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Topic: Attitude Towards Assessment of Learning Subject

1. Receiving/Attending - Identify the different types of embroidery stitches.

Enumerate the types of recycling.

2. Responding- Perform the different types of embroidery stitches.

Produce recyclable product using throw away materials.

3. Valuing – Explain the importance of using throw away materials.

Select among the types of stitches and explain its uses.

4. Organizations - Classify the different types of eggs and its uses.

Differentiate the types of recycling through providing
examples on it.

5. Internalizing value- Perform a scenario that shows the important value of

Formulate a poem that shows the importance of love and

1. Affective targets or domain – is the attitudinal based domain consisting of five levels
encompassing attitudes and values. It is the product of the brain that produce the sense
of feelings and emotions that are “ complex “but internally consistent qualities of character
and conscience. Affective is the most valuable target that in every discussion must be
present. The purpose of this is for the students to internalize and feels the greatest value
of every lessons. There are instance that affective are missing and cant observe used in
throughout the teaching process.

Feeling and Associations:

2. In teaching, the presence of affective domain is essential towards the success and
the outcomes of learning target towards your students. As students, it is important that
we have integrated the good values and learned a good character in the daily lesson.
There’s no clear understanding if the lesson didn’t create a positive behaviour that
correspond to attitudes and values. The relevance of the lesson will defer in the target
and the learning outcomes that should be attain.


In series of discussions, learning target is the pathways in order to achieve good

learning. It is also the basis if your students attain the level of learning that a teacher was
set. The domain compose of 3 and it has a greater value in order to put up a better and
understandable lesson. Through the domain the affective, target is minimal to be used
and show to the students. It is the reason that the students didn’t integrate values and
doesn’t learn from the lesson well. This domain has its purpose to uplift the emotional
perspective of the students that creates a higher learning towards the lesson.
Carlos is an intelligent kid In this situation, there is a Carlos should taught a
but never makes it to the difference between his good behaviour especially
top ten if his class academic learning he is an intelligent
because of his attitude throughout his attitude in students. He must know
towards some of his different subjects. There how to limit and discipline
teacher. are instance that students himself in order for his to
may not comfortable of the be a good and
lesson activity or the responsible students.
presence of his classmate It must be a consideration
who makes his more that the learning with
misbehave. Learning values and makes a right
towards behaviour might actions with the used of
be the difficulty of the knowledge learning can
students. attain quality achievement.
Angel is a consistent In this situation, she will be Angel should take it as a
honour student since going to adopt the challenge and she must
grade school and active environment especially prove to them that where
too in extra curricular she belong to the average ever she belong ,she can
activities. Then all of the group of students where in adjust and adopt on it.
sudden, in high school she fact she must be in section The thing that she need to
became an average 1. The changes of do is to make difference
performing students, it environment also might be that will show a good
result when she found out affect her. But the level of character and be a
that there was favouritism. his competitors can beat responsible students.
Grades were adjusted in her if she will seriously
order for some of her cope up her classmates
classmate not be and be good.
disqualified in being part of
the top ten section( due to
technicalities of grade


The learning objectives Students performance

in the process-oriented can be defined as
performance based targeted task that lead to
assessment are stated COMPETENCIES a product or overall
in directly observable outcomes. Product can
behaviours which include a wide range of
exemplify a best practice students works with that
for the particular task. target specific skills.

Learning task need to be The project needs to be

carefully planned a. within the range ability of
identifying an activity the students while the
that would highlight the projects that are to
competencies to be complicated will most
evaluated b. identifying likely frustrated them
an activity that entails
more or less the same
competencies c. Finding
task that would be
interesting and
enjoyable for the

A determined by Descriptive scoring

matching students scheme that are
performance against a SCORING SCHEME developed by teachers
set of criterion to or other evaluators to
determine the degree to guide the analysis of the
which students product or process of
performance meets the the students
criteria for the task. (Brookhart,1999)
FIELD OF STUDY: Technology and Livelihood Education



Step 1: Defining the Purpose of Assessment

GENERAL COMPETENCY: Create Recycled Project


a. Identify the different types of recycling

b. Collect different throw away materials that can be used for recycling.
c. Create a product using those recyclable materials.

Step 2: Identifying Performance Task

Students will be going to identify the types of recycling, then they will going
to move around the campus to look for those materials that can be used for recycling.
They collect those materials in order to create a product, they will think an article that
will used those things as their raw materials. Their output will be evaluated after they
come up an output.



a. Enumerate the different types of embroidery stitches

b. Familiarize the steps given of the different stitches.
c. Perform the proper stitches steps of the different embroidery types.


Students must follow the proper procedure in making the stitches of

embroidery. They should memorize the proper steps given, as well as to name those
stitches they are being demonstrated. This assessment shows the mastery and
familiarization of the students in following specific tasks.


Students should produce a final output of all the stitches with proper
stitching and labelling of those types.

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