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Piperine—The Bioactive Compound of Black

Pepper: From Isolation to Medicinal Formulations

Leila Gorgani, Maedeh Mohammadi, Ghasem D. Najafpour, and Maryam Nikzad

Abstract: Piperine is the major bio-active component of pepper, which imparts pungency and biting taste to it. This
naturally occurring alkaloid has numerous demonstrated health effects and beneficial therapeutic properties; nevertheless,
its biological applications are limited due to its poor solubility in aqueous environments. This emphasizes an implemen-
tation of advanced extraction approaches which could enhance the extraction yield of piperine from pepper and also the
development of new formulations containing piperine to improve its in vivo bioavailability. This paper presents a review on
the therapeutic and medicinal effects of piperine, its isolation from pepper fruit and the development of new formulations
for its medicinal (pharmaceutical) applications. A thorough review on conventional and advanced separation techniques
for the extraction of piperine from pepper is presented and an outline of the most significant conditions to improve the
extraction yield is provided and discussed. Different methods used to measure and quantify the isolated piperine are also
reviewed. An overview of biotechnological advancements for nanoparticle formulations of piperine or its incorporation
in lipid formulations, which could enhance its bioavailability, is also presented.
Keywords: bioavailability, biological activity, extraction, pepper, piperine, nanoparticles

Introduction although some reports pointed to higher piperine content of black

Herbs and spices have a long-standing history of use in culinary pepper up to 9% (Gaikar and Raman 2002; Agarwal 2010), 4%
and medicinal preparations. The delightful flavor and health ben- of long pepper (Piper longum L.) fruits, and 4.5% of Balinese long
efits of spices have made them indispensable ingredients in food pepper fruits (Piper retrofractum Vahl; Gaikar and Raman 2002).
processing. Moreover, they have found positions in preparations The piperine content of pepper can be influenced by many envi-
of numerous medicines due to their beneficial pharmacological ronmental factors including climate, growing conditions, and its
properties. Among the spices, pepper has occupied a supreme place of origin (Peter 2006).
and unique position due to its characteristic pungency and flavor. Piperine, as the most abundant alkaloid in pepper, was 1st iso-
Black pepper, rightly nicknamed the King of Spices, is the most lated from the extract of pepper by Hans Christian Ørsted in 1819.
important and the most extensively consumed spice worldwide. It was extracted as a yellow crystalline compound with a melting
It is the only spice which is invariably served at dining tables and point of 128 to 130 °C. The chemical structure of piperine was
is an inevitable ingredient of many prepared foods. Black pepper later identified as piperoylpiperidine, with the chemical formula of
has been used for many purposes in the past, continues to be so C17 H19 NO3 , and with the IUPAC name 1-(5-[1,3-benzodioxol-
currently, and will be expected to remain so in the future. 5-yl]-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl) piperidine. Piperine was found to
The value of pepper is owed to its pungency and flavor, which be a very weak base, which upon acid or alkali hydrolysis decom-
is attributed to the presence of a naturally occurring alkaloid, poses to a volatile basic piperine, known as piperidine (C5 H11 N),
known as piperine, as well as volatile essential oils. The volatile and piperic acid (C12 H10 O4 ; Pruthi 1999; Agarwal 2010). 1-
oils, which constitute about 0.4% to 7% of black pepper (Peter Piperoylpiperidine (piperine) exists as 4 isomeric structures: piper-
2006), are responsible for the aroma of pepper, although piperine, ine (trans-trans isomer), isopiperine (cis-trans isomer), chavicine
as the major constituent of pepper oleoresins, imparts pungency (cis-cis isomer), and isochavicine (trans-cis isomer), as illustrated in
to it (Parthasarathy and others 2008). The amount of piperine Figure 1; however, the 3 geometric isomers of piperine have al-
varies in plants belonging to the Piperaceae family; it constitutes most no pungency (Ravindran 2003). Later investigations have
2% to 7.4% of both black pepper and white pepper (Piper nigrum demonstrated the presence of other alkaloids, including pipera-
L.; Ravindran 2003; Peter 2006; Parthasarathy and others 2008), nine, piperettine, piperylin A, piperolein B, and pipericine, all
possessing some degree of pungency in the pepper extract. Nev-
ertheless, the overall contribution of these alkaloids to pungency
CRF3-2016-1265 Submitted 8/6/2016, Accepted 11/2/2016. Authors are with of pepper was found to be small. The chemical structures of piper-
Biotechnology Research Laboratory, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Babol Noushir- ine and its analogs are depicted in Figure 2 (Ravindran 2003; Peter
vani Univ. of Technology, 47148, Babol, Iran. Direct inquiries to author Mohammadi
2006). In spite of controversy over the nature of the compounds
responsible for pungency of pepper, piperine is considered the

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

124 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12246
Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

Piperine Isopiperine

O Isochavicine

Figure 1–Structure of piperine and its isomers.

principal pungent one of pepper as it constitutes around 98% of dissolution is the rate-controlling step in the absorption process
the total alkaloids in pepper (Hirasa and Takemasa 1998) and; thus, of piperine. The pharmaceutical activities of piperine are limited
the piperine content is taken as a measure of total pungency of due to its low water solubility and because use of it at high con-
pepper (Parthasarathy and others 2008). centrations can be toxic for the central nervous and reproductive
In ancient Chinese and Indian medicine, black pepper was used systems (Veerareddy and others 2004; Pachauri and others 2015).
as a natural medicinal agent for the treatment and alleviation of Attempts have been made to develop new formulations to improve
pain, chills, rheumatism, influenza, muscular pains, chills, and the bioavailability of piperine. Use of modern nanotechnology for
fevers. In tea form, black pepper was also credited for relieving nanoparticle formulations of piperine and its encapsulation in lipid
migraine headaches, strep throat, poor digestion, and even coma matrixes are the most recent advancements to overcome its low
(Parthasarathy and others 2008). It was also used for enhancing solubility in water.
the circulation of blood, increasing the flow of saliva, and stim- This paper provides a review on piperine, the bioactive com-
ulating appetite (Pruthi 1993). Recent investigations have shown pound of pepper, and its therapeutic properties. The work focuses
that piperine has chemopreventive and antioxidant activities. It on methods used to extract piperine from pepper, with a detailed
also has immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, stimulatory, hep- review on the most important parameters in the extraction process.
atoprotective, antiinflammatory (Darshan and Doreswamy 2004), The paper also presents recent approaches for the enhancement of
antimicrobial (Yang and others 2002), and antiulcer activities (Bai bioavailability of piperine.
and Xu 2000). Piperine also has biotransformative effects and can
enhance the bioavailability of different drugs such as rifampicin, Therapeutic Effects of Piperine
sulfadiazine, tetracyline, and phenytoin by increasing their ab- Antioxidant activity
sorption, by slowing down the metabolism of the drug, or by a Exposure to radiation and environmental pollutants, tissue in-
combination of the 2 (Atal and others 1985; Wu 2007). Piperine jury, infections, and autoimmune processes can lead to the produc-
shows a protective effect against radiation and so it can be applied tion of free radicals (Bagchi and Puri 1998). Free radicals can cause
to cancer patients before radiotherapy (Raman and Gaikar 2002b). damage which can be alleviated by increasing the concentration
It has also been reported that piperine remarkably increases pan- of antioxidants in tissues. Piperine has antioxidant activity and can
creatic lipase activity and stimulates pancreatic amylase, trypsin, reduce thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and maintain su-
and chymotrypsin (Platel and Srinivasan 2000). Recent evidence peroxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-
suggests that piperine might play an important role in the reduc- S-transferase, and glutathione levels; it also decreases high-fat-
tion of blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose (Mueller and diet-induced oxidative stress in the cells (Vijayakumar and others
Hingst 2013). Some of the traditional uses of pepper and recent 2004). Piperine has liver-protective activity due to its antioxidant
studies on therapeutic effects of pepper/piperine are summarized activity. Experiments have shown that piperine reduces both in
in Table 1 (Srinivasan 2007; Meghwal and Goswami 2013). vitro and in vivo lipid peroxidation and prevents the decrease of
Despite excellent therapeutic properties of piperine, it is slightly glutathione (GSH) and total thiols. GSH conjugates xenobiotics
soluble in water (40 mg/L at 18 °C; Vasavirama and Upen- which are eliminated by further glucuronidation (Kaul and Kapil
der 2014). The low solubility of piperine in water and its poor 1993). Piperine has shown a significant hepatoprotective effect on

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 16, 2017 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 125
Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

Piperanine Piperettine

H H C H2 H2 H2
C C N H2 H2 H2

Piperolein B
Piperylin A

H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H
H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 CH

Pipericine H2C CH


Figure 2–Structure of piperine’s analogs.

acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice due to its radical- Antiinflammatory activity

capturing ability (Sabina and others 2010). Pepper and its main The pathophysiological response of living tissues to injuries is
bioactive compound, piperine, enhance the activity of biotrans- referred to as inflammation, which causes local accumulation of
formation enzymes in the liver in a dose-dependent manner and, plasmatic fluid and blood cells. It is a defense mechanism that
thus, play a chemoprotective role (Singh and Rao 1993). Orally has evolved in higher organisms to protect them against injuries
administered piperine can have a stimulating effect on the digestive and infections; however, the complex events and mediators which
enzymes of pancreas and intestines; and it also increases bile acid take part in the inflammatory reaction can induce or sustain the
secretion (Ulbricht and others 2008). development of many diseases or even aggravate them. For the
Piperine has anticancer and antitumor activity. The antitumor therapeutic treatment of inflammation-mediated diseases, the use
activity of piperine can be due to its immunomodulatory proper- of antiinflammatory agents is effective. Antiinflammatory property
ties, including the activation of cellular and humoral immune re- refers to the ability of a substance or treatment to reduce inflam-
sponses (Sunila and Kuttan 2004). It has been reported that piper- mation or swelling (Sosa and others 2002). Standard piperine, as
ine decreased lung metastasis induced by B16F-10 melanoma cells well as hexane and ethanol extracts of piper nigrum L., have revealed
by the activation of antioxidative protection enzymes and mod- remarkable analgesic and antiinflammatory activity (Tasleem and
ulating lipid peroxidation (Pradeep and Kuttan 2002). The anti- others 2014). The antiinflammatory activities of piperine have
invasive effects of piperine on fibrosarcoma cells have also been been confirmed in many rat models (Mujumdar and others 1990).
reported (Hwang and others 2011). Pretreatment with piperine Piperine also has shown antirheumatic effects in animal models
increased sensitization of HER2− overexpressing breast cancer and antiinflammatory effects on interleukin 1β (IL1β)-stimulated
cells to paclitaxel-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis (Do fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs; Bang and others 2009). It in-
and others 2013). Angiogenesis is a hallmark of tumor progres- hibits LPS-induced endotoxin shock by the inhibition of type 1
sion and is therefore considered as an important target for cancer IFN production, which makes piperine a useful gastrointestinal
treatment. Piperine inhibits the angiogenic process in vitro and ex antiinflammatory agent (Bae and others 2010). Asthma is an in-
vivo; it also has been shown to exhibit inhibition of breast can- flammatory disease caused by irregular immune responses in the
cer cell-induced angiogenesis in vivo (Doucette and others 2013). airway mucosa, with symptoms such as inflammation in the airway,
Reports have shown that in a nude mice model xenotransplanted extreme airway mucus production because of goblet cell hyperpla-
with prostate cancer cells, piperine treatment remarkably decreased sia, and an increase in the thickness of the airway wall. Piperine has
androgen-dependent and -independent tumor growth (Samykutty shown deep inhibitory effects on airway inflammation in a murine
and others 2013). model of asthma due to suppression of Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5,

126 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 
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Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

Table 1–Traditional uses of pepper and recent studies on the therapeutic effect of pepper/piperine.

IL-13), immunoglobulin E, eosinophil CCR3 expression, and by the protein, which modify enzyme conformation due to a decrease
enhanced TGF-b gene expression in the lungs. Therefore, it can in the property of membrane lipids to act as steric constraints to
be considered as a possible immunomodulator by downregulating enzyme proteins. Piperine can enhance the permeation through
Th2 cytokines (Kim and Lee 2009). the epithelial barrier because it can induce changes in membrane
dynamics and permeation features, along with induction in the
Bio-enhancing ability combination of proteins related to the cytoskeletal function which
Bio-enhancers are drug facilitators and in combination with increases the absorptive surface of the small intestine (Khajuria and
drugs they can enhance the activity of drug molecules through others 2002). Experiments have shown that piperine improved the
different routes by increasing the bioavailability of a drug across bioavailability of β-lactam antibiotics such as cefotaxime sodium,
the membrane, increasing the effect of drug by conformational amoxicillin (Hiwale and others 2002), and ampicillin and other
interaction and acting as a drug receptor (Patil and others 2011). types of antibiotics like norfloxacin (Janakiraman and Manavalan
Piperine can enhance the bioavailability of many drugs and can be 2008). The inhibitory effect of piperine on enzymes which are
applied as a bio-enhancer. The absorption of piperine across the in- responsible for the metabolism of these antibiotics in the liver can
testinal barrier is very fast. Studies have indicated that piperine has be the reason for their improved bioavailability. Combinations of
a passive diffusion mechanism, a high apparent permeability coef- the antibiotic rifampicin with piperine considerably enhanced the
ficient, and short clearance time (Khajuria and others 1998). Be- inhibitory effect on Mycobacterium smegmatis as compared to ri-
cause of the nonpolar nature of piperine, it can regulate the mem- fampicin alone (Balakrishnan and others 2001). It has also been
brane dynamics by interacting with lipids and hydrophobic parts of shown that piperine can enhance the pharmacokinetic effects of

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the gatifloxacin, an antibacterial agent, in laying hens by inhibitingfinal product cost. Thus, selection of a suitable extraction method
the enzymes responsible for the metabolism of gatifloxacin in the and extraction solvent profoundly affects the economy of the pro-
liver (Patel and others 2011). Docetaxel is a cytotoxic chemother- cess. Solvent extraction by aliphatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons
apeutic agent and recently has been used as the most impor- is among the conventional methods used for piperine extraction
tant treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (Raman and Gaikar 2002b). Nevertheless, these solvents are not
(CRPC). The antitumor effect of docetaxel in a xenograft model selective toward piperine and, thus, the extract obtained by this
of human CRPC was improved by co-administration of piper- method always contains some major components such as resins
ine with docetaxel (Makhov and others 2012). Piperine was also and gums. For pharmaceutical applications, the purity of piperine
applied for enhancing the bioavailability of acyclovir. The emulsi- should be 95% to 98%. Therefore, the oleoresin extract with 40%
fication solvent evaporation method was used to prepare acyclovir- to 50% purity requires further purifications. The most common
loaded floating microspheres and the effects of adding piperine on method for purification of piperine are crystallization from aque-
the bioavailability of acyclovir was investigated. Results showed ous alcoholic solutions and treatment with aqueous alkali solutions
that using microspheres containing piperine increased the rela- which inevitably reduce the piperine yield (Leonard and others
tive bioavailability of acyclovir compared to the drug solution or 1960). There are many types of solvents used for piperine extrac-
piperine-free microspheres (Khatri and Awasthi 2016). tion including dichloromethane, petroleum ether, diethyl ether
Piperine also increases the bioavailability of herbal and con- (Epstein and others 1993; Kanaki and others 2008), alcoholic sol-
ventional drugs such as resveratrol and curcumin (Mueller and vents like ethanol, hydrotrope solutions, and ionic-based solutions
Hingst 2013). Studies have shown that piperine remarkably in- (Meghwal and Goswami 2013).
creased the in vivo bioavailability of resveratrol by inhibiting its Traditional solvent extraction methods include soaking, macer-
metabolism and decreasing the required dose of resveratrol in a ation, and Soxhlet extraction. These methods usually require long
clinical setting (Johnson and others 2011). Piperine also increased extraction time and/or high temperature which impose the risk
the bioavailability of curcumin and enhanced its protective ef- of thermal degradation of thermo-sensible bio-active compounds
fects against chronic unpredictable stress (CUS)-induced cognitive (De Castro and Garcıa-Ayuso 1998). Moreover, use of a large
disorder and associated oxidative damage in mice. Bioavailability- amount of solvent and poor extraction selectivity can add to the
enhancing of curcumin could be due to preventive effect of piper- disadvantages of conventional extraction techniques. Such draw-
ine on the intestinal and hepatic metabolism of curcumin (Rinwa backs have motivated researchers to look for enhanced extraction
and Kumar 2012). It was reported that curcumin-piperine (Cu-Pi) methods to minimize product loss and produce bio-active com-
dual-drug-loaded nanoparticles were able to overcome low oral pounds with specific quality characteristics. The modern tech-
bioavailability of curcumin and cancer cell targeting limitation niques for extraction of piperine are supercritical carbon diox-
in cancer treatment (Moorthi and others 2012). Curcumin with ide (CO2 ) extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and
piperine-loaded cubosome nanoparticles also improved the oral microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), which are extensively dis-
bioavailability and tissue distribution of curcumin (Tu and others cussed in the following sections. An overview of the conventional
2014). and modern extraction methods is provided here; although some
of these techniques are quite potential to extract piperine with
Isolation of Piperine from Pepper high purity and enhanced yield, they are still underutilized and
Black and white peppers are composed of 2 main components; few works have been published in their regards. A scheme of iso-
namely, volatile (essential) oil and pungent compounds, which are lation of piperine from pepper using different extraction methods
responsible for their aroma and pungency, respectively. Pepper oil, is presented in Figure 3.
which is normally extracted by steam distillation of dried pepper
corns, does not contain pungent compounds and only represents Soxhlet extraction
aromatic and odorous constituents. Because of its aroma, pep- Use of the Soxhlet method for extracting valuable bio-active
per oil is highly valued in the fragrance industry and is used in compounds has a long history. Although outdated, it is still used
high-grade toiletry products and the perfume industry as well as as the reference leaching technique to evaluate the efficiency of
the flavor industries (Nair 2011). However, pepper is highly es- newly developed extraction methods. For the Soxhlet extraction,
teemed as a condiment, around the world, for its pungent and a defined amount of dry sample is placed in a thimble made of
nonvolatile compounds which are found in the oleoresin of pep- filter paper which is then placed in a designated distillation system
per. Oleoresin is the solvent-extractable portion of pepper which containing the desired extraction solvent. The solvent is heated
constitutes around 6% to 13% of black pepper (Ravindran 2003) and the generated vapor is condensed which then drips into the
and possesses odor, flavor, and pungency. It is obtained by re- thimble until the solvent reaches to the overflow level. At this
peated extraction of ground pepper by volatile organic solvents, time, the solution of the thimble-holder which carries extracted
such as ethanol, acetone, ether, dichloroethane, or ethyl acetate, solutes flows back into the distillation flask. Although the solute
and subsequent removal of solvent under reduced pressure to trace remains in the distillation chamber, solvent passes back into the
levels. The organoleptic properties of the so-called oleoresin are solid bed. This process continues until the bio-active compound
determined by its volatile oils and piperine contents whose abun- is fully extracted (Huie 2002; Azmir and others 2013).
dance depends on the variety of pepper and its maturity stage, In Soxhlet extraction, the sample is frequently in contact with
the used extraction solvent, and the extraction condition (Pruthi fresh solvent which accelerates mass transfer and extraction of the
1999). Typically, the oleoresin offered by major producers for sale solute. As another advantage, use of filtration after the leaching step
is reported to contain 15% to 20% volatile oil and 35% to 55% is eliminated in Soxhlet extraction. Although the basic equipment
piperine (Nair 2011). of Soxhlet extraction is simple, it requires a considerable amount of
Generally, an ideal extraction method should be comprehensive, solvent. The most important disadvantages associated with Soxhlet
rapid, simple, and cheap (Benthin and others 1999). In some cases, extraction are lengthy extraction time, solvent loss, and damage to
the cost of extraction and purification steps is almost 50% to 90% of the environment (De Castro and Garcıa-Ayuso 1998).

128 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 
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Figure 3–The scheme of piperine extraction from pepper using different methods.

Subramanian and others (2011) used a double-bypass Soxhlet or water-insoluble organic materials in aqueous solutions (Raman
apparatus (DBSA) for the extraction of piperine from Piper nigrum and Gaikar 2002a). It is a result of the tendency of amphiphilic
and compared its performance to that of conventional Soxhlet. hydrotrope molecules for self-aggregation or possible accumula-
The implemented DBSA was a modified Soxhlet apparatus which tion around other hydrophobic molecules (Bhat and Gaikar 1999).
had a double bypass side-arm instead of one bypass side-arm avail- These accumulations are likely very smaller than micelles of surfac-
able in the conventional Soxhlet extractor. It was hypothesized thattants and much less cooperative. In aqueous solutions, hydrotropes
the developed DBSA could decrease the extraction time and en- show a considerable feature of destroying the lamellar crystalline
hance the extraction cycle. The achieved results approved such structure of surfactants, producing a continuous isotropic liquid
premise when a piperine extraction yield of 3.9% was attained solubility zone (Meireles 2008). Another differentiating character
in 12 h with a cycle time of 8 min using DBSA, although the of hydrotropes, compared to surfactants, is their ability to distin-
extraction yield of 3.8% was obtained within 22 h and cycle time guish between different organic compounds of a mixture, even
of 16 min using the conventional Soxhlet apparatus. Rajopadhye nearly related substances (Raman and Gaikar 2002a). It is this ca-
and others (2012) extracted piperine from the root of Piper ni- pability of molecular diagnostics that is useful for the enhanced
grum by Soxhlet extraction with methanol in 8 h and reached a extraction of a substance from naturally occurring crude materi-
piperine content of 9.56 ± 0.83 mg/g of root. Yamaguchi and als. The high solubilization power of a hydrotrope should promise
others (2011) extracted piperine from black pepper corns by 3 great extraction capacities for insoluble organic active compounds.
methods, namely, solvent extraction, Soxhlet extraction, and su- A good hydrotrope is one which has high water solubility and, at
percritical carbon dioxide extraction. In solvent extraction, pepperthe same time, maintains its hydrophobicity. In fact, it is the balance
was mixed with methanol, sonicated for 10 min and then filtered. between these 2 counteracting characteristic which determines the
The time of Soxhlet extraction was 20 h and methylene chlo- hydrotropic solubilization (Lee and others 2003).
ride was used as the extraction solvent. The total run time for Hydrotropic solutions can extract hydrophobic components
supercritical CO2 extraction was 0.25 h. The amount of extracted from a complex biomatrix by disrupting plant cell structures. Hy-
piperine was 54.9, 52.7, and 56.6 mg/g for solvent extraction, drotrope solutions make the pericarp of Piper nigrum fruits per-
Soxhlet, and supercritical CO2 extraction, respectively. meable thus simplify the selective extraction of piperine. This
extraction process can be explained by possible adsorption of hy-
Hydrotropic extraction of piperine drotrope molecules onto the cellulosic cell wall, destroying its
Hydrotropy refers to the potential of highly water-soluble but structure, and then penetrating into the cell membrane, helping
mild surface-active amphiphilic organic salts named hydrotropes. in disorganizing the amphiphilic lipid bilayer and enabling easy
Hydrotrope additives can enhance the solubility of slightly soluble release of piperine. The extraction agent requires to prevail several

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resistances in the process. Before hydrotrope molecules can access extraction of natural products. SFE uses solvents above their crit-
the dispersed piperine in the cell, they face some resistances in- ical temperatures and pressures with liquid-like densities which
cluding penetration into the cellulosic layer followed by diffusion cause great loading of solutes. This, combined with the pressure-
into the phospholipid bilayer. At enhanced concentrations of the dependent solvating potential of supercritical fluids, makes them
hydrotrope, a greater osmotic pressure also expands through the perfect solvents for separations and reactions (Lang and Wai 2001;
cell wall; therefore, at higher concentrations, a hydrotrope solu- Reverchon and De Marco 2006; Pourmortazavi and Hajimir-
tion penetrates into the cell matrix gradually. There is an initial sadeghi 2007). Kumoro and others (2009) showed that solubility
lag time after which hydrotrope monomers diffuse into the cell of piperine in carbon dioxide increased at supercritical and near-
wall and undermine the liquid crystalline nature of the bilayer; at critical conditions, and it was deduced that the enhancement in
this time the swelling of the cell wall is lost. The aqueous solution piperine solubility was mainly attributed to the increase in CO2
subsequently penetrates into the cellular matrix and piperine is density along with an increase of pressure.
then transported into the external hydrotrope medium; these are Supercritical fluids are very capable to conduct an effective mass
considered the fast stages (Raman and Gaikar 2002a). transfer, permitting better and quicker penetration into sample
Generally, the extraction rate of piperine depends on the con- matrixes and selective extraction of favorable compounds due to
centration of hydrotrope, temperature, and particle size of the their small viscosities and great molecular diffusivities the same
pepper matrix. There is also a distinct relationship between as gases as well as their small surface tension. The most serious
the length of the hydrotropic chain and extraction efficiency. drawback of SFE, compared to traditional methods, is its higher
Raman and Gaikar (2002a) used sodium n-butyl benzene sul- investment costs (Lang and Wai 2001; Herrero and others 2006,
fonate (NaNBBS), sodium cumene sulfonate (NaCS), sodium xy- 2010). However, the overall process (extraction plus separation) is
lene sulfonate (NaXS), and sodium p-toluene sulfonate (NaPTS) almost cost-effective and can be simply scaled up to industrial scale.
for piperine extraction from black pepper. They observed that Liquid carbon dioxide (Tc = 31.1 °C and Pc = 73.8 bar) is the most
NaNBBS was the most efficient hydrotrope in dissolving piperine; common fluid used for SFE because it is clean, noncombustible,
this ability was attributed to its longer chemical chain. Solubiliza- nontoxic, easily available, and of low cost (Mukhopadhyay 2000).
tion also enhances with an increase in hydrophobic volume. This The only disadvantage regarding the use of CO2 as supercritical
demonstrates that hydrophobic areas existing in the hydrotrope fluid is that CO2 has low polarity and might be more suitable for
aggregates provide a microenvironment which is compatible with the extraction of nonpolar compounds. However, this limitation
the hydrophobic nature of piperine. It is also conceivable that the can be overcome by the addition of chemical modifiers such as
presence of a highly hydrophobic solute results in the promotion alcohol (1% to 10% of supercritical fluid) to increase the polarity
of aggregation behavior of the hydrotrope (Balasubramanian and of the solution (Singh 2014). Supercritical CO2 has been used
others 1989). as an ideal solvent for pepper extraction wherein around 98% of
Increasing the extraction temperature causes more lysis of the piperine and 81% of essential oil could be extracted (Peter 2006).
cell and, as a result, the cell wall becomes more permeable to the For successful extraction not only the affinity of the desired and
hydrotrope solution (Subbarao and others 2012). Disruption and undesired compounds toward extraction should be considered, but
solubilization of the cellulose polymer inside the cell wall reduces also mass transfer resistances along the path to the specific location
the contribution of this polymer to the firmness of the cell wall. of the desired compound, which depend on the structure of the
Nevertheless, the enhanced cell rupture at high temperatures de- raw material and can play an important role (Reverchon and De
creases selectivity toward desired bio-active compounds, as extrac- Marco 2006). Temperature is another important parameter which
tion of unfavorable oleoresins is also facilitated at this condition; affects the SFE yield. When temperature increases, the solvent
this eventually decreases the purity of extract (Mishra and Gaikar power decreases due to reduction in the density of supercritical
2009). The existence of phosphorus-reducing sugars and amino fluid (Rostagno and Prado 2013). The most important parameter
acids in the extract phase confirms the premise of breakdown of in SFE is pressure. Increasing the extraction pressure enhances
cellulose as well as partial degradation of membrane proteins. It was the solvent power, but it reduces the extraction selectivity. Some
reported by Raman and Gaikar (2002a) that an extraction temper- other effective parameters in SFE are the flow rate of fluid, particle
ature of 30 °C is suitable for hydrotropic extraction of piperine; size of the sample subjected to extraction, and extraction duration
this temperature was found to be safe enough to only destabilize (Reverchon and De Marco 2006).
the liquid lamellar structure of cell membranes, without disrupt- Vitzthum and Hubert (1978) extracted piperine from pepper at
ing the cellulose polymer, and to enhance the selective transport 350 atm and 60 °C within 3 h using dry CO2 followed by 2 h
of piperine into the hydrotrope medium. Purity of the extracted extraction using wet CO2 at the same condition. They obtained
piperine is also found to decrease significantly when the parti- a yellowish semisolid mass with a crystalline constituent. The ex-
cle size is reduced. With a decrease of particle size, cell breakage traction yield of piperine was 7 wt% and 98% of the piperine
increases and the hydrotrope solution penetrates more effectively transferred to the extract. In another investigation carried out by
into the cellular matrix which leads to solubilization of undesirable Kurzhals and Hubert (1980), piperine was extracted from pep-
solutes along with piperine (Raman and Gaikar 2002a). Raman per using a mixture of CO2 and propane with a molar ratio of
and Gaikar (2002a) observed that the purity of extracted piperine 58.8:41.2 at 52 °C and 78 bar. After 2 h, 98% of piperine trans-
decreases from 98% to 89% with a decrease of pepper particle size ferred to the extract. Sovová and others (1995) extracted piperine
from 710 to 50 μm. from pepper using CO2 at 28 MPa and 40 °C and obtained ex-
traction yields of 6.7 to 7.6 wt%. They also found that the rate of
Supercritical fluid extraction of piperine extraction increased with an increase in temperature because of the
Supercritical fluids are widely used for extracting compounds enhancement of piperine solubility in carbon dioxide. An enzyme-
from natural materials. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), which assisted supercritical CO2 extraction was examined by Dutta and
has recently become very popular in the spice and aromatic crops Bhattacharjee (2015) for extracting piperine from black pepper
industries, is a rapid, selective, efficient, and clean method for the oleoresin under batch and continuous operations. It was reported

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Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

that in the continuous mode, the yield gained by nonenzymatic is determined for the system, based on which the ultrasound appa-
supercritical CO2 extraction at 60 °C and 300 bar within 2.25 h ratus is turned on and off. Large amplitude waves move across the
(as optimized condition) was 4.6 ± 0.4 g extract/100 g dry black liquid medium and the bubbles collapse more explosively when
pepper (1.36 ± 0.02 mg piperine/g pepper), whereas the corre- the ultrasound power is enhanced (Yang and others 2013). Tem-
sponding yield with the batch mode under the same condition was perature affects the solubility, rate of transfer of target compound
2.1 ± 0.3 g extract/100 g dry black pepper (1.23 ± 0.05 mg piper- to the solvent, and also cavitation phenomenon; both the cavita-
ine/g pepper). In comparison, with the continuous mode of en- tion and thermal effects display significant influences on extraction
zyme (α-amylase)-assisted supercritical CO2 extraction, the yield yield. Cavitation is responsible for the implosion of cavitation bub-
of extraction increased by 15% and reached 5.3 ± 0.4 g extract/ bles, which causes great agitation. The thermal effect is responsible
100 g dry black pepper (1.45 ± 0.04 mg piperine/g pepper); this for the greater solubility of solute and improvement in mass trans-
enhancement was considerably lower than the improvement (53%) fer due to a decrease of solvent viscosity (Entezari and Kruus
observed in the extraction yield (3.8 ± 0.2 g extract/100 g dry 1996; Raso and others 1999). In an attempt to use UAE, Rathod
black pepper and 1.36 ± 0.04 mg piperine/g pepper) in the batch and Rathod (2014) used 3 different solvents (acetone, ethanol,
mode under the same operating condition. It was inferred that the and hexane) for extracting piperine from Piper longum, and they
enzyme needed an incubation time to hydrolyze the starch present observed that acetone gave the maximum yield (4.53 mg/g), fol-
in the black pepper matrix. This incubation time was provided for lowed by ethanol (4.32 mg/g), and hexane (4.08 mg/g). Although
the enzyme in batch operations, which resulted in the increase in acetone and ethanol approximately have the same polarity index,
the extraction yield of oleoresin from the pepper matrix. higher yield was obtained using acetone due to greater diffusion
into the solid matrix owing to the lower viscosity of acetone.
UAE of piperine Since the distinction in extraction yield obtained by acetone and
Soxhlet extraction and batch solvent extraction are traditional ethanol was not remarkable in their experiment, and considering
extraction techniques with disadvantages such as lengthy extrac- handling difficulty and the price of acetone, ethanol was selected
tion time, solvent wasting, and labor intensity. Recently, to over- as the preferred solvent. The authors experimented with 1:2.5
come the disadvantages associated with conventional methods, to 1:40 solid-to-solvent ratios and observed that the extraction
new extraction techniques have been developed. UAE is one of yield enhanced with a decrease in solid-to-solvent ratio towards
these techniques. The mechanism of UAE is based on the cavi- 1:10. They also found out that the piperine extraction yield grew
tation phenomenon and thermal effects, which enhance the mass logarithmically up to 18 min, and afterwards a slow increase was
transfer through the cell wall. Moreover, the collapse of cavitation observed with extended extraction time. An enhancement in ex-
bubbles causes better cell disruption by formation of microjets due traction yield was observed when the duty cycle was increased
to asymmetrical bubble collapse close to the solid surface (Mason until the equilibrium was attained at a duty cycle of 80% (48 s
and others 2011). The frequency, acoustic power, gas atmosphere, on, 12 s off). The ultrasound power of 125 W and temperature
hydrostatic pressure, nature, and temperature of the solvent, and of 50 °C were also reported as suitable operation condition. At
geometry of the reactor are among the factors which can af- the optimized condition, maximum extraction yield of 5.8 mg
fect the cavitation (Henglein and Gutierrez 1993). High pressures piperine/g black pepper was obtained.
(up to 1000 bar) and temperatures (up to 5000 K) are created
due to imploding of these bubbles that can generate high en- Ionic liquid (IL)-based extraction of piperine
ergy and also some interesting physical effects (Cintas and Luche Use of ILs as reaction media has increased during the last 2
1999).These physical and thermal effects cause liquid circulation, decades (Jessop 2011; Angell and others 2012). ILs are molten
cell wall breakage, decline in particle size, and increased mass salts, composed of anions and cations with low melting points
transfer through cell membranes (Yang and Zhang 2008). Con- of typically less than 100 °C (Wasserscheid and Welton 2008).
sequently, solvent penetration into the plant body improves and ILs have some unique properties over traditional solvents: low
cell breakage occurs (Toma and others 2001) and, as a result, the vapor pressure, high chemical and electrochemical stability, and
extraction yield in UAE will be increased. Thus, UAE has advan- high polarity (Wasserscheid and Welton 2008; Aparicio and oth-
tages such as better solvent penetration, lower dependence on the ers 2010). The physicochemical properties of ILs, which depend
applied solvent, extraction at lower temperatures, lower extraction on their structures, have a great effect on the extraction efficiency
time, and higher product yields (Mason 1999; Vinatoru 2001). of the target analyte (Cao and others 2009). The nature of the
These features make the UAE attractive as an enhanced extraction ions and their interactions directly affects the physicochemical,
method and also for scaling-up. It could be applied in an extraction thermal, and solvent properties (Huddleston and others 2001). ILs
unit where the plant material directly contacts the solvent. have been widely used for extracting bio-active compounds from
Type of solvent, extraction time, solid-to-solvent ratio, duty cy- natural materials, and it is believed that the hydrophobic interac-
cle, ultrasound power, and temperature are the factors that affect tion between aqueous ILs and the bio-active compounds such as
the extraction efficiency (Mason and others 2011). Selection of the piperine (Cao and others 2009), curcumin (Xu and others 2015),
most appropriate solvent for extraction of the target compounds tannin (Chowdhury and others 2010), rutin, and quercetine (Wu
from the sample is a crucial step in any extraction technique, es- and others 2012) is the main driving force for effective extraction.
pecially UAE. Polarity index, viscosity, surface tension, and vapor Recently, the extraction method has been combined with
pressure of solvent are the factors that must be considered in the UAE (ILUAE) to offer an enhancement with several advan-
selection of a suitable solvent (Sun and others 2011). Low vapor tages over conventional extraction (Chatel and MacFarlane 2014).
pressure of solvent causes less bubble formation, but these bubbles The ILUAE technique provides greater extraction, efficiency, and
implode with higher force; thus, more of the target compound is clearly reduces extraction time compared to common methods.
extracted. Since continuous exposure to the ultrasound may lead It is also an energy-efficient technique and has high potential in
to the degradation of the material, it is always recommended not “green” chemistry (Chatel and MacFarlane 2014). In this regard,
to use the ultrasound in a continuous mode; therefore a duty cycle Cao and others (2009) worked on ILUAE extraction of piperine

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Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

from white pepper. They applied 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium of cell structure from inside. With progression of this phenomenon
(C4 MIM) ILs with 4 different anions (BF− − −
4 ,BF ,H2 PO4 , and and growth of pressure inside the cell, the internal pressure even-

PF6 ) and realized that the extraction efficiency for them was in the tually dominants the mechanical resistance of the cell and brings
order of BF− − − −
4 > Br >H2 PO4 > PF6 because of decreasing hy- about cell disruption. At this time, the organic solvent can easily
drophilicity of these 4 anions. As alkyl chain length increased from penetrate into the cell structure and dissolve the targeted com-
propyl to butyl, the extraction efficiency significantly decreased. pound and then diffuse back into the bulk of the solvent. In fact,
Moreover, it was found that the groups which substituted on the the rupture of the cell wall eliminates the main mass transfer re-
alkyl chain had a remarkable influence on the extraction. Because sistance to and from the cell and enhances the rate of transfer of
of changes in the water miscibility and strength of ILs’ hydrogen the desired compounds into the extraction medium. It has been
bonds, the extraction efficiency of the IL without sulfonic group reported that exposure of dry pepper to microwave irradiation
on the 1-alkyl chain was nearly 30% more than that with sulfonic can increase the temperature to around 300 °C as a result of di-
group. Considering these results (C4 MIM; BF4 ) was selected as electric heating of polar constituents inside the cell (Raman and
the preferred IL. In their experiment, extraction time, concentra- Gaikar 2002b). This high temperature accelerates the hydrolysis of
tion of the (C4 MIM; BF4 ), ultrasonic power, and solid-to-liquid cellulose-solvent linkages that can weaken the cell structure and
ratio were considered as the parameters, which could affect the lead to easier collapse of the cell wall.
extraction steps and extraction efficiency. They reported that the Soaking of materials to be extracted in water, or hydration
maximum extraction yield was 3.577% which was attained using in the other words, leads to an increase in extraction rate. This
(C4 MIM; BF4 ) at a concentration of 2 M and ultrasound power is because of the enhancement of the dielectric permittivity of
of 500 W, with a solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:15 after 30 min. biopolymers, along with hydration, which brings about the fast
dielectric heating (Bayley 1951). The dielectric heating of water
Microwave-assisted extraction of piperine inside the pepper cell creates a primary monolayer of water on
In the electromagnetic spectrum, microwave radiation lies be- protein and lipid molecules which leads to a greater dielectric loss,
tween infrared and radio frequencies. Microwaves have electric and which is a measure of the ability of the material to dissipate the
magnetic fields, which swing perpendicularly to one another in microwave energy as heat, and it improves the heating rate. This
frequencies in the range of 0.3 to 300 GHz. Over the last decades, is followed by distribution of the generated heat throughout the
microwave technology has witnessed extensive growth in several material, through protons and other ionic materials that are ca-
areas. Recently, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) has been ap- pable of travel around the hydrated molecules (Pethig 1985). In
plied for the extraction of volatile organic compounds from many the case of natural materials, including cellulosic fiber, although
types of natural materials. In this method, volatile constituents the strength of the cell wall is very huge (82.7 MPa) and cellu-
absorb microwave energy and evaporate from the solid matrixes lose with significant numbers of hydrogen bonds provides great
and then are recovered by condensation (Chan and others 2011). strength, nevertheless, at temperatures beyond 250 °C some hy-
MAE is considered a relatively selective extraction technique be- drogen bonds become unstable and hydrolyze quickly (Grant and
cause the generated microwave heat acts directly on the molecules Halstead 1998). Cellulose can then rapidly conduct the generated
and the targeted material can be selectively heated based on its di- dielectric heat within itself or the cell due to its ionic conductivity.
electric constant. The mechanism of heating by microwaves is ei- Considering the above discussion, it can be inferred that soaking
ther dipole rotation or ionic conduction (Eskilsson and Björklund of materials in water can be an effective method to enhance the
2000), where the interaction between microwave radiation and extraction rate, as the temperature of hydrated molecules within
dielectric field of polar molecules or ions generates heat. Any in- the cells reaches to levels which are high enough to accelerate the
crease in temperature and pressure accelerates MAE because the disruption of the cellulosic cell wall. Raman and Gaikar (2002b)
extraction solvent can absorb higher amounts of microwave en- showed that the extraction rate of piperine was 6-fold higher when
ergy (Wang and others 2008). In conventional solvent extraction, pepper was soaked in water for 4 h prior to MAE. Among the
mass transfer and heat transfer are in different directions, where samples, those which were soaked for a longer time, and which
mass transfer occurs from the inside to the outside, whereas heat were more hydrated, displayed much greater rates of extraction in
transfer takes place from the outside to the inside. In contrast, in comparison to those which had a short soaking. The efficiency
microwave solvent extraction, both transport phenomena occur of the MAE process depends on the operating conditions and the
at the same time from the inside of the material subjected to the parameters which affect the extraction mechanisms and yield. The
extraction into the bulk of the solvent. Synergistic combination nature of extraction solvent is one of the most important factors.
effects of these 2 transfer phenomena could be one of the reasons Solubility of a target compound in the solvent, solvent penetration
for the enhanced extraction rate observed in MAE (Mason and rate, and its dielectric properties are factors that should be consid-
others 2011). Another feature of microwave heating is its volu- ered when selecting a suitable solvent for MAE. Solvent toxicity
metric heating nature wherein heat can be generated throughout should also be considered. Polar and polarizable solvents can well
the volume of the material, because microwaves can penetrate the absorb microwave radiation, whereas nonpolar and weak polariz-
materials and deposit energy within them. This is unlike the con- able solvents are transparent to microwave radiation and do not
ventional heating in which, heat is transferred from the surface absorb it (Kappe and others 2012). Besides the dielectric heating
towards the center of the material. Thus, MAE can be performed occurring in the cell, the heating effect of polar solvents results
much more rapidly and with higher efficiency as compared to in greater destruction to the cell wall and a more enhanced cell
conventional extraction methods. disruption rate. In this case, however, the potential of the hot polar
When a raw material is subjected to microwave irradiation, the solvent to diffuse within the cell and dissolve the oleoresins leads
volatile compounds 1st evaporate within the cell. The accumu- to lower selectivity (Chan and others 2011). Raman and Gaikar
lation of water and oil droplets and eventually their coalescence (2002b) worked on piperine extraction from Piper nigrum by MAE.
creates a large pressure gradient across the cell membrane. The They examined several extraction solvents ranging from polar to
aggregation of coalesced bubbles causes swelling and deformation nonpolar, such as ethanol, dichloromethane, toluene, heptane, and

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petroleum ether. Their results showed that nonpolar solvents, such performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; Raman and Gaikar
as petroleum ether, gave the highest extraction efficiency, defined 2002a; Rathod and Rathod 2014). In the Kjeldahl method with
on the basis of actual piperine content of raw material, of 94% with which total nitrogen is measured, the estimated amount of piper-
a purity of 85%. Although using polar solvents such as ethanol and ine would be higher than the real amount as it measures all of
moderately polar solvents like dichloromethane, the piperine ex- the nitrogenous compounds including piperittine, cavicine, and
traction efficiency was merely 75% to 80%, with a lower piperine some of the free amino acids present in pepper (Ravindran 2003).
purity of 60% and 72%, respectively. They declared that the higher In colorimetric methods, reagents which can directly react with
extraction yield achieved by nonpolar solvents could be attributed the piperine molecule are used. The 1st method developed relied
to their larger penetration depth of microwave radiation, defined on hydrolyzing the methylenedioxy group of piperine, by chro-
as the depth at which microwave power falls to about half of its motropic acid in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, to
original value at the material surface. The penetration depth of po- formaldehyde upon which a definite color was developed (Graham
lar solvents is smaller than that of nonpolar solvents, as a significant 1965a). In this method, the test results tend to be high too, as other
amount of microwave irradiation is absorbed by them. methylenedioxy group-containing compounds such as piperittine
Microwave power and extraction temperature are 2 other im- will react with the reagent and give a higher false reading (Tainter
portant factors in MAE. During microwave heating, membranes and Grenis 2001). The UV spectrophotometric method is based
of oil globules rupture and the oil aggregates very close to the on piperine absorption in the UV region at 343 nm. This method
cell wall. The protein structures also agglomerate into larger par- is simple and fast and has high specificity for piperine; it does
ticles. At low microwave powers, the coalescence of fat globules not tend to capture other isomers of piperine (Singh and others
occurs within a longer period of time, although at higher powers, 2011). The GC method separates the alkaloids available in the
the confluence of smaller lipid bodies into bigger agglomerates oleoresin and also gives some information about the degradation
takes place at the primary stage of heating, causing quick cell state of piperine (Noyer and others 1999). Recently, HPLC has
rupture and an enhanced extraction rate. However, it is worth to become a more common method for the detection of piperine,
note that high microwave powers cause degradation of thermally and its accuracy is better than the UV spectrophotometry method
sensitive compounds and, as a result, poor extraction yields are (Hirasa and Takemasa 1998). High-performance thin-layer chro-
achieved. Generally, extraction yield increases proportionally to matography (HPTLC) method has also been used for detection of
the power increase, until the increase becomes insignificant or the piperine in herbal formulations (Vyas and others 2013). HPTLC
yield declines (Xiao and others 2008). As reported by Raman and is an enhanced form of TLC intended to increase the resolution
Gaikar (2002b), use of high microwave powers of 300 and 450 W of the compounds to be separated and can provide more accurate
increased solvent loss by 16% to 20%; whereas, at a power level measurements. However, it is not as common as HPLC for detec-
of 150 W the solvent loss decreased to 8%. Temperature and mi- tion of piperine. Analytical methods for the detection of piperine
crowave power are 2 dependent parameters where an increase are summarized in Table 3.
of microwave power increases the extraction temperature. At high
extraction temperatures, the solvent power enhances due to the de- Enhancement of Bioavailability of Piperine
creases in viscosity and surface tension (Mandal and others 2007). More than 40% of the identified herbal compounds are water-
Solid loading in MAE is also among the parameters which affect insoluble (Merisko-Liversidge and Liversidge 2008). Piperine, as a
the extraction yield. Piperine extraction decreases with an increase member of the lipid family, is also only sparingly soluble in water
in solid loading of the suspension. With an increase of solid load- and has a high lipid/water partition coefficient of 179.33 (log
ing, and thus solid particle concentration, stirring of the solvent P = 2.25; Kumoro and others 2009). Despite several astounding
becomes inadequate (Wang and Weller 2006); thus, those particles therapeutic properties of piperine, its low solubility in water and
which are located close to the container surface and face a greater poor dissolution has limited its clinical efficacy. The hydrophobic
extent of radiation will absorb considerably more microwave en- nature of piperine and its poor aqueous solubility is presumably
ergy. In contrast, solid particles which are located in the depth of the main reason for the poor bioavailability of piperine. This is the
the irradiated sample may not absorb the same irradiation dose as major hurdle for its development as a drug from lab to clinic, as the
those located on the surface and thus would be affected to a lower low aqueous solubility of piperine poses a rate-limiting step in its
extent by the incident microwave energy. It has been reported that absorption process. This calls for new formulations to enhance its
with increases in solid loading and sample thickness, the effective aqueous solubility and thus make piperine more bioavailable. So
extraction of piperine decreases due to the lower effectiveness of far, very little has been done in this regard and the reports dealing
microwave radiation on particles located in the center of the con- with formulations of piperine for medicinal applications are very
tainer (Raman and Gaikar 2002b). This implies that when solid scare in the literature; nanoformulations and encapsulations in
loading increases, a higher period of exposure is required to obtain lipid bodies are among the approaches recently used to enhance
the similar extent of extraction. the bioavailability of piperine.
A summary of the implemented extraction methodologies for
extraction of piperine as the bio-active compound of pepper, the Nanoparticles
achieved extraction yields as well as benefits and drawbacks of each Drug delivery systems based on nanoparticles have become of
method are summarized in Table 2. great interest in recent years. Nanoparticles have been used as phys-
ical drug carriers to change and improve the pharmacokinetic and
Detection of Piperine pharmacodynamic properties of different types of drug molecules
There are different quantitative methods for the detection (Mohanraj and Chen 2007). These nanoparticles regularly have
of piperine: the Kjeldahl method (Winton and Winton 1945), particle sizes less than 1 μm and can improve oral bioavailability of
some colorimetric methods (Graham 1965a, c), gas chromatogra- natural products. These systems release a certain amount of a drug
phy (GC; Committee 1984), ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry in specific locations, thereby they affect the pharmacokinetics and
(Singh and others 2011; Vishvnath and Jain 2011), and high- drug distribution in the body (Merisko-Liversidge and Liversidge

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 16, 2017 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 133
Table 2–A summary of implemented extraction methodologies for the isolation of the bio-active compound piperine from pepper corn.

Extraction Variety of Extraction yield Extraction

method pepper (w/w) time Advantages Drawbacks Ref.
Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

DBSA Piper nigrum 3.90% ± 0.10% 12 ±1 h Simple, easy to operate High solvent consumption, Subramanian and others (2011)
long extraction time
Hydrotropic Piper nigrum 90% to 96% a 2h Few purification steps, little or Raman and Gaikar (2002a)
solubilization no foaming unlike the
surfactant solutions.
SFE Piper nigrum 6.7% to 7.6% 2 to 5 h Fast, selective, efficient, and High investment cost because Kurzhals and Hubert (1980),
clean method of the need to make Sankar (1989), Sovová and
equipment resistant to others (1995)
Piper nigrum 1.23% ± 0.05% 2.25 h high pressures Dutta and Bhattacharjee (2015)
1.36% ± 0.02%
Enzyme-assisted SFE Piper nigrum 1.36% ± 0.04% 2.25 h Dutta and Bhattacharjee (2015)

134 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017
1.45% ± 0.04%
UAE Piper longum 0.58% 18 min Short extraction time, higher Requires filtering step and Rathod and Rathod (2014)
extraction yield and more small particle size of sample
comfortable control of
process parameters in
comparison to Soxhlet
White pepper 1.96% 18 min method Cao and others (2009)
ILUAE White pepper 3.577% 30 min High extraction efficiency, Cao and others (2009)
short extraction time,
environmentally friendly
MAE Piper nigrum 94% (extraction 2 min Selective extraction, high Need to wait to cool down and Raman and Gaikar (2002b)
efficiency) extraction yield, short requires more filtration
extraction time steps than UAE

DBSA, double-bypass Soxhlet apparatus; SFE, supercritical fluid extraction; UAE, ultrasound-assisted extraction; ILUAE, ionic liquid-ultrasound-assisted extraction; MAE, microwave-assisted extraction.
a Recovery percentage, as declared by Raman and Gaikar (2002a); the authors of this work consider it as extraction efficiency.

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Table 3–Analytical methods for the detection of piperine.

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Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

Method Procedure Reference

Colorimetric Nitric acid method Piperine in concentrated nitric acid forms an unstable yellow color. When an alkali solution and Graham (1965c)
thiourea are added to it the color changes to red and becomes stable with maximum
absorption at 490 nm.
Komarowsky reaction When piperine is heated with the reagent containing para-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiourea, Graham (1965a)
and concentrated sulfuric acid, a purple color solution with maximum absorption at 570 nm
Phosphoric acid method When piperine is heated in 85% phosphoric acid at 100 °C for 8 min, a stable bluish green Graham (1965b)
color solution with maximum absorption at 635 nm forms.
Column Detector Temperature
GC Capillary apolar column BP1 FID Injector 300 °C, detector 300 °C Noyer and others (1999)
UV spectropho- Piperine is dissolved in ethanol or methanol and the Singh and others (2011),
tometry absorbance is measured at 343 nm. Vishvnath and Jain (2011)
HPLC Column Mobile phase wavelength Flow rate
C18 Acetonitrile: water (90:10) 343 nm 1.5 mL/min Rathod and Rathod
C18 Dichloromethane: methanol (100:4) 343 nm 0.6 mL/min Raman and Gaikar
C18 Acetonitrile: water: acetic acid 340 nm 1 mL/min Upadhyay and others
(60:39.5:0.5) (2013)
HPTLC Toluene: ethyl acetate (70:30,v/v) 343 nm Raman and Gaikar
Benzene: ethyl acetate: diethyl ether 343 nm Vyas and others (2013)
GC, gas chromatography; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; HPTLC, high-performance thin-layer chromatography.

Vol. 16, 2017 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 135
Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

2008). These structures can be considered as very effective drug dence time in the blood stream. They also showed that piperine
delivery system because they have advantages, including slow and lipid nanoparticles improved pharmacokinetic parameters com-
controlled drug release, protection of drug molecules, having par- pared to a piperine solution.
ticle size smaller than the cell, ability to cross biological barriers to
deliver drugs to the target, prolonging the retention time of a drug Liposomes
in the bloodstream, targeted drug delivery, and biocompatibility Liposomes are spherical, closed structures that can be fabri-
that enhances the efficacy of a drug (Benita 2005). Nanoparticles cated from cholesterol and natural phospholipid bilayers and their
as drug carriers also offer several considerable advantages over the size ranges from 20 nm up to several micrometers. Liposomes
conventional drug delivery systems, such as high stability, high ca- are biocompatible, biodegradable, and nontoxic artificial vesicles
pacity for drug-carrying, controlled release of drug, and the ability and can be used as carriers for hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and am-
to deliver both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drug molecules (Pal phiphilic drugs. Water-soluble drugs can be surrounded by the
and others 2011). aqueous center of the liposome, although lipid-soluble drugs are
There are many different methods for the preparation of a vari- inserted into the lipid bilayer of the liposome (Maherani and oth-
ety of nanoparticles, and some of them have been used for making ers 2011; Akbarzadeh and others 2013). Pentak (2016) prepared
piperine nanoparticles. Pachauri and others (2015) worked on a piperine-encapsulated nanosize liposomes by a modified reverse-
preparation of piperine-loaded poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (lactic- phase evaporation method. The size of particles was 100 to 20 nm
co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles, denoted as PEG-PLGA, with the and the highest entrapment efficiency of nanoparticles was 90.5%;
solvent evaporation method, and they investigated its targeted de- the highest release percentage of piperine was observed in the 1st 3
livery for adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy. The average size h of incubation. Priprem and others (2011) worked on antidepres-
of synthesized nanoparticles was 132 nm. They reported that the sant and cognitive effects of piperine-encapsulated liposomes. The
nanoparticles were stable in aqueous solution; and, in addition, pungent odor of piperine was covered with the liposomal encap-
due to a decrease in metabolic rate, these nanoparticles could in- sulation and addition of polymers. The particle size of piperine
crease the bioavailability of piperine and reduce its toxicity, if it liposomes was less than 100 nm and the entrapment efficiency
was used at higher concentrations. The synthesized nanoparticles of piperine was about 60%. Piperine could be delivered to the
could preserve sustained release and targeted delivery of piperine brain when administered intranasally. Faster delivery rate of in-
to the tumor site and they showed antitumor activity against dif- tranasal piperine liposomes to the hippocampus with a higher
ferent cancer cells; they also increased therapeutic capabilities of extent, compared to the oral dose, was observed. The intranasal
other anticancer drugs. In another work, Jain and others (2016) delivery of piperine from the liposomes could decrease the dose
prepared a biodegradable polymeric system containing piperine of piperine intake, whereas its antidepressant and cognitive effects
for cancer treatment. They prepared 30 wt% piperine-loaded were similar to those of oral dosage.
poly[Ɛ-caprolactone]/gelatin (PCL/GEL) nanofibers with diame-
ters between 300 and 400 nm and released. This piperine-loaded Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems
PCL/GEL nanofiber that could release 50% of piperine within Lipid-based formulations for improving the bioavailability and
3 d, showed in vitro anticancer activity against HeLa and MCF-7 solubility of lipophilic drugs have attracted much attention re-
cancer cells. Elnaggar and others (2015) prepared piperine-loaded cently. Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDSs) are
chitosan nanoparticles for brain-targeted therapy in Alzheimer’s isotropic mixtures of natural or artificial oils and solid or liquid
disease. Authors used encapsulation of piperine as an approach surfactants which can have co-solvents (Gursoy and Benita 2004).
to cover its pungency and to prevent the destruction of piperine Shao and others (2015) used a SEDDS formulation for improving
and also to reduce its irritability. They made spherical polymeric the solubility and bioavailability of piperine. Ethyl oleate, Tran-
nanoparticles with a particle size of 248.5 nm and an entrap- scutol P, and Tween 80 were used as the oil phase, co-surfactant,
ment efficiency of 81.7%. These nanoparticles not only improved and surfactant, respectively, because they had the highest piperine
the cognitive effects as well as standard drugs, but also had the solubility. The average piperine emulsion droplet size was 89.82
additional advantage of a dual mechanism (inhibition of acetyl- ± 2.16 nm. The relative bioavailability of the developed SEDDS
cholinesterase and antioxidant effect). They also reported that formulation after oral administration improved by 625.7% as com-
piperine nanoparticles did not have any toxicity in the brain. In pared to the self-prepared capsules. Also, the release rate of piperine
another attempt, Yusuf and others (2013) produced polysorbate- in SEDDS was significantly higher than that of the self-prepared
80 coated piperine solid-lipid nanoparticles (PS-80-PIP-SLN) by capsules. Spontaneous formation of emulsion and small droplet
emulsification-solvent diffusion method as a brain-targeted drug size could be the reason for the quick release of piperine from the
for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The size of nanoparticles was SEDDS formulation. In intestinal absorption studies, the perme-
312 ± 5.1 nm and piperine entrapment capacity of the PS-80-PIP- ability of SEDDS formulation was greater than that of the control
SLN was 68.2%. Results showed that the prepared PS-80-PIP- reference.
SLN effectively targeted the brain, even at low dose of 2 mg/kg
bodyweight. It increased acetylcholinesterase value, decreased the Microspheres
superoxide dismutase value and immobility, and showed better Microspheres are one of the most efficient approaches for sus-
results compared to chemical drug, Donepezil, which is used in tained and controlled drug delivery to a specific site. They are free-
treatment of Alzheimer’s. Results also indicated that the impres- flowing spherical-shape powders made of proteins and biodegrad-
sive therapeutic effects of PS-80-PIP-SLN in Alzheimer’s disease able or nonbiodegradable polymers, and their particle size ranges
treatment was through the reduction of the oxidative stress and from 1 tp 1000 μm (Rastogi and others 2016). Adhesive, floating,
cholinergic degradation. In another investigation, Veerareddy and magnetic, and radioactive microspheres are kinds of microspheres
Vobalaboina (2008) studied pharmacokinetics and tissue distri- that are used in drug delivery systems. In the mucoadhesive type,
bution of piperine lipid nanospheres and observed that piperine drug sticks to the mucosal membrane such as buccal, rectal, ocular,
encapsulation in the lipid nanoparticles increased its mean resi- and nasal mucosa, using water-soluble polymers which have a

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Piperine isolation from pepper . . .

sticking property. In the floating type, the bulk density of mi- investigations have been undertaken for extracting piperine from
crospheres is lower than that of gastric fluid which causes it to pepper and its purification, which is required for biomedical appli-
remain floating in the stomach. Once gastric-emptying occurs, cations, little has been done for the direct use of extracted piperine
the particles will distribute over a wide area of absorption sites for therapeutic purposes. The low aqueous solubility of piperine is
which increases the chance of drug release. In this system the rate the major barrier for its lab-to-clinic development as a drug. Even
of drug release is slow and prolonged therapeutic effect is attained, though some attempts have been made to improve the bioavail-
which decreases dosing repetition (Soppimath and others 2001; ability of piperine through nanoformulations and encapsulation in
Rastogi and others 2016). Boddupalli and others (2012) prepared lipid bodies, it has a long way to go before it can be exploited as a
both floating and mucoadhesive gastro-retentive piperine micro- drug. The preliminary results reported for medicinal applications
spheres using the solvent evaporation method and investigated of nanoformulated piperine are encouraging and, due to recent
their hepatoprotective and antiulcer activities. The particle size advancements in the area of biotechnology, a bright prospect for
obtained for floating and mucoadhesive microspheres was 114.5 ± future therapeutic exploitation of piperine can be expected.
1.05 and 354.4 ± 5.25 μm, respectively. The results demonstrated
that floating piperine microspheres had better protection when Authors’ Contributions
used against gastric ulcers compared to other formulations. They Author Gorgani collected the necessary information, Moham-
showed superior hepatoprotective activity over mucoadhesive mi- madi structured and drafted the manuscript, Najafpour and Nikzad
crospheres, possibly because of their lower particle size. The 2 were involved in critically revising the work; all authors approved
piperine microspheres developed had greater hepatoprotective and the final version to be submitted for publication.
antiulcer activities compared to free piperine.

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140 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 16, 2017 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

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