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Library Management System






​Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Submitted by:

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2018-19 Page 1
Library Management System


Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology

PB No. 6429, Yelahanka, Bangalore 560-064, Karnataka
Telephone: 080- 22167800, 22167860
Fax: 080 – 22167805



This is to certify that the Course Project titled “​Library Management System” is an authentic
work carried out by ​Akanksha MS (1NT17CS016), Bhavika P(1NT17CS041), Bhavya
V(1NT17CS043), bonafide students of ​Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology​, Bangalore in
partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of ​Bachelor of Engineering in COMPUTER
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during
the academic year ​2018-2019.

Name Signature of the Faculty In charge Name and Signature of the HoD

(Mr.Muthuraj) (Dr. Thippeswamy M.N)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2018-19 Page 2

Library Management System

We hereby declare that

(i) This Presentation does not contain text, graphics or tables copied and pasted from the
Internet, unless specifically acknowledged, and the source being detailed in the report
and in the References sections.
(ii) All corrections and suggestions indicated during the internal presentation have been
incorporated in the report.
(iii) Content of the report has been checked for the plagiarism requirement

Name USN Signature

Akanksha MS 1NT17CS016

Bhavika P 1NT17CS041

Bhavya V 1NT17CS043

Date: 15​th​ April, 2019.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2018-19 Page 3

Library Management System


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crowned our effort with success. we express our sincere gratitude to our
Principal ​Dr. H. C. Nagaraj​, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology for providing facilities.

We wish to thank our HoD​, Dr. Thippeswamy M.N ​for the excellent environment created to
further educational growth in our college. We also thank him for the invaluable guidance
provided which has helped in the creation of a better technical report.

We also thank our faculty, ​Mr. Muthuraj for the invaluable guidance provided which has
helped in the creation of a better project and the technical report. We also thank all our friends,
teaching and non-teaching staff at NMIT, Bangalore, for all the direct and indirect help provided
in the completion of the presentation.

Akanksha MS(1NT17CS016)
Bhavika P(1NT17CS041)
Bhavya V(1NT17CS043)

Date: 15​th​ April, 2019.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2018-19 Page 4

Library Management System


A library management is a project that manages and stores the information of books
electronically according to students’ needs. The system helps both students and library
manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library. It allows both
the admin and the student to search for the desired book. It becomes necessary for
colleges to keep a continuous check on the books issued and returned and even
calculate fine. We have various modules like categories of books, authors of the
respective books, issuing and returning of the books and also signing up of a new

This task can be tedious and chances of mistakes can be more if done manually. These
errors are avoided by allowing the system to keep track of information such as issue
date, last date to return the book, etc. to electronically manage the system more
efficiently. As new additions are added, the admin can keep updating the system. This
gives a better and organized way of managing books.

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Library Management System


● DECLARATION…………………………………………………………..3
● ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………4
● ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………….5
● TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………....6
● CHAPTER 1​: ​INTRODUCTION………………………………………...7
● CHAPTER 4:SAMPLE OUTPUTS…………………………………..…12
● CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION…………………………………………...20
● REFERENCES………………………………………………………..…..21

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Library Management System

Chapter 1


The main objective of ‘​Library Management System​’ is used to handle the entire
activity of a library. The system keeps track of all the information about the books in the
library, their costs and other complete details. The admin, who takes care of all the
above activities finds this automated system easy rather than using the manual writing
system. All this data is stored in the database safely.

Also, PHP is used to design the user interface of the software with two different sets of
users, one is admin and the other set of users are students. The admin is responsible
for all the issues, addition of books, authors, categories, etc. Whereas the Student can
login into his/her account and check the books borrowed by him or update any details, if

The software enables easy and efficient management of the system with proper
updation of the data. Also, increases the usage of the available resources and allows
changing roles of librarian as we have a single admin account, who is responsible for all
the issues in the library.

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Library Management System

Chapter 2


Using the concept of PHP and MySQL database system, we have tried to get in all the
important aspects included in a library management system together in this project.
Some of the modules used are issuing of new books to students, adding a new user,
adding authors, keeping track of adding and removing of books, etc. Users will know
which books they have borrowed and when they have to be returned. They will also get
to know if they have crossed the time period of returning and when fine has to be paid.
Since all the data can be stored online, it becomes easier for an admin and also for a
user to act accordingly.


The library management system is divided into two modules - User and the Admin. The
admin handles the dashboard, the updation of borrowed and returned books by
category, updation of adding and removing authors, updation of adding and removing
books by author and other major parts. Whereas, the user can only get registered, view
the issued and returned books, and update their own profile. The user can also change
their password and recover password if forgotten.

A new user can login giving the details like username, mobile number, email id and
password. If an already registered user wants to login, just the email id and password is
required. If the user forgets the password, it can be recovered by providing the email id
and the mobile number. There is a separate login for the admin similar to the user.

When the admin logs in, the dashboard is visible where the various options are given
like the books listed, number of times the book has been issued and returned, the
various registered users, the listed authors and the categories of the books. Under the
categories option, the admin can create categories of books and similarly can delete it if
not required. Under the authors option, he can add a new author, update and delete
likewise. While adding of new books, the admin can select the category and the ISBN
number. We can update the addition of new books. Books can be issued on the basis of

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Library Management System

student id and ISBN number or the book title. The returned status can be seen as well
as the issued and returned date. Managing of registered users can also be done by the

When the user logs in, they can see the dashboard which lists the various books issued
and returned. Also, if a book has not been returned in time, the user has to pay the fine
as per mentioned by the admin in the details given. The user can make changes to their
profile by updating their name, mobile number and email id. The user can also change
the password as and when required.

The main aim of this project is to successfully issue books to a user keeping records
electronically than manually making the process tedious. The safety aspect is also
taken into consideration here as we do have password recovery and separate modules
for admin and user to have a safer transaction of books.

Fig1: Various modules under the library management system

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Library Management System

Chapter 3



MySQL is used to store the details of all the books, students, issues, etc. We have used multiple
tables with its attributes(associated information) to store the information and retrieve the data
necessary from these tables.

Few of the Tables with its attributes are:

admin (admin_id ,full_name, admin_email, username, password, updation_date)

authors(author_id, author_name, creation_date, updation_date)

Books(Book_id, Book_name, cat_id, author_id, isbn_no, book_price, reg_date, updation_date)

Category(cat_id, cat_name, status, creation_date, updation_date)

Issued books(iss_id, book_id, student_id, iss_date, ret_date, ret_status, fine)

Students(stud_id, full_name, email_id, mobile_no, password, status, reg_date, updation_date)

The required data is retrieved by performing the basic necessary MySQL queries and the output
is displayed through the user interface designed. Basic queries like select * from tablename,
update, alter. delete, etc are used in the following queries.


The whole user interface is designed in PHP. ​PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose
scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into

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Library Management System

XAMPP Server:

XAMPP is a ​free and open-source ​cross-platform ​web server ​solution stack package
developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the ​Apache HTTP Server​, ​MariaDB
database​, and ​interpreters for scripts written in the ​PHP and ​Perl ​programming languages​. The
Apache and MySQL service modules are run for the execution of the following software.


● Enrollment and registration management of users

● Storing the various registered users
● Updating of books
● Updating of authors
● Updating of various categories of books
● Allotting fine for books that have not been returned
● Easier issuing and returning of books for the user
● Schools
● College

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Chapter 4


Fig 1: Admin Login Page

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Library Management System

Fig 2: Create Account- SignUp Form

Fig 3: Student Login Page

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Library Management System

Fig 4: Admin Dashboard

Fig 5: Admin- Create category

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Library Management System

Fig 6: Admin- Manage Categories

Fig 7: Admin- Create Author

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Library Management System

Fig 8: Admin- Manage Authors

Fig 9: Admin- Issue a new Book

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Library Management System

Fig 10: Admin- Current Issues

Fig 11: Admin- Registered Students

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Library Management System

Fig 12: Student- Dashboard

Fig 13:Student-Borrowed Books

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Library Management System

Fig 14: Student- Current Profile

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Library Management System

Chapter 5


Library Management System with the functional modules was successfully developed
as a secured and user friendly system. Manually maintained operations have been
digitalized. The software allows storing of details of the user and details of all the data
related to the library. The implementation of this system will reduce data entry time and
provide readily calculated reports.

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Library Management System


[1] MySQL Documentation - ​https://dev.mysql.com/doc/

[2] Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th
[3] Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd
Edition, McGraw-Hill.
[4] XAMPP Documentation- ​https://www.apachefriends.org/docs/
[5] Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan: Data base System Concepts, 5th
[6] PHP Documentation - ​https://www.php.net/docs.php
[7] C.J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynatham: A Introduction to Database Systems,
8thEdition, Pearsoneducation.

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