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Engaging with the ‘super-fan’: a growing

source of incremental revenue

Engaging with the ‘superfan’: the 15-second download

5 The explosion in digital/mobile communications and social media is
driving an upsurge in the number, influence and revenue potential of the
‘super-fans’ who are the most passionate consumers and advocates of
entertainment and media content and brands.

As a result, super-fans represent an increasingly valuable source of
incremental revenue. This can be tapped by offering them a premium or
so-called ‘inside-the-ropes’ experience, such as pre-release, exclusive or
live content, in return for a higher subscription, participation in product
development, and/or ongoing support and advocacy on social media.
15 To maximise the revenues and value from super-fans, brands should
identify and establish ownership of their ‘outer circle’ of committed
advocates via their marketing, programming and technology teams,
and then engage these people directly and individually through 15
digital channels.

Harnessing the most The same is happening in its super-fans should be one of its
passionate advocates … entertainment and media. At a time top priorities.
when businesses in the industry
When the US retailer Target was Super-fans are not new: fast-moving
are scrambling to find new sources
launching its deluxe edition of Justin consumer goods companies have
of growth, developing a direct
Timberlake’s album The 20/20 been identifying and engaging
relationship with consumers is
Experience, it brought together 20 with them for decades, including
increasingly vital for realising
of Justin’s biggest fans to video creating personas for different
incremental revenue (see Fig. 1).
their own performance of Justin’s types. And these types vary widely,
And among any brand’s consumers,
new single. The shock and joy on
their faces when Justin walked in
and joined them on-set created a Fig. 1: Most entertainment and media CEOs see the need to change the
YouTube sensation—one that has consumer facing parts of their business
garnered a third of a million views,
and counting. Percentage of entertainment and media CEOs making changes in the areas of
customer growth and retention strategies and channels to market
This is just one example of the
rise—and rising importance—of n Recognise need to change n Concrete plans to implement change programmes
the super-fan. With the help of n Developing strategy to change n Change programme underway or completed
n No need to change
digital technologies, super-fans are
adding value to brands across many
industries. From toys to consumer Customer growth and retention strategies
electronics to cosmetics, people 13% 17% 28% 36% 6%
with a deep, emotional attachment
to brands are going beyond Channels to market
blogging and tweeting to become
8% 22% 22% 25% 15%
actively involved in making their
favourite brands even better and Base: All entertainment and media respondents, 72
more valuable. Source: PwC 17th Annual Global CEO Survey 2014
from ‘fanatical devotees’ who might By providing these more immersive Influencing the
attend Comic-Con in character and intense experiences to their influencers
costume, to ‘vocal advocates’ who super-fans—whether paid-for as a
tweet continually about how great premium service, or as a trade-off As more entertainment and
a brand is, to ‘quiet advocates’ for earned media and participation media companies formulate
—or ‘super-subscribers’—who in product development— their strategies to respond to the
may only follow their more vocal entertainment and media companies rise of the super-fan, its wider
counterparts, but are every bit will also deepen their super-fans’ implications are becoming clear.
as loyal. commitment, and encourage them One of the biggest impacts—given
to promote and support their brands the ability to engage these brand
all the more actively. advocates directly and individually
… to drive additional through digital channels—is that
revenues it creates a need for ownership of
Taking your fans on the the most passionate consumers of
Each persona of super-fan should
be treated differently to realise
journey to digital media brands, especially within
the marketing, programming and
different opportunities. And the What’s key is that a premium
technology teams. To establish
importance of getting this right is experience has to be special—even
this ownership companies need to
growing, as the super-fans who love unique—in the eyes of the fan. There
focus on identifying and building
entertainment and media content are many instances of companies
concentric ‘circles of influence’
are empowered and enabled by harnessing super-fans in this way
around their content.
the explosion in digital/mobile to drive extra revenues: witness the
communications and social media ‘V.I.P.’ button displayed discretely In this context, the ‘inner circle’
—in turn driving an upsurge in on the People Magazine homepage, is the people within the business
their numbers, influence and offering subscribers the opportunity working on developing and
revenue potential. to join the ‘A-List’, including access delivering new content ideas and
to an exclusive premium section. experiences. Companies can now
The key to tapping into this potential
look to supplement and reinforce
lies in providing the passionate More generally, engaging with
this internal talent pool with
super-fan or super-subscriber with super-fans might seem more relevant
an ‘outer circle’ of super-fans—
a premium offering—sometimes to music, TV or movies: examples
likely to include a blend of vocal
termed an ‘inside-the-ropes’ include Regal Entertainment’s
advocates boosting the brand on
experience—such as pre-release, offer of ‘SuperTickets’ for the latest
social media, and quiet advocates
exclusive or live content. A ‘vocal Hobbit series release, The Hobbit:
who might advise on activities such
advocate’ who tweets positively to The Desolation of Smaug, including
as new content, plot formation
100,000 followers and takes part in a a digital download of the movie
and characters, in return for a
brand’s product or plot development four days before the official digital
personalised premium experience.
deserves—and increasingly expects release. However, experience shows
—this experience as payback for that super-fans have particular This outer circle does not need
their contribution to ‘earned’ media power in consumer magazines. With to be huge: it’s more likely to
and thereby wider revenues. print subscriptions and advertising number 100 fans than 100,000.
under pressure from the migration But entertainment and media
However, the less vocal but equally
to digital behaviours, special interest companies that have not yet started
committed quiet advocate also
magazines from cookery to golf to to identify and engage with their
wants to get closer to the brands
yachting are moving to online video outer circle should move now to
and celebrities they love. These
content to engage their super-fans find out who their super-fans are by
super-subscribers will be willing to
—thus ensuring they take their most genre, content strand and location,
pay extra for ‘value-add’ premium
committed advocates with them on and what they value. This insight
experiences or content—opening
the digital journey. demands a mix of qualitative
up a direct and growing source of
research and data analytics,
incremental revenues.
providing the basis for engaging the Ten questions to ask:
right fans in the right way with the
right rewards. These are areas where 1. Does your brand lend itself to
people with a creative mindset have super-fans of different types? How
traditionally struggled—but they’re do your super-fans segment out?
vital for winning the race to engage 2. What do they value about
the super-fan. your brand?
Inevitably, there are hurdles and 3. How can you use data (big and
pitfalls along the way. Many content small) to better understand your
companies are disintermediated customers and identify your
from their end-consumers by super-fans?
wholesalers and distributors, making
4. Do you already communicate with
it difficult to engage fans directly—
them overtly and even provide a
and raising the risk of losing them
platform for them to speak?
to Internet-based competitors.
Strategic responses include direct to 5. How can you engage with them to
consumer engagement, potentially the greatest mutual benefit?
including collaboration between
6. What ‘inside the ropes’ experiences
content and distribution to offer
would they value most?
cut-down bundled packages for a
competitive price. 7. Are you converting select segments
of super-fans into incremental
Also, entertainment and media
revenues through premium offers?
companies that use their super-fans
If not, why not?
as a source of free product or service
insight, but then fail to reward 8. How will you sustain those
them adequately for their time and revenues? And how will you refresh
commitment, may find they end your super-fan relationships
up undermining the relationship. over time?
So, adding real value through
9. What part(s) of the business will
personalised, premium experiences
you use to do this?
is crucial. Remember, all human
relationships are two–way: the 10. What metric best describes the
super-fan’s commitment to your desired outcomes of a super-fan’s
brand is emotional—so you need to actions—such as ‘shares’, ‘likes’,
show the same emotion in return. ‘endorses’, etc?

Outlook insights: an analysis of the Global entertainment and media outlook 2014–2018
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