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A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of
the edges of the two parts to be joined together, with or without the
application of pressure and a filler material.
Permanent Joint - Welded Joint
1. The welded structures are usually lighter than riveted
structures. This is due to the reason, that in welding, gussets
or other connecting components are not used.
2. The welded joints provide maximum efficiency (may be
100%) which is not possible in case of riveted joints.
Meifal Rusli 3. Alterations and additions can be easily made in the existing
Mechanical Engineering Department, structures.
4. As the welded structure is smooth in appearance, therefore
Andalas University, 2012 it looks pleasing.
5. In welded connections, the tension members are not
weakened as in the case of riveted joints.

Types of Welded Joints
6. A welded joint has a great strength. Often a welded joint has the
strength of the parent metal itself.
7. Sometimes, the members are of such a shape (i.e. circular steel pipes) 1. Lap joint or fillet joint
that they afford difficulty for riveting. But they can be easily welded.
8. The welding provides very rigid joints. This is in line with the modern
trend of providing rigid frames.
9. It is possible to weld any part of a structure at any point. But riveting
requires enough clearance.
10. The process of welding takes less time than the riveting.
1. Since there is an uneven heating and cooling during fabrication,
therefore the members may get distorted or additional stresses may
develop. 2. Butt Joint
2. It requires a highly skilled labour and supervision.
3. Since no provision is kept for expansion and contraction in the frame,
therefore there is a possibility of cracks developing in it.
4. The inspection of welding work is more difficult than riveting work.

Stress in welding

• The reinforcement can be desirable, but it varies somewhat and does

produce stress concentration at point A in the figure. If fatigue loads
where h is the weld throat and l is the length of the weld. Notice that the exist, it is good practice to grind or machine off the reinforcement.
value of h does not include the reinforcement.


We have no analytical approach that predicts the existing stresses.

The geometry of the fillet is crude by machinery standards. Consider the external loading to be carried by shear forces on the
The approach has been to use a simple and conservative model, throat area of the weld. By ignoring the normal stress on the throat, the
verified by testing as conservative. shearing stresses are inflated sufficiently to render the model

Use the distortion energy for significant stresses

Circumscribe typical cases by code

For this model, the basis for weld analysis or design employs
F 1.414 F
 
0.707 hl hl
which assumes the entire force F is accounted for by a shear stress in
the minimum throat area.
Dr. A. Aziz Bazoune Chapter9: Welding,
CH-9 LEC 40 Slide 7 Bonding, and the Design of Permanent

Notice that this inflates the maximum estimated shear stress by a

factor of 1.414/1.207=1.17.

Further, consider the parallel fillet welds shown in Fig. 9-11 where, as Under circumstances of combined loading we:
in Fig.9-8, each weld transmits a force F. However, in the case of Fig. 9-
Examine primary shear stresses due to external forces.
11, the maximum shear stress is at the minimum throat area and
corresponds to Eq. (9-3). Examine secondary shear stresses due to torsional and bending

Estimate the strength(s) of the parent metal (s).

Estimate the strength of the deposited weld metal.

Estimate the permissible load(s) for parent metal(s).

Estimate permissible load for deposited weld metal.

Stresses in Welded Joints in Torsion

Figure 9-12 illustrates a cantilever of length l welded to a column by 2 fillet The moment at the support
welds. produces secondary shear or
torsion of the welds, and this
The reaction at the support stress is given by
of a cantilever always
consists of shear force V and Mr
a moment reaction M.  " (9.5)
The shear force produces a
primary shear in the welds where
of magnitude r: distance from the centroid of
the weld group to the point in
V the weld of interest.
 '
A (9.4)
J: second polar moment of area
where A is the throat area of of the group about the centroid
the welds. of the group.


The x-axis passes through

the centroid G1 of the weld
Figure shows 2 welds in a group. The rectangles represent the throat areas of
the welds. The second moment of
area about this axis is
Weld 1 has a throat
width b1 = 0.707 h1 b1d13
Ix 
Weld 2 has a throat
width d2 = 0.707 h2 Similarly, the second
moment of area about an
axis passing through G1
Throat area of both
parallel to the y-axis is
welds together is
A = A1 + A2 = b1d1 + b2d2 d1b13
which is the area to be Iy  b1d13 d1b13
used in Eq. (9-4)
12 J G1  I x  I y  
The second polar moment 12 12
of areas of weld 1 and weld b2 d 2 d 2b23
2 about their centroids are JG2  Ix  I y  
12 12

The centroid G of the weld group is located at

A1 x1  A2 x2 A1 y1  A2 y2
x y
A A A 125 × 95 × 10 mm angle is
The distances r1 and r2 from G1 and G2 are respectively given by welded to a frame by two 10 mm
fillet welds, A load of 16 kN is
r1   x  x1   y 2 
2 applied normal to the gravity
  axis at a distance of 300 mm
from the centre of gravity of
r2   y2  y    x2  x  
2 2 welds. Find maximum shear
  stress in the welds, assuming
each weld to be 100 mm long
Using the parallel axis theorem, and parallel to the axis of the
the second polar moment of area angle. [Ans. 45.5 MPa]
of the weld group is

A bracket carries a load of 10 kN.

J   J G1  A1r12    J G 2  A2 r22  Find the size of the weld if the
allowable shear stress is not to
exceed 80 MPa. [Ans. 10.83 mm]
This is the quantity to be used in Eq. (9-5). The distance r must be
measured from G and the moment M computed about G.

Find the maximum
shear stress of the
welded joint shown at
100 mm
Figure 2 if the force P is
equal to 15 kN the fillet
leg is 10 mm.

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