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Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

SEPTEMBER 01,2019, 3:00-4:00

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard

The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in

various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance Standard
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation
of 21st century literature of the world through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in
terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from

C. Learning Competency

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts,

applying a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require
from the learner the ability to:

1. identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America,

Europe, Latin America, and Africa ( EN12Lit-IIa-22)

II. Content : Literary genres, traditions and forms from different national
literature and cultures, namely, Asian, Anglo-American, European, Latin
American, and African
III. Topic: Epics
IV. Learning Resources
Reference: 21ST Century Literature from the Philippines and the World by
Andrew John C. Baronda pp. 178-180
Materials: Laptop
LCD Projector/LED TV
Powerpoint presentation/ Digitized Instructional materials
V. Learning Activities
A. Preparatory activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review
4. Motivation “ Classify Me”
The learners will play Classify Me game.
Directions: The learners will classify the countries according to their
Wrap up the game by asking the students the following guide
a. What made each country unique?
b. Why do other people want to visit these countries?
c. If you were to live in one of the countries and continents
mentioned, where would you prefer? Why?

B. Developmental Activity

1. Presentation

The students will describe their childhood favorite superhero. They

will be draw it on a bond paper and write the qualities and abilities of their favorite
superhero. Afterwards, they will present it to the class.

2. Discussion
 The teacher will discuss epics, its definition and convention.
 The great epics of the world will also be discussed to the
students by providing them the important details of each epic
such as the origin, the heroes, the antagonists most
especially the authors.
3. Analysis
The students will search for some Philippines epics. They are going to
analyze the conventions and see the similar and dissimilar conventions
as with the other epics of the world.
4. Generalization
The students will write a one-minute paper comprising of the statements,
I learned that…
I realized that…
I wonder that…

Directions: Analyze the statements below. On the blanks before ach number, draw a
happy face if you agree with the statement or if not, draw a sad face.

______ 1. Traditional epics were mostly in the form of oral lore or oral tradition.

______ 2. An epic capitalizes on a heroic entity with extraordinary abilities whose actions
affect the fate of a certain group of people, race, or nation.

______ 3. Grendel is one important character in Homer’s Illiad.

______ 4. Epics have elevated writing style.

______ 5. Previous portions of the story appear in the form of flashbacks.

______ 6. The hero in an epic is known to possess ordinary and common abilities.

______ 7. Florante at Laura of Francisco Baltazar is one of the famous epics of the

______ 8. The Illiad is an epic in the Homeric tradition.

______ 9. The muse being addressed in the invocation is known to be one of the nine
daughters of Zeus.

______ 10. Achilles is the hero in Homer’s Odyssey.

VII. Assignment
The students will look for the summaries of the great epics of the world listed
in the discussion section. They will take note of the significant details and other
important information that they need to know about each text.

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