Artist Statement

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Artist Statement

By: Nichole Broome

My artwork focuses on ideas of emotions, culture and personal aesthetics. I habitually

work in two-dimensional and frequently use techniques such as collage and painting. I define

myself as being an Artist Educator however I would consider myself a multi-media artist. My

artistic process consists of a big idea concept and usage of available materials to respond to it.

Studying the materials and discovering the subtleties in the process is just as important as the

final product. When working with big ideas I tend to use emotion and personal conflicts that

may tie into bigger social and political issues.

I have seen a huge progression of improvement over time especially in my drawing skills

and craft. I have never worked in three-dimensional before coming to Winthrop, so I feel that I

learned how to effectively work in the round and construct artworks. I could still improve on my

craft overall, line weight variance in my drawings, and correctly rendering ellipses. Overall, I

have gained new ideas on how to approach my work at Winthrop and added to my drawing skills

the most from my time here. However, my areas that most need development would be painting

and ceramics.

My artistic goals for the future are to keep moving forward in my craft, application, and

composition to create meaningful pieces for my own artistic expression. I have been so focused

on my classes of learning everything I can to bring to the classroom that my artwork has been

somewhat lacking conceptually.

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