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That Guarantee Your Woman Will
Cheat On You And Blame You For

Waju Abraham

This may shock you, but it’s true. I like feminists aka strong women.

I only tease the noisy ones because I don’t need them. One is enough at a time. And if I
needed to get me a woman today, it definitely won’t be one soft, mumu, glorified house-girl
who will be washing my boxers and tying wrapper around.

A true king needs a queen. But boys can’t have queens. The prefer house-helps.

Of course, there are crazy, bitter, damaged women out there. I’m not talking about those
ones. They need help. Not a man.

A strong woman in these times comes as a hard nut to crack. This is where I show you the
simple part of cracking that nut. It is not a cure all to your woman problems. But it will set
your mind straight on the path of giving your best shot at winning the strongest thoroughbred

There are many benefits to having the respect of your woman. One is the ever obvious
improved sex life. And that alone affects many other things, including your ability to get
money -plenty of it.

Many men are so brow-beaten by their women that they can’t hustle rent. This book will set
you on the oath to changing that.

Lets begin.


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t has happened twice…

The first time was in 2003. I was this young, naive grasshopper asking a girl out in
year 2, LASU.

She gave me HELL. I lost hours just thinking about her. And then one day, I
decided to end it (not like we ever ever got started).

©2020 Waju Abraham |


So I called her to a meeting and sat her down in my friend’s room, then spent 30 minutes
calling out her every BS, and ended it with…

“I am done”
It hit her like a bombshell, but she masked it (women are good pretenders). For half a
second, she froze and then was like “Okay. No problem”.

“You can leave” I said. And thats when I noticed something.

As she made to get up, she suddenly paused.

“Who poured water on this chair?” She said.

But the chair was wooden and there was no water.

She was wet as a fish under her skirts, her underparts betraying her “I don’t care” attitude.

My calling out her silly attitudes had done what my poems and lyrics had failed to do.

But I was still too naive to learn from that experience. Perhaps if I had known, I’d have not
broken up with her. I’d have toned down to kiss her and bang her. She would never have

My boldness had turned her on.

Like I said before, it happened twice. The second time was 2006. I was trying to date this
iron-lady who had friend-zoned me. She was giving me a very tough time. She would speak
before me in public, argue with me in front of people, generally bench me in every matter.

I was there, being patient and understanding and encouraging her toughness. I felt like I was
the one man that could handle her. (Big red flag there. But topic for another day.)

Then one day we were debating something, and she kept trying to interrupt. But I made her
wait till I was done talking.

As she tried to talk, I said “Wait. Do you understand my angle?”

“Yes” she said.

“Okay tell me what you understand. So I’ll know you’ve been listening”

“What type of talk is that? Are you my teacher?”

Boom! I got up and walked away.

2 days later, I called her to a meeting, refused any debate whatsoever, and summarily broke
up with her.

Again, like the first time, she acted like it was no problem, but when she was getting up, she
complained of wet seat. But the seat wasn’t wet. It was her unders that were dripping.

©2020 Waju Abraham |


Thats when I remembered the last incident and I began to add two and two together.

You see, friend...most of the time, it is the man who breeds disregard in a relationship. Not the

And there are so many ways he does this.

Thats why I don’t fear “feminists” as a person. Heck, I married one -and oh she’s happily
obedient to my rules.

Because you can marry a humble, illiterate, village girl and turn her to a demon 10X worse
than Nkechi Bianze.

(Trivia: Nkechi is the fugly social media feminist who allegedly arranges “revenge sex” for hurt
married women whose husbands cheated on them).

My woman will never even open my phone, much less try to check my messages. And she is
a highly-educated, very independent and well-travelled woman.

Long and short of it is, my travails as a young adult male forced me to master the principles
of commanding the respect and loyalty -and obedience- of my woman.

Most of it is INNER WORK, and not a doing thing.

But to be qualified for inner work, you first need to identify a few ways that you are
contributing to and feeding the monster of feminism in your life and relationship.

WARNING: Of course, if you are one of the men who call themselves “male feminists”, I want
nothing to do with you. This book does not even address you or your problems. So fuck off
and gossip about me on Twitter.

For the MEN reading this, here are the 7 Sins as discussed in the title.

1. You talk too much. Where words abound, sin can never be in short supply. One of
the easiest ways to lose the respect of a woman is when you want to tell them
everything happening in your life.
Newsflash: Your woman is not supposed to be your counsellor, or your mother, or
your mentor.

Of course, I have seen many men use these words for their women, and their lives
are just as miserable. Man is a mystery to woman, just as God is a subtle mystery to
humans. The day you lose that touch in your relationship, there’s nothing to respect
any longer.
A lady on Facebook once posted a picture of her husband crying in her arms. He was
stressed from whatever, and she posted the pic saying men need to be able to open
up. I’d hate to be such a guy right now. See finish.

©2020 Waju Abraham |


Even the scriptures say clearly “When we see him, we shall be as he is”. Nothing
more to aspire to.
Of course, this springs up the need to have and retain your social friendships.
Your man circle. Never make that mistake of turning your woman into the one and
only repository of knowledge of who you are and what you’re going through. Have a
circle. Have a life. Have friends. And for God’s sake, shut your mouth.

2. You are needy. Blame it on upbringing, but a needy man is an ugly man.
Incidentally, the majority of men in our world today are needy. They are desperate for
approval, for affirmation. So desperate that they draw their confidence from the
acceptance of others.
This is not how our forefathers did it, and yes, they may be dead, BUT…they lived far
better and longer lives. And their women rarely disrespected them.
A needy man is perceived as a baby in a woman’s eyes. Once you bring up that
neediness of demanding respect, or love from your woman, she cannot but see you
small in her eyes. That’s when she starts “having headache” when you come for
nocturnal duties.

3. You believe in love. I don’t know how to say this nicely, but a man in relationship is
first a LEADER before anything else. At any freaking point in time, you’re first a
leader before a lover.
The reason majority of men prefer the love thing is because they are seriously
deficient in leadership vitamins. Anybody can have mushy feelings for a woman, to
the point where you’re now “dragging” issues like mates.
No. That is not the plan for relationships. View it as Chairman and CEO. There must
be boundaries established. She will rant, and throw a tantrum, and she may quit, but
at least you will have her eternal respect.
This is more like the issue of a child trying to use tantrums to have their way with
their parent. If the parent treats them like a friend, they will have friendship but zero
respect. In the end, the relationship you have is the result of what you prioritize.
If you prioritize love, you leave a vacuum of leadership that another sharp guy will fill
out there.

©2020 Waju Abraham |


What about love? Won’t someone fill it out there? Well,

if your leadership game is tight, it will breed the kind of
loyalty that love can’t match. (I’ve written a lot more on
this in a longer ebook. Out soon)
4. You argue. Still related to sin #3. The longer you spend
trying to win a debate with your woman, the more her
respect for you erodes.
They enjoy the process of these debates, but something
else is happening in the subconscious of the female.
Your image begins to melt like a snowman in the sun.
Soon, they take it public and argue with you in the presence of your friends. Your ego
notices it a bit too late. It was not like that in the beginning. Its harder to stop than to
5. You don’t know when you’re ahead. In rare cases, a man may be on the right
track, but because almost nobody else is doing it, he drops the inborn values and
traits of real men, and exchanges it for the weak, democratic values that are
responsible for the high divorce rate among Western folks.
How do you know what is right? Have you been right before and misled into male
uselessness? How would you know? What are the markers of proper and original
male behaviour that commands the respect of his woman?
I answer this and more in my new book. Out soon.
6. You’re afraid to lose her. This one is self-explanatory. A lot of men endure lots of
bullshit because they think they don’t want to lose the woman. As such, they watch
her get away with things that shouldn’t even be seen among children. In the end,
the man starts cheating with sidechicks who treat him better -and he blames her for
No, stupid. Cheat if you want to cheat. But don’t blame the woman you “trained” to
treat you less than you deserve.
7. You value money over inner game. Ah! Finally, we are here. Due to the “hustle”
cliché being thrown around by every guru on social media, men are indeed chasing
money. And a lot of them are in for a good surprise.
When you finally have all that money (and I pray you do, amen!), you will find that it
takes more than money to earn a woman’s respect. My wife was dating a
multimillionaire real estate developer when we met. I had a son from my first
Even worse, I was a dirt-poor civil servant in Ekiti state. And before your dirty mind
starts guessing, I have an average dick length. Yet I snatched her from the guy.

©2020 Waju Abraham |


I’m being brutally honest so you know for shizzle there’s a way that seemeth right to most men,
but it is the way of “see finish”.
I’m sure you read recently of the Edo Billionaire whose wife was fuckin the gateman.

Money Is NOT Game.

If you think it is, ask Perruzi.
Ask all the rich sugar-mommies.
Most of the time, it is not even the length of a man’s dick.
What breeds loyalty is RESPECT. And I want to see if I can pass what I know to you.
But it is not for everybody.
Getting there is hard work -which most men hate.
Most men are already comfortable earning LESS than their wives.
Most men are comfortable staying in the shop for their wives.
Most men are comfortable carrying bag for their wives.
They are comfortable when their wives speak before them in public.
But I am not most men. And I hope you aren’t too.
When a man is stripped of every earthly thing, it is respect that is left. Yoruba call it “iyi”.
That respect is grown by something we call inner-game.
Introducing CUMMANDER: the Playbook For Getting Your Woman To Finally Accept Your
Leadership -Even If You Are Broke And She Is A Feminist.
An maritally intimidated man can never be rich. He cannot even
last long in bed.
The present market for sexual stimulating herbal mixtures was
created for intimidated men.
Men who are talked down on so often in their homes, that they
can’t get it up at night. One frown from madam, and they run
into the bathroom to watch PornHUb.
All that nonsense must stop this year.
And this book will help you get there.
It is not yet available for sale.

But you can join the waitlist for my new book here.

©2020 Waju Abraham |

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