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When the if clause comes before the result clause, we usually separate the two clauses with a
comma. When the result clause comes first, we do not use a comma:
E.g. If you share a car to work, you can save on energy
You can save on energy if you share a car to work
Zero conditional
if/ when + present simple, present simple
We use the zero conditional to talk about situations which are always true.
E.g. If I eat too much spicy food, I start to feel ill.
When I eat too much in the evening, I can't sleep at night.

if/ when/ whenever + past simple, past simple

The past simple can also be used in conditional sentences to describe real situations in the
E.g. If I arrived late at the office, my boss used to get really angry.

First conditional
if + present simple, will/ going to/ may/ might/ can/ could/ shall/ should/ have to/ ought to +
infinitive/ imperative
We use the first conditional to talk about possible future situations and their probable results.
E.g. If you don't water the plant soon, it'll die.
If you don't water the plant soon, it could die.
We might prevent disaster if we change the way we live now.
If the people from Greenpeace call, tell them I'll call them back later.

if + should/happen to/ should happen to

We use this structure to make the event seem more unlikely or more of a chance possibility.
E.g. If you should see Davina, ask her whether she could look after the cats this weekend.
If I happen to see Mr Smith, I'll ask him for you.
If you should happen to miss the train, I could drive you there myself.

A more formal variation is to omit if and begin with should (inversion)

E.g. Should you wish to change your holiday arrangements, we will do all we can to help.
Should you require more assistance, please telephone.
Should the drought /draʊt/ continue, many people will be forced to leave their villages.
if can sometimes be followed by will, would or going to, for example when making polite
requests or describing the result of a course of action.
E.g. If you would take a seat for a moment, I'll tell Mr Graydon you're here.
If it is going to be more profitable for the company, then I think we should do it.
I'll clean the house if you'll mow the lawn.

Second conditional
if + past simple/ past continuous, would/ might/ could + infinitive
We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary, unlikely or impossible situations in the
present and future.
E.g. If I had an extra pair of hands, then I could help you!
I might work harder if they paid me more.

If it wasn't/weren't for + noun

E.g. I think I'd be quite lonely if it wasn't/ weren't for my dog, Buster. (= if I didn't have)
If it weren't for my savings, I wouldn't be able to survive (= Thanks to my savings I can

Were it not for + noun

E.g. Were it not for my dog, Buster, I think I'd be quite lonely.

if + were to + infinitive makes the event seem more unlikely.

E.g. If you were to walk in that direction for another thousand miles, you'd eventually arrive in

A more formal variation is to omit if and begin with (inversion)

E.g. Were they to break the contract, we would of course take legal action.
Were you to go out in this weather, you'd be thoroughly soaked

Third conditional
if + past perfect, would/ might/ could/ should + perfect infinitive
We use the third conditional to speculate about how things might have been different in the
E.g. If you had been paying attention, you might have understood what I was saying. (= You
weren't paying attention, so you didn't understand.)
A lot more people would have been trapped by the flood if there hadn't been a warning.

If it hadn't been for + noun

E.g. If it hadn't been for your help, I wouldn't have been able to quit gambling. (= if I hadn't
If it hadn't been for that traffic jam on the motorway, we would have got here on time. (=
Because of the traffic jam we arrived late.)

Had it not been for + noun

E.g. Had it not been for your help, I wouldn't have been able to quit gambling.

But for/ without

E.g. But for your help, I wouldn't have been able to quit gambling.
He would have played but for a knee injury.
Without their help, Emma couldn't have overcome her problems.
You shouldn't take these pills without consulting your doctor.

A more formal variation is to omit if and begin with had (inversion)

E.g. Had she known about his criminal past, she would never have employed him.
Had I known there was going to be a storm, I would have stayed indoors.
Had Charles Darwin not visited the Galapagos Islands, he might never have developed his
theory of evolution.
Had we not attended the meeting, we would have han no idea of the council's plans.(Note
that not goes after the subject).

Mixed conditionals
if + past tense, might/ could/ should/ would + perfect infinitive
We use this structure for situations in the present which affect the past.
E.g. If I weren't so untidy, I wouldn't have lost your keys.
If I weren't so broke at the moment, I could have bought you something decent for your

if + past perfect, would/ might/ could + infinitive

We use this structure to speculate about how a different situation in the past might have had
different results in the present.
E.g. If I had moved to California, I would be much richer today.
If you hadn't stayed up to watch the film last night, you wouldn't be so tired now

Other words and phrases that introduce conditionals

Providing (that)/provided (that)/ as/so long as/ on condition (that) are similar to only if.They are
all emphatic forms emphasising a condition.
E.g. Providing that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day.
You can have a pet provided that you promise to look after it properly.
We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.
We'll go up to the mountains this weekend as long as the weather's okay.
Applications for membership are accepted on condition that applicants are over 18.

Suppose / Supposing/ Imagine/ what if can be used instead of if, particularly in speech. They
are used at the beginning of the sentence setting up the condition.
E.g. Suppose it rains tomorrow. What will we do?

Suppose the price of oil tripled tomorrow. What do you think would happen?
Supposing you ran out of money, what would you do?
Supposing you had met the president, what would you have said?
Imagine you lost your job. Do you think you'd be able to find another?
Imagine you had missed the flight, what would you have done?
What if the iceberg tipped over (fell), could the fishing boats have escaped?

If so/ not
E.g. Are you concerned about the environment? If so, you might be interested in joining
Do you have the potential to be a concert pianist? If not, give yourself a break and do
something else. (= If you don't have the potential)

Otherwise (= if...not)
E.g. You should have your air conditioner serviced, otherwise you'll waste a lot of energy.

Unless/ except when (= if...not)

E.g. Unless governments act now, the environment is really going to suffer.
I won't give a waiter a tip except when/ unless I get excellent service.

In the event of (= if something happens)

E.g. In the event of the alarm sounding, visitors should leave the zoo by the nearest exit

In case of + noun
E.g. In case of fire, leave the building by the nearest emergency exit.

In case (= as a precaution)
E.g. Take a coat with you in case the weather gets worse.

Even if introduces an extreme condition (= whether or not).

E.g. Well, it's true, even if you refuse to believe me.

Even though (= despite the fact that)

E.g. I like her, even though she can be annoying at times.

Given that is used when some fact is already known (= Since/Because).

E.g. Given that this area is liable to flood, it would be unwise in the extreme to consider buying
a house here.

Whether...or not
E.g. Whether you agree with Paul McKenna or not, you'll enjoy reading his book.

Assuming that (= in the possible situation that)

E.g. Assuming that the company paid for you, would you take the course?

If + -ing
E.g. If talking helps, you can call a friend.

If + past participle
E.g. If taken too seriously, self-help books can be depressing.

If in doubt (= if you are in doubt/ if you are not sure)

E.g. If in doubt, consult a specialist.

If necessary (if you need to)

E.g. If necessary, you can take a pill to help you calm down.

It would be a pity if
E.g. It would be a pity if you couldn't express your emotions.

Verb Tenses
Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

1. Now we’re lost! If you __________________ (write down) Mary’s directions, this
__________________ (not/happen).
2. Why don’t we emigrate? If we _________________ (live) in Australia, at least the weather
______________________ (be) better!
3. I’m afraid that Smith is a hardened criminal. If we _________________ (not/punish) him this
time, he _________________ (only/commit) more crimes.
4. Thanks to Dr Jones, I’m still alive! If it _________________ (not/be) for her. I _________________
(be) dead for certain.
5. I’m sorry I can’t lend you any money. You know that if I ____________________________ (have)
it, I ____________________________ (lend) it to you.
6. Don’t be afraid. If you __________________________ (touch) the dog, it __________________________
7. In those days, if you __________________ (have) a job, you __________________________ (be)
8. It’s always the same! If I _________________ (decide) to leave the office early, my boss
_____________________ (call) me after I’ve left!
9. What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we __________________ (not/ miss) the plane,
we __________________ (kill) in the crash.
10. Did you enjoy your meal? If you __________________ (finish) eating, I _____________________
(clear away) the plates

Rewrite the sentences, starting with the words given.

1. The only reason we won the contract was Debbie's fantastic presentation.
We wouldn't have_________________________________________________
2. The eventual arrival of the ferry prevented a fight from breaking out amongst the
If it hadn't been for ____________________________________________________
3. None of the passengers was injured because of the driver's quick reaction.
But ________________________________________________________________
4. We'll have to cancel the meeting if Wendy doesn't turn up soon.
Unless ______________________________________________________________
5. Mr. Jones would be quite lonely if he didn't have his daughter's visits.
Were it ________________________________________________________________
6. Here's my phone number, because you might need it.
In case ________________________________________________________________
7. Agree to be back by midnight and you can go.
Providing _____________________________________________________________
8. Officer Hughes prevented the robbers from escaping.
Had it ________________________________________________________________
9. Without this new diet, Henry would never have lost so much weight. it
Had ..................................................................... this new diet, Henry would never have lost so much
10. Unless the plans change, we'll see you on the 19th . no
Provided ..................................................................the plans, we'll see you on the 19th.
11. If you applied now, there's a good chance you would get the job. apply
Were ........................................................................... , there's a good chance you would get the job.

12. I didn't know about your problem so I didn't offer to help. have
If I'd known about your problem, ...................................................................... to help.
13. It could get cold at night, so take some warm clothes. in
Take some warm clothes ...................................................................................... cold at night.
14. I'd love to travel the world if I didn't have to pay off my mortgage. having
Were ...................................................................................... to pay off my mortgage, I'd love to travel
the world.
15. Ten years ago, people would have complained at seeing this film. seen
Had ..........................................................................................., they would have complained.
16. Drivers are allowed to park here if they display a local resident permit. Condition
Drivers are allowed to park here ........................................................................ they display a local
resident permit.

Open Cloze
Write one word in each gap.

Had (1).............. not been for the invention of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in the 1920s, at least
one environmental problem might have been avoided. In fact, (2)………… they to be invented
today, they (3)……… no doubt be immediately banned. For fifty years, though, if you bought an
air conditioner or a spray, there (4)………… a good chance that it contained CFCs - and those
CFCs are still around in the atmosphere.

If you (5)............... able to travel into the upper layers of the atmosphere, you(6)................ see
the chlorine and fluorine from CFCs breaking down the ozone (a form of oxygen). Ozone could
damage your lungs (7)................... you were to breathe it, but high in the atmosphere it
performs the function of blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun, rays which can cause skin cancer
if you (8)………… exposed to them. We might (9)……….. have known about the
process (10)……… it not been for the work of two American scientists, Frank Rowland and
Mario Molina. A number of industries fought against their conclusions, and might have
won (11)………… the evidence not been so clear.

Rowland and Molina received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 for their work on the ozone
layer, but (12) …………which we might today be facing an even greater problem

Write one word in each gap.

1.I would never be able to afford a new house if ..............wasn't for all the overtime I've been
2.If it hadn't .................... for the fact that his uncle was a partner in the business, Angus
would never have got the job.
3.How do you think you'd feel if someone happened ...................... damage your car like that?
4.…………..for the kindness of a complete stranger, I would never have found the hotel.
5.I don't think I'd be surprised in the slightest .......................... Paul were to suddenly
announce that he was moving abroad.
6.Don't forget to mention the new schedule to Veronica if you ……..happen to see her this
7.Football matches would be ideal family outings………it not for the danger of violence.
8.If it hadn't been ...................... the children, I'm sure Trisha would have left Tom a long time
9.I would have lost the game ................................ it not been for some quick thinking.

10. If you …………find the book I was asking you about, give me a call.
Complete using the words below.

case • condition • long • otherwise • provided • so • suppose • unless

1. Do you want a highly-paid career, and, if ________, are you prepared to retrain? Contact us.
2. I'm quite happy to lend you money, as __________ as you make sure I get it back.
3. The village fair should be a great success, ______________we don't have the same
problems with the weather as last year.
4. It’d be great to see you on Saturday evening, _____________ you've already got other
5. Could you go to the shop for me? I have to stay in in __________________the courier
6. Your idea sounds fine in theory, but just _______________ something goes wrong. What
7. Write your name at the top of your essay, ______________ I won't know which one's yours.
8. The judge allowed the accused to stay at home on _______________ she reported to the
police every morning.

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1. If we hadn't taken a wrong turning back there, we wouldn't be / have been in this mess now.
2. Should / Would you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
3. Had they not / Hadn't they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.
4. If you worked / had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn't have
to work this weekend.
5. Were all the members of staff to attend the conference, would the hotel have / have
had enough rooms for everyone?
6. Had the government acted sooner, the general public wouldn't be worrying / have
worried so much about the current situation.
7. Tom Cruise wouldn't be the star he is today had he not / should he not havemade a good
impression in his early films.
8. Weren't we / Were we not to build more roads, the traffic system would collapse by 2020.
9. It would be hard enough to pass the exam tomorrow even if you went / had goneto all the
lectures this year.
10. You can contact the hotel manager on extension 142 should / could you need to.
11. Shouldn't you / Should you not receive confirmation of your flight by e-mail, please click
the link below.
12. I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were / have been you

1. Were you to find out your partner is cheating on you, what would you do?
2. Were you to get an awful Christmas present from your mother-in-law, would you tell her
how you felt about it?
3. Were you to be called names in front of a large number of people, what might you do?
4. Think of an important person in your life. Were it not for this person, what couldn't you
have done?
5. What would you have done if you hadn’t come here today?

6. Had you not decided to learn English, how might your life be different?
7. Had it not been for a lack of time, what could you have done this week?
8. Suppose you had been born a member of the opposite sex, in what ways would your life be
different now?
9. What if you had always followed your parents’ advice, might you have been more
10. Imagine you had won the lottery recently, what changes would have taken place in your
11. Assuming that you had found 500 Euros on your way here today, what would you have
12. If you had been given a return ticket to travel back in time, what historical period would
you have chosen? Why?

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