Lesson 16 Version

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Duration: Lesson
Subject : English Class: Time
Theme : World Of Self,
Focus skill: Language Awareness CCE: Language Date:
Family and Friends
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Flashcards, picture cards, action cards,worksheet. Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
Review of Unit 1 forms
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and
M print and digital texts by using appropriate reading
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media

3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question marks
M short simple texts C appropriately in guided writing at sentence level

M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to read the text and draw the corresponding picture correctly.

C At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to write three sentences using capital letters and full stops correctly.

1. Review has got/have got by writing a sentence on the board. E.g. Joe have got a sister.
I. PRE-LESSON 2. Pupils read aloud and jump if the sentence is true or stand up if the sentence is false.
3. Repeat steps with a few sentences.
1. Activity 1:
 Show flashcards of characters from the textbook. Elicit sentences about the characters
He/She has got. Write the sentences on the board and put the pictures next to them. Ask
pupils why we use he or she. Ask the pupils if we use has got or have got with he and she.
 Next elicit sentences from pupils about themselves. Ask pupils to come to the board, write
their name and write a sentence about themselves I have got… Ask pupils questions about
the form with I (have got).
 Next pupils complete Section A and B of the worksheet.
 Feed back on the answers as a whole class.
2. Activity 2:
 Using action cards, model I can/can’t … with three or four cards. Drill (pupils listen and
repeat) the sentences if necessary.
 Ask pupils to tell their partners two things they can and can’t do.
 Model and drill the question and answer Can you…? Yes, I can/No, I can’t in a similar way and
have pupils ask each other in pairs about two activities.
 Next pupils complete Section C of the worksheet.
 Feed back on the answers as a whole class.
1. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 1 and how well they feel they know the
language now.
III. POST LESSON 2. They should complete the How did I do in Unit 1? self-assessment section of the worksheet.
3. Collect the worksheets from the pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance.
4. If there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to read the text and draw the Lesson postpone:
M corresponding picture correctly. a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to write three sentences using
C capital letters and full stops correctly. Other :

Unit 1
Language Awareness
a. Read and draw.
Laila is a girl.
She has got long, straight, black hair.
She has big brown eyes.
She’s pretty.

b. Read and circle the correct answer.

1. Amaya has got / have got straight hair. 2. Adam has got / have got blonde hair.

3. I has got / have got seven shells. 4. You has got / have got two brothers.

c. Unscramble the words to write a full sentence. Do not forget

1. play / she / piano / can / the


2. can / dive / he /

he / no / can’t

3. they / can / swim

can / yes / they


How did I do in Unit 1? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little.

In English, I know how to…

say what people look like Great OK A little

say what people have got Great OK A little

count in tens to 100 (10, 20, 30…) Great OK A little

say what I can do Great OK A little

say what people can do Great OK A little

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