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* Nol7 Open eat Ministry of Stacy of betes Department ot Semen Wie ‘ ‘New Delhi, Dated 18.08.10 The Chief of the Armuy Staff “Tho Chief of the Naval Sta “The Chiefof the Air Stal Sse imal anf Gonads fe Ceu:ral: Pay Commission ~ Pension of Personnel Below Officer Rak (PBOR) discharged trom service on or after 1.1.2006. ‘The undecsigned is directed to sate that in torms'nt Para $.1.3 of this Ministry's Jeter No. 17(4'2008(2/D(Pee/Poliey) dazed 12,112008 issued in implementationiof the decison ken on the recommendations ofthe Sih Cantal Pay Comaalnin, te Benet of adding yoers of quulifying service for Ce purpose of computation of pension has been _withSranen in respect of PBOR disshargod/invalided out from service with effec} from 1.1.2006, The Ex-Servisemen Ansociations have been demanding restoratipa of” weightage in quslifing sevice i respoct of FBOR adsiasible to thom peor to 1,|.2006 till the recomsmendatiorss of the 6" CPC vide Chapter 2.4 of its Report regarding Lateral movement of Defease Forves perronel to CPOwDefénce Civilian organizations, are implemented by the Government. It bas avo been apprehended by the Services Hrs thet in certain cases, Post 1,1.2006 dischargedfinvalided out PBOR may draw less peasion ‘than their Pre — | 1.2006 counterparts. 2 ‘The above issuer have been under consideration of the Govemment and the President is oow pleased to decide that with effect from 1.1.2006 Service pension for all rmaks of Fost ~ 1,1.2006 PBOR retirees in Army, Navy and Air Foroe (Including DSC and TA) determined under the provisions contsined in para’6.2 of this Ministry's above sid loter dated 12.11.2008 shall in no case be fxs than 50% of the motional pay inthe ‘post ~ 1.1,2006 revised pay structure comesponding fo the: maximum of Fifth CPC pay seaies including wicle of classificetion allowance Tast drawa in the rank and group held ihe ee °F Fcoepefnvalidment. The amount op determine vil be the pession for 33 yea of mbkonebie qualitying service including rank weightage (except TA Personnel as admissible under the’ Ministry's letter No. 1G VSB8/D(Pension/Services) “aie 32.1998 end enhanced Vide this Ministry's ewer No. MSV2008DGPee/Sers\VoLI dated 1.22008 For lesser period of reckemable ‘walifing secvice, this amouit will be proportionately reduced, The amount of pension Arally arived at will be aubject co a minimum of Rs. 3,500/. per month. 3. Following will be taken into account for Para 3 above: © The notionslyay in Ui revised pay smucture coeresponding. to the foeximnem Of the pay seals of the rank and group held at the time of Aischtrgehmvalidmest, will be determined us per the fitmect tables ‘sstohed to SiAl 1/5/2008 and comedbonding instruction for Navy & Air Fores; fr ach rank andl group and will consis of py in the pay bad pus Gene Pey pls “X° Grp pay hee pach phn Miltary Serie ey plus whole of the clutifsaton aliowatce: lat driwm, wotce admissible; w ee ae rind py nce be te inuoduced for PBOR of the three Services, the highest of evch muxinuum fore rank and group in uhlohdschargod/nvalided oct, wil be reckonid ‘sefose the three Services for comp mation of pension; ily in adation to service pension deveined as per Pan 3i) & (fl) above, Hovildare wio we granted Honorary rank of Nalb Ssbedars on retrmec, ‘il alo be allowed addticnal pession equal to the mount of preevised ‘mie of additions! (pension a8 consolidated uader fitoent formula Preided vide Pam 41 of thle Minituy's) lene No, 17(4)/200R/(1 YD Pex/Poticy) date 11.11.2008; @ "evionl pay Inthe revied pay sract i respect of POR granted pay of “Neher rank tnder Assured Career’ Progression Scheme (ACPSYModified Assured Care Progression Scheme (MACPS) wil be Getermined with refeceace to the rank for which ACPS/MACPS has bean Syma mn the pay drawn at the time of discharge/invalidment, VON. 2518/Fia/Pen dated 1600.40; ‘Hindi version will follow... ~

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