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Research Chapter Rubrics

Title: Date of Submission:

Name of Authors:

CATEGORIES Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meet Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Score
(10) (9) (7) (5) (3)
Content All necessary features of Evidence of four Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less Absent
the chapter are present
Body Each paragraph has Each paragraph has Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to Absent, no
thoughtful supporting sufficient supporting supporting detail develop the main idea. evidence
detail sentences that detail sentences that sentences.
develop the main idea. develop the main idea.
Citation All cited works, both text Some cited works, both Few cited works, both Absent Absent, no
and visual, are done in the text and visual, are text and visual, are evidence
correct format with no done in the correct done in the correct
errors. format. Inconsistencies format.

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