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Romantic Poets

You and your partner are to choose one poet and give a brief biographical sketch of
the poet as a presentation. Please ensure you create a handout.

Individually, you will analyze a poem each (a different poem for each) from said
poet in front of the class. You must vet the poem with Ms. Lenihan BEFORE you
begin to analyze. Remember to include a synopsis of the poem as well as literary
features such as allusions, metaphors, conceits etc.

1. William Blake

2. Robert Burns

3. William Wordsworth

4. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

5. George Gordon, Lord Byron

6. Percy Bysshe Shelley

7. John Keats

8. Thomas de Quincey

9. Dorothy Wordsworth

10. Charlotte Smith

11. Mary Robinson

My partner’s name:

My poet’s name:

My poem’s name:

My presentation dates:

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