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No creatures in the world perform any action without purpose , this is an experienced fact of life.
The darsana sastra speaks,

Prayojanamanudisya mandopi na prabartate |

That means, even the greatest fool can not perform any action without any purpose. So , the
purpose of every action should be different , but it is not like that. By hearing and reading , it may
seems strange ; but by contemplating , it is common and natural. Some people may say there are
actions without purpose .

Khala binu svaratha para apakari |

Je binu kaja dahine bayen |

That means, wicked person without any purpose harm others. In this similar manner-

Para upakara vacana mana kaya | Santha sahaja svabhaba khagaraya ||

Bhuja taru sama santha krupala | parahita saha nita vipati visala || (Tulsidas, Ramcaritmanasa)

This means , Saints without any purpose do good to others and the worshipped of them i.e. almighty
God does good to others without any purpose . Thus , in this way wicked person , saints and God do
every action without any purpose . Then the above conclusion is contradicted by thsese examples .
But , it is not like that. These there must have some specific purpose . For instance,

‘ Jo kahu ki dekha hi vipatti , sukhi hohin manahu jaga nrupati ‘

This means , by seeing others unhappy , the wicked person becomes happy ; this is his secret
purpose. In this way , for saints and God also-

‘Para dukha dukha , sukha sukha dekhe para ‘

This means , by seeing others unhappy they become unhappy and seeing others happy ; they
become happy . Thus, for becoming happy , they do good to others . In this way , by harming others
, the wicked get happiness and by benefiting others , sants and God get happiness . Therefore, the
attainment of happiness is the goal is proved.

Briefly , understand this , that wicked person get momentary pleasure by harming others ; so that
they do like that, where as saints and God , those who are always blissful , serve others to become
more happy; so that they do like this . Now , you must understand that the main purpose of these 3
types of people are only attainment of happiness. Now think about common human beings. All living
beings in the world do every action only for the sake of attainment of bliss. If you say there are other
purposes like earning money , search for a beautiful wife or a rich husband , desire for children ,
making friends etc. are experienced facts , then it should be understood that these outer things are
not real purpose but to get the inner happiness hidden within is the real purpose.

Sarvesamapi bhtanam nrupa svatmaiva vallabhah |

Itare-apatya-vitta-dyastadurlabhatayeba hi || (Bhagavad 10-14-50)

This statement of vedavyasa represent above argument. If you speak some philosophers say there
are five intrinsic goals of the individual soul ,viz. the will to live , the desire to know , the search for
bliss , longing for freedom and domination , but by deep analysis ,we can conclude that the above
four goals are for sake of attainment of bliss only. So , it is proved that everybody does every action
for bliss only. This is another matter that , if the path to get happiness is true then s/he will get true
happiness and if the path is wrong then s/he will get only sorrow. Now only consider this goal of
getting happiness , because in this world , there is diversity ,multiplicity of things and opinions , then
why from an ignorant people to all knowing without teaching of anybody wants happiness only,
there must be a great scientific mystery behind it. Yes, that mystery is that –

Anando brahmeti vyajanat | Anandadaiba khalwimani bhutani jayante |

Anandena jatani jivanti | Anandam prayantyavisambisantiti | (Taittiriya upanisad ,3-6)

According to the statement of the vedas , Brahman is the nature of bliss. So far as-

Ananda avadhastat Ananda uparistat Anandah purastat anandah

Pascat Ananda utaratah anando dakshinatah anandabedamsarvam |

This verse says bliss is below him , above him , bliss is behind him , bliss is in front of him , bliss is
north to him , bliss is south to him, and everywhere there is bliss. You can say this is the nature of
blissful iswara(God), but here we are talking about souls, but the fact is that-

Mamaivamso jivoloke jivabhutah sanatanah | (Gita 15-7)

According to this verse of Gita , souls are part of this blissful brahman, so due to their intrinsic
connection with whole(Amsi) ,every soul only want bliss. In reality, by trying for crore of kalpas(ages
after ages) no soul will forget the intrinsic goal of attainment of bliss. Some philosophers represent
this goal of attainment of bliss as absolute removal of all sorrows. For instance , the Samkhya
darsana states – Dukhatrayabhighatat jignasa tadabhi ghatake hetau |

This means removal of all sorrows is the ultimate goal of all souls. That sorrows are of 3 types, viz.
1.Adhyatmik(daihik) , 2.Adhibhautik , 3. Adhidaivik

1.Adhyatmika (daihik) sorrow is of two types, firstly bodily(saririka) which is caused out of
fever,stomach ache, dysentery , cold ,cough like diseases and secondly mental (manasika)sorrow
produced by lust, anger ,greed ,tension ,depression ,anxiety etc.

2.Adhibhautika is that sorrow which is cause by humans, animals, and static things.

3.Adhidaivika is that sorrow which is caused by nature like cold,hot and rain.

Again, the Samkhya darsana states –

Kutrapi kopi sukhi tadapi dukhasabalamiti dukkha pakhe nihkhepante bibechakah |

This means there is no happiness in this world. If anybody anywhere seems to be happy that is a
false notion only , because worldly pleasures are momentary , limited and go on decresing by
enjoyment. In this way elimination of sorrow is equivalent to attainment of bliss. Not only this, every
human being in this world loves good qualities like truth , non-violence , compassion , forgiveness ,
pity etc. without anybody’s teachings or instructions naturally. You will say in this world only very
few people i.e. saints only love truth , non-violence etc. But to say this is childish. By trying ages
after ages , the most ignorant man also will not be able to love falsehood against truth, theft , bad
behaviour etc. Understand this in this way that if any thief says I love stealing then steal away his
favourite things from him and see whether he is worried and disturbed or not . If he is upset then
why? If somebody lies to a liar why he feels bad? Why a wicked person feel sad when he get
punished for his wrong actions ? From these above instances it is clear that everybody loves godly
qualities naturally without any teaching because each soul is a part of supreme god . Now we have
to think about this point that ,”Is there any human being who neither wants happiness nor sorrow?
That is s/he performs no actions. This is impossible. According to the Gita –

Na hi kaschit ksanamapi jatu tisthatyakrmakrut | (Gita 3.5)

This means , no human beings can stay even for a moment without any action. To work continuously
for attainment of bliss is the nature of jiva. This process will continue upto when the jiva will receive
true bliss. In this way, it is proved that every creatures in the world only want happiness and for that
s/he is always doing actions . Now we have to think that from whence this is going on. According to
the vedas-

Jnajnau dwabajabisanisabaja hyaka bhoktru bhogyarthayukta |

Anantachastma viswarupo hyakarta trayam yada bindate brahmametat || (Shvetasvatara upanisad


This means every soul is eternal. There is no beginning of this.

Mamaivamso jivaloke jivabhuta sanatanah |

According to this verse of the Gita also souls are eternal. (Gita 15.7)

The literal meaning is that if somebody asks you from when you were , then the direct answer is
from when God were. Again , if that person asks from when your God were then from when we
were. If that person again asks from when both God and you exist , then the clear answer is form
when there was no time from that time .This means time came after us (divine souls) and God.
Therefore time can not define us, so we are beginingless(anadi) . Another thing also a matter of
contemplation is that –

Nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate satah |

Ubhayorapi drustoantastwanayasthotvadarsibhih || (Gita 2.16)

According to this verse of the Gita , there can not be absence of any satta(being), this means if we
are today , then before this also we existed .If we not exist today then we would not exist in
anytime. So that we are-

Na jayate mriyate ba kadachinnayam bhutwa bhabita ba na bhuyah |

Ajo nityah saswatoyam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire || (Gita 2.20)

This verse says we are eternal , unborn and beginingless . Now this is proved that people from
infinite life times are doing actions in order to get that happiness. But surprising fact is that by trying
of infinite life times continuously also we are not able to get even a drop of that bliss. What is its
main secret ? In reality, we are not able to get that bliss because we are not able to understand and
decide till now what is that bliss ? Where that bliss can be found? How to get that ? Now let us
discuss what is that bliss . According to the vedas-

Jo bai bhuma tatsukam nalpe sukhamasti bhumaiva sukham bhuma tveba bijijnasitabyah |
(Chandogya upanisad , 7-23-1)

This means happiness is always unlimited . There is no limited happiness as such because the goal of
attainment of happiness is that there should not be impact of sorrow anytime over it and there
should not be greater happiness than that. Now we shall think that eternal and unlimited happiness
where can be found ? Only this question is very deep . On this answer, there are infinites opinions,
arguments from eternity going on, but do not be confused , we shall resolve this problem. In order
to get happiness there are so many opinions and theories in this world that all can be classified into
two types, viz., materialism and spiritualism . If we understand these two concepts properly then all
other opinions and arguments will be resolved by themselves. First of all , let us discuss on
materialism . Materialists claim that the creation ,sustenance and destruction of this world happens
according to the natural laws of nature automatically , there is no any entity like God. God is the
creation of perverted intellect. Man has created God , God has not created man and to bring that
God in between is a sign of madness. The world is constructed out of earth , water , light and air .

They say that everybody wants happiness and that happiness can be obtained through
continuous fulfilment of the desires coming out of him by providing its respective sense-objects to
that person . Without giving the desirable sense objects to the person; there can not be attainment
of happiness , this is evident from everybody’s own experience. But the materialists could not able
to prove that by fulfilling of respective desires , are desires fulfilled for ever or desires arise again. If
the desires are coming twice or four times more than the previous then it will be childish like
pouring ghee(butter) on burning fire . If it is their experienced fact that after fulfilment of desires
happiness obtained , then I also claim that after fulfilment of desire only momentary pleasures
obtained and after sometimes there arise even more stronger desires . In this way by giving sense
objects and fulfilling desires ; there is no limit to it. Is there any example in the whole history of
humanity that a materialist has said that by getting this amount of things , I became satisfied. This is
impossible . This is a disease which increase from moment to moment .

As by robbing the wound there is a feeling of little happiness in the present moment but after that
it assumes terrible form , in this way by supplying desired objects , by fulfilment of momentary
desires , happiness is obtained , but that is very limited in extent. After sometimes a big desire
comes in to the mind. In reality , by fulfilment of desires through worldly objects creates greed-

‘Jyon pratilabha lobha adhikai’

And unfulfillment of desires lead to anger. Therefore , when desires arise sorrow itself comes into
existence . No materialist can escape from that. The great sage Vedabyas has said-

Yat pruthivyam brihiyavam hiranyam pasabah striyah |

Na duhyanti manahpritim pumsah kamahatasya te || (Bhagavad, 1-21-13)

This means if all things of the world can achieved easily by a person then also the disease of desires
will keep on growing , and again by fulfilment of desire through common things of the world is a
matter of jokery. Materialists say that see how we have developed our material prosperity . For us
there are routes open everywhere in water , land and sky ; where ever we want we can go . We are
succeeded in creating hydrogen bomb and atom bomb . We have made many difficult task into
easiest thing . Before civilisation humans were living in jungle , now they become very civilised .
Before some centuries people were suffering very much due to physical disease , now there is
control in diseases . The above statements are true . We are ready to accept even more in future.
But can materialists answer to my question that with increase in external things and comforts , is
there any little progress in internal happiness and peace ? Are there any progress towards truth ,
non-violence and humanness . Is there any happiness seen from a single person life to the people of
countries ? If not then the above developments are a pretention or what ? Now-a-days how there is
decline of peace(happiness) among people due to development in external world , is an all
experienced phenomenon . Not a single scientist is ready to accept that in future the whole world
will be victim of materialism . If the development in materialism leading to destroy ,threaten human
beings , then the dreams of peace and happiness is crores miles away . We are doing all our material
progress in order to attain happiness and live peacefully . But if that goal is not achieved than what is
the value of these developments ?

The conclusion is that with development of material prosperity there can not be purification of
human mind and without purification of mind hopes of happiness and peace is absolute madness .
Therefore, with development of material prosperity the problems of internal happiness and peace
can not be solved . As in a highly developed and having all facilities building , if a mad man kept
there then he will destroy both materialism and materialist . Happiness and peace are always
internal , so how can that be found ? Therefore providing sense objects and fulfilling desires is
always wrong . Of course , for fulfilment of the need of body ,materialism is always acceptable. Now
think about spiritualism . The vedas says –

Raso bai sah | Rasadvamhebayam labdhvaanandi bhavati | (Taittiriya upanisad 2-7)

This means God is bliss , by getting Him only souls can be blissful.

Tameba biditvati mrityumeti nanyah pantha bidyateayanaya | (Shvetasatvara upanisad 3-8,6-15)

This means by knowing Him alone souls can be free from the ocean of sorrow , there is no other way

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