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Mayer’s test: Gives cream colour or presence of alkaloids
To small amount of crude drug, add mayer’s reagent precipitate
(potassium mercuric iodide solution)

Dragendroff’s test:
To the small amount of crude drug, add dragendroff’s Gives reddish brown Presence of alkaloids
reagent (potassium bismuth iodide solution) colour or precipitate

Wagner’s test: Gives brown or Presence of alkaloids

To small amount of crude drug, add Wagner’s reagent reddish brown colour
(iodine-potassium iodide solution) or precipitate

Hager’s test:
To small amount of crude drug, Hager’s reagent Gives yellow Presence of alkaloids
(saturated solution of picric acid) precipitate

Van-urk’s for indole alkaloids:

To a 2-3 ml of solution add p-dimethyl amino Gives blue colour Presence of Indole
benzaldehyde. alkaloids

Vitali morin test for tropane alkaloids: White coloration takes Presence of Tropane
2-3ml of samples sol is treated with fuming HNO3, place alkaloids
followed by evaporation to dyness and addition of
methanolic KOH solution to an acetone solution of
nitrated residue.

Thalleoquin Test for Quinoline Alkaloids:

To the powder drug, when Br2 water and dilute NH2 Gives emerald green Presence of Quinoline
solution colour alkaloids
Modified Born-Trager’s Test: Upon standing pink Presence of glycosides
Powdered sample+ferric chloride and filtered, to the colour changes to red
filtereate add dilute HCl and organic solvents like
benzene, ether, chloroform. The organic layer is
separated using pipette. To the organic layer add dilute
Test For Saponin Glycosides: Foam is formed Presence of saponins
1. Foam test: The powdered drug is shaked well with
water. Shows deep yellow Presence of saponins
2. To the powder add 80% H2SO4. colour
Antimony Trichloride Test: Blue or violet colour is Presence of cardiac
Solution of the glycoside is heated with antimony obtained glycosides
trichloride and trichloroacetic acid.
Libermann Burchard Test: Gives violet to blue Presence of cardiac
To the solution of glycosides is added in acetic colour glycosides
anhydride followed by concentrated sulphuric acid.

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Raymond’s Test:
A small qty of glycosides is dissolved in 1ml of Appearance of violet Presence of cardiac
50%ethanol followed by addition of 0.1ml of 1% color,which changes glycosides
solution of dinitro benzene in ethanol or methano. To into blue colour
this solution, 2-3 drops of 20% NaOH sol is added.
(Or) Presence of cardiac
Test solution+hot methanolic alkali. Violet colour is glycosides
Kedde’s Test: Purple colour is Presence of cardiac
Extract the drug with chloroform, evaporate to dryness. produced. glycosides
Add 1drop of 90% alcohol. Make alkaline with 20%
NaOH sol.
Baljet’s Test: Orange colour is Presence of cardiac
Test solution+picric acid or sodium picrate. formed. glycosides
Xanthohydrate Test: Red colour is Presence of glycosides
Test sample is heatedwith 0.125% solution of xantho produced by deoxy
hydral in glacial acetic acid containing 1% HCl. sugars.

Tollen’s Test: Formation of silver Presence of glycosides

Glycoside sol is taken in minute of pyridine and mirror on the walls of
ammonial silver nitrate and warmed on water bath. test tube
Test for Coumarin Glycosides: Presence of coumaarin
1. Alcoholic extract made alkaline. Shows blue or green glycosides
2. Cover the test tube containing test sample with fluorescence
filter paper moistened with dilute NaOH sol. The paper shows green
Place the covered test tube on water bath for fourescence
several minutes. Remove the pper and expose to
UV light.

Test for Cyanogentic Glycosides: Presence of

1. 200mg of drug is taken in conical flask and Formation of reddish- cyanogenetic
moisten with few drops of water. Moisten a purple color glycosides
apiece of picric acid paper with 5% aq sodium
carbonate sol. And suspended with by means of
cork in the neck of the flask. Warm gently at
about 37ºC Presence of
2. Paper sol of Guaiacum resin in absolute alcohol Paper turns blue cyanogenetic
and allow it to dry on paper. Treat it with colour glycosides
CuSO4 sol.
Test for hydroxyl anthrax quinines: Red colour is Presence of glycosides
Add KOH sol to the samle. produced
Test for Cyanophoric Glycosides: Picrate paper turns to Presence of
To the powder in a test tube add little amount of water brck red colour cyanophoric glycosides
and suspend the piece of sodium picrate paper above the
drug. Trapping a top edge between the cork and the tube
wall. Allow it to stand for 30minutes. Hydrocholric acid
gets evolved.
Legal Test: Pink to red colour is Presence of cardiac
To a sol of glycoside in pyridine. Sodium nitrogen formed glycsides
amide solution and NaOH solution are added.
Schonteten’s Test: Green flourescece is Presence of
To a solution (5ml), borax (0.2g) is added and it is produced anthraquinone
heated to dissolve completely. Few drops of the liquid glycosides (aloe)

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are poured in a test tube filled with water.

Bromine Test: Pale yellow precipitate Presence of
To the sample add bromine. of tetrabromation anthraquinone
glycosides (aloe)
Klunge’s Isobarbaloin Test: A purple colour is Presence of
To an aqueous solution (20ml) CuSO4 slo (1 drop) is formed isobarbaloin (aloe)
added followed by NaCl (1g) and 90% alcohol (10ml).
Test for Flavonoid Glycosides: Yellow colour Presence of flavonoid
To the small qty of the residue, add lead acetate solution. precipitate is formed. glycosides



Goldbeater’s skin test: A brown or black colour is Presence of
A small piece of goldbeater’s skin is soaked in2% HCl produced on the skin tannins
rinsed with distilled water and placed in a solution of
tannin for 5min.
The skin piece is washed with distilled water and kept in
a solution of FeSO4.
Gelatin Test: A white buff-colored Presence of
To a sol of tannin (0.5-1%) quous sol of gelatin (1%) and precipitate is formed tannins
NaCl (10%) are added.
Phenazone Test: A bulky colored precipitate Presence of
A mixture of aq extract (5ml) of a dug and sodium and is formed tannins
phosphate (0.5g) is heated,cooled and filtered. A sol of
phenazone (2%) is added to the filtrate.
Catechin test (matchstick test): On warming near a flame Presence of
A matchstick is dipped in aq plant extract, dried near the matchstick wood turns tannins
burner and moistened with conc HCl. pink or red due to formation
of phlorogucinol.
Chlorogenic acid test: A green color is formed on Presence of
An extract f clorogenic acid containing drug is treated expsure to air tannins
with aq NH3.
Vanillin-Hydrochoric Acid Test: Pink or red colour is formed Presence of
When the drug is treated with Vanillin-Hydrochoric Acid due to formation of tannins
reagent phloroglucinol
Gambir-flurescin test: The petroleum ether layer Presence of
A mixture of alcoholic extract of pale catechu (1g) shows green fluorescence gambir (tannin)
NaOH SOL (5ml) nd petroleum ether (5ml) is shaken
and kept for sometime.
A very dilute FeCl3 sol is gradually added to an aq A blue color is produced Presence of
extract of hamamels leaves which is changed to olive tannins
green as more FeCl3 is

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To the extract add 5m of distilled Turbidity is formed Presence of resins
Alcoholic solution of colophony It turns blue litmus to red Presence f diterpenic acid
Alcoholic solution of balsam of Gives green colour with FeCl3 Presence of toluresino tannols
To a petroleum ether sol of Sumatra:reddish brown colour Presence of resins
benzene, 2-3 drops of H2SO4 is Slam:purple red colour
added in a china dish.
0.1g in 10ml (CH3CO)2O with aid A bight purplish red colour to Presence of resins (colophony)
of gentle heat,cool and add 0.05ml violet
of H2SO4.
0.1g powder in 10m of Purple colour Presence of resins (colophony)
(CH3CO)2O in atest tube and add a
drop d concentrated H2SO4.



To the section of the drug, add Red colour obtained by globules Presence of volatile oil
alcoholic solution of sudan lll
To the thin section of the drug, add Red colour is obtained Presence of volatile oil
a drop of tincture alkaline.



Shinoda test: Pink colour is observed Presence of flavonoids
To dry powder extract add 5ml of
90% ethanol,few drops pf conc
HCl and 0.5g of magnesium
To small qty of residue add lead Yellow colored precipitate is Presence of flavonoids
acetate sol formed
Add increasing amount of NaOH It shows yellow coloration, which Presence of flavonoids
to the residue decolorizes after addition of acid



Fehling’s solution test: Red precipitate of cuprous Presence of carbohydrates
The substance (0.5g) is treate with dil HCl. The oxide is produced on heating
reaction mixture is neutralized by addition of
NaOH sol and then fehling’s sols 1 and 2 are

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Molisch test: A purple ring is formed on Presence of carbohydrates

A sol of carbohydrate is prepard in water the junction below upper
containing α-naphthol concentrated H2SO4is layer
added along the side of the test tube
Osazone formulation: Formulation of yellow Presence of carbohydrates
A sugar is heated with phenyl hydrazine crystals of osazone
hydrochloride, sodium acetate and acetic acid
Resorcinol test for ketones (selvinoff’s test): Pink colour is produced Presence of carbohydrates
A crystal of resorcinol is added o the solution (in case of ketones
and heated with equal volume of concentrated fructose, honey,
HCl. hydrolyzed insulin)
Test for pentoses: Red colour is formed Presence of carbohydrates
A solution of materials is heated with equal (in case of pentoses)
volume of HCl containing a little
Killer-kilani test for deoxy sugars: A reddish-brown color is Presence of carbohydrats
A deoxy sugar is dissolved in acetic acid formed at the junction which (deoxysugars)
containing a trace of FeCl3 and transferred to turns blue latter on
the surface of concentrated H2SO4
Furfural test: A pink or red stain appears Presence of carbohydrates
The sample is heated in a test tube with a drop on the reagent paper
of syrupy phosphoric acid to make it into
furfural. A disk of filter paper moistened with a
drop of 10% solution of aniline in 10% acetic
acid is placed over the mouth of the test tube.
The bottom of the test tube is heated for 30-60
Benedict’s test: Solution appears Presence of carbohydrates
To the solution, add benedicts reagent and green,yellow or red deending
heated on water bath on concentration of reducing
Lead sulphide test: A black precipitate is formed Presence of proteins
To the alkaline solution of sulphur containing
proteins add lead acetate
Heat coagulation test: Proteins get precipitated Presence f proteins
Heat the test solution in a boiling water bath.



Halphen’s test/bevan’s test: Red color is formed (fails Presence of cotton seed
2ml of oil is mixed with 1m of amyl alcohol and when heated to over 200ºC) oil
1ml of 1% solution of sulphur in CS2 for 10
minutes in a water bath
Boudouin’s test: Development of pink colour Presence of sesamol
The oil is shaken with half its volume of
concentrated HCl containing 1% of sucrose
BP Test for sesamol: Development of bluish- Presence of sesamol
The oil is shaken with a furfural sol in acetic green color
anhydride in the presence of H2SO4 (mentioned in

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Test for persic oil: Produces color Presence of persic oil

The oi l is shaken with HNO3


Test for insulin: Brownish red colour is Presence of insulin
To the test solution add solution of α-naphthol and produced
Test for mucilage: Pink color is obtained Presence of mucilage
1. T the test solution add ruthenium red violet red
2. To the test solution add thionine solution
and after 15 minutes wash with alcohol Presence of mucilage

Test for waxes: Waxes get saponified Presence of waxes

To the test solution, add alcoholic alkali solution

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