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member of the Shari’a Bar. The judiciary has no place for
dishonest officers of the court, such as Meling in this case.
1. IN RE: MELING BM NO. 1154 Meling is hereby suspended for his membership.

● BM 1209 - The Court ​held that good moral character is what
a person really is, as distinguished from good reputation or 2. RULE 139-A
from the opinion generally entertained of him, the estimate
in which he is held by the public in the place where he is Sec. 1. Organization. — There is hereby organized an official national
known. Moral character is not a subjective term but one body to be known as the "Integrated Bar of the Philippines," composed
which corresponds to objective reality. The standard of of all persons whose names now appear or may hereafter be included in
personal and professional integrity is not satisfied by such the Roll of Attorneys of the SC.
conduct as it merely enables a person to escape the penalty of
criminal law. Good moral character includes at least common
Sec. 2. Purposes. — The fundamental purposes of the IBP
shall be to elevate the standards of the legal profession,
improve the administration of justice, and enable the Bar to
​ anon 7 - Duty to uphold the dignity of the legal
Case Topic: C discharge its public responsibility more effectively.
Sec. 3. Regions. — The Philippines is hereby divided into nine Regions
of the IBP, to wit: Northern Luzon, Central Luzon, Greater Manila,
Southern Luzon, Bicolandia, Eastern Visayas, Western Visayas, Eastern
● Petitioner who filed against Haron Meling from taking the
Mindanao, Western Mindanao
2002 Bar Exam and impose upon him disciplinary penalty as
a member of the Shari’a Bar to the OBC (Office of the Bar
Confidant). In the event of the creation of any new province, the Board of
Governors shall, with the approval of the SC, determine the Region to
Respondent: which the said province shall belong.
● Member of the Shari’a Bar. Sec. 4. Chapters. — A Chapter of the IBP shall be organized in every
province. Except as hereinbelow provided, every city shall be
FACTS: considered part of the province within which it is geographically
● MELENDREZ ALLEGED: ​Meling has 3 pending criminal situated.
cases in which he did not diclose in Meling’s petition to take
the bar, one which involves him and his wife, by uttering A separate Chapter shall be organized in each of the following political
defamatory words against him in front of media practitioners subdivisions or areas;The subprovince of Aurora; Each congressional
and hitting his wife causing injury to the latter. And that, district of the City of Manila; Quezon City; Caloocan City, Malabon and
Meling have been using the title “Attorney” in his Navotas; Pasay City, Makati, Mandaluyong and San Juan del Monte;
communications as Secretary to the Mayor of Cotabato Cebu City; and Zamboanga City and Basilan City.
despite him not being a member of the Bar.
● MELING ANSWERED: He did not disclose the criminal Unless he otherwise registers his preference for a particular Chapter, a
case because he was advised not to by a retired judge who has lawyer shall be considered a member of the Chapter of the province,
his former professor. He denies charges of acts against moral city, political subdivision or area where his office, or, in the absence
turpitude because for him the three cases that arose in one thereof, his residence is located. In no case shall any lawyer be a
incident are closed and terminated. As to the title of member of more than one Chapter.
“Attorney”, he admits the alleged act.
● OBC RECOMMENDED: That the non-disclosure of the
Each Chapter shall have its own local government as provided for by
criminal case was also answerable under Rule 7.01 of the
uniform rules to be prescribed by the Board of Governors and approved
Code of Professional Responsibility. That there is no showing
by the SC, the provisions of Sec. 19 of this Rule notwithstanding.
that Meling is involved in the practice of law, he may be liable
for indirect contempt. OBC recommended that Meling be not
allowed to take the Lawyer’s Oath and sign the Roll of Chapters belonging to the same Region may hold regional conventions
Attorneys. on matters and problems of common concern.

ISSUES: Sec. 5. House of Delegates. — The IBP shall have a House of Delegates
1. WON Meling is not allowed to take the Lawyer’s oath and of not more than one hundred twenty members who shall be
Sign the roll of Attorneys in the event that he passes the bar apportioned among all the Chapters as nearly as may be according to
exam. the number of their respective members, but each Chapter shall have at
2. WON Meling be impose sanctions as a member of the Shari’a least one Delegate. On or before December 31, 1974, and every four
Bar years thereafter, the Board of Governors shall make an apportionment
of Delegates.
The term of the office of Delegate shall begin on the date of the opening
1. The court concurred with the findings and recommendation of the annual convention of the House and shall end on the day
of OBC. But, Meling did not pass the bar so it is already immediately preceding the date of the opening of the next succeeding
moot and academic. annual convention. No person may be a Delegate for more than two
2. Practice of law, whether regular or Shari’a Court, is not a terms.
matter of right but merely a privilege bestowed who are not
only learned in the law but also known to possess good The House shall hold an annual convention at the call of the Board of
moral character. The requirement of good moral character Governors at any time during the month of April of each year for the
is not only a condition precedent to admission of law, its election of Governor, the reading and discussion of reports including
continued possession is also essential for remaining in the the annual report of the Board of Governors, the transaction of such
practice of law. M​ eling’s concealment of the fact that there other business as may be referred to it by the Board, and the
are three (3) pending criminal cases against him speaks of consideration of such additional matters as may be requested in writing
his lack of the requisite good moral character and results in by at least twenty Delegates. Special conventions of the House may be
the forfeiture of the privilege bestowed upon him as a called by the Board of Governors to consider only such matters as the

Board shall indicate. A majority of the Delegates who have registered determine with the approval of the SC. A fixed sum
for a convention, whether annual or special, shall constitute a quorum equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the collection from each
to do business. Chapter shall be set aside as a Welfare Fund for disabled
members of the Chapter and the compulsory heirs of
Sec. 6. Board of Governors. — The IBP shall be governed by a Board of deceased members thereof.
Governors. Nine Governors shall be elected by the House of Delegates
from the nine Regions on the representation basis of one Governor Sec. 10. Effect of nonpayment of dues. — Subject to the provisions of
from each Region. Each Governor shall be chosen from a list of Sec. 12 of this Rule, default in the payment of annual dues for six
nominees submitted by the Delegates from the Region, provided that months shall warrant suspension of membership in the IBP, and
not more than one nominee shall come from any Chapter. The default in such payment for one year shall be a ground for the removal
President and the Executive Vice President, if chosen by the Governors of the name of the delinquent member from the Roll of Attorneys.
from outside of themselves as provided in Sec. 7 of this Rule, shall ipso
facto become members of the Board. Sec. 11. Voluntary termination of membership; reinstatement. — A
member may terminate his membership by filing a written notice to
The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of one year from that effect with the Secretary of the IBP, who shall immediately bring
the date of their election and until their successors shall have been duly the matter to the attention of the SC. Forthwith he shall cease to be a
elected and qualified. No person may be a Governor for more than two member and his name shall be stricken by the Court from the Roll of
terms. Attorneys. Reinstatement may be made by the Court in accordance with
rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Governors and
The Board shall meet regularly once every three months, on such date approved by the Court.
and such time and place as it shall designate. A majority of all the
members of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business. Special Sec. 12. Grievance procedures. — The Board of Governors shall provide
meetings may be called by the President or by five members of the in the ByLaws for grievance procedures for the enforcement and
Board. maintenance of discipline among all the members of the IBP, but no
action involving the suspension or disbarment of a member or the
Subject to the approval of the SC, the Board shall adopt ByLaws and removal of his name from the Roll of Attorneys shall be effective
promulgate Canons of Professional Responsibility for all members of without the final approval of the SC.
the IBP. The ByLaws and the Canons may be amended by the SC motu
propio or upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors. Sec. 13. Nonpolitical Bar. — The IBP shall be strictly nonpolitical, and
every activity tending to impair this basic feature is strictly prohibited
The Board shall prescribe such other rules and regulations as may be and shall be penalized accordingly. No lawyer holding an elective,
necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of the IBP as well as the judicial, quasijudicial, or prosecutory office in the Government or any
provisions of this Rule. political subdivision or instrumentality thereof shall be eligible for
election of appointment to any position in the IBP or any Chapter
thereof shall be considered ipso facto resigned from his position as of
Sec. 7. Officers. — The IBP shall have a President and an Executive Vice
the moment he files his certificate of candidacy for any elective public
President who shall be chosen by the Governors immediately after the
office or accepts appointment to any judicial, quasijudicial, or
latter's election, either from among themselves or from other members
prosecutory office in the Government or any political subdivision or
of the IBP, by the vote of at least five Governors. Each of the regional
instrumentality thereof.
members of the Board shall be ex officio Vice President for the Region
which he represents.
Sec. 14. Positions honorary. — Except as may be specifically authorized
or allowed by the SC, no Delegate or Governor and no national or local
The President and the Executive Vice President shall hold office for a
Officer or committee member shall receive any compensation,
term of one year from the date of their election and until their
allowance or emolument from the funds of the IBP for any service
successors shall have duly qualified. The Executive Vice President shall
rendered therein or be entitled to reimbursement for any expense
automatically become the President for the next succeeding full term.
incurred in the discharge of his functions.
The Presidency shall rotate from year to year among all the nine
Regions in such order or rotation as the Board of Governors shall
prescribe. No person shall be President or Executive Vice President of Sec. 15. Fiscal matters. — The Board of Governors shall administer the
the IBP for more than one term. funds of the IBP and shall have the power to make appropriations and
disbursements therefrom. It shall cause proper Books of Accounts to be
kept and Financial Statements to be rendered and shall see to it that
The IBP shall have a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers and
the proper audit is made of all accounts of the IBP and all the Chapters
employees as may be required by the Board of Governors, to be
appointed by the President with the consent of the Board, and to hold
office at the pleasure of the Board or for such terms as it may fix. Said
officers and employees need not be members of the IBP. Sec. 16. Journal. — The Board of Governors shall cause to be published
a quarterly Journal of the IBP, free copies of which shall be distributed
to every member of the IBP.
Sec. 8. Vacancies. — In the event the President is absent or unable to
act, his duties shall be performed by the Executive Vice President; and
in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the President, the Sec. 17. Voluntary Bar associations. — All voluntary Bar associations
Executive Vice President shall serve as Acting President during the now existing or which may hereafter be formed may coexist with the
remainder of the term of the office thus vacated. In the event of the IBP but shall not operate at crosspurposes therewith.
death, resignation, removal, or disability of both the President and the
Executive Vice President, the Board of Governors shall elect an Acting Sec. 18. Amendments. — This Rule may be amended by the SC motu
President to hold office until the next succeeding election or during the propio or upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors or any
period of disability. Chapter of the IBP.

The filling of vacancies in the House of Delegates, Board of Governors, Sec. 19. Organizational period. — The Commission on Bar Integration
and all other positions of Officers of the IBP shall be as provided in the shall organize the local Chapters and toward this end shall secure the
ByLaws. Whenever the term of an office or position is for a fixed period, assistance of the Department of Justice and of all Judges throughout
the person chosen to fill a vacancy therein shall serve only for the the Philippines. All Chapter organizational meetings shall be held on
unexpired term. Saturday, February 17, 1973. In every case, the Commission shall cause
proper notice of the date, time and place of the meeting called to
Sec. 9. Membership dues. — Every member of the IBP shall organize a Chapter shall constitute a quorum for the purpose, including
pay such annual dues as the Board of Governors shall the election of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer,

and five Directors. constitutional right or freedom.

2. WON the provision of the mandatory payment of
The Commission shall initially fix the number of Delegates and membership is void.
apportion the same among all the Chapters as nearly as may be in 3. WON the enforcement of the penalty provisions would
proportion to the number of their respective members, but each amount to a deprivation of property without due process and
Chapter shall have at least one Delegate. The President of each Chapter hence infringes on one of his constitutional rights
shall concurrently be its Delegate to the House of Delegates. The Vice 4. WON the SC has jurisdiction to strike the nae of a lawyer
President shall be his alternate, except where the Chapter is entitled to from its roll of attorneys
have more than one Delegate, in which case the Vice President shall
also be a Delegate. RULING:
1. To compel is not violative. He became a member of the bar
The Board of Directors of the Chapter shall in proper cases elect when he passed the bar. The IBP only provides an official
additional as well as alternate Delegates. organization for lawyers. It does not compel anyone for he is
free to attend or not to attend meetings. The only compulsion
is payment of annual dues. The compulsion here is the
The House of Delegates shall convene in the City of Manila on
exercise of the State’s police power.
Saturday, March 17, 1973 for the Purpose of electing a Board of
2. No because it is apparent that the reasonable fee is imposed
Governors. The Governors shall immediately assume office and
as a regulatory measure, designed to raise funds for carrying
forthwith meet to elect the Officers of the IBP. The Officers so chosen
out its objectives and purposes of integration.
shall immediately assume their respective positions.
3. It is clear that under the police power of the State and under
the necessary powers of the granted to the court, the
Sec. 20. Effectivity. — This Rule shall take effect on January 16, 1973. respondents right to practice law before the courts of the
country should be and is a matter subject to regulation and
inquiry. ​And, if the power to impose the fee as a regulatory
measure is recognized, then a penalty designed to enforce its
payment, which penalty may be avoided altogether by
payment, is not void as unreasonable or arbitrary.
4. The matters of admission, suspension, disbarment, and
reinstatement of lawyers and their regulation and
Principles: supervision have been and are indisputably recognized as
● All legislation directing the integration of the Bar have been inherent to the judicial functions and responsibilities.
uniformly and universally sustained as a valid exercise of
the police power over an important profession. Conclusion reached is that the provisions of Rule of Court 139-A and of
● The practice of law is not a vested right but a privilege, a the By-Laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines complained of are
privilege moreover clothed with public interest because a neither unconstitutional nor illegal.
lawyer owes substantial duties not only to his client, but
also to his brethren in the profession, to the courts, and to
the nation, and takes part in one of the most important
functions of the State — the administration of justice — as
an officer of the court. The practice of law being clothed 4. Soliman Santos vs. Atty. Francisco Llamas
with public interest, the holder of this privilege must submit
to a degree of control for the common good, to the extent of Principles:
the interest he has created. ● Only a duly admitted member of the bar "who is in good and
● As the U. S. Supreme Court through Mr. Justice regular standing, is entitled to practice law.”
Roberts explained, the expression "affected with a public ● Default in the payment of annual dues for six months shall
interest" is the equivalent of "subject to the exercise of the warrant suspension of membership in the Integrated Bar,
police power" and default in such payment for one year shall be a ground
for the removal of the name of the delinquent member from
Case Topic: C ​ anon 7 - Duty to uphold the dignity of the legal the Roll of Attorneys.
● IBP ​- IBP recommended the removal for the Marcial Edillon Case Topic: ​Canon 7 - A lawyer shall at all times uphold the
because of the refusal to pay his membership dues. integrity and dignity of the legal profession and support the activities
Respondent: of the Integrated Bar.
Petitioner: Soliman Santos
FACTS: - claims that the respondent has misled the court about his
● IBP BOG ​adopted a resolution recommending the removal standing in the IBP by using the same IBP O.R. number in
of Atty. Edillon for his stubborn refusal to pay his dues. The his pleadings of at least six years and therefore liable for his
court required Edilon’s comment. Edilion stood his ground. actions
● RESPONDENT ARGUMENT: That the Sec. of the IBP Respondent: Atty. Francisco Llamas
Rules constitutes an invasion of constitutional rights in the - Claims that he is only engaged in a "limited" practice and
sense that he is being compelled as a pre-condition to that he believes in good faith that he is exempt from the
maintaining his status as a lawyer of good standing, to be a payment of taxes, such as income tax, under R.A. No. 7432,
member of the IBP, and to pay the corresponding dues, and as a senior citizen since 1992.
because of this he is being deprived ofthe rights of liberty and
property guaranteed to him by the Constitution. Hence the FACTS:
IBP By-laws are void and of no legal force and effect. At the ● As a member of the Bar, Santos alleged that Atty. Francisco
same time, Edilion questions the jurisdiction of the court R. Llamas who, for a number of years now, has not indicated
contending that it is not a justiciable case triable by the court the proper PTR and IBP O.R. Nos. and data (date & place of
but is administrative in nature. issuance) in his pleadings.
● He only indicates "IBP Rizal 259060" but has been using this
for at least three years already and has not indicated any PTR
ISSUES: for payment of professional tax.
1. WON Court has the power to compel to become a member of ● Track Record of Atty. Llamas:
the IBP. Hence, it is unconstitutional because it impinges 1. his dismissal as Pasay City Judge per Supreme Court

Admin. encroachment of professional services.

2. his conviction for estafa per Decision dated June 30, 1994 ● Complainant alleged that the respondent convinced his
( on appeal) clients to transfer legal representation. The Respondent
● The Supreme Court dismissal decision was set aside and promised them financial assistance and expeditious
reversed and the respondent was even promoted from City collection on their claims. To induce them to hire his
Judge of Pasay City to Regional Trial Court Judge of Makati, services, he persistently called them and sent them text
● Also as pointed out, the decision in Crim. Case No. 11787 was messages.
appealed to the Court of Appeals and is still pending. ● Complainant presented the sworn affidavit of James
● Respondent being a Senior Citizen since 1992, is legally Gregorio attesting that Labiano tried to prevail upon him to
exempt under Section 4 of Rep. Act 7432 which took effect in sever his lawyer-client relations with complainant and utilize
1992, in the payment of taxes, income taxes as an example. respondent's services instead, in exchange for a loan of
Being thus exempt, he honestly believes in view of his P50,000. He also attached "respondent's" calling card.
detachment from a total practice of law, but only in a limited ● Respondent, in his defense, denied knowing Labiano and
practice, the subsequent payment by him of dues with the authorizing the printing and circulation of the said calling
Integrated Bar is covered by such exemption. In fact, he card.
never exercised his rights as an IBP member to vote and be ● The Commission on Bar Discipline, in its report and
voted upon. recommendation, found that the respondent had encroached
on the professional practice of the complainant, violating
​ hether or not Atty. Llamas :
ISSUES:​ W Rule 8.02 10 and other canons 11 of the Code of Professional
1. Is exempt from paying his IBP dues Responsibility (CPR).
2. violated the Code of Professional Responsibility ● Moreover, he contravened the rule against soliciting cases for
(CPR) gain, personally or through paid agents or brokers as stated
in Section 27, Rule 138 12 of the Rules of Court.
1. The law cited is not applicable in the present case. In fact, ISSUES: ​Whether it is an encroachment on the professional practice
respondent admitted that he is still in the practice of law of Labiano, thereby violating rule 8.02 which provides that, “A lawyer
when he alleged that the "undersigned since 1992 have shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach upon the professional
publicly made it clear per his Income tax Return up to the employment of another lawyer.
present time that he had only a limited practice of law."
Respondent is not exempt from paying his yearly dues to the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines. He can engage in the RULING:
practice of law only by paying his dues, and it does not ● We adopt the findings of the IBP on the unethical conduct of
matter that his practice is "limited." R.A. No. 7432 respondent but we modify the recommended penalty. The
exemption does not include payment of membership or complaint before us is rooted on the alleged intrusion by
association dues. respondent into complainant's professional practice in
2. By indicating "IBP-Rizal 259060" in his pleadings and violation of Rule 8.02 of the CPR. And the means employed
thereby misrepresenting to the public and the courts that he by respondent in furtherance of the said misconduct
had paid his IBP dues to the Rizal Chapter, respondent is themselves constituted distinct violations of ethical rules.
guilty of violating the Code of Professional Responsibility. Canons of the CPR are rules of conduct all lawyers must
Respondent's failure to pay his IBP dues and his adhere to, including the manner by which a lawyer's services
misrepresentation in the pleadings he filed in court indeed are to be made known.
merit the most severe penalty. However, in view of ● With regard to respondent's violation of Rule 8.02 of the
respondent's advanced age, his express willingness to pay his CPR, settled is the rule that a lawyer should not steal another
dues and plea for a more temperate application of the law, 8 lawyer's client nor induce the latter to retain him by a
we believe the penalty of one year suspension from the promise of better service, good result or reduced fees for his
practice of law or until he has paid his IBP dues, whichever is services. Again the Court notes that respondent never denied
later, is appropriate. having these seafarers in his client list nor receiving benefits
from Labiano's "referrals". Furthermore, he never denied
| Labiano's connection to his office. Respondent committed an
unethical, predatory overstep into another's legal practice.
He cannot escape liability under Rule 8.02 of the CPR.
● Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino for violating Rules 1.03, 2.03,
8.02 and 16.04 and Canon 3 of the Code of Professional
5. Pedro Linsangan vs. Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino
Responsibility and Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court
is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period
Principles: of one year effective immediately from receipt of this
● Canons of the CPR are rules of conduct all lawyers must resolution. He is STERNLY WARNED that a repetition of the
adhere to, including the manner by which a lawyer's services same or similar acts in the future shall be dealt with more
are to be made known. severely.
● This rule proscribes "ambulance chasing" (the solicitation of
almost any kind of legal business by an attorney, personally
or through an agent in order to gain employment) 17 as a
measure to protect the community from barratry and
champerty. 6. Atty. Edita Noe-Lacsamana vs. Atty. Yolando
​ anon 8 - Duty of Professional Courtesy
Case Topic: C
- A lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy and candor Principles: T ​ he lawyer's duty to prevent, or at the very least not to
toward his professional colleagues, and shall avoid assist in, the unauthorized practice of law is founded on public interest
harassing tactics against opposing counsel and policy. Public policy requires that the practice of law be limited to
Petitioner: Pedro Linsangan those individuals found duly qualified in education and character.
Respondent: Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino
​ anon 9- Duty to shun unauthorized practice of law
Case Topic: C
FACTS: - A lawyer shall not directly or indirectly assist in the
● Pedro Linsangan of the Linsangan Linsangan & Linsangan unauthorized practice of law
Law Office filed a complaint for disbarment against Atty. Petitioner: Atty. Noe-Lacasamana
Nicomedes Tolentino for solicitation of clients and Respondent: Atty. Busmente

FACTS: six months.

● Noe-Lacsamana alleged in her complaint that she was the
counsel for Irene Bides, the plaintiff in Civil Case No.
SCA-2481 before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, TOPIC: CANON 10 - CANON 13
Branch 167, while Busmente was the counsel for the
defendant Imelda B. Ulaso (Ulaso).
● Noe-Lacsamana alleged that Ulaso's deed of sale over the 7. NATASHA HUEYSUWAN-FLORIDO, complainant,
property subject of Civil Case No. SCA-2481 was annulled, vs. ATTY. JAMES BENEDICT C. FLORIDO,
which resulted in the filing of an ejectment case before the respondent. [A.C. No. 5624. January 20, 2004.]
Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC), where Busmente appeared
as counsel. Principles:
● Another case for falsification was filed against Ulaso where
Busmente also appeared as counsel. Noe-Lacsamana alleged Candor and fairness are demanded of every lawyer. T ​ he
that one Atty. Elizabeth Dela Rosa or Atty. Liza Dela Rosa burden cast on the judiciary would be intolerable if it could not take at
(Dela Rosa) would accompany Ulaso in court, projecting face value what is asserted by counsel. The time that will have to be
herself as Busmente's collaborating counsel. devoted just to the task of verification of allegations submitted could
● Noe-Lacsamana further alleged that the court orders and easily be imagined. Even with due recognition then that counsel is
notices specified Dela Rosa as Busmente's collaborating expected to display the utmost zeal in the defense of a client's cause, it
counsel. Noe-Lacsamana alleged that upon verification with must never be at the expense of the truth.
this Court and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, she
discovered that Dela Rosa was not a lawyer. Case Topic: Canon 10 – Duty of candor, fairness, and good
● Busmente alleged that Dela Rosa was a law graduate and was faith to the courts
his paralegal assistant for a few years and that Dela Rosa's
employment with him ended in 2000 but Dela Rosa was able
to continue misrepresenting herself as a lawyer with the help This is an administrative complaint for the disbarment of respondent
of Regine Macasieb (Macasieb), Busmente's former Atty. James Benedict C. Florido and his eventual removal from the Roll
of Attorneys for allegedly violating his oath as a lawyer "by
● Busmente alleged that he did not represent Ulaso in Civil
Case No. 9284 and that his signature in the Answer manufacturing, flaunting and using a spurious and bogus Court of
presented as proof by Noe-Lacsamana was forged. Appeals Resolution/Order."
● The IBP Commission on Bar Discipline (IBP-CBD) found
that Dela Rosa was not a lawyer and that she represented Petitioner:N​ ATASHA HUEYSUWAN-FLORIDO
Ulaso as Busmente's collaborating counsel in Civil Case No. ● Complainant filed the instant complaint alleging that
9284. The IBP-CBD noted that while Busmente claimed that respondent violated his attorney's oath by manufacturing,
Dela Rosa no longer worked for him since 2000, there was flaunting and using a spurious Court of Appeals' Resolution
no proof of her separation from employment. in and outside a court of law. Furthermore, respondent
abused and misused the privilege granted to him by the
ISSUES: ​Whether Busmente is guilty of directly or indirectly assisting Supreme Court to practice law in the country.
Dela Rosa in her illegal practice of law that warrants his suspension
from the practice of law ​ TTY. JAMES BENEDICT C. FLORIDO
Respondent: A

RULING: ● Respondent claims that he acted in good faith in invoking the

● The court agreed with the IBP. The Court ruled that the term Court of Appeals Resolution which he honestly believed to be
"practice of law" implies customarily or habitually holding authentic.
oneself out to the public as a lawyer for compensation as a
source of livelihood or in consideration of his services. The
Court further ruled that holding one's self out as a lawyer
may be shown by acts indicative of that purpose, such as
identifying oneself as attorney, appearing in court in
representation of a client, or associating oneself as a partner ● Sometime in the middle of December 2001, respondent went
of a law office for the general practice of law. to complainant's residence in Tanjay City, Negros Oriental
and demanded that the custody of their two minor children
● The lawyer's duty to prevent, or at the very least not to assist be surrendered to him. He showed complainant a photocopy
in, the unauthorized practice of law is founded on public of an alleged Resolution issued by the Court of Appeals
interest and policy. Public policy requires that the practice of
which supposedly granted his motion for temporary child
law be limited to those individuals found duly qualified in
education and character. The permissive right conferred on custody.
the lawyer is an individual and limited privilege subject to ● Complainant asked respondent for the original copy of the
withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper standards of moral alleged resolution of the Court of Appeals, but respondent
and professional conduct. failed to give it to her.
● In the mid-morning of January 15, 2002, while complainant
● The purpose is to protect the public, the court, the client, and
was with her children in the ABC Learning Center in Tanjay
the bar from the incompetence or dishonesty of those
unlicensed to practice law and not subject to the disciplinary City, respondent, accompanied by armed men, suddenly
control of the Court. arrived and demanded that she surrender to him the
custody of their children. He threatened to forcefully take
● The canons and ethics of the profession enjoin him not to them away with the help of his companions, whom he
permit his professional services or his name to be used in aid claimed to be agents of the National Bureau of
of, or to make possible the unauthorized practice of law by, Investigation.
any agency, personal or corporate.
● In order to diffuse the tension, complainant agreed to allow
● There was sufficient evidence to prove that Busmente was the children to sleep with respondent for one night on
guilty of violation of Canon 9 of the Code of Professional condition that he would not take them away from Tanjay
Responsibility. We agree with the recommendation of the City. This agreement was entered into in the presence of
IBP, modifying the recommendation of the IBP-CBD, that Tanjay City Chief of Police Juanito Condes and NBI
Busmente should be suspended from the practice of law for

Investigator Roger Sususco, among others. WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, Atty. James
● In the early morning of January 16, 2002, complainant Benedict C. Florido is SUSPENDED from the practice of law
received information that a van arrived at the hotel where for a period of two (2) years.
respondent and the children were staying to take them to
Bacolod City. Complainant rushed to the hotel and took the
children to another room, where they stayed until later in
● On the same day, respondent filed with the Regional Trial
Court of Dumaguete City, Branch 31, a verified petition for respondents. [G.R. No. 123698. August 5, 1998.]
the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus asserting his right to
custody of the children on the basis of the alleged Court of
Appeals' Resolution. Principles:
● Complainant verified the authenticity of the Resolution and
obtained a certification dated January 18, 2002 from the ATTORNEYS; BOUND TO EXERT EVERY EFFORT TO
Court of Appeals stating that no such resolution ordering
JUSTICE. — While lawyers owe entire devotion to the interest of
complainant to surrender custody of their children to their clients and zeal in the defense of their client's right, they should
respondent had been issued. not forget that ​they are officers of the court, bound to exert
every effort to assist in the speedy and efficient
administration of justice . They should not, therefore, misuse the
ISSUES: rules of procedure to defeat the ends of justice or unduly delay a case,
impede the execution of a judgment or misuse court processes.
Whether or not the respondent can be held administratively liable for
his reliance on and attempt to enforce a spurious Resolution of the Case Topic:
Court of Appeals.
Canon 10 – Duty of candor, fairness, and good faith to the
RULING: courts

As pointed out by the Investigating Commissioner, the assailed ​ TERNAL

Resolution was presented by respondent on at least two occasions:

● Petitioner is the transferee of a lot subject of a complaint for

1. in his Petition for Issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus docketed as
quieting of title and declaration of nullity between private
Special Proc. Case No. 3898, 7 which he filed with the Regional
respondents and Central Dyeing and Finishing Corporation.
Trial Court of Dumaguete City;
● When a writ of possession/break open order was issued by
the trial court, petitioner opposed the same contending that
2. when he sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police it was a buyer in good faith and not impleaded as party.
(PNP) of Tanjay City to recover custody of his minor children
from complainant. Since it was respondent who used the ​ OURT OF APPEALS and SPS. LILIA SEVILLA
Respondent: C
spurious Resolution, he is presumed to have participated in its and JOSE SEELIN

Moreover, the records show that respondent used offensive language ● The case started on May 18, 1981 when private
in hispleadings in describing complainant and her relatives. A ​ respondent-spouses Jose Seelin and Lilia Sevilla Seelin filed
lawyer's language should be forceful but dignified, a complaint against Central Dyeing & Finishing
emphatic but respectful as befitting an advocate and in Corporation (Central Dyeing for brevity) for quieting of
keeping with the dignity of the legal profession. The lawyer's title and for declaration of nullity of Transfer Certificate of
Title (TCT No. 205942) issued in the name of said
arguments whether written or oral should be gracious to both court
corporation, docketed as Civil Case No. C-9297, before the
and opposing counsel and should be of such words as may be properly Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City.
addressed by one gentleman to another. By calling complainant, a ● On August 24, 1989, the trial court rendered judgment -
"sly manipulator of truth" as well as a "vindictive congenital declaring the defendant's Certificate of Title No. 205942
​ ardly measures to the sobriety of speech
prevaricator", h null and void.
demanded of a lawyer. ● The aforesaid decision was affirmed 3 by respondent Court
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 25989 on June 25, 1991 and
eventually upheld by this Court in G.R. No. L-101819 on
Respondent's actions ​erode the public perception of the legal November 25, 1991. Said dismissal became final on March
profession. ​They constitute gross misconduct and the sanctions for 5, 1992.
such malfeasance is prescribed by Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of ● The RTC decision, having become final and executory,
Court which states: private respondents moved for execution which was
granted by the lower court. Accordingly, a writ of execution
of the decision was issued.
SEC. 27. Disbarment and suspension of attorneys by Supreme Court,
● Subsequently, private respondents filed an Urgent
grounds therefore. — A member of the bar may be ​disbarred or
Manifestation and Motion for an Immediate Writ of
suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any
Possession/Break Open Order. The motion was opposed by
deceit, malpractice or other gross misconduct in such office,
herein petitioner Eternal Gardens Memorial Park
grossly immoral conduct or by reason of his conviction of a
Corporation contending that it is not submitting to the
crime involving moral turpitude, or for any violation of the
jurisdiction of the trial court; that it is completely unaware
oath which he is required to take before the admission to practice, or
of the suit between private respondents and Central
​ illful disobedience appearing as attorney for a party
for a w
Dyeing; that it is the true and registered owner of the lot
without authority to do so.
having bought the same from Central Dyeing; and that it

was a buyer in good faith. the court and as a citizen, to criticize in properly respectful terms and
● Later, the trial court held that the judgment was binding on through legitimate channels the acts of courts and judges.
petitioner, being the successor-in-interest of defendant
Central Dyeing pursuant to Rule 39, Section 48(b) of the The power to exclude persons from the practice of law is but a
Revised Rules of Court. Before the appellate court, Eternal necessary incident of the power to admit persons to said practice. By
Garden’s petition was dismissed. constitutional precept, this power is vested exclusively in this Court.
● Desperately needing a favorable judgment, petitioner, for
the second time, filed a petition for certiorari which was The vicious language used and the scurrilous innuendoes they carried
dismissed by the appellate court holding that the trial far transcend the permissible bounds of legitimate criticism. They
court’s decision had long become final and executory. could never serve any purpose but to gratify the spite of an irate
attorney, attract public attention to himself and, more important of
all, bring this Court and its members into disrepute and destroy public
ISSUES: confidence in them to the detriment of the orderly administration of
Whether attorneys are bound to exert every effort to assist in speedy
and efficient administration of justice.
It is not a whit less than a classic example of gross misconduct, gross
violation of the lawyer's oath and gross transgression of the Canons of
Legal Ethics. As such, it cannot be allowed to go unrebuked.
Case Topic:
Canon 11 — A lawyer shall observe and maintain the respect
due to the courts and to judicial officers and should insist on
A note of caution. ​This case has again delayed the execution of a
similar conduct by others
final judgment for seventeen (17) years to the prejudice of the
private respondents. ​In the meantime, that petitioner has thwarted Petitioner: ​ATTY. VICENTE RAUL ALMACEN
execution, interment on the disputed lot has long been going on, so that
by the time this case is finally terminated, the whole lot shall have Atty. Almacen gave vent to his disappointment by filing his "Petition to
already been filled with tombstones, leaving nothing for private Surrender Lawyer's Certificate of Title," already adverted to — a
respondents, the real owners of the property. T ​ his is a mockery of pleading that is interspersed from beginning to end with the insolent,
justice. contemptuous, grossly disrespectful and derogatory remarks
hereinbefore reproduced, against this Court as well as its individual
We note that while lawyers owe entire devotion to the interest of their members, a behavior that is as unprecedented as it is Unprofessional.
clients and zeal in the defense of their client's right, ​they should not
forget that they are officers of the court, bound to exert every ​ IRGINIA Y. YAPTINCHAY
Respondent: V
effort to assist in the speedy and efficient administration of
justice. FACTS:

● Atty. Vicente Raul Almacen filed a “P ​ etition to Surrender

They should not, therefore, misuse the rules of procedure to the Lawyer’s Certificate of Title”​ to the Supreme Court
defeat the ends of justice or unduly delay a case, impede the as a sign of his protest as against to what he call a tribunal
execution of a judgment or misuse court processes.​ In Banogan “peopled by people who are calloused to our pleas for
et al. vs. Cerna, et al., 21 we ruled: justice…”.
● He also expressed strong words as against the judiciary like
“justice… is not only blind, but also deaf and dumb.” .
"As officers of the court, ​lawyers have a responsibility to assist
● The petition rooted from the case he lost due to the absence
in the proper administration of justice.​ They do not discharge of time and place in his motion in the trial court. His appeal
this duty by filing pointless petitions that only add to the workload of was dismissed in the Court of Appeals by reason of
the judiciary, especially this Court, which is burdened enough as it is. A jurisprudence. In a petition for certiorari in the Supreme
judicious study of the facts and the law should advise them when a case Court, it was again dismissed thru a minute resolution.
such as this, should not be permitted to be filed to merely clutter the ● With the disappointments, he thought of this sacrificial
already congested judicial dockets. ​They do not advance the cause move. He claimed that this petition to surrender his title is
only in trust, and that he may obtain the title again as soon
of law or their clients by commencing litigations that for
as he regained confidence in the justice system.
sheer lack of merit do not deserve the attention of the ● As a veteran lawyer, he should have known that a motion
courts." for reconsideration which failed to notify the opposing party
of the time and place of trial is a mere scrap of paper and
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. will not be entertained by the court. He has only himself to
blame and he is the reason why his client lost.

DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST ATTY. VICENTE Whether or not the utterances and actuations of Atty. Almacen here in
RAUL ALMACEN in L-27654, ANTONIO H. CALERO question are properly the object of disciplinary sanctions.
vs. VIRGINIA Y. YAPTINCHAY. [G.R. No. L-27654.
February 18, 1970.]

Principles: Yes. The High Court regarded said criticisms as uncalled for;
that such is insolent, contemptuous, grossly disrespectful and
Well-recognized therefore is the right of a lawyer, both as an officer of derogatory.
effect immediately.
Courts thus treat with forbearance and restraint a lawyer who vigorously
assails their actuations. For courageous and fearless advocates are the
strands that weave durability into the tapestry of justice. Hence, as
citizen and officer of the court, every lawyer is expected not 10. WICKER V. ARCANGEL
only to exercise the right, but also to consider it his duty to
expose the shortcomings and indiscretions of courts and Principles: (​ in bullet form if possible)
Case Topic: ​(Ex. Canon Chorbs. A Petition for blah blah blah)
Courts and judges are not sacrosanct. They should and expect critical Respondent:
evaluation of their performance. For like the executive and the legislative
branches, the judiciary is rooted in the soil of democratic society, FACTS:
nourished by the periodic appraisal of the citizens whom it is expected to Kelly Wicker, with his wife Wynee Dieppe and the Tectonics Asia
Architects and Engineering Co., brought suit in the Regional Trial Court of
Makati against the LFS Enterprises, Inc. and others, for the annulment of
certain deeds by which a house and lot at Forbes Park, which the plaintiffs
But it is the cardinal condition of all such criticism that it shall claimed they had purchased, was allegedly fraudulently titled in the name
be bona fide and shall not spill over the walls of decency and of the defendant LFS Enterprises and later sold by the latter to
propriety. A wide chasm exists between fair criticism, on the one hand, codefendant Jose Poe. The presiding judge was the subject of a derogatory
and abuse and slander of courts and the judges thereof, on the other. motion for inhibition by the petitioner through counsel. Petitioner alleged
that the judge was recruited for the case by a lawyer and that his partiality
Intemperate and unfair criticism is a gross violation of the
and integrity were doubtful. Incensed by this motion, the judge issued an
duty of respect to courts. It is such a misconduct that subjects order directing plaintiff and counsel to show cause why they should not be
a lawyer to disciplinary action. cited for contempt for the „malicious, derogatory and contemptuous
allegations in the motion. And finding the explanation not satisfactory, the
For, membership in the Bar imposes upon a person obligations and judge issued an order citing them in contempt to suffer five (5) days of
duties which are not mere flux and ferment. His investiture into the legal imprisonment and P100 fine each. They filed a motion for reconsideration
which was denied. Then petitioners submitted their profuse apologies to
profession places upon his shoulders no burden more basic, more
the trial judge but thereafter submitted another pleading belittling the
exacting and more imperative than that of respectful behavior toward the intellectual competence of the judge to the effect that he simply cannot do
courts. He vows solemnly to conduct himself "with all good in the RTC of Makati.
fidelity . . . to the courts;" a​nd the Rules of Court constantly remind
him "to observe and maintain the respect due to courts of ISSUES:
justice and judicial officers." ​The first canon of legal ethics enjoins Whether respondent judge committed grave abuse of discretion in
holding petitioners liable for direct contempt
him "to maintain towards the courts a respectful attitude, not
for the sake of the temporary incumbent of the judicial office,
but for the maintenance of its supreme importance." RULING:

The sole objective of this proceeding is to preserve the purity of the legal It is important to point out this distinction because in case of indirect or
profession, by removing or suspending a member whose misconduct has constructive contempt, the contemnor ​may be punished only "[a]fter
proved himself unfit to continue to be entrusted with the duties and charge in writing has been filed, and an opportunity given to the
responsibilities belonging to the office of an attorney. accused to be heard by himself or counsel," whereas in case of direct
contempt, the ​respondent may be summarily adjudged in contempt.​
Undoubtedly, this is well within our authority to do. By constitutional Moreover, the judgment in cases of ​indirect contempt is appealable​,
mandate, ours is the solemn duty, amongst others, to determine the rules whereas in cases of ​direct contempt only judgments of contempt by
for admission to the practice of law. Inherent in this prerogative is MTCs, MCTCs and MeTCs are appealable.​
the corresponding authority to discipline and exclude from the
practice of law those who have proved themselves unworthy of Consequently, it was unnecessary in this case for respondent judge to
continued membership in the Bar. hold a hearing. Hence even if petitioners are right about the nature of the
case against them by contending that it involves indirect contempt, they
That the misconduct committed by Atty. Almacen is of considerable have no ground for complaint since they were afforded a hearing before
gravity cannot be overemphasized. However, heeding the stern they were held guilty of contempt.
injunction that disbarment should never be decreed where a lesser
sanction would accomplish the end desired, and believing that it may not The contempt power ought not to be utilized for the purpose of merely
perhaps be futile to hope that in the sober light of some future day, Atty. satisfying an inclination to strike back at a party for showing less than
Almacen will realize that abrasive language never fails to do disservice to full respect for the dignity of the court. Consistent with the foregoing
an advocate and that in every effervescence of candor there is ample principles and based on the abovementioned facts, the Court sustains
room for the added glow of respect, it is our view that suspension will Judge Arcangel's finding that ​petitioners are guilty of contempt.
suffice under the circumstances.
Allegations are derogatory to the integrity and honor of respondent judge
The merit of this choice is best shown by the fact that it will then be left and constitute an unwarranted criticism of the administration of justice
to Atty. Almacen to determine for himself how long or how short that in this country. They suggest that lawyers, if they are well connected, can
suspension shall last. For, at any time after the suspension becomes manipulate the assignment of judges to their advantage. The truth is that
effective he may prove to this Court that he is once again fit to resume the assignments of Judges Arcangel and Capulong were made by this
the practice of law. Court, by virtue of Administrative Order No. 154-93, precisely "in the
interest of an efficient administration of justice and pursuant to Sec. 5
ACCORDINGLY, IT IS THE SENSE of the Court that Atty. (3), Art. VIII of the Constitution."10 This is a matter of record which
Vicente Raul Almacen be, as he is hereby, suspended from the could have easily been verified by Atty. Rayos. After all, as he claims, he
practice of law until further orders, the suspension to take

"deliberated" for two months whether or not to file the offending motion FACTS:
for inhibition as his client allegedly asked him to do. In extenuation of his ● The ponencia of Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo
own liability, Atty. Rayos claims he merely did what he had been bidden (Justice Del Castillo) in Vinuya, et al. v. Executive Secretary
(G.R. No. 162230) was promulgated. On May 31, 2010, the
to do by his client of whom he was merely a "mouthpiece." He was just
counsel for Vinuya, et al. (the "Malaya Lolas"), filed a Motion
"lawyering" and "he cannot be gagged," even if the allegations in the for Reconsideration of the Vinuya decision, raising solely the
motion for the inhibition which he prepared and filed were false since it following grounds:
was his client who verified the same. ○ I. Our own constitutional and
jurisprudential histories reject this Honorable
Atty. Rayos, however, cannot evade responsibility for the allegations in Courts’ (sic) assertion that the Executive’s foreign
policy prerogatives are virtually unlimited;
question. ​As a lawyer, he is not just an instrument of his client​. His
precisely, under the relevant jurisprudence and
client came to him for professional assistance in the representation of a constitutional provisions, such prerogatives are
cause, and while he owed him whole souled devotion, there were bounds proscribed by international human rights and
set by his responsibility as a lawyer which he could not overstep. 11 Even humanitarian standards, including those provided
a hired gun cannot be excused for what Atty. Rayos stated in the motion. for in the relevant international conventions of
Based on Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, Atty. Rayos which the Philippines is a party.
bears as much responsibility for the contemptuous allegations in the ○ II. This Honorable Court has confused diplomatic
protection with the broader, if fundamental,
motion for inhibition as his client.
responsibility of states to protect the human rights
of its citizens – especially where the rights asserted
Atty. Rayos' duty to the courts is not secondary to that of his client. The are subject of erga omnes obligations and pertain
Code of Professional Responsibility enjoins him to ​"observe and to jus cogens norms.
maintain the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and [to] ● Counsel for the Malaya Lolas, Attys. H. Harry L. Roque, Jr.
insist on similar conduct by others" 12 and ​"not [to] attribute to a Judge (Atty. Roque) and Romel Regalado Bagares (Atty. Bagares),
filed a Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration in G.R. No.
motives not supported by the record or have materiality to the case."
162230, where they posited for the first time their charge of
plagiarism as one of the grounds for reconsideration of the
Be that as it may, the Court believes that consistent with the rule that the Vinuya decision. They also claimed that "[i]n this
power to cite for contempt must be exercised for preservative rather than controversy, the evidence bears out the fact not only of
vindictive principle we think that the jail sentence on petitioners may be extensive plagiarism but of (sic) also of twisting the true
dispensed with while vindicating the dignity of the court. In the case of intents of the plagiarized sources by the ponencia to suit the
arguments of the assailed Judgment for denying the
petitioner Kelly Wicker there is greater reason for doing so considering
that the particularly offending allegations in the motion for inhibition do ● Justice Del Castillo wrote to his colleagues on the Court in
not appear to have come from him but were additions made by Atty. reply to the charge of plagiarism contained in the
Rayos. In addition, Wicker is advanced in years (80) and in failing health Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration.
(suffering from angina), a fact Judge Arcangel does not dispute. Wicker ● The Court formed the Committee on Ethics and Ethical
may have indeed been the recipient of such a remark although he could Standards (the Ethics Committee) pursuant to Section 13,
Rule 2 of the Internal Rules of the Supreme Court. In an En
not point a court employee who was the source of the same. At least he
Banc Resolution also dated July 27, 2010, the Court referred
had the grace to admit his mistake both as to the source and truth of said the July 22, 2010 letter of Justice Del Castillo to the Ethics
information. Committee. The matter was subsequently docketed as A.M.
No. 10-7-17-SC.
● A statement dated July 27, 2010, entitled "Restoring
Integrity: A Statement by the Faculty of the University of the
Philippines College of Law on the Allegations of Plagiarism
and Misrepresentation in the Supreme Court" (the
11. UP Statement), was posted in Newsbreak’s website and on Atty.
Roque’s blog. A report regarding the statement also appeared
Principles: on various on-line news sites, such as the GMA News TV and
● On many occasions, the Court has reminded members of the the Sun Star sites, on the same date. The statement was
Bar to abstain from all offensive personalityand to advance likewise posted at the University of the Philippines College of
no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or Law’s bulletin board allegedly on August 10, 2010 and at said
witness, unless required by the justice of the cause with college’s website. On August 11, 2010, Dean Leonen
which he is charged. In keeping with the dignity of the legal submitted a copy of the Statement of the University of the
profession, a lawyer’s language even in his pleadings must Philippines College of Law Faculty (UP Law faculty) to the
be dignified Court, through Chief Justice Renato C. Corona (Chief Justice
● Applying by analogy the Court’s past treatment of the "free Corona). Thereafter, various authors wrote the Court
speech" defense in other bar discipline cases, academic regarding the alleged plagiarism of their works
freedom cannot be successfully invoked by respondents in
this case. The implicit ruling in the jurisprudence discussed
above is that the constitutional right to freedom of
ISSUES: ​W/N the professors violated the Code of Professional
expression of members of the Bar may be circumscribed by
Responsibility ​Whether lawyers who are also law professors can
their ethical duties as lawyers to give due respect to the
invoke academic freedom as a defense in an administrative
courts and to uphold the public’s faith in the legal profession
proceeding for intemperate statements tending to pressure the Court
and the justice system. To our mind, the reason that
or influence the outcome of a case or degrade the courts.
freedom of expression may be so delimited in the case of
lawyers applies with greater force to the academic freedom
of law professors. RULING: The Code of Professional Responsibility mandates: CANON
8 - A lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and candor
toward his professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing tactics
against opposing counsel. Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his
Case Topic: ​(Ex. Canon Chorbs. A Petition for blah blah blah) professional dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive or
Petitioner: otherwise improper.CANON 11 - A lawyer shall observe and maintain
Respondent: the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and should insist
on similar conduct by others.Rule 11.03 - A lawyer shall abstain from

scandalous, offensive or menacing language or behavior before the a Dean and professor of law, to observe full candor and honesty in his
Courts. To be sure, the adversarial nature of our legal system has dealings with the Court and warned that the same or similar act in the
tempted members of the bar to use strong language in pursuit of their future shall be dealt with more severely. (4) Prof. Lynch, who is not a
duty to advance the interests of their clients. However, while a lawyer member of the Philippine bar, is excused from these proceedings.
is entitled to present his case with vigor and courage, such enthusiasm However, he is reminded that while he is engaged as a professor in a
does not justify the use of offensive and abusive language. Language Philippine law school he should strive to be a model of responsible and
abounds with countless possibilities for one to be emphatic but professional conduct to his students even without the threat of sanction
respectful, convincing but not derogatory, illuminating but not from this Court. (5) Finally, respondents’ requests for a hearing and for
offensive. access to the records of A.M. No. 10-7-17-SC are denied for lack of
Even if the Court was willing to accept respondents’
proposition in the Common Compliance that their issuance
of the Statement was in keeping with their duty to
"participate in the development of the legal system by
initiating or supporting efforts in law reform and in the
improvement of the administration of justice" under Canon 4
of the Code of Professional Responsibility, ​we cannot agree that
they have fulfilled that same duty in keeping with the demands of Principles: (​ in bullet form if possible)
Canons 1, 11 and 13 to give due respect to legal processes and the
courts, and to avoid conduct that tends to influence the courts. Case Topic: C ​ anon 12 – Duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
Members of the Bar cannot be selective regarding which canons to administration of justice
abide by given particular situations. With more reason that law Petitioner: ​Soledad Nunez
professors are not allowed this indulgence, since they are expected to Respondent: R ​ omulo Ricafort
provide their students exemplars of the Code of Professional
Responsibility as a whole and not just their preferred portions thereof FACTS:
● An administrative complaint was by Soledad Nuñez, a
The Court finds that there was indeed a lack of observance of fidelity septuagenarian represented by her attorney-in-fact Ananias
and due respect to the Court, particularly when respondents knew fully B. Co, Jr., seeking the disbarment of Atty. Romulo Ricafort
well that the matter of plagiarism in the Vinuya decision and the merits on the ground of grave misconduct.
of the Vinuya decision itself, at the time of the Statement’s issuance, ● Sometime in October 1982, Soledad authorized Atty. Ricafort
were still both sub judice or pending final disposition of the Court. to sell her two parcels of land located in Legazpi City for
These facts have been widely publicized. On this point, respondents P​40,000. She agreed to the lawyer 10% of the price as
allege that at the time the Statement was first drafted on July 27, 2010, commission. Atty. Ricafort succeeded in selling the lots, but
they did not know of the constitution of the Ethics Committee and they despite Soledad’s repeated demands, he did not turn over the
had issued the Statement under the belief that this Court intended to proceeds of the sale. This forced Soledad to file an action for
take no action on the ethics charge against Justice Del Castillo. Still, a sum of money before the RTC, Quezon City.
there was a significant lapse of time from the drafting and printing of ● The court rendered its decision ordering the Atty. to pay
the Statement on July 27, 2010 and its publication and submission to Soledad the sum of ​P​16,000 as principal obligation, with at
this Court in early August when the Ethics Committee had already been the legal rate from the date of the commencement of the
convened. If it is true that the respondents’ outrage was fueled by their action.
perception of indifference on the part of the Court then, when it ● An appeal to the CA was made. However, the appeal was
became known that the Court did intend to take action, there was dismissed for failure to pay the required docket fee within the
nothing to prevent respondents from recalibrating the Statement to reglementary period despite notice.
take this supervening event into account in the interest of fairness. ● Soledad filed a motion for the issuance of an alias writ of
execution. But it appears that only a partial satisfaction of the
P​16,000 judgment was made, leaving ​P​13,800 unsatisfied. In
In a democracy, members of the legal community are hardly expected
payment for the latter, Atty. issued four postdated checks but
to have monolithic views on any subject, be it a legal, political or social
was dishonored because the account against which they were
issue. Even as lawyers passionately and vigorously propound their
drawn was closed.
points of view they are bound by certain rules of conduct for the legal
● Hence, Soledad was forced to file four criminal complaints
profession. This Court is certainly not claiming that it should be
for violation of B.P. Blg. 22 before the MTC, Quezon City.
shielded from criticism. All the Court demands is the same respect and
● In a joint affidavit, Atty. Ricafort admitted having drawn and
courtesy that one lawyer owes to another under established ethical
issued said four postdated checks in favor of Soledad.
standards. All lawyers, whether they are judges, court employees,
Allegedly believing in good faith that said checks had already
professors or private practitioners, are officers of the Court and have
been encashed by Soledad, he subsequently closed his
voluntarily taken an oath, as an indispensable qualification for
checking account in China Banking Corporation, Legazpi
admission to the Bar, to conduct themselves with good fidelity towards
City, from which said four checks were drawn. He was not
the courts. There is no exemption from this sworn duty for law
notified that the checks were dishonored. Had he been
professors, regardless of their status in the academic community or the
notified, he would have made the necessary arrangements
law school to which they belong.
with the bank.
● The court required Atty. to comment on the complaint. But
WHEREFORE, this administrative matter is decided as follows: he never did despite the favorable action on his three
motions for extension of time to file the comment. His failure
(1) With respect to Prof. Vasquez, after favorably noting his to do so compelled Soledad to file a motion to cite Atty. in
submission, the Court finds his Compliance to be satisfactory. (2) The contempt on the ground that his strategy to file piecemeal
Common Compliance of 35 respondents, is found UNSATISFACTORY. motions for extension of time to submit the comment
These 35 respondent law professors are reminded of their lawyerly “smacks of a delaying tactic scheme that is unworthy of a
duty, under Canons 1, 11 and 13 of the Code of Professional member of the bar and a law dean.”
Responsibility, to give due respect to the Court and to refrain from ● The IBP findings show that the Atty. had no intention to
intemperate and offensive language tending to influence the Court on “honor” the money judgment against him. It recommended
pending matters or to denigrate the Court and the administration of that Atty. be declared “guilty of misconduct in his dealings
justice and warned that the same or similar act in the future shall be with complainant” and be suspended from the practice of law
dealt with more severely. (3) The separate Compliance of Dean for at least one year and pay the amount of the checks issued
Marvic M.V.F. Leonen regarding the charge of violation of Canon 10 is to the complainant.
found UNSATISFACTORY. He is further ADMONISHED to be more
mindful of his duty, as a member of the Bar, an officer of the Court, and

ISSUES: complainant who threatened and harassed him and that het
Whether or not Atty. Romulo Ricafort is guilty of grave misconduct in case was initiated for a purpose to harass him because he was
his dealings with complainant. counsel of Brgy. Cap Ramos in cases filed by the Ombudsman
against the BJMP.
YES. There is a blatant violation of Rule 1:01 of Canon 1 of the Code of 1. WON he is guilty of notarial law?
Professional Responsibility which provides: 2. WON lawyer can stand as witness to his clients?

A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest and immoral or RULING:

deceitful conduct. By violating Rule 1:01 of Canon 1 of the Code of 1. Yes. He violated the Notarial law for not making the proper
Professional Responsibility, Atty. diminished public confidence in the notation and entering the details of the notarized documents.
law and the lawyers. Instead of promoting such confidence and respect,
he miserably failed to live up to the standards of the legal profession. The Notarial law is explicit on the obligations and duties of
His act of issuing bad checks in satisfaction of the alias writ of notaries public and these formalities are mandatory and
execution for money judgment rendered by the trial court was a clear cannot be simply neglected. They are required to certify that
attempt to defeat the ends of justice. His failure to make good the the party to every document acknowledged before them has
checks despite demands and the criminal cases for violation of B.P. Blg. presented the proper evidence certificate (or exemption of
22 showed his continued defiance of judicial processes, which he, as an the residence tax); and to enter its number, place of issue,
officer of the court, was under continuing duty to uphold. To further and the date as part of the certification. They are also
demonstrate his very low regard for the courts and judicial processes, required to keep a notarial register; to enter therein all
he even had the temerity of making a mockery of the court’s generosity instruments notarized by them. Defense says it is a common
to him. We granted his three motions for extension of time to file his practice but court says it is inexcusable to say that just
comment on the complaint in this case. Yet, not only did he fail to file because others were doing so. Being swayed is not a
the comment, he as well did not even bother to explain such failure justification of breaking the law.
notwithstanding our resolution declaring him as having waived the
filing of the comment. To the SC, Atty. openly showed a high degree of 2. Yes. A lawyer can stand in the witness court. A lawyer is not
irresponsibility amounting to willful disobedience to its lawful orders. disqualified from being a witness in court, except only in
Atty. Ricafort then knowingly and willfully violated Rules 12.04 and certain cases pertaining to privileged communications arising
12:03 of Canon 12 of the Code of Professional Responsibility stating from attorney-client relationship. The difficulty posed upon
that: lawyers by the task of disassociating their relationship to
their clients as witnesses from that as an advocate. Note: A
Lawyers should avoid any action that would unduly delay a case, witness must only say what happened. Only the truth. As
impede the execution of a judgment or misuse court processes; and that compared to the lawyer who will use all remedies and arsenal
lawyers, after obtaining extensions of time to file pleadings, for his clients to win the case. It is difficult to distinguish the
memoranda or briefs, should not let the period lapse without fairness and impartiality of a disinterested witness from zeal
submitting the same or offering an explanation for their failure to do of an advocate. That is why preference is to refrain from
so. The SC indefinitely suspended Atty. Ricafort from the practice of testifying as witness unless they absolutely have to and if they
law and directed to pay Soledad P13,800. do so, they should withdraw from active management of the
case. In the case at bar, Rafanan can be made liable because
it is the duty of the lawyer to assert every remedy and defense
that is authorized by law for the benefit of the client of his life
and liberty, if they fail to display a good defense.
3. No harassment on the part of Rafanan. Mere allegation is
13. Santiago vs. Rafanan never equivalent to proof.

● A lawyer is not disqualified from being a witness, except
only in certain cases pertaining to privileged 14. LANTORIA V. ATTY. BUNYI
communication arising from an attorney-client
Principles: (​ in bullet form if possible)

Case Topic: ​Canon 12 - Duty to assist in a speedy and efficient

Case Topic: ​Canon 13 - Duty not to influence judges.
administration of the trial.
● Jonar Santiago​, an employee of the BJMP who filed a
petition for disbarment of Atty. Rafanan. Filed with hte
Commission on Bar Discipline of the IBP FACTS:
Respondent: ● This is an administrative complaint filed by Cesar L.
● Atty. Edison Rafanan Lantoria, seeking disciplinary action against respondent
Irineo L. Bunyi, member of the Philippine Bar, on the ground
that respondent Bunyi allegedly committed acts of "graft and
corruption, dishonesty and conduct unbecoming of a
● Santiago filed a complaint against Rafanan chargung him
member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and
with gross misconduct in office under Sec 27 of Rule 128,
corruption of the judge and bribery", in connection with
violation of Canons 1.01, 1.02, and 1.03 of the CPR.
respondent's handling of Civil Case Nos. 81, 83 and 88 then
● Complaint alleged that respondent in notarizing documents
pending before the Municipal Court of Experanza, Agusan
violated provisions of the Revised Administrative Code. That
del Sur, presided over by Municipal Judge Vicente Galicia in
he executed an affidavit in favor of his client and offered the
which respondent Bunyi was the counsel of one of the
same evidence in case wherein he was actively representing
parties, namely, Mrs. Constancia Mascarinas.
his client. That after the hearing disarmed complainant and
● Respondent Bunyi alleged that Mrs. Constancia M.
uttered insulting words.
Mascarinas of Manila was the owner of d farm located in
● Rafanan in his answer admitted having administered the
Esperanza, Agusan del Sur, and that herein complainant
oath believing it was allowed. That lawyers could testify on
Lantoria was the manager and supervisor of said farm,
behalf of their clients on substantial matters in cases where
receiving as such a monthly allowance. ​2 It appears that the
testimony is essential to the ends of justice. That it was
complaint in Civil Case Nos. 81, 83 and 88 sought to eject the

squatters from the aforementioned farm. ​3 These cases were appearance of influencing the court.
assigned to the Municipal Court of Esperanza, Agusan del
Bur, the acting municipal judge of which was the Honorable Rule 13.01 — A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary attention or
Vicente Galicia (who was at the same time the regular judge hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for, cultivating familiarity with
of the municipal court of Bayugan, Agusan del Sur judges.
● Respondent admitted the existence of the letter but
explained the contents thereof as follows: Therefore, this Court finds respondent guilty of unethical practice in
attempting to influence the court where he had pending civil case.
a) the said letter of June 1, 1974, is self-explanatory and speaks for
itself, that if ever the same was written by the Respondent, it was due to
the insistence of the Complainant thru his several letters received, that WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Irineo L. Bunyi is hereby
the decisions in question be drafted or prepared for Judge Galicia, SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year from
b) Thirdly, in the same letter, the decisions as prepared were in the the date of notice hereof. Let this decision be entered in the bar records
form of drafts, as in fact, the letter mentioned subject to suggestion or of the respondent and the Court Administrator is directed to inform the
correction to change or modify for the better by Judge Galicia (Second different courts of this suspension.
paragraph, ​Ibid)​ ;
c) Fourthly, in the some letter, Responding (sic) even apologized for
the delay in sending the same to the Complainant and expressed his
gratitude for his assistance in attending to the cases involved

● The Court referred the case to the Solicitor General for 15. ESTRADA V. SANDIGANBAYAN
investigation, report and recommendation. On 21 July 1980,
the Solicitor General submitted his report to the Court, Principles: ​Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
Hence, in his report, the Solicitor General found that mandates that the lawyer should observe and maintain the respect due
respondent is guilty of highly unethical and unprofessional to the courts and judicial officers and, indeed, should insist on similar
conduct for failure to perform his duty, as an officer of the conduct bothers. In liberally imputing sinister and devious motives and
court, to help promote the independence of the judiciary and questioning the impartiality, integrity, and authority of the members of
to refrain from engaging in acts which would influence the Court, Atty. Paguia has only succeeded in seeking to impede,
judicial determination of a litigation in which he is counsel. obstruct and pervert the dispensation of justice.
The Solicitor General recommended that respondent be
suspended from the practice of law for a period of one (1) Case Topic: ​Canon 13 - Duty not to influence judges.
year. He filed with the Court the corresponding complaint Petitioner: Alan Paguia,​ a counsel for Estrada in light with EDSA
against respondent. 2
● In his answer to the complaint filed by the Solicitor General, Respondent: S ​ andiganbayan
respondent manifested that in the future he would be more
careful in observing his duties as a lawyer, and in upholding
the provisions of the canons of professional ethics.

● Attorney Alan F. Paguia, as counsel for Estrada, averred that

the respondent justices have violated Rule5.10 of the Code of
ISSUES:​ :​ ​Whether or not Bunyi is guilty of unethical conduct. Judicial Conduct by attending the EDSA 2 Rally and by
authorizing the assumption of Vice-President Gloria
RULING: ​We find merit in the recommendation of the Solicitor Macapagal Arroyo to the Presidency in violation of the 1987
General that respondent, by way of disciplinary action, deserves Constitution. Rule 5.10. A judge is entitled to entertain
suspension from the practice of law. personal views on political questions. But to avoid suspicion
of political partisanship, a judge shall not make political
The subject letters indeed indicate that respondent had previous speeches, contribute to party funds, publicly endorse
communication with Judge Galicia regarding the preparation of the candidates for political office or participate in other partisan
draft decisions in Civil Case Nos. 81, 83, and 88, and which he in fact political activities.
prepared. Although nothing in the records would show that respondent ● Also, petitioner contended that the justices have prejudged a
got the trial court judge's consent to the said preparation for a favor or case that would assail the legality of the act taken by
consideration, the acts of respondent nevertheless amount to conduct President Arroyo. The subsequent decision of the Court in
unbecoming of a lawyer and an officer of the Court. Clearly, respondent Estrada v. Arroyo (353 SCRA 452and356 SCRA 108) is,
violated Canon No. 3 of the Canons of Professional Ethics (which were petitioner states, a patent mockery of justice and due process.
enforced at the time respondent committed the acts admitted by him), ● According to Atty. Paguia, during the hearing of his Mosyong
which provides as follows: Pangrekonsiderasyon on 11 June 2003, the three justices of
the Special Division of the Sandiganbayan made manifest
3. Attempts to exert personal influence on the court their bias and partiality against this client.
● Thus, he averred, Presiding Justice Minita V. ChicoNazario
Marked attention and unusual hospitality on the part of a lawyer to a supposedly employed foul and disrespectful language when
judge, uncalled for by the personal relations of the parties, subject both she blurted out, Magmumukha naman kaming gago, and
the judge and the lawyer to misconstructions of motive and should be Justice TeresitaLeonardoDe Castro characterized the motion
avoided. A lawyer should not communicate or argue privately with the as insignificant even before the prosecution could file its
judge as to the merits of a pending cause and deserves rebuke and comments or opposition thereto, (Rollo, p. 12.) remarking in
denunciation for any device or attempt to gain from a judge special open court that to grant Estrada’s motion would result in
personal consideration or favor. A self-respecting independence in the chaos and disorder. Prompted by the alleged bias and partial
discharge of professional duty, without denial or diminution of the attitude of theSandiganbayan justices, Attorney Paguia filed,
courtesy and respect due the judge's station, is the only proper on 14 July 2003, a motion for their disqualification.
foundation for cordial personal and official relations between bench ● The petitioner also asked the Court to include in its Joint
and bar. Resolution the TRUTH of the acts of Chief JusticeDavide, et
al., last January 20, 2001 in: a) going to EDSA 2;b)
In the new Code of Professional Responsibility a lawyer's attempt to authorizing the proclamation of Vice-President Arroyo as
influence the court is rebuked, as shown in Canon No. 13 and Rule President on the ground of permanent disability even
13.01, which read: without proof of compliance with the corresponding
constitutional conditions, e.g., written declaration by either
CANON 13 — A lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his cause and the President or majority of his cabinet; and c) actually
refrain from any impropriety which tends to influence, or gives the proclaiming Vice-President Arroyo on that same ground of

permanent disability. on pain of disciplinary sanction, to become mindful of his grave

● In a letter, dated 30 June 2003, addressed to Chief Justice responsibilities as a lawyer and as an officer of the Court. Apparently,
Hilario G. Davide, Jr., and Associate JusticeArtemio V. he has chosen not to at all take heed. WHEREFORE, Attorney Alan
Panganiban, he has demanded, in a clearly disguised form of Paguia is hereby indefinitely suspended from the practice of law,
forum shopping, for several advisory opinions on matters effective upon his receipt hereof, for conduct unbecoming a lawyer and
pending before the Sandiganbayan. an officer of the Court
● Subsequently, the court ruled that the instant petition
assailing the foregoing orders must be DISMISSED for gross
insufficiency in substance and for utter lack of merit. The NEXT DEADLINE: FEB 12, 2020
Sandiganbayan committed no grave abuse of discretion, an
indispensable requirement to warrant a recourse to the
extraordinary relief of petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of
the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure.
● In a resolution, dated 08 July 2003, the Court strongly
warned Attorney Alan Paguia, on pain of disciplinary
sanction, to desist from further making, directly or indirectly,
similar submissions to this Court or to its Members.
● Unmindful of the well-meant admonition to him by the
Court, Attorney Paguia appears to persist on end. In fact, on
the 7th September 2003 issue of the Daily Tribune, Atty.
Paguia wrote to say
● What is the legal effect of that violation of President Estradas
right to due process of law? It renders the decision in Estrada
vs. Arroyo unconstitutional and void. The rudiments of fair
play were not observed. There was no fair play since it
appears that when President Estrada filed his petition, Chief
Justice Davide and his fellow justices had already committed
to the other party GMA with a judgment already made and
waiting to be formalized after the litigants shall have
undergone the charade of a formal hearing. After the justices
had authorized the proclamation of GMA as president, can
they be expected to voluntarily admit the unconstitutionality
of their own act?

ISSUES: ​WON Atty. Paguia committed a violation of the Code of

Professional Responsibility.


Criticism or comment made in good faith on the correctness or

wrongness, soundness or unsoundness, of a decision of the Court would
be welcome for, if well-founded, and such reaction can enlighten the
court and contribute to the correction of an error if committed. (In Re
Sotto, 82 Phil 595.) However, Attorney Paguiahas not limited his
discussions to the merits of his client’s case within the judicial forum.
Indeed, he has repeated his assault on the Court in both broadcast and
print media. Rule 13.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
prohibits a member of the bar from making such public statements on
any pending case tending to arouse public opinion for or against a
party. By his acts, Attorney Paguia may have stoked the fires of public
dissension and posed a potentially dangerous threat to the
administration of justice.

It should be clear that the phrase partisan political activities, in its

statutory context, relates to acts designed to cause the success or the
defeat of a particular candidate or candidates who have filed certificates
of candidacy to a public office in an election. The taking of an oath of
office by any incoming President of the Republic before the Chief
Justice of the Philippines is a traditional official function of the Highest
Magistrate. The assailed presence of other justices of the Court at such
an event could be no different from their appearance in such other
official functions as attending the Annual State of the Nation Address
by the President of the Philippines before the Legislative Department.
The Supreme Court does not claim infallibility; but it will not
countenance any wrongdoing nor allow the erosion of our people’s faith
in the judicial system, let alone, by those who have been privileged by it
to practice law in the Philippines.

Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility mandates that the

lawyer should observe and maintain the respect due to the courts and
judicial officers and, indeed, should insist on similar conduct bothers.
In liberally imputing sinister and devious motives and questioning the
impartiality, integrity, and authority of the members of the Court, Atty.
Paguia has only succeeded in seeking to impede, obstruct and pervert
the dispensation of justice. The Court has already warned Atty. Paguia,

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