Data Gathering

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Name: Redrendo, Glenn V.

Rosillo, Cyveil T.

Raw Score Mean

12 Mean = x1 + x2 + x3 + . . . . xn
16 n
9 =12+ 16+ 9+ 12+ 7+ 13+ 11+ 20+ 9+ 6 +2 +13+ 15 +
12 12+ 13+ 22+ 17+ 14+ 4+ 8+ 17+ 17+ 6+ 15+ 20+ 17+
7 6+ 17+4+ 22+ 7+ 8
13 32
11 = 391
20 32
9 = 12.21 is the Mean Average of the class
13 Median
15 0 244666778899
12 1 1222333455677777
13 2 0022
17 median= ∑ (f)
14 2
4 = 32 = 16th term
8 2
17 12+13= 25/2= 12.5
6 Mode
17 0 244666778899
4 1 1222333455677777
22 2 0022
8 17 is the Mode

Range= Large Value- Small Value
= 22-2
= 20
2 - 12 =10.21
4 - 12 = 8.21
4 - 12 = 8.21
6 - 12 = 6.21
6 - 12 = 6.21
6 - 12 = 6.21
7 - 12 = 5.21
7 - 12 = 5.21
8 - 12 = 4.21
8 - 12 = 4.21
9 - 12 = 3.21
9 -12 = 3.21
11 - 12 = 1.21
12 - 12 = 0.21
12 - 12 = 0.21
12 - 12 = 0.21
13 - 12 = 1.21
13 - 12 = 1.21
13 - 12 = 1.21
14 - 12 = 2.21
15 - 12 = 3.21
15 - 12 =3.21
16 - 12 = 4.21
17 - 12 = 5.21
17 - 12 = 5.21
17 - 12 = 5.21
17 - 12 = 5.21
17 - 12 = 5.21
20 - 12 = 8.21
20 - 12 = 8.21
22 - 12 = 10.21
22 - 12 = 10.21
Average 151.72
Raw Score Mean (x-ẋ) (x-x²)
2 12.21 10.21 104.24
4 12.21 8.21 67.40
4 12.21 8.21 67.40
6 12.21 6.21 38.56
6 12.21 6.21 38.56
6 12.21 6.21 38.56
7 12.21 5.21 27.15
7 12.21 5.21 27.15
8 12.21 4.21 17.72
8 12.21 4.21 17.72
9 12.21 3.21 10.30
9 12.21 3.21 10.30
11 12.21 1.21 1.46
12 12.21 0.21 0.04
12 12.21 0.21 0.04
12 12.21 0.21 0.04
13 12.21 1.21 1.46
13 12.21 1.21 1.46
13 12.21 1.21 1.46
14 12.21 3.21 10.30
15 12.21 3.21 10.30
15 12.21 3.21 10.30
16 12.21 4.21 17.72
17 12.21 5.21 27.15
17 12.21 5.21 27.15
17 12.21 5.21 27.15
17 12.21 5.21 27.15
17 12.21 5.21 27.15
20 12.21 8.21 67.40
20 12.21 8.21 67.40
22 12.21 10.21 104.24
22 12.21 10.21 104.24

TOTAL 151.72 998.67

998.67/32 = 31.21

√𝟑𝟏. 𝟐𝟏= 5. 58 is the Standard Deviation

2 12.5 17.79 22


- Median

- Mean

- Mode

Throughout the gathering of data the graph shows the interpretation of 32 students
who took the Quarterly Examination. It shows that the Average Mean is 12.21, in 16th and
17th term which is 12 and 13 since the total students who took the examination is even
number we get the average of the two so the median is 12.5 while the Mode is 17 since
most of the students got that score.

The Largest Value is 22 while the lowest value is 2 so, the range is 20.

The curve of the graph shows the Positive skewed because the performance of the
students was Low so we added 5.58 to our Mean which is 12.21 so, the result is 17.79

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