The Fellowcraft Degree Relates Sequences of 3

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The Fellowcraft degree relates sequences of 3, 5 and 7 steps.

First we will introduce some visual interpretations of the 3, 5 and 7 steps. Then I will show you a
profound relationship from the 345 triangle to these 3, 5 and 7 steps.

Look closely at the numbers to make sure you don't end up confused. Also make sure you read Masonic
Geometry in the proper order.

You can easily see that the first three steps are related to the first 3 degrees of Freemasonry.

Masonic 3 steps.

The five are related to the senses and the five orders or architectural columns.

Masonic 5 steps.

The seven to the liberal arts and sciences.

Masonic 7 steps.

You can begin to see how the numbers are never just a coincidence, and if you let them, they will show
you how to understand them, and what step to take next.

The 53.13° is the source of the 3 and 5 in the sequence of 3, 5, 7 steps.

It's time to let the numbers lead the way, and trust they will reveal some more details.

Thinking outside the box, looking at the 53.13° tells us two very interesting things:

First, it's not just 3, 5, 7 to 9. The sequence actually begins at number 1.


You can see the 1 in 53.13°, where it would need to be. It's not just a coincidence.

Now we have attention on the entire sequence of odd numbers:

1, 3, 5, 7, ultimately to 9.

Secondly, and perhaps even more interestingly, this 53.13° angle in the 3 4 5 triangle reveals that 345
triangles, in this context, come as connected pairs.

It's not just 53.1°, it's 53.13°

There is a symmetry here, surrounding the number 1. What could this extra 3 be?

That last extra 3 is revealing a connection to another 345 triangle that is paired to this one.

The angle on each of these triangles is 53.13°.

Each triangle relates to the other via the 3.13° in the angle.

They are literally connected together with the values of 1 and 3.

They are wrapped around each other in an unseen dimension.

When paired up in this manner, the 3 and 3 sides join together, such that the number 33 becomes
prominent as the central axis.

Most readers will be aware that this number is generally recognized as the highest degree conferred by
Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

It is interesting how this double headed eagle mirrors the double 345 triangle.

If any of this is correct, we should find the double 345 triangle in other places.

I have studied many Masonic designs and found this hidden double 345 triangle.

My favorite is in this design by George Kenning.

What is amazing is that the double 345 triangles are invisible, but still defined by the objects in the

Look at how the columns themselves arise from the hyptenuse 5 of the triangles, and how each of the
double triangles is associated with one of the ashlars of Freemasonry.

Kenning Double 345

Better still are the endless thoughts that arise from these simple connections. Each of these columns has
a number 3 next to it, relating again to the 33, and also relating each triangle to a particular columnal

Masonic 33.

Here we actually see that the 345 triangle is connecting to the Perfect Ashlar via the Lewis at the
location of this angle 53.13°.

I have found this double 345 triangle in many other places as well, and there is clearly a lot more that
could be said, but this is merely an introduction. I will leave one final reference here.

The Earth and the Moon

John Michell, in The View Over Atlantis (1969), found the following proportions relating the earth to the
moon, prominently featuring the double 3-4-5 triangle surrounding the moon.

THREE : the preeminent number for Craft Masonry (Craft Masonry = the first
three degrees, namely Entered Apprentice, Fellow of Craft and Master Mason.
In the USA this is often called Blue Lodge Masonry).

Possible references include: Three levels of the stonemason's craft (as above). Three
as a symbolic number in the Bible; the Holy Trinity; the three virtues of faith, hope
and love/charity; unity. The third letter of the Hebrew alphabet (G) as a Masonic
symbol for God, the Great Architect of the Universe, the Grand Geometrician.

Saying: Three make a lodge (as in three Masonic officers).

In the three Craft degrees there are:

three principal officers
three original Grand Masters
three supporting pillars
three lesser lights
three greater lights
three movable jewels
three immovable jewels
three raps
three gates
three steps on the Master's Carpets
the three-storied temple
A special meaning for three in the 47th Problem of Euclid

Other connotations include: The first three Masonic lodges, claimed as the
Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple and the rebuilt Second Temple; the number of the
Triangle; a representation of the Deity and the Divine.

NB: Three is recognised as a special symbolic number throughout Freemasonry, and

continues to have additional significances in higher degrees.

For example in Royal Arch Masonry:

The three arch stones;

the three Principals of the Chapter
the three Most Excellent Masters
three equilateral triangles
the triple tau sign

In the Ninth Degree, the three items contained in the Holy Ark of the Covenant
(viz. the Tablets of the Law, Aaron's Rod, the golden pot of manna).



This number is of course two threes placed together. It represents the highest degree
achievable in Scottish Rite Masonry, and is therefore a "supreme" number. Thirty-
three is also a Janus-number, because it is the age at which both Jesus Christ and
Alexander the Great died. So one face represents Jesus, the supreme Prince of Peace,
the other face Alexander, the supreme Prince of War. Thirty-three has other hidden
meanings too.

NINE: Nine is a number representing wholeness and completion as expressed in
the Royal Arch, one of whose meanings is the Vault of Heaven, and therefore is
especially significant.

Possible references include: Three times three; three plus three plus three.

Sayings: Q. How shall I know you to be a Royal Arch Mason?

A: By three times three.

Three Times Three, Under a Living Arch.

(note the three T's in this expression, as also expressed visually in the Triple
Tau sign)

In Royal Arch Masonry:

nine officers
nine raps
nine arches in the secret vault of Solomon under Temple Mount.
the nine-branched menorah
An association with the secret name of God

In the Thirty-Second Degree ( = Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret)

the nonagon (nine-sided figure). This is a primary figure of ritual in this degree. It
contains within it, successively, a pentagon, a triangle and a circle.

Other connotations include: the High Priest (First of Nine); Joshua.


* For information about a surprising link between "3" and "9" found nowhere except
in "The Lion and the Covenant", see the second question on the Readers' Questions

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