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College of Engineering

Southern Luzon State University

Lucena Campus
Lucena City

Laboratory Experiment No.1

Simple Harmonic Motion

BS-Electronics Engineering

Ramos, Kristofferson V.

Roda, Maria Angelica A.

Sangcap, Kimberly D.

Sarmiento, Andree Jay R.

Date Performed: September 11, 2019

Date Submitted: September 30, 2019

II. Concept
Simple harmonic motion is the periodic motion in which the acceleration is directly
proportional to the displacement from equilibrium position, but opposite in direction. It can be
shown that the period for such motion is given by:

𝑇 = 2𝜋√ 𝑘

A typical example of simple harmonic motion is the vibration of a loaded spring. When a
load is applies on a spring, an elongation is produced for as long as it does not exceed the elastic
limit, the system is undergoing simple harmonic motion.

III. Purposes
1. To investigate the simple harmonic motion of translation.
2. To determine the different factors affecting the period of vibration.

IV. Materials
Harmonic Spring, pendulum stand, meter stick, stopwatch, set of weights, weighing scale.

V. Procedure
1. Prepare the necessary material for the experiment.
2. Determine the mass of the harmonic spring using weighing scale.
3. Suspend the harmonic spring by fixing one of its ends at the pendulum stand.
4. Determine the initial reading. Make sure that the meter stick, the spring and iron stand
are all in vertical position before getting the initial reading.
5. Attach a 50 g load the free end of the spring. Measure and record the final scale reading.
6. Displace the load vertically about 5.0 cm not exceeding the displacement produced by
the maximum permissible load.
7. Release the load and determine the time (t) required by the spring to make 20 vibrations.
Record the data.
8. Repeat for a series of readings using equal increments (by 50 g) of load up to 500 grams.

V. Computations
1. Determine the elongation of the spring using the formula:
Elongation (∆𝑥) = final reading – initial reading
2. Calculate the experimental period (𝑇𝑒𝑥𝑝′𝑡 ) by dividing the record time by 20.
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 20 𝑣𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
𝑇𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑝′𝑡 =

𝑚1 𝑔
3. Calculate the spring constant of each trial, 𝑘1 and find the 𝐾𝑎𝑣𝑒 : 𝑘1 = ∆𝑥
4. Calculate the calculated period (𝑇𝑐𝑎𝑙 ) by 𝑇 = √𝑘

Note: m = mass of the load + 1/3 mass of spring

5. Compare the 𝑇𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑝′𝑡 and 𝑇𝑐𝑎𝑙 by percentage difference.
VI. Labeled Set – up
Figure 1.0
Shows the set-up of the study

Meter Stick

Tripod Retort Stand

VIII. Data and Results

Table A. Period of Vibration

Trials Load, m 𝑿𝒊 (m) 𝑿𝒇 (m) ∆𝒙 K Time 𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒑′𝒕 𝑻𝒄𝒂𝒍 %

(kg) (m) (N/m) for 20 (s) (s) Differe
vib. nce

1 0.050 kg 0.385 m 0.60 m 0.22 m 2.23 N/m 21.30 1.065 1.07 s 0.47 %
s s
2 0.100 kg 0.385 m 0.70 m 0.32 m 3.06 N/m 25.80 1.29 s 1.34 s 3.8 %
3 0.150 kg 0.385 m 0.83 m 0.45 m 3. 27 30.15 1.51 s 1.56 s 3.3 %
N/m s
4 0.200 kg 0.385 m 0.975 m 0. 59 3.32 N/m 33.90 1.70 s 1.75 s 2.9 %
m s
5 0.250 kg 0.385 m 1.135 m 0.75 m 3.26 N/m 37.15 1.86 s 1.92 s 3.2 %
6 0.300 kg 0.385 m 1.29 m 0.91 m 3.23 N/m 40.45 2.02 s 2. 08 s 2.9 %
7 0.350 kg 0.385 m 1.455 m 1.07 m 3.21 N/m 43.29 2.16 s 2.22 s 2.7 %
8 0.400 kg 0.385 m 1.605 m 1.22 m 3.21 N/m 45.77 2.29 s 2.36 s 3.0 %
9 0.450 kg 0.385 m 1.75 m 1.37 m 3.22 N/m 48.0 s 2.40 s 2.49 s 3.7 %

10 0.500 kg 0.385 m 1.905 m 1.52 m 3.22 N/m 50.68 2.53 s 2.62 s 3.5 %
Ave. 3.12 N/m Ave. 2.95 %

Mass of spring: 0.1235

IX. Sample Calculatio
timefor20vib( s ) 21.30 s
x  X F  X i Texp't    1.065s
20 20

 0.60m  0.385m Tcal  2 

 2
 13 0.1235  0.05
kave 3.12

x  0.22m Tcal  1.07 s

F  kx  mg

mg | Texp' t  Tcal | | 1.065  1.07 |

k X 100 
% Diff =
Texp' t  Tcal 1.065  1.07  x100  0.47%
2 2

0.050kg9.8m / s 2  Ave% 
Total % Diff

 0.047%
0.22m 10 10
k  2.23N / m Avek  Avek  3.12 N / m

X. Questions
1. Name the different factors that affect the period of mass oscillating on a spring?
T = 2π√(m/k)
The period portrays on how stiff the the harmonic system is. The period(T) is directly proportional
to the mass (m) of an object, hence bigger mass results in bigger period of oscillation. Wherein it
is inversely proportional to the spring constant k), A stiffer spring with a constant mass decreases
the period of oscillation.

2. If an object-spring system is hung vertically and set into oscillation, why does the motion
eventually stop?

An object in motion will never slow down unless a non-conservative force (such as friction) is
applied on it. In the case of a hung-spring it oscillates in air which has a non-negligible viscosity
which creates a force on the object that is always in opposite direction to its velocity(includes air
resistance and resistance in the spring). Therefore, some of the energy of the pendulum is
transferred to the air around it and the pendulum eventually has no more kinetic energy and stops.

3. A mass suspended from one end of a helical spring undergoes vertical SHM with amplitude of
2.4 cm. If three complete oscillations are made in 4.0 sec., determine the velocity and acceleration
of the mass at; a) the equilibrium position, b) the position of maximum displacement

a) Given A=2.4 cm, three oscillations (Hz) in 4.0 s

a. a   Solution : v  2  fA
m 3
v  2 ( Hz )(0.024m)
k (0 m ) 
a v 0 .113 m/ s
a) v and a at equilbrium position
b) v and a at maximum displacement

b.) v  0
a max  2  f  A

a max  (2  Hz ) 2 (0.024m)
a max  0.533m / s 2
4. At an outdoor market, a bunch of bananas is set into oscillatory motion with amplitude of 20.0
cm on a spring with a force constant of 16.0 N/m. It is observed
that the maximum speed of the bunch of bananas is 40.0 cm/s. What is the weight of the bananas
in newtons?

Given: A= 20.0 cm k=16.0 N/m v= 40 m/s Required: W

v max  A W  mg
m W  (4kg)(9.8m / s 2 )
v max  2

16 N / m(0.2m) 2
m W  39.2N
(0.4m / s) 2
m  4kg

XI. Conclusions
Based from the data given above by the results of the researcher’s experiment and as it was
observed during the experimentation process, on a Simple Harmonic Motion, the mass(m) of the
object is one factor that is directly related to the period(T) of time it takes to oscillate wherein the
spring constant (k), when the stiffness was increased the time or period (T) it takes for an
oscillation to occur decreases. It was therefore included when the object was put on its equilibrium
position or the mean position, it’s on the maximum velocity(vmax) and its Kinetic Energy(KE) is
at its highest, thus having an acceleration equal to zero, while if the object was put on its maximum
displacement, its acceleration and Potential Energy (PE) or tension is at its peak but its velocity is
College of Engineering
Southern Luzon State University
Lucena Campus
Lucena City

Laboratory Experiment No.2

Simple Pendulum

BS-Electronics Engineering

Ramos, Kristofferson V.

Roda, Maria Angelica A.

Sangcap, Kimberly D.

Sarmiento, Andree Jay R.

Date Performed: September 11, 2019

Date Submitted: September 30, 2019

II. Concept
A simple pendulum is a small body, usually spherical, suspended by a long light string from a rigid
support. When the pendulum is displaced from its equilibrium position, the tension in the string and
the weight of the spherical bob have a resultant force tending to restore the pendulum to its original
position. If the angular displacement is small, the motion is approximately simple harmonic i.e. the
acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium position but opposite in
direction. It can be shown that the T of the simple pendulum depends upon the length L and the
acceleration of gravity g. In symbols:

𝑇 = 2𝜋√

If the radical sign is eliminated, the relationship becomes:

4𝜋 2
𝑇2 = 𝐿
Which shows that the square of the period is directly proportional to the length. If the periods are
measured for varying lengths and then plotted on a graph, it will be a straight line with a physical
slope of 4𝜋 2 / g.

III. Purposes
1. To investigate the motion of a simple pendulum.
2. To determine the quantitative relationship between the length and the period of a simple

IV. Materials
Simple Pendulum apparatus, stopwatch, meterstick, protractor, 5 pendulum bobs of
different masses, string, triple beam balance.

V. Procedure
A. Period vs. Mass (T vs. m)
Constant: length of the pendulum (L) and angular displacement (𝜃)
1. Measure the mass of each 5 different metal bobs.
2. Tie one end of the string to the horizontal support attached to the pendulum stand and
suspend the pendulum bob on the lower end of the string.
3. Measure the length of the pendulum from the point of suspension to the center of the
bob. Keep this length of the pendulum constant for 5 trials.
4. Displace the pendulum bob to about 50 from the vertical position and keep the value
constant for 5 trials. Release the bob freely and measure the time it takes to complete
15 vibrations.
5. Repeat the same procedures for the next 4 trials.

B. Period vs. Angular Displacement (T vs. 𝜃)

Constant: length of the pendulum (L) and mass of the bob (m)
6. With constant length of the pendulum and constant mass for all 5 trials, measure the
time it takes for 15 vibrations using different values of angular displacement ranging
from 50 to 150 .

C. Period vs. Length (T vs. L)

Constant: angular displacement and mass of the bob

7. Measure the total time completed for 15 vibrations using a pendulum bob of 5 different
lengths ranging from 0.40 m to 1.5 m. Keep the angular displacement constant as well
as mass of the pendulum bob all throughout the 5 trials.

VI. Computations and Graphs

𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 15 𝑣𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
1. Calculate the observed period by using 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 = 15
2. Determine the 𝑇𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 using the formula of 𝑇𝑐𝑎𝑙 =2𝜋√𝑔
3. Determine the percentage difference of the two results.
4. Make a graph of 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠 vs. L (𝑇 2 as y- coordinate; L as x- coordinate) and determine the
trend line and solve for slope of the line.
5. Compare the slope of the line to the magnitude of 4𝜋 2 /g by % difference.
6. Interpret the graph.
VII. Labeled Set-up

String or

Tripod Protractor


Figure 1.0
Shows the set-up of the study

VIII. Data and Results

Table A. Period against Mass

Length of the pendulum: 0.5 cm
Angular displacement: 50 °
Time for 15 Mass of the Observed Calculated Percent
vib.,in (s) Bob, kg Period, s period, s Difference
1 21.47s 0.200kg 1.43s 1.42s 0.7 %
2 21.44s 0.100kg 1.43s 1.42s 0.7%
3 21.41s 0.050kg 1.43s 1.42s 0.7%
4 20.84s 0.020kg 1.39s 1.42s 2.14%
5 20.79s 0.010kg 1.37s 1.42s 3.58%
Average 1.56%
It has been observed that the mass of the object has a relation pertaining to the time the
object to complete a back-forth cycle, as the mass increases the longer it takes the object to
complete one cycle, hence having a direct relation.
Table B. Period against Mass Angular Displacement
Length of the pendulum: 0.5 cm
Mass of the bob: 0.050 kg
Time for 15 Angular Observed Calculated Percent
vib.,in (s) Displacement Period, s period, s Difference
1 22.99 15° 1.53s 1.42s 7.45%
2 23.30s 5° 1.56s 1.42s 9.4%
3 23.43s 10° 1.56s 1.42s 9.4%
4 23.64s 12° 1.56s 1.42s 9.4%
5 24.04s 7.5° 1.60s 1.42s 11.92%
Average 9.51%
Table B shows that in constant length of the bob, as the angular displacement goes near the
equilibrium, period become lesser or faster. Thus, we can assume that period and angular
displacement is directly proportional to each other.
Table C. Period against Length
Mass of the bob: 0.050 kg
Angular displacement: 20°
Time for Percent
Observed Calculated
Trial 15 vib.,in Length, m 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠2 Difference
Period, s period, s
1 21.54 s 0.464 m 1.44s 2.07 1.37s 40.70%
2 20.64 s 0.428 m 1.38s 1.90 1.31s 36.76%
3 17.91 s 0.392 m 1.20s 1.44 1.27s 12.55%
4 14.64 s 0.356 m 0.98s 0.96 1.20s 22.22%
5 10.87 s 0.320 m 0.72s 0.52 1.14s 74.70%
Average 0.394% 37.39%
Table C shows that at constant mass and angular displacement, as the length of the string in
the setup increases the period or the time it took fasten. Thus, we can say that period and the
length is indeed directly proportional to each other.
IX.Sample Calculations

Observed Period
TimePeriod (15vib) 21.54 s
Tobs    1.44s
15 15
Calculated Period

L 0.464m
Tcal  2  = 2  1.37s
g 9.8m / s 2

Percentage Difference
| Tobs  Tcal | 1.44  1.37
Tobs  Tcal  x100 =
1.44  1.37  x100 =  4.98%
2 2

(Tobs ) 2 (1.44) 2  2.07 s 2

It shows that when the length increases the period also increases which corresponds to
directly proportional relationship
X. Questions
1) Is the motion of a simple pendulum an example of SHM? Explain your answer?
- Yes, it is, because simple pendulum acts like a harmonic oscillator. SHM is a type of
periodic motion, a motion that repeats itself.A pendulum is a weight suspended from a
pivot so that it can swing freely. When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting
equilibrium position, it is subject to a restoring force; after it reaches its highest point in its
swing, gravity will accelerate it back toward the equilibrium position. When released, the
restoring force combined with the pendulum’s mass causes it to oscillate about the
equilibrium position, swinging back and forth.
2) What are the different factors affecting the period of the simple pendulum?
- The Length of a pendulum, and the acceleration due to gravity. The longer the
length of the spring, the farther and longer the pendulum falls, hence the longer the
period which in turn shows a direct relationship.
3) What should you do to the length of the string of a string of a simple pendulum to?
(a)Double its frequency? (b)Double its period?
a). Frequency is inversely proportional to the length
b). Period is directly proportional to the length if we increase the length by the factor of 2,
Period will increase by the factor of √2 𝑇 = (1)√2; change all the constant by 1. 𝑇 = √2 ↑ then
if we increase the length by the factor of 3; Period will increase by the factor of √3. Then will
increase the length of the pendulum by 4 the Period will increase by 2. Then the period will be

4) A pendulum of length 995 cm swings at a place where 𝑔 = 980 𝑐𝑚/𝑠 2 .If it is intended to
be second pendulum (𝑇 = 2.00𝑠𝑒𝑐), what should it lost or gained per day? What should
its length be?
Given: L=995 cm g = 980cm/ s 2 T= 2s

Required: T, L

L T 2g
T  2 , L
g 4 2


L 995cm
a. T  2   2 = 6.33s
g 980cm / s 2

T 2 g ( 2 s ) 2 (9.8m / s 2 )
b. L  = =0.993m or 1.0m
4 2 4 2
XI. Conclusions
According to the data gathered above, the mass and the angle has no relation on how the
simple pendulum system works, it has been concluded that the acceleration due to gravity and the
Length of the one that holds the object are of those factors that the simple pendulum is dependent
on. The period varies according to the object’s length and the gravity acceleration depending on
the planet.

College of Engineering
Southern Luzon State University
Lucena Campus
Lucena City

Laboratory Experiment No.2

Simple Pendulum

BS-Electronics Engineering

Ramos, Kristofferson V.

Roda, Maria Angelica A.

Sangcap, Kimberly D.

Sarmiento, Andree Jay R.

Date Performed: September 11, 2019

Date Submitted: September 30, 2019

a. With the end of the stretched slinky held in place, form a pulse by grasping a loop near
one end of the spring and displacing it on one side by a quick back and forth motion of
the hand. Practice this motion until a pulse can be formed that travels down only one side
of the spring. Why is the pulse called transverse?
Answer: Based on our observation it’s a transverse wave because the movement
of each certain part of the spring was oscillating perpendicularly to the direction in which
the pulse is moving.
b. The coil spring is the medium through which the pulse travels. Send a short pulse
down the spring. Observe the shape of the pulse as it moves along the spring. How does
the shape of the pulse change? Suggest a reason. Upon what does the initial amplitude
depends? Does the speed of the pulse appear to change with this shape?
Answer: Based on our observation the amplitude or size of the wave gets smaller
as it travels and base on our research this is caused by sound, heat energy and
absorption from the holding objects, sap mechanical energy from the spring. Initial
amplitude depends on the size of the initial disturbance that we did to create the wave.
As for the wave speed, its contant.
c. Generate single pulse of different amplitudes. Does the pulse speed appear to depend
on the size of the pulse?
Answer: As for our observation, the speed is just the same in different amplitude.
In this case we can say that the speed of the pulse does not depend on the amplitude nor
the shape of the pulse
d. Measure the length of the stretched spring and the travel time of a pulse generated at
one end. Assuming that the pulse remains unchanged after the reflection. The time
required for the pulse to make a few excursions of the back and forth along the spring
could be measured. Compute the speed of the traveling pulse.
Answer: Length is 0.475 m and the travel time is 1.32 s. So the speed of the
D .475
traveling pulse is v  = v  = 0.36m/ s
t 1.32
e. Change the tension in the slinky and determine the pulse aped as in (d). Is the speed
through the spring affected by the tension?
Answer: Yes, it the speed was affected by the tension. In this experiment the coils
from the end of the spring was pulled out from the oscillations, which makes an increase
in tension and the speed of the wave was observably seen to increased.

f. Generate single pulse simultaneously from the opposite ends of the slinky. Observe
the way they meet and pass through each other.
Answer: In this part, after simultaneously release single from the opposite ends of
the slinky, the pulse get bigger in the point where they meet and turns to its original shape
as it passes to each other.
g. Send out two pulses of approximately equal amplitudes toward each other on the same
side of the spring. Describe the inference as they pass through each other. What can you
say about the displacement of the pulse at a point where these pulses interfere? How
does the pulse amplitude during interference compare with the idividual amplitudes before
and after superposing?
Answer: In this part, we noticed that pulses tend to produce bigger amplitude at
the point where they met. And base on our research, at any instant, the medium is the
vector resultant for all points. The medium is shaped by the combination of both passing
waves. So, the pulse produced during the interference is just the combination of the two
pulses with equal amplitude on the same side.
h. Repeat procedure (i) but with two pulses traveling on opposite of the spring. Compare
the interference with that of the previous trial. What can you say about the displacement
of the pulse at a point where these pulses interfere?
Answer: In this part, we noticed that pulses tend to produce smaller amplitude or
displacement at the point where they met
i. With the far end of the slinky held firmly in place (fixed end termination). Send a single
pulse down one side of spring. Observe the reflected pulse.
Answer: Based on what we saw, the reflected pulse has the same amplitude but
the pulse switched side which corresponds to 180-degree phase change.
j. Send a pulse down one side of the spring as before and observe the pulse reflected
from the free end. Compare the reflection from the free end of the spring with the reflection
from the fixed point
Answer: On the fixed end, the forward traveled upward and the reflected pulse
traveled downward (180-degree phase change). While in the free hand, the forward and
the reflected pulse traveled in the same manner or side (0-degree phase change). And
both fixed end and free hand setup shows no change in amplitude in the reflected pulse
a. While holding the end of the spring. Pull about 0.5 m of stretched spring together
toward the end with your free hand and release it. Observe the pulse that travels back
and forth through the spring. Why is it called a longitudinal pulse?
Answer: The pulse travels along the length of the spring and there are spacious
part and compressed spring in the spring. Its longitudinal pulse because it show the nature
of longitudinal pulse wherein particles of the medium are displaced in a direction parallel
to energy transport which creates compressions and rarefactions.
1. What kind of motion should you impart to a stretched spring (slinky) to provide a
transverse wave? A longitudinal wave?
Answer: To produce a transverse wave with a spring, we must shake it to and fro
perpendicularly to the length of the spring itself. To produce a longitudinal wave, shake it
to and fro along the direction of its length, so that a series of compressions and
rarefactions is produced.
2. Distinguish between these quantities that describe a wave: amplitude, wavelength,
frequency and period.
Answer: These quantities that describe a wave is also known as wave parameter.
Amplitude is defined as the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from
the position of equilibrium. On the other hand, frequency describes the number
of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time. While the wave period is the
time it takes to complete one cycle.
3. What is the relationship among the frequency, wavelength and wave velocity?
Answer: Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. As
the frequency of a wave increases its wavelength shorten. Twice the frequency means
one-half the wavelength. For this reason, the wavelength ratio is the inverse of the
frequency ratio. While wave velocity is directly proportional to the frequency and
-During our observation and according to the data gathered, a wave can be
transverse or longitudinal depending on the direction of its oscillation. A transverse wave
will oscillate in the z-y plane but travel along the x axis where its wave propagation
direction is along the t-axis, they moved in an up and down manner wherein longitudinal
waves are waves that are experiencing compression and rarefaction manner of
movement, the wave propagates in the same direction.

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