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Market Research

May 2019

“Fresh Smoothies with a smile”


Fruit Smoothies


Drice, Arielle Jean

Palomo, Rea Franchesca

Villaruel, Sandra D.

XII – Obedience


The purpose of this research is to find out if there is a demand for a child-friendly and
instagrammable diner in Manila. The topic was chosen while searching for trendy foods as the
researchers noticed that having instagrammable ambience in one diner makes the customers or
people decide to visit or try it. It is a realistic opportunity for the researchers to become an
entrepreneur if the research will prove that there is market for this instagrammable diner.
According to an article entitled, “23 Important Benefits of Drinking Healthy Smoothies” smoothies
can help you lose excess body weight without skipping any meals. The fruits and berries that are
used to prepare these drinks serve as excellent companions for keeping you healthy and feeling
cooler on a hot summer morning. The enzymes present in several fruits help dissolve body fat and
clear up your circulatory system. Moreover, high blood sugar and diabetes are the most common
lifestyle diseases that bother people here in our country. People who have imbalanced sugar levels
in their blood are prone to several complications. Thus having a breakfast that is rich in nutrients
but low in calories can make things easier. Smoothies full of fresh fruits and vegetables are top
choices to go for on hot summer mornings, as they make you feel full and happy without increasing
your sugar intake.

Researchers noticed that having instagrammable type of diner attracts a lot of potential
customers. Researchers also observe that it is a big challenge to find decent diner from Manila
where people would feel welcome with children as the researchers know that eating outside with
children is tough. The menus in other diner shops are mostly designed for adults and teens only.
Most diners sell unhealthy foods and offer it in a large portion that is not suitable to eat by children.
And in today's world people are really conscious what they are eating themselves and especially
what they are feeding to their children.

The main goal for this research is to prove if there is a market for this business idea. The
diner’s menu of this business want propose having healthy meal options and small portion sizes
for children It is important to know if there are potential customers who wish to have this kind of
child-friendly and instagrammable cafeteria in the city and also that the cafeteria would make a

The purpose of creating an instagrammable type of business is to attract more customers

that most of them want to have an ambiance that is worth to share on instagram or in other social
media apps. Moreover, the researchers want to create an idea wherein children will try to drink a
healthy type of smoothies. Research has found that in outpatient medically-monitored programs,
meal replacements in liquid form, such as protein-fruit-vegetable shakes, are beneficial for weight
loss. “They are quick and simple and may replace a true junk food breakfast,” states Dr. Tom Rifai,
MD, FACP, Founder and CEO of Reality Meets Science and member of the Pritikin Scientific
Advisory Board. Thus, drinking smoothies can help a lot of people especially the Filipinos who
are eager or most of us are conscious when it comes to the shape of the body, and this drink can
help to lose weight. The aim of this research was to investigate consumer knowledge, attitudes
and beliefs around the nutritional content of smoothies upon which to base the research about
smoothies. Smoothies offer a convenient way to boost both the quantity and quality
of fruit and vegetable intake by reducing food particle size to help maximize nutrient absorption.
It’s important, however, to use whole fruits and veggies rather than just their juice.

Poor dietary behaviors are the largest contributing factor to the burden of disease in the
Philippines These behaviors involve the over-consumption of energy-dense nutrient-poor foods
and beverages (i.e. high in energy, saturated fat, added or refined sugars and/or salt), and an
inadequate intake of nutrient-dense items, including fruit and vegetables especially children.
Smoothies are types of blended beverages that typically contain multiple ingredients are popular
dietary products with the potential to assist individuals in incorporating more fruit and vegetables
into their diets. Though published scientific data on rates of smoothie consumption are limited, the
availability and accessibility of these beverages certainly appears to have increased, with ready-
to-drink beverages, made-to-order smoothie bars, and kitchen appliances that facilitate smoothie
production at home now widespread in the market. A recent study demonstrated that offering fruit-
smoothies as opposed to whole-fruit, only as part of a school breakfast program led to an increase
in the number of adolescents consuming fruits. The authors proposed that, as a smoothie, fruit was
likely to be more accessible with no peeling or chewing required and appealing to a resembling
popular dessert drinks such as milkshakes.

This research tends to determine the potential customers’ preferences in trying a new
product which is smoothies. It also strives to directly target the interest of potential customers to
consider trying smoothies.

Specifically this aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the most preferred flavor in smoothies?

2. What is the most suggested feature to consider in smoothies?

3. How much smoothies could cost?

4. Which among the variables significantly predicts the preferences in the product,
considering the following moderator variables?

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Suggestions/Recommendations.


This chapter will entail a review of theoretical frameworks that are typically utilized to
understand and address the benefits that can attain when drinking fruit smoothies. The following
theory will help to help to gain knowledge to the target market. It is important to examine these
themes of drinking fruit smoothies to understand more fully how the smoothies works and this
study will examine each of the theories of combining food theory since smoothies is mixed
beverage This theoretical framework will provide a background into smoothies, which will help
to explain some of the benefits of drinking fruit smoothies.
Ancient (Ayurvedic) Food Combining Theory

According to an article entitled, “Food Combining Theory: Fact, or Fiction?” It is based on

ancient India’s study and practice of how the food we eat as well as other lifestyle choices affects
the body, mind, and soul. Some Westerners (North Americans and Europeans) learn about
Ayurvedic theory and Ayurvedic food combining, though, and adopt the rules without
understanding the “why” behind the principle, or adjusting relative to our unique modern food
supply. When we cook our food, many vitamins remain intact, some minerals are undamaged, but
live enzymes in a raw plant food are destroyed by heat. The pancreas and liver supply digestive
enzymes to make up the difference, but you have a finite quantity of enzymes available for a
lifetime. In other words, every cell and organ is affected when the “draw” on your pancreas and
liver has been exhausted. Eating only cooked and processed foods can manifest as, or contribute
to, any number of different disease states. And, Americans trying to live by ancient law sometimes
reject all raw foods, because they feel that the “dosha” is a diagnosis, and the suggestions from
thousands of years ago are a prescription or a “diet”

Modern Food Combining Theory

Other nutrition fads or theories that are much more recent have been emphatic that certain food
that shouldn’t be eaten together, and the entire premise of this proper food combining theory is
that different food types digest more quickly, or more slowly. The food theory is that if these foods
are eaten together, the food that naturally digests quickly will ferment in the gastrointestinal
tract since it becomes a commingled mass, trapped with the longer-digesting food. he clearest
finding of thousands of nutrition studies—regardless of whether we eat animal flesh or we don’t—
is that vegetables, fruits, and other plant foods, virtually all of them high in fiber, are extremely
important in the diet. Another important point is that virtually, our digestive process for all plant
foods is under an hour. So, the theories that certain types of plant foods and other types of plant
foods shouldn’t be eaten together make little logical sense, even if you buy into the premise of the
food combining principle. The food combining theory is indeed a complex and broad topic that
needs a deeper understanding to know its real purpose.


As mentioned, most diners sell unhealthy foods and offer it in a large portion that is not suitable
to eat by children and they are mostly designed for adults and teens only. Hence, a need to innovate
having instagrammable type of diner that not only adults and teens would attract to it but also those
potential customers that will not have to worry bringing their children outside. As a result, our
general objective of this research is to create or innovate an instagrammable type of diner that all
potential customers will attract to it even children. In a more precise view, our research has the
following subsidiary objectives:

1. To discover customers’ attitude and motivation towards consuming fruit smoothies and
attracting to instagrammable type of diner.
2. To identify suitable name as well as flavors for the fruit smoothies that will attract
target customers.
3. To explore potential customers’ perceptions towards drinking fruit smoothies and
creating instagrammable type of diner.
4. To target potential customers.
5. To analyze the expected prices for fruit smoothies.
6. To evaluate the effectiveness of having small portion sizes of smoothies to the children
and raising the attractiveness of foods by its name.


This research provides starting up an instagrammable type of business that can attract
customers’ even children. As said by the author of an article, smoothies are always a better
option than juice when it comes to health benefits. Juice is often free from the pulp of fruits
and vegetables. In addition, peeling fruits or vegetables before putting them into a juicer makes
them prone to germs and oxidation. Smoothies consist of every part of the ingredients, thus
locking in all the goodness and wholesomeness of them. Therefore, smoothies are the best
companions for beating up heat in summer. Moreover, this research will be beneficial to the
● Researchers. Researchers will benefit the most as due to the fact that this research is
created to provides detailed insights into the competitors, understand customers'
perceptions and preferences, latest market trends, consumer buying patterns, economic
shifts, and demographics.
● Potential Customers. This will help the potential customers to become aware that
drinking fruit smoothies have a lot benefits such as it helps to improve bone health.
Smoothies rich in these nutrients contain spinach, green vegetables and citrus fruits as
chief ingredients. Trying some cool smoothies that ensure the bones stay healthy
● Children. This research initiates an idea of promoting a type of diner wherein children
would feel welcome upon entering the diner and as for the parents not to worry about
their children creating a disturbance to the other customers.

This research focused on implementing instagrammable type of diner that offers healthy fruit
smoothies in a large and small portion size where children and adults will enjoy it. The respondents
of this research will composed of 30 randomly selected students whose age range from 16 – above
in Taft Manila area. The researchers will also observe the buying behavior and preferences of the
customers when buying beverages in that area. The result of this research is applicable only to the
respondents of this study.


● Customers - A patron; one who purchases or receives a product or service from
a business or merchant, or intends to do so.
● Diet - A controlled regimen of food and drink, as to gain or lose weight or otherwise
influence health.
● Diner – it is a small restaurant that offer a wide range of foods, a casual atmosphere,
and, characteristically with direct service, in the smallest simply by a cook. All diners
have extended hours.
● Enzymes - A globular protein that catalyses a biological chemical reaction.
● Instagrammable - photo, a picture, or an experience that is worth posting on
Instagram. A descriptive saying an Instagram user would say when they see a picture
of something or a person they really like and think they look great on the photo.
● Potassium - mineral that, among other things, helps muscles contract, helps regulate
fluids and mineral balance in and out of body cells
● saturated fat - A fat or oil, from either animal or vegetable sources, containing a high
proportion of saturated fatty acids
● Smoothies - a thick and creamy beverage made from raw fruit, vegetables, and
sometimes dairy products
● Theory - A coherent statement or set of ideas that explains observed facts or phenomena,
or which sets out the laws and principles of something known or observed.
● Vitamin C - An essential nutrient found mainly in fruits and vegetables.

As stated by Pita Jungle, in an article entitled “The Health Benefits of Fruit Smoothies”,
fruit smoothies are a great way to add more fresh fruits to your diet and a healthy way to naturally
boost energy. Fruits are high in carbohydrates, which provide the energy needed to fuel your body
and keep your mind alert. Fruit smoothies are packed with many of the vitamins and minerals your
body needs on a daily basis to stay healthy, including Vitamins A, B and C, as well as potassium
and other essential minerals. Fruits, especially berries, are also rich in antioxidants that work to
protect cells from the damage caused by harmful free radicals, which may reduce the risk of
cancer and other diseases (2012).

Getting your kids to eat healthy foods is not always easy. Fortunately, most kids love the
taste of a creamy smoothie naturally sweetened by fruit or a good sweetener like honey, maple
syrup, or stevia. You can even hide veggies in your kid’s smoothies that they would never eat on
their own. (Camody, 2017).

Drinking fruit smoothies can Build muscle and improve athletic performance because it
Provide your body with the nutrients it needs to excel during athletic competition, and recover and
rebuild after working out. It’s easier for your body to absorb and assimilate the nutrients in a
smoothie as opposed to a meal. (Camody, 2017).

As mentioned by the author of an article entitled, “23 Important Benefits of Drinking

Healthy Smoothies” A nutritious breakfast gives a good start to your day. It gives you energy to
keep going all day long. In the summer, people around the world look for ways to blend flavor and
good nutrition together and get relief from the scorching heat. Having smoothies with breakfast
every day can surely pave the way for good health and enjoyment throughout the hot season
(2010). Smoothies are full of nutrients and flavor. They are an essential part as they provide a
power-packed start for the day. A lot of protein along with many nutrients subdue food cravings
and keep you away from eating junk food (2010). Green smoothies that contain a lot of green leafy
vegetables add essential vitamins and minerals to breakfast and aid in digestion. The fiber supplied
by these drinks multiplies the benefits of having a delicious breakfast, especially during the
summer (2010).
According to Technavio’s market study, the health benefits of smoothies as one of the
primary growth factors for the global smoothies market. Smoothies are primarily made from fruits
and vegetables so they provide essential nutrients and vitamins. Additionally, the right blend of
ingredients helps in the cleansing and detoxification of the body. Smoothies made with yogurt or
milk provide a good source of probiotics responsible for good health and are useful in repairing
skin, building immunity, increasing energy levels, and ensuring the overall well-being of the body.

A smoothie is a thick beverage which is prepared by blending raw fruits or vegetables.

Healthy smoothie is also similar to a smoothie that is rich in vitamins, fibers, and other nutrients.
Healthy smoothies are usually prepared from fruits, vegetables and seeds. Healthy smoothies are
extremely high in nutrition, easy to prepare, and can be stored in the refrigerator for later
consumption. Commercially available healthy smoothies in the market have key ingredients as
flax, chia seeds, papaya extract, and spinach. Healthy smoothies are a rich source of antioxidants,
which attracts the consumers for its health benefits. However, the demand for blended healthy
smoothies is increasing, owing to better taste and extra health benefits. (Market Research Future,

The World Health Organization (2011) found conclusive evidence that a diet rich in fruits
and vegetables is beneficial for health. Current dietary guidelines promote the consumption of five
or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Smoothies are an increasingly popular way of
consuming fruits. In 2006 the smoothie market in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) was worth an
estimated £3 million and between 2002 and 2006, the market grew by 214% (AC Nielson in
Amarach Consulting 2007). The smoothie market was estimated to be worth £282 million in the
UK in 2008 (Mintel, 2008).

Smoothies have a ‘healthy image’ which may or may not be justified. They provide a
convenient way of consuming fruit and, where yoghurt and milk are included, contribute to dairy
intake. The Health Promotion Agency in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Department of Health and
Children in ROI currently advise that smoothies contain one portion of fruit. Concern exists that
many commercially available smoothies are high in calories and added sugars. Some smoothies
are made with syrup-based fruit concentrate rather than fruit which results in a product higher in
sugar and lower in vitamins, particularly vitamin C. In addition, many have sugar added in the
form of sucrose, syrup and honey. A warning about the potential harm to teeth associated with the
frequent consumption of fruit smoothies due to their sugar and acid content was issued by the
British Dental Health Foundation in 2008 (Smith 2008).

As mentioned by an article, Green smoothies contain exceptional levels of

the bowel cleansing fibre that many of us are lacking. Health begins in the colon. If you are not
regular you are not healthy. Elimination is our principle detox system and fiber determines the
efficiency of toxin removal. In a world flooded with man-made toxins, fiber has never been more
important. Soluble fibre, like that found in chia seed, helps to remove excess cholesterol and slows
the release of sugars (reducing the risk of diabetes). Insoluble fiber, like that found in greens,
serves very much like a sponge. This sponge can hold several times its own weight in toxic residues
and is essential for efficient elimination. (2010) smoothies can improve hormone balance. All of
the endocrine supporting nutrients can be provided in super-available form in this source of
concentrated greens. Hormone balance is dependent upon broad spectrum nutrition. This
biochemical homeostasis involves inextricably entwined nutrient relationships but the alkalizing
minerals play a huge role. The reproductive cancers (which account for more deaths than any other
cancer) are fuelled by endocrine imbalances. Greens have more capacity than any other food group
to deliver the necessities (2010).

The more delicate, soft fruits cannot be kept intact over long periods and tend to even more
durable fruit may have poor size, shape or blemished portions that preclude marketing them as
fresh whole fruit. Upon trimming and careful inspection, the sound portion can be juiced. In this
text, it will be continually emphasized that unsound fruit or those undergoing incipient spoilage
are not recommended for juicing. However, use of sound culls represents a sensible, technically
and economically valid utilization strategy, (, 2012) Juices can be consumed more
conveniently than whole fruits. Envision a motorist in speeding traffic the very young, elderly and
infirm may have problems eating, let alone peeling certain fruits. Drinking juice is an effective,
nutritious alternative, In addition to the nutritive value of juices and the additional health benefits
from phytochemicals, recently recognized components of many fruit juices will the popularity of
such products, Even flavorful juices, that may not be balanced nutritionally or which lack nutrients
or phytochemicals, can be blended or act as effective carriers for other natural or synthetic nutrients
such as vitamins, minerals and Fluid food products, including juices are easier to process, to heat,
cool, freeze, standardize, transport, etc., than solid foods or fluids containing particulates. Thus
processing efficiency, safety and quality norms are easier to meet, The ease of mixing fluids
promotes development of unique blends of juices with other products and practical combinations
not found naturally, Highly flavored juices are the basis for a range of juice co-products, such as
ice cream and confectionery flavors, smoothies, bakery ingredients, etc., Modern processing,
packaging, ingredient technology and distribution systems insure safe, stable and appealing juice
and beverage products in a convenient, economical form far from the raw material source or
season. (, 2012)

Smoothies offer an easy way to get valuable nutrients (e.g., vitamins B12, C, and D) that
we may otherwise lack. “When they contain a balance of carbohydrate, protein, and beneficial fats
from whole-food sources, smoothies can be tasty, convenient, and healthy,” says Amy Gannon, a
Registered Dietitian (RD) and Licensed Dietitian (LD) at Cleveland Clinic. Another
study published in PLOS found that thicker beverages made people feel less hungry, as did telling
them that their “liquid” was not a “drink,” but a “snack.” Once the volunteers thought of their drink
as a more substantial snack, they felt more satiated. If you’re opting for a smoothie, add some low-
fat yogurt to thicken it. “Foods that provide the highest satiety for the fewest calories will help
you lose weight and keep it off because they do not force you to live with chronic hunger,” explains
Kimberly Gomer, Director of Nutrition and Educator at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami.

Green smoothies are a great way to get much-needed vegetables. Only 9% of Americans
get the recommended daily amount of vegetables (2 to 3 cups), despite research suggesting that
plant-based diets reduce the risk of chronic disease and cancer. Green, leafy vegetables in
particular are linked to a lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes, as well as slower age-related
cognitive decline. A handful or two of greens usually makes for the best-tasting smoothie. One of
Hammer’s rules says that all of her smoothies include a dark leafy green like spinach, kale or Swiss
chard, which provides fiber, calcium and vitamins A, C and K, as well as powerful phytochemicals.


This methods section describes the overall application of specific procedures or techniques
used by researchers to identify, select, interpret, and analyze information used in understanding
the research problem, thereby, it allows the reader to think and evaluate a study’s overall validity
and reliability. Specifically, this research will cover the following topics: the research design and
method, the respondents or subjects to be studied and the data collection instrument used. These
will be presented below.

3.1 Research Design

Market research is The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about
a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present
and potential customers for the product or service; research into the characteristics, spending
habits, location and needs of your business's target market, the industry as a whole, and the
particular competitors you face (2019). Accurate and thorough information is the foundation of all
successful business ventures because it provides a wealth of information about prospective and
existing customers, the competition, and the industry in general. It allows business owners to
determine the feasibility of a business before committing substantial resources to the venture
(, 2019). The methods of the study involves range from the survey describes
the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables, to
developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. This gathered the respondents’
ideas, perceptions and thoughts regarding the new business idea.

3.2 Research Locale

The researchers will conduct their survey around Taft Avenue Manila to have an assurance
that the respondents are mostly students, children or even the employees and staffs working
around Taft avenue Manila. It is easy to conduct the survey in Taft because it’s one of the areas
where it surrounds schools and working place.

3.3 Participants of the Study

30 individuals around Taft Avenue Manila were randomly picked as the participants of
the study. The researchers collected the participants’ demographics such as age, gender and civil
status. Information gathered from random respondents may result to understanding, solution, and
to be used as supporting statements in the study.

3.4 Research Instruments

In order to gather data, the researchers will use the survey questionnaire as a research
instrument. The questionnaire consists of specific preferences of the respondents and to
identify if they are aware of the product. This survey questionnaire leads to identify the most
preferred flavor in fruit smoothies as well as to determine the amount the respondents willing
to spend when buying fruit smoothies. Other than that, the researchers also use observation
techniques in order to gather the data in the preferred ambiance and atmosphere of one diner.
The researchers will monitor ongoing behaviors in appropriate environments. This can include
observations in buying environments such as retail outlets, diners, and stalls. The observation
may be conducted passively, without the knowledge of consumers, or actively, with their

3.5 Sampling Techniques

The researchers will not be using a sampling technique due to the fact that the sample
size is only few which only consist of 30 respondents.

3.6 Data Gathering Procedure

The preferences, thoughts, and evaluations of the participants were the main source of
information that was used as data for the supporting details of this research. The researchers
conducted a survey to random individuals around Taft Avenue Manila and will be asked seven (7)
questions for the preferences also for their age and gender. Throughout the survey, they may also
give their suggestions and comments to give more information relating to the study. By conducting
a survey, the respondents may give comments, suggestions, and idea for the researchers about the
study since it will be asked the most preferred when producing a product On the other hand, it can
also help the researchers to identify the target market and customers’ preferences in fruit
smoothies. It also gives idea for researchers on which flavor and price should conduct that makes
them profitable. Prior to conducting an interview, the researchers facilitated a letter of
consent to request for the participation of random individuals. For confidentiality purposes, the
researchers did not require the respondents to state their names in the survey sheet.

References - Online Sources:

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