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This section presents the research design, materials, chemical reagents,

equipment, procedure, and data analysis of this study.

A. Research Design

The researchers used an experimental research design. In this, the research

design utilizes an experimental setup. The student researchers made 4 setups for the
insecticide and 3 trials for each setup. In our experimental design, we changed the
amount of lavender oil and peppercorns for every setup. The amount, size, type and
weight of cockroach stayed the same, together with the size of the cockroach container
and spray bottle because they are the controlled variables. The varying results or the
amount of cockroaches terminated by the insecticide of the different setups will be the
dependent variable.

Table 1. Classification of Variables

Independent Amount of Lavender Oil

Amount of Peppercorns
Controlled Number of Cockroaches
Size of Cockroaches
Type/Breed of Cockroaches
Weight of Cockroaches
Size of Cockroach Container
Size of Spray Bottle
Dependent Number of Cockroaches Terminated
B. Materials

The following materials and equipment will be used in conducting the experiment:

Spray Bottle Funnel Lavender Oil

Mortar and Pestle Spoon Peppercorns

Plate/Bowl Stainless Steel Pot Cockroaches

C. Procedures

1. Prepare lavender oil. If you have store-brought lavender oil, proceed to step 9.

2. Cut sprigs of fresh lavender flowers.

3. Lightly crush lavender into smaller pieces and place it in a container.

4. Pour olive oil over flowers. Then, prepare for heating.

5. Pour olive oil with the crushed lavender flowers into a pot in medium heat.

7. Strain the lavender oil.

8. Let it cool in a container.

9. Measure the amount lavender oil and transfer into a spray bottle.

10. Label each cockroach container with A, B, C, and D.

11. Spray Setup A container with 5mL of lavender oil with 10 peppercorns.

12. Spray Setup B with 10mL of Lavender Oil with 20 peppercorns.

13. Spray Setup C with 15mL of lavender oil with 30 peppercorns.

14. Spray Setup D only with water.

14. Record the given data after the experiment.

15. There will be 3 trials done.

D. Data Analysis

In order to answer the specific problems of the study, the data will be recorded,
organized, and presented using Table 2.

Table 2. Experimental Setup For Insecticide


5mL Lavender Oil
10 Peppercorns
10mL Lavender Oil
20 Peppercorns
15mL Lavender Oil
30 Peppercorns

Table 2 shows the experimental setup for the insecticide which will be the used
as grounds whether the experiment is successful or not. 3 trials will be performed in
every setup in which the controlled variables are going to be applied. These slight
variations are made in every setup since it could strongly affect the outcome being
measured. However for Setup D, the null setup, is just provided to show that no
variation exists between variables or that a single variable is no different from its mean.
Presentation of Results (Narrative based on Table 3)

Table 2 presents the results of the experimental setup for the insecticide. In
Setup A, cockroaches were sprayed with 5mL of lavender oil with 10 peppercorns. After
the procedure, all 5 cockroaches were exterminated in all 3 trials. In Setup B, the
amount used for extermination increased to 10mL of lavender oil with 20 peppercorns.
Similar to Setup A, all 5 cockroaches were exterminated in all 3 trials. In Setup C, 15mL
of lavender oil with 30 peppercorns were used, all 5 cockroaches were exterminated in
all 3 trials as well. While in Setup D, a null setup, were just sprayed with water and as
expected, no cockroaches were exterminated in all 3 trials.

Table 3.


5mL Lavender Oil 5/5 5/5 5/5 5
10 Peppercorns
10mL Lavender Oil 5/5 5/5 5/5 5
20 Peppercorns
15mL Lavender Oil 5/5 5/5 5/5 5
30 Peppercorns
Water 0/5 0/5 0/5 0
Discussion of Results (Narrative based on Presentation of Results)

Based from the findings of the study, it is deduced that the mixture of lavender
oil and peppercorns can exterminate cockroaches which can be an effective insecticide.

The results further signify that naturally made mixture of lavender oil and
peppercorns can be used as an alternative insecticide for exterminating pests. The
findings can be supported by the following studies:

 The study of Khani Mousa (2012) showed the effects of peppercorns and was
able to prove that peppercorns are effective for exterminating cockroaches and
can be an effective ingredient used for an alternative insecticide.

 Black pepper protects by killing or repelling various pests. A study by Doctoral

student Ian Scott of the University of Ottawa's Biology Department showed that
pepper was effective on insects. It works within 24 hours and is more effective
than some synthetic pesticides. Pepper has many advantages over most
synthetic insecticides since it does not contaminate groundwater or harm
humans. Other animals and insects also do not develop resistance to it.

 According to Kelly Weimert (2019), "While lavender oil is a natural repellent

against insects, it is not usually effective against roaches. A person can combine
lavender oil with another ingredient to create an all-around insect repellent."

Through these studies, it was decided to add peppercorns as an ingredient to combine

with lavender oil in which it can emanate a pleasant aroma that can terminate pests.


Based on the salient findings of this study, it is therefore concluded that the mixture of
lavender oil and peppercorns can significantly exterminate pests.

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