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Journal which title Homonymy found in Trifles Drama Script; Semantic Analysis,
is analysing homonymy which found in Drama Script. The objective of this journal
is analyse the type of homonymy found in Trifles drama Script, This journal is
also analysing to be describe homonymy in Trifles Drama Script. Homonymy
proposed by Charles W. Kreidler 2018. The method of this study is qualitative
descriptive. The data of research is Trifles Drama Script. From the analysis, it is
found that are 11 pairs of datas. In homography there are 45,5% of data and
homophones there are 54,5% of data.

So, in Trifles Drama Script Homophones is more dominant than Homographs

because homophones is the same pronunciation which has different meaning
while homographs is the same spelling but has different meaning which based on
Trifles Drama Script is not much found. The use of Homophones usually much
found in the writing such us Drama, Novel, Prose, until in speaking. The object of
this study is Drama Script that is Homophones is more dominant.

Keywords: Homonymy, Homophones, Homographs, Trifles, Drama Script



Homonymy comes from the Latin word “Homo” meaning the same and
“Nomos” means name. Homonymy are two or more lexeme of the same shape
and sound, but have different meanings (Marmanto, sukardi, sumarlam, 2018).
According to Ginting Sabrina, Homonymy comes from Greek, homos and omona.
The word respectively means ‘similar’ or ‘equal’ and ‘name’. In linguistics, this
term is defined as the word as the shapes and manner of pronunciation are the
same, but have different meaning. Homonymy is different words that happen to
sound the same. Homonymy is the two senses are unrelated; that is, the semantic
relationship between the two senses is similar to that between any two words
selected at random (Paul, 2019). From those definitions, homonymy consists of
two words. It has similar word but the meaning is not the same or it has the same
meaning but the spelling is not the same. Homonymy also studied in semantic
relation which words have relation or unrelated.

In language, homonymy can still be differentiated over homographs and

homophones, because the similarity of forms can be seen from the spelling or
speech. If the same is ‘pronunciation’ it is called homophone, but if the same is
‘spelling’ then it is called homographs. Those are the types of homonymy
(Ginting,2018). According to kreidler, homographs are two words that have
different pronunciations but the same spelling. This, we can summarize that
homograph is the same spelling – different category while homophones is
different spelling – same category.

The writer analysing homonymy because the writer saw any kinds of
homonymy in this Trifles drama script. Those kinds of homonymy often lead to
misunderstanding in writing or in communication. People are confused to
differentiate or analyse those kinds of homonymy. It is difficult to distinguish
those are, which words contain kinds of homonymy because homonymy consists
of homographs and homophones.

Not only how hard to differentiate both of homophones and homographs

but both of them are important to know. As according to Saeed, There is
traditional distinction made in lexicology between homonymy and polysemy.
Both deal with multiple senses of the same phonological word, but polysemy is
invoked if the senses are judged to be related. This is an important distinction for
lexicographers in the design of their dictionaries.

Many objects can be used to analyse kinds homonymy such as; magazine,
newspaper, novels, movie script, song lyric, and so on. In this case, the writer is
interested to make research about homonymy, to find kinds of homonymy which
contained in Trifles drama script. The writer chooses Trifles drama script as the
object because there are many words that are somewhat confusing and likely to
have different kind of homonymy which makes confused. Furthermore, the writer
think about it, whether it is homonymy or not.

Trifles drama script is mystery drama which has unique story. It shows
many social education for us such us; patient, careful, honest and so on. This
story tells about feminism which describe in how challenging way to have queer
husband. In this drama script, sometimes there are words which difficult to
understand, while it provides more than one meaning in one word. It makes the
writer curious to looking about kinds of homonymy in this drama script. The
writer also wants to describe how homonymy realized in Trifles drama script.
Thus, the writer can see how the description and quantity of kinds of homonymy
found in Trifles drama script.

In Trifles drama script, the writers are sometimes finding some words
which we do not understand the meaning. The word also can be have more than
one meaning or the same word but different meaning in drama script or in writing.

For example from Trifles drama script; the word “Wright” and “Right”,
those words are perfectly have the same pronunciation but those word have each
meaning. “Wright” refers to the name of person which is the main characters in
the Trifles drama script, while the word “Right” refers to the acceptable activity or
morally good activity.

The writer is more interested in choosing Trifles drama script because the
writer has already read this drama script which has difficult to understand. It
makes the writer really want to find out the word which has different meaning that
will makes misunderstanding the reader. Then, this Trifles drama script contains
values and morals in the real life, especially in family life or relationship between
wife and husband. Besides it, this drama script is challenging to be study because
many moral values can be learned.


2.1 Semantics
Semantics is the study of meaning of linguistics. Semantics is also the
study of expression in linguistics’ means. Semantic word comes from Greek
language, sema is symbol, or symbolize. It can be noun and verb which means
to mark. Studying semantics makes people more understand the word
including the meaning of that word because one word is possible to have one
meaning. In other hand, studying semantic makes us easier to identify the
word. It means, the more practice the more carefully to analysing the word
including the meaning and expression.
Saaed (2009:3) defined semantics as “The study of meaning of words and
sentences” while according to Lyons (1985:3) “Semantics is traditionally
defined as the study of meaning; and this is the definition which we shall
initially adopt”. Then, according to Palmer (1981:1) “Semantics is the
technical term used to refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is part
of language, semantics is a linguistic”.
Based on those definitions, people agree with those definitions that
semantic is the study of meaning. There are three basic term of semantics,
meaning, sense, and reference.

2.2 Meaning relation

Meaning relation is called as sense relation or semantic relations. Both of
them are the same. According to Saeed, “There are a number of different types
of lexical relations such as homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, antonymy,
hyponymy, meronymy, member-collection, and portion mass”.

2.3 Homonymy
According to Saeed (2009:63) “Homonyms are unrelated sense of the
same phonological word” but this definition is somewhat different from the
definition of Matthews (1997: 164) which calls homonymy as a relationship
between words of the same shape but different meaning and can’t be
connected. Palmer (1976: 67) states that “Homonymy is when there are
several words with same shape” Homonymy includes the relation between the
word pronunciation and the same form but the meaning is unrelated.
Based on the definition, the writer’s argue that homonymy is the word that
has same pronunciation and the same form, but the meaning is unrelated. For
1. Bank means the place to serve the money
2. Bank means riverside

2.4 Types of Homonymy

Homonymy has two crucial deeply types, same spelling – different
category or called as homograph and same category – different spelling or
called homophones.
The writer is using formula of Nawawi to answer the dominant
type between homophones and homograph. Then, it will be calculate to
percentage of homophones and homograph that realize in Trifles drama
script. The formula is xyx100% = N
a. Homograph ( same spelling – different category)
Example : verb keep and the noun keep
1. We handled together to keep warm.
2. It‘s about time you got a job to earn your keep.
The word keep in the first sentence has a meaning to stay in
a particular condition or position, and the word keep in the
second meaning has a sense as food, clothes, and all the other
things that a person needs to live.
b. Homophone ( different spelling – same category)
Example : right and wright
1. Down right is a door leading to the parlor.
2. I spoke to Wright about it.
The word right in the first sentence has a meaning to low
down the door carefully and the word wright in the second
sentence has a meaning of the person’s name which is Mrs.
Wright the wife of Mr. Wright.

2.5 How to distinguish both homograph and homophone

To easier distinguish both, first deeply understand the name of
both. Homophones comes from homo means same phones means sound.
It can conclude, the same sound but the spelling is different and also the
meaning also different. While, homographs comes from homo means
same and graphs means writing. It means those words are the same
spelling in writing but different sound and also different meaning.

2.6 Drama script

Drama comes from Greek Word, ‘Dran’ means to do or to act. It means
drama is doing or acting something to be Drama. According to Mildorf and
Lethbridge, drama is when one deals with dramatic texts one has to bear in
mind that drama differs considerably from poetry or narrative in that it is
usually written for the purpose of being performed on stage.

2.7 Theoretical basis

Using Charles W. Kreidler’s study on his book by the title
Introducing English Semantics to identifying the types of
homonymy found in Trifles drama script. It has two types of
homonymy which are homophones and homographs.
In connection between homographs and homophones, the writer
is using Nawawi’s formula to calculate percentage of homophones
and homographs that realized in Trifles drama script. The formula
/y x 100 = N

2.8 Relevant Studiy

Sabrina BR Ginting (2018) “Homonymy and Polysemy Found in Toy
Story Movie Script: A Semantic Analysis”. The purpose of this researcher is
to analyse the types of homonymy and polysemy found in Toy Story movie
script and to describe homonymy and polysemy that realized in Toy Story
movie script. Homonymy proposed by John Saeed (2009) and polysemy
proposed by Apresjan J.D (1974). The method of this study is qualitative
Sofianah Anah (2013) “Homonymy Dan Polisemy pada Novel Harry
Potter DanThe Prosoner Of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling: Kajian Semantik”.
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyse the homonymy and
polysemy in the novel "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Karya J.K.
Rowling", the meaning contained in homonymy and polysemy, then
identifying which use is dominant between homonymy or polysemy contained
in the novel" Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Karya J.K. Rowling ".
The method used in writing this thesis is a descriptive method in which the
steps are collecting data by identifying sentences containing homonymy and
Mochamad Ighfir SUkardi, Sumarlam, and Sri Marmanto (2018)
“Deviation of Meaning with Homonymy as an Effort to Build Humor in
Meme: Semantic Study”. The purpose of this study is describe the use of
homonymy and describe a pattern of diations of meaning that utiltze
homonymy in meme. The researcher is using methodology of simak and
technique of notes to collecting the data. This study is descriptive – qualitative


3.1 Research Design

Research method is an effort of doing done to solve the problem by using
systematic process or methodology. Research happens because there are some
problems which have to solve the problem needed to do research in order to
get correct way. The research may be done because the searcher’ curiosity.
In this study, the searcher’s using qualitative descriptive methodology to
solve the problem. Qualitative descriptive is used as a method of research
because the result of this study is intended to describe Homonymy including
homophones and homograph found in Trifles drama script.
Research design is plan and the procedures for research to detailed
methods of data collection and analysis ( Creswell, 2009). Moreover, Creswell
(2007: 37) state that qualitative research begins with assumption, a worldview,
the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study during of research
problems inquiring into the meaning individuals of groups to a social human
problem, builds a complex, holistic, picture, analyses words, reports detailed
views of informants, and conducts the study in a natural setting. Then, the
qualitative research aims to understand the linguistic phenomena in study. It
focuses on the designation of meaning, clarification, placement of data.
In this study, the writer chooses descriptive qualitative method because the
aim of this study is to describe the phenomena of semantics study; especially
in relation of meaning, there are homophones and homographs. The research
is accomplished by finding and collecting the words which contain homonymy
in Trifles drama script. Then, it will be classifying the words which is contain
homophones and homographs that will be analysing the data, making table to
be easier understanding, and making the conclusions.
3.2 Data and data sources
The data of this study were all of words in sentences which contain
Homonymy including homophones and homograph found in trifles drama
script. The source of data in this study is Trifles drama script, and it is
retrieved from the lecturer of drama in Uin Maulana Maling Ibrahim Malang.
It also can be found on this link below ;

3.3 Data collection process

Data collection according to Mahsun (2007: 32) is the stage of providing
or collecting data related to providing activities and the availability of data.
Technique can be questionnaire, interview, observation, documentation, and
so on. In this study the writer used the method of documentation to collecting
the data. Data documentation can be in the form of writing, picture, and
The writer used documentation method is intended to obtain data directly
from the research including relevant books, studying, and relevant research of
data. Then, the writer used the method of simak and technique of note. It
provides many word that will be analyses in this study by using this technique.
First, using method of simak means read carefully or analysis intently to
collect the data which are the words or sentences. Then, using technique of
notes to makes easier marked the words or sentences which are going to be
analysis in this study.

3.4 Data Analysis

Based on the writer definition contained to answers all the problems of the
study, the steps are;
a. Collecting the data by identifying homonymy including homograph
and homophones.
b. Grouping those words in to two tables. It means that it has two types or
c. Analysing data based on those types.
d. Using dictionary to makes easier to understand the meaning.
e. Calculating the data to find the dominant kind of homonymy found in
trifles drama script by using the source of data by Nawawi’s formula

yx 100% = N

x ; the number of homophones or homograph

y ; the number of all data.
N ; the percentage of homophones and homographs

Then, we can conclude from the final data of percentage what the
most dominant in this Trifles Drama Script by seeing the bigger
number of percentage in using formula of Nawawi.
Chapter IV

Analysis and Finding

1. Data analysis
In this study, the writer is collecting the data to the theory. The data was
taken from Trifles drama script. Some words or sentences which contain
homonymy including homographs and homophones that found in Trifles
drama script are the data of this study. There are 12 pages in Trifles drama
script. The method used in writing this thesis is a descriptive analysis method
to analysing the data.
This study contains of finding and discussion to support data analysis.
First, finding the data is using tables to make easier analysing the data.
Second, giving discussion is about the finding. Homonymy theory proposed
Charles W. Kreidler is used in analysing data including homophones and
homographs. Using Dictionary to makes easier understand the meaning such
as; oxford dictionary, cambridge dictionary, and so on.

2. Types of Homonymy found in Trifles Drama Script

According to Charles W. Kreidler;
2.1. Homographs
There are 4 pairs data of this type Same Category – Same Spelling
(Homographs) that found in Trifles drama script.
1. (a) We left in such a hurry yesterday. (page 983)
(b) at the left of the table. (page 985)


(a) Left /lɛft/ : Refers to moving away from someone/something

(b) Left /lɛft/ : Has the meaning “kiri”

The word left in the first and second sentence above included in

Homonymy which is types of homography, because the word left comes from

more than one entry word, whose form and pronunciation are the same but

have different meaning. The word left in the first sentence has the meaning

refers to moving away from someone or something „meninggalkan‟ or

past tense of the verb

‗leave‘, while the word left in the second sentence has the meaning „kiri‟

As the meaning of homonymy is derived from different words but

the form and pronunciation are the same but the meaning contained is

unrelated or different. That‘s why these words included in homography.

2 . (a) I don’t like this place. (page 986)

(b) Looks like something somebody would give you. (page 987)

(a) Like /laɪk/ : The things that someone likes or doesn't like.
(b) Like /laɪk/ :Having the same characteristics or qualities as;
similar to.


The word like in the first and second sentence above included in

Homonymy which is types of homography, because the word like comes

from more than one entry word, whose form and pronunciation are the same

but have different meaning. The word like in the first sentence has the

meaning refers to The things that someone likes or doesn't like. „suka‟,

while the word like in the second sentence has the meaning „seperti‟

As the meaning of homonymy is derived from different words but

the form and pronunciation are the same but the meaning contained is

unrelated or different. That‘s why these words included in homography.

3. (a) I remember the afternoon i put up my cherries last summer (page 983)
(b) When it dropped belo zero last night I thought I’d better send Frank out
this morning to make a fire for us. (page 979)


(a) Last /lɑːst/ : Things that have happened, past things.

(b) Last /lɑːst/ : at the latest time in the day.


The word like in the first and second sentence above included in

Homonymy which is types of homography, because the word last comes

from more than one entry word, whose form and pronunciation are the same

but have different meaning. The word last in the first sentence has the

meaning refers to Things that have happened „lalu‟, while the word last in

the second sentence has the meaning „tadi‟

As the meaning of homonymy is derived from different words but

the form and pronunciation are the same but the meaning contained is

unrelated or different. That‘s why these words included in homography.

4. (a) We’ll be right out, Mr. Hale. (page 989)

(b) Down right is a door leading to the parlor. (page 979)


(a) Right /raɪt/ : used for emphasis.

(b) Right /raɪt/ : the better or usable side of something.

The word right in the first and second sentence above included in

Homonymy which is types of homography, because the word right comes

from more than one entry word, whose form and pronunciation are the same

but have different meaning. The word right in the first sentence is used for

emphasis „segera‟, while the word right in the second sentence has the

meaning the better or usable side of something „kanan‟.

As the meaning of homonymy is derived from different words but

the form and pronunciation are the same but the meaning contained is
unrelated or different. That‘s why these words included in homography.
5. (a) One – half of which is clean

(b) The other half messy

(a) Half / ha:f/ : one or two equal part.
(b) Half /ha:f/ : to the extent of half.

The word half in the first sentence has the meaning ‘setengah’ and
the second sentence the word half has the meaning is not well planned
which the half is messy.

2.2. Homophones
There are 6 pairs data of this type Same Category – Different Spelling
(Homophones) that found in Trifles drama script.
1. (a) Well, I don’t know as Wright had,either. (page 982)

(b) Down right is a door leading to the parlor. (page 989)

(c) Wright /raɪt/ : refers to the name of someone.
(d) Right /raɪt/ : refers to the direction of leading to the place

The word Wright in the first sentence has the meaning refers to the
name of someone „nama orang‟ and the second sentence the word right
has the meaning refers to the direction of leading to the place „kanan‟.
Both of the words have different meaning, but pronunciation or category is
same. The word Wright and right have the same pronunciation or sound but
spelling is different, that‘s why both of the words included in same
category-different spelling or homophone.

2. (a) Between these two doors is an old-fashioned black iron stove. (page 979)
(b) I suppose you were friends, too. (page 982)
(c) How did she seem to feel about your coming? (page 980)


(a) Two /tuː/ : refers to the number of doors.

(b) Too /tuː/ : as an addition.
(c) To /tuː/ : as a preposition used after some verbs.


The word two in the first sentence has the meaning refers to the number of
doors „angka‟, the second sentence the word too has the meaning as an addition
„juga‟, and the third sentece the word to has the meaning as a preposition used
after some verbs ,,untuk‟. These three words have different meaning, but
pronunciation or category is same. The word two, too and to have the same
pronunciation or sound but spelling is different, that‘s why these three words
included in same category-different spelling or homophone.

3. (a) All the rest of it has been so nice and even. (page 985)
(b) I sometimes sew awful queer when I’m just tired. (page 985)


(a) So /soʊ/ : refers to such a great extent.

(b) Sew /soʊ/ : refers to join together pieces of something.

The word so in the first sentence has the meaning refers to such a great
extent „sangat‟, the second sentence the word sew has the meaning refers
to join together pieces of something „jahit‟. Both of the words have different
meaning, but pronunciation or category is same. The word so and sew have the
same pronunciation or sound but spelling is different, that‘s why both of the
words included in same category-different spelling or homophone.

4. (a) No, I don’t mean anything. (page 982)

(b) Oh, I don’t know. (page 984)


(a) No /noʊ/ : refers to give a negative response.

(b) Know /noʊ/ : refers to have information in your mind.


The word no in the first sentence has the meaning refers to give a negative
response „tidak‟, the second sentence the word know has the meaning refers to
have information in your mind „tahu‟. Both of the words have different meaning,
but pronunciation or category is same. The word no and know have the same
pronunciation or sound but spelling is different, that‘s why both of the words
included in same category-different spelling or homophone.

5. (a) There was a gun in the house. (page 984)

(b) Of course they’ve got awful important things on their minds. (page 985)
(c) They’re superstitious, you know. (page 987)


(a) There /ðer/ : refers to introduce the subject of a sentence.

(b) Their /ðer/ : refers to one person in order to avoid saying "his or her".
(c) They’re /ðer/ : short form of they are.

The word there in the first sentence has the meaning refers
to introduce the subject of a sentence „ada‟, the second sentence the
word their has the meaning refers to
one person in order to avoid saying "his or her" „milik mereka‟, and
the third sentece the word they’re has the meaning short form of they
are. ,,mereka‟. These three words have different meaning, but
pronunciation or category is same. The word there, their and they’re
have the same pronunciation or sound but spelling is different, that‘s
why these three words included in same category-different spelling or

6. (a) I wonder where I can find a piece of paper, and string. (page 985)
(b) …, and all he asked was peace and quiet. (page 980)


(a) Piece /piːs/ : refers to the part of paper.

(b) Peace /piːs/ : refers to the state of not being interrupted or
annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions.
The word piece in the first sentence has the meaning refers to
the part of paper „selembar‟, the second sentence the word peace has
the meaning refers to the state of not being interrupted or annoyed by
worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions „kedamaian‟. Both of
the words have different meaning, but pronunciation or category is
same. The word piece and peace have the same pronunciation or
sound but spelling is different, that‘s why both of the words included
in same category-different spelling or homophone.

1. Data findings
Table 4.1 Data Finding of the Types of Homonymy
No Types of Homonymy Frequency
1 Homographs 5
2 Homophones 6
Total 11

Table 4.2 Data Finding of Homophones and Homographs

Homophones Homographs Total
6 5 11

Percentage of Homographs x 100% = 5/11x100% = 45,5%

Percentage of Homophones x 100% = 6/11x100% = 54,5%

2. The relation of Homographs and Homophones found in Trifles Drama

Tables 4.3 the percentage of relation of Homonymy found in Trifles drama
No Types of Homonymy Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Homophones 6 54,5%
2 Homographs 5 45,5%
Total 11 100%

The table above is the answer of the problem of this

study. It shown the percentage of the existence of homonymy

recapitulated from the data. The using of Homonymy that

found in Trifles drama script has

been found in the words in sentences. There are two types of

homonymy which are homography and homophony. The realization

of the use of homonymy that found in Trifles drama script can be

seen that the total of homonymy there are 11 pairs of data

3. Relevant Studies
Sutadi (2013) ―Analysis of Meaning Relations in Abdullah Yusuf Ali‘s
Translation of Surah Ya-Sin of the Holy Qur‘an‖. While studying the data,
thematic approach semantics analysis will be employed. The steps include
collecting and selecting every word which has relation in the meaning of surah
Ya-Sin. Afterwards, classifying them according to typologies, and analysing
them. With these steps, a whole framework of this analysis will be revealed.
The writer used Saeed‘s Theory to classify the lexical relation. In addition,
they are homonymy, polysemy, synonymy, opposites (antonymy), hyponymy,
meronymy, member-collection, and portion-mass. After that, he used both the
qualitative and quantitative approaches. This research has the objectives to
find out the type of lexical relations and to find out the most dominant type of
lexical relation.
That is different from the writer‘s study, on his research he analyze about
the meaning relation, while the writer analyze about homonymy and
polysemy, its mean that just focus of that. Then the contribution of this
relevant study towards this study is about the theory of Saeed which is
explaining about the meaning relation.
Sabrina BR Ginting (2018) “Homonymy and Polysemy Found in Toy
Story Movie Script: A Semantic Analysis”. The purpose of this researcher is
to analyse the types of homonymy and polysemy found in Toy Story movie
script and to describe homonymy and polysemy that realized in Toy Story
movie script. Homonymy proposed by John Saeed (2009) and polysemy
proposed by Apresjan J.D (1974). The method of this study is qualitative
descriptive. The data of this research are the words that contain homonymy
and polysemy. The sources of data of this research are Toy Story movie script.
From the analysis, it is found that are 20 pairs of data (34.5%) homonymy that
consists of four types of homonymy like Same Spelling – Category there are 9
pairs of data, Same Category – Different Spelling there are 9 pairs of data,
Different Category – Same Spelling there are 2 pairs of data, and Different
Category – Different Spelling there‘s no found the data this type. Then there
are 38 pairs of data (65.5%) polysemy that consists of two types of polysemy,
like Regular Polysemy there are 29 pairs of data, Irregular Polysemy there are
9 pairs of data. In Toy Story movie script polysemy is more dominant than
Sofianah Anah (2013) “Homonimi Dan Polisemi Pada Novel Harry Potter
DanThe Prosoner Of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling: Kajian Semantik”. The
purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the homonymy and
polysemy contained in the novel "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Karya J.K. Rowling", the meaning contained in homonymy and polysemy,
then identifying which use is dominant between homonymy or polysemy
contained in the novel" Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Karya J.K.
Rowling ". The method used in writing this thesis is a descriptive method in
which the steps are collecting data by identifying sentences containing
homonymy and polysemy.
That is different from the writer‘s study, because on her research she find
out about the meaning of homonymy and polysemy as the problems of the
study, she found the meaning, whether the meaning of conceptual meaning or
ect, meanwhile on the writer‘s study, the writer find out the types of
homonymy and polysemy which is containing in movie script, while her
research she used the novel as the object. Then the contributions of this
relevant study towards this study just like the theory of semantics, the theory
of homonymy, etc.
5.1 Conclusions

Having discussed and analyzed homonymy that found in Trifles drama script,
completed with the examples and meaning in the preceding chapters, the writer
would like to draw some conclusions.
They are as follows:
Types of homonymy that found in Trifles drama script are
homography 5 pairs of data and homophone there are 6 pairs of data. So,
homography there are 45,5% while homonphone there are 54,5%.

5.2 Suggestions

In this section, the author wants to advise the readers of this article to analyze
this subject because it studies the meaning of the subject which is very interesting. The
author hopes that readers of this article can understand what the relationship means,
especially homonymy through examples in the play text of Trifles. This topic is very
interesting because it has to do further research related to homonymy in other works.
such as songs, short stories, magazines, poems, articles, newspapers, etc. The author
realizes that this article will hopefully be useful as a reference for those interested in

It will be helpful to know the types of homonymy then knowing the meaning
of homonymy actually. Secondly, the writer hopes of this research can give a
beneficial contribution to people and readers especially to the researcher who will
conduct a research with the same topic as this research by sing other theories to further
apply the homonymy that more complete and bette

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