Kingston Gleaner Sep 04 1973 P 1

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Bin Bid •V JEANS



Libya to hike
Manley, Williams discuss oil prices
Caribbean ! i i Jallotod declared. '
'. CAIRO, Sept. 3. (Reuters) I
LIBYA w U I iurrease its oil prices Viut will not cut oil
esports, following its 51 per cont take-over-of oil
companies operating,"Prime Minister Ahdel Salam
Major Jalloud told reporters in'tion To serve the interests of
Tripoli that his country would! American imperialism,
fulfil its. oil export commitments:. "We were producing 4.000 mil-

and maintain the present level o f ' l i o n barrels a year which we
supplies to foreien countries. 'reduced to 2.00ft million barrels
. H : a year using the most up-to-date
. customers
. . who
.:. -v 'scientific methods to preserve o u r
contracts and wanted ¥Libyan , i j ...,,,...,••„« «id
oil would get it, Major Jallond '"' reserveSi ne s a i a -
^ said, according to i detailed Major Jalloud said if the world
r version of a press conference . Aanto d continued supplies of
I he rave last night. . '.:,VT.?y. the United Slates should
!' Petroleum
_ , , / would
',, b, e be made to desist from its ""

exports f u l ]
I maintained at the same level as • - vv _^
before to meet the world's needs.;
he said. , . . >
Major Jalloud's statement clear-1 Report on JPS
ly indicated that Libya's control!
of the major interests of oil Brtasj
was primarily directed against!
the United States. HP was quoted
.-1,5 saying that Washington wasj
Istepping up its hostile anti-Arab:
turned in
TORT OF S P A I N , Sept. -•? ( J . I . S . ) i j policy. The first part of a draft re-
port on tie operations of the Ja-

J AMAICA'S PRIME MINISTER, the Hon. Michael Manley, met the

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Eric Williams, here this!
morning, and had ;nhat was described by Mr. Manley as 'Vide ranging dis-j
"We hope we do sot have to ^aica Public Service Ompany.
u?e the nil weapon, but America; prepared by Gilbert Associates of
will force us ,to resort to thisi the United'States, was handed tn
method." he «al(i. ' y^teniay to the company's chair-
Major Jaljoud alsn ?poke of m a n j^r. Karl Hendrickson.
plans to increase Libyan' o;l
cussions on economic development strategies in the Caribbean." prices- Here liner Jane 30, the team
or experts had been brought In
.Mr. M : i n l r v <;iii| lli.-ii he took t l i c rippm I u n i t y tn clis-| A Lebanese newipappr quot- by the qompany to do an la-
Development w i t h Hi'. TVillirmis i l i p | i H r t i r u l . i r (piestion oT Tarih-'
ed him as laying the price |
would be Increased to 96)
depth rtudy of the company's
operation, aa was commissioned
n s t r n l t ' u y in i i i ' ^ d t i i i i i n i i M for r c l : i l i o n < h i p w i t h t h r (about JS5.45) a barrel, almost by the company's board of dl-
PM: Carib Kuroppiin Common .Mnrki't. Tliis nspcrl of 1lip discussions — UPI twke the-present price. rectori. It if expected that the

has great
on a rpportecl stiitrment, by Dr. W i l l i a m s t h a t the
Iprysfnt strategy was -n rorj£.
j ' Dr. Williams was recently reported widely in the region as say-
Podgorny wants joint PHILIP IN MOSCOW: Brl-
taln'i Prince (left) talki
with Soviet President Niko-
lai V. Rodjoray (second
1 3
Major Jalloud was reported as
telling journalists thai Libya
would ask for another gold con-
vertible currency for its nil.
second half of the report 4rUI
be presented In anetber two
There is no uiformatton on the
,.,, that the negotiating strategy of the region was conceived in 'We cannot continue sellinz oil cdntents of the report sine* it

UK-Russia peace effort

right) and Mlkall Georfadie.
tertnj of sugar — "a dead horse if ever there was one" — and that (right), secretary of Soviet against value-declining dollars," rlas not yet been presented to
th«r* should be more concentration on natural resources mainly oil he said.
role to play aad bauxite.
Presidium. With Idem la in-
terpreter Viktor M. Snklio-
drlev. Prince Philip held
:iic Duke of Edinburgh's. visit character. The Duke has come as "exceptionally -warm'' talks
The Prime Minister said Libya
the board of directors-
The Gleaner understands that
was prepared for all eventualities the report will be considered
FORT-OF-SPAIN. Trinidad as far as its oil wealth w,as con- some time this week at a special
Mr. Manlpy said lhat Dr. Williams amplified the statement, e-m- P R K S I D K N T N" 1 K O L \ J i1 ' in
Sept. 3 (Reulcrsi pbasizin*:
- ° Moscow — and later to'Kiev, ; part of his programme to attend with Podgorny in the. Krem-
the Ukraine -fc is unofficial a n d ] the.European horse trials in Kiev. lin yesterday, then over vod- cerned. meeting of the board.
Prime ~" that in i t i a t i n R with *Jie Common Market the Canb-l POIKiOIJ nl 1lic So-];,,! the British side emphasis But on the Soviet side the vjsit' ka and caviar It had huft financial reserves'
ious of the fact that sugar was not the only . . . discussed
irce that the area hart to ofTef. Vlt'l I m u l l |-;ii-ril l i i s I'llHtll-" bcinK placed ,111 its r.oii-palilical- i the is beiiis seized upon to promote! Improving Anglo-Soviet re- and. eoald do without, oil en-t If approved -by the board, the
lOurces such as oil ar.d bauxite were p o t e n t i a l l y important ele- n-|t'n ' ' idea of an improvement in | lation! and possible visi% by ports for 10 years. recommendations in the report
'<<]:!« ill :i t."' relations after a n j QaeVn Elizabeth H, a Brl- •He spoke of what1 he called will be i-nplemented immediate-
s in the lone-term economic r e l a t i o n s h i p between the Carih- I,' 7 ,„ ... ., .
Speaking to ne-Asmen on the
w a y to Alzi* . . K M
and nivy m a j n r economic bl.ic suui as the Ef'M. : l ' r i l i c c r l i l l l p "I l > r i t : i m I"-'
Both Prime M i n i s t e r s agreed uu trie iinponaive of d i v e r s i f y i n g d - i v i n , | v i i < l lie w i u i l r i In
„ •"'"""• ;lhe .icurces of c a p i t a l and m a r k r l s a v a i l a b l e thronjh the Caribbean •.',.'. ,
House recess %» n o r m a l l y cool two-yeari tiih source said.
nd since B r i t a i n expelled 107j-
Soviet ofticials in 1971 as spies. . j
dangers of increasing oil broduc- 1-y. a company source.said.

ii." J-l. ih.i th]['. Mr - Manl°.v an(1 Dr - Wi'-'ianis ; also r-.nfirmcd t h e i r complete con'i- s( ' f ' l > n l ; n n : i l n l l l u 1 M i
comparatively quite sophisticated,
Tvere not overly drawn to ideo- ••VU1
' dene* in the performance of i ie C a r i b b e a n negotiating team as veil • I ' n i n i i r n i n l i i l l r t h e i r e l l
as pleasure in the s o l i d n n t v displayed. ., i , , ... , , ,•
' The meetlnc between tbf two Caribbean Ifadern was the first 'ul t l l p 1 } t l l | l e 1 H ' h l '" ]»'!HT.
ends today \ Atter "three, days in Moscow thci
^uke w i l l fly tn Kiev on Wed-l
jnesday to attend the horse trials
engagement f o r thi> .runalcaa Prime Minlilrr since his i'he llou.^f or Kt-p, .::.entati\'ei
lnjiral question* and were v«ry arrival last Bight en route la the Von-Aligned Summit conference It was Ithe first Briiish royal ends its four-we.ek recesB today
pragma'ic. In Alleria . _.|visit lo Moscow pincc the Roma- when . i t resumes in Gordon Anne's fiancee. Captain Mark MIAMI, Sept. 3 (AP> : ; through the night Her winda wards the. Leeward Mmndi with
Will. rartkbran goverm-' La(er ^ , ne d a v Mr Ma -.lfy' nov CV.ars 65 years azn and the House. Kingston. ?t 2.15 pirn. Tropical storm Delia picked up were slightly lew than the 74 winds of about'50 m.n-*-
Soviet Communist leader stressed] The Minister of Home .Affairs Phillips, w i l l also join the royal speed changed direction m.p.h. needed to become a hur- . At 22 GMT. Christine was re-
menu Mpvorte* "'•P'^T •»:.1ttertded a luncheon hos'cd t^ •
major |M«es such »* majority Dr. Willisms at a popular Por- •
rul» in KhoJeiia. "they never of . Spain restaurant. The< B«.-b£-
fall Into In* trap of Ihlaking jO5 p,.^ Minister. Mr. E:TC!
G-G GETS '.he v a l u e Moscow puts on friend-,
5hip \\-ith B r i t a i n b>' eonlinuiii-L, r
:j v e r y , is iexpecter] to table lepis-
and Jiisjice, the Hnn. Noel Sil- party in MO: cow and taavel down slightly this afternoon, heading ricane.
for a Tuesday morning landfallr Crle-force
". . we would like to main-! latinn tn effect the Government's Today at unch in th» Moscow along \tie Texas gulf coast, tt e mile-- to the noY?h and rtarTdSOiat about 10 She was ex-
lain, develop and strengthen new drive to combat crime, an- Kremlin Prince Philip under- National Hurricane" Centre said. |miic; to the sou'hwest
ported 35 miles ea?t of
'H; pxtendi- i 150, and was-movins west-north-west
that thli was the only Juu» in Barrow, was also present. nf Df lia's^pected to continue that course
the world. ^ large crow d jammed !ne
Speakini on Jam.ncn's relation- sidewalks on holh sides nf thr
»h;r> w i t h Cuba. Mr. M^nley said:Street near the restaurant. Mr.
~daCOSTA biuinesslike and good-neigh-, nounccd recently by Prime Min- lined Khe non-political view he
bourly relations. I nhould like] ister Michael Manley.
to express the hope that Your
takes of his Soviet.visit by con- Delia, packing highest sustained,1
. . forecast : -s
•(•drnmgs and ,i' h 1
saic;. S a i c i w i t h little change in forward
.ir-:,--3n" vi.-iU-h! speed or \s'in<i intensity for 1! to
A:noiiR matters left over from lining his speech at luncheon to winds of 65 to 70 miles P«r hour, were issued for an area from'2v hours. t(ie hurricane centre
-We n-Qornue Cuba B s o u r near- Manley stayed for several m i n - i Royal nighnr™' present visit last term are two Customs tariff spor(. and eqLestrfamnatters. was reported moving west-north-1 Lake Charles. Louisiana, west toUa-lcj.
e*l neighbour and J i'-untry with,

fnendlv relations "

1 u

i,, a fi» r the luncheon c h a t t i n g
which -*t always had. and will with people and answering ques-l
continue to have, extremely :t;0n.». !
REPORT l serve a* fitting contribution resohitioni, s i a n d i n n 'n the n a m e j Sport did cot always
lease natural instincts of rivalry
west.. Al Z2 GMT today,, Delia was i Pal acios,, Te-xas..
to the cause of Anglo-Soviet ; ' n V tn~e Deputy Prime -Minister j international"' understanding and reported 240 miles south-east of! Forecasters said tides would
' a n d Minister of Finance, the Hon., friendship, he said, but it did re- CJalveston. Tex., moving toward; range from four to six feet, from watch were issued for the Lee-
the Galveston and Freeport areas'Freeport to-\port Arthun Texas,
Gale warnings and a hurricane
ward Islands of Gua.delope. De-
Coore. 1
Many Jamaican-. Mr. Minify 1 ,e.M/. .r.'.'J.'VcVr^.n-, ,u™'ifC^^Kn^J
tAUGH IT OFF Also on Mr. Coore's slatp is the.and competition in a relatively at speeds between 15 and- -18 - on — Tuesday and from two to four' sidrade, Antigua and Barbuda.
addrd. had migrated tn Cuba.; Civ;l Service re-classifiqation. harmless way. m.p.h. |feet elsewhere ip the warning i Forecasters said residents of
which had always leeiprocated;
Jjm*:r;\'* fner.dllne?? !, nfidiv.
^ysiAJK ^S!, <^^=^^. Forecasters aaid they expei t- area
ed little change In Delia's wii d
I i the Leewards should remain alert
Meanwhile. tropical storm; for possible Hooding in low-lyins
The P-:me Muii'trr was speak- Scnntor D u d l e y Thompson. ' the
in. .^-rtlr brfnre a meeting here Minister of S;ntc fn the Prime public
;--«rr:i h'm-elf and the Prime Minister's Office, is already in port- to sector,
rr-^ of Trinidad and Tobago-Algeria representing Jamaica at
work permits, trade licences and
distribution of jobs in the
handed :n its re-
His Excellency the Gov-
Gorf. approves intensity or forward moveme Christine continued tq plod to-!areas

$6,000 loan\ for

G-i> ana « i : h Prime Minister th^
K.-M C»..:ro of Cuba at Port-of- -1 .i.h^'r'pav^glhe^^'for ^V?^
ii?.i"i A ; r r o r t .Wednesday's summit. v.eeKen<2.
Mr. Manl-». Prime Minister After the !mmmit ends on F r i - ' A ron,, of th( , rPr , O rt wa< fflven
r.i-br, Burnham nf G u y a n a and Jav. Mr. Manley will pay officiar w the prime Minister the Hon
Dr Cj^ro -^rre then to fly to visits to Zambia. Tanzania and • Michael ManleyMinister, the Hon.
together. Kenya. on the same day
I (Friday) in order to afford himi'TIease don't a§k me to Step
fisher® release
Malta made full Aieiers.
It ii expected that the report
•will be considered by the C'ab-i
' inrt ajii a decision will be t a k - 1
: easily.
THE (•iiivpniniPiit. , of support and are des-
.'•""." ! pcralrly worried about the sccur-
hp M i n i s t r y of Agnelli ;i;v anci welfare of their loved

non-aligned br nent to Parliament before

Meanwhile. -;t is expected t h a t j
rn as to whether or not it w i l l , l u r e lias approved a loan o f| "es" Mr. Golding asked:
SK.OOO iiiliTpsl-frce to Mr.
Hyron H i l l , jr.innginp;
Please advise me as to the
cause ol the delay In securing
the releaae of these men and
also what action is being taken

by youth,
any lepaj. implications will b e j tor of I f i l l ' s DPPJ) Sea Fisli-| by government in the matter."

group member
ALGItP.S. Sept. :i l A P 1 .'•!* September 5 to 8.
studied by the Government's law
o f f i c e r ? . The report covers 283
paycs. i n c l u d i n g1 a summary of its.
rccomfr.endation -'. '
I'rics of Kiii"s1on. to spcurc! A i-heck by the Gleaner at the
., , ' .111 T • ! Ministry of External AIfair» re-
I l i c i-clciiM" off JH .Tnmnn-an! v c a l c d - U i a t the ma t ter has
r i > l i p r m c n lii'ill^ liPld hy thr!b.anded over to the Ministry of
M,;' -ter* of !he 'A'orld's Non-. Amon2 several applicai.ts for
A _ - . c l nations "oddy a c c e p t e d ' f u l l membership of the ^roup.
M • 'J HS > f u l l - f l r c i ^ e d member;M.ilta alor.e ran into some opposi-
~* ' ie zroup ,'if'.-.T ;! pledged to rion. conference sources said,
r1. i r d n w n the B r i ' i ^ h N'ATOiSjnie o f the more revolutionary
Durir.s the i n q u i r y , which at-!
(Continued on Face 7)

Ganja found
slabbed dead
Mr. Anthony Gordon, of a
Spnrnsh H o n d u r a n ^bw-^
A spokesman for that Ministry
. , . ., lold the Gleaner that the Minis-
Tlic men were arrested by t h - ; t r y has sc cured from the Gov-
...... "" "" " sum of $6,000. in
f *-/- "ii the uland by 1979. |-Jclsgalions exprosyed mis;ivma? S m i t h l.ane address : n Kingston, a»o on charges of violating terri-i teresV . fr( . e to pay for the release
.lir mmi^'irrs of mnrc than 7D iv-or the admission of Malta 35 was f a t a l l y stabbed in a restau- tonal waters and placed m con-< o ( 1hp m r n and that ^e money
-j'.i"is are p r p p a r . n u ' fnr the ' in^ as it retained the BriU>h
• • ir*'i =unm:' c i i n f f r c n r e of thi Jasc.
Nin-.\l;encd cC/u:itr'C- relicdulee^ A document circulated imnnc
in mails rant nn Fast Queen Street late
Sunday night.
finemenl. They were operating; ha5 bc(,n fol.war_ded to Mr. HU1.
off the Mosquito Banks, north i 1 A { u r t n er check last night jvas
east of Spanish Honduras whenj lmaWe to ^veal if the n>en vera
the ministers by the Maltrnf Mr Gordon was in the restau- they were arrested. , re]eased and when they were
d A telegram went lo the De-l 1 l i k r l v to corne
puty Prime Minister and Min- '
Heavy rains istrV of Finance, the Hon. David j
foore yesterday from Mr.1 Brurr I
<ioldin|(, M. P. for Western St.:
No sign of
• rnee on the iiland would come Catherine, calling a"Klin f o r .

islandwide lo ao end by 1979.

Tlie Maltes.e on then
is appro\ecl •.vr.luiut o p p o s i t i o n .
The sei/.urc was made when :he ; Another of the hovs
police acted . on, an anonymous knife u,.^ c t a bberl him
telephone r n l l 'o thc'ii. •'
The cn\Tlopr-< \ \ r r e addressed
; chest. Jhev all lied as
drew a
in the
he fell
Govrrnment Interventjion in the
Mr.'Giild'.ni; had appt-;ileri twn-1
weeks a^u tn tiic j^ovcniment to
•M.-o a d m i ' l e d tn ihc Non-AH^iird : i prrsons in tiic U n i i e d States intervene on behalf of the men.
f.irjui' 'Aere Ar'^entinn. Peru Lul '.|~K- po'.ice l'.;ive not yet rtis- Ccr.tral S i , h n n rolir^ ? N ' o t i n h 'Jial ll^.i 1 n i e n ^ lamilics
Area. B-t-'^Iacicsh.
t K i in
Qatar an! Oinnn. ro-.-erc'd who ])>>.- '.cri llicn'. I inv c ^ t i x j t i^ the m u r d e r . "are l e f t w.ihiuil t h e i r chief
at Kaiser
' 1 T-.- «i-'o •
a , th'
SEPTEMBER TERM BEGINS.... • The strike of some 600 work-
ers at Kaiser Bauxite Company's
Discovery Bay plant entered its


fourth day yesterday-
iMrh'« ^f r;r: il t:-. r r c d j r ; n f Tliere was no sigb of a settle-
tnc iust 2» h.iv-r* ment to the dispute which stems
from a breakdown of wage ne-
gotiations bein.e conducted be-
mrnt tnlrt (lir ( i l f \.NFK UM
n'lhl lhj( l>v veilrrdJ) alter
nn«n th» r j i n b«l hrromr lljhl
rr aprl i n ( r r m i ( l r n ( . anil hid a ' - -
frftpd oortbfm pjrlnbrs is
CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS formerly operated as a school been a
tween the company and the Na-
tional Workers Union.
A meeting scheduled for the
Ministry of Labour yesterday
between the two parlies was
programme of
T'l'' r . --/Jil :ii-' v|.,,,.e--:n.i;i
f.lrjnrr Edurallon Reporter ^i>tfi'i-il j u i l they \\\\\ Vici ad- cancelled due to the non-ap-
while Ellrtion which wasi co:is1r| ictioiv ne\v buildings f
pearance of any company re-
PA1IKNTS I vised as to schools which; under reconsl^uction. is to uave lot been etompletcd. Th;
presentative — an Indication
iii'-lcnirnt WIMT! VI ! t l i i - i v r h i l i i i T i i m a y i i l t o n d .
1 continue as a ichool « i t h ac- "i's 'slr-.ctcd the extent of new!
that thr company was sticking
t h HI- At the Lyndh-jrsl Methodist cummoriatiun Tor
tnc Lyndhursl enrol: icr.t. and about 30 children:to its stand that no negotia-
C h u r c h Hall, one or the resistra- lia\ e jecn I'ctcrred to the Onr.s- tions would take 'place nntil
T I I' :ln i l ill s '.ion cenfres set up by the Minis- The Rev. Canon A- :11;1:lc by <• 11i-iiiiiion! centre-- This 50 is.
there was a work resumption.
of Education, over 30ft par-|H. Snivthc. sa:d t h a i so as not up of l a i c registrants.Following this, the Island Sup-
['lit" braved the rain to have their;to d i s r u p t tlie operation of the As •ejjards the Hugh Sherlock.crvfBor of 'the NWU has schedul-
lI 1 1 1 c h i l d r e n registered- ; school propi'v, the rcgistva'.ion, Schoo which should have been ed a meeting for tomorrow al
h:i\i At tht Ormsby Memorial Hallil,|would be shifted as fro'n today loioppne d ycslrvdav with accommo- 1.4t p.m., to repovt to workers on
! i He rn^'eil ]i, iniUie
a n o t h e r centre, the registration Buxtcvi School next door ( dntioi ['or 1.201). the Muiistry of the situation.
ar.d !Ki."[ii M'l in for the dav was 547. (
As re™:irds tlie St. Michael's Educ; .—Htion said last niqht that The workers went on strike on
howrvr". rhililrrii been The Ormsby Memorial Halli All-Age. School, where there has
I I . A l l - A n n ^ n l l r t n l l l - h n f c i t U n r a h a i; (Conl.
It on Page 2—Col. 5) I (Continued on Pal* 7)
tinn» wer

Now located atl



Kingston Gleaner, Kingston, Kingston, JM

September 04, 1973, Page 1

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