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» MUSCLE DYNAMICS \ SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN SYSTEM FOR BUILDING MUSCLES AND STRENGTH - FAST! Copyright © Advanced Learning Publications 1990 All rights reserved, Vo part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission fr Advanced Learning Publications. MUSCLE DYNAMICS is a trade mark of Advanced Learning Publications Published by Goal-Reach Mail Order Limited, PO Box 414, St Helier, JE4 8NZ Printed and bound in Great Britain CONTENTS Welcome to MUSCLE DYNAMICS... How to build muscles fast! ‘The principles on which MUSCLE DYNAMICS are based What MUSCLE DYNAMICS will do for the muscles in your body srs A complete guide to your nutritional requirements for bodybuilding Exercises (non-weight routines) Exercises (weight routines) Isometric exercises... MUSCLE DYNAMICS exercises. Non-weights routine... Weights routine.. How to assess your fitness rating 12 week comparison chart... Alter 12 weeks. Your questions answered... ‘Strongman stunts you can perform to demonstrate your new strength to your friends. How to succeed in your MUSCLE DYNAMICS training 101 WELCOME TO MUSCLE DYNAMICS Let me take this opportunity to congratulate you on taking the MUSCLE DYNAMICS Home Training Program. You are about to embark on what will be one of the most exciting periods of your life, the transformation of your body into the muscular physique you have al. ways wanted, MUSCLE DYNAMICS is based on principles developed after years of exhaustive research at the University of British Columbia in Canada and at Florida State University in the United States. It is a total exercise programme involving the very latest scientific breakthroughs in the field of muscular development. MUSCLE DYNAMICS is the most advanced bodybuild- ing system in existence, It is the fastest, most effective way to build muscles that there is. It is safe to use and will quickly build solid muscle and if need be, reduce fat on anyone. ‘The MUSCLE DYNAMICS Home Training Programme is carefully planned for the very best bodybuilding progress. lt begins with a 2-week basic foundation course. After complet- ing this you will be much stronger and fitter and ready to move up to your next stage of train- ing (level 2). You will increase your muscular strength by up to an amazing 8% each week. From week 10 you will be ready to commence level 5 (advanced training), To attain this will take just 20 - 30 minutes a day, three days a week, in the privacy of your ‘own home. You will learn about diet and nutrition and which foods are best for building muscle, We will also show you how to perform certain strongman stunts you can use to demonstrate your rapidly increasing strength to your friends, tis important that before you start training you understand all the principles involved, so please read everything thoroughly before commencing your training. lencourage you to keep 2 record book to register your progress. We want you to have written proof of the fantastic muscular improvements you are about to make in the coming months. Iwant you to get full benefit from the MUSCLE DYNAMICS Home Training Programme so if you have any queries or questions concerning any part of the course. feel free to write to me personally and I will be happy to help you in any way I can, I wish you good luck on your journey to physical health. sagt sone Coase H a EE EEEEEEGEE HOW TO BUILD MUSCLES FAST! THE SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES ON WHICH MUSCLE DYNAMICS ARE BASED ‘The achievement of a superb physique is, obviously, the main goal of anyone interested podybuilding. There are individual physiological limits and we certainly cannot all aspire be Mr Universe, but even within these limits dramatic results can be achieved. Comm sense and the practical application of certain basic sciemtfic facts, are the keys to unlock t door leading to a fantastic physique. Improved physique leads to the following benefit increased muscular strength and joint flex art and lung function iency in sports boosted energy levels improvement in appearance, and a more positive self-image Any successful training programme has to start with an understanding of the basics - musc lar size and strength, Simply put, to increase the size of a muscle, it must be increased strength, This concept is borne out by exercise physiology textbooks which state: "T strength of a muscle is in direct proportion to its size.” * Up toapoint muscles can be exercised without changing their form. Going beyond this po will have a direct and marked effect on muscular growth, However, it must be remember that it’s the quality, of intensity of an exercise that matters - not how much exercise is do1 Ifa particular exercise falls below certain levels of intensity, the muscle simply will not ‘crease in size. The higher the intensity, the faster the muscular size and strength increase What is intensity? ‘Actual understanding of what intensity is often poses a problem for trainees. Intensity ist related to either the amount of work you are doing or to the production of power, Rather is a reflection of the percentage of momentary ability actually being used. Maximum inte) ity means you are producing as much muscular force a8 you are capable of at a given 1 ment. In this instance intensity levels are 100%. Levels of intensity constantly fluctuate during almost all forms of exercise. Let's take t example of someone lifting weights, doing a number of repetitions. In each instance weight lifted, amount of work performed and energy consumed are the same: everything mains constant, except the level of intensity, Each repetition has a direct effect on mome tary levels of strength, either lowering or increasing them. Experts believe, and it has been proven by experience, that intensity levels of 100% are t fastest way to increase strength, But how can you know if you are, in fact, producing this es of intensity’ The only way to do this is to go as high as possible - to the point of momentary muscular failure. In a nutshell, if you have performed as many repetitions as possible, and find that doing even one more repetition is impossible, then you have reached 100% level of intens- ity during your last repetition, The particular muscles involved in that exercise have been stimulated to optimum levels. Stopping a few repetitions short of momentary muscular failure means you will have stopped short of the threshold leading to increased muscular growth and strength. It’s physiological fact that increased resistance, which makes it possible to work at a higher level of intensity, is also a prerequisite for muscular growth. In exercise where no added re- sistance is available, such as calisthenics, itis often possible to perform thousands of repeti- tions. These exercises normally stop short of the point of muscular failure. Obviously these exercises are not going to be effective as far as increasing muscular strength and size goes, suniess weights are added or they can in some way be made to reach desired levels of intens- ity as in the case of the MUSCLE DYNAMICS non-weight programme. High-intensity work places strong demands on the body's recovery ability. So the amount of +high- intensity work must be limited; being tempted to do more than is required as many trai- nees are, is a waste of time and energy. The choice is simple: you can either do large amounts of work, or you can do high-intensity work. You cannot do both. What makes muscles grow? ‘Muscular growth, known technically as hypertrophy, occurs when demands are placed on the muscle by intensity of contraction. High-intensity requirements cause muscles to respond with a protective increase in muscular size and strength. This increase occurs in a number of ways: * the actin and myorin protein filaments within muscle tissue increase in size; * the number of myofibrils, the contractile units of muscle, increases; * the number of blood capillaries within the fibre may increase; * connective tissues within muscle may become larger. ‘The reverse of hypertrophy is known as atrophy when muscular tissues break down as result of disuse. Muscle is broken down metabolically into its constituent components, which are then removed by the bloodstream. Effective exercise +, Aftthe existing levels of strength are sufficient for a particular work load, the body can draw -ghnexisting reserves and does not need to produce any additional strength. Exercise, conver- = Yay, creates the need for growth - it makes demands on the body which cannot be met by ‘ ‘muscular development. at fittin cettain broad limits there is exceptional potential for physical improvement in every- i nor do these improvements require years of work, or that you spend many hours a day ‘ina gym. On the contrary, brief and infrequent workouts can produce good results ‘ix'a short space of time, and improve both strength and stamina. tt kind of exercise programme increases strength and overall ability in other pBysi- eplactivities, and generally creates a feeling of well-being, Unfortunately the reverse g ‘and the trainee is left feeling tired, drained, without energy. Obviously you ‘af the end of your first few workouts if you are untrained, but if the feeling pet

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