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Poy: Are you okay?

Bash: Why are you the one who picked me up?

Poy: Ofcourse. I’m your boyfriend.
Bash: I can do it myself.
Poy: Why didn’t you call me instead?
Bash: Stop it please.
Poy: I said I can do it.
Bash: Poy, let me do it.
Poy: Bash.
Bash: POY! I don’t even know if I’ll be doing the right thing, but all I know is I have to
put an end in this relationship.
Poy: If this is about your job again, I understand.
Bash: You will never understand the feeling of wasting your life on something that
you won’t be proud to say it’s yours.
Poy: I know it’s hard, Bash. But we both know that it’s the only way to achieve our
dreams together.
Bash: Poy, what if? What if I don't like this anymore? What if we’re not growing
together anymore? What if we could be happier but we’re settling for less?
Poy: Do you really believe in that?
Bash: I don't know. All I know is something’s wrong that's why I’m asking all of this.
Do you know the feeling that there seems to be no Basha if there’s no Popoy? Poy, I
want to have a life and a job where I know my worth. I want to want things on my
own, not because you think it’s right for us. I won’t be able to do if you have already
planned everything. Even my personal problems that I don’t want you to resolve,
you’re still the one who resolves it. You don’t know the feeling that it seems like I’ve
surrendered everything to you. You’re so possessive, Poy. I wanna stop one day.
What if? I want to know what is. I’m so sorry Poy. I’m so sorry.

Friend1 (boy): Wow that looks good!

Dimples: Let’s open it. It’s a shirt, Hon. Love is Blind.
Friend 1 (boy): Awww, how sweet.
Blind man: Thank you, Bash! No wonder your designs are a hit.
Friend 1 (boy): Nice!
Poy; It it’s really a hit, then why does she go back on being an architect?
Bash: Why? Can’t I?
Poy: You can. But I thought it’s not your dream anymore? You changed your mind. Is
he your boyfriend?
Friend 2 (boy): Guys, did you know Krizzy’s pregnant?
Friend 1 (boy): Really?
Friend 3 (girl): Wow, Congratulations!
Friend 1 (boy): Dude, congrats! I should be a godfather, okay?
Dimples: You?
Frined 1 (boy): Yes! I wanna be a godfather!
Poy: You should also congratulate Basha. Bash, Congratulations. You finally found a
replacement for me. Cheers! Chino, Kenneth, cheers! Bro, not so nice to meet you.
Derek: Let’s not do this, bro.
Friend 1: Let’s go outside, Poy. Let’s go outside.
Poy: You don’t want to?
Friend 1: Let’s go outside first, Poy. Come with me. Let’s talk about this outside. Poy!
Poy: Don’t you know the 3 month rule, Bash? Every person who has fallen in love
and break up knows that. You have to wait at least 3 months. Three months before
you enter a relationship again. Don’t you know that?!
Friend 2: Enough Poy.
Poy; Fuck off. I still have two weeks, Bash. Two more weeks. Why are you such in a
rush to replace me. Huh?! Huh?!
Friend 1: Let’s go outside.
Derek: Enough with this, bro.
Poy: You might look strong but you can’t bring me down.
Bash: Go home, Popoy!
Poy: I did everything I could! I did everything I could for you! What more do you
want? What the fuck, Bash! Are you really that heartless? Huh?! Answer me, please!
Answer me!
Blind man: Enough, Poy. Please!
Poy: Bash, I love you so much. And it really, really hurts.

Poy: Wait a minute Bash. Let’s talk about the revision first. You even leave your plan
to me.
Bash: I’ll just do it on my own.
Poy: Bash.
Bash: I’ll inform you after I’ve revised it.
Poy: Can we at least try to be professional about this?
Bash: I am being professional about this!
Poy: I can clearly see it.
Bash: I said I’m okay.
Poy: You are acting like this again.
Bash: What now, Poy?
Poy: That! Look at yourself! You’ll say that there’s no problem when in fact, there is.
Bash, how will we resolve this if you won’t tell me what the problem is.
Bash: You cannot solve all the problem in this world, Poy. And believe me, you
wouldn’t want to know what my problem is.
Poy: Just tell me what the problem is!
Bash: Do you really want to know? I am the problem. Because I get hurt even though
I shouldn’t be. And I hate myself. Because the truth is, I’m still hoping, that I’m still
the one that you love. I’m hoping that it’s still me. Ako na lang ulit.
Poy: I love Trisha.
Bash: I know. I know.
Poy: She loved me at my worst; you had me at my best. But you chose to throw it all
Bash: Is that what you really think why I broke up with you? I just made a choice.
Poy: And you chose to break my heart.

Friend 1: Poy? I don't know anymore. I didn’t know that it would hurt like this.
Poy: If I was able to survive it, I know you can too. Remember when you told me that
maybe the reason why people we love leave us, is because someone better is
coming. Someone who will love us more. The only person who will correct the
mistakes that we’ve done in the past. Who will correct everything that’s ever been
wrong in our lives.

Bash: Popoy, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I didn’t mean
to. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Maja: I already finished the song I made for you. Can you read it?
Poy: “I love you and I will tell you everyday. Everyday until you forget the things
that hurt and how I wish I could take them away. If only it could be done.”
Maja: But it cannot be done. I can’t do it, Popoy. Because you won’t let me. Just tell
me, Poy.
Poy: Trish.
Maja: There’s no easy way to do this, because it hurts so much. Just tell me the truth.
Please. Do you love me?
Poy: You know that I love you, Trish.
Maja: Do you still love her?
Poy: I can’t stand seeing you hurt.
Maja: So if I get hurt, you won’t see it. Do you still love Basha?
Poy: I’m so sorry.
Maja: Do you want to end this?
Poy: Can you still forgive me?

Poy: Your mom told me that I can find you here. I’m sorry for not apologizing before
when I hurt you. I’m sorry if I’ve been selfish. I didn’t know that all that you need
was to find the old you that got lost when you started loving me.
Bash: The Basha that still loves you.
Poy: You do not know how much I wanted to tell you that, I hope that it’s still us. I
hope it’s still us over again.
Bash: What should I do?
Poy: Only I can fix this, Bash. It’s my turn to ask for some time to fix myself. I need to
forget all these pain. I need time to remember all the good things that happened to
us not just the pain. So by the time that we get back together, I get to love you with
all that I can. I get to love you without fear. I’ll be brave enough to get hurt once

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