HRM606-Course Outline-2020

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Institute of Business Management

Leadership, Ethics and Change |HRM 606

1. Overall aims of Course

In today’s complex and dynamic world, organizations are in short supply for leaders who shows high standard of integrity,
stand for values and principles and take responsibility for their actions. According to research best leaders are authentic (who
practice their values and have high ethical standards).
The purpose of this course is to help you to understand the basic principles, roles, skills and challenges faced by business
leader. This course will enable you to learn, understand and discover your own path to Leadership. You will learn also why
leaders are different from managers! This course is divided into three parts: Leadership, Ethics and Change.

2. Intended Learning outcomes of Course (ILOs)

a. Knowledge and understanding:
Understand: Basics of Leadership; the role of Leader within firm and society
Learn: How ordinary people become leader | Skills of leader
Study: Models, Approaches, Principles for Modern, Ethical and Change Leadership

3. Course contents
Week Topic Reading & Preparation Methodology

What is Leadership? | Introduction | Behavioral, Autocratic, Trait, SLT, transactional & Ice breaking
1 Leadership Early Theories transformational Theories Lecture

Leadership Modern Theories HBR article: Blue Ocean Leadership Lecture

Servant Leadership by Ken Blanchard Class discussion
HBR: What makes leader
3 What makes Leader HBR: Level 5 Leadership
Class discussion
Video – what makes a leader
HBR: The Neuroscience of Trust Lecture
4 Leadership and Trust
4C model of Trust by Warren Bennis Class discussion
How Leaders build ABS article: Influencing and Relationship Skills Lecture
relationships and Influence Video – Science of Persuasion Class discussion
6 First Mid Term
Reading from the book: The Secret of Leadership by Prakash Iyer
 Leadership lesson from a teabag
How leaders get motivated
 Want to be good leader? Get a PhD Lecture
7 and inspire others
 The dogfight in our heads Class discussion
 Ricky Ponting: the art of finding gaps
 TED talk – Simon Sinek
Authentic and Ethical
HBR article: discover authentic leadership Lecture
8 Leadership True North: Chapter 1&4 Class discussion
Why Leaders Fail and Loose Lecture
9 Article: Why Leaders fail
Class discussion
Developing and sustaining Lecture
10 HBR article | Kelley School of Business | BH 506
ethical corporate culture Class discussion
11 Second Mid Term
HBR article | what Leaders really do Lecture
12 What Leaders do
HBR article | Change through Persuasion Class discussion
HBR article | From Purpose to Impact
13 Result based Leadership Case Study | The Perils and Pitfall of Leading Change
Class discussion
Video - OKR-JohnDoerr
14 Project Presentations
Class discussion
15 Final Exams
4. Teaching and Learning Methods
 This is senior level course which is based on experiential learning methodology, where students will be taking active part
as compare to faculty.
 Lectures, individual presentation, project presentations, guest lectures, case studies and reflective article sessions.
 Advance preparation – students must come to class having read the teaching material for the topic to be discussed. You
are supposed to bring hand-written summary in class; Rule is ‘If you have not written, you have not read!’

5. Student assessment methods

 Mid & final terms (30 + 40) 70%
 Leadership project 10%
 Quizes / summary 10%
 Assignment / Class participation 10%

6. Recommended Text:
 True North by Bill George – Warren Bennis Book
 The Secret of Leadership by Parakash Iyer (2013).
 The Secret of What Great Leaders Know & Do by Ken Blanchard (10th Anniversary Edition)
 The seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey (1989).
 Selected HBR articles related to leadership.
 The Greats on Leadership by Jocelyn Davis (2017)

7. Recommended Readings:
 CIPD, Forbes, business insider, HBR, Wall Street Journal, Mckinsey Quarterly and Gallup business journal

Rubrics for Evaluation

Parameters Below average grades: ‘F & D’ Average grades: ‘C & B’ Above average grade: A Weightage
Fails to identify motives or causes; Able not only to identify motives
Able to identify motives or
doesn’t able to draw inferences or causes and draw inferences
and find evidences to support –
causes, draw inferences and
but also explain WHYs with
find evidences with support
explaining WHYs with support references and suggest solutions
Able to use knowledge and Use knowledge and solve
Fails to use knowledge and solve
solve problems; apply problems creatively; apply latest
problems; unable to apply
knowledge / concepts, facts and
knowledge / concepts, facts concepts and techniques in a ×3
and techniques in a linear / different way with strong view
techniques in a different way
common way points
Unable or fails to comprehend the
Able to comprehend the basics,
Understand basics, principles, facts of main Discuss facts in details with
principles, facts of main ideas.
-Conceptual ideas. Doesn’t able to translate,
Able to translate, interpret and
suitable examples and ×3
framework interpret and extrapolate main references.
extrapolate main concepts.

Faculty: Shiraz Ahmed

Contact: 35090961- 69 |
Total credit hours: 45
Lecture hours: 15 sessions of 3-hours each for weekend classes

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