Productized - 30-Day Plan

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30-Day Plan

Download the full Productized Web Design Business Vault complete

with sample proposals, cold emails, and worksheets at

Day 1

❏ Watch Lecture 1 - Introduction

❏ Watch Lecture 2 - 30 Days: All that You’ll Accomplish
❏ Download all of the downloadable content for this course at
❏ Print out the 30-Day Plan
❏ Watch Lecture 3 - Who Should Take this Course?
❏ Watch Lecture 4 - What You’ll Learn: Everything I’ve Done to Build a 7-Figure Business
❏ Watch Lecture 5 - What is “Productizing”: It’s the Fastest Way to Build a Business

Day 2

❏ Watch Lecture 6 - Choosing a Market: How to Find a Profitable Vertical

❏ Complete the High-Value Market Finder Worksheet

Day 3

❏ Watch Lecture 7 - Positioning: Give Your Company an Edge, Even if You’re Just Starting
❏ Complete the Buyer Persona Template
❏ Complete the Positioning Worksheet

Day 4

❏ Watch Lecture 8 - Creating Your Service: The Advantages of Staying Focused

❏ Complete the Offering Creator Worksheet

Day 5

❏ Watch Lecture 9 - Pricing: How to Leverage Pricing as a Marketing Tool

❏ Watch Lecture 10 - Recurring Revenue: Yes, ALL of Your Clients are Willing to Pay You
❏ Complete the Pricing and Revenue Goals Worksheet

Day 6

❏ Watch Lecture 11 - Naming Your Company: Finding a Great Name with an Available
❏ Watch Lecture 12 - Branding: Give Your Company a Personality that Your Prospects
❏ Name your company
❏ Choose your company colors
❏ Create your company logo

Day 7

❏ Watch Lecture 13 - Offsprout Demo: Rapidly Build Client Websites Without Code
❏ Create Your Offsprout Account

Day 8

❏ Watch Lecture 14 - Building Your Marketing Site: Drive Traffic and Convert Leads
❏ Build Your Company’s Website

Day 9

❏ Watch Lecture 15 - Getting Your First Clients: Selling Without a Portfolio

❏ Watch Lecture 16 - Writing Your Proposal: Close the Deal with a Winning Proposal
❏ Download the Sample Proposal and modify it for your clients and target market
❏ Complete the Initial Outreach Worksheet
❏ Reach Out to Initial Target Prospects

Day 10

❏ Build Your First Client Website

❏ Keep Track of All of Your Communication Back and Forth

Day 11

❏ Build Your Second Client Website

❏ Keep Track of and Document Your Design Process

Day 12

❏ Watch Lecture 17: Getting Feedback and Testimonials: An Easier Way to Build Up
❏ Setup Your Feedback Form
❏ Reach Out to Initial Clients to Get Feedback

Day 13
❏ Watch Lecture 18 - Email List Building: How to Build a Prospects List that Wants Your
❏ Choose a Topic for Your Email Course Lead Magnet
❏ Plot out your email course

Day 14

❏ Write Your Email Course

❏ Watch Lecture 19 - Installing Your Lead Magnet
❏ Put the Email Course Lead Magnet on Your Site

Day 15

❏ Watch Lecture 20 - Email Campaigns: Nurture and Convert Your Prospects List
❏ Download the Anatomy of an Email Campaign
❏ Set up the Email Course in Your Email Marketing Client
❏ Watch Lecture 21 - Email List Segmentation: The Right Message to the Right Lead
❏ Setup your thankyou page survey

Day 16

❏ Watch Lecture 22 - Blogging Strategy: Drive Traffic and Capture Leads

❏ Watch Lecture 23 - Blog Outreach: Tell People About Your Content
❏ Come up with 20 Blog Article Topics
❏ Plot those 20 posts in the Blogging Calendar Worksheet

Day 17

❏ Write and Post Your First 5 Blog Posts

Day 18

❏ Do Outreach for Your First 5 Blog Posts

Day 19

❏ Watch Lecture 24 - Successful Selling: Building Trust and Getting to “Yes”

❏ Complete the Sales Objections Worksheet

Day 20

❏ Watch Lecture 25 - Cold Emailing: Supplement Your Marketing Leads and Build
Predictable Revenue
❏ Download the Cold Email Series
❏ Edit the cold emails to fit your business

Day 21

❏ Watch Lecture 26 - Design Process: Repeatable Design for Maximum Profit

❏ Download the Design Process Example
❏ Create your design process in

Day 22

❏ Watch Lecture 27 - Project Management: Ensuring Business Runs Smoothly

❏ Download Project Management Board Rules
❏ Create Your Trello Board

Day 23

❏ Watch Lecture 28 - Providing Support: Keeping Clients Happy

❏ Set Up the Offsprout Site Grower

Day 24

❏ Write 4 More Blog Posts with Lead Magnets

❏ Post One of Them

Day 25

❏ Do Outreach for the Previous Blog Post

❏ Pitch a Guest Blog Post

Day 26

❏ Watch Lecture 29 - Building Templates: Better-Looking Client Websites Faster

❏ Build 3 site templates and 3 page templates for your business

Day 27

❏ Watch Lecture 30 - The Offsprout Site Grower: Optimize Your Setup Process
❏ Configure your Site Grower

Day 28

❏ Watch Lecture 31 - Branding Offsprout: White Label the Offsprout Platform

❏ Brand Offsprout for your brand
Day 29

❏ Prospect for cold emailing using a service such as Leadfuze or

Day 30

❏ Set up your cold email sequence and send out 20 cold emails

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