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UTOPIA Tales of the Fourth Era of Realia

Prologue - Lead and steel

The place is dark and silent. A white haired man with the red jumpsuit is checking his many weapons: two
pockets guns on his wrist holsters, fully loaded, a compact shotgun hanging on his belt with the stock removed
to make it lighter and smaller, and a huge single-edged sword on his back. Then he gets up and he quickly
moves like a shadow through the steel corridors of the military installation illuminated by bluish neon lights,
ready for anything. This man is:

Malcom Sparks (+5) –Aegis first class combat agent

Attack +3 Emotionless (cynical) -1

Combat Expert +4 Overconfident -1
Evasive +3 Servitude (Aegis) -3
Perceptive +2 Stubborn -1
Tough +1 Wanted (Godsong Corp) -2

Health: 50 Endurance: 40 Defense: 5D

Aegis Viper - roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective, ranged, weapon)

Malcom attacks shooting with his twin small guns.
Aegis Raging Bull - roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective, ranged, area effect, buildup x2, weapon)
This shotgun fires a rain of small lead spheres (-1 to opponent defense) that attacks up to three nearby targets
in a cone shaped area. It overheats and needs two rounds to cool down and shoot again.
Aegis Dragon Blade - roll 5D, Damage x6 (effective x2 , weapon, inaccurate)
A massive and heavy single-edged broadsword.

Malcom arrives in from of the huge metal door that leads to the laboratories: unfortunately it’s closed shut,
surely alarmed, and there is no other access. He then sees the metal grill of the air ducts. “Hmmm… if I can
open that, I can enter the place unseen! A classic!”. Unfortunately the metal grill is welded and while he’s
trying to open is using his sword, the metal door opens and a soldier in black uniform and helmet enters the
corridor. There is no place to hide, so he immediately sees Malcom that runs towards him! He launches a
blade, that the Aegis agent skillfully dodges, before stabbing him with the big sword.
“Ok, now I’ve earned my access card!” whispers Malcom taking the keycards from the dead body of the
soldier. Looking at the man’s uniform and helmet he realizes this was no ordinary soldier. “The Black Troops,
the mysterious team of the Godsong Corp that watches over the secret operations. It seems that I’m in the
right place at the right moment!” he says to himself.

The Aegis agent enters the laboratories, and strangely he finds no surveillance. “Hm… that’s suspicious!” he
thinks as he hears some voices coming from a nearby room. He enters with his guns ready and sees three
scientists that are startled from his entrance. The oldest one immediately blocks the others “You! You are the
White Lion of the Aegis! You are the White Death! We… we will obey tell us what you need!”. Malcom
immediately conceals his surprise “The human experiments, I need to find them!”.
The old scientist shakes his head “Impossible, they are not here! The train just left!”
Malcom now understands the lacks of security: his targets were loaded on the train to be transported
somewhere! Without a word he runs back in the corridor and he sees the train leaving. Before it’s too late he
jumps through the window, breaking it and landing on the roof of a wagon in a shower of glass.
But a couple of soldiers are ready to welcome him:

Black Trooper (+0): Attack +1, Combat Expert +1, Evasive +1, Servitude (Godsong Army) -3.
Health: 10, Endurance: 10, Defense: 3D
Light blade - roll 3D, Damage x3 (effective, weapon) – the soldier attacks with a large combat knife.
Light firearm - roll 3D, Damage x3 (ranged, effective, weapon) – the soldier shoots his wrist mounted gun.

Two soldiers in black uniforms advance towards him. They look at each
other, nod, and while one draws his blade, the other shoots his arm gun.
Malcom sprints and passes through them unharmed, then he turns
grabbing his shotgun, and fires from the hip hitting and killing both with
a deadly shower of lead.
He then jumps on the second wagon, then he carefully leans to see if his
objective is inside. He just sees that there are five other soldiers, that are
probably waiting for him, so he carefully and silently moves to the third
wagon. Since the place seems empty he quickly climbs down the little
steel ladder and enters the carriage. Then he suddenly notices a white
dressed woman that is sitting on one of the passenger seats.

She gets up, holding a katana. “Malcom, the White Lion. I was expecting you!”. The man sighs “I guess that I
won’t find what I am looking for, isn’t it?”. She smiles “Well, yes, you are on the wrong train. But I have found
what I was looking for!” and she draws her sword. The blade shines under the city lights. Malcom calmly
draws his large sword “So you know me. But I don’t know who you are. I guess you work for the Godsong, but
surely you are more than a simple soldier like those I met before…”. She smiles again “You are correct, again!
Let’s say that I’m a special agent, more or less your equivalent. But I’m sure I’m better than you!”
“Let’s find out, then!” he says while she dashes towards him.
The two blades flash and clash…

Chapter 1 - Wake up!

Romeo Cross, amnesiac unarmed specialist +5

Agile +2 Amnesia -3
Attack +3 Code of conduct (loyal, sincere) -1
Combat Expert +2 Impulsive -1
Evasive +2 Ineptitude (modern technology) -2
Intimidating +3 Short Tempered -2
Iron Willed +2 Wanted (???) -2
Quick +2

Health: 40 Endurance: 40 Defense: 6D

Demon Claw - roll 6D, Damage x4

An ancient and forgotten combat style that mainly uses fists and finger attacks.
Demon Fury- roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective, overwhelming, unwieldy, -10 En).
A furious flurry of fast blows towards a single enemy that has to give up the next action just to defend. Romeo
then becomes tired and loses one dice from Defense until next turn.
Demon Spear- roll 7D, Damage x4 (accurate, ranged, moves to enemy, -5 En).
Romeo becomes a living bullet that is shot towards the target and hits him with his fist.

The redheaded man wakes up in a cell with no memories of his past.

He sees a man sitting in his cell near him: this young man has white hair
and red eyes, and a surprised look on his face. “Are you ok? You slept a
lot, Romeo. I wonder what they gave you, when I was locked in this cell,
two days ago, you were still sleeping! I was almost sure you were going
to sleep forever, my friend!”
“Is… my name Romeo? Did I know you? I can’t remember who I am!”
“My name is Virgil, and no, we never met before. But I heard the guards
saying your name. Romeo Cross. That’s all they said about you. Well, it
seems that they gave you some strange potion. Or maybe they
brainwashed you. I don’t know, these people are weird!”

Romeo massages his temples “Ok, I am ok. These guards… are soldiers?”. Virgil shakes his head “No, they
wear no uniforms or symbols. They are probably mercenaries, or bandits. Probably they aren’t slavers…”.
“Why do you say so?” Virgil shrugs “They know your name. Usually slavers don’t care about names. And I also
do not think they are kidnappers. I am a soldier and you seem a capable fighter too. I do not think they are
trying to demand a ransom, they probably need some test subject. I think they work for a mad scientist or a
dark sorcerer, who knows?”. Rome nods “Clearly you thing that my amnesia has something to do with
experiments, isn’t it? Well you may be right, but if you are right… then we have to leave this place as soon as
possible!”. “Well…” says Virgil “if I had my guns I could destroy that lock in not time but… they have them!”.
Romeo looks at the iron lock, that quick as a snake hits it with two extended fingers. For a second nothing
happens, then the lock shatters in pieces! “How… did you do that?” asks Virgil, impressed. “Well, I just knew I
was able to do that, but… don’t you thing we can leave now?” concludes Romeo.

They exit the cell and find themselves in a hallway. There are other cells on the same side, anyway they also
notice two men, probably the same guards mentioned by Virgil. One of them immediately notices the
prisoners, and runs towards them, drawing a short blade. “Oh no!” sighs Virgil “We’re unarmed, and without
my guns I can’t help much… but I’ll try!”. He faces the man and hits him with a punch. The guard suffers the
blow, but then he smiles despite the blood dripping from his chin, and slashes Virgil’s arm with his blade.
The white haired man falls back, staggering “Sorry Romeo, I tried!”. Romeo nods and runs to the man, then he
hits him like a train. The thug is thrown to the floor, and gives no sign to get up. But the other man has drawn
an old black handgun and shoots, Romeo narrowly avoids the bullet, then like a projectile he traverses the
corridor in an instant, and hits the man with his extended arm. The man falls down.

Thug (+0): Attack +1, Combat Expert

+1, Dense -1, Greedy -1.
Health: 10,
Endurance: 10,
Defense: 2D.
Large knife - roll 4D, Damage x2
(precise, weapon) – the thug slashes
at the target with his trusty knife.
Block gun- roll 3D, Damage x3
(ranged, effective, weapon) – an old
semiautomatic gun.

Virgil approaches him “Awesome! You were so fast!”. Then he is suddenly distracted as he saw something
inside a nearby closet. He goes there and comes back with a first-aid kit, an olive coat and two handguns.
“These were mine!” he says as he starts bandaging his wound. “Luckily this was just a scratch!”. He puts on his
coat and checks his weapons. “Now I’ll be able to…” he stops staring at Romeo that is eating the food left by
the guards. “Oh come on, Virgil! I slept for days, and now I am hungry! The food they left in that cell looked
rotten and inedible!”. Virgil smiles “Ok, but let’s go now. You were fast so the alarm wasn’t raised, but I know
for sure that these two were not the only guards of this place! And no, I do not think we’ve time to check the
other cells, I see that no one came to see your little fight, and I also would not trust anyone”.

They exit in a room and see some stairs. Romeo looks from a window and sees a ruined city below them, then
he notices Virgil taking the stairs to the roof. “What are you doing?” he asks. “I remember I came from there!”
he answers. On the roof they find a vehicle parked on the landing pad. “Do you know how to pilot that…
thing?” asks Romeo. “Well yes it’s an Air Speeder, but not without the keys. We’ve to find them! Follow me!”.

They take the stairs and they go down, but then they suddenly stop when they hear a voice. Sneaking behind
some desks they see four person: two, a punk with a blue mohawk and a woman, look like the thugs they
fought before, the man who is speaking is a blonde man wearing a lab coat, and the one in front of him wears
a black uniform with a white cross and a red armband. “… so we need time, Mr. Mansel, if we want to make
them trusted and capable soldiers. They were dangerous before, and not only we have to create a new
memory, but we also have to keep capable to use their old powers, that’s not as easy as you…”. The man they
called Mr. Mansel turns and says “Wait a moment. I feel we’re being watched!”.

Virgil and Romeo both gets up, leaving their hidden place. “Mansel! You
were the one that dragged me here!” says Virgil. “Oh, yes!” smiles
Mansel drawing a short black baton from his belt holster. He presses a
button and the weapon extends a lot, crackling with blue sparks. “We’ve
some fugitives, here. Come on guys, let’s put back these rascals in their
cell!”. The muscular punk puts on some brass knuckles, while his female
companion draws a machete. The scientist instead isn’t confident at all
and backs off but behind him there’s only a wall.
Mansel grins “I’ll take care of the redhead brawler, guys. You two keep
the white haired scoundrel busy, while I have some fun!”.
The two thugs runs screaming towards Virgil and Mansel faces Romeo.

Mansel Braunstein, Witch Hunter Inquisitor +3

Agile +1 Airhead -1
Attack +1 Arrogant -1
Combat Expert +1 Fussy -2
Minions +2 Overconfident -2
Position of Power (Inquisition) +3 Servitude (Inquisition) -2
Perceptive +1
Quick +2

Health: 20 Endurance: 20 Defense: 4D

Telescopic Staff - roll 4D, Damage x2 (reach, weapon).

An attack with his long weapon, opponent chooses a -1 to attack or defense, until next round.
Electric stunning bolt - roll 5D, Damage x2 (accurate, ranged, stunning, activation, weapon, affinity:
Mansel spends time to charge his weapon, then attacks handling his staff like a rifle, shooting an electric bolt
that stuns his enemy.
Virgil walks rapidly forward as the two thugs flank him. There’s a loud bang as he keep walking and the two
opponents suddenly stop. Then they both fall down, dead.
In the meantime Mansel charges his staff and points it to Romeo, but he’s quick and hits Mansel with a
powerful blow. The man falls down with a groan but then he grins and shoots a bolt of electricity from his
weapon. But Romeo is not caught off guard, and he avoids the energy projectile, that hits the ceiling,
destroying a neon lamp. The second punch hits Mansel, that loses consciousness.

Romeo turns and sees Virgil smiling to him, and holding some keys. “We can leave now!”. Suddenly the sound
of an alarm siren fills the air. “The scientist!” they exclaim at the same time. They run back to the roof and
immediately Virgil sits on the vehicle and starts the engine. Three men arrive and start shooting, a rifle bullet
grazes Romeo’s shoulder, but then the Air Speeder rises and flies away with the two prisoners.

“Hmmm I’ve some good news and some bad news!” says Virgil. “Which do you want first?”. “The good ones!”,
answers Romeo. “Well, it seems that they aren’t going to pursue us, they have no other vehicles to catch us.
Probably this was to avoid prison escapes!”. “Ok, and the bad ones?”. Virgil sighs “They did not refuel, since
they usually do that before leaving. So we will not able to fly for much time. I can land safely, but I have no
idea of our position!”. Romeo sees that they left the ruined city and are flying over a desert land “Well, at
least now we’re free!”. Then he asks “Virgil, what can you tell me about yourself? What happened before you
woke up in the prison?”. “I am a gun for hire, a bounty hunter…”, explain Virgil “… I was in the city of Helgen,
looking for work, when someone hit me in the back. Then I woke up in the cell!”.

After a while they have to land. Romeo notices some tracks on the
sand. Virgil says that it’s a tracked military vehicle. “We probably
should follow these tracks. I don’t care if they will be hostile, we
can’t starve to death in the desert!”. So they walk on the tracks and
soon they see a large city in the distance. “That must be Mepori, the
Surrian capital city!” says Virgil. “Do you know that place?” asks
Romeo. “Are you lost?” asks a voice.
They turn around and see a squad of four soldiers that apparently
sneaked behind them. Three military vehicles are also coming in their
direction, and while they seem old, Romeo feels tired, and has no
intention to fight, he’s almost ready to surrender when he sees Virgil
laughing. “Surrians? Tell to general Garnet that I’m back!” he says.
The men are surprised, then one grabs his old radio. “I hope that you
know what are you asking for, otherwise you will be in deep trouble!”

Soon the three vehicles arrive, and more soldiers come out of them. One is a large bearded man wearing a
heavy armor, that smiles as soon as he recognize Virgil. “Istvan Garnet! How are you, general?” says Virgil
approaching the man. “Virgil! My friend! How are you? I didn’t expect you to meet you so soon!” says the
general. He shakes hands with both him and Romeo. “This is a friend of yours, I suppose!” says general Garnet.
Virgil nods, but the general immediately drags them to the vehicle. “Quick, we haven’t much time!”.

“A… storm?” ask Virgil and Romeo at the same time. The
general smiles “Yes, one of the terrible sandstorms of our
deadly desert. It happens once every six months, but do not
worry, we will be perfectly safe in Mepori!”.
“Well, my intention is to go back to Helgen to investigate on…”.
“No way!” the general interrupts him “I’m sorry, my friend, but
this is too dangerous! You will have to wait the end of the
sandstorm. It will last a couple of days or a couple of weeks, not
more, so please stay in Mepori. No plane will be able to take off
during these days, and no one is so crazy to leave during the
sandstorm!”. Virgil sighs “I guess, that we must!”. “Yes, yes, but
you will be my guest! Anyway you said “investigate”, didn’t
you?“. Virgil and Romeo look at each other, then they decide to
tell general Garnet their escape from the prison.

Chapter 2 - Unexpected visitors!

“The Godsong Corporation! The worshippers of Lex Machina!” says the general as soon as they describe the
uniform of the man they fought inside the prison. “Wait, but wasn’t the Godsong Corp just an organizations of
scientists?” asks Virgil. “Oh, they were, of course. But recently the president Rugiv Godsong has enlisted a
new, strange man named Kie: this man is considered a sort of healer, a messiah, they say he performed even
some miracles, some people even say he is the reincarnation of the Creator God Lex Machina himself. Or his
son. While it is common practice to worship the Creator God and his vassals, the Elemental Gods, the cult of
Lex Machina instead only worship the Creator God only, claims that the other gods were impostors, and, even
worse, that magic should be outlawed and the mages hunted. To them there is no difference between them
and the sect of the Dark Prophets!” sighs Istvan. “It’s… crazy!” snaps Virgil “Magic is part of the natural world
of Realia! I know that they are versed and interested in technology, but they cannot do that!”.
“Yes, they did that. They now have a little army and the elite members are the inquisitors, like the one you
fought in the prison. The problem is that they are getting allies thanks to the popularity of Kie, and their
intentions to protect Realia from threats like monsters and evil sects, but it’s clear that this is only an excuse
to rule over Realia. Rugiv is an ambitious man and has a lot of resources, Kie has a lot of followers and
influence, so you can guess what is their plan. But we will talk of this later. You should rest, there are two
rooms for you and the lockdown of Mepori is imminent, and I’ll be busy now… see you later!”.

They follow a soldier that takes them to their rooms. Meanwhile the city buildings are sinking, receding inside
the earth to protect themselves from the deadly sandstorm. The entire city goes underground before the
storm comes. “Luckily you’re here and not in one of the rural villages!” says the soldier, “Their underground
shelters are not as comfortable as Mepori, but it’s better than nothing, I guess!”.
Romeo rests for a while, then he decides to walk a bit. And then he sees three furtive shadows sneaking and
lurking in a nearby corridor. Then they are gone. Romeo decides to go there and… he finds some bodies on
the ground. Civilians, but also the soldier that accompanied them to their rooms. He checks and notices that
they were stabbed. Immediately he realizes that if they were able to surprise and kill a soldier, they probably
are professional assassins, and if he saw them, this means that they wanted to be seen!

Ninja (+1): Agile +1, Art of Invisibility +2, Attack +1, Combat Expert +1, Quick +2,
Servitude (Shadow Prince) -3, Code of Conduct (will die for his Shadow Clan) -3 .
Health: 10, Endurance: 10, Defense: 4D
Ninja Blades - roll 4D, Damage x3 (armor piercing, effective, two hands, weapon) –
the ninja attacks with his blades, some uses long knives, others prefer bladed gloves.
Shuriken- roll 5D, Damage x2 (ranged, precise, weapon) – a small sharp metal star, a
ninja classic weapon.

He looks above and sees two ninjas! They both attack him, he avoids the first, but not the second one: Romeo
parries the blade with his left arm, while his right fist hits the assassin that takes the hit and then somersaults
in the corridor. He looks at his partner that nods, then he flee. The remaining ninja advances cleaving the air
with his blades that go from left to right and to right to left. The man is extremely quick and Romeo is just able
to avoid the blades. Then he finds an opening and strikes with a quick jab. The ninja staggers and cannot avoid
the next crushing blow, that sends him on the ground, defeated. They were professionals and, when they
weren’t able to kill him with the surprise attack, they just tried to keep him occupied. Clearly their target is
someone else! So Romeo runs to Virgil’s room, but finds it open and empty.
Virgil Westwood, gunslinger and gun for hire +5

Attack +2 Infamous (White Serpent) -2

Combat Expert +4 Overconfident -2
Evasive +1 Quirk (old military coat) -1
Perceptive (sight) +2 Servitude (the Red Lady) -2
Quick +3 Wanted (???) -2
Sixth Sense (danger) +2

Health: 40 Endurance: 40 Defense: 6D

Cobra Mk25 - roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective, ranged, weapon)

Virgil attacks shooting with one of his twin guns.
Rain of Bullets - roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective x2, ranged, area effect, reload, two hands, weapon)
The attack is a rain of lead (-1 to opponent defense) that attacks up to three nearby targets in a cone shaped
area. Virgil has to spend next active action to reload in order to be able to shoot again.
Shoot ‘em up - roll 6D, Damage x5 (effective x2, ranged, overwhelming, reload, two hands, weapon)
The attack is a burst of fire directed to one enemy that has to spend his next action just to defend or his
defense is 0. Virgil has to spend next active action to reload in order to be able to shoot again.

Meanwhile Virgil is looking for general Istvan Garnet. Suddenly he hears

someone screaming and it’s the voice of the general! He runs towards
the direction of the noises and find the old soldier wounded, fighting
two ninjas. They immediately turns towards Virgil and try to throw him
their shuriken, but the gunslinger is faster, he draws both his guns and
unloads them on the assassins that fall dead before they can throw
their weapons.
He then runs to Istvan, that falls un his knees. “It’s… too… late!”.
Virgil looks around to search for a first aid kit, but he soon realizes that
the general is right: he’s dying. The then sees a pink haired girl with a
sword advancing towards him. “Virgil… don’t… save queen Ophelia!”.
And then he dies.

The girl looks sadly at the dead general, she sighs, then she lowers her weapon asking “Are you Virgil?”.
“Oh… yes, I am! But how do…”. “No time for this now!” she interrupts him. The queen of Mepori is in danger,
we’ve to find her before these assassins!”.

Meanwhile the queen is running with her two bodyguards when they
encounter a redheaded man that is calmly walking towards them. They both
draw their guns and point them at Romeo.
“Hey, wait, I am unarmed! There are some assass-“. “Don’t move! Don’t try
any trick!” they say. Romeo, annoyed, shouts back “What? Come on, are you
stupid? I could have ambushed you and killed you ten times, instead of
coming to greet you with open arms!”.
One of them turns to speak with the queen, then a shuriken hits him on the
shoulder. Three ninjas are behind them, while other three are coming from
the other side: they are trapped in the corridor! The one who seems the
leader makes a gesture, like he’s expecting to receive something.

The instant later Romeo is standing, his right arm is going through the chest of one of the assassins, that then
drops dead. The two bodyguards rejoice, then shoots two other ninjas that easily avoids the bullets and then
engage them in melee combat with their blades. The leader does not move and observe the scene, while the
two that were standing near the one that Romeo killed, attack him with their weapons. Romeo recognizes one
of them as the one that fled after being severely wounded by him, grabs him and uses his body as a shield! His
companion unintentionally stabs and kills him, then Romeo hits him in the face with his elbow while he’s
trying to free the blades stuck in the other ninja’s body. Then Romeo turns just in time to avoid a deadly
attack: a ninja lies dead, but the bodyguards were both killed, and the assassin is now trying to kill him with
his deadly claws. Romeo dodges a couple of attacks using all his agility, then attacks and the ninja, expecting
this, stabs him… but it was a feint! The killer instead hits the wall and is unbalanced. He cannot defend from
Romeo’s next lethal attack.
The leader advances but the queen, that was leaning against the wall, terrified, immediately goes behind
Romeo. The ninja bows and then disappears.

“Is… he really gone?”, whispers the

queen. Romeo nods “That’s what it
seems! Well, I hope so! Are you ok?”.
“Thanks!” says queen Ophelia,
almost fainting, “They did not want
to harm me. Probably they were
“I should join the Rainbow Army. It
seems that us Surrians cannot stay
independent. We’re not safe, this is
war and we need allies!”.

Later Romeo is in a throne room with Virgil and a pink haired girl. “This is
Midori…” explains Virgil “She worked with general Istvan like I did in the
past!”. Then the queen arrives with a surrian officer. “This is Boris
Garnet, Istvan’s younger brother and now the general chief of Mepori.”
The man bows to the three. “My brother was the best strategist of the
surrians. It’s a great loss, but we need to strike back. I know that the
attacks was planned by the Reign of Dagon. In the past all the desert
clans lived in peace under the rule of Surrian, now the men of Dagon are
trying to steal our lands!” he looks at Virgil “… and they think they can
win because they are supported by the Godsong Corporation!”
concludes. Virgil raises one eyebrow then grins “I guess you are asking
for my help now. But my answer is no. This is a dispute between two
nations, and even if the Godsong is involved in this, at the moment I’ve more urgent matters. I am truly sorry,
I was a friend of Istvan, but I do not think I can help you in this war. I’m not a mercenary captain!”.
The queen Ophelia speaks “But you were a captain! We can pay you well. I’ve already decided to contact the
Rebel Rainbow Army that opposes the Godsong, like the Red Lady that you serve, and…”
“Enough!” exclaims Virgil, that seems unnerved. “I’m sorry. But I can’t, and that’s because I’ve another task to
complete. The Red Lady isn’t involved in this, and I’ve to reach Helgen as soon as possible. I cannot promise
anything, but I maybe I’d be able to support you in the future, after I’ve solved some urgent matters!”.
Queen Ophelia sighs “Ok. You are right, you are a free man, anyway to go to Helgen the quickest way is taking
an airship from Tamalian. Midori is going there to meet one of the generals of the Rainbow Army, so you can
go with her”. Virgil bows to the queen and leaves, then Romeo is doing the same when queen Ophelia calls
him “Wait a moment, Romeo. I owe you my freedom. You will be always welcomed to Mepori, and I ask you if
you can help us against this menace… I know I’m asking a lot, but we can reward your efforts”. He shakes his
head “I’m sorry, your highness. I can’t stay here. I’m searching for something that is not here!”.

“I guess I’ll come with you to Helgen, maybe I can find some clues about my past!” says Romeo to Virgil that
smiles “Very well, I hoped you were going to say this. I trust you, and I see that you are a formidable warrior.
These assassins were tough, and you were able to save the queen! You could probably earn a lot as a
bodyguard or mercenary here! Anyway I understand that you want to have your memories back. I’d do the
same!”. “Ok. But, wait a moment… who is that Red Lady she was talking about?”. Virgil pats his shoulder “A
person who helped me, and now I’m helping her. Anyway I’ll tell about her later, don’t worry!”.

Midori looks at Ophelia and Boris with a

sad smile. “I’m sorry! It seems that they
won’t help us!”. Boris shrugs “It’s not
their war, I understand them!”. Ophelia
sighs “It’s was worth trying. I think we
shall try every option. Boris nods
“Anyway we need an army, strong allies,
and I think that siding with the Rainbow
Army will be the right choice… the
Godsong already is helping our enemies,
so it’s a wise choice to ally to their
opponent: the enemy of my enemy is
my friend!”. Ophelia smiles “True!”.

Chapter 3 - Meeting the Beast!

The day after Virgil and Romeo meets Midori that is waiting for them near an off road vehicle. “Ready to
leave?”. “The sooner, the better!” says Virgil. “Then let’s go to Tamalian!” she exclaims.
So the three leave the city of Mepori.

“Istvan once told me of the monsters of the desert… is safe travelling by car?” asks Virgil. Midori laughs “Are
you scared? Oh yes! There are the huge worms, but I’ve never seen them. And there are also the giant moths
and the gnomes… but I think that these are just a legend, anyway I…”. Midori is interrupted by gunfire sounds.
They see Tamalian in the distance, but also a patrol of Surrians that is fighting some soldiers. “The Dagon
army!” says Midori. “They are marching towards Tamalian!”. Virgil grins “Drive towards their ranks, we’ll do
the rest!”

The off road vehicle runs towards the Dagon army. Rome and Virgil both lands on their feet in the middle of
the battleground. “The leader is the man over there, the one with the black uniform!”. Shouts Virgil. “Perfect.
Cover me!” answers Romeo. He starts moving taking cover behind the rocks, and luckily the Dagon soldiers
are busy fighting the Surrians, and do not notice the until it’s too late. Then four soldiers tries to stop them,
Virgil shoots with his gun killing three of them. Romeo runs over a rock and jumps as the stone shatters, hit by
the soldier’s bullet. Then he lands on the man, hitting him with a powerful flying kick. He notices that the
enemy leader is wearing an uniform similar to the one that wore Mansel, but unlike Mansel this man seem
scared by him. “Hey… wait! I’m not your opponent… you… you must fight the Beast!” he cackles as he draws a
syringe and uses to inject a green liquid inside his arm. Then the man seems to become taller, larger and full
of muscles. His skin become leathery as his clothes rips as he changes his form.

Ezra Jekil (and) the Beast, Godsong chemist +3

Attack +1 Coward -1
Combat Expert +2 Braggart -2
Evasive +1 Easily Distracted -1
Knowledge: chemistry +2 Focus (chemicals) -2
Position of Power (Godsong) +2 Servitude (Godsong) -2
Transformation +3
Beast form: Armor +2, Strength +3, Tough +2, Awkward Size -2.
After using his special fluid, Ezra becomes a titan with tough skin. By the way he needs his chemicals and a
syringe to do that.

Health: 20 (40) Endurance: 20 Defense: 3D

Stone Fist - roll 4D, Damage x4

The Beast hits with his large powerful punch.
Earthquake - roll 4D, Damage x4 (area effect, delayed, affinity: earth, -5 En)
The Beast concentrates to absorb power, then stomps the ground making stones fly round hitting up to three
opponents that receive one die penalty to defense rolls.

Romeo runs towards the giant, jumps and hits the jaw of the creature
with a powerful punch… but the monster just grins and tries to crush
him with his huge hands! Romeo avoids the attack and hits again, but
the titan’s skin is as hard as steel! Luckily the attacks of the giant are also
easily avoided but the martial artist, but suddenly the creature hits the
ground and shards of rocks fly around the two combatants. Romeo
moves quickly, avoids the rocks and then use of them as a trampoline to
jump over the giant. The monster turns just in time to face his opponent
that attacks with a flurry of punches: the creature tries to parry the
attack with his arms but the fast attacks leave bruises on the leathery
skin. The last attack is uppercut that throws the giant against a pile of
rocks, crumbling them.
The titan groans and gets up, Romeo prepares to attack but then he notices that the monsters looks at him
with fear. “No, it’s him… he cannot be…” and he backs away, but Virgil appears behind him and pistol-whips
him in the head. The large creature falls down unconscious with a loud thud.

“Great idea!” says Virgil “… I mean, taking care of the leader! Now the soldiers will be surely demoralized!”.
Ten soldiers advance towards them. “Well, no. It seems that this just made them angry!” sighs Romeo. Virgil
shrugs “Five are mine, ok?”.

Dagon Soldier (+0): Attack +1, Combat Expert +1, Evasive +1, Servitude (Dagon) -3.
Health: 10, Endurance: 10, Defense: 3D
Bayonet - roll 3D, Damage x3 (effective, weapon) – a sharp blade attached at the
barrel of the musket.
Army Musket - roll 3D, Damage x4 (armor piercing, ranged, effective x2, reload,
weapon) – an old but reliable weapon made by the desert tribes, needs to be
reloaded after each shot.

The soldiers shoots but the bullets flies around Romeo like angry bees. He hits the first with a devastating
punch while the others do not reload but instead charge with their bayonets. A second is defeated, Romeo
avoids two attacks but the third hits him. Another soldier is eliminated, but Romeo is hit again. The fourth
soldier stabs Romeo that angrily kicks him away. The man hits a rock and falls down, but now Romeo is
severely wounded. He is bloody and he cannot see well, he attacks the fifth soldier that avoids his attacks two
times, then counterattacks hitting him with the wooden rifle butt. Romeo falls on the ground, then he tries to
crawl, but the soldier load his rifle, then points it at his head…
“Do not kill him!” says a voice. Ezra, bruised and nearly naked, grabs the barrel of the soldier’s musket. “This is
a precious prisoner, trust me, your superiors will be glad if we bring him to them!”. The man silently nods.
“See?” he continues, pointing at the dead soldiers “This man is special, and we did a great deed capturing
him!”. The soldier frowns hearing the word “we” but he doesn’t say anything.
Meanwhile Victor has defeated all his opponents, but he sees other soldiers advancing while Romeo is
dragged away. He is then force to fall back and join Midori in the ranks of the Surrians.

Interlude - The Lion of the Desert

Ezra enters the throne room smiling proudly. The man in front of him doesn’t look happy to see him at all.
“So, Ezra, they told me that you weren’t able to capture Tamalian… am I right?”. Ezra bows and quickly
answers. “Unfortunately my liege, there was a little complication: the Surrians were meeting the Rainbow
Army so the forces we found there were much more than as we expected. Nonetheless I was able to capture
some influent and powerful prisoners that we surely can…”
“Enough!” shouts the man on the throne “I am king Rumata of the Dagon! The Lion of the Desert! I allied with
the so called mighty Godsong Corporation that claims to rule over what’s left of the Empire of Realia, and they
cannot help me conquer a small city defended by a group of rebels? I did not ask you to conquer Mepori, even
if your leaders claimed they can do that. But yes, you captured some important prisoners. Good job, for this
reason I won’t have you executed, but I’ll send you back home with them for your incompetence!”.
Ezra’s eyes widen. “No… nononono… I did my best, everyone knows that, you cannot do this to me, my
superiors…”. King Rumata smiles cruelly to him “You failed, and your superiors already know that, so they are
going to send someone to replace you. Someone capable, I hope!”.
Two guards quickly immobilize Ezra and take his belt with the pouches full of chemicals. “You won’t need
there in the place where you will go…” concludes Rumata, and starts laughing as his men bring him away.

Romeo wakes up for the second time in a cell. But this time the cell is a
hi-tech environment, and it’s also crowded: two beds but four occupants,
because besides him there are two unknown prisoners and… Ezra the
Beast, the opponent he fought earlier. “I’m Rayne, and that is Bruce…”
start saying the girl, when suddenly the door opens and a soldier in black
uniform enters the cell. He seems surprised to see so many prisoners,
then he takes off his helmet… and Romeo sees Virgil smiling face!
“Hey Romeo, this time it’s me that will help you escape. Well, I did not
expect so many occupants. Anyway let’s go! And… you can came too,
Ezra. I do not trust to leave you here!”. The blonde alchemist nods, gets
up and follow them outside.

They exit the cell and find themselves in a narrow corridor. “We’re on an airship that will bring us to the
Godsong main base… if we don’t take control!” explains Virgil. He then shows them a large metal locker. “Your
weapons are there. I guess we need them, isn’t it?”. Rayne sighs “But look at that padlock! I can open it but I
need my lock pick and I guess it’s inside!”. Virgil smirks “Romeo, you know what to do!”.
Romeo concentrated, then hits the padlock with a fist that pulverizes it. Everyone except Virgil is silently
looking at him with a surprise look. “Ok, take your belongings… except for you, Ezra! Romeo, take his pouch, if
he will prove to be a useful member of our little group he can have it. But only if he will change his side, and
since he was imprisoned, this should not be an easy choice…”
As Virgil is speaking, they suddenly hear a siren. “An alarm!” Romeo sighs “Again! I guess that we’re going to
fight!”. “Well that was the plan!” shrugs Virgil, then they hear someone speaking through a speaker. “Fight?
You should surrender! I’m Zack the Iron Hand, and as we speak, a group of soldiers are coming to stop your
pathetic efforts. Please sit and wait to be restrained, or go back to your cell!”

Ezra and Rayne seem to be less determined “Zack… that man is a legendary mercenary! I don’t know if we can
fight him, he even killed some monsters bare handed!” whispers Rayne. But Bruce, that is calmly loading his
shotgun shakes his head “No time for regrets. They are coming for us, and I will be prepared!”.
The door in front of them opens and a squad of four Black Troopers come inside, but at the same time also
the door behind them lets two heavy armored soldiers enter the corridor. Then combat begins.
Heavy Trooper (+1): Armor +1, Attack +2, Combat Expert +2, Shield +2, Low Perception -1, Servitude
(Godsong Army) -3, Slow -1.
Health: 10, Endurance: 10, Defense: 4D
Bladed Shield - roll 4D, Damage x3 – the shield is welded to the left arm, and used both for attack and defense.

And Romeo attacks the heavy armored warriors that wield anti-riot shields. Romeo uses the shield as a
trampoline, jumps over the soldier and kicks him in the head, landing behind him. The man turns around
trying to hit him with the bladed edge of the shield, but Romeo dodges the attack and hits him with a flurry of
punches that damage and then break his armor, sending him unconscious on the floor. In the meantime the
other armored soldier tries to hit Virgil, but the white haired man falls on his back, avoiding the sharp shield,
and then shoots a couple of bullets at the man, that falls down. Ezra and Bruce take care of two Black
Troopers, the third falls hit by Rayne’s sharp knife, but the fourth hits her. He then shoots with his wrist gun
and hits Virgil’s leg, that counterattacks shouting angrily and kills him with a perfectly aimed bullet.

As they enter the flight deck, they hear Zack shouting to the pilot: “Keep going! They won’t be able to come
here, all our men went there and…“. “I guess you’re wrong!” says Romeo “Your men were defeated and now
there are six of us. And you are alone!”. Zack suddenly seems less confident “Ok… but I’m sure you’re not a
coward, and you’ll fight as a man, following the rules!”. Romeo laughs “This is not a boxing match! But I hope
you’re ready for this!”.

Zack the Iron Hand, renowned mercenary +3

Attack +1 Arrogant -2
Combat Expert +3 Bizarre Appearance (iron hand) -1
Evasive +3 Greedy -2
Famous +1 Overconfident -2
Intimidating +1 Rude -1
Strong +3 Rival (other mercenaries) -1
Tough +1

Health: 50 Endurance: 40 Defense: 5D

Iron Hand brawling style - roll 5D, Damage x5

Zack charges and attacks.
Iron Long Punch - roll 5D, Damage x6 (effective, reach, buildup, delayed)
Zack presses some buttons on his wrist: the telescopic wrist extends thrusts the iron hand it against the
opponent. Even if it misses the opponent chooses a -1 to next defense or attack. Needs one round to recharge.
Five Barrels Hand - roll 5D, Damage x2 (overwhelming , ranged, buildup, delayed)
Zack presses some buttons on his wrist: the fingertips open and start shooting small caliber bullets against one
target that has to spend his next action just to defend or his defense is 0. Needs one round to recharge.

Romeo flies through the room and hits Zack that backs off. “Take this!” shouts the older big man and he
shoots his metal fist, that is connected to the arm by a long iron chain. Romeo is surprised and partially avoids
the large projectile that just scratches his side. He then attacks with a fast sequence of punches, and Zack is
forced to try to parry the multitude of attacks. He’s hit several times, but it’s the final punch that hits him in
the face that makes him fall down. “I… I surrender!” he gasps raising his hands.

“Wise choice! Surrender today, and live another day!” says Virgil entering the room with the other. Rayne ties
his hands behind his back, and Zack peacefully waits that the girl finishes before talking. “Good job! Now you
are all wanted by the Dagon Empire and the Godsong Corporation. You cannot escape them! You should…”
Bruce points his shotgun at the head of the mercenary “Tell something I do not already know or shut up!”.
Then he looks at Romeo “Great job. Now what shall we do?”. Romeo points at Virgil “He’s the strategist that
organized this little plan!”. Virgil shrugs “First we go to Helgen, then to Ifala. We’ve some business… and since
you mentioned that… Ezra, come here!”. The blonde man approaches Virgil. “Do you know someone in Helgen
city that belongs to the Godsong Corp?”. Ezra shakes his head “No, there is no base there, and I’ve never been
in Helgen… but…”. “But what? You don’t know?” asks Virgil “I guessed you were one of the best corporative
agents! Or maybe…”. The alchemist interrupts him “I am one of the best agents! Well, I was! Surely, I was
saying that there is no base but I can contact some operatives, what do you need?”. Virgil smiles, seeing that
the proud agent blow the whistle. “We simply need some details on those who kidnapped me and Romeo,
and why. I am sure you will help us because we freed you. Or do want to go back in that cell?”. Ezra grins “I’ll
do what you asked, since they probably do not know that I was discharged. But will you give me back my
chemicals?”. Virgil nods, and Ezra smiles “Ok, done!”

Suddenly the pilot screams with fear.

“Something big is coming toward us!
The Rainbow Army is attacking…”
Rayne looks at one of the monitors
and says “No, it’s not the Rainbow
Army. They would never destroy a
cargo transporter… that’s a blue
leviathan!”. The pilot gets up and
runs away “We’re all doomed!”.
Bruce sighs “Great job, Rayne! Does
anyone know how to pilot this
No one speaks, so he sits on the pilot's seat. “I knew!” he whispers.

For a moment the airship seems to crash against the monster, then it narrowly avoids the creature and
continues its flight. But the monster has no intention to give up and let them go, so he turns back and flies as
fast as he can… too fast for the big cargo airship, that is hit and starts to fall.
“Hold on tight! Now we land!” shouts Bruce as the airship crashes in the wilderness.

Romeo gets up and sees that the others are bruised but otherwise unharmed. Rayne sighs “Great job Bruce!
And now? We’re stranded somewhere…”. Virgil nods “Yeah. And we should leave as soon as possible! I guess
that the Godsong will soon send someone!”. Ezra smiles “There’s my jeep in the cargo bay, we can use that!”.
Everyone looks at him, then Virgil shrugs “I just hope it’s in good conditions. Let’s go and check!”. “Ok, and
what about them?” asks Romeo pointing at the pilot and Zack, both lying unconscious. “They have to stay
here, there is no room for them on the jeep, and I also think that they will send a rescue team soon!” says Ezra.

Everyone agrees, so the enter the

cargo bay. They find Ezra’s jeep in
perfect conditions, and also a good
quantity of food, supplies and fuel.
They load everything on the jeep,
then Ezra exclaims “I’ll drive!”, sitting
on the driver’s seat. Bruce grumbles
and sits next to him, the others sit
behind them, with Rayne on the
gunner seat. “I know how to use this!”
she says merrily. Romeo frowns “I
hope you won’t have to!”

The group arrives in Helgen: it’s a big and dark modern city.
Ezra stops the vehicle and looks at Virgil. “Ok, I know where we can find the Godsong informer, but before
going there I think you should not come!”. The gunman protests but Romeo nods “He’s right! You were
kidnapped in this city, so he can recognize you. But I don’t think I ever come there, so…”. “But then you should
disguise yourself! We cannot take any risk!” says Ezra interrupting him. Virgil shrugs “Seems reasonable, ok
Romeo, go with him, maybe Bruce or Rayne can come with you too?”. Rayne smiles to Virgil “I’ll go with them,
since you helped us escape it’s the least I can do! But first… the disguise!”.

Later Rayne and Romeo are following Virgil to the Ocean Bar. Romeo now is dressed with black jacket and
pants, brown leather shoes, a white shirt and a blue wool cap. “Ok guys, I understand the idea of the
disguise… but this hat makes me look stupid!”. Ezra grins “You normally look great, so an efficient disguise is
the one that makes you look stupid! We have to hide your weird hair!”. “Hey my hair isn’t weird!”. Rayne
laughs “No, they aren’t but I understand that’s better hide them. Oh and why don’t we buy also some cheap
sunglasses?”. Ezra answers that they have no time for that, and Romeo, relieved, agrees.

Two men are harassing the informer, and they speak so loud
that they can hear clearly what they’re saying to him: ”We need
money! I’m sure you have some other tasks to give us and you
already choose someone else!”.
The man shakes his head and whisper something. “How… come
on! Contact your superiors, it’s your job!”.

Ezra approaches them

saying “Any problem here?” and they immediately turn towards him
with a menacing stare. Romeo too steps forward cracking his knuckles
staring at them: the first suddenly sees himself crawling desperately on
the ground of the bar while a giant dark hand falls on him, the second
instead sees himself rolling on the ground in pain. They look at each
other then they answer “No… nothing at all…” and they exit the bar.
The informer sighs with a faint smile, clearly he was hiding his

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