Grade 10 UBD FIRST QUARTER (2019-2020)

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Mary Help of Christians School, Cebu Inc.

Minglanilla, Cebu


SY 2019-2020

Teacher: Ms. Donna D. Geonzon

Unit Title: “Expressing and Resolving Personal Unit 1: Classics of the Ancient World

Unit Description:
The unit focuses on the Classics of the Ancient World and its development and contribution throughout the ages. The unit emphasizes the creativity of authors in creating literary pieces
that become famous until present. It also depicts the significance of making a stand amidst the common beliefs of majority through the image of various characters in each of the literary
pieces. The unit encompasses the ways and manner of expressing and resolving personal conflicts through correct judgment and evaluation using different streams of communication.


Established Goals: Transfer Goal:

The learners independently and effectively compose and deliver a position paper to express and resolve personal conflicts thus
Content Standards: (DepEd) becoming BMH who are effective communicators.

 The learners demonstrate understanding of

how world literature and other text types serve as a
way of expressing and resolving personal conflicts,
also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking,
technicalities and concepts of verb moods, and
prepositional phrases.
 The learners demonstrate understanding that
World Literature is a text-based collection that
showcases the literary imagination and linguistic
inventiveness of world writers as they negotiate their
varied cultural identities which serves as a means to
develop the learner’s ability to effectively and creatively
produce and deliver a academic text which manifests
different genres through the types contributed by
various countries of the world to express appreciation
for each country’s heritage.

Performance Standard: (DepEd)

 The learners shall be able to present a living

Formation Standards:
 The learners become critical thinkers and
effective communicators.

Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that: The students will be able to answer the following questions:

1. Literature is the foundation of life. It places an 1. How does literature mold a person’s character?
emphasis on many topics from human tragedies to
tales of the ever-popular search for love. While it is
physically written in words, these words come alive in
the imagination of themind, and its ability to
comprehend the complexity or simplicity of the text.
Literature enables people to see through the lenses of
others, and sometimes even inanimate objects;
therefore, it becomes a looking glass into the world as
others view it. It is a journey that is inscribed in pages,
and powered by the imagination of the reader.
Ultimately, literature has provided a gateway to teach
the reader about life experiences from even the
saddest stories to the most joyful ones that will touch
their hearts.

2. Grammar is very important. Correct grammar keeps 2. How do grammar rules work for effective communication?
you from being misunderstood and lets you effectively
express your thoughts and ideas – key to all business

3. Theme tells what the story is all about while 3. Why is identifying the theme and message of a literary piece relevant for learning?
message tells what the author wants to audience to
learn. Learning these could help the readers
understand the view of the author.
4. A socially aware individual values human rights and 4. What is the relevance of having media awareness?
acknowledges the importance of harmonious social
interaction for the developmental progress of human
beings. Social awareness spans a wide spectrum,
beginning with social skills development in early
childhood and encompassing the level of social
consciousness that leads to social activism and
societal transformation.

5. Understanding the cultural practices of the people in 5. Why is it relevant to know literary pieces and characters in a specific period in literature?
different literary period will help the students to be
open-minded and be more with the cultural practices
and tradition of the people under various literary

6. How do prepositional phrases function for effective communication?

6.A prepositional phrase is comprised of two parts,
a preposition and an object of the preposition.
Together, they form the prepositional phrase that is
then inserted in a sentence to modify some noun or
verb. Thus, having a knowledge on prepositional
phrases creates a clear and understandable

7. Learning how to Support and Defend gathered facts 7. What is the importance of drawing generalization skills?
and information plays an important role in developing
the self-confidence and reasoning skills of the learners.

8.Tone, mode and literary techniques are very 8. How do tone, mode and techniques contribute to the effectiveness of a literary piece?
significant in writing a literary piece, for these guide the
readers on its content and them, and they give life to
the entire story.
9. Writing simple sentences could be vague and 9. How do clauses function for effective communication?
sometimes boring. Adjective and Adverb clauses help
in making a piece of writing specific and creative.
Having been equipped with Noun clauses, Adjective,
and adverb clauses can enhance the meaning of
different writing materials since they provide additional
and vivid concept.

10. Identifying the author’s purpose is relevant 10. Why is it relevant to identify author’s purpose?
because understanding not only the "why" the author
wrote the story but the "how" the author wrote the story
tunes us in to what we should know by the end of the
text. Essentially, understanding the reason behind the
writing will help with the understanding of the writing. It
gets your mind focused on what you will be reading.
For example if you are thinking you are going to hear
an entertaining story and it is informational, you may be
distracted by the use of words or disappointed with the
content, and this will make you miss the message or
story completely.
11. Understanding context clues is an important skill 11. Why is it important to be skilled at identifying context clues?
in developing the thinking and vocabulary of the

12.Writing Persuasive Texts can help the students 12. Why is it important to identify the features of a persuasive text?
develop their writing and logical skills as well as the
way they express themselves.

13.Identifying and using the features of public 13. Why is it important to identify the features of public speaking?
speaking help students build self-confidence and later
on become effective communicators.

14. Identifying explicit and implicit ideas helps the 14. Why is it important to identify implicit ideas in a specific form of communication?
students develop their reasoning skills.

15.A research paper is not simply an informed 15. What is the significance of writing a research paper?
summary of a topic by means of primary and
secondary sources. It is neither a book report nor an
opinion piece nor an expository essay consisting solely
of one's interpretation of a text nor an overview of a
particular topic. Instead, it is a genre that requires one
to spend time investigating and evaluating sources with
the intent to offer interpretations of the texts, and not
unconscious regurgitations of those sources. The goal
of a research paper is not to inform the reader what
others have to say about a topic, but to draw on what
others have to say about a topic and engage the
sources in order to thoughtfully offer a unique
perspective on the issue at hand. This is accomplished
through two major types of research papers.

16. Footnotes and bibliographies should be written in 16. Why is it important to write footnotes and bibliographies?
order to give credits for those who have worked hard in
order to give the people reliable information.

17. Writing a Position Paper helps students express 17. What is the role of a position paper in one’s society?
their ideas and takes courage to make a stance and
viewpoints so as to come up with a plan of action.

Disposition: The students will

Knowledge: The students will know.. Skills: The students will be able to… acquire:
Reading  Righteousness
 Classics of the Ancient World Reading  Stewardship
a.AncientPalestinian  Identify the genres and elements of literature  Citizenship
b.Ancient Greek  Determine and describe the notable literary pieces and characters in a specific period  Heroism
c.Ancient World in Literature  Effective
d.Ancient Roman  Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular communication
e.Dark and Middle Ages literary selection  Nationalism
 Honesty
Grammar Grammar  Trust
 Verb Moods  Use correct verb moods in different writing processes  Teamwork
 Prepositional Phrases  State clearly the theme and message conveyed by each excerpt from a specific period  Cooperation
 Adverb/Adjective Phrases in literature  Contentment
 Context Clues  Support and defend decisions from predictions and facts gathered through utilizing  Simplicity
graphs, maps, flow charts and tables  Cultural awareness
Writing  Identify and elaborate the issues present in media (news writers)  Courage truthfulness
 Openness
 Research Paper Writing  Respect
 Position Paper  Identify the parts and features of a research paper  integrity
 Personal Narratives  Understand research paper, sources of information, structure and feature
 Differentiate a footnote from a bibliography
Speaking  Write a footnote and bibliography in a research paper
 Identify the features of a position paper
 Presenting and Defending Oral Presentations  Write a position paper
 Public Speaking Speaking
 Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
Viewing/Media  Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
 Identify and elaborate the issues present in media (news writers)
 Media Issues  Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
 The Information Society  Determine and describe the notable literary pieces and characters in a specific period
in Literature
 Show appreciation for songs, poems and other literary texts
 Identify the functions of prepositional phrases
 Expand sentences using adjective and adverb phrases to create meaningful concepts
 Determine tone, mode, technique, and purpose of the author
 Present and defend proposals and reports using the summarized and gathered
Viewing Media
 Identify and elaborate the issues present in media (news writers)
 Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
 Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
 Expand sentences using noun, adjective, and adverb clauses
 Express ideas and views creatively through the use of noun, adjective, and adverbs
 Identify word meaning through context clues
 Identify the features of persuasive texts
 Use patterns and techniques of developing a persuasive claim
 Identify explicit and implicit ideas
 Identify the features of public speaking
 Interpret and employ the techniques and ethics of public speaking

Rubrics: (see last page)

Performance Task Other Evidences:
Formative Test
Mary Help of Christians School Cebu, Inc. celebrates Unit Test
Academic Days Season Nine. One of the activities of Mini Transfer
the English Department is presenting a living museum Oral Recitation
focusing on the lives of the gods and goddesses, you Individual and Group
are tasked to inform the young people of gods and Group Activities
goddesses’ way of life thus setting an inspiration on Writing Essays and Reflections
how they solved conflicts in the ancient time. The living
museum will be scrutinized by the chosen English
Teachers, English Coordinator and the Academic
Coordinator observing the following criteria: content,
speech, costume, props, research.

G-You are tasked to inform the young people of gods

and goddesses’ way of life thus setting an inspiration
on how they solved conflicts in the ancient time.
R-You are one of the gods and goddesses.
A- The audience will be English Teachers, English
Coordinator and the Academic Coordinator.
S- Mary Help of Christians School Cebu, Inc.
celebrates Academic Days Season Nine.
P-You are going to present a living museum.
S- content, speech, costume, props, research (English)
Materials, graphics, creativity, individual
performance (Arts)

Time Learning Content Learning Activities Modification Remarks

Classics of the Ancient World Orientation of the Unit
A.Ancient Palestinian Literature - Giving of the overview of the unit, what are expected (referring to the
Week 1 performance task), the objectives, and enduring understanding.
Day 1  Identify the genres and elements - Sharing of comments and expectations of the Unit
of literature Introduction to Literature
 Determine and describe the
notable literary pieces and characters in a EXPLORE (5 minutes)
specific period in Literature Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
(one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
 Explain how the elements specific
to a genre contribute to the theme of a VIDEO CLIP PRESENTATION
particular literary selection The teacher presents a video on righteousness.

Values Focus Process Questions:

 To develop the value of 1.What is the video about?
righteousness 2.What part struck you the most? Why?

Instructional Materials:
The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
Cartolina strips E.Q :How does literature mold a person’s character?
Copy of the Story

FIRM UP (5 minutes)
Galvez, Nicolas M.,etal.Language in Group Work (Group of Six)
Literature World Literature. Araneta The teacher gives handouts on the elements and genres of world literature.
Avenue Quezon City:Vibal The students are given five minutes to discuss among their groups the
Publishing elements and genres of world lit.
House,Inc. 2014.Print.
ASK ME WHAT ACTIVITY (Tag board activity)
[Online] available After 5 minutes, the teacher defines a genre or an element; then, the group will
< be the one to answer on the tag board.
DEEPEN (35 minutes)
What are psalms?
Psalms are one of the writings during the Ancient Palestinian Literature.
Psalms are essentially sacred songs or hymns that express praise,
thanksgiving, penitence, or supplication.
The teacher will divide the students into four.
The teacher groups the students into 6. Then, she gives 3-5 minutes to answer
the guide questions. After reading, discussion is expected among them.
Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one

who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,

and who meditates on his law day and night.

3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!

They are like chaff

that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,

nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,

but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

Revised Standard Version

Happy are those

Who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
Or take that path that sinners tread,
Or sit in the seat of scoffers;
But their delight is in the law of the LORD,
And on his law they may meditate day and night.
They are like trees
Planted by streams of water,
Which yield their fruit in its season,
And their leaves do not wither.
In all that they do, they prosper.
The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish?

The teacher will process the meaning of Psalm 1 with the guide questions.
She will throw these questions to the group, and let them share about their

Process Questions:
1.Why is a person who follows God’s law happy?
2.Is meditating on God’s laws the same as following God’s commandments?
3.Why is a law-abiding person compared to a tree planted by streams of
4.Why is a wicked person like chaff that the wind drives away?

The teacher gives an FT.

1.What kind of literature were produced during the Ancient Palestinian
2.What are the common themes of the literary texts?

Closure (5 minutes)
EQ: How does literature mold a person’s character?

Week 1` Verb Moods EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 2  Use correct verb moods in Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
different writing processes (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)

Values Focus The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
 To develop the value of
The teacher shows a video clip about nature. (the closing of Boracay)
Instructional Materials:
Laptop Process Questions:
LCD TV 1.If you were one of the businessmen in the place, what would you tell
Books President Duterte to possibly change his decision?
Worksheets 2.If you were one of the workers, what would you tell Duterte?
3.If you were the President, would you do the same? Why? If not, what would
References: be your suggestion to help in the preservation of Boracay?
Ancheta,Lira R., et al.
Grammar and Writing FIRM UP (5 minutes)
Workbook. Araneta Avenue E.Q: How do grammar rules work for effective communication?
Quezon City:Vibal
Publishing The teacher uses the sentences given. She will let the students identify the
House,Inc. 2012.Print. mood of the verb in each sentence.
The students will be given notes about the three moods of the verb.

Pair Work (5 minutes)

Each pair will be given 5 minutes to read, analyze and understand the concept
of each mood as well as the examples. (PPT)

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

The students will give their own examples based from the poem “He asketh
Absolution of God”. Tagboard.
I. Name the moods of the following verbs. Indicative, Imperative and
1. Closing of Boracay is truly just a smart decision made by our President.
2. Be mindful of your trashes when you visit a wonderful place life Boracay.
3.I wish I could volunteer to help in beautifying Boracay.
4. I am hoping this move is going to be worth it.
5.As a student, I request everyone to cooperate for this big break.

The teacher will administer Differentiated Instructions to the students.

(According to the level of the students)
Level 1
I. Identify the mood of each verb.
1.I doubt if all the people would continue what they have started.
2. I would help if I had the time and the chance.
3. You should listen to your President.
4. I suggest that all places should do the same.
5. It's important that the President of the country does this.

Construct 3 sentences following an indicative, imperative, and subjunctive

Level 2
Write the correct form of the verb given, and explain.

1) I insist that my friend (help) in beautifying our environment.

2) She suggests that the place (be) closed.
3) If I (be) you, I would do the same.
4) I wish I (can) fly and go there to help out.
5.) If Mr. President ________ (are) not truly concerned, he _______ (will)
care at all.

Level 3 (Formative Test) (10 minutes)

(In one-two paragraphs, explain the importance of verb moods in the English
language. The paragraphs should have the three verb moods.)
Construct sentences using

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: How do grammar rules work for effective communication?
Week 1 Identifying the theme and message EXPLORE (5 minutes) Laptop
Day 3 Classroom Routine (5 minutes) LCD TV Galvez, Nicolas
 State clearly the theme and (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson) Books M.,etal.Language in
message conveyed by each excerpt from Cartolina Literature World
a specific period in literature The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ. Literature. Araneta
Avenue Quezon
The teacher presents an environmental issue. City:Vibal Publishing
 Support and defend decisions The teacher utilizes A-Z Adjectives approach. House,Inc. 2014.Print.
from predictions and facts gathered A-Z Chart (Cartolina)
through utilizing graphs, maps, flow Describe the video using adjectives.
charts and tables
Process Questions:
Values Focus
 To develop the value of 1.What is the video all about?
responsibility towards our creator 2.What does it tell us?

Instructional Materials: Firm Up (10 minutes)

Laptop E.Q: Why is identifying the theme and message of a literary piece relevant for
LCD TV learning?
Cartolina What is the theme and message of the poem “He asketh absolution of God”?

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

References: The teacher will give excerpts from ancient classics. Students will identify the
Galvez, Nicolas M.,etal.Language in message and theme of each excerpt.
Literature World Literature. Araneta 1.Solomon 1:15
Avenue Quezon City:Vibal Publishing 2.Proverbs 20:2-3
House,Inc. 2014.Print. 3.Psalm 119:105-107
4.Matthew 13:41-43

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: Why is identifying the theme and message of a literary piece relevant for

Transfer (5 minutes)
Make a graphic organizer on showing the deep love of God in the
different excerpts that we have tackled.
Note: To continue at home

Week 1 Media Issues EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 4  Headline Writing Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
Boxed Head (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
-full box The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
-half box
-quarter box The teacher shows pictures that have boxed headlines.
 Use previous experience as
scaffold to the message
conveyed by a program viewed
 Assess the effectiveness of the
ideas presented in the material
viewed taking into account its
 Detect bias ad prejudice in the
material viewed
Values Focus
 To develop the value of media

Instructional Materials:

[Online] available

FIRM UP (10 minutes)

E.Q: What is the relevance of having media awareness?
The teacher shows a video on the way people respond to technology.

Process Questions:
1.What does the video tell the audience?
2.How do you use your accounts?
3.How do you use technology?
4.Are you a responsible user of technology?
5.Is the video fair as far as technology is concerned?
6.What makes it fair?
7.What makes it bias?

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

The teacher presents a power point on Boxed Headlines.
Each pair is asked to make a sample Boxed Headline based on the video

Closure (5 minutes)
What is the relevance of having media awareness?

Week 2 UT No. 1
Day 1
Week 2 Classics of the Ancient World EXPLORE (5 minutes)
Day 2 A.AncientGreek Literature Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
 Determine and describe the (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
notable literary pieces and characters in a The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
specific period in Literature E.Q:What universal and relevant values are reflected in the two literary pieces?

 Show appreciation for songs, Pandora’s Box

poems and other literary texts Let the students write the 2 evils of today’s society, and place them inside
Pandora’s Box. The student will be invited to go to Mount Olympus.
There’s a message from Hermes which says..
Values Focus
 To develop the value of Heroism Hermes: Since each one of you is ready to stop your evil doing, I am now in
viting you to go to Mount Olympus to be overwhelmed by the great gods and
Instructional Materials: goddesses. There will be 12 stations. Your class will be divided into 5. Each
Laptop groups spends at least 2 minutes in each station; otherwise, there’s a
LCD TV corresponding challenge if you violate my rules.
Activity Sheets FIRM UP (15 minutes)
Tagay, Lorna V. Journeying through GALLERY WALK (Information about the Ancient World:12 Olympian Gods and
Literature and Language IV with Literary Goddesses) Pictures and information are posted on the wall.
Texts.ChinoRoces Avenues, Makati
City:Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Before they can go to the mortal world, Aphrodite has a message to them.
Aphrodite: Before you can go back to your world immortals, you have to take
another challenge. The challenge according to the god of all the gods and
goddesses, Zeus. Kindly get your question from his magic glass. You will only
be given 10 seconds to think and give the answer since all mortals who have
visted in this sacred mountain are expected to be witty. In the event you fail to
impress Zeus, he will give you a more difficult challenge which you may regret
in your entire life.

1.What are the types of literary pieces known in the ancient period? Giev at
least two.
2.Who is the goddess whose one of her sacred animals is a peacock?
3.What is an epic? Give at least one example.
4.Give at least 2 characteristics of Poseidon.
5.How do you differentiate a myth from a legend?

Zeus:Congratulations Mortals! You have successfully finished the challenges in

Mt. Olympus!

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

The students are asked to group themselves into 2. This grouping is according
to their interests. Choices will be adventure and true love and sacrifice. One
group will be assigned to read and understand the story ‘Farewell Between
Hector and Andromache’ The other group will be assigned to read and
understand the story ‘The Adventure of Odysseus’ from Iliad by Homer. Each
group will brainstorm and answer some questions on their paper.

‘Farewell Between Hector and Andromache’

Guide Questions
1.How did Andromache try to dissuade her husband from going to war?
2.Why did Hector insist on going to war?
3.What ways of life of the ancient civilization did you learn from the excerpt?
4.What might have caused the war?
5.Do you think the wars being fought today are of a kind similar to that of the
Trojan War?
6. Do you think the ways of life today have improved?
7. What inspires some people to take heroic actions despite personal risks or

‘The Adventure of Odysseus’

Guide Questions
1.What adventures did Odysseus and his men meet before drifting into the
country of the lotus-eaters?
2.What danger did Odysseus and his men face in the land of the lotus-eaters?
3.How did Odysseus save his men from the lotus-eaters?
4.How did Aeolas help Odysseus’ men in the land of Circe?
6.How was Odysseus saved from evil plans of Circe?
7.Does Odysseus have admirable traits? Support your answers.
8.If you were Odysseus or one of his men, would you let Circe go free? Why or
why not?
9.Why do some people undertake activities that are potentially risky and have
uncertain results?

E.Q: What universal and relevant values are reflected in the two literary

The students will be divided into 3 or 4 and plan for a living museum as their
PETE. The members should start thinking for the characters they wish to
portray. The concepts will be written on a short bond paper with their character.

Week 2 Adjective and adverb phrases EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 3 (Prepositional Phrases) Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
 Identify the functions of (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
prepositional phrases E.Q
How do prepositional phrases function for effective communication?
 Expand sentences using
adjective and adverb phrases to create QUOTES
meaningful concepts Nationalism is an infantile disease. – Albert Einstein
Nationalism is power hunger tempered by deception. – George Orwell
Values Focus A good nationalism has to depend on a principle of the common people, on
 To develop the sense of myths of a struggling community. – Andrew O’Hagan
The teacher presents powerful quotes and asks the students these questions.
Instructional Materials: Process Questions:
Laptop Content
LCD TV 1.What is the commonality of the three quotes in terms of content?
Books 2.Do you agree with what the quotes say?
Newspaper 3.What is nationalism for your?
Article Structure
Activity Sheets 1.How do they differ in terms of structure?
2.What do the 2 sentences have that is not present in the other sentence?
Ancheta,Lira R., et al. Grammar and
Writing FIRM UP (10 minutes)
Workbook. Araneta Avenue The teacher groups the students into five.
Quezon City:Vibal Publishing Each group is given a manila paper and a marker. They are asked to look for
House,Inc. 2012.Print. adverbs and adjectives in 2 minutes (in an essay about nationalism). The most
numbers of adverbs and adjectives after the allotted time will be the winners.

Prepositional Phrase Adjective Adverb

These examples will be used to process the topic. PPT for discussion

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

Process Questions:
1.Why do we construct sentences with prepositional sentences?
2.What is the difference of prepositional phrase acting as an adjective or as an

Different Activities will be given for practice.

Level 1
Indicate the prepositional phrases in these sentences, and use each to
construct your own sentence.
1. One of the behavioral indicators of having sense of nationalism is singing
the Philippine National Anthem with all your heart.

2. We sing the Pambansang Awit ng Pilipinas every morning assembly.

3. Some people from different countries seldom pay tribute to their country.

4. Without any hesitations, the President should ask the members of the
congress to draft a bill that will help people love their country even more.

5. I wonder if Filipinos in other countries are proud of their culture.

Level 2
Use the following prepositional phrases below as adjectives and adverbs,

In the Philippines
To the President
For the young people
All over the world
Inside the house
Level 3
On a short essay explain the importance of prepositional phrases in the English

The essay should have prepositional phrases (adjectives and adverbs)

Formative Test (10 minutes)

I. Use the following phrases as adverb and adjective.
1. to our dear students
2. from public schools
3. in various universities

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: How do prepositional phrases function for effective communication?
Week 2 Tagline EXPLORE (5 minutes)
Day 4  Determine how connected events Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
contribute to the totality of a material (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
viewed The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
E.Q: How important is creativity in creating a tagline?
 Express insights based on the
ideas presented in the material viewed Initiation Questions:
1. Is honesty still valued in the modern world?
 Draw generalizations based on 2. What difference can honesty make to the world we live in?
the material viewed
The teacher shows a video on honesty.
Values focus
 To develop the value of honesty FIRM UP (10 minutes)
Process Questions:
Instructional Materials: 1.What is the video all about?
Laptop 2.What does it tell us?
LCD TV 3.If you hear the word honesty, what statement or line that you remember?
Newspapers ‘Honesty is the best policy.’
News story
References: Videos of different companies with their famous taglines. (Newspapers)

DEEPEN (35 minutes)

What are taglines?

A tagline is a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or the

punchline of a joke.
The teacher gives four samples of taglines and will let the students identify its
relevance to the product and to the consumers. This will be done by five.





Process Questions:
1.What is the relevance of each tagline to the product per se’?
2.What do you think are the reasons the company has come up with this
3.As consumers, are these taglines catchy and interesting? In what way?
4.As a group, how were you able to come up with your answers? Did you find
your answers in the pictures I gave you? What did you connect? So when you
connect your previous ideas/experiences and details coming from any material,
what do you call that process or skill?

Library Work

The students will be grouped into five. Then, they will be given various
advertisements written on periodicals, magazines, and newspapers and look
for sample taglines. Each group has to look for five taglines.

Most of the politicians come from prestigious and catholic schools, how come
most of them are dishonest?

Process Question:
1. What can you say about this statement?
2. Do you agree or disagree?

If yes, what do you think are the factors which affect the honesty or a person?
Formative Test
Create a creative tagline on the statement ‘Honesty is the best policy’.

E.Q: How important is creativity in creating a tagline?
Week 3 UT No. 2

Week 3 C.Ancient World EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 2 Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
Identifying the tone, mode, technique, (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
tone, and the purpose of the author The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
 Determine tone, mode, technique, E.Q: How do tone, mode and techniques contribute to the effectiveness of a
and purpose of the author literary piece?
 Present and defend proposals
and reports using the summarized and
gathered information LET’S PLAY BINGO!
I. Complete the table below.
Values Focus The leader of the 2.The mother of 3.The supreme 4.Wife of Zues,
Titans, father of the gods, wife of god, ruler of the queen of the
 To develop the value of trust Zeus Cronus, and the sky, has a power gods and
goddess of over the rain, protector of
Instructional Materials: fertility thunder and marriage
Printed Materials lightning
(Narratives) 5.The goddess 6.The god of 7.The god of war 8.The wife of
Table of love and poetry and music Hades
References: beauty
Journal Citation: 9.The god of 10.The god of 11.The goddess 12. The goddess
Atkinson, Michael. "Pretty in Ink: love the sea of earth and of wisdom and
agriculture battle
Conformity, Resistance, and Negotiation

in Women's Tattooing." Sex Roles 47 FIRM UP (10 minutes)

Initial Questions:
(2008): 219-35. Academic Search 1.What is tone?
2.What is mode?
Premier. Web. 8 Sept. 2008. 3.What are the common literary techniques found in various literary pieces?

The teacher processes students’ answers. The teacher adds information.

DEEPEN (30 minutes)
The students will be grouped into 3 according to interests.
Each group is assigned to a certain story to read and understand.

Story Reading and Brainstorming

The narratives are taken from mythology.
1.The Earliest Heroes
2.Cupid and Psyche
3.Pyramus and Thisbe

Complete the table using complete sentences. 1-2

Title Tone Mod Techniqu Purpose of How is trust inculcated Message
e e the Author in the story?

s and

After 10 minutes of answering, each group has to post the cartolina on the
board, and they will discuss their answers. The teacher or the class may have
follow up questions to be answered by the group or the teacher.

Formative Test (10 minutes)

Identify the tone, mode, technique and the purpose of the author in this literary
text, ‘Galatea and Acis’.

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q:How do tone, mode and techniques contribute to the effectiveness of a
literary piece?

Research and review on noun, adjective, and adverb clauses.
Start writing the script for your PETA.
Week 3 Noun, adjective and adverb clauses EXPLORE (5 minutes) .
Day 3  Expand sentences using noun, Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
adjective, and adverb clauses (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
 Express ideas and views E.Q: How do clauses function for effective communication?
creatively through the use of noun,
adjective, and adverbs clauses The teacher presents a video clip showing teamwork and cooperation.(Building
Competency: The Turtle and The Rabbit)
Values Focus Process Questions:
 To develop the value of teamwork 1.What part of the video is striking?
and cooperation 2.What is its message?

Instructional Materials: FIRM UP (10 minutes)

LCD TV The teacher will divide the class into three groups; Noun Clause and its
Books functions, Adjective Clause and its functions, and Adverb Clause and its
Activity Sheets functions. Each group is given cartolina and a marker. Each construct 3
sentences about the content of the video.
References: The teacher processes the answer of the students.
Ancheta,Lira R., et al.
Grammar and Writing DEEPEN (40 minutes)
Workbook. Araneta Avenue The students will be given a pretest. If a student fails, he or she stays in the
Quezon City:Vibal Publishing REVIEW CENTER with notes and teacher’s guidance. Meanwhile, for the
House,Inc. 2012.Print students who pass, they can proceed to LEVEL 1 and so on and so forth.

I.Underline the clause in the following sentences. Then, identify its function. (S
= subject, PN = predicate nominative, DO = direct object, IO = indirect object,
OP = object of the preposition).

1.What he said is of no importance to me.

2.The turtle and the rabbit are what we need to follow.
3.I do not know if I can do the same thing.
4.It is strongly rumored that some young people these days are not
hardworking as the turtle.
5.My teacher said that some young people can be persistent if they are well
guided by the adults.
The teacher provides notes per group so they would be able to have a clearer
understanding of the lesson. The teacher also entertains students’ answers.
She presents the topic through a PPT for clarification.


Level 1
Directions: Underline the noun clause in each of the following sentences.
On the line before each sentence, identify how the clause is being used in the
sentence. (S = subject, PN = predicate nominative, DO = direct object, IO =
indirect object, OP = object of the preposition).

1. _____ I said that I would try my best to help my group mates.

2. _____ The students were given an award for what they had

3. _____ That it will not clear before morning seems evident.

4. _____ Whoever works hard earns much.

5. _____ The teacher awards whomever excels in her class.

Construct sentences with a noun clause following the pattern in each item.
Level 2

Directions: Underline the noun clause in each of the following sentences.

On the line before each sentence, identify how the clause is being used in the
sentence, and explain with a noun clause. (S = subject, PN = predicate
nominative, DO = direct object, IO = indirect object, OP = object of the

1. _____ It is true that I am one of most active in the class.


2. _____ Whoever finds the answer will be given 5 Avengers tickets.


3. _____ My mom and dad got quite disappointed for what I did yesterday.

4. _____ Whatever I do makes my parents proud.


5. _____ I’ll follow whatever the teacher does because she is my idol.
Formative Test
Level 3
Directions: Write 10 sentences that meet the following criteria.
2with a noun clause as a subject
2 with a noun clause as a predicate nominative
2 with a noun clause as a direct object
2with a noun clause as an indirect object
2with a noun clause as the object of the preposition

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: How do clauses function for effective communication?

Start working on your materials for the living museum. As much as possible,
you should not spend money for it. Be resourceful
Week 3  Expand sentences using Continuation of the noun clauses
Day 4 adjective and adverb clauses Process Questions:
1.How are adjective and adverb clauses similar to and different from noun
Each pair is given notes and sample adverb and adjective clauses.
An adverb (adverbial clause) is a dependent clause used as an adverb within a
sentence. Before doing this exercise, you may find it helpful to review the study
sheet Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses.(provided by the teacher)

A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and a dependent

clause. Example: The television was playing (independent clause which can
stand alone and make sense) as I left the room (dependent clause which must
be attached to the independent clause to make sense. There are three kinds of
dependent clauses: adjective, adverb clause and noun clause.

The adjective clause is used to modify a noun or a pronoun. It will begin with a
relative pronoun (who, whose, whom, which and that) or a subordinate
conjunction (when and where). Those are the only the words that can be used
to introduce an adjective clause. The introductory word will always rename the
word that it follows and modifies except when used with a preposition which will
come between the introductory word and the word it renames. Examples: The
student whose hand was up gave the wrong answer. Whose hand was up is
the adjective clause with those, the relative pronoun, renaming and modifying
student. Jane is a person in whom I can place my confidence. In whom I can
place my confidence is the adjective clause with whom, the relative pronoun,
with the preposition in between it and person, the word that whom renames
and modifies.
I. Underline the adverb clause in the following sentence.

1. Please wipe your feet before you enter the room.

2. The nurse will inform us after the tests are completed.
3. Movies are more realistic than they used to be.
4. Sara quit because she found a better job with another agency.
5. The stranger offered to help when he saw the accident.
6. If a tornado approaches, you can take shelter in the basement.
7. Although Congress passed the bill, the President vetoed it.
8. The astronomers waited until the sky was completely dark.
9. When the roller coaster plunged over the top, everyone screamed.
10. Because three members were absent, the meeting was canceled.

II. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Write the word it modifies
at the end of each sentence.
1. The girl who won the first prize is my niece.
2. The forest through which we travelled was dark and gloomy.
3. My sister who lives in Mexico is a nurse.
4. This is the same house that Tennyson occupied.
5. This is the same old story that we have been hearing since our childhood.
6. He has a brilliant son who is certain to bring credit to his family.
7. All that glitters is not gold.
8. He that is down fears no fall.
9. The plan (that) I proposed was rejected.
10. This is the reason why he does not want to come here.

Formative Test (20 minutes)

Construct 3 sentences with adverb clause and 3 sentences with adjective

Closure (5 minutes)
How do clauses function for effective communication?

Week 4 UT No. 3
Day 1
Week 4  Identify word meaning through EXPLORE (5 minutes)
Day 2 context clues Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
(one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
Values Focus The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
 To develop the values of effective

Instructional Materials: News Scavenger Hunt

Newspaper The students are asked to look for the difficult words and write the meanings.
Article Current Events about the use of internet. (
Activity Sheets using-social-media-affects-teenagers/)

References: FIRM UP (5 minutes)

[Online] available Initiating Questions:
social-media-affects-teenagers/> 1.Who has accounts in FB, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks?
2.How do you use your account?
3.How do you communicate using your accounts?
4.What is effective communication?
5.In our, news story, most of the words used are difficult. How did you
understand the story?
5.What technique did you use?

The teacher gives a pretest to identify the level of each student.

Deepen (40 minutes)

I. Answer the activities. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. The lithe girl was successful in the basketball try outs unfortunately the
chubby girl was unsuccessful.
A. sick
B. lean
C. tall
2. The principal encouraged the students to economise their weekly
allowances rather than wasting it on junk food.
A. spend
B. invest
C. save
3. The lamb was very feeble whereas the lion was very strong.
A. weak
B. small
C. tall
4. Nelson Mandela finally received his freedom after spending several
A. Martinique
B. prison
C. a hospital
5. The dectecive ruled that Kaycee's death was unintentional.
A. misunderstood
B. deliberate
C. accidental
7.The man who lives next door spoke brusquely to the young children, unlike
his wife who is always polite.

In this sentence, the word brusquely means

A.gruffly or impolitely
8.Although the cabinet was ligneous, it wasn't made with real wood.
In this sentence, the word ligneous means

9.Ashley stared at the newest style of jeans in the catalog. She just had to
have them. Her birthday money was not quite enough to cover the expense.
Although she didn't want to grovel, she decided to plead with her parents for
the money to buy them.
In this sentence, the word grovel means
10.Bobby thinks it's funny to tantalize Sally, such as making fun of her curly
hair, but it only makes the other kids mad at him.
In this sentence, the word tantalize means

B.tease to

11.The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left
In this sentence, the word annihilated means

12.Famous conquistadors include Cortes, who conquered Aztec Mexico and
Pizarro, who conquered Inca Peru.
In this sentence, the word conquistadors means

13.I know that Jeff is smart, so I was confused when he did such a vacuous
thing as to jump off the roof of our house.
In this sentence, the word vacuous means
14.The new speaker from the health clinic was so inarticulate that all of us
left the auditorium wondering what the message was.
In this sentence, the word inarticulate means

C.full of anger
D.unclearly spoken
15.The departing president of the organization gave his valediction. When he
was through, he welcomed the new president to the podium.
In this sentence, the word valediction means
16.Terry was obstinate; she was being stubborn and refused to see any
movie other than the one she wanted.
In this sentence, the word obstinate means

B.easily gives in
17.The eccentric old woman lived in a house that was anything but normal.
In this sentence, the word eccentric means
A.odd or bizarre
18.The giant ice cream sundae was so scrumptious that I ate the entire thing.
In this sentence, the word scrumptious means

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: Why is it important to be skilled at identifying context clues?

Do an online campaign about the responsible use of media.

You can have it through a picture/cartoon or just mere statement. Make use of
context clues.

Week 4  Identify the features of persuasive EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 3 texts Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
 Use patterns and techniques of (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
developing a persuasive claim The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
E.Q: Why is it important to identify the features of a persuasive text?
Values Focus The teacher shows 3 advertisements.
 To develop the values of critical Process Questions:
thinking 1.What is the main objective of these advertisements?
2.What are the factors you consider when you buy a product?
Instructional Materials: 3.Do you think twice when you buy a product?
Laptop 4.What values do we need if we choose on what product to buy and use?
LCD TV FIRM UP (10 minutes)
Books Reading of a sample persuasive text. (
A copy of a persuasive text Negative-Effect-of-Social-Media-on-F3F63RZVC)
Process Questions:
1.What is the text all about?
2.What is the purpose of the text?
[Online] available 3.What does the author tell the readers?
< 4.Why is it important to be critical thinkers?
< DEEPEN (30 minutes)
Negative-Effect-of-Social-Media-on- Group of 6
F3F63RZVC> The teacher gives another 2 persuasive texts .
Then, the students make a generalization.
What makes the text persuasive?
What are the features and techniques of a persuasive text?
The teacher gives a handout for the students to read.

Formative Test
Text: Why You Should Not Eat Fast Food
1.Identify the techniques used by the author to persuade his or her readers.

Closure (5 minutes)

Why is it important to know the features of a persuasive text?

By pair, write a persuasive text hitting the value of critical thinking.
Week 4  Identify the features of public EXPLORE (5 minutes)
Day 4 speaking Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
 Interpret and employ the (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
techniques and ethics of public speaking The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.

Values Focus E.Q: Why is it important to identify the features of public speaking?
 To develop the values of courage
The teacher presents a video of a person doing a public speaking. (World
Instructional Materials: Champion Public Speaking Darren Tay)
Video Clip Initiating Questions:
LCD TV 1.What do you think make the guy win as 2016 Public Speaking World
Books Champion?
Chart 2.What does he have?
Handouts 3.What did he incorporate in his speech?

References: FIRM UP (10 minutes)

[Online] available The teacher solicits students’ answers. Their answers will be compared to the
< 5 Basic Tips of Public Speaking that will be shown through a video.
Gj6gSPX8> DEEPEN (40 minutes)
The teacher provides handouts about public speaking and processes it with
some tips in a PPT.

The teacher gets a bottle of sayings that will be elaborated by the students.
Each picks a paper with a saying. Then, the students are given enough time to
organize their thoughts and practice how they will deliver it.

Perform a public speaking.
Choose a statement and explain in front of the class.
Grammar and Mechanics:4

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: Why is it important to identify the features of public speaking?

Start memorizing your lines for your PETA.
Week 5 Arabic Literature EXPLORE (5 minutes)
Day 1 Identifying Explicit and Implicit Ideas in Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
a literary text (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
 Identify explicit and implicit ideas The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
EQ: Why is it important to identify implicit ideas in a specific form of
Values focus communication?
 To develop the values of
truthfulness and loyalty The teacher uses listening for details. (ISSUE on MIGRATION)
Five W’s about the story.
Materials: The issues are processed by the teacher.
Cassette Player
Speaker Process Questions:
Books 1.What is the video about?
I Learned Statement 2.What is the implicit message in the video?
References: The teacher provides a PPT presentation about explicit and implicit ideas.
[Online] available The students read ‘El Cid’ and answers the following questions.
< Explicit
2699/what-is-the-different-between- 1.Who is the main character in the story?
explicit-and-implicit-activity-call-in- 2.To whom did El Cid entrust his family and servants?
android> 3. What effect did the voluntary giving up of home, family, and property by his
sympathizers have?
4.What virtues of El Cid maybe inferred from the excerpt? Support your
4.What traits does a person have when he or she is able to hold such loyalty
of the people?
5.Have you read of any person in literature who commanded such a
Describe him or her.
6.Is there any person in your community who may be equal to El Cid in
popularity? On what is his/her popularity based?
“I learned” Statement

I learned that I… I discovered that I… I realized that I

Closure ( 5 minutes)
EQ: Why is it important to identify implicit ideas in a specific form of

Week 5 Research Paper EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 2  Identify the parts and features of Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
a research paper (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
 Understand research paper, EQ: Why do we need to do research?
sources of information, structure and
A video of a latest research about technology (unbelievable recent discoveries)
Values Focus Initiating Questions:
 To develop the values of 1.What is the significance of these discoveries?
openness 2.How do they come up with these findings?
3.What are the parts and features of a research paper?
Instructional References:
Laptop FIRM UP (10 minutes)
Video Clip The teacher provides handouts to the students.
LCD TV 1.Title
Books 2.Abstract
References: 4.Methods/Procedure
[Online] available 5.Results
< 6.Discussion/Conclusion
tml> 7.Bibliography
This will be discussed further through a PPT.

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

Library Work
The teacher groups the students by three. Then, they will research of a recent
discovery. Topic should be connected to their future strand as they become
senior high school students.

Sharing of topics

Formative (5 minutes)
Explain the content of the following in 1-2 sentences.

EQ:Why do we need to do research?

Week 5 Research Paper EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 3  Differentiate a footnote from a Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
bibliography (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
 Write a footnote and bibliography The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
in a research paper
Values Focus E.Q: Why is it important to acknowledge different sources?
 To develop the values of respect
and integrity Initiating Question:

Instructional Materials: 1.What do we develop in us if we respect or acknowledge the work of others?

Laptop, books, newspapers, journals
and magazines
The teacher will give one source written in a footnote and a bibliographic form.
References: (PPT)
[Online] available
< FIRM UP (10 minutes)
tml> The teacher will be giving an activity about footnotes and bibliographies.
The teacher shows sample footnotes and bibliographies. The, the students

DEEPEN (30 minutes)

Through the examples given, the students will come up with the formula of a
footnote and a bibliography.
The teacher again will regroup the class into 6. She will give a newspaper and
a magazine to each group. Make their own samples following the formula.
Samples are written on a one whole sheet of paper.

Formative (10 minutes)

The students would go back to their research work and write footnotes and
bibliography.(short bond paper)

E.Q: Why is it important to acknowledge different sources?

Week 5 UT No. 4
Day 4

Week 6 Position Paper EXPLORE (5 minutes)

Day 1  Identify the features of a position Classroom Routine (5 minutes)
paper (one-minute silence, spontaneous prayer, recapitulation of the previous lesson)
 Write a position paper The teacher presents the learning objectives and EQ.
E.Q: Why write a position paper?

Values Focus The teacher presents a documentary video of EJK.

 To develop the value of life Process Questions:
1.What would you do if you were a member of the family?
Instructional Materials: 2.How would you seek for justice?
Video Clip Students are asked to write their ways on the Wall of Justice pasted on the
LCD TV board.
A Sample Position Paper
[Online] available If I were the husband, I would seek for JUSTICE by…..

FIRM UP (15 minutes)

The students are shown bible verses that contradict some of the ideas written
on the wall.

Matthew 5:21 ESV / 230 helpful votes

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and
whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’

Exodus 23:7 ESV / 148 helpful votes

Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I
will not acquit the wicked.

Exodus 20:13 ESV / 127 helpful votes

“You shall not murder.

Process Questions:

1.As BMH what is your stance on DEATH PENALTY?

2.Why is it relevant to take a stance?

The teacher groups the students into 6.

A sample position paper and a handout are given to the students.

Identify the features of a position paper.

2.Thesis Statement

Closure (5 minutes)
E.Q: Why write a position paper?

Transfer (Scaffolding)
Choose a current issue (SOCIAL ISSUE), and write a position paper.(Five
Student 1 Leader
Student 2 Assistant Leader
Student 3 Secretary
Student 4 and 5 Researchers

Week 6  Interpret and employ the PETA PRACTICE IN THE CLASSROOM

Day 2 techniques and ethics of public
 Show appreciation for songs,
poems and other literary texts
 Present gathered and
summarized information through
a living museum
 Develop love for literature

Day 3
Day 4
Living Museum Presentation Rubric

Category 4 3 2 1
Content Provides clear purpose and Provides clear purpose and Some important concepts are Most important concepts are
subject; important examples and subject; important examples but missing. missing.
significance of the presentation less significance of the
Speech Clearly focused: good detail Well-prepared; more rehearsal Some lines are forgotten. Most lines are forgotten.
Clearly heard and understood needed
Remained character
Costume Eye-catching Attractive-some detail Some of the costumes are Most inappropriate
Excellent detail inappropriate
Props Relevant and used in the Some details are lacking Most details are lacking. Props are somewhat irrelevant and
presentation lacking.
Added to the believability of the
character and attractiveness of the
Research Organized and of presentation Some important information are more research needed Incomplete, or not for public
quality. Complete lacking. presentation

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