AC 2203 Economic Development Syllabus

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AC 2203 Economic Development

D. International- Dependence Revolution

WEEK 1 The Complexity of Economic Development E. The Neoclassical Counterrevolution: Market Fundamentalish
A. Economics and Development Studies F. Classic Theories of Development: Reconciling the Differences
B. What do We Mean By Development
C. The Future of the Millennium Development Goals MIDTERM DEPARTMENTAL EXAM

WEEK 2- WEEK 3 Measuring the Economic Development WEEK 8- WEEK 12 Key Elements of Economic Development
A. Real GDP per Capita A. Poverty, Inequality and Development
B. Finding Measures of Economic Development B. Population Growth
C. Beyond Adjustment: New Measures of Economic Development C. Urbanization and Rural-Urban Migration
D. Human Capital
WEEK 4- WEEK 5 Comparative Economic Development E. The Financial Sector of the Economy
A. Defining the Developing World F. Institutions of Sustainable Development
B. Basic Indicators of Development: Real Income, Health and G. Forma Government Institutions
C. Holistic Measures of Living Levels and Capabilities WEEK 13- WEEK 15 –International Economic Integration
D. Characteristics of the Developing World A. International Trade and Development
E. How Long Income Countries Today Differ from Developed B. Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises and Stabilization
Countries in their Earlier Stages Policies
C. Foreign Finance, Investment , Aid and Conflict
WEEK 6- WEEK 7 Classical Theories of Economic Growth and D. Financial and Fiscal Policy For Development
A. Classical Theories of Economic Development: Four Approaches
B. Development as Growth and Linear- Stages Theories
C. Structural- Change Modesl

Grading System

This course will follow the standard grading system of the University as follows:
Assessment Tasks Weight (%) Assessment Reference
Class participation 15 Rubric No. 1
Pre-midterm summative exams and midterm exam 25 Multiple choice, open ended questions
Pre-final summative exams and final exam 25 Multiple choice, open ended questions
Team-based activities presentation 15 Rubric No. 3, Rubric No. 4
Team-based activities portfolio submission 10 Rubric No. 3
Peer assessment 10 Rubric No. 2
Total 100

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