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When does incredulity become paranoia? By John Gartner
Jones, a fellow Austin resident. When I
confronted Jones with my reading ofthe
report, he became pugnacious, launch-
ing into a diatribe against psychologists
as agents of social control.
Conspiracy thinking is embraced by t
surprisingly large proportion of the pop-
ulation. Sixty-nine percent of Americans
LEx JONES rs tryingto warn us about an evil believe President John F. Kennedy was
syndicate of bankers who control most of the killed by conspiracy, and 42 percent
world's governments and stand poised to unite "
believe the governmentis coveringup evi-
the planet under their totalitarian reign, a ,,New dence offlyingsaucers, finds Ted Goertzel,
World Order.,, While we might be tempted to a professor ofpsychology at Rutgers Uni-
dismiss Jones as a nut, the..kingofconspiracy', versity at Camden. Thirty-six percent of
is apopular radio show host. The part-time film_ respondentsto a2OO6 Scripps News /Ohio
maker's latest movie, The Obama Deception,in Universitypoll at least suspected thatthe
which he argues that Obama is a puppet of the U.S. government played a role in9/LL.
criminal bankers, has beenviewed millions oftimes onyouT\rbe.
We're all conspiracy theorists to some
when we spoke, Jones ranted for two hours about FEMA concentration camps, degree. We're allhardwiredto find patterns
, Halliburton child kidnappers, government eugenics programs-and more. when I in our environment, particularlythose that
6' stopped him to ask for evidence the government is practicing eugenics, he pointed to might represent a threat to us. And when
I anationalsecuritymemorandum.Butrfoundthedocumentt;be;bhndpolicyreport. things go wrong, we find ourselves search-
Jones 'therry picks not just facts but phrases, which, once interpreted his way,
fE becomefactsinhismind,"saysLouisBlack,editoroftheAustinchron|/e,whoknows
ing for what, or who, is behind it.
In his lgllclassic ,The paranoid Style

September/October 2OO9 psychology Today 37

We're alt
,We're allhardwired
to find patterns of threat.
in American Politics, historian Richard Jones insists onhisWeb site, the Institute of Psychiatry.
Hofstadter hypothesiz ed that c onspiracy He calls his listeners "infowarriors." Indeed, there are no coincidences in
thinking is fueled by underlying feelings Information is the conspiracy theorists' Jones'world. In a scene from The Obama
of alienation and helplessness. Recent weapon of choice because if there's one D eception,Jones dives "into the belly ofthe
research supports his theory. New Mex- thingthey all agree on, it's that all the rest beast," the hotelwhere purported conspir-
ico State University psychologist Marina of us have been brainwashed. The "facts" ators will be meeting. As he begins a tele-
Abalakina-Paap has found that people will plainly reveal the existence ofthe con- phone interview; the fire alarm goes off.
who endorse conspiracy theories are spiracy, they believe. And while all of us "The bastards have set us up," he says.
especially likely to feel angq/, mistrustfu l, tend to bend information to fit our pre- Jones says that he has been visited by
alienated from society, and helpless over existing cognitive schema, conspiracy the FBI and the Secret Service but can't
larger forces controlling their lives. theorists are more extreme. They are discuss the interviews. It maybe that fed-
Jones insists he had a "Leave It to "immune to eviden ce," discounting con- eral agents, in fact, wanted to evaluate
Beaverchildhood." I couldn't confirm such tradictory information or seeing it as whether he is a threat to the president.
an idyllic past. When I asked if I could "proof of how clever the enemy is at cov- There's no reason to believe he is-but the
interview his familyor childhood friends, eringthings vp:' Goeftzel says. same can'tbe said ofhis listeners.In 2OO2,
he insisted his family was very "private" Conspiracytheories exist on a spectrum Richard McCaslin, carryingan arsenal of
and he had not kept in touch with a single from mild suspicion to full-on paranoia, weapons, entered the Bohemian Grove, a
friend. When I asked if I might look them and brain chemistry may play a role. campground in California that annually
up, he became irritated. He doubted he Dopamine rewards us for notingpatterns hosts a meeting of the political and busi-
could "still spell their names," and besides, and finding meaning in sometimes- ness elite. He told authorities he had been
I'd alreadytaken up enough of his time. "I insignificant events. It's longbeen known planning his commando raid for a year,
turned down 50 or 60 requests for inter- that schizophrenics overproduce dopa- after Qre says) hearingJones claim that rit-
views this weeki' he wanted me to know. mine. "The earliest stages of delusion are ual infant sacrifice was takingplace there.
The number sounded wildly inflated. characterized by an overabundance of The "war"continues. In a video pro-
Conspiracy theorists have a grandiose view meaningfu I coincidences/' expl ain Paul D. moting The Ob ama D e cepti on,Jones urges,
ofthemselves as heroes "manningthe bar- Morrison and R.M. Murrayofthe Institute "We know who they are. We know what
ricades of civili zation" at an urgent "turn- of Psychiatry at Kings College London. they are. We know what has to be done."
ing point" in history Hofstadter held. Jones 'Jumpingto conclusions" is a common rea-
has a "messiah complex," Black contends. soning style among the paranoid, find JOHN GARTNER, aPfblogger: isauthor of The
Grandiosity is often a defense against Daniel Freeman and his colleagues, also at Hypomanic Edge and ln Search of Bill Clinton.
underlying feelings of powerlessness.
Even well-grounded skeptics are prone
to connect disparate dots when they feel
disempowered. In a series of studies, Jen-
How susceptible are you to conspiracy beliefs? Rate your agreement
nifer Whitson of the University of Texas
with the statements below, from 1=strongly disagree to S=strongly agree.
and Adam Galinsky of Northwestern
demonstrated that people primed to feel 1) For the most part, government serves the interests of a few organized groups,
out of control are particularly likely to see such as business, and isn't very concerned about the needs of people like myself.
patterns in random stimuli. 2) I have trouble doing what I want to do in the world today.
Might people be especially responsive 3) lt is difficult for people like myself to have much influence in public affairs.
to Jones' message in today's America,
4) We seem to live in a pretty irrationaland disordered world.
marked by economic uncertainty and con-
cerns about terrorism and government 5) I don't trust that my closest friends would not lie to me.
scandals? "There is a war on for your mind," 5-11: weakly,l2-18: moderately,19-25: strongly (Adapted from a scale developed by Patrick Leman)

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