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“The Impact of Facebook Addiction and the Relationship of Social Media in

Grade 12 Section Dagohoy in San Luis National High School”

Carl Lloyd Duterte

San Luis National High School

Jade Cahilog-Dumali

Abstract……………………………………………………………..… 1
CHAPTER 1: Introduction………………………………………….. 1
1.1 Rationale……………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Research Objective…………………………………………. 3
1.3 Hypotheses…………………………………………………… 4
1.4 Reviewing Related Literature……………………………… 4
1.5 Theoretical Framework……………………………………... 4
1.6 Conceptual Framework……………………………………... 5
1.7 Significance of the Study…………………………………… 5
1.8 Definitions of Terms…………………………………………. 6
CHAPTER 2: Method…………………………………………………. 6
2.1 Research Design……………………………………………... 6
2.2 Research Locale……………………………………………… 6
2.3 Population and Sample……………………………………. 6
2.4 Research Instrument………………………………………… 6
2.5 Data Collection…………………………………………….. …6
2.6 Statistical tolls…………………………………………….. ….6
CHAPTER 3: Result……………………………………………………7
3.1 Facebook………………………………………………………..7
3.2 Twitter……………………………………………………………9
3.3 Student…………………………………………………………..9
3.4 Students Addictiveness to Social Network……………….10
3.6 USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA………………………………..……..12
3.8 AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA………………………………………14
CHAPTER 4:Discussion……………………………...……………….14
4.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 15
4.2 Recommendation………………………………….…………..15
4.3 References…………………………………………….………..15
4.4 Appendix……………………………………………….………..18
4.5 Permission Letter…………………………………………..….22
4.6 Documentation……………………………………………..…. 23

This study is focused on the impact of Facebook addiction and the
relationship of social media in Grade 12 section Dagohoy in San Luis National
high School. The purpose of this study is to measure addictiveness of students in
Facebook. The goal of my study is to find out the reasons why students is very
addictive to Facebook and find a possible solution to address the problem.

A survey with 30 participants collected data on the Impact of Facebook

addiction on the students. Participants were recruited only on the Grade 12
section Dagohoy of San Luis National High School in San Luis, Caraga, Davao



Today’s generation, many people addictively to the newly inventions of

technologies. Some students derelict their lessons and assignments because of
playing games on their gadgets. Many students affected their grades because of
their addictiveness in Facebook. Many Filipinos has already have their Facebook
Accounts. Everyday they checked their accounts to view the messages that
comes from their neighbors, classmates, office mates, and etc., their are some
instances that students open their accounts to indicate their status in life.

Facebook being a social networking site, provides an online platform on

which students create proles, promote and share information and contents and
have interactions with contacts both known and unknown (Kirkpatrick, 2010).
Facebook have expanded recently, which have led to its use by people of all
generations extensively. Several types of research examine this online platform
attraction and its persuasive character and the reason that cause people of every
kind and die-rent ages to this community. Other studies show that Facebook
extension presence can have detects that are harmful to academic performance.
If students spend most of their time on Facebook, their academic performance
will reduce and thus their grades (Kirkpatrick, 2010). A day students should
spend at least 30-35 minutes surfing on Facebook. They actually surf for only
three to four minutes on each visit to be updated, but they severally visit
Facebook a day. Others spend eight hours on the website. Although students
consider Facebook is distracting and consuming a lot of time, they note that they
can’t stop visiting the website because they prefer it and use it to contact family
members and friends, whether or not encounter them each day.

With this research, Facebook is found to be characteristically popular among

other social networking sites as well as among students as indicated by its
growing user capacity that has reached over one billion. However, the review has
found a mix of opinions attributed to whether Facebook alongside other social
networking platforms ought to be integrated into learning processes or
not. Consequently, this literature survey has established many reasons for this
mix of opinions. Despite many educational institutions having established
infrastructure for the support of Facebook integration into classroom learning,
building an eective integration methodology poses a major challenge for the
researchers to counter.

In fact, many practitioners have not fully embraced this technology due to
lack of proper skills and training in this area. The technological researchers who
are in support the integration of Facebook into the educational setup have a
perception that conversational procedures that ensure maximum interaction as
well as a mix of reections are made possible through social networking platforms.
In the reection of the impacts of Facebook networking on students’ performance,
Tess (2013) argues that there is a variety of correlations that exist in the literature.
Other studies though nd a signicant negative correlation between a student’s
performance and use of Facebook while others nd no correlations or weak
correlations. Only a few studies come up with positive correlations though not
with high-level signicance. Interestingly, the negative correlations for the
Facebook usage and poor academic performance have been associated with
personality traits or other behavioral or psychological aspects rather than solely
with the use of these platforms.

Many have used Facebook exclusively as their social life outsource and have
a feeling that this online platform means allowing it to take over their lives,
(Kirkpatrick, 2010) which will lead to them rejecting the platform. Some say that
since they started using Facebook, they have become more organized primarily
regarding management contact and sharing information. A study by Kirkpatrick
(2010) done recently also ask questions on the assumed eects that are negative
on Facebook use on the academic achievements of the students and it
suggested that this interdependency is signicantly moderated by learners
interests in the colleges and capabilities of performing many tasks at the same
time. These results with controversy, additional to information from Facebook and
students’ comments on distinguished groups of Facebook, give an indication that
learners with specic proles aim at the bridging social network, and getting in
touch with old contacts and making new friends. Some spent most times on
Facebook compare to others; they should have more immersion in tasks related
to the many hours they spend surng Facebook, so they are distracted likely by
parallel tasks performed. Learners and other users who are active get involved in
discussions that are long on issues trending daily, checking their proles in
Facebook from cell phones and computers.

Social media has become a global phenomenon and a very important means
of communication among peers, families and all manner of persons. Social
media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and mobile instant
messaging services (IM) such as WhatsApp, Viber and IMO and video calling
services like Skype have become a popular means of communication in the
past few years. Statistics show that active social media users the world over are
estimated at about two thousand two hundred and six billion, a global diffusion of
30% which is a rise in number of users by about one hundred and seventy-six
Million users in the last year alone. Boyd and Ellison (2007) define social media
as “a public web-based service that permits users to create a personal profile,
identify other users with whom they can relate to or have a connection with, read
and react to posts made by other users on the site, and send and receive
messages either privately or publicly.” Kuss and Griffiths (2011) also define
Social media as “virtual communities where users can create individual public
profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared
interests.” Any website that enables social interaction by users is considered a
social media site. Such sites are powered by web 2.0; an online technology with
the ability to allow users to interact and share information online.

The increase in number of these social media sites, combined with the fast
growth and advancement of mobile device technology in the last few years,
coupled with the ease of access to broadband and mobile data services have
created a major avenue for daily social interaction; encouraging regular profile
updates and replies to comments and messages in real time.

People are now logging on to social media on mobile devices everywhere, at

any time and on the go; making it a common everyday activity and this can be
confirmed by statistics released by ( which estimates that
about 1.925 billion users of smart phones make use of their devices for Social

The level of popularity and use of social media has increased greatly over the
years since it was first introduced. In a survey carried out in September 2014, the
Pew Research Center found that the popularity of Facebook continues to grow as
it is still the most popular social media site though there has been a slowdown in
its growth. The number of engaged users on the platform has however improved
while other social media platforms such as Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Instagram saw a substantial rise in usage.

Research Objective

The study will seek the answer to the following questions:

1. What is the level of Facebook Addiction in terms of
1.1 Facebook
1.2 Twitter

1.3 Student
2. What is the level of Relationship of Social Media in terms of
2.1 Students addictiveness to social network
2.2 Exposure of students to social media network
2.3 Use of social media
2.4 Gender usage of social media
2.5 Age usage of social media
3. Is there a significant relationship between Facebook addiction and the
relationship of social media.
4. Which indicator of Facebook addiction influence the relationship of social


In this study their is a significant relationship between impact of Facebook

addiction and relationship of social media. Relationship of social media influence
Facebook addiction in terms of students addictiveness, exposure of students to
social network, use of social media, gender usage of social media and age usage
of social media that students encountered during they opened their social media

Reviewing Related Literature

According to the study of Severin and Taknard (2012), they applied the uses
and gratification approach to analyze why individuals use facebook in general ,
as well as why they use certain functions on the website. The researchers found
that uses who update their status are motivated chiefly by a desire for expressive
information sharing whereas individuals who post comments do so for relaxing
entertainment, companionship, and social interaction.

Based on the study of Josan D. Tamayo, Giselle Sacha G. Dela Cruz of

Centro Escolar University-Malolos, Philippines (2014), they found that there were
five motivation factors that relate to the social networking use: social escapism,
pass time, interactive control, information, and communication which influence
user’s motivations towards the Facebook site and its relationship on Facebook

Theoretical Framework

This study determines the factors that affects Facebook addiction such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Students. Social media affects Facebook addiction in
terms of students addictiveness, exposure of students to social network, use of
social media, gender usage of social media and age usage of social media.
According to (Martinez-Aleman & Wartman, 2009) that Facebook user
profiles allow the user to communicate information with each other and allow
users to build and maintain relationships and encourage others to be a part of a
community among students of colleges online social websites become popular.
In the last previous years social media is used to connect with higher education
students is increasingly responded. According to (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) that
Social media is defined as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on
the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the
creation and exchange of User Generated Content” .

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Impact of Facebook Addiction Relationship of Social Media

 Facebook

 Twitter

 Student

 Students addictiveness to social network and

academic performance

 Exposure of students to social media network

and their academic performance
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Model
This conceptual method respond the relationship between Facebook
addiction and Social media. Facebook addiction is also related to the indicator of
Social media. The indicator of social media can be also the factor of Facebook

Significance of the Study

This study matters only to the students that have a low grades is because of
Facebook addiction. To improve their grades, they must leave facebook to focus
to their studies. There are some students can’t leave facebook, in this situation
you should manage your time in opening your account but you should prioritize
your studies.

Definitions of terms
Facebook - a famous social media in the world and developed/upgraded
by Mark Zuckerberg.
Social Media - is the world of modern technologies which people can
communicate their family, classmate, neighbors and etc..


Research Design

The design of this study was the quantitative method.

Research Locate

This study was conducted to the Grade 12 Students of San Luis National
High School at San Luis, Caraga, Davao Oriental.

Population and Sample

The Survey Questionnaire was equally distributed to the 30

students/respondents in the specific location. The respondents of this survey
questionnaires was grade 12 students of San Luis National High School. The
answered the four pages survey questionnaire with 35 items, with different
indicators in two variables.

Research Instrument

This study uses survey questionnaires to collect all data from the
Data Collection

The researcher of this study collects data through by asking a permissions on

the students. After asking the permission, the researcher gives a survey
questionnaire. After distributing the survey questionnaire, the students answer
the following questions. The survey questionnaire has composed of three pages,
every page has variables and indicators that corresponds your answer.

Statistical Tools

The result of this study realized on getting the mean of every factor of
Facebook addiction and relationship of social media. On getting the mean of
every factor you should add the result of every factor, divided by the items of the
questionnaire, the result of the mean must be multiplied by 100 to get the
percentage of every factors.


This chapter presents analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the
respondents. A total of 30 questionnaires were sent to the Grade 12 students and
all were filled in and returned. The purpose of this study was to determine factors
that affect Facebook addiction through the relationship of social media.


Figure 1.1: FACEBOOK
I. Facebook

15.33%, 16%
Strongly Agree,
24%, 25% Strongly Disagree
Disagree, 20.67%, Neutral
21% Agree
Agree, 18%, 18% Strongly Agree

Neutral, 19.33%,

This figure shows that Facebook is the factor affect Facebook addiction.
A total of 30 respondents participated in his study with a response of 100%.
In 30 respondents, 25% says strongly agreed that they are addicted to
Facebook, 18% says agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 20% says
neutral that they are addicted to Facebook, 21% says disagreed that they are
addicted to Facebook, 16% says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to

Figure 1.2: TWITTER

II. Twitter

Strongly Agree, Disagree, 21.33%,
25%, 26% 21% Strongly Disagree
Disagree, 14.00%,
14% Agree
Agree, 15%, 15% Strongly Agree

Neutral, 24.00%,

This figure shows that Twitter is the factor affect Facebook addiction. A
total of 30 respondents participated in his study with a response of 100%. In
30 respondents, 26% says strongly agreed that they are addicted to
Facebook, 15% says agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 24% says
neutral that they are addicted to Facebook, 14% says disagreed that they are
addicted to Facebook, 21% says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to

Figure 1.3: STUDENT

III. Student
Disagree, 9.33%,
Strongly Agree,
15%, 15%

12.00%, 12% Strongly Disagree
Agree, 37%, 37% Neutral, 27.33%, Strongly Agree

This figure shows that Student is the factor affect Facebook addiction. A
total of 30 respondents participated in his study with a response of 100%. In
30 respondents, 15% says strongly agreed that they are addicted to
Facebook, 37% says agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 27% says
neutral that they are addicted to Facebook, 12% says disagreed that they are
addicted to Facebook, 9% says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to

Relationship of Social Media

Figure 1.4: Students Addictiveness to Social Network

I. Students Addictiveness to Social

Strongly Diagree,
12%, 12%
Strongly Agree,
Strongly Agree
25.83%, 26%
Disagree, 28.33%,
28% Disagree
Strongly Diagree

Agree, 33.33%,

This figure shows that Students Addictiveness to Social Network is the

factor . A total of 30 respondents participated in his study with a response of
100%. In 30 respondents, 26% says strongly agreed that they are addicted to
Facebook, 34% says agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 28% says
disagreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 12% says strongly disagreed
that they are addicted to Facebook.


II. Exposure of Students to Social Media

Strongly Diagree,
12%, 11%

Strongly Agree, Strongly Agree

Disagree, 21.67%, 38.33%, 38%
21% Agree
Strongly Diagree

Agree, 30.83%,

This figure shows that Exposure of Students to Social Network is the

factor that relates to the relationship of social media. A total of 30
respondents participated in his study with a response of 100%. In 30
respondents, 38% says strongly agreed that they are addicted to Facebook,
30% says agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 21% says disagreed
that they are addicted to Facebook, 11% says strongly disagreed that they
are addicted to Facebook.


III. Use of Social Media

Strongly Diagree,
14%, 14%
Strongly Agree,
27.50%, 27% Strongly Agree
Disagree, 16.67%,
16% Agree
Strongly Diagree

Agree, 43.33%,
This figure shows that Use of Social Media is the factor that relates to the
relationship of social media. A total of 30 respondents participated in his
study with a response of 100%. In 30 respondents, 27% says strongly agreed
that they are addicted to Facebook, 43% says agreed that they are addicted
to Facebook, 16% says disagreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 14%
says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to Facebook.



IV. Gender Usage of Social Media
Strongly Diagree,
0%, 0%

Disagree, 15.00%,

Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree, Agree

44.17%, 50% Disagree

Agree, 29.17%, Strongly Diagree


This figure shows that Gender Usage Of Social Media is the factor that
relates to the relationship of social media. A total of 30 respondents
participated in his study with a response of 100%. In 30 respondents, 50%
says strongly agreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 33% says agreed
that they are addicted to Facebook, 17% says disagreed that they are
addicted to Facebook, 0% says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to


V. Age of Social Media

Strongly Diagree,
12%, 11%
Disagree, 15.00%,
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree,
48.33%, 45%
Strongly Diagree

Agree, 31.67%,

This figure shows that Age of Social Media is the factor that relates to the
relationship of social media. A total of 30 respondents participated in his
study with a response of 100%. In 30 respondents, 45% says strongly agreed
that they are addicted to Facebook, 30% says agreed that they are addicted
to Facebook, 14% says disagreed that they are addicted to Facebook, 11%
says strongly disagreed that they are addicted to Facebook.


The study is about determining the impact of Facebook addiction of the

modern age social Media usage on the academic performances of the students.
What activates performed by student on these Medias and how much time they
spent on these sites in their routine life? Firstly take a review of the literature
from previously conducted researches related to the study. Then identified the
methodology to conduct the study and for the analysis of results. Then,
instrument for data collection is selected. The instrument selected was the
questionnaire, which contained the close-ended questions, which were adopted
from the base study, then modify according to our research.

While most of the respondent was agreed that using these social media they
well prepare their home assignment and habit of these sites encourage them to
concentrate on their studies.Students were agreed that it is their routine habit to
use these social Media sites and they were also agreed that usage of these
social media sites effect their academic performance positively.

This study examined the potential negative effects of frequent social media
on the perceived satisfaction of an interpersonal relationship. The phrase social
media refers to computer-mediated communication, such as Facebook and
Twitter, but can also include text messaging and video chatting. The result of this
study were based on the variables and indicators given in each questionnaires.
However, our study uncovered some interesting findings about
social media use in the 21st century and provided some insight on the ways in
which individuals might communicate in the future.


In recent years; use of social media has become very popular all around the
world due to a great development of technology. Not only celebrities but general
public has also turned out to be a huge user of these social media sites. The
basic purpose behind conducting this study was to see the academic outcome of
student who spend most of the on such interacting sites. The findings from
conducted studies has find out to be mostly positive because students spend
time of their day activities on these social media sites have able to share and
generate new ideas and concepts related to their studies they also use these
sites for having fun as these social websites are helpful in their academic work.
Use of these interacting social media has become the routine habit of student
they spend the major part of their time on these sites for entertainment and also
concentrate on their studies. Students are a precious asset of any country.
Through these social websites they do their academic work with enjoyment.


In this study, I recommend my study to the students who haven’t perform well
their academic performance because of Facebook addiction. Their will be a time
to use social media but be sure you’ve maintain your grades and/ or do not ignore
your studies.



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“The Impact of Facebook Addiction and the Relationship of

Social Media in Grade 12 Section Dagohoy in San Luis National
High School”
Researcher: Carl Lloyd Eliaga Duterte

General Instruction: Put a check (/) on the provided box that represents your
1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Neutral
4- Agree
5- Strongly Agree


No. Questions 1 2 3 4 5
I. Facebook
Q:1 Facebook positively affect my study
timings in routine life.

Q:2 I timely submit my assignments

whether spending time on Facebook.

Q:3 Groups and pages related to studies

are created by scholars on Facebook
helps students in their study.

Q:4 Is Facebook has a positive impact on

students academic performance?
Q:5 I find it flexible to focus on work by
logging into Facebook as it helps me to
remain in contact with classmates.

II. Twitter
Q:6 It‟s my routine habit to use twitter in my
daily life.

Q:7 Usage of twitter sites in my routine life

affect my academic.

Q:8 Students share study material on

twitter that helps other students which
are weak in studies performance.

Q:9 I prefer to express my ideas and

feelings on twitter?

Q:10 My membership on twitter website is


III. Student
Q:11 Social networking sites are affecting the
way of speaking or writing in students life.

Q:12 Social networking sites can be an

effective tool for E learning for

Q:13 Do you think social networking sites

change the behavior of students in
effective manner?

Q:14 Social networking sites are more

effective in communicating with our

Q:15 Is social networking sites differentiates

students on the bases of their
Adopted Source:
International Journal of Business and Management Invention ISSN
(Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X || Volume 5
Issue 4 || April. 2016 || PP—22-29
Zahid Amin, Ahmad Mansoor, Syed Rabeet Hussain And Faisal Hashmat


1- Strongly Agree
2- Agree
3- Disagree
4- Strongly Disagree

S/N ITEMS 1 2 3 4
1 Addiction to online social networks is a
problematic issue that affects my academic life.
2 Online social networks distract me from my
3 Hours spent online can never be compared to the
number of hours I spend reading.
4 There is no improvement in my grades since I
became engaged into these social networking


5 I usually have unlimited access to Facebook and
this has affected my academic performance
6 I engage in academic discussions on twitter and
this has improved my academic performance.
7 I make use of whatsapp to disseminate
knowledge to my class mate.
8 I Solely rely on information gotten from Wikipedia
to do my assignments without consulting other
9 The usage of Wikipedia for research has helped
improve my grades.
Adopted Source:


10 Engaging in academic forums on yahoo reduces

my rate of understanding.
11 I use materials gotten from blogging sites to
complement what I have been taught in class.
12 I will not perform well in my academics even if I
stop using social media.
13 Male and female students use social media
networks differently in different frequencies.

14 Female students use social networking sites

more to explicitly foster social connections.
15 Gender determines the level of social media
network usage.
16 Males are more effective at using social
networking sites for nonacademic purposes.


17 Age has impact on the use of social media.
18 Social media become boring has I grow older.
19 Social media is not relevant to people of older
20 The younger generation are the most active
users of social media.

Full Name: Osharive Peter

Telephone: +2347036423548
Twitter Email:
Facebook: peterosharive

Letter Request permission to conduct the study








Teacher In-Charge

San Luis National High School

Thru: Aizel Putao

Dagohoy Advicer

The undersigned is the Grade 12 Dagohoy with the subject of Practical
Research 2. I am currently working on my research study entitled “The Impact of
Facebook Addiction and the Relationship of Social Media in Grade 12
Section Dagohoy in San Luis National High School”. Along this line, may I
request permission that I will be allowed to conduct the study. Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Carl Lloyd Duterte




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