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AMANDA: An Autonomous Self-Powered

Miniaturized Smart Sensing Embedded System

Charalampos S. Kouzinopoulos, Dimitrios Tzovaras Pawel Bembnowicz Marcel Meli
Information Technologies Institute Stichting IMEC Nederland ZHAW School of Engineering
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas Eindhoven, The Netherlands Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Thessaloniki, Greece Zurich, Switzerland
{kouzinopoulos, dimitrios.tzovaras}

Mathieu Bellanger Julien De Vos Denis Pasero

Lightricity Limited e-peas S.A. Ilika Technologies Ltd
Oxford, United Kingdom Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium Romsey, United Kingdom

Martin Schellenberg Oskar Vujicic

Microdul AG Penta d.o.o.
Zurich, Switzerland Pula, Croatia

Abstract—The proposed work aims to introduce a cost- Smart sensors have evolved from being discrete devices de-
attractive next generation Autonomous Smart Sensing Card signed to detect specific properties (e.g. light, heat, motion), to
(ASSC) that will have the size, look and feel of a credit card fully integrated sensor systems, offering enhanced computing
and will serve multi-sensorial IoT applications for smart living
and working environments. This novel system will consist of capabilities, connected within any number of autonomous sys-
a combination of newly developed and optimized innovative tems such as wearable technologies and smart living environ-
off-the-shelf or close-to-commercialization technologies such as ments. There has been a steady shift towards miniaturization
PV harvesters, energy storage units, MCUs and sensors, all of ESS, using micro- or nano-electromechanical technology,
packed with a minimal form factor in under 3mm of thickness. bringing new concepts and technologies that will benefit the
The system will introduce technical breakthroughs that will
boost further miniaturization, offer increased sensitivity, a small environment of smart cities, such as air quality, temperature,
footprint and ultra-low power consumption. humidity, noise and occupancy monitoring as well as security
Index Terms—Electronic smart systems, Embedded systems, of people or assets, including imaging, tracking, fingerprint,
Sensors, Microelectronics, Miniaturization, Autonomous opera- data privacy and cybersecurity.
tion Nevertheless, in order to release the potentiality of ESSs,
it is crucial to optimize the size, cost, materials, design and
I. I NTRODUCTION manufacturing processes. Despite the fact that there are many
academic, research and industrial entities in Europe with
Electronic Smart Systems (ESS) are embedded miniaturized state-of-the-art competences and infrastructures to promote
electronics that can be used for both sensing and actuating innovations in this area, there are still technological gaps to be
with a focus on autonomous operation, energy efficiency and covered. This can only be addressed by a strong transnational
networking capabilities as well as adaptation, reliability, and cooperation between excellent academic, research and indus-
security. The global ESS market was valued at USD 30.82 trial manufacturing entities that will bring their world class
billion in 2018, and is estimated to reach USD 85.93 billion excellence in the ESS sector, facing the research challenges
by the end of 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of that already exist.
18.82% during the forecast period (2019 - 2024) [1]. The next In order to address these issues, this paper proposes a
phase of digital transformation has arrived, and it reaches to unique ASSC which will have the size, feel and look of a
the far edges of the networks, with connections to billions credit card, ideal for easy deployment outdoors, in buildings
of devices and objects collecting and transmitting data from or as a wearable. The existing technological challenges will be
ever-evolving sensors. This new wave of innovation extends overcome through the optimization of connectivity, miniatur-
digital intelligence beyond dedicated devices such PCs, tablets, ization, power consumption, security, intelligence, design and
and smartphones, making sensors indispensable and integral in cost. A combination of innovative photovoltaic components,
digital ecosystems. energy storage and power management units as well as sensors
will be newly developed and optimized for the AMANDA ature sensors can be broadly classified into mechanical types
ASSC and together with existing off-the-shelf components (thermometers based on the physical expansion of materials
will be integrated into the system. All packed in under 3mm with temperature, bimetallic strips) and electrical types (ther-
thickness, AMANDA will introduce technical breakthroughs mistor, thermocouple, resistor-temperature-detectors). Each of
that will boost further miniaturization, offer increased sensi- these types can be implemented with a variety of materials or
tivity, small footprint and ultra-low power consumption, with material compositions, which result in widely different prop-
a maintenance-free lifetime of over 10 years. erties, like temperature range, linearity, accuracy, construction
This paper is structured as follows: Section II provides a size, and cost. With the silicon revolution, a new type of sensor
literature review on Autonomous Self-Powered Miniaturized has become available, basically for free, on silicon microchips:
Smart Sensing Embedded Systems and on individual sen- the silicon bandgap temperature sensor, which is essentially
sor, processing and energy-related components. Section III based on the temperature gradient of the silicon diode voltage.
presents the architecture of the introduced ASSC, highlighting Some notable silicon temperature sensors include the Microdul
the current status of the components developed and optimized MS1088 [10], the Texas Instruments TMP117 [11], the AMS
for the AMANDA ASSC and a number of target goals. Section AS6200 [12], the Sensirion STS35 [13] and the Silicon Labs
IV gives an evaluation of some of the components that will Si7053 [14].
form the AMANDA ASSC. Finally, Section V draws the
conclusions of this paper and discusses future work.
The AMANDA ASSC will have a minimal form factor,
II. R ELATED W ORK including all the essential components for its operation: a
The concept of miniaturized autonomous cards is not new. photovoltaic energy harvester from Lightricity; a miniaturized
EcoMicro, a miniaturized 9-Degrees of Freedom inertial- solid-state energy storage unit from Ilika; an MCU and PMIC
sensing node was presented in [2], with wireless communi- from E-peas; a capacitive sensor from Microdul for human-
cation features and energy autonomy, utilizing energy storage device interaction; two wireless communication units (RF); an
and solar cells. The main advantage of this device over the RTC; a nano-timer; and a non-volatile memory unit (FRAM).
state-of-the-art designs is its miniature size, in the volume of Depending on the usage scenario, the ASSC will also integrate:
8 × 13 × 9.5mm while at the same time providing motion a temperature sensor from Microdul; a CO2 sensor from
measurement, via an Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU) and IMEC; and an imaging sensor from E-peas. A number of
data transmission over the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) additional off-the-shelf sensors will also be included but the
protocol. A mechanically flexible and fully integrated wearable details have not been finalized at this stage of development.
sensor array was demonstrated in [3] for in situ perspiration
A. Form factor
analysis, which measures sweat metabolites and electrolytes,
as well as the skin temperature to calibrate the response of The target dimensions of the ASSC are 89 × 51mm, the
the sensors. A small wearable device, the Mobile Sensing US standard size for business cards. The maximum thickness,
Platform (MSP) was presented in [4] which utilizes different or height, of the system will be constrained to 3mm. A cross
sensors, such as microphones, light sensors, 3-axis digital section of the final system is given in Figure 1. There are a
accelerometers, barometers, thermometers, humidity sensors few layered components that need to fit vertically:
and digital compasses to provide useful data for activity-aware • Main card body. This part will house the PCB and will be
systems. The paper by Yang, Xu, Vervust and Vanfleteren [5] used as the device base. Depending on the material and
describes a miniaturized sensor patch that integrates all nec- the manufacturing process used, a minimum thickness,
essary readout electronics capable of simultaneous impedance estimated at 0.5mm, will be applied
and temperature measurements. • Thin PCB. This part will accommodate all electronic
Image sensors provide vision capabilities to a system. Dur- components used for the card and will cover the majority
ing the past decade, huge advances have been brought to high- of the available surface. Depending on the type of board
resolution image sensors integrated into smartphones and other that will be used, such as a flexible PCB or a thin FR4
devices. Although these sensors have a very large number board, a minimum thickness will also be applied. Based
of pixels and have been granted a drastic noise reduction, on state-of-the art thickness for flexible PCBs, a range
they have an increased energy consumption making them between 0.2mm and 0.4mm is feasible, depending on
unsuited for an embedded system as the AMANDA ASSC. the number of layers of the board
Research exists on image sensors that work with a very low- • Card cover. To enclose all components inside the card
power consumption [6]–[9]. These sensors feature a very low base, different types of covers are considered. As seen
energy consumption, with under 50pJ/frame/pixel and rely on on similar designs of electronic smart cards, a solution
the reduction of the supply voltage to lower dynamic losses, based on a plastic sticker cover could be used, with an
however the achievable resolution is very low and does not additional thickness of approximately 0.2mm
comply with industry standards such as VGA resolution. The available height is calculated by subtracting the height
Temperature measurement is of paramount importance in a of all individual parts from the 3mm total height. The usable
multitude of areas and can be realized in several ways. Temper- height will then be approximatively between 1.9mm and
Fig. 1. Cross section of the AMANDA ASSC

2.1mm. If the capacitive sensor electrodes are laid out as TABLE I

PCB traces, there will be a considerable distance between the E LECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE E NERGY H ARVESTER
electrodes and the card cover. Also, if the card cover is only Performance at 200 lux Current Target
0.2mm thick, it will be very flexible. Both will affect the Output voltage (MPP) 1V > 1V
capacitive sensor behavior. The sensors will be placed as close Output current (MPP) 50µA > 50µA
Efficiency 30% > 30%
as possible to the front plate, ideally without an air gap. PV active area 2.15cm2 < 2.15cm2
Some of the options that will be considered are 1) to reverse
the stackup, for example mounting the PCB directly behind the
front panel, close the card with a cover ‘behind’. However, this
may cause issues with the positioning of the solar harvester The current packaging of the harvester is based on a dam
and 2) to place the sensor electrodes separately on a flex and fill process which includes die-attachment, interconnection
PCB that is bent while touching the front cover. This can be of PV dies and transparent encapsulation (epoxy). Individual
achieved by sticking the PCB to the front cover or pressing it modules are then singulated using a dicing saw. As detailed in
to the front cover with some non-conductive material, such as Table II, the external dimensions of the harvester are currently
foam. 2.4 × 1.0cm. These dimensions may be reduced down to
< 1cm2 in the future, for versions of the ASSC with lower
B. System components load requirements. To improve the packaging of the harvester,
the focus will be on a compression molding process that can
Figure 2 depicts a conceptual view of the individual com- achieve lower thickness and better surface finish. In order to
ponent placement on the AMANDA ASSC. Most of the reduce the bowing effect of modules stripe due to thermal
components have a working version, denoted as current, but stress during the encapsulation process, a custom cavity mold
improved versions, referred as target, are under development with isolated dam tracks in between individual modules will
for the ASSC. be used.


Geometrical parameters Current Target

Outer module dimensions 2.4 × 1.0cm ≤ 2.4 × 1.0cm
Thickness > 1.5mm < 1mm
Encapsulation method Dam and fill Compression moulding
Connection method Conductive epoxy SMT

2) Energy storage: The role of the solid-state energy stor-

age (ES) is to store the energy provided by the energy harvester
and deliver it on-demand to the rest of the ASSC, including
Fig. 2. Conceptual component placement on the AMANDA ASSC the MCU and sensors. During periods of illumination, the PV
cell will charge the ES and power the device; during dark
1) Energy harvester: The energy harvester will supply periods, the ES will discharge into the rest of the circuitry,
continuous power to the AMANDA ASSC. The amount of hence ensuring that the ASSC can operate under all light
provided power will mainly depend on the illumination level levels.
of the environment and on whether the ASSC is moving or The ES under development for the AMANDA ASSC will
is stationary. The electrical performance of the harvester for use photolithography and etching techniques which allow for
200 lux is shown in Table I. Although the performance of a greater footprint efficiency without significantly reducing
the harvester may be slightly improved for the ASSC, the key the cycle life of the component. Thinning the substrate of
focus will be to develop an SMT-compatible device that can the storage can lead to greater volumetric energy density and
withstand a solder reflow process (approximately 250 °C). the ability to stack several ESs on top of each other whilst
TABLE III Deepsleep support. Values above marked with * are subject to
Energy storage Target In order to store multiple sensor firmware and to be able
Rated Capacity 2mAh to process the more complex sensor data, the MCU for the
Voltage 3 − 4V AMANDA ASSC will have a larger memory, with at least
Cycle numbera Approximately 500
Internal resistance Approximately 100Ω 256kB of Flash and at least 256kB of SRAM. Furthermore,
Standard Continuous discharge current 2mA a core architecture with increased processing capabilities will
Max Continuous discharge current 20mA be required in order to minimize the active time and the energy
Peak current 40mA
a 1C, to 80% of initial capacity consumption.

keeping a thin component. The ES will have a slightly larger
MCU Current Target
footprint and lower cathode thickness in order to minimize Voltage supply 1.8 − 3.3V 1.8 − 3.3V
the internal resistance. To maintain a high volumetric energy Active current 29µA/M Hz < 20µA/M Hz
density, two cells will be stacked to yield a capacity of 2mAh, Deepsleep current 850nA < 500nA
as shown in Table III. A nominal voltage of 3.5V will provide Sleep wake-up time 1 clock cycle 1 clock cycle
Deep sleep wake-up time Approximately 1µs Approximately 1µs
a total of 7mW h of stored energy that can support a maximum
continuous load of 20mA and a peak current of 40mA.
3) MCU: The E-peas general purpose microcontroller se- 4) PMIC: The PMIC is an integrated energy management
ries is dedicated to sensing applications. It is based on the circuit that extracts DC power from up to 7-cell solar panels
ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit architecture with a 24M Hz operating to simultaneously store energy in a rechargeable element and
frequency and an extremely low power consumption, both in supply the system with two independent regulated voltages.
active and standby mode. The specifications of the MCU are The PMIC harvests the available input current up to 110mA
summarized in Table IV. The active current of the MCU is and it integrates an ultra-low power boost converter. The
29µA/M Hz while the current in Deepsleep with an RTC quiescent current of the PMIC with the LDOs enabled is
running and an 8kB SRAM retention is 850nA. The MCU 600nA. The boost converter operates with input voltages in a
currently has up to 256kB* of embedded non-volatile single- range between 50mV to 5V . With its unique cold-start circuit,
cycle flash memory with an instruction cache to reduce power- it can start operating with empty storage elements at an input
hungry flash accesses and up to 32kB* of embedded SRAM voltage as low as 380mV and an input power of 3µW . The
memory with SRAM retention available per 8kB bank in low-voltage supply can typically drive a microcontroller at
Deepsleep. 1.2V or 1.8V . The high-voltage supply typically drives a radio
The system has a DMA controller with 8 channels and transceiver at a configurable voltage between 1.8V and 4.1V .
inter-peripheral signaling, for core-less memory transfer and Both are driven by highly-efficient LDO regulators for low
peripheral communication. It has clock gating and scaling noise and high stability. The PMIC also integrates a MPPT
available for each peripheral individually. The communication module that allows to maintain the PV cell at its optimal
is performed with one* UART with Deepsleep support. Two* operation point.
master/slave SPIs exist with multi-master support, up to 4 A target for the PMIC is to reduce its quiescent current
chip select, 8-byte FIFO and DMA support. Two* master/slave down to 200nA. It will further include a dedicated sleep
I2 C are also present, with multi-master support, 7- and 10-bit mode. While in sleep mode, the load outputs will be shut
addressing modes, up to FM+ (1M bit/s) and DMA support. down and the battery will be disconnected from the PMIC.
Finally there up to 48 GPIOs* available. On the MCU there are The battery will only be connected periodically if energy
four* 32-bit multi-function timers with two compare/capture harvesting is occurring to keep recharging it. The DC/DC
channels for PWM generation, edge counting or frequency converter operates with input voltages in a range from 50mV
measurement and DMA support. Additionally, there is one to 4V . The cold-start circuit will be improved so that the PMIC
RTC with programmable periodic interrupt generation and will start operating with an empty storage element from an
Deepsleep support as well as one 32-bit Watchdog with input voltage as low as 300mV and an input power of 2µW .
Deepsleep support. The PMIC will provide two regulated output voltages, thanks
For security, there is one AES module for 128-bit hardware to a combination of DC/DC regulators. These voltage levels
encryption, decryption and key derivation operations, ECB, can be programmed, with their default value being 1.8V and
CBC and CTR mode support and DMA support as well 3.3V . The DC/DC converters can be disabled or enabled by the
as one hardware TRNG based on clock drift. For analog microcontroller. The PMIC is available in a QFN28 5 × 5mm
support, there is one 12-bit ADC with 8 channels, up to package. The complete system fits in less than 1cm2 including
500kS/s, 8-data FIFO, accumulation and averaging, LP mode all the required passive components.
for low sample rate/low power consumption and DMA support 5) Capacitive sensor: The capacitive sensor will be used
and one rail-to-rail analog comparator with VDD scaler and to wake up the ASSC from stand-by. The sensor will be
based on MS8891, with an active power consumption of between interdigitated electrodes. In the current version, there
approximately 750nA. MS8891 can be operated in three is a sensitivity of about 1.2Ω/ppm CO2 at 1Hz measurement
essentially different modes: Op-mode-1, with a single trigger excitation. Expected range of measurement is Re(Z)/Im(Z):
absolute capacitance measurement, on demand, Op-mode-2 1 − 160kΩ. Changes of the analogue parameter need to be
with a periodic triggering, touch detection and cyclic self- digitized. The measurements are done by an integrated readout
timed (2/second, 32/second, permanent) as well as Op-mode-3 based on the ADUCM355 sensing interface, a state-of-the-art
with a single triggering mode and on demand touch detection. combination of analogue circuitry with a microcontroller. The
Even though the power consumption of MS8891 is already current and target specification of the CO2 sensor are given in
best in class, a further reduction in autonomous periodic mea- Table VI for a 2.8V supply.
suring mode (Op-mode-2) will be targeted. A power reduction 8) Imaging sensor: The architecture of the full ultra-low
in Op-mode-2 directly translates to longer battery life in dark power image sensor is depicted in Figure 3. The chip includes
conditions where little to no energy can be harvested. The three main parts: the first is the digital pixel sensor (DPS)
following parameters and properties are targeted: array that features all the pixels, row drivers and column
• Only one sensor channel will be implemented, due to area buffers; the second is the controller that has two major roles:
and OTP memory limitations of the semi-custom array generating the different control signals to read the DPS array
• Implementation of autocalibration / autotracking of the and transforming the time-encoded values of the pixels into
switching threshold in COMP mode digital-encoded values via a set of counters in the digital
• Possible reduction of power consumption in periodic column readout; the third includes the peripherals that generate
COMPare mode (Op-mode-2) by reducing Idd idle with a clock for the counter, a ramp for the in-pixel comparator and
oscillator enabled bias voltages.
• Improvement of noise immunity if required and if power
consumption is not increasing
6) Temperature sensor: The temperature sensor is a fully
integrated tested and calibrated solid-state silicon sensor,
based on the well-known temperature characteristic of the
silicon diode forward voltage. It has a typical temperature
measurement accuracy of +/- 0.3 °C. It offers digital I2 C
and SPI interfaces and contains a battery EoL detection with
configurable voltage thresholds. It is available in either a
3×3mm QFN16 package or a CSP package. Table V presents
the current and target energy specifications of the sensor.

E NERGY SPECIFICATIONS OF THE TEMPERATURE SENSOR Fig. 3. Architecture of the ultra-low power QVGA time-based CMOS imager

Temperature sensor Current Target

VDD 3.0V 1.8V 3.0V Table VII gives the current and target specifications of the
Istart−up 100µA 100µA 100µA image sensor. In the target design, emphasis will be put on
tstart−up 2ms 2ms 2ms the reduction of the energy consumption, both in active and
Estart−up 0.6µJ 0.36µJ 0.6µJ
Iidle 0.02µA 0.005µA 0.005µA
sleep mode. The resolution will be limited to QVGA to fit the
Iactive 75µA 50µA 50µA mechanical constraints and to limit the power consumption of
tactive 50ms 25ms 25ms the sensor.
Eactive 11.3µJ 2.25µJ 3.75µJ
9) RF: The data collected by the card should be trans-
ferred to the user or to other devices for further processing.
The sensor requires no external components. I2 C pull- This will be performed by using different forms of wireless
up resistors of typically 145kΩ are integrated, which allow communication, especially protocols that are readily available.
operation without external I2 C pull-up resistors in applications Since the communication is likely to impose an important
with low bus loads and at low bus speeds. If multiple slaves are energy load, it is important to use the appropriate protocols
attached to the same bus, external pull-up resistors have to be and have ways of optimizing the energy consumption without
added. Power supply decoupling is optional or can be shared penalizing the functionality. For that reason, two different
with other low-power analog components in close vicinity. modules are considered; a short-range and a long-range one.
7) CO2 sensor: The CO2 sensor is a CO2 transducer and For the short-range RF, the BLE protocol will be used, as it
dedicated electronic readout system. The transducer consists is optimized on lower power consumption. The RSL10 [15]
of an interdigitated electrode on top of which a layer of wireless module by On Semiconductor offers the lowest power
gas-sensitive material is drop casted. Gas diffuses into the consumption in terms of current draw and already has a BLE
CO2 sensitive layer and changes its electrical property. The stack implemented, therefore it is the SoC that will be used for
change can be read out as a change of electric impedance the AMANDA ASSC. For long-range RF, LoRA will be used,

CO2 sensor Current Target

Wake-up Measurement Sleep Wake-up Measurement Sleep
Time 200ms 500ms - 180ms 250ms -
Electrical current 4mA 20mA 9µA 4mA 8mA 3µA
Energy 2.2mW 28mW - 2mW 5.6mW -

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Technology 0.18µm CMOS 0.18µm CIS 2018, p. 30.
Array resolution 640x480 (VGA) 320x240 (QVGA) [3] W. Gao, S. Emaminejad, H. Y. Y. Nyein, S. Challa, K. Chen, A. Peck,
Max frame rate 8.5 30 H. M. Fahad, H. Ota, H. Shiraki, D. Kiriya et al., “Fully integrated
Pixel size 5.8 × 5.8µm2 4.8 × 4.8µm2 wearable sensor arrays for multiplexed in situ perspiration analysis,”
Dynamic range 60dB 80dB Nature, vol. 529, no. 7587, p. 509, 2016.
Peak SNR 37.5dB 45dB [4] T. Choudhury, G. Borriello, S. Consolvo, D. Haehnel, B. Harrison,
Energy 88pJ/pixel/frame 50pJ/pixel/frame B. Hemingway, J. Hightower, K. Koscher, A. LaMarca, J. A. Landay
et al., “The mobile sensing platform: An embedded activity recognition
system,” IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 32–41, 2008.
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miniaturized flexible sensor patch: Design and application for in situ
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long range low power wireless transceiver by Semtech will [6] J. Choi, S. Park, J. Cho, and E. Yoon, “A 3.4-µw object-adaptive
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be used, as preliminary testing showed that it has excellent motion-triggered object-of-interest imaging,” IEEE Journal of Solid-
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10) Peripherals: For memory, the 8kB MB85RS64TU nal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 759–767, 2010.
FRAM component from Fujitsu will be used. Several vari- [8] J. Choi, J. Shin, D. Kang, and D.-S. Park, “6.3 a 45.5 µw 15fps
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chosen, depending on the use scenario. The RV-3028-C7 RTC [9] D. Bol, G. de Streel, F. Botman, A. K. Lusala, and N. Couniot, “A 65-nm
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a metal lid. It has an I2 C interface. Finally, the TPL5110-Q1 [11] E. Denton, A. Heng, and B. Fisher, “Wearable temperature sensing
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IV. E VALUATION [15] OnSemiconductor, “Bluetooth 5 radio system-on-chip (soc).” [Online].
V. C ONCLUSIONS [16] Semtech, “Sx1261/2 long range, low power, sub-ghz rf transceiver. rev.
1.1.” [Online]. Available:
This work is co-funded by the European Union (EU)
within the AMANDA project under grant agreement number
825464. The AMANDA project is part of the EU Framework
Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020.

[1] MordorIntelligence, “Smart sensors market - growth, trends, and forecast
(2019 - 2024).” [Online]. Available: https://www.mordorintelligence.

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