I
II. Jd. § 2. (May 19, ~007). • ; ::
12. An -Act Penalizing t.he Making or Drawing and Issuance of a Check 2. O nce a bill is introduced, it is sent to a committee to hold hearings regarding
Without Sufficient Funds or Credit and for Other Purposes, Oatas the proposed legislatio n. The general fo nnat to cite this is as follows: {name o f
Pambansa .Big. 1,2, § 6 (1978).

h~arin~. indudin~ thl· bill numbt·r and conuniuet.> which hdd tltt.> lw.tring: , F. Implrmt•ruin~~ Rules 1111d Regulations
: ll'gisl.nurt"! : pagt· munha: (l Yl".tr of ht"aring:) (: p.m·whl· int(mn.ation
For lmplt>meming Rules and Regulations of various statutes, the following
.tbuut pason te,tit)·ing: ).
fonnat may be used: Rult.'s and Regulations Implementing {title of statutt.> 1~
25. Benefits tor U.S. Victims of lnt~mational T errorum: Hearing on S. 1 .!i 5 : 'ubdi,·isions l ({ yt·ar 1). '
Defore the: Senate Foreign Rdations Committee. JOSth Cung. 2-5 (.!OOJ)
(statemc:nt of William H. Taft, IV, lc!,ral Advisor, Dept. of State). 35· Rules and RebrtllJrions Implementing the Ami-Violence against Women
and Their Children Act of 2004, § 14 (a) (2004). ·
J. Subcommittee Hearings han~ a t(mn of dution: : titll'. indu~ling !'ill j6. u.
number ;md cnmmint't' n.Jillt.'!. !lt·gi.;l.iwrt·:, : 't'S'inn! : p.l~t·: (: 't
(t p.trentht"tic..l inttll'IH.Jti•'ll .thout l't'N 111 tt·stit~·in~: ). 37· Rub and Regulations Implementing the e-Conunerce Act· of 2000, § l
26. Ser\'ice InJu~trit" Conun~r~·~· l>e\·dupm~:m Act or I•J~.!. ~kirin::- •>II H.R.
5519 hd(lr~ th~: Suh~oJmllinc:.: nn Commerrl.'. TrJn.;port.tti~'ll .IIlli T,)IJrl•n! JN. /d.
of rhe Hou~ Connnitrl'C: ou Eul·rgy .md Conm11:r~~·. 'J7th Cllll_::• .!d 'it·"·
Ci<J (1982) (st.uemcnt of Gor,llm J. Cloncy. IL Ch:unber of Commcru u( C. Rult?.s •!f Cmn
tht: United States) ..
These Rult.>s are cited as follows: ~TITlE OF RULES I, :rule}, {subdi,·isions}.
4· For Congressional Reports, citations should bc in Small Caps and indudcs the
39· 1000 RE\'ISED RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, rule 110, § 4·
following: : titlt.> and author. if .111\' I : H.R. or S. ro ilh!ic.u~.· l·hnl'l' ol·
Rcprcsematiws or Senate..' I REP. No. :Number of Cml~r~.·~.,:-: Number nt' 40. ld.
Rc:porq, at {page numberl (I year:). .:p. 1997 RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, rule 41, § 2 (a).
27. H.R. REP. No. 99-226, at 8 (1985). 42. /d.
s. To cite Congressional Journals, follow this format: {volume, if any 1 43· REVISED RULES 6:-i EVI:JENCE, rcle 12B, § 1·:
{.JOUIU'-IAL OF CHAMBER OF CONGRESS} {jl'Umal number}, {legislaturt•},
44· /d.
{sessior..} ({date}).
45· SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS, rule 73, § 1.
28. SENATr. Jn• '!I•"AL 721., 13th Cong., 1st Reg. Sess., Senate Sess. Nn. fl7
(Mar. 7, 2005). 46. /d.

Reg. Sess. (May 10-11, 2005).
48. /d.

E. Executive and Administrative Materials

For Executive Orders, as a general rule, the citation is as follows: I issuing
agency}, {title. if any}, lissuann· or st:ries number. if any}, l \'olume: l otlki.ll
source, if any} I page} ({ datt.> 1).
JO. Bureau of Internal Revenue, Revenue: Memorandum Circular No. 37-93,
89 O.G. 4476 (Aug. 9. 1993).
31. 13ureau of lntcmal Revenue, Rev. Reg. No. IC'i-2005. Effectivity Clause
(Sep. 1, .:!005).
p. Bureau oflntcmal Revenue, BIR Ruling No. DA-176-o4 (Apr. 6, 2004}.
JJ. Office of the President, hlS[ituting the Presidential Award for Heroism in
Times of Disaster, Executive Order No. 421 (Sep. 7, 19<JO).
34· Securities and Exchange Commission, Code of Corporate Govem:mcc,
SEC Memorandum Circular No. 2, Seri~ of 2002 (Apr. s. 2002).
.z. AnnotJtions are cited as ta llows: (Autho r f. Annotation. : ·ntld. : n•lum~.·
numba! : R.~.·po rt <' rl {lirsr !'·t~c}. I cited p .1~d (!Y<'.Ir! ) .
.-l. B.•••ki . .·lmr,,t,l/iolls, mul T remisrs
6J. Jorge R . Coquia, Annotation, 77rt Nati<~~lal C"mpmeri.::cd lllmtifir•lli••u
Rifcrruu Systr'lll .u Vio/,uiou ~{ rite Riglu ,,, Prit•.ll)': .-1 R~l'ifw of tllf Principles
1 (l," ,~,_, .m: cited as fo llows: .wtl)urispmdrurr ,, Pritl<lCY •IS H111111111 R(~/rr;. 293 SCltA 201, 20 3 ( t !)<J~) .
•1.Sin!;le ~w h or: {AUTHOR}. {TITLE} {(itcci p~ ge} { { ye~ r} or {editio n l . Treati~cs: when citing a single \'Oillllle nr J mulfi-\'OIIIIIlC work. gin· the main
nu111h.:r: : yc.1r} or {ye.1r of cdirinn}).
;itlc nf the: 1·olumc cited . If the ritl.: of J ll'ork .:mls ll'ith J numcr.1l. or if
-19· R.UIIEN F. UALANE, JOTIINGS IN CIVIL I.AW: Succr~SSI ON jJ (~d cd. . di, tingui,hing between the title Jlld page mmther coul,l o tlwrwi;e be .:onli1sing.
~00~). the p.tgt· lllllnb.:r sho uld he ~.·t o 1r hy a <omm.t .111d the word "~t '' .IS li11loll's:
: .- \l'TI h 1 1~ : . :Til L1 : : .-u,·,l J'.l;:<·: (: 1 ~.·. tr: ) nr ! -\l' I Hill< :. !1111 F 1..\;lll:"'<;
\\ 1111 \ ' l ' \ IIIU<: ..11 ;,u,·,l(•.t;:,·: t :1c.1r: ).
rq . SA \IUEL \'Ii ili I~ 1o:--:, A T RL\IISE L):>J r11E L\\\ u r: CoNTI\.~C rs.
j l. 11:\1 1:\l. '"P'·' note ·19· Jt 1OJ.
ADMI:--IISTRATI\'E l.-1 W TltE.-\TI)E I ;v-! I ( I<J<)O).
h. ~lulri-1·olume w0rk: {1·olumc numbc:r} {AUTIIOR} . (TITlF.} {cited p.1gc}
(!y<.'.lr : or jcdi1ion numbcr } {yca r} or {yeJ r of edirion}). I! '·',
52. -1 OSCAR. B. HER.R.ERA, REMEDIAL !,.AW 150 (2001 cd.). 1. C itatiOII fo r (ollwru un·h- ('J)..'<·d Jll :Author:, : Titl.-: . : \'ohllll<.'

c. Two aurhors: separate their nlmes with "&" as follows: {FIRST AUTHOR } & ntunberl lJOUit N ,-\Lf pir~ t p.1gd . :med p.1 ~e: (:yc.1r: ).
JSF.COND AUTHOR}, {TITlE} {cited page} ({year} or {edition number} {year} 65. l),tW II N~!;.lt~ll l ,
U.S. :Japtl/1 i:tJitolll(<'d /uilttllit·c tb .111 /mtllllllflll •!J C/tolllgc··
o r (year of edition}) . '/he fiffiwcr <!}' )•'l""''s LrtYsl E:Jvtl '" TdrcvulltiiiiiiCr.l~t~m Dcn~~,/tlli<llt. l l
ASI.~N-P.K. LriV & POI'Y j. :!C) I. ~C)Ii (:!001).
JURISPRUDENCE •,:;o (2d c;d. 2909). , I 66. SMITH , s11prn note 5?• at J9·
54· j o vJTO R. SALONGI, &PEDRO L. YAP, Punuc fNTI!IlNATIONf.L LAw 77 67. Nag.rtani . SIIJ"" note 65 ..n !C)J.
(1974). . • ' •
Note: Suprn is used if there is an into.:rvcning citation. such as lootnotc (1(, abo1·e.
H· VITUG & ACOSTA, supra npte SJ, at 175. Otht:rwisc, ld. should be used.
d. t\ lort· th.111 t\\'0 authors: {FIRST AUTIIOR} , ET Al., (TITLE} {cited pJge} z. C itation fo r awn-<<>mrnm,·cly p.lgiiJ.Hcd (Author}. l 'l itif}.
(! Y<'Jr} or ( cdition number} {y<."Jr} or { of edition }). {jUUilNAL}, {date}, at {cited p.tgc}.
56. NARCISO I'EN.-1, ET AL., REGISTRAnON OF LAND TITLES AND DEEDS 200 68. Victor L. Streib, Semeudng Women ro CXallt, CRIM. JUST., Spring 2000, at
(1994 cd.). lJ.
57. JOSUE N. BELLOSIUO, ITAI.., OMNIBUS ELEenON CODE 18 r (2007). J. Citation of student works in bw j oum als: {Amhor}. {Commt'nt/ Notc/Casc
58. PENA, ET AL., supra note 56, at 225. Nmc}, ( Tirle}. ( 1·olume number } UOUR!'.:AL} {first page}, (cited page}.
(]l!.Hcf) .
,. l:duor o r lr.lllslator: {AUTHOR}. {TITLE} {cited page} ({Editor or
Translator} {cd(s). or trans.}. {year}). 69. KfUSTOFFEitJAMES E. PUlliSIMA, Comment, 17rt Public CharactcrofCoromtl
l.i!vy F11nds ;, Republic v. COCOFED, 47 ATENEO LJ. 154, 155 (2002).
zooo). 70. Dcmard Joseph D. Malibirnn. Note, Psyd1vlogiml lm:opacity Rwisited: A
Rrview of Rcretll Jurispmdmce, 52 ATEN EO L.J. 392, 4t6 (2007).
6o. WOMEN AND AMERICAN J UDAISM 108-00 (Pamela S. Nadell & Jon.1than
D. Sama cds., 2001).
C. Periodiml A rrides
1. C itation of an cnrin: magazine arricle: {Author} , ( Title} , {NAME OF
Broker, ct al eds., 1980).
MAGAZINE) , {date}. :tt {fi rst page of anick}.
62. NICCOL6 MACHIAVELLI, T HI! PR.INCE 45-50 (W .I( Marriott rrans., 1908).

71. Usha Tankha, Truusfonuiug .'\-lisfortum· 111111 Oppvmmil)', ADO REV., A I'I~ . - F. 'Drcses
MI\ v 2006, ar JO.
Dissertations and theses are c ited as fo llows: l r\mhur}, :Tid ,·} (l ,brd )
2. C itatio n of a signt'd newspaper .m icle: : :\ uth ur:. : I lc.t.lliut' :. (l indic.tre
the ryp•· o f work 1. 1ins1irmion rh.u awarded the ,l,·!(rec f) (: whac it
: :\IIIIR E\'1:\ liON OF NEK'ii'.-\I'Eit :. : ,l.u,· u!'.midl'!. at : P·':!'' 1111 w lnr h .trtid,· c:.nt be l'l>11nd} ) .
.tppt-.trs f.
79· William M. Howard, Mancbtory Arbitration of Employment
7~- John M. Urodcr. Cliui~IJ.·I dc~mc~u l 1111.10 ll'cultl RcJit· m Clim.uc A.-,wd. N.Y. Discrimination Disputl-s: Can Justice be Scn·ed (May 1995) {unpubli,hccl
Tl.\11:.\ Dec. r ~. r9<\ 1. Ph.D. dissertation, Arizon~ Star.: University) (on file with author).
No. Archie E. .Blake, Daubert and Reality: A Smvey of Nevada Jnd~~s (1\J!Jii)
/) ftllc'TIIc'l "• ' llfc~'S
(unpublished thesis, Univcr.;iry of Nevada) (on file with Reno Library.
l mc rnl'l 'ourc,·s .tr,· cit,·d :IS follo w~: ;:\utlt. ,r. u· ,1\·.ul.ibl .... :. !tit!.-:. ,w.ri/,t/1/c' .11 University of Nevada).
: illh.'rJh."l .hi,Jrl''': (J.t,[ .H..' l"C'~'l'd ! ,I.Ht' : ). 81. R osalyn C. Rayco, Cybcr Pro,citution at a Click of a Uutron: Ev:•lu.uin;:
7J. l'll'l.'ltr,.l \u:.t' mJ \\ d,.iitiC Uut~Ju. l .uu.u·aw l othl'r\ .lf tl111 l'rt'J<.'~o..L
the Applicability of Prostitution Statll!es in Criminalizing l'ai~ Vidc~-ba~c:d
Cybc:rscx (2006) (unpublished J.D. thesis, i\tcnco de M.mrl.1 Unl\·crsrt_y)
.:z· :;:;t-;',· ;; hnp " " \' .Jl·'''. i1.:;l"' l'h l'l"g' ' t.un.tLt \\ hun \1.''' .t(~ol.:~.)\.'d
(),·, ;- ; ; . (on file with the Professional Schools Library. Atenco de Mamla
74· Um·y M. L,·incr. ct al.. A Brief History of the lmemct. •w.u/.riJ/,· .u
http:/ /ww\l' dnnt l # l ntrodunion 0Jst J3emard Joseph B. Malibiran, Are We R.eady for Another Lovebug?
accessed Apr. ::6. 1007). Delving into Cybercrime and R.e-E.xamining the c-Commercc Act of 2000
and Other Pertinent Laws (2008) (t:npublishcd J.D. thesis, Atcneo de
75. D. l.m Hopper. Dcstrucri,·c 'ILOVEYOU' computer virus strih-s Manila University) (on file with the Professional Schools Library, Atenco
worldwide, allnilnble at http://archivcs.cnn.cornhooo/TECl-1/computing/ de Manila University).
os/o.j/ilovcyou/ Oast accessed Aug. 27, 2oo6).

Note: For o nline sources, in clude the exact internet address, o therw ise known as
the unifo m1 resource locator (URL). and the date when the site was last

E. Interviews
1. C iting an in-person interview: lmervic:w with l N.11n.: 1. ! Tid,·:. : (n,tinn
t\ffili.u i•lfl. if .my. ut' th,· :m.:n·it' \\'<'d. in I lo.-.u inn of tlw IIH<TI'I<'II' I ( l d.uc o(
the imen·icw J).

76. Interview with Dick Cheney, Vice-Prcsidcnr, United States of Amclica, in

Washington, D.C. (Oct. 24, 2oo6).

2.When citing a teleph o ne interview: Telephone Interview with 1N.1t11c 1

l Tidd, p nstl!utional AITili.uiun, if any. of th,· imavinl·,·c 1. in {lorlllllll nf the
nucn•icw} ( {d.Jtt' o f the imen·ic\1' }).

77. Telephone lmervirw with Orhan Pamuk, in Stockholm (Oct. 12 , 2006).

J. W he n the aU!hor has not pcrson:Uiy cond ucted the interview, provide the
name of the interviewer: Interview by l N.m1c n f l mcr.·i,·IIW I with l N.lllh.' of
lmcrvic1n:e }, l Title}, j l nstiturimul t\ tiili.Hinn. if .my. nf the intc:r.·i,·wce }, 111
{loc.Hio n uf the inten·icw) ( {cbte ofth,· intt·n ·ic:w l).
78. Interview by Harry Keisler with Kofi Annan, Secretary General. United
Nations, in University o f Califom i.1, Oerkclcy (Apr. 19, 1!J9S).

If the report is the result of a conference or a series of conference, cite as foll~\\;:
l conl~n:ncc: n~rne or n~mc of this particular conference if p~rt of a senes}.
.-1 hllrnwti••lltll Donum·ms 1pl.l~e uf cont~ rencc:. except whom it occurs in the pb~e o~ the .He~dquart<'rs of
the: orbr.tniz:ttio.lll }. {dates of}, {rcpM titit·}, { pmpomt c1te} , {document
r. Umrrd N.1t1om 111 nnbo.·r. whc:n a\·aibbh:} ({ot1ici~l date, if diffen:nt from conference date}).

90· International Conference on the Dialogue of Civiliz:~tions, Tokyo ~nd Ass~.·rnbl y Resnhuions. if from •!Jlili.J! mw.l, .1re ..:itc:d .1s tollows:
l<yoto,Jap., July J t-A!Jg. J, 2001, C01ljerem:e Report, ~ A.2.
: R..·~ohnion IIUinh ..·r: . : .1! p.lgo.· lllllnl ...·r. but u· l'"" ihlo.·. J '.lr.l~r.lph nun lho.T f.
U.N. GAOR . :'c:"ion or ,·nhun~.· nu1nha; . :'upplemo.'llt m .1nno.·x munh..- r: . Short ..:itation rules apply to rcpom, as follows:
:dc:'i!!n.ui,ll1: (! yl·.ar: ). 91 . Sittl.1tiou of Womeu and Girls ill Ajglumistnu Report, supra note 89, , 8.
liJ. G.A. It<~. .! IJ I. at 107-ol!. U.N. l.AOR. :oth 5.:~ .. uri'· ;\io. 1.!. U.N.
Doc. :\ t(JO J.! ( l'Jfi$). 92. /d. CJ 12.

If from ,,t:J,,, '""'"'"·,It<' J~ ri•lkl\n: ltc·tth''

:\r"ter 1 ~7fo : l ll..·:<llllltl\111 lllllllh..-r. i.o.·. ,,.,,h>ll numb,-r;. ;.n p.1;;•· IIUIIIb,·r. h111 11 l\ Jultil.nerJI m:atics ar.: cited as follows: lnJmc: of a~;reemem}, {subdi,·ision. if
pu<~1bk·. par.1!-'T.1ph 1n1111lwr 1. i o.J....,1~1l.1t i o 11 : (: 1i11l ,J.n.-: ). nt~.·d only in p.m}, {litll dHc of signing}, {international treary source}.
S j. C.A ll..c<. s-/J7i. <; J. U.N. Doc. -\, ll..,·<ts- J77 \)ull J. 10VJ). 93 Unitrd Nations Conn:ntion on the L1w of the Sea, Dec. IO, t982 ,
Preamble, 1833 U.N.T.S. 3 [hereinafter UNCLOS].
Before: 1Y7f•: l Resolulio11 lllllllber} ( ~~l·ss1on 1111111ho:r i11 Rum.111 m11m·r.ll, :J, :.11
p.l!(c IIUIIlbcr, but if pu~sible. p.lrJgraph 1111111bcr l, i do.:'i!(natiull : ( lli11l d.uo.· :). 94 . Convention on the Rights of the C..hild, Nov. 20, ~9 89, art. 19~ 1577
' u.N.T.S. 3 (hcreina~er CRCJ.
~5. G.A. Res. 2625 (XXV), at 76, U.N. Doc. Al8o2S (Oct. 1.1, 1970).
95 · /d . a~. 23. •
Note: Resolutions issued by other orgmizations are cited analogously. g6. UNCLOS, supra note 93, art. f92
Sho!t citation n1lcs apply to reports, as follows:
T n.~arics of three or less parties: {name of a1.(Tec:mem l, {abbrel"iated names uf
Rf> G.:\. Res 57/3-;7, SliP'" note 3 I, '!6. p.mics w agreement}. l date of sigmng}, {mtcrnational treary source}.
87. /d. ~ S. 97. Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations, U.S.-Th., June 8, r¢~. 652
ll. c:pons made are generally cited as follows: : 11a111e ul tho.· IS>uiug hody: U.N.T.S. 253 (hereinafter T.E.A.R.J.
II abbreviation} ]. {sub-committee that prcp.1rcd the r.:port}, {ritlt· •!f t/11· n•ptm 1, It must be noted that the general rule is that treaties which result in the creation
{parab'T:Iph number or the pinpoint t:itc} , U.N. Doc. ltlocumcnt llllmber} of new institutions or "founding documents" are cited as foll ows: {Title of tl1c
( {date}) ({amhor inclt!ded, if available}). treaty or agreement}, {parties, if applicable} , {article number, if citing a part
88. U.N. Econ. & Soc. Council [ECOSOCJ, Umted Nauo11s Forum on only}, {date of signing}. {international treary source}.
For~-sts, Reporr c?f the Sea,ruth Smio11, Chapt. I, A.!. I at 1. U.N. Doc. 98. 1\ome Statute "of the lntcmation:ll Criminal Court, art. 5 (a)~ July r, 2002,
E/CN.18/2o'l7/R (Feb. 21, 2oo6 and Apr. 16-l7, 2007).
:u87 U .N.T-.~ 90·
If rl1e rep"rt is made by the Secretary-GcnerJl or by anyone acti11g in a11 official The exceptions to this rule are the United Nations Chartc~ and the Ch,rtcr of
capaciry as in the position of an em·oy or ~pokcsperson , cite as follows: tho: League of Nations which shall be cited as follows: {Tttlc:}, {art. number}.
{Capacity}, I titIt· <if rCJXITI}, {pi11poim nt.:. if lll'edctl} , /lltllltt' •!f tltt' in>tltllti,•u ••r {paragr.1ph number}.
rt•mmittee ,,, wilir/1 1ilc rt'[lllrt was ddil>crcdl, U.N. Doc. {dorulllt:llt IIUIIlha~
(l datc:}). 99· U.N. Charter an. 43. 1.

89. The Sccrctary-Gcncr.ll, Hep.m oj tile S.-cretm}'·Gmmrl ,,, rlrr Siru.ui'"' "I J . lnto.:nmrional Law ca~e«
ll'omen arrJ Girls iu ;!_&llauisttm, ~ S. ddi1wr.i ro the -1Srh St-ssitt11 .if rl;e
Commitrtt 011 tire Sratus of Womeu, U.N. Doc. E/CN.6/2oo4/5 (Dec. I!), Decisions nf the lntcmational Courr of Justico.: or the Permanent Court of
2003) (hereinafter Sit11ntio11 c?f Jllvmetrmrd Girls i11 Afglr.uJi5tall Repttrt(. 111 rc:rnational Justice for cases prior to t9.JS: I case 11arnc } ({parti.:s' names.

Appellate Body, to wit: :Panel or Appdlatc: body}, :title ,~f di.'J'IItl'}, {IJonnlll'llt
if ir is an ad\'isory opinion l ), {volume number and name of puhlic.nion} : ctse
number l. {p;tge numbed (I date 1). Symhon (: ti.tll date: l).

1oo.Asylum (Colom. v. Peru), 1950 I.CJ. 266, 2n-78 (Nov. 20, 1950). 10s. Pand Report. JwlclllcJicm- Ccrmi11 .\le,1sures ·1tlrctil~g tire Autt.lm,,bi/r l11d11stry.
WT /DSs..J/R (July 2, 199ll) [hereinafter Automobile Industry Report).
101. Legal Status ofEastem Greenland Case, 1933 P.C.IJ. Ser. AlB No. 53, Scr. Cm.ld41 - .1irir4t, WT tDSio/ AB/R (Aug. ~o.
C, vol. 62, 43, 109, vol. 63, 858 (Apr. 5, 1933). 1OCJ. Appellate: Body Report,
ICJ cases that have not yet been published may be cited from the lntemational If the decision is a result of the GATT, D.I.S.D. (Basic Instmments and Selected
Legal Materials (I.L.M) or to the I.CJ. Website (http:/ / Dol·umems) must be cited. It must be ~ired as follows: : Blllly l. :title· l, :~·a'l'
Decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human rights: {case namt.'}, ( ·;ohmtl' numba. it" li't~-',1:. (: ,J 1,'-"u 1nl·m ,I. ttl':). GATT B.I.S.D. (: nmnhl·r or thl·
11.1111d (: saies n, {
CJSC llUIJiber or part), at f dte page lllllllber, if lll'(l''Y: 'lii'J'I,·nh'Jll. I.e .. ,.,llllllh' :) Jt : J'.l;,!l': (: Yl'.ll' 11t pul'Jil'.llion :).
(: d.m·: ). I I G. Rt.'pOrt ol tht.' r 'ui:r.l :"1·1~1'.' - ·r·':' t'.' ,,, H·m~lcum dllol ~:.·rt.r:"/:"Jitlrll'li
10.!. Vd;isqucz Rodriguez Case, Merits, Inter-Am. Ct.H.R, (sc:r. C), No. 4, at Suht.m<ri. cJunc r-. ll)l'';"). (.:\lT B.I.S.D. C.lolth Supp.) .It J·q {
321 Quly 29, 1988). When citing a l\-linish:rial documc..·nt. the tollowi~g. must be cit~J:
, · lt· • • tirk·' 1 1), ll'lllllc..·m :'\J lllllbl'r .md 'ourl'c:. ,,Kh .1'
Decisions of Ad Hoc tribunals such as those of the International Criminal 1 llr~.ll 112 , 1I 111 1• 1 I' I

Tribunals of Yugoslavia and Rwanda are cited as follows: {cast.' name), I c.tSl'
t.l..\1. if rht.'rl·in: (: yt.'.tr:).
numhl·r:, I rype of mling}, I paragraph number. if needed} ({date}). 11
1. World Trade.' or6oaniz;ttion. Doha Work Programme - Ministerial Tl'xt.
WT/MIN{os)/W/J (2005) (hcrein:tftcr Doha Work Programme).
103. Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Icn·-IT-96-23 & IT-96-231I-A, Appeals
Chamber,~ 119 (Oct. II, 26cn). ·
B. Utzited States Material
The citation format of International Arbitration cases are cited by analogy to
International Law cases in general. 1. United States Code
104.Ambatielos Arbitration (Gre,ece v. U.K.), 12 R. Int'l Arb. Awarrls 83, 35
(1956). a. Full Citation

In short-crtmg cases, supra is not used; rather, one merely uses the title of the case To cite an entire statute as codified in the United States Code (U.S.C.), the
and the pinpoint cite. Id. may likewise be used, except in two cases: ( 1) when following must be cited: lntlki;tl name.· of .Kt!, lU.S.C. tidl· numhl·r: U.S.C.
the citation refers to the same case but to a different part of the trial or opinion; 1sections containit~g the stawte: (I year of wdl· edition l itt.•d} ).
or (2) where the prior citation includes more than one authority and not all of
112. Foreign Intelligence SurveilJance Act, so U.S.C. §§ JSOJ-1829 (2000).
them are being cited.
To cite an individual provision of the United States Code: !tide number}
IOj.Asyl11m, 1950 I.CJ. at 267. ·. j ·
U.S. C. 1section cited} ( {date of code edition cited D
I06.Ambaticlos Arbitration, 12 R.I.A.A. at 87.
ll3· 36 U.S.C. § 1344 (1996).
4· International Non-Governmental Organizations. Particularly applicable to the Since the United States Code is published every six years, one should try to get
writings of those organizations recognized as having special responsibilities. Cited the current edition. Supplements are published every intervening year betw~en
as: (name: of organization}, {titlr t?f writit~l!}, {document mnuber, if any}, {I ft11l the six year intervals, so to cite both the ~ain volu~e an~ the s~pplemen~: {ntle
<.lite}). number} U.S.C. (section citcdl ({date ot code edmon nted} & Supp. (\olume
107.Amnesty fnt'J, Nigeria: R.1r-11le Siltlll Weal"'"• AFR 44/o2ohoo6, (Nov. of supplement and year supplt'lliCIH was rcktsl'd ~ }.
28, 2oo6) [hereinafter Amnesty lnt'l, N{geria]. 114.56 U.S.C. § 1784b (1986 & Supp.l1988}.
The Internal Revenue Code is included in the United States Code as Title 26, so
5. World Trade Organization (WTO)
any citations thereto may be changed from "U.S. C." to "I.R.C." to. properly
To distinguish decisions rendered by the WTO, documents must be cited using reflect the nature of the law. Thus "26 U.S.C. § 77 (2000)." should be ctted as:
the official document symbol and indicating whether it is by Panel or by the
r 15. 26 I.R.C. § n (2000).
For the initial citation of a U.S. Coun of Appeals Circuit Coun decision. the
Fur Federal R.ules ofCh·il or Criminal Proc..:dun~. dte as: {AUUREVI:HION nF following should be cited: {first parry} ,.. {s..:cond party}. {reporter \·olume
RULES CITED I I number of rule cited f. number} {reporter abbreviation} {first page oi th..: ca~c}, {spr:cific pages refe rred
116. FED. R. Clv. P. 12. to} ({deciding coun } {date of decision }).

I 17. FEU. R. CRIM. P. 39 (a).

127.]hirad y. I:_er.~uQlna -S3§.FL2d 478, 482 (ul Cir. 1976).
1!. SIIMt Cir.u;,,,
For subsequent citations: {abbreviated 11n111l' <if rile (,,,,.}. l n>lurnc numbr:r f
{n.:porter} at {sp.:cific page referred to}.
Suh'c'lucnr ritations lo r U.S. statutes lilllow tire s.1me tim n.rt ·" , 11 bsl·q ucm
dr.triorl\ tC.1r local q anrtc(. 128.1IIrmad,gio P.2d ai'icin
•. 4,'1-·.
'' M. C~nrrolling the Ass.mlt oi Non-Solichctl Pomogr..phy and Marketing Act l2g. Id. 3( 1075·
ot 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act), 15 U.S.C. §§ 7701-'17 13 (.::oo6).
lJO.j!Jirad, $36 F.2d at;.483.; - '-'....!H.-""·~"-·-•
119. FED. R . Cl\'. P. 11.

120. CAN-SPAM Act,§ 7710. C. & Ieard Stnrrs

1. California Statute (Business and Professional Code:, Penal Code)
l. United Stares Supreme Coun For the Business and Professional Code, the citation is: {CALIFORNIA STATE
For the initial citation of a United States Supreme Coun case, the following {sccliou} ({year}).
fonnat should be used: {first party l v. (second parry}. {reporter 1-olume J.W~~~~~~~~!Il!!'...(r!l2z),......,_ _....__ _..c:......_-..~
number} {reporter abbre\·iationl {first page of case}, {specific page referred rol
({year of decision}). For the Penal Code, the citation is {STATE ADOREVIATION} {PENAL CODE
AOOftEVIATION}, {section} ({yearj).
,r22. Eisncr.v. 'Macomber, U.S. 189, 191 (1920).
132. QL. Bllf'i~ Qoo£._~_2]2 (209..4).
12)~ Rockcfell~r .v. Urijteq StltJ!S, 257 U.S. 176; 177 (1921).
Any subsequent citation of the s.1mc case should be fom1aned thus: {abbrrviart•d 2. Louisiana Statutes
ltnmr of the r11se}, I \'Olume number} {rr:porter} at {sped tic page refe rred ro 1. Louisiana has adopted a public domain citarion fom1at for cases after December
z+-Eisnn! 2~2 U.S. atT.9J. .• ~. 31, 1993. Citarion is to one of the following codes:
a. West's Louisiana Revised Srawre.s Atmorared
3- Circuit Coun
ANNOTATED), {section} ({ye:~r}) .
Most Fe~cral Ci~cuit ~oun decisions are published in the Federal R.cponer in
three senes covenng dtlferem time periods, namely: 133· u : R.Ey. STA.T. .ANN:,§ 9=4.i21 ([99T).
1]4./d. § 9:4.522. -
a) F. (188o-1924)
b. West's Louisi11nn Cltildrm's Code Amzorated
b) F.zd (1924-1993)
c) F.Jcl (1993-prcscnt) ANNOTATED} , {artide number} ({year)).
I j~ 1',..-\. Qllil'.Jk.COQ.[.@N. ~(!29S).....,~~§£iirl/.i!:.::f.:::.ii:W!~a&l:~

c. West's Louisiatw Civil Code Amrottrttd 143. C6DIGO CIVIL [C. C.) art. 289 {Spain).

The citation is: l Autm.n·t.-\ TH >~ n >R lt ll'ISI:\~:\ <:t\'11 <:, lJ >E .A.~:'-.i< n:\TEJ >:. "/d." is used for immediately succeeding citations. If there is an intervening
:a nick· llllllJhl'f r ( l y~ar: ). citation, however, subsequent citations of the C6digo Civil are made as follows:
{ABBREVIATION OF CODE} {subdivisions, if applicJble}.
136. LA. CJV. CODE ANN .• art. ~6 (11JCJ6 rhrough Reg. Scss.).
144-BERNAS, supra note so, at I 195.
145. C.C. art. 289.

The citation is: : :\BBJU\'1.\ I h l' H ''' l.t 'L'J'\1.\~:\ l :, lJ 11-. t •F CJ\'11 Pitt 11 El lUtE l46.ld.
:\:\.!'\OT.\TEI>:. : .mi,·J~· numbl'r: (: yt•.•r :). 147- Id. art. 291.
l.l7- La.. 0 IJ)~ CJ\'. Pit~)(',:\:>-::-.: .••trt. 1.!31 (II) 'I~ I,
2. Spanish Criminal Code
For the initial citation of the C6digo P'!nal, follow the same fonnat used in
citing the C6digo Civil. Thus, cite as: f Nt\~IE OF ConE} [{ ABBRE\"IATION OF
The citation is: :AlUm. F.\ 1:\ l'lt 1:\. H •R Ll ll'l"l.\:'\:\ ( :t H 11: <>f E\'11 >1::'\< ·1· ( :<. lDE}) 1subdi\'isions, if applicable} (f country abbrc:\·iation, if any}).
A:'\NOT:\TEI>l. :anidt• m•mbt·r: (lyt·.•r:J.
148. C6DIGO PENAl [C.P.] art. 745 (Spain).
138. l:\. COUE EVIl>. ANN •• ;m. .!.2 (.!001 ).
Maintain the same fonnat used in short citing the C6digo Civil; thus, the format
J. New York Statute is as follows: {AllBREVIATION OF CODE} fsubdivisions, if applicable:}.

For New York statutes, the citation is: lABUREVI:\TION OF NE\\' YORK l 149· C. C. art. 289.
{SUllJECT LAW}. {section~ ({yeJr)). 15o.C.P. art. 145: .· ~ .
139.N.Y. STAT. LAw.§ 12 (1993). 151. ld.

152. Id. art. 746.

4- State Supreme Courts

For State Supreme Courts, the fonnat is: t tlrst party I v. {second party: 3. German Civil Code (BGB)
{reporter mlume number l l reportt•r .abbrt:\'iarion: : tirst page of rlw cast• I
Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Civil Code) should be initially cited by indicating the
{span of specifk pages n·fep·L·d to l ( l pbct• of dcxidiug coun: : datt' of
dt•cision }). name of the code, then place in brackets the abbreviation, followed by the
translation of the code in English. Thereafter, specify the particular subdivision
140. Commo~wealth v. Wilson, 671. A.2d 293, 294 {Pa. 1996}. being referred to, if any. If none, place the country abbreviation in a
141. People v. Morgan, 662 N.E.2d 26o, 266 (N.Y. 1995). parenthetical direcdy after the code name in English. Therefore, the format is:
{NAME OF CODE} ({ AllllREVIATION OF CODE}) [{code name in English})
142. Simmons v. State, 912 P.2d 217, 230 (Nev. 1996). {subdivisions, if applicable} ({country abbreviation}).

D. Otll!'r Foreig11 Legal Doamretlls 153. BORGERLICHES GESETZBUCH [BGB] (Civil Code) art. IO (F.R.G.).
For subsequent citations, the fonnat is as follows: {Amm.EVI:\TION L)f CODE}
I. Spanish Civil Code l suhdi\·isinns... if applictble: .
For the initial citation of the Codigo Civil. use the: name of the code, indicate 1 54· C.P. art. 745·
next in brackets the abbreviation that will be used subsequently, then specify the
1 55· BGB art. 10.
particular subdivision being referred to, if any. If no particular provision is being
cited, immediately place the country abbreviation in a parenthetical at the end of Jj6.ld.
the citation. Therefore, the format is: :NAME OF COOE} [{ABBREVIATION OF 1 57- Id. art. 1 I.
CODE}] {subdivisions, if applic;able} (I country abbreviation, if any}).

4· French Code
-· 1
VictoriJ Viet.

For the: iniri~l citation of the Code ch·il. follow the: citation ton of the William Will.
C6digo Ci,·il. Take note howc\·cr that the word ··ci,·ir· i nul c.rpitaliznl when
(j \VilliJnt & ~ IJry - \V. & ~ I.
citing the n.rmc of the t:ade. Hence, the: to n nat is: l N:\:\IE 0 1' CODE 1
HAIIIJR.EVIATION OF CODE II {subclh-isions. if .tppli.:.tbk·j (!country 1knee. till· tonnat is: :,hon titlc. it'.ll·.ril.tbk :. : ~<·.•r:. :rq:n.rl Y<'.trbl lclr q,llutc>
.lhbre,·iation} ). <' ll.h't<'•' pri"r to t•JI•J :. : ,ub.Ji,·i,ioth. it' .tppli.:.thk I (:jurNlini<>ll tf th1t ,.,.i,km
t 58. CODE CIVlLlC. 9V.) m . t52 (Fr.).
tf\llll ' '"li<':XI "r .:n.uinn :).

To subscqucmly citc:, use the following fon na1: {t\UIJitF.\'1:\TI\li\: PI· Cl ll lE:
l (q . Habe.15 co.,>liS :\ct, 167\1, J I C.>r. ~. ~. 2, § 2 (Eng.).
{ sub divi s i on~. if applicable}. In ,Jwn-ritin!! <t.t!llt( S ~nactcd for ,·it her rase. simply in,lk.H<': : ''" >n tid<':.
159. DGB m. 10.
: .. ul,\11 \ t"h' l1':. 152.
t6z.ld. an. 153· '"7· ld - 1 .\

t6N. Habeas Corpus Act. § 3.

i. UK L.rws
t6<}. /d.
The gcncr:~l fonn:t of citing statutes from the UK is as follows: {shurr tide. if
170. /d. § 4·
.w.til.rblc j, {year}. {subdivisions, if applicable} ({jurisdiction if not evrdcnt Irom
context or citation}).
t6J.Cmmirurional Ref!Jml Act, 2005, c. 4, § 18 (E:·g.).

For statutes enacted prior ro 1963, indicate the regnal year(s) before placing the
subdivisions. Indicate first the year(s) of reign, ff\lluwed by the abbreviated name
of the monarch, and numeric designJtimt C\f the monarch in ar:~brc numerals. In
casc:, the monarch was the first of that name, omit the numeric designation.
• 4 Jac. 2

Uur: 55 Viet.
The abbrc,·iations of the monarchs' names arc as follows:
• Anne Ann .

• Charles Dr.
Edward Edw.

• EliZJbeth Eltl .

• George Geo .
Henry Hen.

James Jac.
Philip /!.: Mary Phil.& M.

• Richard Rich.


and economically, and is becoming more conscious of the !iiscrimination
she ha$ been traditionally subjected to) .
.-1. lmmd~tclt,ry Signals
J. Signals that signify divergence of views
1. Signals that signify support
a. "Contra" is used if the cited authority directly maintains the contrary of
a. Direct citation without any introduction is usl·d if the cited authority
,.i the text.

i) directly maintains the text, Comra should be used to contradict a direct citation with no
introduction (refer to 1 (a) above). l\ paremhetkal explanation may
ii) namt!S the source of the quotation. or
facilitate a better unJerstanding of the comparison.
iii) names the authority rdied upon in the text.
b. "But sre" is used if the cited authority maintains a \;ew contrary tn thl·
b. ·· Sn:· is used if the rited .unhority text.

i) inJirecrly maimains the text, But see is used when sre is used for support.
ii) is paraphrased by the text, or c. "But cf." is used if the cited authority maintains analogous support to the
reverse of the text.
iii) if it supplies an inferential link between itself and the text.
Bill should be omitted from but see and but cJ. if they come after a negative signal.
c. "Ste, r..r,." is used if the cited authority
i) supplies an example of what is asserted in the text, or 4· Signals as verbs

ii) is supplemented by other authorities stating the same Signals need not be italicized when used as verbs in sentences, as when they fonn
proposition, but stating all of them is not necessary. part of a parenthetical explanation. When used as verbs, "see, e.g." becomes "see,
for example," and "Cf." becomes "compare."
d. "See also" is used if the cited authority supplies an additional direct
authority for the text, when the main authorities have already been
B. Id.
previously cited.
"Id." is used when there is only one authority cited in the immediately preceding
e. "See generally" is used if the cited authority provides background material
citation and should be capitalized only when it is the first word in a sentence. It
to the text.
cannot be use-d to refer to the Constitution but it may used for all other laws and
f. "Cf." is used if the cited authority supplies a distinct, yet parallel, support for jurisprudence.
for the text.
When "id." is used to refer to the preceding citation, cited and citing references
are ignored.
2. Signals that signify comparison
Format: Id. at {cited page }.
"Compare {andlwithf' or "Comrast [andlwithf' is used if cited authorities support
o~ demons~t~ the text when compared to each other, or if they supply 172.M.acalin~l v. Com.ission <;>n Elections, 405 SCR:\ 614. G43-44- (~003)
divergent posltlons on the text. (clting Transcripts of Senate Proceedings, Oct. I, 2002). ·.

Parenthetical explanations rr.ay facilitate a better understanding of the 173. Td. at 645.
comparison. In this example, only Macalintal v. Comission 1111 Elections is referred to, not the
171. Compare BELEN T. MEDINA, THE FILIPINO FAMILY 173 (2001 ed.J (asserting Transcripts ofSenate Proceedings.
that traditionally, the Filipino wife is more relationship-oriented and Some law reviews use id., or the short form of citation for a case, if it has been
dependen~ on the husband and is often considc:r~d a5 the one mainly cited in the same footnote or is cited in any form in one of the preceding five
responsible for . keeping the marriage intact}, 111itl1 Interview with Dr,
Ricardo G. Abad, Ph.D., ProfessOr, Department of Sociology and
. A~thropology, Ateneo de MailiJa Univ~rsity Oune u, 2007) (explai~ing 174.An Act Strt>ng~hening t~e Wo~k.eJis'Rigl:tt to ~elf-:Organizati()n, Amen~ing
·· t~~t.a.~P-~c:nt. --~~. e9uca~e9.~p~ -~ wq¢..ind~peQd~nt psycholqgi~~iy ·. ·..·f9.r.. the:.· ..P!J!'PQS.ct· ;~~i~~pj:j~~;.~~ej.:_~ljlq,.v;~,~--~ :.NB~q~~d~ .9.§}.1~§~
Known as the Labor Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 9481, § 1

175-ld. A. Quotations

J76.ld. § 2. I. Fom1at
a) Quotations consisting '?[less that~ 50 uwtls
178.Id. § 6.

179-ld. § 3· Quotations of less than 50 words should be enclosed within double quotation
marks. Quotations within the quoted material should be endost.'d_ in single
1so. R.A. No. 1}481. § s.
quotation marks. If the quoted material is itself quoted nutt.>riJl in thl· original
"'/J... nuy no lnn~~r b'-· ust.>J in t'l,otnotc 1So in'-' with rhi~ ruk· ~o tht: t>nclost.'d in double quotation marks in the original text. only llllt: S\.'t ,,( \loublc:
~hnrt t" nf citJtion i5 ust.>J instc.tJ. Thl' s;unc rule applil's tor cJs~:s. quotation marks should be used.

C. Supr.J All punctuation marks should be placed inside the quotation marks. t'Xil'J'l
question marks and exclamation points if they were not part of the original
Supr11 may bl' used to subsequently cite an authority when it has been fully cited quotation.
previously, excluding statutt.-s, cases, constitutions, legislative materials. and
regulations. For subsequent citation of prc=viously cited statutes and cases, refer to b) QuotatiotiS cotJSisting of 50 or more words
the rules discussed abo\'e. Note that the shortened tomt should appear in the
same way as it appears in the full citation. Quotations consisting of 50 or more words should be quoted as a block
Fomtat: {Author's last name 1. Sllpra note {footnote numbt>r of initialrit;nion L at quotation. A block quotation should be single-spaced, indented on both sides,
{citt.'d page}. and justified. Block quotations are not enclosed within double quotation marks.
Quotation marks within the block quotation should, however, be retained as
181. BALANE, supra note 49, at 76. they appear in the original text.

D. HereinajifT 1.. Alterations

This is used when the authoricy would be too burdensome to cite, such as when AU alterations made to quotations should be noted by enclosing such changes in
there are several authors of a work or several works by the same author in one square brackets. Significant mistakes in the original should be followed by
article. It is added at the end of a cited authoricy, before any explanatory "[sic)," but otherwise left as in the original. Omitted letters must be indicated by
·parenthetical, with the special shortened form placed in brackets. empty square brackets ("[ )"). The rules on the use of brackets are enumerated
i8i.B~ T~· MEDINA. THE FILIPINO FAMILY 173 (2001 ed.) [hereinafter below.
. ·... Mwli\1!~~ FILIPIN':'>'FAMILY).
3. Omissions
~8J;B~LEN T.·~~r.J~,·f,$~.R!/4ting to Filipino M~ge 11nd fqntily, ir, :rHE
·. ·FliiPu'zd:~PAMJLY, A'SPECTRirM OF VIEWS AND]~ ·29 (AUrtira Perez Omissions in the quoted material should be indicated by an ellipsis (" ... ") taking
··e<L, r99sfihe~ei~after ~edina, lssue.S]. · · ·· : the place of the omission. It should not, however, begin a quot:ttion. The rules
A subsequent citation based upon the use of hereinafter is always accompanied on the use of an ellipsis are enumerateJ below.
by supra. Nevertheless, when the simple supra form suffices, hereinafter need not
be used. Note that the shortened form should appear in the same way a.~ it B. PuncwmiotiS
appears in the full citation.
1. Periods
I84.MED!NA, f.JLfPINO FAMILY, Sltpra no~e 182, a~ -l3_1~ ...
• . ' . • ': • t . . • ~ • . • • '
Periods are used to end declarative sentences, including indirect questions. When
I8j.M~dina, ,.bsuts, Sltpra note 183, at JO. the declarative sentence ends in an abbreviation, only one period is used. When
dealing with initials or abbreviations, there ~hould be no spaces between periods.


Periods are used for abbreviations (e.g. B.I.R.), but not for acronyms (e.g. Em dashes should be preceded and follvwed by a space.
To avoid conft1sion, do not use more than a single em dash or a pair of em
2. Commas and Semi-Colons dashes in any gi\·en sentence.

In a series of three or more elements, s~parate the dements by commas. When a 5· Ellipses and Brack~ts
conjunction joins the last two elements in a seri~..-s, a comma is used before the
conjunction. When the elements in a series are long and complex ur involve .1) Ellipst'S
internal punctuation or internal conjunctions, separat~ them by st:micolons.
Semicolons are used to connect clvsely rdated independent clauses. while lndicJte the omission of a word or words within a quotc:d sentence by replacing
commas are used to connect dependent clauses to independ~m clau~t"'. th~ umittl·d tc.-xt with :m ~llipsis. An ··ellipsis.. is a ~'Toup of three consecutive
ll,lt~ with .1 spar...- un both sill~ of the dlipsis. hm no ~pJc~s in betwc:en the three
Parenthetic expressions within a sentence ~huuld .tlsu bl· l"fh:losed within dots.
commas. These commas may be omiued when the intc:mlption is slight. When
commas are used, however, bmh commas must be presl'nt. Th~ nniy c:xcl'ption is if the omission is at the t.·nd of the quoted material, the
ellipsis may be omitted .md the quoted material may end with a punctuation
J. Colons ntJrk, unless it is important to show that the material has bc:en omitted. To
indicate the omission of a word or words at the ~nd of a quoted sentence,
A colon is used after an independent clause to introduce lists, an illustrative rc:place the omitted text with an ellipsis followed directly by the final
quotation, amplification, or appositive. It may not, however, be used after a punctuation of the sentence, without any space between them.
dependent clause.
Indicate the omission of a complete sentence within quoted text by replacing the
4· Hyphens and Em Dashes omitted text with an ellipsis between the final pum:tuation of the preceding
sentence and the first word of the following sentence.
a) Hyphen (-)
If the omitted material consists of one or more complete paragraphs, then the
ellipsis must appear alone in the center of a new line.
Use a hyphen
An ellipsis should not begin a quotation.
(1) to connect continuing or inclusive numbers, such as dates, times, and
reference numbers; .!
b) Brackm
(2) to separate numbers that are not inclusive, such as telephone numbers
and social security numbers; Where only one word is removed from a quoted sentence, use an empty square
(3) to separate the elemer.:s of a compound word that i; ordinarily bracket instead of an ellipsis. Be sure to place one space between the brackets.
hyphenated in a dictionary or other authoritative source such as a word When a letter in a quoted sentence must be changed from lower to upper case or
book; or
vice versa, enclose it in square brackets. The rules on capitalization of leuers are
(4) to separate the elements of a compound word used as an adj,.ctive. enumerated below.
There should be no space before or after the hyphen. Substituted words or letters in a quoted sentence should be bracketed.

b) Em Dashes (-) When quoting a passage, significant mistakes in the original should be followed
by "[sic]," but otherwise left as in the original.
Use an em dash
6. Parentheses
(r) to denote a sudden break in thought that causes an abrupt change in
sentence strucrure; or Parentheses, like em dashes, may be used to set off an amplifying, explanatory, or
digressive element. Parentheses are, however, more informal. Parentheses are also
(2) to set off an element added to give emphasis or explanation by
expanding~ phrase oc::urring in the main clause.
used to introduce: acronyms and abbreviations.


When parentht.>ses are used to enclose an independent sentence, the punctuation 5· Names of parts of a constitution or statute may be capitalized when used in
is placed before the closing parenthesis. When parentheses are used to enclose an English sentence as proper nouns, as in "First Amendment.'' "Article Ill,''
only part of a sentence, the punctuation belongs after the closing parenthesis. or "Section M (e)."

If a full sentence is quoted in parentheses, such as in explanations attached to

citJtions, periods belong both inside and outside the parentheses.
t86.PHIL. CONST. art. Ill. § 8 ('"The right of the people, inclu.ding thpse
employed in rhe public and priv;l[e sectors, to fomi unions, ~~atio~s, or
societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged."). · ·

C. CJpiMii::,,;,,
r. Qunr.nions l'mbeddl·d in rht" tcxr ot .1 pien· may bebrin with an upperc;Jse or
lowercase letter. dt•pcnding on the cumext. A quotation used as an essential
)ynt.Ktil part of .1 sentence should begin with a lowercase letter while a
quot4tion rhat has a more remote syntacric relation to the rest of the
sentence should begin with a capital letter. In most cases, this rule means that
a quotation introduced by .. that" will not be capitalized, but one introduced
as a free-standing sentence will be.
Justice Cruz stated that, "[h)e may seem boorish or .speak crudely or· sport
tattoos ordress weirdly or orherwise faU ~hort 9,f. p~r ~~ ~~~~.4#:~: ~f
propriety-~~" ~e~~~: ~oil~. of ~~e .~kes. ~"}~a ~~~~:~~~~~~]:~~
may look like a cnmirial. · ' · · '· · · <· :. ·.' :: ~.:·) ··~.;::ni:-:::
Justice_Crui·stated, .:He. ~y sc:em bo~ris~ ~r.speak:crudd~.~~~sp~~~~~-~~
.or dress weirdly .or· orherwise faJI shot:i pf ~ur o\Vp sta~ula* .of' Pri>P~e~
and decorum. None of rhese makes h.iQl a criminal ~~rhopgb be-~yJoo_k
like a criminal." · · ·
•4 • ~.

justice C~z ~t~ the value of due pz:ocess Ma~tedt: "He may
I• • •

seem boorish or speak crudely or sport t:ittoos or dress weirdly or orherwise
fall short of our own stan~ of prop~e~ ·.and decorum. None of these
make$ bim'a· crimi.W altltough he may look like a c:t4m.~". ·
2. The words "Article," "Essay," "Comment," "Note," or "Paper" should be
capitalized when referring to themselves and should be preceded by either
"the," "this," or "that."
j. When referring to .. specific part, section, or chapter of a written work,
capitalize "Part," "Section," or "Chapter."
4· Capitalize nouns referring to people or g.·oups (for example, "the
Administr:ltor" or the "Board," etc.) only when they identify specific
persons, officials, groups, or govemrnent offkes. Similarly, capitalize such
phrases as "the Act," "the Code," "the Executive," "the Senate," "the
Congress," "the Petition," and so forth only when the referent is
unambiguously identified. The phrases "the Court" and "the Constitution"
should be capitalized only when referring to the Philippine Supreme Court
and the current Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.


Jl.;·:nurei.1:J.cPfintern~ Reve~ue, Rev. Reg. No. 16-2005, EffectiVity Clause.
· (Seph: ~095}. · . : .· · :
J. PI-Ill. CONST. art. VI,§ 1. J2;. _Bi.1~eau oflnternal Revenue, BIR Ruling No. DA-176-o4.(Apr. 6, 2004).
2. PI-IlL. CONST. art. VII, § 11,, 2. Jl·· Offi~e.o(th~~President~ Instituting the Presidential Award for Heroism in
3· 1935 PI-Ill. CONST. art. I, § I (superseded 1971). · ·Times of Disaster, EXecutive Order No. 421 (Sep. 7, 1990).
4- Au Act Revising the Penal Code and Other Penal la\\5 [REVISED PENAL 34· Securities and Exchange Commission, Code of Corporate Governance,
COI>E), Act No. 3815, art. .2 (1932). SEC Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 2002 (Apr. 5, 2002) .
.5· An Act to Ordain and Institute the Civil Code of the Phllippincs (CIVIL 3S· · Rules and Regulations Implementing the Anti-Violence against Women
CODE). Republic Act No. 386 (1950). ·and :Their Children Act of 2004, § 14 (a) (2004).
6. REVISED PENAL CODE, arts. 171 _173 . 36. Id.
7- 1.1. 37· Rules and Regulations Implementing the e-Commcrce :\ct of 2000. § 1
S. ltl. .m. 1~0. ~ ~- (2000).
'). An A~t PrO\:iding l~r thl· Recognition and Usc uf Electronic Cormnercial 38. 'd.
and Non-conunt"rcJJI Transactions and Documents. Penalties for Unlawful 39· 2000 REVISED RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, rule 110, § 4·
u~ Thereof and For Other Purposes [t'-Commerce Act of .., 0001 40. Id.
Republic Act No. 8792, § 33 (lOOO). - ' •P· 1997 RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, rule 41, § 2 (a).
10. /d. 42· _Id.
II. /d.§ 2. 4J···RE\rySETJRULES ON EVIDENCE, rule 128, §I.
12. A~ Act Pcnali~ng the Mal,:ing or Drawing and Issuance of a Check 44- td. .. '
Without Sufficient Funds or Credit and for Other Purposes, Batas 4S· _SPE~IAL'~~O.~EEDI~GS,rul~ 7~, § 1.
Pambansa Big. 22, § 6 (19 78).

13. c-Commerce Act of 2000, § 34.
14. ld.
r 5· B.P. Big. 22, § 5·
16. /d.
17. laurel v. Abrogar, 483 SCRA 243, 245 (2oo6). 5~-·fjoA~\itfi.(~)'~i:RN~~;::~J~; .T$()9~i·co~~rfojic)N ~i= hiE· REPtJBuc
18. Garcia v. People, 410 SCRA 582, 583 (2003). . ' ::ai=·rfiE·J1H\1.1P~IN~:·:{¢oMA.I£Ni'I.Rv'li9,f(2dpj ed.). .
19. La~trel, 4~fSCRA at 269. at
5I. BALAI'¢, sUpra. no~ .49,- IO]. . . ·: . 0:
20. /d. 51. 4 osc$._B;~~-~~I4"1 (2001 etf.). . . . .. . . _
21. People v. Ramos. G.R. No. 172470, Apr. 8, 2008. sJ. Jusl:rceJos~;.c. vrrua &JUDGE ERNErio D. AcosTA, TAX LAw AND
22. /d. JURiSPRUDENCE 150 (Ut ed. 2o,oc_>). . . . , .
23. People v. Collantes, 37 O.G. 1804. rBos (Court ofAppeals x926). S+ jOVIT9".~ ~~NG~.~ PEJ:)RO L. YaP. ~LI~ INTER.NATIPNAL L\w .77
siV~~~,t~~~E~i~!~~~l~~~f~~\~~~Ji\f;:~~;.;~.?~~,::~.:··: s·~ :~:~·:.{!. <· ·_~: · : -·~
24- H.B. 004. 13th Cong., ul Sess. (May 12, 2007), in 128 Cong. Rec. S: 09 1
(May 19, 2007). :· 7
25. Benefits for U.S. Vic~ of lnt~mational Terrorism: Hearing on s. 1275 s6. NA~O ~A; ET AL;;."REGIST~A:t'IONQP.~ND TITI.ESAND DE~ 2~
Before the .Senate Fore1gn Relanons Committee, to8th Cong. ·2-5 (2 oo ) ·. ·:(t994eCL)>· . ... . .· . . . ·
(stat~ment ~f~lliam H. Taft, IV, legal Advisor, Dept. of State).
3 si; ;josu~:N~·B~U:QSILLO, ET e'\J.;,._ 9¥NiB~s E~CTJON CODE' 8 (2007). I I.
26. Serv1ce lrtdwtnes Commerce Develop~ent Act of ~ 9 82, Hearlngs onH.R. 5S>J>E.Ii:JA, .Ef AL., sujmi note :S6~ at."l2j. ·:. : '!;'"·' ·. ' ..
5519 befo~e the Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation and Tourism 59· ADAM SMITH,' THE WEALTH OF .NATIONS 3D-JI (Edwin Cannan ed.,
.2000). . .. . .. ' .
of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 97th Cong, 2 d Sess.
69 (19~2) (statement of Gordon J. Cloney, II, Chamber of Commerce of (>O. WOMEN AND AMERJCANJODAISM ro8-o9.·(Painela S. Nadell & jonathan
the Umted States). . D. S~rna eds.; 2001). . ... ... .. . .
27. H.R. REP: No. 99-226, at 8 (1985). 61. WOMEN AND LANGUAGE IN LiTERATURE AND Soq~TY 284:..99 (Ruth
28. SENATEj~URNAL 722, 13th Cong, rst Reg. Sess, ·Senate Sess No. 6 (Mar. Broker, et al. eds., 19.80). . .. . .
7. 200j). . . . .. . . 62 . . NIC~PLO.MACHIAvE'LLJ, THE ~IN.¢E 45-:-SQ.(W.J{. Milr:qQtt nans:; J9<_)8).,
29. 68 jOURNAL OF THE House oF REPRESE~~TIVES·.:·' :.- A IJth c 6j: Jorge: It: :Co~ia, J.tnno.t.a~~~·: ~~.: ~~~!i~f'.F~"!P#~~('t~tnt~iion.
~ --- (Ma . · .. . . 1"" ong. ISt
R eg..~ y 1o-n, 2005). · · Reftience System·. tis Violation of th~ Right ·~p P.,;,[aiy: ~:.~1eut0j tft~:· Pii¥P~is
3'?· :~u o9n~ Reve~ue, Rev.en~e M~o~4tmt-qrad.3f.No; 37_93 , an4Jurispmdena on Privaiy ~ H.~mat(J{igliti•. ~91.~<:;M ~6~, 203. (1998k . ;~:
. ·· 9 .. ~G,:w§.(~!lg.9ai9.2J).; :. .'.< < . ·2..:;·. . :·:··· .:·.;> .. .:.::_)
• Clll




.· ~MINJSTRATIVE LAW TREATISE iio-21 (Ilwo).. . .
6s~·.oawn N:igatani, U.S.-]apan Enhanced lnitiati're·~ an ·rnstmment of Chan.r:c:
· · !he l#f1Cacy of japmr's lAtest E./fori at Telttommunitations Deregulation, 22
· · · . ·4SfN'I~PAC. LAW & POL'Y J. 291, 296 (2001}.
6~. SMITf:i,:supra note 59. at 39.
67. 'Nagatani, supra note 65, at 293.
68 • .Vietor. L. Streib, Semtllting H·(mrtn to Deatlr, CRIM. JUST., Spring 2000, at
. :23.
~·i: ~toffer James E. Purisima, Comment. Tirt Publit" C/Mrczatr 11f C.1t...,,, LA.y
·._ --prmtk/n Rqmblicv. COCOFED, 47 ATENEO LJ. 154, 155 (2002}.
70. :Bernard: Joseph D. Malibiran, Note, Psyd"'l'tgit"ul IIIC.1plrrity R(l-'iiitcd: A
Revieu•ojRecent)urispmdnttr, 52 ATENEO LJ. 392, 416 (2007).
71. UshaTankha, Trarrsfomling Misfonmre i11tcJ Oppommiry, ADB REV., Al'R.-
,!v1Ay ~oo6; at 30. ··
· M. Broder, Clit~ton Adamant 011 3D W11riJ Role in Climate Att,,rJ. N.Y.
·Dec. 12, 1997, atAr.
~Prclte.::r~d -~~ ·.an~ Wildlife Bureau, Tamaraw Conservation Project,
·{l~- http:(/WW\ {last accessed
2~2) •. ·.·. ·.

. . . . _. U.Div~~ty)
(<>11· · .. . . .. . . ,_ ;. ·Areiieo de. Manila
Univ~~ty)'. . . .· .· · · , · ;· :'--:... _. ·
. .-. ·. · . ·
82 •. B~ Joseph :~.-· Maliblraii. :~. w~~-~e~dy. for Another- tovebug?
f?~~pg)pto Cy~e 3!i~_.~C:-~ ~e e-Co~erce Act of 2000
31!~. Ot!tei- P~rient, La\Y,; ::(~s) . ··.(un~bW.hed JD;· tftesis, · Aieneo. de
.~OJti''~ty} ·co~ ~tt_-With::·tb.~~~.o~·~cl,lQO~·iibrary, Aterieo
.. d~~ UniV~f:Y)~ ·_;· :-.:.:·.~::\~::;,_;::;_:~;:fi.:i:. -::·~.:··j'r,)~/-:·.;_· : .··;, ·
8]. a~ R.,eS.;_~IJI, jtt)07~~~-p;zi:ti~Q~:¥?-~.l{_~.~·$..~pp: No.I2~ U.N.
..... D!)C. 4/~p-.(~965)!. :.. ><::,--.~~5:.. ~-:::.;(j~~;~{r.·,~·~;:;_:~ii~~; ..-.-! ::
- - - - ...........,
• .;£ .


114. 56 U.S£. § 1784b (1986 & Supp. I 1988). 162. ld. art. 153. .
115 ..26 I.R.C. § 77 (iooo). 163. Constitutional Reform Act, .ioo5, c. 4. §Is (Eng.):
IIC'i. FED. R. CIV. P. 12. c.
164. Habeas Corpus Act, 1679, 31 Car. 2, l, § l. (Eng.).
117. FED. R. CIUM. P. 39 (a). 165. Constitutional Refom1 Act,§ 19. ·
118. Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Ac:t 166./d. . .
of 2003 [CAN-SPAM Act], IS U.S.C. §§ 7701-7713 (~oo6). 167./d. § 1~.
119. FEU. R. Clv. P. 12. t68. Habt-as Corpus Act,§ 3·
120. CAN-SPAM Act,§ 7ilO. 169./d.
·' 121.lrl. 1]0. /d.§ 4·
1.!:!. Eisner v. :\bcomber, :!jl U.S. 189, 191 (19.20). 171. Ctllupm·c BELEN T. MEDINA, THE FILWINO FAMILY 173 (2001 ed.) (asserting
tlJ. Rockl!fcller v. United St;ues. ~57 U.S. t-;6, 177 (19.!1). that trJditionaJly, the Filipit~o wife is more relationship-oriented and
ll.J. Eisuer. 15.2 U.S. a[ 193. dependent on the husband and is often considered as the one mainly
r.:s.ld. rc,pnnsihlc: tor keeping the marriage intact), IVirll Imen·icw with Dr.
1.26..\hnuJ v. Wigen. 910 F..::d IOt>J, 1070 i.!dCir. IWO). Ricardo G. Abad, Ph.D., Professor, Depamnent of Sociology and
1.27.Jhir.1d v. Ferrandina, 536 F..2d .pS • .JS~ {.:d Cir. Iy:-uJ. Anthropology, Ateneo de Manila Univcrsicy Qune 12, 2007) (cxplaitiing, 910 F.2d at 1073. that at present, the educated Filipina is more independent psychologically
129./d. at 1075. and economically, and is becoming more conscious of the discrimination
130.)/rirad, 536 F.2d a[ 483. she has been traditionally subjected to).
131. CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE,§ I6ooo (IY97). 172.Macalintal v. Comission on Elections, 405 SCRA. 614, 643-44 {2003)
132. CAL. PENAL CODE,§ 632 (2004). (citing Transcripts of Senate Proceedin~, Oct.. 1, 2002).
133:LA_. REv.. STAT. ~N., § 9:4521 (1991). 173. ld. at 645. . _. .. . ·. . . . .· . _ . _ _·
134.Jd. §.9:45i2. · .. . 174· An Act Strengthening the Workers' Righ·t· t~ ·seif-:b~ization~ An1endi~g
x3~;~::;9~fP}::pp~:~~·· art. 16o (1995). for the Purpose Presidential Decr~e No .. #z,_ -~ ~ended~ O~e~e
IJ~~-~ e1v:~C:OPE·Ai~:• m 8~·(1996 through Reg. Sess.). Known as the Labor Code 'ofthe' Pl1ilippine5:: Jt.epub}ic ;Act N.:>. ·948 i; §' J
rji:-·tk!§qp~ G·rY·: J>i0:9;'·_ANN.;art. 1231 (1984). (2007). · ·J . • -· ...... = ~- :<t- ;. :.:.:.:. .
~v:·" :~,
:IJ.S{~;.<lf~piiEvii>..:~:;-att;:·i2 (2001). .
I39~-~~:'f·:·~41\-~w/§ ii(r993):- . I76.Id. §2.
qo. c~~nionwealth v. Wilson, 672 A.uf 293. 294 {Pa. IWO). 177.Id.
.141-P,~..e!~.v~ Morgao,:~2 N,B~~~ :z~l)•. 266 (N,Y. 199.5). 178.Id. §6.
142.SimiUops_v. Stite, 9rz zi1. 'ijor(Nev. 1996).
179.Id. § J.
·r43. C6DIGO.CIVIL [C. C.] art. 289 (Spaiu).
18o.R.A. No. 9481, § 5· . .
I#..BERNAS; supra f!Ote 50, at r 195· · 181.BALANE, supra note 49, at 76. .· . . . ; . , ·: ·:· . :!.:. :; ·:;.~,:·;·i .:
i~?j~~~f?)§~;~ i>,,~;,,:>.,~,; '·. r.
~s~. ~$ ·~DINA, TJ:IE FJL~_P'"!~. \~~~~; ~Jr ~~R8~;:.i~;~ .-JJ~;~~~i~~
~Dil'lA~ fiLIPINO FAMILY).: :~ ··>· _-: _, _ :_,;--: ·. .'
:~:: ;~·:J,;;, -~,:;'";'~;':.:~i\r;-;~
1~3.BELEN T; MEDINA, Issues P..elati11g to Filipino·Marriage'atid Fani_ilY,·in THE
148; CQDIGO:PENAL [C.P.) art." 74-s (Spain).
· F~U?INO fA~I.~Y, A S~~CfR~~ 9(YIE~S:~.:Jssu~s>? (Ali~()~· f.~~z
i49·'c'.c: art.
'289.. ~·· :~ .. . . . '· ... ed;- I99S) (he'6:inafter Medina Jisuts]: ',_:. : ·;. >'.,. .·· ,:· . .;· ...
15o.G:P.ari:. 74S· IS4.~D.~~. FILifrNO F~y; s~~~a-ridte 1ir~. at 2'31. :·. . .. . . .
151.ld. 1S5~:M'; ,supra not~ i~3,at:jo:_ . .. .. · .· .·.... art. 746~ i86. PH·n.:. Coflis-r: art. III, § 8 ("The right of the people, including· those
15J.BURGID~UCHES GESETZltUCH[BGB) (Civil Code] art. 10 (F.R.G.). en:tployed in the public and private sectors, to fonn unions, associatio~ or
154- C.P. ~rt. 745· societies for purposes not contrary to 'law shall not be abridged.").
155.J~GB.~rt. to,
rs6~ Id.
157•fll· art. IL
158. COD.E 9VIL [C. CIV.) ait. ~52 (Fr.).:
'S9· BGB 'art. 10.. · - '
I6o. Q. CIY. art. iS~· . ;: ·;,

16t;i4;·;:..:~ ·'

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