American Journal of Medical Genetics Volume 79 Issue 2 1998 (Doi 10.1002 - (Sici) 1096-8628 (19980901) 79 - 2 - 134 - Aid-Ajmg9 - 2-q) Hart, Thomas C. Bowden, Donald W. Ghaffar, Kha

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American Journal of Medical Genetics 79:134–139 (1998)

Sublocalization of the Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome

Locus on 11q14−q21
Thomas C. Hart,1,2* Donald W. Bowden,3 Khaled A. Ghaffar,4 Wei Wang,1 Christopher W. Cutler,5
Irfan Cebeci,6 Ahmet Efeoglu,6 and Erhan Firatli6
Department of Pediatrics, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Department of Dentistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Department of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Department of Oral Diagnosis and Periodontology, Ein-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Periodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas
Department of Periodontology, University of Istanbul School of Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkey

Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is an au- INTRODUCTION

tosomal recessive form of palmoplantar ec- In 1924, Papillon and Lefevre described two sibs
todermal dysplasia, characterized by pal- from a first-cousin mating, with a condition character-
moplantar hyperkeratosis and severe early- ized by diffuse transgradient palmoplantar keratosis
onset periodontitis. The presence of severe and the premature loss of the deciduous and perma-
periodontitis distinguishes PLS from other nent teeth. The condition became known as Papillon-
palmoplantar keratodermas. As part of our Lefevre syndrome (PLS) (Mendelian Inheritance in
efforts to study the genetic basis of peri- Man no. 245000) and subsequently more than 250
odontitis susceptibility, we performed a ge- cases have been described [Gorlin et al., 1964]. The
nome-wide search to identify major loci for hereditary palmoplantar keratodermas (PPKs) com-
PLS in 44 individuals (14 affected) from 10 prise a heterogeneous group of skin disorders, and clas-
consanguineous PLS families. We have iden- sifications based on morphology and distribution of the
tified evidence for linkage of a PLS gene on hyperkeratosis, histopathological findings, mode of in-
11q14–q21. A maximum two-point logarithm heritance, and associated clinical findings resulted in
of the odds (LOD) score of 8.24 was obtained considerable confusion [Griffiths et al., 1992; Zemtsov
for D11S1367 at a recombination fraction of and Veitschegger, 1993]. The identification of specific
␪ = 0.00. Multipoint analysis resulted in a keratin gene mutations in several forms of PPK per-
LOD score of 10.45 and placed the gene for mitted development of a more reliable classification
PLS within a 4–5 cM genetic interval. This [Lind et al., 1994]. Recently, Stevens et al. [1996] de-
genetic interval, flanked by D11S4197 and scribed an alternative classification of the primary
D11S931, contains more than 50 cDNAs and PPKs, suggesting that PLS is one of 19 palmoplantar
200 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). This re- ectodermal dysplasias. PLS is distinguished from the
finement of the candidate region for a PLS other palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasias by the se-
gene is in agreement with other recent re- vere periodontitis that follows eruption of the decidu-
ports of linkage for PLS to chromosome ous teeth and reoccurs with eruption of the permanent
11q14–q21 and should help in identification teeth. This rapidly destructive periodontitis usually re-
of the gene for PLS. Am. J. Med. Genet. 79: sults in premature loss of all teeth. The PPK is usually
134–139, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. diffuse, but focal callosities have been reported in the
creases with punctate lesions over the palms, and ex-
KEY WORDS: linkage; Papillon-Lefevre tension onto the elbows and knees has been reported.
syndrome; periodontitis; pal- Recurrent infections have been reported to occur in ap-
moplantar keratoderma; proximately 20% of cases [Haneke et al., 1979; Haneke,
chromosome band 11q 1975]. It is unknown whether the severe periodontal
destruction seen in PLS is a manifestation of increased
susceptibility to specific microbial infections or a gen-
Contract grant sponsor: National Institute for Dental Re-
eral susceptibility to infection by Gram-negative mi-
search; Contract grant number: R29DE10990 and R03 DE 10563. crobes that are commonly found in the gingival sulcus
*Correspondence to: Thomas C. Hart, D.D.S., Ph.D., Wake For- surrounding the teeth [Preus, 1988; Hart, 1996].
est University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Sec- With the genetic mapping of PPK conditions to at
tion on Medical Genetics, Medical Center Boulevard, Winston- least five distinct genetic loci, it has become apparent
Salem, NC 27157-1093. E-mail: that the PPKs are heterogeneous [Stevens et al., 1996].
Received 10 March 1998; Accepted 20 May 1998 After excluding the Type 1 keratin gene family on chro-
© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Sublocalization of PLS to 11q14–q21 135

mosome 17 and the Type 2 keratin gene family on chro- using standard techniques for polymerase chain reac-
mosome 12 as candidate loci for PLS in these 10 fami- tion (PCR) amplification with radioactively labeled (␥-
lies [Firatli et al., 1997], we began a genome-wide 32P) primers according to manufacturer’s protocol us-
search for the gene(s) responsible for PLS. Utilizing a ing a PCR 9600 thermocycler (Applied Biosystems,
homozygosity linkage mapping approach, we have Foster City, CA) as previously reported [Hart et al.,
identified linkage for PLS to 11q14–q21. 1997]. After identification of a linkage relationship to
D11S901 on chromosome 11q, a high-density array of
MATERIALS AND METHODS DNA markers was selected from available genetic
Ascertainment of Families maps of the region. These maps included the Coopera-
tive Human Linkage Center chromosome 2 version
Ten families were identified when the index case pre- v8c7 integrated marker map ( and the
sented for treatment of severe, early-onset periodontal Genethon Map [Gyapay et al., 1994]. Following PCR
disease. Fig. 1 shows pedigrees of affected individuals. amplification, individual samples were separated on a
Eight of the families are from Turkey (families 1-8), 6% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis urea gel (30 W,
and 2 are from Egypt (families 9 and 10). Informed 1500 V). An M13 sequencing ladder (Sequenase kit,
consent was provided by all participants prior to inclu- USB, Cleveland, OH) was loaded onto each gel to per-
sion into the study. All available relatives were exam- mit sizing of individual alleles. Following electrophore-
ined by a dentist and a dermatologist. To be classified sis, gels were wrapped in cellophane and exposed in a
as affected, an individual needed to show clinical evi- phosphorimaging cassette for 15 min, and scanned
dence of severe early-onset periodontitis (radiographic (Molecular Dynamics, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). Alleles
evidence of >50% alveolar bone loss, and/or at least four were scored and genotype data entered into a pedigree
teeth with periodontal probing depth of at least 5 mm); file for linkage analysis.
palmoplantar hyperkeratosis had to be present on the
palms of the hands and or soles of the feet. Linkage Analysis
DNA-Marker Analysis
LOD scores were generated assuming autosomal re-
Peripheral venous blood (7.5 ml) was obtained by ve- cessive inheritance with 95% penetrance. The mutant
nipuncture. Genomic DNA was extracted using the allele frequency was taken as 0.0001. Marker allele
QIAmp blood kit (QIAMP, Inc., Valencia, CA) accord- frequencies were assumed to be uniformly distributed.
ing to manufacturer’s protocol. An initial genome-wide The families were of Turkish and Egyptian origin, and
scan was performed using the Weber version 6A low- allele frequencies for the markers used in these popu-
density markers (Research Genetics, Huntsville AL) lations, are unreported. Two-point and multipoint link-

Fig. 1. Pedigrees of 10 families segregating the PLS phenotype. Squares and circles represent males and females, respectively. Affected individuals
are represented by filled symbols and nonaffected family members by open symbols. Consanguineous relations are shown by double lines. Numbered
individuals were examined clinically and sampled.
136 Hart et al.

age analyses were carried out using the MAPMAKER/ TABLE I. Combined Pairwise LOD Scores at Standard
HOMOZ [Kruglyak et al., 1995] software package, Recombination Rates for Chromosome 11q Markersa
which allows rapid multipoint mapping of disease LOD score (Z) at
genes in nuclear pedigrees. The order of genetic mark- recombination fraction (␪)
ers on chromosome 11 was evaluated with CRI-MAP Locus 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
[Lander and Green, 1987] analysis of available genetic
D11S916 −16.68 0.53 0.94 0.85 0.67
mapping data from Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme
D11S937 −11.41 1.22 1.28 0.99 0.70
Humain (CEPH) families [Dib et al., 1996] (http:// D11S918 −12.35 0.84 1.01 0.83 0.61 Genotype data for the markers was D11S911 −2.71 3.07 2.51 1.87 1.33
downloaded and the BUILD option was used to create D11S901 1.88 3.26 2.47 1.75 1.19
a map. The highest-likelihood map was compared to D11S4187 −0.28 4.02 3.15 2.27 1.56
alternative orders of loci using the FIXED option in the D11S4135 3.47 4.09 2.92 1.92 1.19
D11S4147 2.15 5.64 4.31 3.05 2.08
multipoint homozygosity mapping analysis. Using a
D11S4197 2.57 3.72 2.76 1.92 1.29
criterion of LOD minus 1.0, a 95% confidence interval D11S1887 6.52 4.95 3.54 2.43 1.61
was determined [Conneally et al., 1985]. D11S1367 8.24 6.38 4.67 3.25 2.19
D11S1780 3.81 5.04 3.83 2.73 1.86
RESULTS D11S1979 7.64 5.90 4.33 3.04 2.08
Clinical Findings D11S931 −2.79 3.29 2.57 1.83 1.25
D11S4675 3.35 4.86 3.68 2.62 1.80
Forty-four persons available for study were exam- D11S1332 3.06 4.12 3.07 2.14 1.43
ined. Fourteen individuals were classified as affected D11S1311 1.27 3.01 2.34 1.48 1.16
with PLS based on a significant history/presence of se- D11S919 −0.66 2.90 2.18 1.46 0.93
vere early-onset periodontitis and palmoplantar hyper- D11S917 −18.89 −0.01 0.61 0.56 0.40
kerotosis. In none of the 10 families did a parent have a
The shared region of the nonrecombinant loci is shown in bold.
a history for early-onset periodontitis or palmoplantar
keratosis, suggesting that all parents were carriers,
nation events by haplotype reconstruction. The mini-
but none was affected. Parental consanguinity was pre-
mum interval containing the PLS locus, defined by re-
sent in all 10 families. Equal numbers of males and
combination between chromosome 11q STRPs and the
females were affected (7 males, 7 females). These find-
PLS locus, is shown for each family in Table III. The
ings are consistent with autosomal recessive transmis-
cosegregating segment in which recombination was not
sion of PLS in these families. No family members
detected was flanked by the markers D11S4197 and
showed evidence of partial expression of PLS, as has
D11S931. Multipoint linkage analysis using 19 STRP
been reported to occur infrequently in PLS [Kotzot and
markers yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of
Pfeiffer, 1993; Bullon et al., 1993; Soskolne et al., 1996].
10.45 at D11S1367. Utilizing a criterion of LOD minus
Both early-onset periodontitis and palmoplantar hyper-
1.0 to determine the 95% confidence interval, the PLS
keratosis were present in all 14 affected individuals.
locus lies in a 4–5-cM genetic interval flanked by
Two-Point Linkage D11S4197 and D11S931 (Fig. 2).
Utilizing a genome-wide search strategy, all indi-
viduals were genotyped for a low-density short tandem DISCUSSION
repeat polymorphism (STRP) locus screening panel Findings of this analysis confirm recent reports of
(Weber version 6a). Two-point LOD scores supporting linkage for PLS to chromosome 11q14–q21 [Laass et
linkage were obtained for only one STRP locus, al., 1997; Fischer et al., 1997]. All affected individuals
D11S901 (Zmax ⳱ 3.58; ␪ ⳱ 0.04). All individuals were
then genotyped for a high-density array of markers
TABLE II. Family-Specific LOD Scores for D11S1367 Showing
that flanked the genetic region surrounding D11S901.
All Families Consistent With Linkage to D11S1367 and No
Two-point LOD scores for markers spanning the can- Evidence of Any Family Not Linked to This Marker, Suggesting
didate interval are summarized in Table I. The great- a Common Linkage to All Families With No Suggestion of
est two-point LOD score was obtained for D11S1367 Genetic Heterogeneity
(Zmax ⳱ 8.24; ␪ ⳱ 0.00). Two additional markers
Recombination fraction (␪)a
showed complete evidence for linkage with Zmax at ␪
⳱ 0.00 (D22S1887, Zmax ⳱ 6.82, ␪ ⳱ 0.00; D11S1979, Family 0.00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Zmaxb
Zmax ⳱7.64; ␪ ⳱ 0.00). No support for linkage was 1 0.70 0.55 0.41 0.30 0.20 0.70
found for any marker outside the 11q14–q21 genetic 2 0.70 0.53 0.38 0.25 0.16 0.70
interval (no LOD score > 1.0). All families appeared 3 0.18 0.13 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.18
4 0.53 0.38 0.25 0.16 0.10 0.53
linked to the 11q14–q21 chromosomal region, with no
5 1.18 0.93 0.69 0.47 0.31 1.18
evidence for heterogeneity. To illustrate this, Table II 6 0.93 0.70 0.50 0.33 0.21 0.93
shows two-point LOD scores for all 10 families with the 7 0.68 0.53 0.40 0.28 0.20 0.68
STRP marker D11S1367. The Zmax for each family 8 0.63 0.49 0.35 0.25 0.17 0.63
was at ␪ ⳱ 0.00 for this locus. 9 0.82 0.65 0.50 0.36 0.26 0.82
10 1.88 1.47 1.10 0.77 0.52 1.88
Haplotype and Multipoint Linkage Analysis Total Zmax 8.23
In order to define the smallest interval containing a
Two-point LOD scores for D11S1367 and PLS.
the PLS locus, individuals were analyzed for recombi- b
Theta at Zmax for all families was at 0.00.
Sublocalization of PLS to 11q14–q21 137

TABLE III. Summary of Family-Specific Recombination Between 11q STRPs and the PLS Locusa
Family no.
STRP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D11S916 R R R N R N N N − R
D11S911 R − N N − N N N − −
D11S937 R R − N R N N N − R
D11S918 R − − N R − N N − −
D11S901 N N N N − − − N R R
D11S4187 − N − N N − N − − R
D11S4135 − N − N N N − − R R
D11S4147 N N N N N N N N R −
D11S4197 − N N N − − − N R −
D11S1887 N − − N N − N N N −
D11S1367 − N − N N N N − − −
D11S1780 − N N N N − N − N N
D11S1970 − N N − N − − N N −
D11S931 N N N N R N − − R −
D11S4675 N N N N R − − − R −
D11S1332 − − − − − N N − − R
D11S1311 R N N N − − − − − R
D11S919 − − N N R − N N − R
D11S917 R R R N R − − − R R
R, recombinant; N, nonrecombinant; −, uninformative or partially informative meiosis. The shared region of the nonrecombinant loci is shown in bold.

from the 10 families identified in the present report reduction of the candidate region should help to reduce
appear to share common alleles consistent with inher- the number of potential candidate genes/ESTs for PLS.
itance of two copies of the PLS gene ‘‘identical by de- The hereditary PPKs are a heterogeneous group of
scent’’ from a common ancestor in each family. How- skin disorders characterized by hyperkeratosis (thick-
ever, the lack of a common haplotype reasons against a ening of the stratum corneum, the uppermost layer of
recent, and possibly a common, allelic mutation in the epidermis) primarily of the palms and soles. The
these families. Recent linkage studies have identified a recent classification system of Stevens et al. [1996] for
genetic candidate region bounded by the STRP loci PPK conditions proposes 19 different types of PPK with
D11S1761 and D11S1342, a candidate region of ap- ectodermal dysplasia. PLS is classified as Type IV of
proximately 9 cM. Although Fischer et al. [1997] re- the palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia group. The se-
ported the candidate region as between D11S901 and vere early-onset periodontitis with resultant loss of
D11S4175, their data show that recombinants were teeth is the primary trait that distinguishes PLS from
identified with markers D11S1761 and D11S1342, other conditions in the ectodermal dysplasia group,
markers that lie outside the candidate region from with the exception of the Haim-Munk syndrome [Haim
D11S901 to D11S4175. Therefore, the PLS candidate and Munk, 1965], which may be a variant of the PLS
region they defined is more accurately defined as the [Gorlin et al., 1990]. Preus has suggested that the peri-
9-cM region (based on their genetic map) from odontal component of PLS may simply be a casual as-
D11S1761 to D11S1342. Results of our haplotype re- sociation with PPK, so that individuals without peri-
construction and multipoint analysis refines the PLS odontal destruction will be diagnosed with a different
candidate region to a 4–5-cM genetic distance within form of PPK, and those with periodontal destruction
the previously reported candidate region. This refined will be diagnosed with PLS [Preus, 1988]. Although
candidate region is bounded by D11S4197 and apparent partial expression of PLS has been reported
D11S931. The precise size of the candidate region is not [Kotzot and Pfeiffer, 1993; Bullon et al., 1993; Soskolne
clear. Published maps of 11q have the order D11S4197- et al., 1996], the apparent complete segregation of se-
D11S4147-D11S1887-D11S1780-D11S1367- vere early-onset periodontitis with palmoplantar hy-
D11S1979-D11S931 [Gyapay et al., 1994] in the candi- perkeratosis in the 19 families reportedly linked to the
date region, which would place the PLS gene in a 2–3- chromosome 11q14 region in three independent studies
cM interval. However, our CRI-MAP analysis of the to date suggests that the periodontal disease compo-
available genetic mapping data from CEPH families nent is not simply an occasional associated finding
( with these markers shows that [present report, Laass et al., 1997; Fischer et al., 1997].
the order D11S4197-D11S4147-D11S1887-D11S1367- Destruction of the oral tissues in PLS is somewhat
D11S1780-D11S1979-D11S931 is 69-fold more likely, unique; the process is characterized by severe inflam-
which would increase the PLS interval to 4–5 cM. Al- mation of the gingival/periodontal tissues, destruction
though we have reduced the genetic map interval for of collagen fibers of the periodontal ligament, and al-
PLS, additional development of correlated physical and veolar bone loss, resulting in loss of the teeth. The on-
genetic maps of the region will be necessary to define set is reported to begin at the time of eruption of the
precisely the size of the interval. This candidate region primary dentition through the periodontium. After ex-
is a gene-dense region of the genome and contains ap- foliation of the primary dentition, the gingival tissues
proximately 20 genes, 50 cDNAs, and 200 ESTs. This return to a noninflamed state. However, upon eruption
138 Hart et al.

al., 1986]. The biologic basis for the increased propen-

sity for periodontal destruction in PLS is unknown, but
alterations of inflammatory cells, cellular response,
and structural integrity of epithelium have been re-
ported in PLS [Hart and Shapira, 1994]. Specific aber-
rations of epithelial integrity have been identified in
several PPKs [Stevens et al., 1996]. It is unknown
whether PLS results from a structural alteration in
epithelium, but it is possible that an epithelial defect,
perhaps of the junctional epithelium, may predispose
to microbial infections in the unique ecological and
structural tissues of this part of the periodontium. To
date, no genetic loci for periodontal diseases have been
linked to chromosome region 11q14–q21 [Hart and
Kornman, 1997]. Identification of the gene muta-
tions(s) responsible for PLS will permit elucidation of
the molecular basis of PLS. This should enable devel-
opment of effective, cause-based treatments for PLS.
Understanding the pathogenesis in PLS may also per-
mit identification of genetic factors important to peri-
odontitis susceptibility, particularly for the early-onset
forms of disease and forms of periodontitis resistant to
traditional therapies.
A number of potential candidate genes have been
localized to this region of chromosome 11q, including
several that could affect inflammatory cell response
and structural integrity of the epithelium. These in-
clude collagen-binding protein 2 (CBP2); keratin, hair
cuticle, ultrahigh-sulfur 1 (KRN1); tyrosinase (TYR);
esterase-A4 (ESA4); and two matrix metalloproteinase
(MMPs), MMP7 and MMP8. MMP8 is also called neu-
Fig. 2. Multipoint LOD score calculations between the PLS phenotype
and nineteen chromosome 11q markers. The multipoint LOD score is rep- trophil collagenase, and it is of interest that aberrant
resented on the x-axis. The DNA marker loci tested are identified numeri- neutrophil function has been reported in PLS patients.
cally as follows: 1 ⳱ D11S916, 2 ⳱ DS11S911, 3 ⳱ D11S937, 4 ⳱ The pathogenetic basis of PLS must await identifica-
D11S918, 5 ⳱ D11S901, 6 ⳱ D11S4187, 7 ⳱ D11S4135, 8 ⳱ D11S4147, 9
⳱ D11S4197, 10 ⳱ D11S1887, 11 ⳱ D11S1367, 12 ⳱ D11S1780, 13 ⳱ tion of the specific gene mutation involved. Refinement
D11S1979, 14 ⳱ D11S931, 15 ⳱ D11S4675, 16 ⳱ D11S1332, 17 ⳱ of the candidate genetic region will permit identifica-
D11S1311, 18 ⳱ D11S919, and 19 ⳱ D11S917. Relative genetic distances tion of those genes/ESTs that lie within the candidate
are in cM.
region to determine which are candidates for PLS.

of the permanent dentition, the cycle of severe gingival ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

inflammation, alveolar bone loss, and tooth exfoliation
recurs. Usually, all permanent teeth with the exception We thank Ruby Griffin for her assistance in manu-
of the third molars are affected [Haneke, 1979]. When script preparation.
the teeth are not present, gingival inflammation is un-
remarkable, and destruction of the periodontium REFERENCES
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