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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

CivilZone review paper

Numerical methods in rock mechanics$
L. Jinga,*, J.A. Hudsona,b
Division of Engineering Geology, Royal Institute of Technology, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Imperial College and Rock Engineering Consultants, 7 The Quadrangle, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6SG, UK
Accepted 19 May 2002


The purpose of this CivilZone review paper is to present the techniques, advances, problems and likely future development
directions in numerical modelling for rock mechanics and rock engineering. Such modelling is essential for studying the fundamental
processes occurring in rock, for assessing the anticipated and actual performance of structures built on and in rock masses, and
hence for supporting rock engineering design. We begin by providing the rock engineering design backdrop to the review in Section
1. The states-of-the-art of different types of numerical methods are outlined in Section 2, with focus on representations of fractures
in the rock mass. In Section 3, the numerical methods for incorporating couplings between the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical
processes are described. In Section 4, inverse solution techniques are summarized. Finally, in Section 5, we list the issues of special
difficulty and importance in the subject. In the reference list, ‘significant’ references are asterisked and ‘very significant’ references
are doubly asterisked. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Review; Rock mechanics; Numerical modelling; Design; Coupled processes; Outstanding issues


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

2. Numerical methods for rock mechanics: states-of-the-art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

2.1. The FDM and related methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
2.2. The FEM and related methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
2.3. The BEM and related methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
2.4. The distinct element method (DEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
2.5. The DFN method related methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
2.6. Hybrid models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
2.7. Neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

3. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416

4. Inverse solution methods and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

4.1. Displacement-based back analysis for rock engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
4.2. Pressure-based inverse solution for groundwater flow and reservoir analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

5. Conclusions and remaining issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

This paper was commissioned by Elsevier Science as part of its CivilZone initiative to generate review articles in civil engineering subjects.
*Corresponding author. Division of Engineering Geology, Royal Institute of Technology, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +46-8-790-6808;
fax.: +46-8-790-6810.
E-mail addresses: (L. Jing).

1365-1609/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 6 5 - 1 6 0 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 6 5 - 5
410 L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

1. Introduction is to be included in the model is modelled directly, such

as an explicit stress–strain relation. Conversely, the
Because rock mechanics modelling has developed for lower row, Level 2, includes methods in which such
the design of rock engineering structures in different mechanism mapping is not totally direct, e.g. the use of
circumstances and different purposes, and because rock mass classification systems. Some of the rock mass
different modelling techniques have been developed, characterization parameters will be obtained from site
we now have a wide spectrum of modelling and design investigation, the left-hand box. Then the rock engineer-
approaches. These approaches can be presented in ing design and construction proceeds, with feedback
different ways. A categorization into eight approaches loops to the modelling from construction.
based on four methods and two levels is illustrated in The review is directed at Methods C and D in the
Fig. 1. Level 1 top row in the central box of Fig. 1. An
The modelling and design work starts with the important point is that, in rock mechanics and
objective, the top box in Fig. 1. Then there are the eight engineering design, having insufficient data is a way of
modelling and design methods in the main central box. life, rather than a local difficulty—which is why the
The four columns represent the four main modelling empirical approaches, i.e. classification systems, have
methods: been developed and are still required. So, we will also
be discussing the subjects of the representative elemental
Method A— design based on previous experience. volume (REV), homogenisation/upscaling, back analy-
Method B— design based on simplified models. sis and inverse solutions. These are fundamental
Method C— design based on modelling which at- problems associated with modelling, and are relevant
tempts to capture most relevant me- to all the A, B, C & D method categories in Fig. 1.
chanisms. The most commonly applied numerical methods for
Method D— design based on ‘all-encompassing’ rock mechanics problems are:
(1) Continuum methods—the finite difference method
There are two rows in the large central box in Fig. 1. (FDM), the finite element method (FEM), and the
The top row, Level 1, includes methods in which there is boundary element method (BEM).
an attempt to achieve one-to-one mechanism mapping (2) Discrete methods—the discrete element method
in the model. In other words, a mechanism which is (DEM), discrete fracture network (DFN) methods.
thought to be occurring in the rock reality and which (3) Hybrid continuum/discrete methods.


Method A Method B Method C Method D

Basic Extended
Use of
Analytical numerical numerical
pre-existing Level 1
methods, methods, FEM, methods,
standard 1:1 mapping
stress-based BEM, DEM, fully-coupled
Site hybrid models
igation Database
Precedent type Rock mass expert
systems Level 2
analyses and classification, systems, &
other systems
approaches, Not 1:1 mapping
modifications RMR, Q, GSI

Design based on forward analysis Design based on back analysis


Fig. 1. The four basic methods, two levels, and hence eight different approaches to rock mechanics modelling and providing a predictive capability
for rock engineering design [1].
L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427 411

The choice of continuum or discrete methods depends standard FDM generally unsuitable for modelling
on many problem-specific factors, and mainly on the practical rock mechanics problems. However, significant
problem scale and fracture system geometry. The progress has been made in the FDM with irregular
continuum approach can be used if only a few fractures meshes, such as triangular grid or Voronoi grid systems,
are present and if fracture opening and complete block which leads to the so-called Control Volume, or Finite
detachment are not significant factors. The discrete Volume, techniques. Voronoi polygons grow from
approach is most suitable for moderately fractured rock points to fill the space, as opposed to tessellations where
masses where the number of fractures is too large for the polygons are formed by lines cutting the plane, or by
the continuum-with-fracture-elements approach, or building up a mosaic from pre-existing polygonal
where large-scale displacements of individual blocks shapes.
are possible. There are no absolute advantages of one The FVM can be formulated with primary variables
method over another. However, some of the disadvan- (e.g. displacement) at the centres of cells (elements) or at
tages of each type can be avoided by combined nodes (grid points) for an unstructured grid. It is also
continuum-discrete models, termed hybrid models. possible to consider different material properties in
In this review, we concentrate on the states-of-the-art different cells. The FVM approach is therefore as
of the capability and utility of the numerical methods flexible as the FEM in handling material heterogeneity,
for rock mechanics purposes and note the outstanding mesh generation, and treatment of boundary conditions
issues to be solved. The emphasis is on civil engineering with unstructured grids of arbitrary shapes. It has
applications, but the information applies to all branches similarities with the FEM and is also regarded as a
of rock engineering, and is supported here by a bridge between the FDM and FEM. The original
moderately extensive literature reference source. concept and early code development in FVM for stress
analysis problems can be traced to the work in [2], using
a vertex-centred scheme with a quadrilateral grid. At
2. Numerical methods for rock mechanics: states-of-the- present, the most well-known computer code for stress
art analysis for rock engineering problems using the FVM/
FDM approach is perhaps the FLAC code group [3],
2.1. The FDM and related methods with a vertex scheme of triangular and/or quadrilateral
The basic technique in the FDM is the discretization Explicit representation of fractures is not easy in the
of the governing partial differential equations (PDEs) by FDM/FVM because they require continuity of the
replacing the partial derivatives with differences defined functions between the neighbouring grid points. In
at neighbouring grid points. The grid system is a addition, it is not possible to have special ‘fracture
convenient way of generating objective function values elements’ in the FDM or FVM as in the FEM. In fact,
at sampling points with small enough intervals between the inability to incorporate explicit representation of
them, so that errors thus introduced are small enough to fractures is the weak point of the FDM/FVM approach
be acceptable. With proper formulations, such as static for rock mechanics. On the other hand, the FDM/FVM
or dynamic relaxation techniques, no global system of models have been used to study the mechanisms of
equations in matrix form needs to be formed and solved. fracturing processes, such as shear-band formation in
The formation and solution of the equations are the laboratory testing of rock and soil samples [4], and
localized, which is more efficient for memory and fault system formation as a result of tectonic loading [5].
storage handling in the computer implementation. No This is achieved via a process of material failure or
local trial (or interpolation) functions are employed to damage propagation at the grid points or cell centres,
approximate the PDE in the neighbourhoods of the without creating fracture surfaces in the models.
sampling points, as is done in the FEM and BEM. It is The FVM is one of the most popular numerical
therefore the most direct and intuitive technique for the methods in rock engineering, with applications covering
solution of the PDEs. This also provides the additional almost all aspects of rock mechanics, e.g. slope stability,
advantage of more straightforward simulation of com- underground openings, coupled hydro-mechanical or
plex constitutive material behaviour, such as plasticity thermo-hydro-mechanical processes, rock mass charac-
and damage, without iterative solutions of predictor- terization, tectonic process, and glacial dynamics. The
corrector mapping schemes which must be used in other most comprehensive coverage in this regard can be seen
numerical methods using global matrix equation sys- in [6].
tems, as in the FEM or BEM.
The conventional FDM with regular grid systems 2.2. The FEM and related methods
does suffer from shortcomings, most of all in its
inflexibility in dealing with fractures, complex boundary The FEM is perhaps the most widely applied
conditions and material heterogeneity. This makes the numerical method across the science and engineering
412 L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

fields. Since its origin in the early 1960s, much FEM Generalized FEM, the meshes can be independent of the
development work has been specifically oriented to- problem geometry. In [26], the enriched FEM method
wards rock mechanics problems, as illustrated in [7–10]. was applied to tunnel stability analysis with fractures
This has been because it was the first numerical method simulated as displacement discontinuities.
with enough flexibility for the treatment of material The Generalized FEM is in many ways similar to the
heterogeneity, non-linear deformability (mainly plasti- ‘manifold method’ except for the treatment of fractures
city), complex boundary conditions, in situ stresses and and discrete blocks [27–29]. The manifold method
gravity. Also, the method appeared in the late 1960s and uses the truncated discontinuous shape functions to
early 1970s, when the traditional FDM with regular simulate the fractures and treats the continuum bodies,
grids could not satisfy these essential requirements for fractured bodies and assemblage of discrete blocks in a
rock mechanics problems. It out-performed the conven- unified form, and is a natural bridge between the
tional FDM because of these advantages. continuum and discrete representations. The method is
Representation of rock fractures in the FEM has been formulated using a node-based star covering system for
motivated by rock mechanics needs since the late 1960s, constructing the trial functions, where a node is
with the most notable contributions reported in [11,12]. associated with a covering star, which can be a set of
The well-known ‘Goodman joint element’ in rock standard FEM elements associated with the node or
mechanics literature has been widely implemented in generated using least-square kernel techniques with
FEM codes and applied to many practical rock general shapes. The integration, however, is performed
engineering problems. However, these models are analytically using Simplex integration techniques. The
formulated based on continuum assumptions—so that manifold method can also have meshes independent of
large-scale opening, sliding, and complete detachment of the domain geometry, and therefore the meshing task is
elements are not permitted. The zero thickness of the greatly simplified and simulation of the fracturing
Goodman joint element causes numerical ill-condition- process does not need remeshing. The technique has
ing due to large aspect ratios (the ratio of length to been extended for applications to rock mechanics
thickness) of joint elements, and was improved by joint problems with large deformations and crack propaga-
elements developed later in [13–20]. tion [30,31]. Most of the publications are included in
Despite these efforts, the treatment of fractures and the series of proceedings of the ICADD1 conferences
fracture growth remains the most important limiting [32–35].
factor in the application of the FEM for rock mechanics The mesh generation, with complex interior structures
problems. The FEM suffers from the fact that the global and exterior boundaries, is a demanding task when
stiffness matrix tends to be ill-conditioned when many applying the FEM to practical problems. The problem is
fracture elements are incorporated. Block rotations, critical when dealing with 3-D problems with complex
complete detachment and large-scale fracture opening geometry. Significant progress has been made in the last
cannot be treated because the general continuum decade in the ‘meshless’ (or ‘meshfree’, ‘element-free’)
assumption in FEM formulations requires that fracture method that simplifies greatly the meshing tasks. In this
elements cannot be torn apart. approach, the trial functions are no longer standard, but
When simulating the process of fracture growth, the generated from neighbouring nodes within a domain of
FEM is handicapped by the requirement of small influence by different approximations, such as the least-
element size, continuous re-meshing with fracture squares technique. A comprehensive overview of the
growth, and conformable fracture path and element method is given in [36]. From the pure computing
edges. This overall shortcoming makes the FEM less performance point of view, it has not yet outperformed
efficient in dealing with fracture problems than its BEM the FEM techniques, but it has potential for civil
counterparts. However, special algorithms have been engineering problems in general, and rock mechanics
developed in an attempt to overcome this disadvantage, applications in particular—due to its flexibility in
e.g. using discontinuous shape functions [21] for implicit treatment of fractures, as reported by Zhang et al. [37]
simulation of fracture initiation and growth through for analysis of jointed rock masses with block-interface
bifurcation theory, the ‘enriched FEM’ and ‘generalized models, and by Belytschko et al. [38] for fracture growth
FEM’ approaches [22–25]. The treatment of fractures is in concrete. A contact-detection algorithm using the
at the element level: the surfaces of the fractures are meshless technique was also reported by Li et al. [39]
defined by assigned distance functions so that their that may pave the way for extending the meshless
representation requires only nodal function values, technique to discrete block system modelling. The
represented by an additional degree of freedom in the concept was also extended to the BEM.
trial functions, a jump function along the fracture and a
crack tip function at the tips. The motions of the
fractures are simulated using the level sets technique and 1
ICADD: International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous
no pre-defined fracture elements are needed. In the Deformations.
L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427 413

2.3. The BEM and related methods tional boundary integral twice multiplied by a weighted
trial function in the Galerkin sense of a weighted
Unlike the FEM and FDM methods, the BEM residual formulation. A recent review of the GBEM is
approach initially seeks a weak solution at the global given in [77] and an application for rock mechanics
level through a numerical solution of an integral problems was reported in [78].
equation derived using Betti’s reciprocal theorem and Inclusion of source terms, such as body forces, heat
Somigliana’s identity. The introduction of isoparametric sources, sink/source terms in potential problems, etc.,
elements using different orders of shape functions, in the leads to domain integrals in the BEM. This problem will
same fashion as that in FEM, in [40,41], greatly also appear when considering initial stress/strain effects
enhanced the BEMs applicability for stress analysis and non-linear material behaviour, such as plastic
problems. deformation. The traditional technique for dealing with
The most notable original developments of the BEM such domain integrals is the division of the domain into
application in the field of rock mechanics may be a number of internal cells, which essentially eliminates
attributed to early works reported in [42–44] which was the advantages of the BEMs ‘boundary only’ discretiza-
quickly followed by many others, as reported in [45–48]. tion. Different techniques have been developed over the
The applications were for general stress and deforma- years to overcome this difficulty [79], most notably
tion analysis for underground excavations, soil-structure the dual reciprocity method (DRM) [80]. In [81] the
interactions, groundwater flow and fracturing processes. approach is applied for solving groundwater flow
Notable examples of the work are as follows: problems.
The main advantage of the BEM is the reduction of
* Stress analysis of underground excavations with and
the model dimension by one, with much simpler mesh
without fractures [49–55].
generation and therefore input data preparation, com-
* Dynamic problems [56–58].
pared with the FEM and FDM. In addition, solutions
* Back analysis of in situ stress and elastic properties
inside the domain are continuous, unlike the point-wise
discontinuous solutions obtained using the FEM and
* Borehole tests for permeability measurements [61].
FDM. However, in general, the BEM is not as efficient
Since the early 80s, an important developmental as the FEM in dealing with material heterogeneity—
thrust concerns BEM formulations for coupled ther- because it cannot have as many sub-domains as
mo-mechanical and hydro-mechanical processes, such elements in the FEM. The BEM is also not as efficient
as the work reported in [62–64]. Due to the BEMs as the FEM in simulating non-linear material behaviour,
advantage in reducing model dimensions, 3-D applica- such as in plasticity and damage evolution processes
tions are also reported, especially using the displacement because domain integrals are often presented in these
discontinuity method (DDM) for stress analysis, such as problems. The BEM is more suitable for solving
in [65–67]. The DDM approach [68] is most suitable for problems of fracturing inhomogeneous and linearly
fracture growth simulations and was extended and elastic bodies.
applied to rock fracture problems for two-dimensional
[69] and three-dimensional [70,71] problems. Its counter- 2.4. The distinct element method (DEM)
part, the fictitious stress method [44], is also an indirect
BEM approach suitable for stress simulations. Rock mechanics is one of the disciplines from which
To simulate fracture growth using the standard BEM, the concept of DEM originated [82–85]. The key
two techniques have been proposed. One is to divide the concepts of the DEM are that the domain of interest
problem domain into multiple sub-domains with frac- is treated as an assemblage of rigid or deformable
tures along their interfaces, with a pre-assumed fracture blocks/particles and that the contacts among them need
path, [72]; and the second is the dual boundary element to be identified and continuously updated during the
method (DBEM) using displacement and traction entire deformation/motion process, and be represented
boundary equations at opposite surfaces of fracture by appropriate constitutive models. The theoretical
elements [73,74]. However, the original concept of using foundation of the method is the formulation and
two independent boundary integral equations for solution of equations of motion of rigid and/or
fracture analysis, one displacement equation and an- deformable bodies using implicit (based on FEM
other with its normal derivatives, was developed first in discretization) and explicit (using FDM/FVM discreti-
[41]. Special crack tip elements, such as developed in zation) formulations. The method has a broad variety of
[75–76], should be used at the fracture tips to account applications in rock mechanics, soil mechanics, struc-
for the stress and displacement singularity. tural analysis, granular materials, material processing,
A special formulation of the BEM, called the fluid mechanics, multibody systems, robot simulation,
Galerkin BEM, or GBEM, produces a symmetric computer animation, etc. It is one of most rapidly
coefficient matrix by double integration of the tradi- developing areas of computational mechanics. The basic
414 L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

difference between the DEM and continuum-based defence research. More extensive coverage of this
methods is that the contact patterns between compo- subject will be given in a later expanded version of
nents of the system are continuously changing with the this review.
deformation process for the former, but are fixed for The implicit DEM is represented mainly by the
the latter. discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) approach,
The most representative explicit DEM methods are originated in [144,145], and further developed in
the computer codes UDEC and 3DEC for two and [146,147] for stress-deformation analysis, and in
three-dimensional problems in rock mechanics [86–92]. [148,149] for coupled stress-flow problems. Numerous
The hybrid technique with distinct element and bound- other extensions and improvements have been imple-
ary element methods was also developed [93] to treat the mented over the years in the late 90s, with the bulk of
effects of the far-field most efficiently for two-dimen- the publications appearing in a series of ICADD
sional problems. Similar but different formulations and conferences [32–35]. The method uses standard FEM
numerical codes with the same principles have also been meshes over blocks and the contacts are treated using
developed and applied to various problems, such as rigid the penalty method. Similar approaches were also
block motions [94,95], plate bending [96], and the block- developed in [150–152] using four-noded blocks as the
spring model (BSM) [97–99] which is essentially a subset standard element, and was called the discrete finite
of the explicit DEM by treating blocks as rigid bodies. element method. Another similar development, called
Due mainly to its conceptual attraction in the explicit the combined finite-discrete element method [153–155],
representation of fractures, the distinct element method considers not only the block deformation but also
has been enjoying wide application in rock engineering. fracturing and fragmentation of the rocks. However, in
A large quantity of associated publications has been terms of development and application, the DDA
published, especially in conference proceedings. Some of approach occupies the front position. DDA has two
the publications are referenced here to show the wide advantages over the explicit DEM: relatively larger time
range of applicability of the methods. steps; and closed-form integrations for the stiffness
matrices of elements. An existing FEM code can also be
* Underground works [100–109].
readily transformed into a DDA code while retaining all
* Rock dynamics [110,111].
the advantageous features of the FEM.
* Nuclear waste repository design and performance
The DDA method has emerged as an attractive model
assessment [112–114].
for geomechanical problems because its advantages
* Reservoir simulations [115].
cannot be replaced by continuum-based methods or by
* Fluid injection [116–118].
the explicit DEM formulations. It was also extended to
* Rock slopes [119].
handle three-dimensional block system analysis [156]
* Laboratory test simulations and constitutive model
and use of higher order elements [157], plus more
development [120–122].
comprehensive representation of the fractures [158]. The
* Stress-flow coupling [123,124].
code development has reached a certain level of maturity
* Hard rock reinforcement [125].
with applications focusing mainly on tunnelling, ca-
* Intraplate earthquakes [126].
verns, fracturing and fragmentation processes of geolo-
* Well and borehole stability [127,128].
gical and structural materials and earthquake effects
* Rock permeability characterization [129].
* Acoustic emission in rock [130].
Similar to the DEM, but without considering block
* Derivation of equivalent properties of fractured rocks
deformation and motion, is the Key Block approach,
initiated independently by Warburton [166,167] and
A recent book [133] includes references to a collection of Goodman and Shi [168], with a more rigorous
explicit DEM application papers for various aspects of topological treatment of block system geometry in the
rock engineering. latter (see also [169,170]). This is a special method for
The seminal DEM work for granular materials for analysis of stability of rock structures dominated by the
geomechanics and civil engineering application is in a geometrical characteristics of the rock blocks and hence
series of papers [134–138]. The development and the fracture systems. It does not utilize any stress and
applications are mostly reported in series of proceedings deformation analysis, but identifies the ‘key blocks’ or
of symposia and conferences, such as in [139–140] in the ‘keystones’, which are formed by intersecting fractures
field of geomechanics. The most well-known codes in and excavated free surfaces in the rock mass which have
this field are the PFC codes for both two-dimensional the potential for sliding and rotation in certain direc-
and three-dimensional problems [141], and the DMC tions. Key block theory, or simply block theory, and the
code [142,143]. The method has been widely applied to associated code development enjoy wide applications in
many different fields such as soil mechanics, the rock engineering, with further development considering
processing industry, non-metal material sciences and Monte Carlo simulations and probabilistic predictions
L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427 415

[171–175], water effects [176], linear programming [177], the fracture system geometry and for up-scaling the
finite block size effect [178] and secondary blocks [179]. permeability properties, using usually the full box
Predictably, the major applications are in the field of dimensions or the Cantor dust model [216–218]. Power
tunnel and slope stability analysis, such as reported in law relations have been also found to exist for
[180–186]. tracelengths of fractures and have been applied for
representing fracture system connectivity [219]. The
2.5. The DFN method related methods fracture–matrix interaction for DFN models was
reported in [220] using full FEM discretization and in
The DFN method is a special discrete model that [221] with a simplified technique using a probabilistic
considers fluid flow and transport processes in fractured particle tracking technique. The effects of in situ stresses
rock masses through a system of connected fractures. on fracture aperture variations in DFN models were
The technique was created in the early 1980s for reported in [222]. Below are some examples of develop-
both two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems ments and applications of the DFN approach.
[187–197], and is most useful for the study of flow in * Developments for multiphase fluid flow [223].
fractured media in which an equivalent continuum * Hot-dry-rock reservoir simulations [224–226].
model is difficult to establish, and for the derivation of * Characterization of permeability of fractured rocks
equivalent continuum flow and transport properties of
fractured rocks [198,199]. A large number of publica- * Water effects on underground excavations and rock
tions have been reported, and systematic presentation
slopes [235–237].
and evaluation of the method have also appeared in
books [200–203]. The method enjoys wide applications Despite the advantages of the DEM and DFN, lack of
for problems of fractured rocks, perhaps mainly due to knowledge of the geometry of the rock fractures limits
its conceptual attractiveness. There are many different their more general application. In general, the detailed
DFN formulations and computer codes, but most geometry of fracture systems in rock masses cannot be
notable are the approaches and codes FRACMAN/ known and can only be roughly estimated. The adequacy
MAFIC [204] and NAPSAC [205–207] with many of the DEM and DFN are therefore highly dependent on
applications for rock engineering projects over the years. the interpretation of the in situ fracture system
The stochastic simulation of fracture systems is the geometry—which cannot be even moderately validated
geometric basis of the DFN approach and plays a in practice. The same problem applies to the continuum-
crucial role in the performance and reliability of the based models as well, but the requirement for explicit
fracture system model in the same way as for the DEM fracture geometry representation in the DEM and DFN
[208,209]. A critical issue is the treatment of bias in models makes the drawback more acute, even with
estimation of the fracture densities, trace lengths and multiple stochastic fracture system realizations. The
connectivity from conventional surface or borehole understanding and quantification of the system uncer-
mappings. Recent development using circular windows tainty become more necessary in discrete models.
is reported in [210,211]. There are other numerical techniques such as percola-
Solution of flow fields for individual fracture disks in tion theory and lattice models that are closely related to
the DFN uses closed-form solutions, the FEM and DEM and DFN approaches. Reviews on their funda-
BEM mesh, pipe models and channel lattice models. mentals and applications are covered in the extended
Closed-form solutions exist, at present, only for planar version of this paper to be published later.
fractures with parallel surfaces of regular (i.e. circular or
rectangular discs) shapes [212,213]. For fractures with 2.6. Hybrid models
general shapes, the FEM discretization technique is
perhaps the most well-known techniques used in the Hybrid models are frequently used in rock engineer-
DFN codes FRACMAN/MAFIC and NAPSAC. The ing, basically for flow and stress/deformation problems
use of BEM discretization is reported in [194,195]. of fractured rocks. The main types of hybrid models are
The pipe model [214] and the channel lattice model the hybrid BEM/FEM, DEM/FEM and DEM/BEM
[215] provide simpler representations of the fracture models. The BEM is most commonly used for simulat-
system geometry, the latter being more suitable for ing far-field rocks as an equivalent elastic continuum,
simulating the complex flow behaviour inside the and the FEM and DEM for the non-linear or fractured
fractures, such as the ‘channel flow’ phenomenon. near-fields where explicit representations of fractures
Computationally, they are less demanding than the and/or non-linear mechanical behaviour, such as plas-
FEM and BEM models because the solutions for the ticity, are needed. This harmonizes the geometry of
flow fields through the channel elements are analytical. the required problem resolution with the numerical
The fractal concept has also been applied to the DFN techniques available, thus providing an effective repre-
approach in order to consider the scale dependence of sentation of the far-field to the near-field rock mass.
416 L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

The hybrid FEM/BEM was first proposed in [238], The disadvantages are that
then followed in [239,240] as a general stress analysis
(1) The procedure may be regarded as simply super-
technique. In rock mechanics, it has been used mainly
complicated curve fitting—because the program has
for simulating the mechanical behaviour of under-
to be ‘taught’.
ground excavations, as reported in [241–245]. The
(2) The model cannot reliably estimate outside its range
coupling algorithms are also presented in detail in [48].
of training parameters.
The hybrid DEM/BEM model was implemented
(3) Critical mechanisms might be omitted in the model
only for the explicit distinct element method, in the
code group of UDEC and 3DEC. The technique
(4) There is a lack of any theoretical basis for
was created in [246–248] for stress/deformation analysis.
verification and validation of the techniques and
In [249–250] a development of hybrid discrete-conti-
their outcomes.
nuum models was reported for coupled hydro-mechan-
ical analysis of fractured rocks, using combinations Neural network models provide descriptive and
of DEM, DFN and BEM approaches. In [251], a predictive capabilities and, for this reason, have been
hybrid DEM/FEM model was described, in which applied through the range of rock parameter identifica-
the DEM region consists of rigid blocks and the tion and engineering activities. Recent published works
FEM region can have non-linear material behaviour. on the application of neural networks to rock mechanics
A hybrid beam-BEM model was reported in [252] and rock engineering includes the following publica-
to simulate the support behaviour of underground tions.
openings, using the same principle as the hybrid BEM/ * Stress–strain curves for intact rock [254].
FEM model. In [253], a hybrid BEM-characteristics * Intact rock strength [255,256].
method is described for non-linear analysis of rock * Fracture aperture [257].
caverns. * Shear behaviour of fractures [258].
The hybrid models have many advantages, but special * Rock fracture analysis [259].
attention needs to be paid to the continuity or * Rock mass properties [260,261].
compatibility conditions at the interfaces between * Microfracturing process in rock [262].
regions of different models, particularly when different * Rock mass classification [263,264].
material assumptions are involved, such as rigid and * Displacements of rock slopes [265].
deformable block–region interfaces. * Tunnel boring machine performance [266].
* Displacements and failure in tunnels [267,268].
2.7. Neural networks * Tunnel support [269,270].
* Surface settlement due to tunnelling [271].
All the numerical modelling methods described so far * Earthquake information analysis [272].
are in the category of ‘1:1 mapping’, i.e., the Level 1 * Rock engineering systems (RES) modelling [273,274].
methods in Fig. 1. The neural network approach is a * Rock engineering [275].
‘non-1:1 mapping’ in the Methods C and D categories of * Overview of the subject [276].
the Level 2 methods indicated in Fig. 1. The rock mass is
represented indirectly by a system of connected nodes, As evidenced by the list of highlighted references
but there is not necessarily any physical interpretation of above, the neural network modelling approach has been
the geometrical or mechanistic location of the network’s widely applied and is considered to have significant
internal nodes, nor of their input and output values. potential—because of its ‘non-1:1 mapping’ character
Such a ‘non-1:1 mapping’ system has its advantages and and because it may be possible in the future for such
disadvantages. networks to include creative ability, perception and
The advantages of neural networks are that judgement, and be linked to the Internet. However, the
method has not yet provided an alternative to conven-
(1) The geometrical and physical constraints of the tional modelling, and it may be some time before it can
problem, which dominate the governing equations be used in the comprehensive Box 2D mode envisaged in
and constitutive laws when the 1:1 mapping Fig. 1 and described in [277].
techniques are used, are not such a problem.
(2) Different kinds of neural networks can be applied
to a problem. 3. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) models
(3) There is the possibility that the ‘perception’ we
enjoy with the human brain may be mimicked in the The couplings between the processes of heat transfer
neural network, so that the programs can incorpo- (T), fluid flow (H) and stress/deformation (M) in
rate judgements based on empirical methods and fractured rocks have become an increasingly important
experiences. subject since the early 1980s [278,279], mainly due to the
L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427 417

modelling requirements for the design and performance The coupled processes and models represent a great
assessment of underground radioactive waste reposi- advance in rock mechanics towards an well founded
tories, and other engineering fields in which heat and branch of physics. Their extensions to include chemical,
water play important roles, such as gas/oil recovery, biochemical, electrical, acoustic and magnetic processes
hot-dry-rock thermal energy extraction, contaminant have also started to appear in the literature and are an
transport analysis and environment impact evaluation in indication of future research directions.
general. The term ‘coupled processes’ implies that the
rock mass response to natural or man-made perturba-
tions, such as the construction and operation of a 4. Inverse solution methods and applications
nuclear waste repository, cannot be predicted with
confidence by considering each process independently. A large and important class of numerical methods in
The THM coupling models are based on heat and rock mechanics and civil engineering practice is the
multiphase fluid flow in deformable and fractured porous inverse solution techniques. The essence of the inverse
media, and have been mainly developed according to two solution approach is to derive unknown material
basic ‘partial’ but well established coupling mechanisms: properties, system geometry, and boundary or initial
the thermo-elasticity theory of solids and the poroelas- conditions, based on a limited number of laboratory or
ticity theory developed by Biot, based on Hooke’s law of usually in situ measured values of some key variables,
elasticity, Darcy’s law of flow in porous media, and using either least square or mathematical programming
Fourier’s law of heat conduction. The effects of the THM techniques of error minimization. In the case of rock
couplings are formulated as three inter-related PDEs, engineering, the most widely applied inverse solution
expressing the conservation of mass, energy and momen- technique is back analysis using measured displacements
tum, for describing fluid flow, heat transfer and in the field [312,313] and the inverse solution of rock
deformation. The solution technique can be based on permeability using field pressure data.
continuum representations using mainly the FEM [280–
287], FVM [3] and the discrete approach using the 4.1. Displacement-based back analysis for rock
UDEC code without matrix flow but with heat convec- engineering
tion along fractures [288]. In [289] and [290] systematic
development of the governing equations and FEM Since displacements measured by extensometers with
solution techniques are presented for porous continua. multiple anchors and the convergence of tunnel walls are
Comprehensive studies, using both continuum and the most directly measurable quantities in situ, and are
discrete approaches, have been conducted in the one of the most used primary variables in many
international DECOVALEX2 projects for coupled numerical methods, they have been used extensively to
THM processes in fractured rocks and buffer materials derive rock properties over the years. The majority of
for underground radioactive waste disposal since 1992, applications concern identification of constitutive prop-
with results published in a series of reports [291,292], an erties and parameters of rocks, using displacement
edited book [293] and two special issues of the measurements from tunnels or slopes. Below are some
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining typical and recent examples of such applications.
Sciences in [294,295]. Other applications are reported, as
examples, in the following list. * Underground excavations [314–325].
* Slopes and foundations [326–330].
* Reservoir simulations [296–298]. * Initial stress field [331].
* Partially saturated porous materials [299]. * Time-dependent rock behaviour [332,333].
* Advanced numerical solution techniques for coupled * Consolidation [334].
THM models [300–302].
* Soil mechanics [303]. 4.2. Pressure-based inverse solution for groundwater flow
* Simulation of expansive clays [304]. and reservoir analysis
* Flow and mechanics of fractures [305].
* Nuclear waste repositories [306,307]. The inverse solution has long been used in hydro-
* Non-Darcy flow in coupled THM processes [308]. geology, reservoir engineering (oil, gas and hot-dry-rock
* Double-porosity model of porous media [309]. (HDR) geothermal reservoirs) and geotechnical engi-
* Parallel formulations of coupled models for porous neering analyses of environmental impacts—as a critical
media [310]. technique for estimating hydraulic properties of large-
* Tunneling in cold regions [311]. scale geological formations, such as permeability,
porosity, storativity, etc. by assuming hydraulic con-
DECOVALEX—DEvelopment of COupled Models and their stitutive laws of porous media based on Darcy’s law or
VAlidation against EXperiments. non-Newtonian fluid models. Complexity is increased
418 L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427

when thermal processes are also involved, due to phase Issues of special difficulty and importance are the
changes during multiple-phased flow of fluids with following.
various states of saturation. * Systematic evaluation of geological and engineering
A comprehensive review of the subject is given in [335]
with the history of inverse solution development and * Understanding and mathematical representation of
methods for the past 40 years, especially the application
large rock fractures.
of the stochastic approach using geostatistics. Some of * Quantification of fracture shape, size, connectivity
the most recent developments in this subject are
and effect of fracture intersections for DFN and
referenced below to illustrate the advances.
DEM models.
* Capillary pressure-saturation and permeability func- * Representation of rock mass properties and beha-
tion of two-phase fluids in soil [336]. viour as an equivalent continuum and existence of the
* Water capacity of porous media [337]. REV.
* Unsaturated properties [338]. * Representation of interface behaviour.
* Transmissivity, hydraulic head and velocity fields * Scale effects, homogenization and upscaling methods.
[339]. * Numerical representation of engineering processes,
* Hydraulic function estimation using evapotranspira- such as excavation sequence, grouting and reinforce-
tion fluxes [340]. ment.
* Use of BEM for inverse solution [341]. * Time effects.
* Integral formulation [342]. * Large-scale computational capacities.
* Hydraulic conductivity of rocks using pump test
The ‘model’ and the ‘computer’ are now integral
results [343].
components of rock mechanics and rock engineering
* Least-square penalty technique for steady-state aqui-
studies. Indeed, numerical methods and com-
fer models [344].
puting techniques have become daily tools for formulat-
* Maximum likelihood estimation method [345].
ing conceptual models and mathematical theories
* Inversion using transient outflow methods [346].
integrating diverse information about geology, physics,
* Use of geostatistics for transmissivity estimation
construction techniques, economy, the environment and
their interactions. This achievement has greatly en-
* Successive forward perturbation method [351].
hanced the development of modern rock mechanics—
A distinct advantage of the inverse solution technique from the traditional ‘empirical’ art of rock deformability
is the fact that the measured values in the field represent and strength estimation and support design, to the
the behaviour of a large volume of rock and the scale- rationalism of modern mechanics, governed by and
effects of the constitutive parameters are automatically established on the three basic principles of physics:
included in the identified parameter values. It also mass, momentum and energy conservation.
indicates a promising method for validation of consti- As a result of numerical modelling experience over the
tutive models and properties using back analysis with past decades, it has become abundantly clear that the
field measurements. On the other hand, the uniqueness most important step in numerical modelling is, perhaps
of the solution is not guaranteed because the minimiza- counter-intuitively, not operating the computer code,
tion of the same objective error function may be but the earlier ‘conceptualization’ of the problem in
achieved through different paths. terms of the dominant processes, properties, parameters
and perturbations, and their mathematical presenta-
tions. The associated modelling steps of addressing the
5. Conclusions and remaining issues uncertainties and estimating their significance via
sensitivity analyses is similarly important. Moreover,
Over the last three decades, advances in the use of success in numerical modelling for rock mechanics and
computational methods in rock mechanics have been rock engineering can depend almost entirely on the
impressive—especially in specific numerical methods, quality of the characterization of the fracture system
based on both continuum and discrete approaches, for geometry, the physical behaviour of the individual
representation of fracture systems, for comprehensive fractures and the interaction between intersecting
constitutive models of fractures and interfaces, and in fractures. Today’s numerical modelling capability can
the development of coupled THM models. Despite handle very large scale and complex equations systems,
all the advances, our computer methods and codes can but the quantitative representation of the physics of
still be inadequate when facing the challenge of fractured rocks remains generally questionable,
some practical problems, and especially when adequate although much progress has been made in this direction.
representation of rock fracture systems and fracture The engineer must have a predictive capability for
behaviour are a pre-condition for successful modelling. design, and that predictive capability can only be
L. Jing, J.A. Hudson / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 39 (2002) 409–427 419

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