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Communication has a critical role to play in the new competitive scenario

where global players have easy access to local markets & can deliver better
value to the customer.if the local firm has not kept itself abreast of
developments in technologies, processes ,marketing & changing nature of
customer demand . To safeguard its position the firm has to develop &
nurture its channels of communication to enable it to anticipate &
adequately meet these challenges.

The customer & his wants are not static and but keep evolving depending on
influencers both ---internal ( customer’s inner private self ) and external
(a----growth of knowledge & information , b--technology & its ability to
deliver products & c--- the socialization process ) .

The internal influencer—the inner driver leads the customer to seek ‘better
value “depending on the customer’s position in the Maslow’s hierarchy of
need .

Communication is the common thread that not only ties up the customer’s
private “self” with the outside influencers , but also has a role in linking the
outside influencers with each other

Fig 18.4 shows the influences at work on the customer in both shaping of
customers wants. The process is a dynamic & an on-going one.

The value seeking customer has 3 primary influences working on him

a) Seeking better value delivery for current wants thru current products i.e
the desire to satisfy the present needs & wants thru present products in a
better way
b) Seeking better value delivery of current wants through alternate products
i.e.altenate ways of satisfying present needs & wants &

Seeking better value delivery of new wants thru new products Here products
have to be designed for fulfilling new & emerging needs & wants.Firms that
able to generate a ‘fit’


between the customer;s emerging requirements & the firms activities are
likely to achieve success .

a) Seeking better value delivery for current wants thru

current products

The firm may have to rely on modification strategies . The modification could
be in product features ( eg Whirlpool washing machine ordinary & silver
wash or single door & double door refrigerators or Maggi instant noodles/
instant soup noodles ) , production processes, styling , distribution of the
product ( for easier accessibility ) or even repositioning ---( to highlight those
features which can give additional value , which were not perceived by the
customer in that manner (e.g Promise , Kissan Jams ) .

b) Seeking better value delivery of current wants through alternate

products i.e.altenate ways of satisfying present needs & wants

Technology fuelled by growth & knowledge could create alternate ways of

satisfying customer wants . Such threats could be faced more by firms in
knowledge based industries Development of new software could make old
processes redundant . eg the use of computers cud change airline
services 9 Paper tickets vs etkts ) , banking services etc.In the area of
impact of technology Kodak for eg is worrying about the invention of the
filmless camera & the bearing this could have on its future business.
c) Seeking better value delivery of new wants thru
new products

The firm also needs to develop new products to meet the emerging wants of
the customers e.g Tata Indica & Tata Nano.The individual firm has to
develop core strengths , that can help build systems as well as structures
that agument innovation. This process shud form a part of the firm’s strategy
. Innovation often results from working closely with the customer or from
cooperation within the firm’s depts. With a concerned focus for delivering
better value . It could also emerge from cooperating with related or
supporting industries, firms own R& D , as well as new people joining the
firm.Links with scientific community , laboratories, universities & other
research institutions , also helps the firm prepare itself in meeting the
challenge of change thrown up by the new & emerging wants of customers.

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