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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a.) Understand the basic concepts of certain choral performance and rehearsal
rules in terms of proper decorum
b.) Manifest proper choral decorum in simulated performance task activity
c.) Show significance to proper choral decorum in performances and


Rules in Choral Performances and Rehearsals


III. Materials

Materials: Projector, Printed handouts, Highlighters, Powerpoint presentation,



A. Engage and Explore

How do you think would choir rehearsals and performances look like if
there’s no order, and, basically, peace? Is order really needed in choir
rehearsals and performances? What is choir etiquette or rules of conduct?
Let’s watch the video below to find out!
Launch an internet browser and ‘copy and paste’ this link on the
search bar. Wait for the video to load and you’ll be surprised!
B. Explain

Let’s work and study!

Below we can find out the examples of some basic choir performance
and rehearsal rules of conduct. These can also be called etiquettes. This
is one formula for every choir conductors to refrain from having a
chaotic and unorganised performance and rehearsal. Let’s take a read
and look!
In Performances —

C. Elaborate

To better choral experience in performance and rehearsals, choir

conductors set up proper and organized seating arrangements as well. Let’s
take a look at some basic and commonly used choir arrangement!
Here are some basic choir arrangements used even by some of the
most well-known, and well-celebrated choral groups not only locally, but
internationally! Let’s get up and try one of the arrangements!

D. Evaluate

Performance Task! Let’s perform and simulate!

After grouping the class in twos:
In this brief performance task, simulate the events taking place and happening
in a choir rehearsal for the first group; and happenings in a choir performance
in the second group.
Use everything you’ve learned from the sessions held by the CHORAL
GROUP from lessons 1-10 to be able to perform one song while performing
the said simulations.
Have fun!

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