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Jointly liable debtors and solidary creditors, and vice


Art. 1207 1. A, B, C and D are jointly liable to E and F who

are solidary creditors the amount of P1,000,000.
Joint Obligation, defined E or F (NOT E and F) may demand the payment
• Each obligor only answers for a part of the of P250,000 from each debtor. E shall then
whole liability and to each obligee belongs provide F his share of the proceeds.
only a part of the correlative right. 2. A, B, C and D are solidarily liable to E and F who
• “To each his own” are joint creditors for the amount of P1,000,000.
E and F may only demand from A, B, C or D the
Examples: amount of P500,000.00. The other debtors shall
• A, B, C and D are jointly liable for P1,000,000 to then reimburse the debtor who paid the full
E. E may only demand P250,000.00 from each amount of the obligation (respective to the
debtor. (1,000,000/4 debtors) demands of each of the joint creditor)
• A, B, C and D are jointly liable to E and F who
are joint creditors. E may demand P125,000.00 Art. 1208
from each debtor. F has the same right as E.
(P1,000,000.00/8) Presumption of Joint Liability
As a general rule, when there are two or more debtors or
Solidary Obligation, defined two or more creditors, the obligation is joint and as a
• relationship between an active and passive consequence:
subject is so close that each of the former or 1. The debt shall be divided into as many shares
the latter may demand the fulfillment of or as there are creditors or debtors
must comply with the obligation. 2. The credits or debts shall be DISTINCT from
each other. However, regarding the bringing
• “One for all. All for one.”
of action in court, the Rules of Court
governing the multiplicity of suits shall be
• A, B, C and D are solidarily liable to E for
P1,000,000.00. E may demand for the full
“Shall be divided into as many shares as there are
amount of the obligation from any of the debtors
creditors or debtors”
(i.e.: E may demand from A, B, C or D) and the
other debtors shall reimburse the debtor who In joint obligations, the different shares of the debt or
paid for the full amount of the obligation with credit are considered DISTINCT from each other.
their respective shares of the obligation.
• A, B, C and D are solidarily liable to E and F who Example:
are likewise solidary creditors. E or F may A and B is jointly liable to C for P1,000,000. A became
demand for the whole payment of the obligation insolvent. How much is B’s obligation to C?
from any of the debtors. (i.e.: E or F may
demand from A, B, C or D) and the debtors shall YES. B is liable to C in the amount of P500,000 since
reimburse the debtor who paid the full amount of the two debts (A’s debt and B’s debt) are considered
the obligation. DISTINCT from each other.

GENERAL RULE “Regarding the bringing of action in court, the Rules of

When there are TWO OR MORE DEBTORS or TWO OR Court governing the multiplicity of suits shall be followed”
MORE CREDITORS, absent any stipulations in the
contract, the obligation is JOINT. We have already established that the debts or credits
arising from the obligation is considered DISTINCT from
EXCEPTIONS: each other. It follows then that a creditor may sue a
1. When there is a stipulation in the contract debtor for his/her share of the obligation, but in view of
2. When the nature of the obligation requires the fact that the Rules of Court aims to obtain a just,
liability to be solidary speedy and inexpensive determination of every
3. When the law declares the obligation to be action or proceeding it would be much better to sue
a. Obligations arising from tort (damages) TIME.
b. Obligations arising from quasi-contracts
c. Legal provisions regarding the
obligations of devisees and legatees
d. Liability of principals, accomplices and
accessories in a felony/delict
e. bailees in commudatum
Synonymous terms Example to better illustrate Art. 1209:
Joint Obligation:
• mancomunada A, B, C are jointly liable to give a car to D, E and F who
• mancomunada simple are joint creditors. The car is worth P 1,200,000.
• proportionate
• pro rata *This obligation involves a joint indivisible obligation
• “We promise to pay” when there are two or more since: (1) it is a joint obligation and (2) the object (car) in
signatures this obligation is indivisible.

Solidary Obligation: A is insolvent; therefore, the debtors are unable to

• joint and several purchase a car to give to the creditors. E renounced his
• in solidum rights to the obligation.
• mancomunada solidaria
*What happens now is the obligation is converted into an
• juntos o separadamente
obligation to give indemnity for damages. Computation
• individually and collectively are as follows:
• each will pay the whole value
• “I promise to pay” when there are two or more 1,200,000/ 3 debtors = 400,000 liability for each debtor
400,000/2 creditors = each creditor can claim 200,000
Liability in partnerships from each debtor (i.e.: D can claim 200K from B; F can
General rules: claim 200K from B) and both D and E have creditor’s
• If it came from a contract, the liability is joint rights over an insolvent debtor over A.
o Exception: If dependents of an
employee claim compensation for an Since E renounced his rights to the obligation, E can no
employee’s death the liability is solidary longer gain anything from the obligation.
(Liwanag v. WCC)
• If it arose from a crime or a quasi-delict the Art. 1210
liability is solidary Gist:
Indivisibility does not automatically presume that the
Agent Joint liability unless it is obligation is solidary nor does a solidary obligation
stipulated to be solidary automatically presume that the obligation is indivisible.
Co-principals Solidary
After exhaustion of Indivisibility – of the subject matter/prestation (i.e.: car,
Husband and Wife conjugal properties, joint pencil, etc.)
liability to creditors Solidary – pertains to the tie between the parties (i.e.:
Violators of Art. 19-22 of Solidary solidary creditors/ solidary debtors)
Civil Code
Kinds of obligations as to divisibility:
Primary and Solidary 1. Joint divisible obligation
a. A, B and C are jointly liable to D for
Employer’s Liability for If injured party does not P1,000,000.00
the Tortious Acts of appeal the court’s 2. Joint indivisible obligation
Employee erroneous decision a. A, B and C are jointly liable to give this
holding the employer to car to D
be merely subsidiarily 3. Solidary divisible obligation
liable, the same becomes a. A, B and C are solidarily liable to D for
res judicata P1,000,000.00
4. Solidary indivisible obligation
Art. 1209 a. A, B and C are solidarily liable to give
This article pertains to joint obligations with an this car to D
indivisible object or prestation.
Kinds of solidary obligations:
Example: As to parties:
A and B is jointly liable to give C a car. 1. Active solidarity – creditors are solidary
2. Passive solidarity – debtors are solidary
This type of obligation is midway between a joint 3. Mixed solidarity – either the creditors or debtors
obligation and a solidary obligation. It is joint in that: are solidary
1. No creditor can do an act prejudicial to the other As to method:
joint creditors 4. Conventional solidarity – agreed by the parties
2. No debtor can be made to answer for the and stipulated in contract
obligation of the other joint debtors 5. Legal solidarity – imposed by law
Art. 1211 Art. 1214

This article pertains to solidary obligations that are This article pertains to whom a debtor may pay
subject to different terms and conditions. whenever a demand has been made by a creditor—be it
judicial or extrajudicial. This article only applies to
Illustration: solidary obligations.

A and B bound themselves to pay in solidum to C, D, E General rule:

and F the amount of P1,000,000.00, subject to the In solidary obligations, debtor may pay any of the
following conditions: solidary creditors the full amount of the obligation, or in
• C pass the bar cases of solidary obligations subject to different terms
• D paints the house of F and conditions, the share that is due and demandable.

*In this case, E and F may each claim P250,000 from Exception:
either A or B. C and D can only claim their share When a solidary creditor has made a demand—be it
(P250,000 each) upon the satisfaction of the agreed judicial or extrajudicial—then any of the debtor must
conditions. make the payment to the demanding solidary creditor.

A, B, C and D bound themselves to pay in solidum to X Illustrations:

the sum of P1,000,000 subject to the following A and B are solidarily liable to C, D and E, solidary
conditions: creditors, for the amount of P1,000,000. C makes a
• A will pay on 2005 judicial demand for payment. Can A pay D the full
• B will pay on 2006 amount instead?
• C to pay when he passes the bar
• D to pay when he finishes repairing Z’s house *No. In this case, C makes the demand so the full
payment must be made to him instead.
*On 2005, X can claim from any of the debtors A’s share
(P250,000). A and B are solidarily liable to C, D and E, solidary
creditors, for the amount of P1,000,000. C makes an
*When D finishes repairing Z’s house, X can claim from extrajudicial demand for payment upon A who does not
any of the debtors D’s share of the obligation. pay. Can D and E sue A?

Art. 1212 *Yes. In this case, C’s inaction may cause prejudice to
the other solidary creditors. The law should not be
Creditors may do whatever is beneficial to the other co- construed as to effect an absurdity. We cannot expect D
creditors but not prejudicial to the others. and E to stand idly by since C does not institute a judicial
Example of Beneficial Act:
To interrupt the running of prescription by suing a Art. 1215
solidary liable debtor.
Novation, compensation, confusion or remission of the
Example of a prejudicial act: debt, made by any creditor with any debtor shall
Anything that should not be performed, otherwise, there extinguish the obligation, without prejudice to the
will be a liability for damages provisions of Art. 1219. Creditor who executed any of
these acts is liable to other co-creditors for the share
Art. 1213 in the obligation corresponding to them.

A solidary creditor CANNOT assign his rights without the Terms, defined:
consent of his co-creditors. Novation – modification of an obligation by changing its
object or principal conditions, or by substituting the
General Rule person of the debtor, or by subrogating the person of the
A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights debtor, or subrogating a third person in the rights of the
When his/her co-creditors consent to the assignment Example:
A and B are solidarily liable to X and Y who are solidary
The reason for this rule is that a solidary obligation creditors for the amount of P1,000,000. A and X agreed
implies mutual agency and mutual confidence. Should to have A paint X’s house instead.
the assignee do any acts that are prejudicial to the other
creditors, their rights are endangered—hence, the *The obligation to pay P1,000,000 is extinguished in this
necessity of their consent. case and a new obligation (obligation to paint X’s house)
has arisen. If B did not consent to this, he is NOT
BOUND in any way to X and Y and is only obliged to Illustration:
give A up to where he has benefitted. On the creditors A and B are solidarily liable to C and D for the amount of
side, if Y did not consent to the novation, X must P1,000,000. C tells A that he is waiving the entire
reimburse Y for his share of the obligation—in this case obligation.
*The obligation is extinguished. C is liable to give D his
Extension of time: share in the obligation (P500,000).
Only applies to the party who is expressly stated to
benefit from such. Art. 1216

Illustration: This article pertains to which debtor the creditor may

A and B are solidarily liable to C and D who are solidary proceed against in cases of solidary obligations.
creditors for the amount of P1,000,000. A is granted an
extension of time until the end of 2020. Before 2020 The creditor may proceed against any, some or all of the
ends, can C demand payment from B? debtors—simultaneously. The judicial demand against
one of the solidary debtors shall not be an obstacle to
*Yes. B is not covered by the time extension so C or D future proceedings against the other debtors in the
may demand for the payment of B’s share of P500,000. future, provided the obligation has not been fully
However, by the end of 2020, C or D may demand B for satisfied.
the payment of A’s share of P500,000. This is a solidary
liability after all. Illustration:

Compensation – takes place when two persons are A, B and C are solidarily liable to D and E for the amount
creditors and debtors of each other. of P300,000.
a. Total Compensation
b. Partial Compensation The creditor may proceed/demand against:
1. Any of the debtors (A, B or C)
Illustration: 2. Some of the debtors (A and B, or B and C, or A
Total Compensation: and C)
A and B are solidarily liable to C and D the amount of 3. All of the debtors (A, B and C)
P1,000,000. However, C is liable to A for P1,000,000 as
well. In case the creditor decides to proceed against any one
of the debtors or some of the debtors, the remaining
*In this case, the obligation is automatically extinguished debtors not yet proceeded against, are not waived. They
by virtue of total compensation. Since it was A’s credit can still be subject of a judicial demand provided that
that caused the extinguishment of the obligation, B the obligation has not been fully satisfied.
should not take the full compensation. B is obliged to
give A his share of the liability (P500,000). Likewise, so Art. 1217
as not to prejudice D, C is obliged to give D his share
(P500,000) Payment by any of the solidary creditors of the full
amount of the obligation extinguishes the obligation. If
Partial Compensation two or more debtors offer to pay, the creditor may
A and B are solidarily liable to C and D the amount of choose which offer to accept.
P1,000,000. However, C is liable to A for P800,000. The
obligation is still subsisting—the debtors are now He who made the payment may claim from his co-
obligated to pay P200,000. debtors their respective share of the obligation. If
payment is made before due date, NO INTEREST MAY
Confusion/Merger – takes place when the characters of BE DEMANDED. (refunds clause) The right for
the creditor and debtor are merged in the same person. reimbursement only occurs AFTER PAYMENT HAS
Remission/Waiver – takes place when the creditor
condones the entire obligation. As an effect, the entire When one of the debtors cannot reimburse his co-
obligation is extinguished. In case of solidary creditors, creditors of his share due to insolvency, such share
the creditor who waived the entire obligation is now shall be absorbed by his co-creditors in proportion to
obliged to give his co-creditor(s) their share in the the debts of each. The nature of liability of
obligation. reimbursement is joint, but not the ordinary joint
a. Total waiver obligation, since when one cannot reimburse due to
b. Partial waiver insolvency, his share is shouldered by his co-debtors.

Payment, defined
Payment consist in the delivery of the thing or rendition
of the service which is the object of the obligation
Art. 1218 Art. 1221

This article pertains to payment of an obligation that has Lost without fault of solidary debtors
already prescribed or is declared illegal. Payment for • The obligation is extinguished
obligations of the aforementioned natures shall NOT
entitle the payor for reimbursement from his co-debtors. Lost due to fault of any of the solidary debtors
• The solidary debtors shall be liable for the price
This article only applies to solidary obligations. of the thing lost plus damages and interest

Payment of prescribed debt Lost due to fortuitous event but after a solidary debtor
Illustration: • The solidary debtors shall be liable for the price
A, B and C are solidarily liable to pay D P1,000,000. The of the thing lost plus damages and interest.
obligation has prescribed. A feeling morally obliged to However, those who did not have any hand in
pay D, did so and paid the entire amount of P1,000,000. the default, can demand reimbursement from the
defaulting solidary debtor
*In this case, A do not have a right for reimbursement
pursuant to the provisions of Art. 1218. A also cannot Art. 1222
reclaim the amount from C pursuant to Art. 1424 of the
Civil Code. This article pertains to actions filed by the creditor.

*In case, A did not know that the obligation has Kinds of defenses available to solidary debtors:
prescribed, he may reclaim the said amount from C on 1. Those derived from the nature of the obligation
the grounds of solutio indebiti (unjust enrichment) (complete defense)
a. lack of cause
Payment of illegal obligations b. absolute simulation
A, B and C are solidarily liable to pay D P1,000,000 for c. illegal consideration
some prescription drugs. A law was then passed d. extinguishment of the obligation
banning the sale of such prescription drugs. e. non-fulfillment of the suspensive
*Since it is now an illegal obligation, A no longer has a f. Statute of Frauds
right for reimbursement pursuant to Art. 1218. g. when ALL debtors are incapacitated to
give consent
Art. 1219 h. when ALL debtors were forced or
intimidated (vitiated consent)
This article pertains to remission of the obligation of one 2. Those personal to the debtor sued
of the debtors. This act DOES NOT remove his a. Vitiated consent-Complete
responsibility of reimbursing the paying debtor in case b. Incapacity to give consent-Complete
the said debt was paid BEFORE the remission. Since c. Non-fulfillment of condition imposed-
payment extinguishes the obligation, there is nothing to Partial
remit. d. Non-arrival of term-Partial
3. Those personal to other co-debtors
This article applies only to solidary obligations. a. Same as (2)

Illustration: Illustration:
A, B and C are solidarily liable to D for P1,200,000. D A, B, C and D are solidary debtors to X for P1,000,000.
remitted C’s share then A only paid P800,000. Can A be
reimbursed for the shares of B and C? 1. If A’s consent was acquired through intimidation,
what are the solidary debtors’ defenses?
*A can only be reimbursed with B’s share (400,000) a. A= complete defense, not liable
since C’s obligation was remitted before the payment of b. B=partial defense, liable for P750,000
A. However, should B be insolvent, C must shoulder B’s c. C=partial defense, liable for P750,000
share of the obligation and should reimburse A of B’s d. D=partial defense, liable for P750,000

Art. 1220

When the entire obligation has been remitted before one

of the solidary debtor has paid such, the debtor shall
have no right of reimbursement from his co-debtor.
Since there was no payment, what’s there to reimburse?

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