Attachment - 1578298317573110001 - Attach - 137975909564870000 - 1578298317573110001 - SalesOrders API

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The Zoho Commerce API allows you to perform all the operations that you do with our web
client. Zoho Commerce API is built using REST principles which ensures predictable URLs that
makes writing applications easy. This API follows HTTP rules, enabling a wide range of HTTP
clients can be used to interact with the API. Every resource is exposed as a URL. The URL of each
resource can be obtained by accessing the API Root Endpoint.

Zoho REST APIs uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize and authenticate calls (The above
approach of authentication via Authtoken will be deprecated soon). It provides secure access to
protect resources thereby reducing the hassle of asking for a username and password everytime
a user logs in. Follow the steps listed here, to access Zoho’s APIs using OAuth 2.0

Step 1: Registering New Client

You will have to first register your application with Zoho's Developer console in order get your
Client ID and Client Secret.

To register your application, go to and click on Add

Client ID. Provide the required details to register your application.

On successful registration, you will be provided with a set of OAuth 2.0 credentials such as a
Client ID and Client Secret that are known to both Zoho and your application. Do not share this
credentials anywhere.

Step 2: Generating Grant Token

Redirect to the following authorization URL with the given params 

Parameter Description

scope * SCOPE for which the token to be generated.

Multiple scopes can be given which has to be
separated by commas. 
Ex : ZohoCommerce.fullaccess.all
client_id * Client ID obtained during Client
Registration state. An opaque string that is
round-tripped in the protocol; ie., whatever
value given to this will be passed back to you.

response_type * code

redirect_uri * One of the redirect URI given in above step.

This param should be same redirect url
mentioned while registering the Client

access_type The allowed values are offline and online. The

online access_type gives your application only
the access_token which is valid for one hour.
The offline access_type will give the
application an access_token as well as a
refresh_token. By default it is taken as online.

prompt Prompts for user consent each time your app

tries to access user credentials. Ex: Consent

 Note: Fields with * are mandatory

On this request, you will be shown with a "user consent page".
Upon clicking “Accept”, Zoho will redirect to the given redirect_uri with code and state param.
This code value is mandatory to get the access token in the next step and this code is valid for 60
On clicking “Deny”, the server returns an error

Step 3: Generate Access and Refresh Token

After getting code from the above step, make a POST request for the following URL with given
params, to generate the access_token.

Parameter Description

code* code which is obtained in the above step

client_id * Client ID obtained during Client Registration

client_secret* Client secret obtained during Client

redirect_uri* This param should be same redirect url
mentioned while adding Client

grant_type* authorization_code

scope SCOPE for which token to be generated. Ex :

ZohoBooks.fullaccess.all. Multiple scopes has
to be separated by commas.

state An opaque string that is round-tripped in the

protocol; that is to say, value will be passed
back to you.

 Note: Fields with * are mandatory

In the response, you will get both access_token and refresh_token.
1. The access_token will expire after a particular period (as given in expires_in param in the
2. The refresh_token is permanent and will be used to regenerate new access_token, if the
current access token is expired.
Note: Each time a re-consent page is accepted, a new refresh token is generated. The maximum
limit is 20 refresh tokens per user. If this limit is crossed, the first refresh token is automatically
deleted to accommodate the latest one. This is done irrespective of whether the first refresh
token is in use or not. 

Step 4: Generate Access Token From Refresh Token

Access Tokens have limited validity. In most general cases the access tokens expire in one hour.
Until then, the access token has unlimited usage. Once it expires, your app will have to use the
refresh token to request for a new access token. Redirect to the following POST URL with the
given params to get a new access token

Parameter Description

refresh_token REFRESH TOKEN which is obtained in the

above step

client_id  Client ID obtained during Client Registration

client_secret Client secret obtained during Client

redirect_uri This param should be same redirect url
mentioned while registering Client

grant_type refresh_token

Request Example : 

Step 5: Revoking a Refresh Token

To revoke a refresh token, call the following POST URL with the given params

Parameter Description

refresh_token REFRESH TOKEN which is to be revoked

Request Example : 

Step 6: Calling An API

Access Token can be passed only in header and cannot be passed in the request param.
Header name should be Authorization
Header value should be Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}
Organization ID

In Zoho Commerce, your business is termed as an organization. If you have multiple businesses,
you simply set each of those up as an individual organization. Each organization is an
independent Zoho Commerce Organization with it’s own organization ID, base currency, time
zone, language, contacts, reports, etc.

The parameter organization_id along with the organization ID should be sent in with every API
request to identify the organization.

The  organization_id can be obtained from the  GET /organizations API’s JSON response.
Alternatively, it can be obtained from the Manage Organizations page in the admin console:
Login to the Zoho Inventory admin console. Click the drop down with organization’s name as the
label and click Manage Organizations.

Request Example

HTTP Methods

Zoho Commerce API uses appropriate HTTP verbs for every action.

Method Description

GET  Used for retrieving resources.

POST Used for creating resources and performing

resource actions.

DELETE Used for deleting resources.

Using GET method, you can get the list of resources or details of a particular instance of a
To get a list of salesorders

To get the details of a contact referred to by a specified salesorder_id


Responses will be in the JSON format.

Node Name Description

code Zoho Commerce error code. This will be zero

for a success response and non-zero in case of
an error.

message Message for the invoked API.

resource name Comprises the invoked API’s Data.

The response structure for the salesorders API follows the below format.

Other Formats

Certain APIs support csv and pdf formats as well for which the required response format needs
to be specified in the respective request’s Accept header or accept query parameter.


All timestamps are returned in the ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD.

Example: 2016-06-11T17:38:06-0700

Request Example
Response Header Example

Zoho Commerce uses HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of an API call. In general,
status codes in the 2xx range means success, 4xx range means there was an error in the provided
information, and those in the 5xx range indicate server side errors. Commonly used HTTP status
codes are listed below.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Code  Description

200 Success: The request was successfully


201 Created: The request was a success and one

or more resources have been created.

400 Bad request: The request cannot be

performed. Usually because of malformed
parameter or missing parameter.

401 Unauthorized (Invalid AuthToken): Request

was rejected because of invalid AuthToken.

404 URL Not Found: The URL you’ve sent is

wrong. It’s possible that the resource you’ve
requested has been moved to another URL.

405 Method Not Allowed: The requested

resource does not support the HTTP method
used. For example, requesting List of all
salesorders API with PUT as the HTTP

429 Too many requests: Too many requests

within a certain time frame. To know more
about api call limits, click here.

500 Server error:  Zoho Commerce server

encountered an error which prevents it from
fulfilling the request. Although this rarely
happens, we recommend you to contact us
at if you
receive this error.

Request Example

Response Example

Zoho Commerce provides APIs to retrieve lists of products, salesorders and other resources -
paginated to 200 items by default. The pagination information will be included in the list API
response under the node name page_context.

* By default first page will be listed. For navigating through pages, use the page parameter.

* The per_page parameter can be used to set the number of records that you want to receive in


API Call Limit

API calls are limited to provide better quality of service and availability to all the users. You can
send a maximum of 1000 API requests per day per organization during the free plan. However, if
the organization is on a paid plan you can send up to 2500 API requests per day per

A sales order is a financial document that confirms an impending sale. It details the exact
quantity, price and delivery details of the products or services being sold. Perform the simple
operations mentioned below to retrieve your Sales Orders.


Header Values
Authorization Zoho-oauthtoken
X-com-zoho-store-organizationid 58927961

Attribute Description
salesorder_id long:  Unique ID generated by the server for
the Sales Order. This is used as identifier.
salesorder_number string: The Sales Order number. This is unique
for each sales order.
date string: The date for the Sales Order.
order_status string: The current status of the Sales Order. 
Values: pending, confirmed, completed,  retu
rned, cancelled and declined.
shipment_date string: Shipment date of the Sales Order.
reference_number string: Reference number of the Sales Order.
customer_id long:  Unique ID generated for the customer.
This is used as an identifier.
customer_name string: Name of the customer.
currency_id long:  Unique ID generated by the server for
the currency. This is used as an identifier.
currency_code string: Currency code.
currency_symbol string: The symbol for the selected currency.
total double: Total amount of the Sales Order.
is_emailed boolean: Checks whether the Sales Order has
been emailed to the customer or not.
created_time string:  Time at which the Sales Order was
last_modified_time string:  Time at which the sales order details
were last modified.
contact_persons list:  Person/Individual who represents a
billing_address object: Billing address of the contact.
shipping_address object: Customer's shipping address to which
the goods must be delivered.
exchange_rate double:  Exchange rate of the currency, with
respect to the base currency.
discount_amount double:  Discount to be applied on the Sales
discount double: The percentage of Discount applied.
discount_type string: Type of discount. 
Allowed values are  entity_level,item_level.
For entity_level type, discount is applied at
entity level and the node  discount resides
outside the  line_items node.For item_level
type, discount is applied at item level and the
node  discount resides inside each line_item
under the line_items node
line_items list:  A sales order can contain multiple line
items. Each line item contains  item_id, name,
description, rate, quantity, unit, tax_id,
tax_name, tax_type, tax_percentage,
shipping_charge double: Shipping charges that can be applied
to the Sales Order.
adjustment double:  Adjustment on the Sales Order's
adjustment_description string: Description for the adjustment.
sub_total double: Sub total of the Sales Order.
tax_total double: Tax total of the Sales Order.
taxes list:  Number of taxes applied on sales order.
Each tax contains: tax_name and tax_amount.
price_precision integer:  The precision level for the price's
decimal point in a Sales Order.
packages list: These are the packages created for Sales
Orders.  Each package contains -  package_id,
package_number, status, detailed_status,
status_message, shipment_id,
shipment_number, shipment_status, carrier,
service, tracking_number, shipment_date,
delivery_days and delivery_guarantee.
notes string: Notes for the Sales Order.
terms string: Terms for the Sales Order.
invoiced_status string:  The current status of the invoice.
Allowed Values:  paid, unpaid, refunded,
cancelled and declined.
shipped_status string: The current status of the package. 
Allowed Values:  paid, unpaid, refunded,
cancelled and declined.
payment_mode string:  Mode through which payment is
This can be Cash On Delivery, Razorpay,
Stripe or others. Maximum length [100].
is_offline_payment boolean:  Checks whether the payment was
made offline.
List all Sales Orders

List all SalesOrders :

Lists all the available Sales Orders in Zoho Commerce.

HTTP Request

Query Parameters
Parameter Values
filter_by Status.All, Status.Draft, Status.Confirmed,
Status.ToBePacked, Status.ToBeShipped,
Status.Shipped, Status.ToBeInvoiced,
Status.Closed, Status.Void
sort_column customer_name, salesorder_number, date,
shipment_date, total, bcy_total, created_time,
sort_order A, D

page_start_from 1 to n
per_page 10,25,50,100,200

Search Nodes
Parameter Values

customer_id 3000000002259
salesorder_number_contains SO-00002
mobile 9876543210

order_status draft,pending,confirmed,closed,void,onhold,ca
invoiced_status null,partially_invoiced,invoiced,paid

paid_status null,unpaid,partially_paid,paid
shipped_status null,pending,partially_shipped,shipped,fulfille
return_status null,initiated,partially_returned,returned
return_shipment_status null,receive_pending,partially_received,receiv
refund_status null,refund_pending,partially_refunded,refund
is_return_waiting_for_approval true,false
is_cancel_item_waiting_for_approval true,false

Request Example

Response Example
Retrieve a Sales Order

Retrieve a Sales Order : 

Retrieves the details for an existing Sales Order.

HTTP Request


Request Example

Response Example
Update Status

Update Status
Changes the status of a Sales Order. 


Status values

Status Description

confirmed To mark salesorder as Confirmed

void To mark salesorder as Declined

cancelled To mark salesorder as Cancelled

Request Example

Response Example
Add Comments

Add Sales Order Comments:

Use this API to add comments to your salesorder.

HTTP Request:


Body Parameters

Parameter Description

description string: The comment to be added

show_comment_to_client boolean: Boolean to determine whether the

comment needs to be shown to client

mail_to_customer boolean: Boolean to determine whether it has

to be mailed to the customer

transaction_type string: Allowed values : salesorder,

customer_payment, shipment_order, contact.

Request Example

Update address

Update Address : 

Use this API to update addresses of your salesorder pizza.

HTTP Request : 


Address types
Type Description

billing To update the billing address

shipping To update the shipping address

Body Parameters

Parameter Description

attention string: Name of the person, whose attention

is required.

address string: Name of the street of the customer’s

billing address.

city string: Name of the city of the customer’s

billing address.

state string: Name of the state of the customer's

billing address.

zip string: Zip code of the customer’s billing


country string: Name of the country of the customer’s

billing address.

fax string: Fax number of the customer’s billing

phone string: Phone number of the customer

Request Example

Response Example

Shipment Orders

Shipment Orders
A document used by an organization to specify what items or packages are to be transferred
from a storage location or warehouse to what person and to what new location is called a
shipment order. It is typically sent along with a shipment of goods so that the person receiving
them(your customer) can verify that the document correctly reflects the items that they actually

Attribute Description
salesorder_id string: Unique ID generated by the server for
the Sales Order. This is used as identifier.

shipment_date string: Shipment date of the Sales Order.

tracking_number string: Tracking number of shipment.

carrier string: Carrier used for shipment.

service string: Type of service selected for shipment

tracking_url string: The tracking url of the shipment

Mark as Shipped

Mark as Shipped
Use this API to mark your order as shipped


Body Params

Attribute Description

shipment_date string: Shipment date of the Sales Order.

tracking_number string: Tracking number of shipment.

carrier string: Carrier used for shipment.

service string: Type of service selected for shipment

tracking_url string: The tracking url of the shipment

Request Example
Response Example

Mark as Delivered

Mark as Delivered
Use this API to mark your salesorder as delivered.


Body Params

Attribute Description

delivery_date string: Date of delivery of the product.

Request Example

Request Example
Update Shipment Order

Update a Shipment Order: 

Use this API to update the details of a shipment order.

HTTP Request: 

  PUT     https:/{salesorder_id}/shipmentorders

Attribute Description
salesorder_id string: Unique ID generated by the server for
the Sales Order. This is used as identifier.
shipment_date string: Shipment date of the Sales Order.

tracking_number string: Tracking number of shipment.

carrier string: Carrier used for shipment.

service string: Type of service selected for shipment

tracking_url string: The tracking url of the shipment

Request Example
Response Example

Customer Payments

Customer Payments
A payment object describes details regarding a particular customer payment. There can be
multiple payments for a single invoice. Multiple invoices can be paid in a single payment as well.

Attribute Description

payment_mode string: Mode through which payment is made.

This can be check, cash, creditcard,
banktransfer, bankremittance,
autotransaction or others. 

Maximum length [100]

reference_number string:  Reference number generated for the

payment. A string of your choice can also be
used as the reference number. Maximum
length of the reference number [100]

date string: Date on which payment is made. Date

Format [yyyy-mm-dd]

description string: Description about the payment.

payment_id string: Unique ID of the payment generated

by the server. Maximum length allowed

payment_mode double:  Exchange rate for the currency used

in the invoices and customer's currency. The
payment amount would be the multiplicative
product of the original amount and the
exchange rate.

amount double:  Amount paid in the respective


invoice_id string: Invoice ID of the required invoice.

Mark as Paid

Mark as Paid
Use this API to mark your unpaid order as paid.


Attribute Description
payment_mode string: Mode through which payment is made.
This can be check, cash, creditcard,
banktransfer, bankremittance,
autotransaction or others. 
Maximum length [100]
amount double:  Amount paid in the respective
reference_number string:  Reference number generated for the
payment. A string of your choice can also be
used as the reference number. Maximum
length of the reference number [100]

date string: Date on which payment is made. Date

Format [yyyy-mm-dd]
description string: Description about the payment.

Request Example

Update Payment

Update Payment
Use this API to update payment information.


Attribute Description

payment_mode string: Mode through which payment is made.

This can be check, cash, creditcard,
banktransfer, bankremittance,
autotransaction or others. 
Maximum length [100]

amount double:  Amount paid in the respective


reference_number string:  Reference number generated for the

payment. A string of your choice can also be
used as the reference number. Maximum
length of the reference number [100]

date string: Date on which payment is made. Date

Format [yyyy-mm-dd]

description string: Description about the payment.

Request Example
Response Example

Refund Payment

Refund Payment
Use this API to refund your payment.


Attribute Description

amount double: Amount to be refunded.

Request Example

Create a Sales Return

Create a Sales Return:

Use this API to create a salesreturn from your salesorder

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description

salesorder_id long: Unique ID generated by the server for

the Sales Order. This is used as identifier.

Body Parameters

Parameter Description

line_items list: List of items in a package. Each line item

contains salesorder_item_id, item_id and

salesorder_item_id (or) long: Unique ID generated by the server for

line_item_id each line item. This is used as an identifier.

quantity integer: Quantity of the item to be returned

Request Example
Change Status

Change Status :

To change the status of a salesreturn.

HTTP Request :


Attribute Description
salesreturn_id long:  Unique ID generated by the server for
the Sales Return. This is used as identifier.

salesreturn_status string: The current status of the salesreturn.

shipped_status string: The current status of the package. 

refund_status string: The current status of the refund

line_items list: List of items in a package. Each line item

contains salesorder_item_id, item_id and

Status Description
approved string:  To approve the status of the

declined string:  To decline the status of the


Request Example
Response Example
Refund a SalesReturn

Refund a SalesReturn:

Use this API to refund your sales return.

HTTP Request:


Query Parameters

Parameter Description

salesreturn_id long:  Unique ID generated by the server for

the Sales Return. This is used as identifier.

Body Parameters

Parameter Description

salesreturn_item_id long:  Unique ID generated by the server for

the Sales Return. This is used as identifier.
line_items list: List of items in a package. Each line item
contains salesorder_item_id, item_id and
amount double: Amount to be refunded.

quantity integer: Quantity of the item to be returned

is_returned_to_stock boolean: Add product to stock. Allowed

values are true and false.

Request Example



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