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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2018) 57, 2879–2886

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Disaster preparedness in the Karnak temple :

a luxury or a must?
Adham Abulnour *

Architecture and Environmental Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Arab Academy for Science and Technology-AAST,

Received 7 June 2017; revised 6 July 2018; accepted 16 July 2018

Available online 15 November 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract This research paper is developed as a practical guide on preparedness against possible
Preparedness; threats that are usually unconsidered or undermined in Egyptian conservation schemes and
Interventions; agendas. The unequivocal importance of the Karnak temple (KT) in Luxor, Egypt presented this
Simulation; monument as a major target for investigation. Reviews of recent conservation endeavors in the
Comparative analysis; KT unveil a clear lack of awareness concerning preparedness against fast, sudden and unpredictable
Qualitative appraisal threats. The preparedness plan developed in this research paper for the KT tackles the relationship
between sources of threats, past disaster incidents, inducible risks and the process of generating inter-
ventions to contain risks and minimize damages. Issues of scientific uncertainty are transcended for
the greater aim of preparing a preparedness plan against possible and potentially harmful threats.
Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction to the temple. Symptoms of this degradation ranged from

structural fractures to complete loss of cultural material. For
Recent conservation endeavors effectuated in the KT by the these reasons, the conservation endeavors were justifiably
‘American Research Center in Egypt – ARCE’ and the called upon.
‘French-Egyptian Center for the Study of the temples of
Karnak – CFEETK’ dealt with a specific set of threats, 2. Statement of problem
namely: rising underground water levels and erosive factors
including sandy wind, humid air, and mechanical erosion The complex of temples at the Karnak, Luxor (commonly
caused by visitors [1–3]. In disaster related terminology, these referred to as the Karnak temple-KT) is one of the largest his-
genres of threats are typically ongoing (slow in progress) in torical sites in the world (extends over an area of 100 ha). The
comparison to the sudden and fast strike of a seismic shock complex consists of several temples which are interconnected
for example. Over the years, the KT’s vulnerability to these together through the use of a hypostyle hall, sky-open courts,
threats induced serious risks and caused visible degradation pylons and obelisks [4]. The columns and beams of the KT’s
are made from sandstone while the obelisks are made from
* Address: 3A Moaskar Romani Street, Roshdy, Alexandria, Egypt. granite. A plan and 3D model of the temple are illustrated in
E-mail address: the Appendix A of this research paper. The temple was
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria accepted for enlisting in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List
University. in 1979 on the basis of three criteria: (1) representing a
1110-0168 Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2880 A. Abulnour

masterpiece of human creative genius, (2) bearing a unique endeavors to prevent threats from initially striking. In the
testimony to a civilization and (3) being directly associated KT’s case, fast and sudden threats are difficult to mitigate.
with events, ideas, and beliefs of outstanding universal For example, earthquake mitigation measures (such as inject-
significance [5]. ing the soil with coagulant materials to prevent tremors in
The KT’s enormous size adds up to its diverse historical the ground) are time consuming and financially unjustifiable
assets to augment the temple’s vulnerability to different genres especially considering that an earthquake strike in the KT
of threats. Given the KT’s significance as a witness to human might have a low incidence probability. The impracticality of
civilization; this vulnerability fuels preparedness against all applying mitigation measures in the KT drives this research
genres of possible threats. Accordingly, and in addition to paper to focus its scope on preparedness interventions.
addressing ongoing threats, national and international parties
which have an interest in the KT have the right to raise serious 6. Discussion of the simulation process
questions regarding threats that are fast, sudden and unpre-
dictable even if these threats have a low incidence probability. For ease of discussion, the simulation process is developed
The logic of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ – introduced during under separate headings representing the designated threats.
the ‘United Nations Conference on the Human Environment’ For each threat: (1) probable sources and past incidents are
in 1972 – underlines how the absence of full scientific certainty briefly reviewed in order to verify the non-zero possibility of
concerning the strike of a disaster should not be a reason for the threat’s future strike. (2) The research paper then browses
postponing preparedness measures to prevent ensuing degra- a number of national and international best practices which
dation [6]. Despite the efficacy of this logic, one might be meet three conditions: demonstrating efficiency in containing
astonished to know that no representation on Egypt’s behalf the designated threat, being implemented by specialized parties
was present at the ‘International Workshop on ‘Disaster Risk and being approved by heritage authorities. (3) These practices
Reduction at World Heritage Properties’ which took place in and works are the inspirational foundation for the first objec-
2008 in Athens, Greece [7]. The case has not changed much tive of the disaster preparedness plan: proposing interventions
since then. against each designated threat and then simulating the imple-
mentation of these interventions in the KT. The simulation
3. Aim and objectives of research process is carried out using ‘computer generated imaging’ pro-
grams. Examples of the locations proposed for the simulated
interventions are illustrated in the Appendix A of this research
The aim of this research paper is to transcend the scientific
uncertainty shrouding the strike of fast, sudden and unpre-
dictable threats in the KT and then develop a disaster pre-
6.1. Earthquakes
paredness plan against possible threats that have been
unconsidered /neglected in past conservation agendas and
schemes for the temple. The first objective of this preparedness The seismotectonic settings in Upper Egypt suggest that med-
plan is proposing the implementation of interventions which ium to high magnitude earthquakes are still possible [8]. In
are capable of containing risks and minimizing inducible dam- 27B.C., strike of an earthquake at the KT and Luxor temple
ages to the KT. The second objective is to qualitatively was documented [9]. On the 26th of December 2011, the
appraise the aesthetic and structural impacts which these inter- ‘National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics –
ventions can have on the temple. NRIAG’ reported that a 4.2 magnitude earthquake hit the city
of Aswan, south of Luxor. In 1981, a shock of a 5.4 magnitude
4. Methodology of research hit the desert near the Aswan High Dam [10].
Collars are a common intervention against risks of struc-
tural fatigue (for instance rupture and buckling) in linear struc-
The disaster preparedness plan, pursued in this research paper, tural elements. For example, metallic columns (Fig. 1A) were
has an exploratory nature because it is based on the assump- used to strengthen the white marble Corinthian columns of
tion that strikes of earthquakes, flashfloods and urban fires the temple of Hercules in Rome, Italy during a conservation
are still possible in the KT (even if these threats have a low project which was conducted between 1996 and 1998 under
incidence probability). In order to scientifically validate its the supervision of the Worlds Monuments Fund [11]. On a
research methodology, this paper commences by simulating related front, shores (both flying and racking) are useable as
the implementation of a number of interventions in the KT. supports against structural failures in walls (Fig. 1B). For
These interventions are inspired by national and international example, local heritage authorities in the town of Spilimbergo,
conservation works and best practices. The research paper Italy approved the use of wooden raking shores to support the
then devises a list of criteria and uses it to comparatively ana- walls of the ‘Duomo di Santa Maria Maggiore’ cathedral
lyze the characteristics of the interventions in reference to the which were weakened by an earthquake strike in 1976 [12].
characteristics of the KT in order to qualitatively appraise Anchored cables are an easy-to-deploy and efficient struc-
these interventions. tural support system against the toppling or leaning of linear
building elements. For example, two rafts and tensile cables
5. Research scope were used to hold a leaning granite obelisk (stela) in the Axum
historical city in Ethiopia (Fig. 1C). A concrete foundation
The concept of disaster preparedness accepts and deals with was cast to support the rafts [13]. Following a similar logic,
the possibility that threats will strike and that risks will be tensile cables (Fig. 1D) were temporarily attached (wrapped
induced. This is different from the concept of mitigation which around) the third level of the Pisa tower to prevent toppling
Disaster preparedness in the Karnak temple : a luxury or a must? 2881

Fig. 1 (A) Collars used to support the columns of Hercules temple [11]. (B) Exterior racking shoring of the cathedral wall following the
1976 earthquake [12]. (C) Supporting the Axum stela using tensile cables, rafts and concrete foundations [13]. (D) Tensile cables used to
support the leaning tower of Pisa during the process of soil extraction [14].

during the process of soil extraction from underneath the the KT and then fixing this cable to two rafts which transmit
tower’s foundations [14]. the induced loads to a heavy steel foundation (Fig. 2F). Lead
In the KT, collars can protect the columns and beams in the weights can be added to provide sufficient counter-load. A
hypostyle hall against structural fatigues (Fig. 2A). Transver- simple argument made by the paper is that if two steel cables
sal (flying) shores can be similarly used to support the pylon were effective in preventing the Pisa tower from toppling dur-
doorways (Fig. 2B). Triangular (racking) shores in the KT ing the process of soil extraction, then the same technique can
can be used to support the walls of the temple which are rela- be used to prevent the lighter obelisks of the KT from behav-
tively short in comparison to the obelisks and pylons (Fig. 2C). ing in the same manner during an earthquake.
In order to support the relatively heavier and taller pylons of
the KT, this research paper simulates a novel technique which
6.2. Flashfloods
was implemented under the supervision of Egyptian heritage
authorities in 2013 to support the interior of the Sakkara pyra-
mid in Giza, Egypt against potential collapses (Fig. 2D) [15]. In Luxor, a flashflood occurred in 1995 as the confluence of
The idea is to use PVC (polyvinyl chloride) bags- which are large amounts of rainwater went rushing down from different
equipped with jacks capable of supporting up to 3 tons of canyons in the Valley of the Kings heritage site located on the
weight- as pneumatic supports to the KT’s pylons (Fig. 2E). Nile’s West Bank in Luxor (less than 10 Kilometers away from
On a related front, and while drawing inspiration from conser- the KT) [16]. Drdácký reports that due to recent changes in
vation endeavors in Axum and Pisa, this research paper simu- global climatic conditions, flashfloods can result in inundation
lates the wrapping of a tensile steel cable around an obelisk in of excavations in addition to concomitant erosion and damage

Fig. 2 (A) Simulating the use of collars to protect columns and beams in the hypostyle hall against structural fatigues. (B) Simulating the
installation of flying shores in the doorway of the First Pylon. (C) Simulating the installation of racking shores at the wall adjoining the 7th
Pylon. (D) Pneumatic PVC bags used to support the inside of the Sakkara pyramid [15]. (Right) Simulating the use of transparent PVC
bags to support First Pylon walls. (F) Simulating the wrapping of tensile cables around an obelisk on the Eastern side of the temple.
2882 A. Abulnour

to historical assets on a worldwide scale [17]. As a rule of 6.3. Urban fires

thumb, flashflood levels exceeding 1 m in height should not
be held back by historical assets and should be immediately On the 27th of August 2012, the ’Egyptian independent’
drained off to avoid structural damages [18]. news portal reported that a fire broke out near the KT as
A typical preparedness intervention against flashfloods in some trees caught fire in the open ground outside the temple
heritage sites is installing a proper drainage system on the [21]. In February 2013, ‘Alarabiya’ news network reported a
inside and outside of historical assets [19]. On a related front, similar incident [22]. In March 2016, the director of the Civil
a number of ‘passive’ interventions can also efficiently contain Protection department in Luxor reported that a fire started
flashfloods without human involvement or the need of active 200 m away from the KT as an electricity converter box
sources of energy. For example, the passive intervention short circuited [23]. A brief survey of the KT’s close sur-
known as ‘Flood Breaks’ makes use of the hydrostatic pressure roundings immediately unveils a number of highly probable
created by rising flashfloods levels to drive a barrier to float sources of urban fires that cannot be viewed as force
(Fig. 3A) [20]. The higher the flashflood level rises, the higher majeure. For example, organic materials ranging from tim-
the floating barrier tilts (up to a 90° angle). For example, a ber (trees and wooden kiosks surrounding the KT’s perime-
‘Flood Breaks’ system was efficiently used under the supervi- ter) to cooking oils (from nearby restaurants and houses
sion of the ‘Federal Emergency Management Association- constructed on the temple’s walls) are probable sources of
FEMA’ and the state of New York to protect the Lourdes hos- ‘Class K’ fires. These fires are not expected to blaze at high
pital in New York, USA, against rising floodwater levels temperatures. However, even at low temperatures, the sand-
(Fig. 3B) during the strike of the tropical storm Lee in 2011 stone blocks of the KT are not immune to damages from
[20]. these fires [24].
Inspired by positive results, this research paper simulates A typical preparedness intervention against urban fires in
the installation of a ‘Flood Breaks’ belt around the entire heritage sites is installing a fire fighting system. This system
KT circumference (prior to the confluence of a flashflood) to typically consists of water cisterns and piping/sprinklers net-
prevent water from gushing into the temple (Fig. 3C). Taking works in addition to portable and mobile fire extinguishers
into consideration that excavation works are still ongoing on and service kiosks. For example, in 1998, Scottish heritage
the western side of the KT, the belt should be installed at an authorities approved the installation of a sprinklers system
appropriate distance from the excavation works. The held (Fig. 4A) in the wooden ceiling of the ‘old hall’ in the Parlia-
back water can be drained off using mobile water-suction ment house of Edinburgh, Scotland as a means of prepared-
trucks. ness against fires [25]. Another preparedness intervention

Fig. 3 (A) Simulating the modus operandi of ‘Flood Breaks’. (B) ‘Flood Breaks’ belt installed around the Lourdes hospital [20]. (C)
Simulating the installation of a ‘Flood Breaks’ belt near the First Pylon of the KT to hold back flashfloods. Shown in the illustration also
are mobile water-suction trucks while they are draining off the held back waters.

Fig. 4 (A) Firefighting network installed in the ceiling of the ‘old hall’ in the Parliament house of Edinburgh, Scotland [25]. (B) Location
of the parking lot, services and storage areas proposed for the KT’s Civil Defense Crops outside the temple’s western entrance (after:
Google earth [27]).
Disaster preparedness in the Karnak temple : a luxury or a must? 2883

against urban fires in heritage sites is establishing a Civil 8. Discussion of the comparative analysis
Defense Corps. For example, in the Vatican City, civil defense
is the responsibility of the Corps of Firefighters [26]. The
In the KT, collars and shores can be easily and safely used in
Corps was established in its present form in 1941. The Corps
the immediate aftermath of earthquakes. Collars and shores
is responsible for a range of civil defense scenarios including
can also be easily and safely uninstalled and are thus consid-
fire-fighting, flood control, Search/ Rescue activities during
ered as two reversible genres of interventions. The installation
the strike of disasters.
of collars and shores does not detract from the structural integ-
Inspired by the Vatican City exemplary firefighting prac-
rity of historical assets unless drilling and fixation in the orig-
tice, this research paper advocates establishing a Civil Defense
inal cultural material are necessary. Untreated metallic collars
Corps especially for the KT. A residential slum area of poor
and shores, however, pose the collateral risk of leaving rust
built quality (located on the western outside of the temple) is
deposits which give way to corrosion, suit accumulation and
proposed to be remodeled and converted into a parking lot
structural fatigues.
for firefighting and water-suction trucks (Fig. 4B). A ware-
If used in the KT, collars and shores are likely to result in
house and a service zone are also proposed to manage the
visual contamination. The typical wooden and metallic materi-
implementation of firefighting interventions.
als of these interventions do not match the color or texture of
sandstone (the main building materials of the temple). Collars
7. Devising a list of criteria for the comparative analysis and shores might also cover portions of the hieroglyphic
inscriptions on the temple’s columns and walls. Pharaonic col-
umns are relatively more prone to this aspect of visual contam-
In order to devise a list of criteria for the comparative anal-
ination in comparison to Greco-roman columns because the
ysis, this research paper presents a number of arguments
former have inscriptions on their shafts while the later have
relating to the technical, aesthetic and time-related aspects
flutes (Fig. 1A). Moreover, the close packing of wooden and
of disaster preparedness. To start with, disaster preparedness
steel shores (according to the technical specifications of FEMA
interventions are devised (planned and prepared) prior to the
[28]) interrupts the scenic beauty of historical assets. Despite
strike of a threat. Depending on this threat’s nature, how-
the visual contamination, collars and shores often prove them-
ever, the interventions can be installed prior to or after its
selves indispensable in disaster situations.
strike. This is why interventions differ in terms of their abil-
In similarity to collars and shores, pneumatic PVC bags
ity to contain risks; either at the onset of threats, while they
and tensile cables are easy-to-deploy and reversible interven-
are striking or in their immediate aftermath. In order to
tions. The bags are minimally invasive, on the structural level,
augment the possibility of installation whenever possible
because they only require being filled up with air and do not
and wherever needed, the interventions need to be easy
thus necessitate drilling or fixation in historical assets. The
and safe to install. In addition, preparedness interventions
same can be said for tensile cables because their installation
are commonly developed as temporary solutions to contain
is typically based on wrapping a ‘kit-of-parts’ (including the
risks and minimize damages until permanent conservation
cable, ground anchors, and pad eyes) around historical assets.
works are applied. However, the implementation of perma-
The installation of pneumatic bags, which is ideally executed
nent conservation works might be hindered in real-life sce-
prior to an earthquake, is safe because the inflation/deflation
narios due to financial and administrative reasons.
cycle can be done remotely and automatically without the
Accordingly, interventions should strive to incur as little dis-
presence of installation crews in site. This enables the bags
ruption as possible to the scenic beauty of historical assets.
to be safely inflated at the onset of an earthquake, while it is
On the same note, each change- which is incurred by the
ongoing or even in its immediate aftermath. When the threat
application of an intervention to a historical asset- detracts
and its ensuing risks are dealt with, the bags are deflated to
from the asset’s authenticity and originality. This is why
minimize visual contamination. On an opposite note, the
interventions need to be reversible (uninstalled in an easy
installation of collars, shores and tensile cables necessitate
and safe manner) and minimally invasive (on the structural
the presence of installation crews in the site. This limits the
and aesthetic fronts).
probability of using these interventions at the onset or in the
In light of these arguments, this research paper intends to
immediate aftermath of a disaster for safety reasons.
conduct the comparative analysis on the basis of the following
In order to avoid visual contamination, pneumatic bags are
list of criteria:
recommended to be manufactured from transparent PVC fab-
rics with interior reinforcement mesh (Fig. 2E). This way the
 Ease and safety of installation; Interventions should be
bags do not interrupt the scenic beauty of the assets (whether
installed with least effort and technical requirements possi-
the bags are in a deflated or an inflated status). Tensile cables
ble in a safe manner to visitors and technical crews.
are argued to exert relatively less visual contamination to his-
 Structural invasiveness: Interventions should change as little torical assets (in comparison to shores for example) because
as possible but as much as unavoidably necessary to the the cables’ ‘kit-of-parts’ typically consists of relatively fewer
structural integrity of historical assets. components with relatively smaller dimensions.
 Visual contamination: interventions should not detract from The design and simulation of water drainage and firefighting
the authenticity and originality nor the aesthetic value of systems for the KT fall beyond the scope of this research paper.
historical assets Suffice it to say that both interventions are time consuming and
 Reversibility: interventions should be easily uninstalled in technically demanding to install or uninstall. Moreover, the
order to allow historical assets to transform into (return installation of these systems poses the risk of losing cultural
back to) their authentic status. material because it might involve excavation and drilling in
2884 A. Abulnour

the temple’ floor (a historical asset). If the water drainage or fire- use of wireless fire detectors instead of linear detectors to pre-
fighting piping networks are laid visible over the temple’s floor vent signal interruptions [29] as well as the use of water mist
or sky-open courts; there is the adverse effect of visual contam- extinguishers instead of ammonium phosphate powders to
ination due to the contrast between the high-tech ‘feel’ of these protect the temple’s cultural material [30].
networks (i.e. materials, fixations, etc) and the culturally rich
historical assets of the temple. This adverse effect would have 9. Results of the comparative analysis: The qualitative appraisal
been relatively less noticeable if the temple’s roof was intricately
designed in resemblance, for example, to the ‘old hall’ of the The comparative analysis, conducted in this research paper,
‘Parliament house’ in Edinburgh, Scotland where piping is con- gives way to a qualitative appraisal (summarized in Table 1)
cealed within the lavish ornaments of the wooden roof (Fig. 4A). which addresses the implementation of preparedness interven-
Concerning water drainage interventions in the KT, ‘Flood tions in the KT. The goal of this qualitative appraisal is to
Breaks’ is argued to cause relatively less visual contamination offer a better understanding of the interventions’ impacts on
(in comparison to visible drainage piping) because it is the aesthetic and structural aspects of the temple.
installed in a shallow recessed grove in the ground until a flash-
flood strikes. The intervention is reversible because when water
10. Conclusions: Guidelines for implementing preparedness
from a flashflood is drained off, the barrier returns to its
interventions in the KT
recessed location. Visual contamination from the uprising bar-
rier vanishes as the barrier restores its pre-disaster status.
10.1. Implications of future researches
However, the installation of a ‘Flood Breaks’ intervention
(in anticipation of flashfloods) requires time and professional
expertise. The installation might also incur loss of cultural (1) The list of preparedness interventions, proposed for the
material because it involves drilling (even if shallow) in the KT, needs to be augmented and enhanced through
ground to set-in the grooved recess. Nonetheless, ‘Flood searching for and investigating new ideas and novel
Breaks’ is a safe intervention which can contain flashfloods techniques.
at their onset and while striking without human interference. (2) Quantitave assessments should be developed to trans-
In anticipation to urban fires, a Civil Defense Corps which form the interventions from simulated inspirations into
is established outside the KT’s boundaries (but close enough to real-life applications. These quantitative assessments
its historical assets) can be easy and safe to manage without should investigate the physical characteristics of inter-
visually contaminating the temple. In order to ensure minimal ventions in reference to the characteristics of the tem-
invasiveness on the aesthetic and structural fronts, the Corps ple’s historical assets as well as the characteristics of
should specify adequate firefighting standards including the designated threats.

Table 1 Summary of the qualitative appraisal.

Criteria Interventions
Collars Shores Pnuematic PVC Tensile cables Passive systems: Civil defense
bags ‘Flood Breaks’ Corps
Ease and Relatively safe and easy Relatively safe and easy Relatively safe Relatively safe Relatively safe Relatively
safety of to use only in to use only in and easy to use at and easy to use but moderately safe and easy
installation earthquakes’ aftermath earthquakes’ aftermath the onset of an only in easy to use due to use when
earthquake, earthquakes’ to time established
during its strike aftermath consumption prior to an
or in its aftermath and technical urban fire
Structural Invasiveness minimized Invasiveness minimized Minimally Minimally Moderately Minimally
invasiveness if metallic parts are if metallic parts are invasive due to invasive because invasive due to invasive due
treated against rust and treated against rust and absence of the intervention necessary but to Corps’s
no fixation or drilling no fixation or drilling fixation or drilling is wrapped shallow drilling location
are involved are involved around (and not required outside the
drilled in) the temple
Visual Result in visual Result in visual Contamination Contamination Contamination Minimally
contamination contamination due to contamination due to minimized if bags minimized if the minimized when contaminant
the mismatch of colors the mismatch of colors are made from ‘kit-of-parts’ installed in due to
and materials as well as and materials as well as transparent PVC consists of small recessed position Corps’s
the adverse effect of the adverse effect of and few location
hiding inscriptions hiding inscriptions components outside the
Reversibility Relatively easy and safe Relatively easy and safe Relatively easy Relatively easy Relatively easy Relatively
to uninstall to uninstall and safe to and safe to and safe to easy and safe
uninstall uninstall uninstall to uninstall
Disaster preparedness in the Karnak temple : a luxury or a must? 2885

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